PCMCIA Socket Services

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c M PCMCIA Socket Services

- The PCMCIA Socket Services are called with INT lah (functions 80h and above).
- INT lah also provides the interface for clock and date functions (DOS and Real-Time Clock).
- If the function returns with a’set carry flag, an error has occurred and the ah register contains
an error code.
- Reserved or undefined bits can be ignored when read, but must be set to a value of 0 when
- Section M.4 summarizes the PCMCIA Card Services.
_ The window functions refer to the memory windows in the host’s system memory.
_ The page functions manage the offset within the PCMCIA card memory.

M.l Function Groups

The socket services are subdivided into the following function groups.
_ Adapter Functions
Get Adapter Count (80h)
Get Socket Service Info (83h)
Inquire Adapter (84h)
Get Adapter (85h)
Set Adapter (86h)
Get Vendor Info (9dh)
Acknowledge Interrupt (9eh)
Get/Set Prior Handler (9fh)
Get/Set Socket Service Address (aOh)
Get Access Offsets falh)
Vendor Specific Function (aeh)

- Socket Functions
Inquire Socket (8ch)
Get Socket (8dh)
Set Socket (8eh)
Get Status (8fh)
Reset Socket (90h)
- Window Functions
Inquire Window (87h)
Get Window (SSh)
Set Window (89h)
Get Page (8ah)
Set Page (8bh)

- Error Detection Functions

Inquire EDC (95h)
Get EDC (96h)

PCMCIA Socket Services 1291

Set EDC (97h)

Start EDC (98h)
Pause EDC (99h)
Resume EIX: (9ah)
Stop EDC (9bh)
Read EDC (9ch)

M.2 The Functions

INT lah, Function 80h - GetAdapterCount

This function determines the number of installed socket service handlers and supported PCMCL4
adapters in the system. CX returns the signature ~~SS~~ (Socket Service) if at least one handler is
present. AL indicates the number of supported PCMCIA adapters (20).

Register Call value Return value

AH 80h error code”
AL number of PCMCIA adapters
cx ass>,
Carry error if 0 0

‘I see M.3

INT lah, Function 83h - Get Socket Service Info (GetSSInfo)

This function provides various items of information about a PCMCIA socket service handler.

Register Call value Return value

AH 83h error code’)
AL adapter << 0 8
BX socket service rewsion’)
CH number of adapters supported by this
socket service handler
CL first adapter supported by this
socket service handler
Carry error if 0 0

I) see M 3

INT lah, Function 84h - InquireAdapter

i This function returns information about a PCMCIA adapter in the system. The calling program
[ must provide a buffer and store its size (without the first four bytes) in the entry (buffer_length-
i 4) beginning at offset OOh. The socket service then returns at offset 02h the amount of informa-
j tion actually available. If that amount exceeds the buffer size, the information is truncated.
1292 Appendix M

Register Call value Return value

AH 84h error code’)
AL adapter
BH number of supported windows
BL I number of supported sockets
cx number of EDC generators
(E)DI buffer offset*)
ES buffer segmen?
Carry error if 0 0

‘) see M . 3
l) Buffer structure’
offset Size content
OOh word buffer-size-4
02h word data we
04h 10 bytes adapter table
Oeh word number of power entnes (num_ent)
10h num_ent+(Z Bytes) power entries
Adapter Ghle.
Offset Size content
04h 1 word bit O=\: Indicators for write-protection, card lock, battery status. busy status
XIP status shared by all sockets of the adapter
bit O=O: indicators separately for each socket
bit l=l: power supply levels shared by all sockets
bit l=O: levels separately for each socket
bit 2=1: data bus width equal for all adapter wtndows
bit 2=0: data bus width adjustable separately for all adapter windows
06h 4 bytes bit map of IRQ levels for active-high status change interrupt
Oah 4 bytes bit map of IRQ levels for active-low status change interrupt
Power em/y
10h 1 byte DC level in 1110th of volt
1 byte bit 7=1: level for Vcc. bit 6=1: level for Vppl; bit 5=1: level for Vpp2

INT lah, Function 85h - GetAdapter

This function returns the present adapter state.

Register Call value Return value

AH 85h error code”

AL adapter
DH adapter state”
DI IRQ routing for status change?’
Carry error if 0 0

‘) see M 3
‘I bit O=l: power down, bit O = O . e n a b l e d
b i t l=l: conflguratlon lnformatlon h e l d , bit l=O: InformatIon lost
I1 bit 6=1: IRQ for status change active-high; bit 7=0: IRQ actwe-low
bit 7=1: IRQ for status chanqe enabled; bit 8=0 IRQ d i s a b l e d
PCMCIA Socket Services 1293

INT lah, Function 86h - SetAdapter

This function sets the adapter state.

Register Call value Return value

AH 86h error code”

AL adapter
DH adapter state2’
DI IRQ routing for status changes”
Carry error if 0 0

*I bit O=l: power down; bit 0=0: enabled

bit l=l: configuration information held; bit l=O: information lost
‘) bit 6~1: IRQ for status change active-high; bit 7~0: IRQ actwe-low
bit 7=1: IRQ for status change enabled; bit 8=0. IRQ disabled
bits 4..0: IRQ level

’ INT lah, Function 87h - InquireWindow

; This function provides information about a selected window. The calling program must supply
t a buffer and store its size (without the first four bytes) in the entry (bufieer_length-4) beginning
i at offset OOh. The socket service then returns at offset 02h the actual amount of available infor-
i mation. If this amount exceeds the buffer size, the information is truncated.

: Register Call value Return value

i AH 87h error code”

AL adapter
BH wmdow
, BL window properties”
socket (bit @socket 0 etc.)
EDI buffer offset3’
ES buffer segment3’
Carry error if 0 0

‘) see M 3
‘) bit O=l: window can map card memory Into system memory
bit l=l: wndow can map common card memory mto system memory
: bit 2=1’ wlndow can map card I/O ports Into system !iO address area
; bit 7=1 window uses WAIT for Walt states
structure for memory window:
1 )) Buffer
b Offset Size content
1 OOh word buffer_slze-4
02h word data sue
i 04h 13 bytes wlndow table
t Table for memory window.
offset Size content
IF 04h 1 word bit O=l: wlndow base address programmable, bit 0=0: base address equal FIrstByte
bit 1~1: wtndow we programmable, bit l=O we equal MmSize
btt 2=1. wlndow enable/disable wthout reprogramming
1294 Appendix M

Offset Size

bit 3=1: wndow can be programmed for 8-bit data bus

bit 4=1: window can be programmed for 16.bit data bus
bit 5=1: window base address must be an integer multiple of the wndow we
bit 6=1: Gindow we must be a power of 2 of ReqGran
bit 7=1: card offsets must be specified in units of the window we
bit B=l: window can be subdwided into several pages
btt 9=!: paging hardware shared by other windows, too
bit lC=l: page enable/disable without reprogramming
bit 1 l=l' page can be write-protected
06h 1 word (FtrstByte) window base address in system memory (usually a multiple of 4 kbytes)
08h 1 word wlndow end address I” system memory (usually a multiple of 4 kbytes)
Oah 1 byte (MEnSize) min. window size (usually a multiple of 4 kbytes)
Obh 1 byte max. wmdow we (usually a multiple of 4 kbytes)
Och 1 byte (ReqGran) size of the window size unit as Zen@
Odh 1 byte alignment for window base address (as Zentry)
Oeh 1 byte alignment for card offset (as Zentw)
Ofh 1 byte slowest window access speed (Olh=250 ns, 02h=200 ns. 03h=150 ns, 04h=lOO ns)
10h 1 byte quickest wndow access speed (01 h=250 ns. 02h=200 ns. 03h=150 ns, 04h=lOO ns)
8uffer xtructure for II0 windows:
offset Sire Content
OOh word buffer-size-4
02h word data size
04h 11 bytes wlndow table
Jab/e for I/O window:
offset Size content
04h 1 word bit O=l: wmdow base address programmable; bit o=O: base address equal FirstByte
bit l=l: window size programmable; bit l=O: size equal MlnSize
bit 2=1: window enable/disable without reprogramming
bit 3=1: window can be programmed for 8-bit data bus
bit 4=1: window can be programmed for 16.bit data bus
bit 5=1- wndow base address must be an integer multlple of the window size
bit 6=1: window size a power of two of ReqGran
bit 7=1: window supports INPACK
bit B=l: window supports I/O mapping as EISA
btt 9=1. EISA l/O mapping Ignored; bit 9=0: EISA VO mapping enabled
06h 1 word (FlrstByte) wndow base address I” system memory (usually a multiple of 4 kbytesi
08h 1 word window end address in system memory (usually a multiple of 4 kbytes)
Oah 1 byte (MinSre) nxn. wlndow we (usually as a multlple of 4 kbytes)
Obh 1 byte max wndow size (usually as a multiple of 4 kbytes)
Och 1 byte (ReqGran) size of the window size unit as Zentv
Odh 1 byte number of address lanes decoded by the window
Oeh 1 byte used for EISA l/O address decodlng
PCMCIA Socket Services 1295

INT lah, Function 88h - GetWindow

This function returns the present state of the indicated window.

Register Call value Return value

AH aah error code”

AL adapter
BH window
BL socket
cx window s1ze2)
DH 5tate3)
DL wmdow access speed4)
DI window base2’
Carry error if 00

” see M 3
2’ II0 wndow: in bytes. memory wlndow; I” 4 kbytes
I’ btt O=l: card ports are mapped Into system VO address area; bit 0=0: card memory is mapped into system memory
bit l=l. wndow active, mapping e n a b l e d
bit 2=1: l&bit d a t a b u s width; bit 2=0: 8-bft d a t a b u s width
bit 3=1: m e m o r y wndow dlvlded Into 16.kbyte pages or IWO window uses EISA I W O m a p p i n g
bit e-1: EISA l/O m a p p i n g e n a b l e d
‘) (Olh=250 ns, 02h=200 ns, 03h=150 ns, 04h=lOO ns)

INT lah, Function 89h - SetWindow

This function sets the state of the window indicated.

Register Call value Return value

AH 89h error code”

AL adapter
BH wlndow
BL socket socket
cx window sizeZi
DH state3’
DL access speed”)
DI wlndow size”
Carry error if 0 0

‘I see M 3
‘I i/O wlndow in bytes. memory window, I” 4 kbytes
3’ bit O=l’ card ports are mapped Into system l/O address area, bit O&O card memory IS mapped Into system memory
bit l=l. wndow acttve. mapping enabled
bit 2=1. 16-bit d a t a b u s wdth. bft 2=0: 8.bit d a t a b u s wdth
bit 3=1 m e m o r y wndow dlvlded Into 16.kbyte p a g e s or IWO wndow uses EISA l/O mapptng
bit 4=1: EISA IWO mappIng enabled
” (Olh=ZSO ns. 02h=200 ns. 03h=150 ns, 04h=lOO ns)
1296 Appendix M

INT lah, Function 8ah - GetPage

This function determines the present state of the addressed page. The returned offset indicates
the card offset in Z’complement representation, which must be added to the system address to
generate the address within the PCMCIA card.
Register Call value Return value

AH 8ah error code”

AL adapter
BH window
BL page
DL page statu?’
DI 0ffseP
Carry error if 0 0

‘) see M 3
‘) bit O=l: card attrlbute memory mapped Into system memory: bit C=O: card common memory mapped into system
bit l=l: page enabled
bit 2=1: page write-protected
3’ in umts of 4 kbytes

INT lah, Function 8bh - SetPage

This function sets the present state of the addressed page. The passed offset indicates the card
offset in 2’complement representation, which is added to the system address to generate the
address within the PCMCIA card.

Register Call value Return value

AH 8bh error code”
AL adapter
BH window
BL page
DL page stat&
DI offse?
Carry error If 0 0

” bit O=l. card attribute memory mapped into system memory; bit O=O. card common memory mapped Into system
bit l=l: page enabled
bit 2~1’ page write-protected
” in units of 4 kbvtes
PCMCIA Socket Services 1297

INT lah, Function 8ch - InquireSocket

This function provides information about the implemented functions of the addressed socket.

Register Call value Return value

AH 8ch error code”

AL adapter
BH interrupt upon status change”
BL socket
DH callback upon status change”
supported indicator?
PE\DI buffer offset4’
ES buffer segmenP
Carry error If 0 0

I1 see M.3
z sou,ces:
bit O=l: write-protection
bit l=l: card lock device
bit 2=1: card eject
bit 3=1’ card insert
b i t 4=1 BVDl s i g n a l
bit 5=1: BVD2 slgnal
b i t 61: RDY/BSY stgnal
bit 7=1: CDx signals
j’ indicators:
b i t O=l: write-protectIon
bit l=l: card lock dewce
bit 2=1: card eject
btt 3=1. c a r d msert
bit 4-l: card lock
bit 5=1: BVDx signals
b i t 61: RDY/BSY slgnal
btt 7=1. execute In Place actwe
4 Buffer structure.
offset Size content
OOh word b i t O=l’ memory-only interface
bit l=l: memory and I/O interface
02h dword bltmap of IRQ levels for an actwe-htgh status change Interrupt
06h dword bitmap of IRQ levels for an active-low status change interrupt

INT lah, Function 8dh - GetSocket

This function provides information about the present state of the addressed socket.

Register Call value Return value

AH 8dh error code”

AL adapter
BH interrupt upon status change”
BC socket
1298 Appendix M

Register Call value Return value

CH Vcc level
CL Vpp IeveP
DH status change?)
DL indicator state4)
DI interfacefiR@
Carry error if 0 0

” activated mterrupt SOUKCS and occurred status changes:

btt 0~1. wte-protection
b&t l=l card lock device
btt 2=1’ card eject
bit 3=1: card wert
bit 4=1: BVDl signal
bit 5=1. ND2 slgnal
bit 6=1: RDY/BSY slgnal
blr 7=1: CDx signals
3i high-nibble: Vppl: low-nibble. Vpp2
41 states:
bit O=l: wte-protectlot-
bit l=l: card lock dewce
bit 2=1: card eject
bit 3=1: card Insert
bit 4=1: card lock
bit 5=1: BVDx signals
bit 6=1’ RDYlBSY signal
bit 7=1. execute In Place actwe
‘I bit 0 .4: IRQ
bit 6=1 IRE4 slgnal inverted (active-high IRQ); bit 6=0: IREQ signal not Inverted
bit 7=1: IRQ enabled; bit 7=0: IRQ disabled
bit 8=1: memory-only Interface
bit 9=1: memory and I/O interface

INT lah, Function 8eh - SetSocket

This function sets the present state of the addressed socket.

Register Call value Return value

AH 8eh error code”

AL adapter
BH status change interrupt”
BL socket
CH Vcc level
CL Vpp IeveF)
DH status change?’
DL Indicator state4)
DI interface/lRQ5’
Carry error if 0 0
P C M C I A Socket Services 1299

I) see M.3
2, activated mterrupt sources and occurred status changes:
b i t C=l: write-protectlon
bit l=l: card lock device
bbt 2=1: card eject
bit 3=1: card insert
bit 4=1: BVDl s i g n a l
bit 5=I: ND2 signal
bit 6=1: RDY/BSY s i g n a l
b i t 7=1: CDx signals
‘) high-mbble: Vppl; low-nibble. Vpp2
41 states.
b i t C=l: wrote-protection
bit l=l: card lock deuce
bit 2=1: card eject
bit 3=1: card insert
bit 4=1: card lock
b i t 5=1: BVDx signals
bit 6=1: RDY/BSY signal
bit 7=1: execute In Place active
‘) b i t 0..4: IRQ
bit 6=1: IREQ s i g n a l Inverted (actwe-high IRQ); bit 6-O. IREQ slgnal n o t Inverted
bit 7=1: IRQ e n a b l e d ; bit 7=0: IRQ dlsabied
bit 8=1: memory-only Interface
bit 9=1: memory and IWO interface

INT lah, Function 8fh - GetStatus

This function returns the present status of various socket units.

Register Call value Return value

AH 8fh error code”

AL adapter
BH card stat&
BL socket
DH socket statu?)
DL indicator state4’
DI mterface/!RQ”
Carry error If -3 0

‘) see M.3
*I bit O=l’ write-protection
bit l=l: card lock device
bit 2=1. c a r d elect
bit 3=1. c a r d Insert
bit O-1: BVDl s i g n a l
b i t 5=1: BVD2 stgnal
bit 6=1: RDY/BSY signal
b i t 7=1. CDx signals
31 higtl-nibble: V p p l ; low-nibble Vpp2
1302 Appendix M

INT lah, Function 99h - PauseEDC

This function pauses an EDC generator.

Register Call value Retyrn value

AH 99h error code”
AL adapter
Carry error if 0 0

‘I see M.3

INT lah, Function 9ah - ResumeEDC

This function resumes a paused EDC generator.

Register Call value Return value

AH 9ah error code”

AL adapter
Carry error if 0 0

‘) see M.3

INT lah, Function 9bh - StopEDC

This function stops an EDC generator.

Register Call value Return value

AH 9bh error code”

AL adapter
Carry error if 0 0

INT lah, Function 9ch - ReadEDC

This function reads an EDC generator value.

Register Call value Return value

AH 9ch error code”

AL adapter
cx generator value
Carry error if 0 0
PCMCIA Socket Services 1303

INT lah, Function 9dh - GetVendorInfo

This function provides information about the vendor. The calling program must supply a buffer
and store its size (without the first four bytes) in the entry (buffer_size-4) beginning at offset
OOh. The socket service then returns at offset 02h the amount of actual information available. If
this amount exceeds the buffer size, the information is truncated.

Register Call value Return value

AH 9dh error code”

AL adapter
BL info type”
DX versior?
K)DI buffer offset“)
ES buffer segmenfJ’
Carry error If 0 0

‘I see M.3
‘I presently only type 0 defined
” BCD format
4) Buffer structure:
offset Size content
OOh word b u f f e r we - 4 (buf_siz-4)
02h word data we
04h buf_G-4 ASCIIZ string for vendor

INT lah, Function 9eh - AcknowledgeInterrupt

This function indicates which socket(s) of an addressed adapter has (have) experienced a status

Register Call value Return value

AH 9eh error code”
AL adapter
cx socke?
Carry error If 0 0

‘) see M 3
‘) bit O=socket 0, bit l=socket 1. etc

INT lah, Function 9fh - GetSetPriorHandler

This function determines (Get) the entry point of the previous handler for INT lah, or sets (Set)
this entry point. It is thus possible, for example, to set the previous clock interrupt (INT lah,
functions OOh-06h) and to remove the socket service from the handler chain.
1304 Appendix M

Register Call value Return value

AH 9fh error code”
AL adapter
BL mode @Get, l=Set)
cx handler segment (Setk handler segment (Get)
DX handler offset (Set) handler offset (Get)
Carry error if 0 0

‘) see M.3

INT lah, Function aOh - Get/Set Socket Service Address (GetSetSSAddr)

This function provides information about code and data for the socket service handler or passes
data descriptors. The calling program must supply a buffer.

Register Call value Return value

AH aOh error code”

AL adapter
BH mode”
BL subfunctior?’
data arrays“’ (Set) data arrays4’ (Get)
:E:DI buffer offset” (Set) buffer offset’) (Get)
ES buffer segmenF (Set) buffer segment” (Get)
Carry error if 0 0

>) OOh-real mode, Olh=16:16 protected mode, 02h=16:32 protected mode, 03h=00:32 protected mode
xl OOh=SS provides Information about code and data in the buffer (Get)
Olh=SS provides Information about addltional data in the buffer (Get)
OZh=SS accepts an array with pointers to addttlonal data in the buffer (Set)
4, subfunctlon=OOh: number of addItIonal data areas (Get)
subfunctlon=Ol h: amount of information about addItIonal data areas (Get)
subfunctlork03h: number of pointers to addmonal data areas (Set)
” Buffer structure:
Offset Size content
OOh dword Itnear 32.bit base address of the code segment
04h dword code segment l!mlt
08h dword offset of entry point
Och dword linear 32.bit base address of the data segment
10h dword data segment llmlt
14h dword offset of data area
SubfunctforkOlh (one entry for each addItIona/ data segmenti-
Offset Size content
OOh dword linear 32-bit base address of the data segment
04h dword data segment limit
08h dword offset of data area
Subfunction=OZh (one entry for each additiona/ data segment).
Offset Size content
OOh dword 32.btt offset
04h dword selector
08h dword reserved
PCMCIA Socket Services 1305

INT lah, Function alh - GetAccessOffsets

In a buffer, this function provides the offsets of an adapter-specific access routine to PCMCIA
cards which allow an access to the card memory only through a register, that is, I/O ports (the
usual method is mapping windows into the system memory). The calling program must supply
a buffer.

Register Call value Return value

AH alh error code”

AL adapter
BH mode”
cx number of offset?
number of offsets41
;D, Offset buffer
ES Segment buffer
Carry error if 0 0

” see M 3
*I OOh=real mode, 01 h=16’16 protected mode, 02h=16.32 protected mode, 03h=00:32 protected mode
3) requested number of offsets
‘) avalable number of offsets

INT lah, Function aeh - VendorSpecific

A call of this function leads in a defined way to a vendor-specific function. Vendors are allowed
to implement the function in any way. With the exception of AH, AL and Carry, the use of all
registers is vendor-specific, too.

Register Call value Return value

AH aeh error code”

AL adapter
Carry error if 0 0

M.3 Error Codes

Code Name Description

OOh SUCCESS function completed successfully

Olh BAD-ADAPTER invalid adapter address
02h BAD-ATTRIBUTE Invalid attnbute
03h BAD-BASE invalid base address of system memory
04h BAD_EDC invalid EDC generator
O6h BAD_lRQ invalid IRQ level
07h BAD-OFFSET Invalid PCMCIA card offset
1306 Appendix M

Code Name Description

08h BAD-PAGE invalid page
09h READ-FAILURE error whrle reading
Oah BAD-SIZE invalid size
Obh BAD-SOCKET invalid socket
Odh BAD-TYPE invalid window or interface type
Oeh BAD_VCC invalid Vcc level index
Ofh BAD_VPP invalid Vppl or Vpp2 level Index
llh BAD-WINDOW invalid window
12h WRITE-FAILURE error while wrttrng
14h NO-CARD no PCMCIA card in the socket
15h BAD_FUNCTION invalid function
16h BAD-MODE mode not supported
17h BAD-SPEED invalid speed
18h BUSY socket or PCMCIA card busy

M.4 PCMCIA Card Services Summarized

- The Card Services provide a system-near interface for PCMCIA slots; calls to the card serv-
ices are therefore system-dependent.
- For several processes in a system, the card services administer PCMCIA accesses to avoid
access conflicts.
- For DOS in real mode (or real mode ROM BIOS), the card services are called through INT
lah, function afh ([ah] = afh).

M.4.1 Card Services Functions

Code Name Description

OOh CloseMemory closes a memory card area

Olh CopyMemory copres data of a PCMCIA card
02h DeregisterClient removes a clrent from the list of registered clrents
03h GetClientlnfo provides information about a clrent
04h GetConfigurationlnfo returns the confrguratron of a socket/PCMCIA card
05h GetFirstPartition returns informatron about the frrst partitron of the card in a
06h GetFirstRegron returns information about the first region of the card In the
07h GetFirstTuple returns the first tuple of the specified type
08h GetNextPartitron returns information about the next partrtion of the card
09h GetNextRegion returns information about the next region of the card
Oah GetNextTuple returns the next tuple of the specrfred type
Obh GetCardServrceslnfo returns CS Information (number of logrcal sockets, vendor
Och GetStatus returns the present status of a PCMCIA card and the socket
Odh GetTupleData returns the content of the last passed tuple
Oeh GetFirstClient returns the first cirent handle of the registered clrents
PCMCIA Socket Services 1307

Code Name Description

Ofh RegisterEraseQueue registers the erase queue of a client being serviced by the
card services
10h RegisterClrent registers a clrent for service by the card services
llh ResetCard resets the PCMCIA card In a socket
12h MapLogSocket maps a logical socket under card services to the physical
adapter and socket values under socket services
13h MapLogWrndow maps a window handle under card servrces to the physical
adapter and window values under socket services
14h MapMemPage maps a memory area of a PCMCIA card to a page in a
15h MapPhySocket maps physrcal adapter and socket values under socket
services to a logical socket under card services
16h MapPhyWtndow maps physical adapter and window values under socket
services to a window handle under card services
17h ModifyWrndow modifies the attributes or access speed of a wtndow
18h OpenMemory opens a memory card area
19h ReadMemory reads data from a PCMCIA card via a memory handle
lah RegisterMTD registers a memory technology driver MTD
lbh Release10 releases the previously requested I/O addresses
lch ReleaselRQ releases previously requested IRQs
ldh ReleaseWtndow releases previously requested system memory block
leh ReleaseConfrguration resets the socket configuration to memory-only interface
lfh Request10 requests l/O addresses for a socket
2Oh RequestlRQ requests IRQ for a socket
2lh RequestWindow request the mapping of a system memory block to a memory
area of a PCMCIA card
22h RequestSocketMask requests callback upon a socket status change (event)
23h ReturnSSEntry returns the entry pornt Into socket services
24h WriteMemory wrttes data via a memory handle onto a PCMCIA card
25h DeregisterEraseQueue removes a previously registered erase queue
26h CheckEraseQueue informs about new queue entries
27h ModifyConftguratron modifies a socket and PCMCIA card confrguration
28h RegisterTImer registers a trmer for issuing a callback (Events)
29h SetRegIon sets the properties of a PCMCIA card area
2ah GetNextClient returns the client handle for the next registered clrent
2bh ValidateUS validates the card rnformatron structure (CIS) of a PCMCIA
2ch RequestExclustve requests the exclusrve use of a PCMCIA card In a socket
2dh ReleaseExclusive releases the exclusive use of a card In a socket
2eh GetEventMask returns the bit map mask for Issuing an event
2fh ReleaseSocketMask releases the previously defined event mask for a socket
30h RequestConfrguratron configures the PCMCIA card rn a socket
31h SetEventMask changes the event mask
32h AddSocketServrces adds a new 55 handler below the socket servrce level
33h ReplaceSocketServrces replaces an existrng socket service handler by a new one
34h VendorSpecrfrc (vendor-dependent)
35h AdjustResourcelnfo reads or adjusts the available resources
36h AccessConfrguratronRegrster accesses a PCMCIA configuratton regrster
1308 Appendix M

M.4.2 Events

Events are reported by the socket services to the clients. Usually, events are status changes of
a socket or the inserted card.
Code Event Description
0th BATTERY-DEAD battery dead, data lost
02h BATTERY-LOW battery low, data still o.k.
03h CARD-LOCK mechanical
- lock has locked the inserted card
04h CARD-READY RDY/BSY signal has changed from busy to ready
05h CARD-REMOVAL card has been removed from a PCMCIA socket
06h CARD-UNLOCK mechanical lock has released the inserted card
07h EJECTION_COMPLETE card has been ejected from the socket by an automatic
ejection device
08h EJECTION-REQUEST card should be ejected from the socket by an automatrc
ejection device
09h INSERTION_COMPLETE card has been inserted into the socket by an automatic
insertion device
Oah INSERTION_REQUESl card should be inserted into the socket by an automatic
insertion device
Bbh PM-RESUME power management should power-up socket and card
Och PM-SUSPEND power management should power-down socket and card
Odh EXCLUSIVE_COMPLETE client has been granted an exclusrve access to a PCMCIA card
Oeh EXCLUSIVE_REQUEST client attempts to gc$ an exclusive access to a PCMCIA card
Ofh RESET_PHYSlCAL hardware reset for a PCMCIA card in a socket
10h RESET-REQUEST client has requested a hardware reset for a PCMCIA card in a
llh CARD-RESET hardware reset for the card in a socket completed
14h CLIENT-INFO client should return information
15h TIMER-EXPIRED timer expired
16h SS_UPDATED socket support via socket services has been changed
17h WRITE-PROTECT write-protect status for the PCMCIA card which IS Inserted rn
the socket has changed
40h CARD_INSERTION a PCMCIA card has been inserted
80h RESET-COMPLETE reset rn the background complete
81h ERASE-COMPLETE erase in the background complete
82h REGISTRATlON_COMPLETE registration in the background complete
PCMCIA Socket Services 1309

M.4.3 Error Codes

Code Name Description

OOh SUCCESS function completed successfully

Olh BAD-ADAPTER adapter invalid
02h BAD_ATTRIBUTE attribute invalid
03h BAD-BASE system memory base invalid
04h BAD_EDC EDC generator Invalid
05h - reserved
06h BAD_IRQ IRQ level invalid
07h BAD-OFFSET PCMCIA card offset invalid
08h BAD-PAGE page invalld
09h READ-FAILURE error while reading
Oah BAD-SIZE invalid size
Obh BAD-SOCKET invalld socket
Och reserved
Odh BAD_lYPE window or interface type invalid
Oeh BAD_VCC Vcc level Index invalid
Ofh BAD_VPP Vppl or Vpp2 level index invalid
10h - reserved
llh BAD-WINDOW wlndow invalid
12h WRITE-FAILURE error while writing
13h reserved
,14h NO-CARD no PCMCIA card in socket
,15h UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION function not supported
J6h UNSUPPORTED_MODE mode not supported
;17h BAD-SPEED speed invalid
18h BUSY socket or PCMCIA card busy
:19h GENERAL-FAILURE undefined error occurred
lah WRITE-PROTECTED medium write-protected
‘1 bh BAD_ARG_LENGTH function argument length invalid
+ch BAD_ARGS one or more function arguments invalid
‘ldh CONFIGURATION_LOCKED configuration already locked
lleh IN-USE resource already in use
.lfh NO_MORE_ITEMS no more of the requested items
,2Oh OUT_OF_RESOURCE no more resources
2lh BAD-HANDLE handle invalid

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