English-for-Science-and-Technology Teaching Materials: Phase One Evaluation

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6; June 2012

English-for-Science-and-Technology Teaching Materials: Phase One

Hui-Chuan Liao (Corresponding author)
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
415 Chien-Kung Road, Kaohsiung 80778, Taiwan
E-mail: hliao@kuas.edu.tw

Yeh-uh Hsueh Chen

Chienkuo Technology University
1 Chieshou N. Rd, Changhua City 50094, Taiwan
E-mail: yuhc@ctu.edu.tw

Received: February 11, 2012 Accepted: March 8, 2012 Published: June 1, 2012
doi:10.5539/elt.v5n6p89 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/elt.v5n6p89

The importance of English for the workplace, in addition to that of general English proficiency, is receiving
increasing attention from educators and policy makers in the field of teaching English as a foreign language. In
order to prepare college students for their professional development, appropriate English-for-specific-purposes (ESP)
materials, including those for engineering majors, are needed for college courses. This study evaluated teaching
materials on English for Science and Technology (EST), in hope of making contributions to the growth of EST
materials that meet the educational needs of students in Taiwan. The EST materials were designed for college
engineering majors. In the present study, it was used with two engineering junior classes in Taiwan for three weeks.
After the trial teaching period, a questionnaire and a focus group interview were administered to collect learner
perception on the EST materials. While the overall results of the questionnaire have indicated a positive attitude
toward the materials, a careful examination of the statistics and further exploration of the interview data have
revealed certain areas of the materials to be improved. Suggestions to the revision of the materials are provided at
the end of the paper.
Keywords: English for engineers, English for science and technology, English for specific purposes, Material
evaluation, Second language teaching, Textbook evaluation
1. Introduction
In order to help its citizens meet the challenges of globalization, the Taiwanese government has enacted the
Challenge 2008 National Development Plan, with one emphasis of which to boost foreign language mastery, in
particular English competence (Council for Economic Planning and Development [CEPD], 2005; Government
Information Office [GIO], 2004). Since Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002, the industries
in the country have been devoted to upgrading operations to be competitive in the global markets, and thus are in
great need of more professional workforce. Enhancing the citizens’ English abilities, therefore, has become one of
the top priorities set by the Ministry of Education (MOE) (Huang, 2003; Ministry of Education, 2011). Among many
endeavors to meet the demands of the globalizing society and industrial sectors and to bring technological and
vocational education to new heights, the MOE prescribed improving technological students’ foreign language
competence, especially that of English, as one of the major educational aims of technological and vocational
education. In addition, becoming well-equipped with work skills upon the entrance of the job market is a chief
objective of technological institution graduates; English for the workplace is hence a must in such students’ foreign
language learning (Yu, 2006). Yu argues for the need to develop not only English-for-specific-purposes (ESP)
materials in general terms but also learner-centered ESP materials that suits learners of different career focuses. Yu
lists examples such as English for car mechanics, English for nurses, and English for medical practitioners. A survey
study conducted by Liao, Chen, and Lee (2009) and an evaluation study by Liao and Chang (2011) have further
found out that technical college engineering students in Taiwan are presently experiencing a lack of appropriate

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English-for-science-and-technology (EST) textbooks.

In Taiwan, students in vocational high schools are offered only two hours of English lesson per week while regular
high school students five to seven hours. Consequently, it has become a great concern of tertiary English teachers
that most students in technical institutions do not enter college with a satisfactory level of English competence and
that their English proficiency is generally far below that of regular college students (Chen, 2007; Lin, 1997; Yu,
To most technical college students, English for general purposes (EGP) is a difficult subject to deal with, not to
mention English for Science and Technology (EST). How to improve students’ EGP and EST competences at the
same time has become an essential challenge for English instructors in technical institutions. Effective language
instruction takes various factors into account, such as the teacher, the learner, the materials and the context (Richards,
2005). In the case of improving EGP and EST proficiencies of technical college students in Taiwan, suitable
instructional materials appear to be increasingly critical.
Such an EST textbook for engineering majors at the basic English level has been recently developed by a
collaborative research team. Before the textbook officially launched into classroom use, a test with it in real-life
teaching context to detect needed revisions would warrant its appropriateness and practicality. The task of this study
was to conduct phase one evaluation of the tentative textbook through a trial teaching, followed with a questionnaire
and a focus group interview to collect suggestions for revisions.
2. Method
2.1 Materials
The textbook included eight chapters on such topics as invention and technology, the Internet, spam, artificial
intelligence, the integrated circuit, nanotechnology, robots, and telecommunications. Out of the eight chapters, the
one on nanotechnology was selected as materials for the trial teaching, based on its relevance to the subject’s field of
study. The chapter included nine sections: starting out, conversation, pre-reading, reading, comprehension, cloze,
grammar focus, grammar exercise, and discussion. See the Appendix for an excerpt of the materials on the
pre-reading and reading sections. Following Dubin and Olshtain’s (2000) advice, the researchers prepared a lesson
plan with concrete unit objectives and instructional steps to ensure the trial teaching would proceed in the same
manner in both subject classes, although taught by different instructors. As the tentative textbook was mainly
designed for low-level English language learners, interactive activities and educational games were employed to
foster learning in the classroom (Woodward, 2006).
2.2 Procedure
A three-week trial teaching was carried out with two classes at a technical university in central Taiwan. A total of 67
students majoring in electrical engineering (EE) took part in the lessons and received firsthand experience with the
teaching materials. All the students were juniors. The subjects were considered representative (Fraenkel & Wallen,
2006) because they had taken English for Technology in the previous semester. It was expected that the subjects’
former experience with the English for Technology course might inspire them to provide cogent feedback and
suggestions concerning the materials. In the previous semester the average score of students from class A in a
campus-wide English Proficiency Test was 51.6, and that of class B students was 42.3, while the average score of
EE students was 45.5. The test scores suggested the students as learners with basic English proficiency.
The trial teaching was carried out in the students’ home rooms for two hours per week during the three-week period.
The settings were intentionally selected in order for the familiar environment to offer the students ease of mind.
2.3 Data Collection
To examine whether the teaching materials are appropriate for the target learners, data were collected via two
channels: questionnaire and focus group interview. The questionnaire contained two parts with a total of 12
questions. The first part, Questions 1 through 7, focused on student perceptions of how well the book chapter could
improve their basic general English competence, and the second part, Questions 8 through 12, on how well it could
improve their EST competence. To ensure that the subjects have a shared reference point when they responded to
each item, items of the questionnaire were measured on a five-point Likert scale with the first and the fifth points
anchored as “strongly disagree” and “strongly agree.” Table 1 shows the questions in the questionnaire.
To further explore the subjects’ perceptions on the teaching materials, a focus group interview with four students
was conducted after the trial teaching. The four students, all male, were from the same class. Two of the students
were at basic English proficiency level and the other two intermediate.

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www.ccsenet.org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 6; June 2012

3. Results and Discussion

This section discusses results that have been obtained from two channels of data collection, namely questionnaire
and focus group interview. They will be discussed in the following two parts.
3.1 The Questionnaire
A total of 67 subjects responded to the questionnaire. They were all electrical engineering majors from two intact
classes. Among the subjects, 37 were from class A and 30 from class B. They were dominantly male. Only three
subjects were females from class A. Table 2 shows the results of the questionnaire. The reliability was high at .93.
While the results of the questionnaire indicate there is still room for material improvement, they also show that
students’ perceptions on the teaching materials were generally positive. Overall, the students considered that the
teaching materials would be able to enhance their general English vocabulary (M = 4.03, SD = .72). They also
deemed the materials able to enhance their English grammar skills (M = 3.93, SD = .72). Additionally, they believed
the materials able to increase their general English reading skills (M = 4.12, SD = .75). Nevertheless, while the
students also considered that the materials able to help enhance their general English conversational skills (M = 3.67,
SD = .89), the decreased value of the mean score indicates only a slightly-agree perception. In sum, regarding the
development of general English skills, the materials appear to be able to facilitate receptive English skills such as
comprehension of vocabulary, grammar, and reading. On the other hand, even though students’ perception was
slightly positive concerning the helpfulness of the materials on conversational ability development, the reserved
attitude could be observed from the statistics (M = 3.67, SD = .89), which also points out the facilitation of
conversational skills as an area that could and should be further strengthened.
In a similar vein, students’ perceptions on how well the teaching materials could facilitate their EST skills were
generally positive (M = 4.00, SD = .72). The students found the teaching materials able to enhance their EST
vocabulary (M = 4.10, SD = .68). They further considered the teaching materials able to enhance their EST reading
skills (M = 4.09, SD = .73). On the other hand, a slightly-agree perception (M = 3.73, SD = .90) shows that the
teaching materials should be enhanced in order to effectively facilitate learners’ conversational skills in the EST
3.2 The Interview
Most feedback from the student focus group interview echoed the responses from the questionnaire, yet some stood
out distinctively. One basic-level student recommended that at the end of the discussion section, hints be provided to
facilitate question discussion. The student also suggested that English songs or jokes be added at the end of the
textbook in order to make learning more appealing. Another student suggested the inclusion of comics to boost
learner interest. The feedback indicates the importance of scaffolding to support learning and the use of interesting
contents to heighten motivation. Other suggestions will be highlighted in the following section.
4. Conclusion and Suggestions
The present study provided phase one evaluation of a recently developed textbook so that the textbook could be
revised and better meet needs of the target population in both general English and EST skill development. The
results of the study have indicated that the teaching materials have basically met the needs of the target learners,
who were engineering students mostly with basic level of English proficiency. Synthesizing information from the
questionnaire and the focus group interview, the researchers suggest the following areas be focused for revisions of
the tentative textbook: learner proficiency level, scaffolding, attractiveness of the materials, relevancy to the major
area, and spiral learning.
4.1 Learner Proficiency Level
Due to the target students’ basic level of English proficiency, it is recommended that articles and conversations be
shortened in order to ease learning anxiety and make learning manageable.
4.2 Scaffolding
Support should be rendered wherever possible. For example, hints should be provided to help facilitate discussions;
example sentences should be added in order for learners to fully understand the usage of new words. Additionally, a
glossary, flash cards, and pronunciation prompts would be helpful.
4.3 Attractiveness of the Materials
No matter how good the contents are, they have to appeal to the learners to boost learning motivation. A section
incorporating useful expressions can be added; articles can deal with more current topics that students find important,
and conversation sections could be brought to light with interesting titles.

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4.4 Relevancy to the Major Areas

Stronger relevancy brings higher motivation. Therefore, in the beginning of the unit there could be a brief section
discussing how the pertaining chapter relates to the readers’ future career development. Moreover, more technical
terms and phrases related to learners’ major areas are desired.
4.5 Spiral Learning
New vocabulary items should be introduced in context and then repeatedly cycled in the subsequent sections or units
to facilitate learning.
In sum, the EST materials under trial and evaluation facilitate learning in both general English and EST. Further
efforts on revisions based on the findings and recommendations of the present study could enhance the quality and
effectiveness of the materials. Moreover, in this phase-one evaluative study, the researchers have focused on the
students’ perceptions of the teaching materials, it is recommended that evaluation factors such as teachers’
perceptions and textbook analysis be included in future studies.
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perspectives on tiered performance tasks (Doctoral dissertation, University of New Orleans, 2007). Dissertation
Abstracts International, 67(07), 2498A.
Council for Economic Planning and Development. (2005). The challenge 2008 national development plan.
Retrieved August 4, 2011, from CEPD Web site: http://www.cepd.gov.tw/dn.aspx?uid=917
Dubin, F., & Olshtain, E. (2000). Course design. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education (6th ed.). New York:
Government Information Office. (2004). Taiwan yearbook 2004. Retrieved October 15, 2005, from GIO Web site:
Huang, J.-T. (2003). Envisioning the 21st century education from the perspectives of international education.
National Policy Quarterly, 2(3), 1-26.
Liao, H.-C., & Chang, H.-Y. (2011). ESP materials for Technical University engineering students: A suitability study.
In Y.-J. Chen, S.-J. Huang, L.-N. Hsu, & T.-C. Lu (Eds.), Studies in teaching English for professional
communications (pp. 52-74). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane.
Liao, H.-C., Chen, Y.-U. H., Lee, M.-L. (2009). An ESP needs analysis on college engineering students. In 2009
Conference proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Education (pp. 1313-1323). Honolulu, HI,
U.S.A.: Hawaii International Conference on Education.
Lin, M.-S. (1997). A comparative study of English teaching in general education and technical education systems in
the Republic of China: High schools and junior colleges. (National Science Council Report No.
NSC85-2411-H011-001). Taipei, Taiwan: National Science Council.
Ministry of Education. (2011). The current educational situation in Taiwan: Technological and vocational education.
Retrieved August 5, 2011 from MOE Web site: http://www.edu.tw/secretary/content.aspx?site_content_sn=21136
Richards, J. C. (2005). The role of textbooks in a language program. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Woodward, T. (2006). Planning lessons and courses. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Yu, G. K. (2006). ESP and English education at technical institutions. Technological and Vocational Newsletter, 174.
Retrieved August 5, 2011, form the Ministry of Education Web site:

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Table 1. Question Items in the Questionnaire

Part I. Competence in English for General Purposes
1. On the whole, the teaching material is able to help me improve my general English skills.
2. The teaching material is able to enhance my English vocabulary.
3. The teaching material is able to enhance my English grammar skills.
4. The teaching material is able to enhance my English reading skills.
5. The teaching material is able to enhance my English conversational skills.
6. The exercises of various formats are able to help me acquire a better understanding of the
chapter content.
7. The teaching material is appropriate for the use of learners with basic level of English
Part II. Competence in English for Science and Technology (EST)
8. On the whole, the teaching material is able to help me improve my EST skills.
9. The teaching material is able to enhance my EST vocabulary.
10. The teaching material is able to enhance my EST reading skills.
11. The teaching material is able to enhance my EST conversational skills.
12. The exercises of various formats are able to help me improve my EST skills.

Table 2. Results of the Questionnaire

Item No. Mean SD Minimum Maximum
Part I. Competence in English for General Purposes
1 3.97 .72 2.00 5.00
2 4.03 .72 3.00 5.00
3 3.93 .72 3.00 5.00
4 4.12 .75 2.00 5.00
5 3.67 .89 1.00 5.00
6 3.82 .76 2.00 5.00
7 3.84 .90 2.00 5.00
Part I Average 3.91 .61 2.71 5.00
Part II. Competence in English for Science and Technology (EST)
8 4.00 .72 2.00 5.00
9 4.10 .68 2.00 5.00
10 4.09 .73 2.00 5.00
11 3.73 .90 1.00 5.00
12 3.93 .78 2.00 5.00
Part II Average 3.97 .66 2.00 5.00

Appendix: Excerpt of the Pre-Reading and Reading Section

3-3 Pre-Reading
Before you read the following article, mark in the left column whether you think the statement is true (○) or false
(X). After you read the article, mark in the right column whether the statement is true or false, and then compare
your two answers.

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Before After
reading reading
1. Scientists are finding ways to make ( ) ( )
machines smaller and more effective.
2. Today, nanomaterials are used only in ( ) ( )
3. We already live in an age of ( ) ( )
4. Many nanoproducts on the market are ( ) ( )
not really nano.
5. Nanomaterials are not good for ( ) ( )
people’s health.

3-4 Reading
Read the article carefully to check the answers.
Nanotechnology – What Will It Bring Us?
Most of us have heard about nanotechnology or nanoproducts, and many tend to regard things
with the name of “nano” as high-class. But what is nanotechnology? What can it do and what will it
bring us in the future?
Nanotechnology, a young but active field of science and technology, deals with objects at the
nanometer level. The prefix “nano” means “one-billionth,” so one nanometer is one-billionth of a
meter. When working in such a tiny scale range, scientists and manufacturers measure things and
activities by nanometers. They focus their study on the control and use of atoms or molecules in
order to make amazingly small but highly effective materials, tools, and machines.
Today, laboratories and industries in different fields are creating more and more things “nano,”
from electronic products to cosmetics, clothing, and even food, although many such products are not
truly “nano” in the strict sense of the word. Strictly “nano” or not, the trend is for products to become
smaller, yet offer more and better functions. Here in Taiwan, the government has developed the
NanoMark System, not only to encourage industries to make quality nanometerials and
nanoproducts, but also to help people understand and accept them.
“Going nano” will certainly become an international trend in the twenty-first century. Nanotech
scientists and engineers must continue to work hard to make nanotechnology dreams come true. It is
likely that in the future, factories will turn out large quantities of powerful, wallet-size
supercomputers at surprisingly low prices! The world is truly heading into an age of nanotechnology.

1. nanotechnology (n.) 奈米科技 9. measure (v.) 測量、衡量
2. nanoproduct (n.) 奈米產品 10. molecule (n.) (分子)
3. active (adj.) 活躍的 11. electronic (adj.) 電子的
4. deal with (v.) 討論、處理 12. encourage (v.) 鼓勵
5. nanometer (n.) 奈米 13. nanomaterial (n.) 奈米材料
6. nano (adj.) 奈米的 14. nanotech (adj. & n.)
7. function (n.) 功能 奈米科技的、奈米科技
8. one-billionth 十億分之ㄧ 15. turn out (v.) 生產
16. quantity (n.) 數量

94 ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750

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