Kirinyaga Mountain
Kirinyaga Mountain
Kirinyaga Mountain
Mount Kenya
Mount Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-
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highest in Africa, after Kilimanjaro.[4] The highest peaks of the
mountain are Batian (5,199 metres (17,057 ft)), Nelion (5,188
metres (17,021 ft)) and Point Lenana (4,985 metres (16,355 ft)).
Mount Kenya is located in the former Eastern and central
provinces of Kenya, now Meru, Embu, Laikipia, Kirinyaga, Nyeri
and Isiolo counties, about 16.5 kilometres (10.3 mi) south of the
equator, around 150 kilometres (93 mi) north-northeast of the
capital Nairobi.[4] Mount Kenya is the source of the name of the
Republic of Kenya.
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The Government of Kenya had four reasons for creating a national park on and around Mount Kenya. These were the
importance of tourism for the local and national economies, preserve an area of great scenic beauty, conserve the
biodiversity within the park and to preserve the water catchment for the surrounding area.[8]
Kenya's government has announced a project to discourage animals from straying into small holdings surrounding the
Park and devastating crops. The project will see the Park enclosed by an electric fence with five electrified strands and
is expected to be completed by 2014. The fence will discharge an electric shock, but is not dangerous to humans or
Local culture
The main ethnic groups living around Mount Kenya are Kikuyu, Ameru, Embu and Maasai. The first three are closely
related. They all see the mountain as an important aspect of their cultures. All these cultures arrived in the Mount
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The Kikuyu live on the southern
and western sides of the
mountain. They are
agriculturalists, and make use of
the highly fertile volcanic soil on
the lower slopes. They believe
that God, Ngai or Mwene Several ethnic groups that live
Nyaga, lived on Mount Kenya around Mount Kenya believe the
mountain to be sacred. They used
when he came down from the
to build their houses facing the
sky.[16] They believe that the
mountain, with the doors on the side
mountain is Ngai's throne on nearest to it.
earth. It is the place where
Gĩkũyũ, the father of the tribe,
Mount Kenya is important to all the used to meet with God. Thus according to the Kikuyu records, Gĩkũyũ is the
ethnic communities living around it.
first person on Earth to ascend the mountain. 'Mwene Nyaga' in Kikuyu
language can also translate as the "Owner of the Striped one" where
'Mwene' translates to 'owner', and 'Nyaga' to Stripes. The snow (in Kikuyu: Ira) caps of the mountain symbolically
represent a crown on God's habitation . 'Nyaga' can also translate to 'Ostrich'. In this context, God is seen to be the
owner of that very rare bird the Ostrich.
Kikuyu used to build their houses with the doors facing the mountain.[17] The Kikuyu name for Mount Kenya is Kĩrĩ
Nyaga (Kirinyaga), which literally translates to that which has the "Nyaga" – Stripes.The mountain therefore is locally
accepted as 'God's Resting Place' or 'Where God Lives'.
The Embu people live to the south-east of Mount Kenya,[10] and believe that the mountain is God's home (the Embu
word for God is Ngai or Mwene Njeru). The mountain is sacred, and they build their houses with the doors facing
towards it.[17] The Embu people are closely related to the Ameru and Mbeere people. The Mbeere and Akamba are the
settlers of the southeast side of the mountain.
The Ameru occupy the east, north and north-western slopes of the mountain. They are generally agricultural and also
keep livestock and occupy what is among the most fertile land in Kenya. The Meru god Murungu was from the skies.
Their name for Mt. Kenya is Kirimara, which means 'mountain with white features'.
The Maasai are semi-nomadic people, who use the land to the north of the mountain to graze their cattle. They believe
that their ancestors came down from the mountain at the beginning of time.[17] The Maasai name for Mount Kenya is
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God bless our children, let them be like the olive tree of
Morintat, let them grow and expand, let them be like Ngong
Hills like Mt. Kenya, like Mt. Kilimanjaro and multiply in
Mount Kenya is a stratovolcano that was active in the Plio-Pleistocene. The Mount Kenya lies in the Kenyan
original crater was probably over 6,000 m (19,700 ft) high; higher than highlands, 150 kilometres (93 mi)
Kilimanjaro. Since it became extinct there have been two major periods of north northeast of Nairobi, just
glaciation, which are shown by two main rings of moraines below the northeast of Nyeri.[4]
glaciers. The lowest moraine is found at around 3,300 m (10,800 ft).[19]
Today the glaciers reach no lower than 4,650 m (15,260 ft).[3] After
studying the moraines, Gregory put forward the theory that at one time the
whole summit of the mountain was covered with an ice cap, and it was this
that eroded the peaks to how they are today.[6]
The lower slopes of the mountain have never been glaciated. They are now
mainly cultivated and forested. They are distinguished by steep-sided
V-shaped valleys with many tributaries. Higher up the mountain, in the
area that is now moorland, the valleys become U-shaped and shallower Mount Kenya was a stratovolcano
with flatter bottoms. These were created by glaciation.[19] and probably looked similar to Mt.
Fuji (shown above). The lower
When Mount Kenya was active there was some satellite activity. The north- slopes are still this shape, which is
eastern side of the mountain has many old volcanic plugs and craters. The how the previous height is
largest of these, Ithanguni, even had its own ice cap when the main peaks estimated.
were covered in ice. This can be seen by the smoothed summit of the peak.
Circular hills with steep sides are also frequent in this area, which are
probably the remains of small plugged vents. However, as the remaining mountain is roughly symmetrical, most of the
activity must have occurred at the central plug.[19]
The rocks that form Mount Kenya are mainly basalts, rhomb porphyrites, phonolites, kenytes and trachytes.[19] Kenyte
was first reported by Gregory in 1900 following his study of the geology of Mount Kenya.[20]
The geology of the Mount Kenya area was first proposed to the Western Community by Joseph Thomson in 1883. He
saw the mountain from the nearby Laikipia Plateau and wrote that it was an extinct volcano with the plug exposed.[21]
However, as he had only seen the mountain from a distance his description was not widely believed in Europe,
particularly after 1887 when Teleki and von Höhnel ascended the mountain and described what they considered to be
the crater.[22] In 1893 Gregory's expedition reached the Lewis Glacier at 5,000 m (16,400 ft). He confirmed that the
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volcano was extinct and that there were glaciers present.[20][22] The first
thorough survey by Europeans was not undertaken until 1966.[19]
The peaks of Mount Kenya are
almost all of a volcanic origin.
The majority of the peaks are
located near the centre of the
The central peaks of Mount Kenya
mountain. These peaks have an
are volcanic plugs that have resisted
Alpine appearance due to their
glacial erosion.[7]
craggy nature. Typically of
Alpine terrain, the highest peaks
and gendarmes occur at the intersection of ridges.[7] The central peaks only
have a few mosses, lichens and small alpine plants growing in rock
crevices.[10] Further away from the central peaks, the volcanic plugs are
The main peaks and glaciers of covered in volcanic ash and soils.[23] The vegetation growing on these peaks
Mount Kenya are near the centre of is typical for their vegetation band.
the mountain.
The highest peaks are Batian (5,199 metres (17,057 ft)), Nelion (5,188 m
(17,021 ft)) and Pt Lenana (4,985 m (16,355 ft)). Batian and Nelion are
within 250 m (270 yd) of each other, separated by the Gate of the Mists gap (5,144 metres (16,877 ft)).[3][24] Coryndon
Peak (4,960 m (16,273 ft)) is the next highest, but unlike the previous peaks it does not form a part of the central
Other peaks around the central plug include Pt Piggot (4,957 m (16,263 ft)), Pt Dutton (4,885 m (16,027 ft)), Pt John
(4,883 m (16,020 ft)), Pt John Minor (4,875 m (15,994 ft)), Krapf Rognon (4,800 m (15,748 ft)), Pt Peter (4,757 m
(15,607 ft)), Pt Slade (4,750 m (15,584 ft)) and Midget Peak (4,700 m (15,420 ft)). All of these have a steep pyramidal
Significant craggy outlying peaks include Terere (4,714 m (15,466 ft)) and Sendeyo (4,704 m (15,433 ft)) which form a
pair of twin peaks to the north of the main plug. Together, they form a large parasitic plug. Other notable peaks include
The Hat (4,639 m (15,220 ft)), Delamere Peak, Macmillan Peak and Rotundu.[3]
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Batian on the left, Nelion Lenana, the third highest Mount Kenya, left to Krapf Rognon (4,800 m
on the right, and Slade peak, is the most right: Point Lenana (15,748 ft)) and Krapf
in the foreground ascended (4985m), Nelion summit glacier
(5188), Batian summit
Midget peak can be Terere and Sendeyo are Mugi hill and the Giant's Nelion from Batian in
climbed in a day.[25] two craggy outlying Billiards Table offers Dec 1974
peaks some of the best
hillwalking in Kenya.[17]
The glaciers on Mount Kenya are retreating rapidly. The Mountain Club of Kenya in Nairobi has photographs showing
the mountain when it was first climbed in 1899, and again more recently; the retreat of the glaciers is very evident.
[26][27] Descriptions of ascents of several of the peaks advise on the use of crampons, but this is true only in some cases
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and at higher heights. Every year there is less new snow accumulating in
winter than melting on summer, even on the Lewis Glacier (the largest of
them) in winter, so there is no formation of new ice. It is predicted to be
less than 30 years before there will no longer be ice on Mount Kenya.[17]
Glacial retreat and disappearance can be caused by change in temperature
trends, or by change in precipitation trends.[28]
Periglacial landforms
Although Mount Kenya is on the equator the freezing nightly temperatures
result in periglacial landforms. There is permafrost a few centimetres Frost heaving causes patterned
(inches) below the surface. Patterned ground is present at 3,400 m solifluction lobes below Mugi Hill.
(11,155 ft) to the west of Mugi Hill.[3][7] These mounds grow because of the
repeated freezing and thawing of the ground drawing in more water. There
are blockfields present around 4,000 m (13,123 ft) where the ground has cracked to form hexagons. Solifluction occurs
when the night temperatures freeze the soil before it thaws again in the morning. This daily expansion and contraction
of the soil prevents the establishment of vegetation.[25]
Mount Kenya is the main water catchment area for two large rivers in Kenya; the Tana, the largest river in Kenya, and
the Ewaso Ng'iso North.[8] The Mount Kenya ecosystem provides water directly for over 2 million people.[8] The rivers
on Mount Kenya have been named after the villages on the slopes of the mountain that they flow close to. The Thuchi
River is the district boundary between Meru and Embu. Mount Kenya is a major water tower for the Tana river which
in 1988 supplied 80% of Kenya's electricity using a series of seven hydroelectric powerstations and dams.[30]
The density of streams is very high, especially on the lower slopes which have never been glaciated. The ice cap which
used to cover the mountain during the Pliocene eroded large U-shaped valleys which tend to only have one large
stream.[7] Where the original shape of the shield volcano is still preserved, there have been millions of years for
streams to erode the hillside. This area is therefore characterised by frequent deep fluvial V-shaped valleys.[31] The
gradual transition from glaciated to fluvial valley can be clearly observed.[32]
Rivers which start on Mount Kenya are the tributaries of two large Kenyan rivers: the Tana and the Ewaso Ng'iro
rivers. A lot of Mount Kenyan rivers flow into the Sagana which itself is a tributary of the Tana, which it joins at the
Masinga Reservoir. The rivers in the northern part of the mountain, such as the Burguret, Naru Moru, Nanyuki, Liki,
Sirimon flow into the Ewaso Ng'iro. The rivers to the south-west, such as the Keringa and Nairobi flow into the Sagana
and then into the Tana. The remaining rivers to the south and east, such as the Mutonga, Nithi, Thuchi and Nyamindi,
flow directly into the Tana.[31][32]
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Natural history
Mount Kenya has several altitudinal ecological zones, between the savanna
surrounding the mountain to the nival zone by the glaciers. Each zone has a
dominant species of vegetation. Many of the species found higher up the
mountain are endemic, either to Mount Kenya or East Africa.[10]
There are also differences within the zones, depending on the side of the
mountain and aspect of the slope. The south-east is much wetter than the
north,[29] so species more dependent on moisture are able to grow. Some
species, such as bamboo, are limited to certain aspects of the mountain
because of the amount of moisture.[3]
The climate of Mount Kenya changes considerably with altitude, forming
belts of community types.[33] Around the base of the mountain is fertile
farmland. The tribes living around the mountain have cultivated this cool Runoff from Mount Kenya provides
relatively moist area for centuries.[34]
water for over 2 million people.[8]
Mount Kenya is surrounded by forests. The vegetation in the forests depend
on rainfall, and the species present differ greatly between the northern and
southern slopes.[35] As time has passed the trees on the edge of the forest
have been logged and the farmland has encroached further up the fertile
slopes of the mountain.[33][34]
Above the forest is a belt of bamboo. This zone is almost continuous, but is
restricted to small isolated bunches in the north because of low rainfall. The
bamboo is natural,[25] and does not require forest disturbance. Tracks are
common through the bamboo. Bamboo suppresses other vegetation, so it is
uncommon to find trees or other plants here.[3]
There are distinct vegetation zones
Above the bamboo is the around Mount Kenya which vary
timberline forest. The trees here according to altitude and aspect.
are often smaller than the trees
in the forests lower down the
mountain.[36] The forest here is more intact, because it is less accessible and
better protected.
When the trees can no longer grow the vegetation changes into heathland
The timberline forest is commonly in and chaparral, at around 3,000 m (9,800 ft). Heathland is found in the
cloud. The trees are relatively small wetter areas, on the west side of Mount Kenya, and is dominated by giant
and covered in lichens and mosses.
heathers. Chaparral is found in the drier areas and grasses are more
common.[25] and bush fires still occur.[34]
As the altitude increases the temperature fluctuations become extreme and the air becomes thinner and drier. This
region is known as the Afro-alpine zone. The environment here is isolated, with the only similar area nearby being the
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Aberdares, which are 80 km (50 mi) away.[10] Many of the species here are endemic, with adaptations to the cold and
fluctuating temperatures.[37] Typical plants here include giant groundsels (senecios) and giant lobelias.[10]
The region where the glaciers have recently retreated from is nival zone. It is the area that plants have not yet been able
to colonise.[10]
The flora found on Mount Kenya varies with altitude, aspect and
exposure.[38] As the altitude increases, the plants have to be more
specialised, with adaptations to strong sunlight with ultraviolet, lower
mean temperatures and freezing night temperatures.[25][36]
Many plant species in the Afro-alpine zone of Mount Kenya are giant
versions of lowland (or temperate) relatives. However, nearer the nival
Many plants that live on Mount
zone the plants decrease in size again.[10]
Kenya, like this Senecio
keniodendron, have to be specially
adapted to the extremes in
The majority of animals live
lower down on the slopes of
Mount Kenya. Here there is
more vegetation and the climate
is less extreme. Various species
of monkeys, several antelopes,
Hyrax are able to cope with a more tree hyrax, porcupines and
extreme climate and are found up to some larger animals such as
the highest elevation. elephant and buffalo all live in
the forest.[3] Predators found Safari ants swarm around the forest
here include hyena and leopard, in long columns. They are easiest to
and occasionally lion.[3] see when they cross the tracks.
There are fewer mammals found at high altitudes on Mount Kenya.[40] The
Mount Kenya hyrax and common duiker are able to live here, and are important to the ecosystem. Some smaller
mammals, such as the groove-toothed rat, can live here by burrowing into the giant senecios and using their thick stem
of dead leaves as insulation.[10] The Mount Kenya mole-rat Tachyoryctes rex occurs at high altitudes, living in visible
mounds.[41] Leopards are resident in the alpine zone.
Other mammal species are only occasional visitors. Remains of elephants, monkeys and bongo have been found high in
the alpine zone,[40] and other sightings are remembered in names such as Simba Tarn (simba means lion in
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Several bird species live in the Afro-alpine zone, including sunbirds, alpine chats and starlings and the raptors, augur
buzzard, lammergeier and Verreaux's eagle, the latter of which specializes in hunting hyraxes. Birds are important in
this ecosystem as pollinators.[38]
The climate of Mount Kenya has played a critical role in the development of the mountain, influencing the topography
and ecology amongst other factors. It has a typical equatorial mountain climate which Hedberg described as winter
every night and summer every day.[42] Mount Kenya is home to one of the Global Atmosphere Watch's atmospheric
monitoring stations.[43]
The year is divided into two distinct wet seasons and two distinct dry
seasons which mirror the wet and dry seasons in the Kenyan lowlands.[45]
As Mount Kenya ranges in height from 1,374 m (4,508 ft) to 5,199 m
(17,057 ft) the climate varies considerably over the mountain and has
different zones of influence. The lower, south eastern slopes are the wettest
as the predominant weather system comes from the Indian ocean. This
In January the Intertropical
rainfall supports dense montane forest on these slopes. High on the
Convergence Zone is at its southern
mountain most of the precipitation falls as snow.[46] Combined, these water
extreme over the Indian Ocean. In
sources feed 11 glaciers. July it is at its northern extreme over
Tibet and Arabia. As it passes over
The current climate on Mount Kenya is wet, but drier than it has been in
the equator, Mount Kenya
the past. The temperatures span a wide range, which diminishes with experiences a wet season.[44]
altitude. In the lower alpine zone temperature usually do not go below 12 °C
(54 °F).[47] Snow and rain are common from March to December, but
especially in the two wet seasons. The wet seasons combined account for 5/6 of the annual precipitation. The monsoon,
which controls the wet and dry seasons, means that most of the year there are south-easterly winds, but during
January and February the dominant wind direction is north-easterly.
Mount Kenya, like most locations in the tropics, has two wet seasons and two dry seasons as a result of the monsoon.
From mid-March to June the heavy rain season, known as the long rains, brings approximately half of the annual
rainfall on the mountain.[34] This is followed by the wetter of the two dry seasons which lasts until September. October
to December are the short rains when the mountain receives approximately a third of its rainfall total. Finally from
December to mid-March is the drier dry season when the mountain experiences the least rain.
Daily pattern
During the dry season the mountain almost always follows the same daily weather pattern. Large daily temperature
fluctuations occur which led Hedberg to exclaim winter every night and summer every day.[42] There is variation in
minimum and maximum temperatures day to day, but the standard deviation of the mean hourly pattern is small.
A typical day is clear and cool in the morning with low humidity. The mountain is in direct sunlight which causes the
temperatures to rise quickly with the warmest temperatures occurring between 0900 and 1200. This corresponds to a
maximum in the pressure, usually around 10 am. Low on the mountain, between 2,400 m (7,874 ft) and 3,900 m
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(12,795 ft), clouds begin to form over the western forest zone, due to moist
air from Lake Victoria.[30] The anabatic winds caused by warm rising air
gradually bring these clouds to the summit region in the afternoon. Around
1500 there is a minimum in sunlight and a maximum in humidity causing
the actual and perceived temperature to drop. At 1600 there is a minimum
in the pressure. This daily cover of cloud protects the glaciers on the south-
west of the mountain which would otherwise get direct sun every day,
enhancing their melt.[48] The upwelling cloud eventually reaches the dry
easterly air streams and dissipates, leading to a clear sky by 5 pm. There is
In the dry season, mornings are
another maximum of temperature associated with this. typically clear and cool, but the
mountain is hidden in cloud by mid-
Being an equatorial mountain the daylight hours are constant with twelve-
hour days. Sunrise is about 0630 with the sun setting at 1830 (both EAT =
UTC+3). Over the course of the year there is a one-minute difference
between the shortest and longest days.[49] At night, the sky is usually clear with katabatic winds blowing down the
valleys. Above the lower alpine zone there is usually frost every night.[47]
European sighting
The first European to report seeing Mount Kenya was Dr Johann Ludwig
Krapf, a German missionary, from Kitui,[50] a town 160 km (100 mi)[4] away
from the mountain. The sighting was made on 3 December 1849,[35] a year
after the discovery of Kilimanjaro.[51]
Krapf was told by people of the Embu tribe that lived around the mountain
that they did not ascend high enough on the mountain because of the intense
cold and the white matter that rolled down the mountains with a loud noise.
This led him to infer that glaciers existed on the mountain.[50] It was Krapf
who gave the mountain the name "Kenya", but the derivation of this is not
known with certainty (see the various local names below, some of which are
Krapf also noted that the rivers flowing from Mount Kenya, and other
mountains in the area, were continuously flowing. This was very different
from the other rivers in the area, which swelled up in the wet season and
Joseph Thomson reached the
completely dried up after the rainy season had ended. As the streams flowed
foothills of Mount Kenya and
even in the driest seasons he concluded that there must be a source of water
confirmed Krapf's discovery.
up on the mountain, in the form of glaciers.[50] He believed the mountain to
be the source of the White Nile.[52]
In 1851 Krapf returned to Kitui. He travelled 65 kilometres (40 mi) closer to the mountain, but did not see it again. In
1877 Hildebrandt was in the Kitui area and heard stories about the mountain, but also did not see it. Since there were
no confirmations to back up Krapf's claim people began to be suspicious.[22]
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Eventually, in 1883, Joseph Thomson passed close by the west side of the
mountain and confirmed Krapf's claim. He diverted his expedition and
reached 1,737 m (5,700 ft) up the slopes of the mountain but had to retreat
because of trouble with local people.[21] However, the first European
exploration high onto the mountain was achieved in 1887 by Count Samuel
Teleki. He managed to reach 4,350 m (14,270 ft) on the south western
slopes.[53] On this expedition Teleki mistakenly believed he had found the
crater of a volcano.
In 1892, Teleki and von Höhnel returned to the eastern side, but were unable
to get through the forest.[10]
Mackinder's expedition
On 28 July 1899,[54] Sir Halford John Mackinder set out from the site of Nairobi on an expedition to Mount Kenya. The
members of the expedition consisted of 6 Europeans, 66 Swahilis, 2 Maasai guides, and 96 Kikuyu. The Europeans
were Campbell B. Hausberg, second in command and photographer; Douglas Saunders, botanist; C F Camburn,
taxidermist; Cesar Ollier, guide; and Josef Brocherel, guide and porter.[54] The expedition made it as far as the
mountain, but encountered many difficulties on the way. The country they passed through was full of plague and
famine. Many Kikuyu porters tried to desert with women from the villages, and others stole from the villages, which
made the chiefs very hostile towards the expedition. When they reached the base camp on 18 August,[54] they could not
find any food, suffered two of their party killed by the local people, and eventually had to send Saunders to Naivasha to
get help from Captain Gorges, the Government Officer there.[54]
Mackinder pushed on up the mountain, and established a camp at 3,142 m (10,310 ft)[54] in the Höhnel Valley. He
made his first attempt on the summit on 30 August with Ollier and Brocherel up the south east face, but they had to
retreat when they were within 100 m (330 ft) of the summit of Nelion due to nightfall.
On 5 September, Hausberg, Ollier, and Brocherel made a circuit of the main peaks looking for an easier route to the
summit. They could not find one. On 11 September Ollier and Brocherel made an ascent of the Darwin Glacier, but
were forced to retreat due to a blizzard.[54]
When Saunders returned from Naivasha with the relief party, Mackinder had another attempt at the summit with
Ollier and Brocherel. They traversed the Lewis Glacier and climbed the south east face of Nelion. They spent the night
near the gendarme, and traversed the snowfield at the head of the Darwin Glacier at dawn before cutting steps up the
Diamond Glacier. They reached the summit of Batian at noon on 13 September, and descended by the same route.[54]
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After the first ascent of Mount Kenya there were fewer expeditions there for
a while. The majority of the exploration until after the First World War was
by settlers in Kenya, who were not on scientific expeditions. A Church of
Scotland mission was set up in Chogoria, and several Scottish missionaries
ascended to the peaks, including Rev Dr. J. W. Arthur, G. Dennis and A. R.
Barlow. There were other ascents, but none succeeded in summitting
Batian or Nelion.[25]
New approach routes were cleared through the forest, which made access to
the peaks area far easier. In 1920, Arthur and Sir Fowell Buxton tried to cut
a route in from the south, and other routes came in from Nanyuki in the
north, but the most commonly used was the route from the Chogoria
mission in the east, built by Ernest Carr. Carr is also credited with building
Urumandi and Top Huts.[25]
On 6 January 1929 the first ascent of Nelion was made by Percy Wyn-
Harris and Eric Shipton. They climbed the Normal Route, then descended
to the Gate of Mists before ascending Batian. On 8 January they Shipton and Russell made the first
ascent of Point John up the south-
reascended, this time with G. A. Sommerfelt, and in December Shipton
east gully in 1929
made another ascent with R. E. G. Russell. They also made the first ascent
of Point John. During this year the Mountain Club of East Africa was
At the end of July 1930, Shipton and Bill Tilman made the first traverse of the peaks. They ascended by the West Ridge
of Batian, traversed the Gate of Mists to Nelion, and descended the Normal Route. During this trip, Shipton and
Tilman made first ascents of several other peaks, including Point Peter, Point Dutton, Midget Peak, Point Pigott and
either Terere or Sendeyo.[55]
During the Second World War there was another drop in ascents of the mountain. The most remarkable ascent during
this period was by three Italians who were being held in a British POW camp at the base of the mountain in Nanyuki.
They escaped from camp to climb the mountain's third peak, Point Lenana, before "escaping" back into camp. Felice
Benuzzi, the team leader, retold his story in the book No Picnic on Mount Kenya (1946).[56][57]
In 1949 the Mountain Club of Kenya split from the Mountain Club of East Africa, and the area above 3,400 m
(11,150 ft) was designated a National Park.[25] A road was built from Naro Moru to the moorlands, allowing easier
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Many new routes were climbed on Batian and Nelion in the next three decades, and in October 1959 the Mountain
Club of Kenya produced their first guide to Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro.[55] On Kenyan independence in 1963, Kisoi
Munyao raised the Kenyan flag at the top of the mountain. He died in 2007 and was given a heroic funeral attended by
Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki.[58] In the early 1970s the Mount Kenya National Park Mountain Rescue Team was
formed, and by the end of the 1970s all major routes on the peaks had been climbed.[55]
On 19 July 2003, a South African registered aircraft, carrying 12 passengers and two crew, crashed into Mount Kenya
at Point Lenana; nobody survived.[59][60] This was not the first aircraft lost on the mountain; there is also the wreckage
of at least one helicopter that crashed before 1972.[61]
In March 2012 a massive fire raged on Mount Kenya, devouring thousands of hectares of ancient forests and
endangered wildlife.[62]
Climbing routes
Most of the peaks on Mount Kenya have been summited. The majority of
these involve rock climbing as the easiest route, although some only require
a scramble or a walk. The highest peak that can be ascended without
climbing is Point Lenana, 4,985 m (16,355 ft).[25][55] The majority of the
15,000 visitors to the national park each year climb this peak. In contrast,
approximately 200 people summit Nelion and 50 summit Batian, the two
highest peaks.[17]
Mount Kenya's climbing seasons are a result of its location only 20 km (12 mi) from the equator. During the northern
summer the rock routes on the north side of the peak are in good summer condition, while at the same time the ice
routes on the south side of the peak are prime shape. The situation is reversed during the southern summer. The two
seasons are separated by several months of rainy season before and after, during which climbing conditions are
generally unfavorable.
Mount Kenya is home to several good ice routes, the two most famous being the Diamond Couloir and the Ice Window
route. Snow and ice levels on the mountain have been retreating at an accelerated rate in recent years, making these
climbs increasingly difficult and dangerous. The Diamond Couloir, a steep ice couloir fed by the fusion of the upper
Diamond Glacier and pioneered in 1975 by Yvon Chouinard and Michael Covington, was once climbable in summer or
winter but now is virtually unclimbable in summer conditions and is seldom deemed in climbable condition even in
winter.[66] Last climbing reports describe the route very difficult, especially in the lower section. The route has changed
into a modern ice climb with a very difficult 60m first pitch, starting with 8m of overhanging M7 dry tooling, followed
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by 50m of USA Grade V ice and by others 6 pitches of moderate climbing on good ice and finally one pitch of water ice
USA Grade IV+ ice at the headwall before getting to the Upper Diamond Glacier.
The satellite peaks around the mountain also provide good climbs. These can be climbed in Alpine style and vary in
difficulty from a scramble to climbing at UIAA grade VI. They are useful for acclimatisation before climbing the higher
peaks and as ascents in their own right.[25]
Walking routes
There are eight walking routes up to the main peaks. Starting clockwise
from the north these are the: Meru, Chogoria, Kamweti, Naro Moru,
Burguret, Sirimon and Timau Routes.[3] Of these Chogoria, Naro Moru and
Sirimon are used most frequently and therefore have staffed gates. The
other routes require special permission from the Kenya Wildlife Service to
The Chogoria route leads from Chogoria town up to the peaks circuit path.
It heads through the forest to the south-east of the mountain to the
moorland, with views over areas such as Ithanguni and the Giant's Billiards Map showing the walking routes and
Table before following the Gorges Valley past the Temple and up to Simba huts around Mount Kenya
Col below Point Lenana.[3] The Mountain Club of Kenya claims that
Ithanguni and the Giant's Billiards Table offer some of the best hillwalking
in Kenya.[25]
The Naro Moru route is taken by many of the trekkers who try to reach Point Lenana. It can be ascended in only 3 days
and has bunkhouses at each camp. The route starts at Naro Moru town to the west of the mountain and climbs towards
Mackinder's Camp before joining the Peak Circuit Path.[67] The terrain is usually good, although one section is called
the Vertical Bog.[25]
The Sirimon route approaches Mount Kenya from the north-west.[3] The path splits on the moorlands, with the more
frequently used fork following the Mackinder Valley and the quieter route traversing into the Liki North Valley.[3] The
paths rejoin at Shipton's Cave just below Shipton's Camp on the Peak Circuit Path.[25]
The Peak Circuit Path is a path around the main peaks, with a distance of about 10 kilometres (6 mi) and height gain
and loss of over 2,000 metres (6,600 ft).[3] It can be walked in one day, but more commonly takes two or three. It can
also be used to join different ascent and descent routes. The route does not require technical climbing.[55][67]
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Recent Development
Development is currently underway for a new route up the mountain starting from the Ragati conservancy and running
up the ridge between the Naro Moru route and the old Kamweti trail.
Accommodation on Mount Kenya ranges from very basic to luxurious. The more luxurious lodges are found on the
lower slopes, in and around the forest.[68][69] These lodges have hotel-style accommodation, often with log fires and hot
running water.[70][71] Many offer guided walks and other activities such as fishing and birdwatching.
The huts higher on the mountain are more basic. Most have several bunkrooms with beds, and also offer somewhere to
rest, cook and eat. Some also have running water. A few huts are very basic bothies and offer only a space to sleep that
is sheltered from the weather.[25][72] Beds in the huts can be reserved at the park gates.[17] Camping is allowed
anywhere in the National Park, but it is most encouraged around the huts to limit environmental impact. It is possible
for campers to use the communal spaces in the huts for no extra fee.[17]
Austrian Hut is found Liki North Hut is a small Shipton's Camp is at the Camping is allowed
near the Lewis Glacier bothy in the Liki North top of the Sirimon anywhere within the
on the slopes of Point Valley.[25] It offers little Route.[55] It has a large National Park.[17]
Lenana. The hut sleeps more than shelter from communal area and
30 people, with Top Hut the weather. running cold water.
nearby for porters.[25]
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The origin of the name Kenya is not clear, but perhaps linked to the Kikuyu, Embu and Kamba words Kirinyaga,
Kirenyaa and Kiinyaa which mean "God's resting place" in all three languages.
In the 19th Century, the German explorer, Ludwig Krapf, recorded the name as both Kenia and Kegnia believed by
some to be a corruption of the Kamba version.[50][73][74] Others however say that this was on the contrary a very precise
notation of the correct African pronunciation /ˈkɛnjə/. [75] In any case, the name was for a long time pronounced by
colonial-heritage Europeans as /ˈkiːnjə/. The European pronunciation has been abandoned in modern times, in favor
of the African version.[76]
Names of peaks
The peaks of Mount Kenya have been given names from three different sources. Firstly, several Maasai chieftains have
been commemorated, with names such as Batian, Nelion and Lenana. They commemorate Mbatian, a Maasai Laibon
(Medicine Man), Nelieng, his brother, and Lenana and Sendeyo, his sons.[35] Terere is named after another Maasai
The second type of names that were given to peaks are after European climbers and explorers. Some examples of this
are Shipton, Sommerfelt, Tilman, Dutton and Arthur.[25]
The remaining names are after well-known Kenyan personalities, with the exception of John and Peter, which were
named by the missionary Arthur after two disciples. There is a group of four peaks to the east of the main peaks named
after European settlers; Coryndon, Grigg, Delamere and McMillan.[25]
See also
List of volcanoes in Kenya
Volcanic Seven Summits
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74. Foottit, Claire (2006) [2004]. Kenya. The Brade Travel Guide. Bradt Travel Guides Ltd. ISBN 978-1-84162-066-4.
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Further reading
Benuzzi, F. (1953). No Picnic on Mount Kenya. Lyons Press. ISBN 978-1-59228-724-6.
Best, Nicholas (2014). Point Lenana. Thistle Publishing/Kindle Single.
de Watteville, Vivienne (1935). Speak to the Earth. W W Norton and Co Inc. ISBN 978-0-39333-556-9.
Fadiman J. (1993). When We Began, There Were Witchmen An Oral History from Mount Kenya
( University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-08615-9. Retrieved
28 June 2011.
Kenyatta, J. (1962). Facing Mount Kenya. Vintage Press. ISBN 978-0-394-70210-0.
Mahaney, W.C. (1990). Ice on the Equator. Ellison Bay, Wisconsin, U.S.A: Wm Caxton Ltd.
ISBN 978-0-940473-19-5. A full survey of the long glacial and periglacial reconstructive history of Mt. Kenya, its
geological and environmental settings, sequences of paleosols (ancient soils) and their significance in
understanding the multiplicity of glaciations.
External links
"Mount Kenya National Park/Natural Forest" ( UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
2011. Retrieved 28 June 2011.
"Mount Kenya Trust" ( Mount Kenya Trust. 2006. Retrieved 28 June 2011.
"Mt. Kenya National Park" (
/parks_reserves/MKNP.html). Kenya Wildlife Service. 2011. Archived from the original (
/parks_reserves/MKNP.html) on 25 January 2010. Retrieved 28 June 2011.
"Mount Kenya, Kenya" ( Retrieved 27 July
"Mount Kenya Climbing Routes" ( 2014. Retrieved 1 October 2014.
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