S.3 Term 3 Biology Questions From All Topics of Third Term: (02marks)

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1. a) What is meant by environmental degradation? (02marks)
b) Outline the human activities that cause degradation of soil environment. (08marks)
c) Suggest five ways of preventing pollution of an aquatic environment in your
locality. (05m
2. a) What is an artery? (01mark)
b) Give three structural differences between an artery and vein. (03marks
c) Explain how the number of red blood cells in blood changes with increased altitude. 04
d) Briefly explain the effect of malaria on the number of red blood cells in human blood.
3. The figure3 below represents the changes in the population of Tilapia fish in a
pond over a period of 9 months.The pond is situated in a country withevenly
distributed rainfallthroughout the year.

(a)(i)What times of the year affect the population of tilapia adversely from the
graph and why. (4 marks)

(ii) What is the average number of tilapia fish between April and June? (2 marks)
(b)Explain the changes in number of Tilapia fish in the pond during the periods
(i) January and February. (2 marks) (ii) April and June (2 marks)

(iii)August and September (4 marks)

(c)(i) Name one suitable method you could use to estimate the Tilapia population
in the pond with a reason. (2 marks)

(ii) How would you calculate the total population of tilapia fish in the above period? (2

(iii) State any two precautions taken to get accurate results in (c)(i)above. (2 marks)

4. (a)What is meant by the term Endothermy? (2 marks)

(b) How does an endotherm respond to a rise in body temperature? (4 marks)

(c) Explain the importance of each of the following structural features to animals living
in cold zones of the world

(i) Thick fur (ii) Extremities reduced in size

5. Figure V is a graph that shows the variation of thoracic volume with time of
ventilation for an individual at rest
Thoracici volume in abitrary units

0 12 24 30 36 48 60

i)Describe the shape of the graph in figure (V) above ( 2 mks)

ii) State the events that lead to the shape of the graph described above. (2 mks
a) Describe the events that lead to the shape of the graph between
i) 0-30 milliseconds (4 mks) ii) 30 – 60 milliseconds
b) State the adaptations of gaseous exchange surfaces of a frog to their functions
(7 mks)
6. Graph (a) below shows the changes in blood glucose of an individual after a meal,
while graph (b) shows the effect of injecting 1 unit of insulin into a person, and the
concentration of glucose in the blood measured at regular intervals. Study the two graphs
and answer the questions that follow

200 B
Blood glucose /mg per 100cm3

Graph (a)


50 C
Meal containing sugar
eaten at 1.00pm
1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm
(b) Graph (b)

110 Insulin injected

g per
100c 90
80 se




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (minutes)

(a)(i). Explain the shape of the graph in (a) between (i) A and B 2mks
(ii). B and C 2mks
(iii). Cand D 2mks
(b). Explain the shape of the graph (b).
(i). Within the first 10minutes after insulin injection 2mks
(ii). Between 15 and 20minutes (iii). Between 20 and 50minutes
C (i). Name the organ in the human body that secrets insulin 1mk
(ii). What happens if the organ named in c (i) is defected and does not produce insulin?
(iii). Name another hormone secreted by the organ named above and describe its
effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates 2mks
(d). Briefly explain the effect of extremes of glucose in the blood 2mks
7(a). Explain how each of the following parts of the skin regulates body temperature
when environmental temperature is high (i). Hairs (ii). Sweat glands
(b). Explain why it is necessary to maintain a constant body temperature 3mks
8. (a) list and briefly out line the functions for the main components of blood
(b) (i)with illustrations, compare and contrast the white and red blood cells
(ii) how are white and red blood cells adapted to their functions
(c) Describe how the erythrocytes and leucocytes carry out their functions
(d) Why do people living regularly at higher altitude have more number of red blood cells
than those living at the sea level?
(e) Name the blood components that are necessary for clotting and explain the process of
blood clotting. (f) What is the importance of blood clotting?
9. Table 1.0 below shows the results of an experiment in which small pieces of
potatoes were placed in different solute concentrations. After four hours, they
were removed from the solution, wiped to dry and weighed.
Table 1.0 Table 2.0
Percentage Percentage solute
% of red blood
solute change in concentration
cells haemolysed
concentration weight (g/100 cm3)
2.5 +11 0.33 100
5.0 +8 0.36 91
7.5 +5 0.38 82
10.0 +3 0.39 69
12.5 +2 0.42 30
15.0 +1 0.44 15
17.5 -2 0.48 0
20.0 -8
22.5 -9.5
25.0 -11
a) Plot a suitable graph to show the information in table 1.0 above.
b) From the graph, determine the solute concentration that is isotonic to the cell sap. Give
a reason for your answer.
10. An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of varying solute
concentrations on red blood cells and the results are shown in table 2.0 above
a) Plot a graph to show the results in table 2.0 above.
b) (i) From the graph, determine the solute concentration at which the percentage of
haemolysed cells equals to non-haemolysed cells.
(ii) State the percentage of cells haemolysed at salt concentration 0.45g/100cm3
(iii) What is understood by the term haemolysis in reference to red blood cells?
c) Give reasons for the results obtained at:
i) 0.33 g/100cm3 (ii) 0.48 g/100cm3
11. (a) (i) define excretion
(ii) list the excretory organs in the body of animals and state which excretory
substances are eliminated by each organ(Mammals, Fish, Birds, Reptiles,
(iii)Plants do not have excretory organs as found in animals. Give a reason for this.
(b) Draw and label sections through a kidney and theNepherone system
(c)(i) define the terms ultra-filtration and selective re-absorption
(ii) Mention any four factors that facilitate ultra-filtration to occurs
(iii)Describe how urine is formed in the kidneys
(d) Explain the following facts
(i) For a normal person, much glucose is found in the glomerula filtrate but little or
non in urine
(ii) Desert rats have very long loop of Henle than the temperate one
(iii)Amino-acids are not found in the glomerulous filtrate
(e) with aid of a labeled diagram of the mammalian skin, explain how it is adapted
to its functions
12. Table 3.0 below shows how the quantities of sweat and urine vary with external
Table 3.0
External Quantity of urine Quantity of sweat
temperature (cm /h) (cm3/h)
0 100 5
5 90 6
10 80 10
15 70 20
20 60 30
25 50 60
30 40 120
35 30 200

a) On the same grid, plot quantities of urine and sweat produced against the external
b) At what temperature is the amount of sweat and urine produced equal?
c) Give reasons for the observed changes in the quantities of urine and sweat produced
with external temperature.
d) Explain the role played by the mammalian skin in temperature regulation.
e) Explain the role played by the liver and pancreas in blood glucose regulation.

13. Table 4.0 compares the approximate concentration of the certain substances in
plasma, glomerular filtrate and urine.
Table 4.0
Substance % in blood plasma % in glomerular % in urine
Water 90 90 94
Protein 6.5 0 0
Urea 0.03 0.03 1.8
Glucose 0.1 0.1 0

f) How would the composition of urine differ from the one in the table in case of:
i) High protein diet (ii) Strenuous exercise (iii) Lack of insulin in the
g) Give a reason for the absence of: (i) protein in glomerular filtrate (ii) glucose in urine

14. Study the diagram below and answer questions that follow

Layer of oil

Layer of oil Lime water

Yeast suspension in
boiled cold water
(a) What is the set-up about
(b)(i)What are the observations during the experiment
(ii)explain the observation(s) above
(c) explain the following in relation to the expriment
i. Why is the suspension of yeast made from water that is first boiled and then Cooled
ii. Why is the layer of oil poured over the yeast suspension
(d) What is the industrial application of the type respiration

15. (a) What do the following terms mean?

(i) Habitat (ii) Ecological niche (iii) Community (iv)
(b) Outline the a biotic factors of a terrestrial habitat.
(c) What is the role of the following in an ecosystem and give examples on each.
(i) Producers (ii) Consumers (iii)Decomposers (iv) Scavengers.
(d) Give an account of the ways in which energy is transferred from the sun through
other components of an ecosystem.
(e) Construct diagrams of food webs which may exist in the following;
(i) Fresh water lake. (ii) Tropical habitat.

16. (a) Distinguish between

(i) Climax community and pioneer community.
(ii) Primary and secondary successions
(b) Outline the changes that occur to form a community which begin with a bare rock.
(c)Distinguish between the following, including examples in each case.
(i) Mutualism and commensalism
(ii) Predation and parasitism
(iii)Symbiosis and heterotrophism
(iv)endo-parasites and ecto-parasites
(d)How are parasites adapted to their model of life ?[include particular examples of
(e)State the economic importance of parasites and saprotrophs.

17.(a) define the following;{include two examples in each case}

(i) Natural resource
(ii) Renewable resource
(iii) Non-renewable resource
(b) for each of the following resources[wetland , water bodies, forests, wild life] explain;
(i) economic and ecological importance
(ii) how they can be degraded[include effect of man’s activities]
(iii) how they can be conserve
18. The following organisms live in a National Park in Uganda. Bush rat, Guinea fowl,
Hawks, Grasshopper, Uganda cob and grass.
(a)Show the feeding relationship that exists between these organisms.
(b)What name is given to the feeding relationship in (a) above?
(c)Which organisms in the relationship are; Primary producers, Primary consumers,
Secondary consumers?
(d)What would happen in the relationship if the Uganda Cobs were removed from the

19. The table below shows the skin surface area, body volume and rates of metabolism of
five adult land mammals A,B,C,D and E. Study the table and answer the questions
that follow:
Mammal Skin surface Body volume Rate of Skin surface
2 3
area(m ) (m ) metabolism area/body
-2 -1
(KJM h ) volume ratio
A 1.2 0.2 100.2 6.0
B 3.1 0.7 88.2
C 4.1 1.1 72.0
D 6.1 2.5 68.1
E 7.5 5.0 56.3

a) Complete the table by calculating the skin surface/body volume ratio of each
mammal. The first has been done for you . 3mks
b) Plot a graph of skin surface area/body volume (horizontal axis) of mammals.
c) Describe the relationship between body volume and:
i) the skin surface area/body volume ratio. 1mk
ii) the rate of metabolism 1mk
d) Explain the relationship between the rate of metabolism and the skin surface
area/body volume ratio. 3mks

e) i) If mammals A and E were living under the same climate conditions, suggest
one structural difference that would exist on the skin surface between these two
mammals. 1mk
ii) Give reasons for your answer in e(i) above. 2mks

f) What is the advantage of an animal being an endotherm? 2mks

20. In an investigation, two persons A and B drank the same amount of a glucose solution.
Their blood sugar levels were determined immediately and thereafter at intervals of one
hour for the next six hours. The results were as shown in the following table.
Blood glucose level (mg/100ml)
Time (hours) Person A Person B
0 90 120
1 220 360
2 160 370
3 100 380
4 90 240
5 90 200
6 90 160

a) Use same axes to present the information in the table graphically.

b) Give reasons(s) for each of the following observations.
i) Blood sugar level increased in person A between O and 1 hour

ii) The blood sugar level decreased in person A between 1 and 4 hours
c) From the graph, what is the normal blood sugar level for human being?

d) Suggest a reason for the high sugar level in person B.

e) How can the high blood sugar level in person B be controlled?

f) What is the biological significance of maintaining a relatively constant sugar

level in the human body?
g) Give reason for the decrease in the blood sugar level of person B after 4 hours.

21. The diagram below shows the structure of a nephrone




a) Name the parts labeled;

b) (i) What name is given to substances x and y?
(ii) State the composition of the substance x and y

Substance Composition

c) Which factors affect the composition of substance Y?

22. The table 1 below shows the body surface area and volume of two land mammals A
and B
Table 1
Mammal Surface area cm2 Volume cm3
A 1.2 0.92
B 0.6 0.18

Table 2
Environmental Metabolic rate (arbitrary unites )
temperature (oC)
Mammal A Mammal B
16 10.5 12.9
18 8.9 10.9
20 7.5 9.2
22 6.4 7.8
24 5.6 6.7
26 5.0 5.8

(a) From Table 1

(i) Work out the surface area: Volume ratio of each mammal (2 marks)
(ii)State with a reason which of the two organisms above would be least affected
by change in environmental temperature
(b) Using the graph paper provided, plot on the same graph the metabolic rule of the
two mammals against environmental temperature. (7 marks)
(c) From your graph, determine the metabolic rate of each mammal at environmental
temperatures of 25oC (2 marks)
(d) (i) How does the environmental temperature affect the metabolic rate of the
mammals? (2 marks)
(ii) Explain why variation of temperature affects the metabolic rate of the
mammals as stated in d (i) above (2 marks)
(e) From the information provided, explain why at any environmental temperature,
the metabolic rate of mammal B is higher than that of mammal A.
23. On a 120 meter square sheep farm, where daily food production is 0.5kg per m2
have 40 animals. Each animals consumes 8kg of food daily. The different organisms and
their masses were estimated as shown below.
organisms plants Bacteria and fungi sheep Lady birds cow
masses 130000 02 40 150 350

Using the information above, answer the questions below.

a) What is the total biomass? 2mks
b) Construct three food chains involved in the farm. 3mks
c) How is a food wed related to a food chain? 2mkss
d) Name the possible saprophytes mentioned. 1mk
e) Explain how such saprophytes obtain their food. 2mks
24. a) What is tissue respiration? 2mks
b) Outline the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
c) Describe an experiment to show that germinating seeds liberate heat during

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