of parameters, and more physical tuning of parameters. The main difficulty in the modeling of LAMOS arises, as expressions become nonintegrable/nonexplicit due to the lateral asymmetry in the channel. Source and body are tied to avoid parasitic BJT for all measurements. Cross section of substrate based N type LDMOS
Cross section of isolated N type LDMOS (substrate (collector), drain (base) and bulk (emitter))
CGD in LAMOS has a peak due to lateral non-uniform doping being always higher than (1/2)WLCox in strong inversion.
The peak in CGG occurs for small nonzero values of VDS, when VGS is around threshold voltage (source end entering into strong inversion from weak/moderate inversion).
The CGG behavior at a low gate bias is dominated by the lateral doping, whereas at a higher gate bias, the peaks are dictated by the drift region. The higher the drift resistance (large drift length or high value of drift resistivity), the higher the peak in CGG becomes, and vice versa.
The rising slope and value of the peak in CGD is given by the lateral asymmetry in the LAMOS channel. whereas the fall in CGD is heavily affected by the drift region
The drain current at a higher gate bias is heavily affected by the drift region. The prolonged linear region on output characteristics is affected by both the lateral nonuniform doping and the drift region.
The first dip in |gds| in Fig. 15(b) is given by the self-heating effect, whereas the second dip is given by the impact-ionization effect.
The main reason behind using EKV MOSFET model [4] for intrinsic channel is that EKV model has physical expression for current and charges which are continuous from weak to moderate to strong inversion. Another advantage of EKV model is that compared with existing MOS models, it uses reduced number of parameters which are all physical. Drain-to-source current in EKV model is given as ID = IS(if ir)
Minority carriers in the quasi-neutral regions move only by diffusion. depletion approximation, this is the region of no electric field. Therefore, Poisson's equation equal to zero, and drift is zero.