Network Fundamental 1
Network Fundamental 1
Network Fundamental 1
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
Describe the various uses of computer networks.
Discuss different technologies involved in defining the network hardware
Explain concept of process network software and the significance of
layering the communication process and related design issues for the layers
1.1 Introduction
The merging of computers and communications has a profound influence on the way
systems are organized. The concept of computer center as a room with a large
computer to which the users bring their work for processing is now obsolete. The old
model of a single computer servicing all the computational needs of an organization has
been replaced by the one in which a large system of separate but interconnected
computers do the job. These systems are called computer networks. The two
computers are said to be interconnected if they are able to exchange information. The
connection between the computers need not be only via a copper wire or fiber optics or
microwaves. A communication satellite can be used for networking the computers.
1989: 100,000th host. Cuckoo’s Egg released by Cliff Stoll telling true story of East
German cracker accessing US installations.
1990: ARPAnet ceased to exist and the Internet effectively took its role.
1991: Gopher, a software program for retrieving information from servers on the
Internet was made available by the University of Minnesota. The US Government
announced that it no longer intended to restrict activity on the Internet to research. This
policy shift was sufficient for 12 companies to co-operate and produce CIX. Phil
Zimmerman released PGP. Backbone speed upgraded to 44.736 Mbps.
1992: The World Wide Web became a possibility after CERN, in Switzerland,
released hypertext. 1,000,000 Host. The author gets his first dialup email account with
Demon Internet (Nov. 1992).
1993: Mosaic, a software program to browse Web sites written by Marc Andreesen,
was released followed by Netscape.
1994: Shopping Malls arrive on the Internet. The UK Treasury goes on line and the
first cyberbank opens. The first banner adverts appeared for Zima (a drink) and AT&T.
1995: Traditional dialup services (AOL, CompuServe etc) start to provide dialup
services. The Vatican goes on line. A number of Internet companies go public.
Netscape leads the field with the largest ever IPO on NASDAQ. DEC launches
AltaVista, which claims to index every HTML page there is. Jeff Bezos launches eBay is launched.
1996: 9,272 organizations find themselves unlisted after the InterNIC drops their
name service as a result of not having paid their domain name fee. Various ISPs suffer
extended service outages, bringing into question whether they will be able to handle the
growing number of users. AOL (19 hours), Netcom (13 hours), AT&T WorldNet (28
hours – email only). China requires users of the Internet to register with the Police.
Saudi Arabia restricts use to universities and hospitals. Domain name sold to
CNET for US$15,000. Backbone speed upgraded to 622 Mbps.
1997: 2000th RFC. 16 Million hosts. 1,000,000th Domain name registered (March
6 for Bonny View Cottage Furniture Company).
2000: 10,000,000th Domain name registered. French Courts require that ‘hate’
memorabilia for sale on Yahoo’s auction site must be removed. Gnutella is launched.
ICANN selects new top level domains. Backbone is upgraded to IPv6.
2001: Forwarding email becomes illegal in Australia (Digital Agenda Act). Napster
forced to suspend service after legal action. Taliban bans the Internet in Afghanistan.
Nimda released on the Internet.
2002: Distributed denial of Service attack hits 13 DNS root servers, causing
national security concerns.
2003: The first official Swiss online election takes place in Anières (7 Jan), SQL
Slammer (goes round the world in 10 minutes and takes out 3 of the 13 DNS Servers).
Followed by SoBig.F (19 Aug) and Blaster (11 Aug).
2004: Lycos Europe releases a screen saver to help fight spam by keeping spam
servers busy with requests (1 Dec). The service is discontinued within a few days after
backbone providers block access to the download site and the service causes some
servers to crash.
Main Characters
(i) A WAN contains numerous cables or telephone lines, each one connecting a pair of
(ii) For those without direct connection, communication takes place indirectly via other
(iii) When a message (a packet) is sent from one router to another, it is received at
each intermediate router in its entirety, stored there until the required output line is
free, and then forwarded.
A subnet using this principle is called point-to-point, store-and-forward or packet-
switched subnet.
WANs may also use broadcast channels, such as satellites or ground radio systems.
1.8.5 Internetworks
A collection of interconnected networks is called an internetwork or just Internet.
The Internet refers to a specific worldwide Internet that is widely used to connect
universities, government offices, companies and private individuals.
Person-to-person Communication
Notes It involves:
Exchange of message via emails that may contain text, digitized voice, pictures,
video images, etc.
Newsgroups covering topics for a particular group.
Real-time collaborative approaches such as videoconferencing and virtual meeting
environments that allow remote users to communicate with negligible delay with
seeing and hearing each other.
It involves:
Video on demand allows the user to select any movie or TV program available in
the video library for having it displayed on screen instantly.
Interactive films where the user has an opportunity to select any scene of his/her
choice to create his/her own film.
Live and interactive TV enables users to participate in quiz shows, and so on.
Due to all these benefits and other also, computer networking becomes increasingly
more important.
Network Architecture
Network architecture defines the communications products and services, which ensure
that the various components can work together. In the early days of data
communication systems, the majority of communications were between the DTE and
the host computer. Therefore, transmission control procedures were alone enough as
communication protocols. However, recent computer systems link with other systems to
OSI Model
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) was set up as an international standard for
network architecture. OSI Reference Model developed by the International standard
organization deals with connecting open systems. Open systems are open for
communication with other systems. The OSI model contains seven layers. A detailed
discussion of the network architecture has been provided under the topic network
software in this Unit only. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) took
the initiative in setting up OSI. OSI has two meanings. It refers to the protocols that are
authorized by ISO.
aspect of the data exchange process. The objective of this detail is to develop an
understanding of the complexity and sophistication that this technology has achieved, in
Notes addition to developing the concept for the inner workings of the various components
that contribute to the data communications process.
(3) (1) (3) CC CPU
(4) (2) (2)
Transmission Control
Data Processing
In the analog form of electronic communications, information is represented as a
continuous electromagnetic wave form. Analog is best explained by the transmission
signal such as sound or human speech, over an electrified copper wire.
Example: A good example of an analog signal is the loud-speaker of a stereo
system. When the volume is turned up, the sound increases slowly and constantly.
In its native form, human speech is an oscillatory disturbance in the air as shown in
Figure 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6, which varies in terms of its volume, or power (amplitude), and
its pitch or tone (frequency). Analogous variations in electrical or radio waves are
created in order to transmit the analog information signal for video or audio or both over
a network from a transmitter (TV station or CATV source) to a receiver (TV set,
computer connected with antenna). At the receiving end an approximation (analog) of
the original information is presented.
Amplitude t
Computers are digital in nature. Computers process, store, and communicate
information in binary form i.e. in the combination of 1s and 0s which has specific
meaning in computer language. A binary digit (bit) is an individual 1 or 0. Multiple bit
streams are used in a computer network.
Contemporary computer systems communicate in binary mode through variations in
electrical voltage. Digital signalling, in an electrical network, involves a signal which
varies in voltage to represent one of two discrete and well-defined states as depicted in
Figure 1.7 such as either a positive (+) voltage and a null or zero (0), voltage (unipolar)
or a positive (+) or a negative (-) voltage (bipolar).
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
Notes +5 1 0 0 0
Modern electronic products like computers and mobile phones rely on digital signals.
However, Morse Code is a good example of a digital signal. The signal is sent as a
series of ‘on’ and ‘off’ pulses. The signal is either present or it is not. Morse code was
introduced in 1837 by Samuel Morse, as a method of communication.
Although analog voice and video can be converted into digital, and digital data can
be converted to analog, even then each format has its own advantages.
Advantages of Digital transmission are discussed below:
Digital Data: Digital transmission certainly has the advantage where binary
computer data is being transmitted. The equipment requires converting digital data
to an analog format and sending the digital bit streams over an analog network can
be expensive, susceptible to failure, and can create errors in the information.
Compression: Digital data can be compressed relatively easily, thereby increasing
the efficiency of transmission. As a result, substantial volumes of voice, data, video
and image information can be transmitted using relatively little raw bandwidth.
Security: Digital systems offer better security. While analog systems offer some
measure of security through the scrambling, or intertwining of several frequencies,
scrambling is fairly simple to defeat. Digital information, on the other hand, can be
encrypted to create the appearance of a single, pseudo-random bit stream.
Thereby, the true meaning of individual bits, sets of bits, or the total bit stream
cannot be determined without having the key to unlock the encryption algorithm
Quality: Digital transmission offers improved error performance (quality) as
compared to analog. This is due to the devices that boost the signal at periodic
intervals in the transmission system in order to overcome the effects of attenuation.
Additionally, digital networks deal more effectively with noise, which always is
present in transmission networks.
Cost: The cost of the computer components required in digital conversion and
transmission has dropped considerably, while the ruggedness and reliability of
those components has increased over the years.
Upgradability: Since digital networks are comprised of computer (digital)
components, they are relatively easy to upgrade. Such upgrades can increase
bandwidth, improve error performance, and enhance functionality. Some upgrades
can be effected remotely over a network, eliminating the need to dispatch
expensive technicians for that purpose.
Management: Generally speaking digital networks can be managed much more
easily and effectively due to the fact that such networks consist of computerized
components. Such components can sense their own level of performance, isolate
and diagnose failures, initiate alarms, respond to queries, and respond to
commands to correct any failure. Further, the cost of so enabling these components
continues to drop.
Notes It is the creation of ARPA (later DARPA, now ARPA), the (periodically Defense)
Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense.
Much of our present knowledge about networking is a direct result of the ARPANET
ARPANET technologies:
1. IMP (Interface Message Processor): Originally Honeywell DDP-316 mini. with 12K
16-bit words memory. Replaced several times by more powerful machines.
Some IMPs allow direct terminal connection. They were called TIPs (Terminal
Interface Processors).
IMPs were connected by 56 kbps or 230.4 kbps leased lines. Each IMP could
originally handle only one to four hosts, and subsequently tens of hosts and
hundreds of terminals simultaneously.
2. Protocols: ARPANET did not follow the OSI model at all (it predates OSI by more
than a decade).
The first experimental system consisted of four nodes (Dec. 1969).
The TCP/IP model and protocols were specifically designed to handle the
interconnection of the vast number of WANs and LANs comprising the ARPA
TCP/IP protocols were then integrated in Berkeley UNIX by a convenient program
interface to the network (sockets), which makes TCP/IP very widespread.
To facilitate finding hosts in the ARPANET, DNS (Domain Naming System) was
created to organize machines into domains and map host names onto IP
By 1990, the ARPANET had been overtaken by newer networks that it itself had
spawned, so it was shut down and dismantled.
1.12.3 NSFNET
By the late 1970s, the NSF (National Science Foundation, USA) set up CSNET to
provide networking facilities to the computer science community in USA as a whole
(particularly those without access to ARPANET).
CSNET was centered around a single machine (CSNET-RELAY) at BBN that
supports dial-up lines (PHONENET) and had connections to the ARPANET and other
networks (e.g., X.25, CYPRESS).
Its major services include – emails, file transfer and remote login.
By 1984, NSF began designing a high-speed network, called NSFNET, that would
be open to all university research groups.
NSFNET consists of a backbone network connecting six supercomputer centers,
and about 20 regional networks. Backbone speeds: 56 kbps, 448 kbps, 1.5 Mbps, 45
Mbps (ANSNET).
1.13 Summary
A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources
(such as printers and CD-ROMs), exchange files or allow electronic communications.
The computers on a network may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio
waves, satellites or infrared light beams. The primary purpose of a computer network is
to share resources. The main goal of networking is Resource sharing. A second goal
is to provide high reliability by having alternative sources of supply. Another goal is
saving money. Another closely related goal is to increase the systems performance as
the work load increases by just adding more processors. With central mainframes,
Amity Directorate of Distance & Online Education
Introduction to Computer Networks 21
when the system is full, it must be replaced by a larger one, usually at great expense
and with even greater disruption to the users. Computer networks provide a powerful
communication medium. There are two important dimensions for classifying networks Notes
— transmission technology and scale.
Broadcast networks: These networks have a single communication channel
shared by all the machines on the network. Point-to-point networks consist of many
connections between individual pairs of machines. Multiple routes and intermediate
machines may exist between a pair of machines; so routing algorithms play an
important role here.
A collection of interconnected networks is called an internetwork or just Internet.
The Internet refers to a specific worldwide Internet that is widely used to connect
universities, government offices, companies and private individuals. A network topology
is the basic design of a computer network. It details how key network components such
as nodes and links are interconnected. There are three primary types of network
topologies which refer to the physical and logical layout of the Network cabling. They
are star, ring and bus topology.
7. Which one of the following extends a private network across public networks?
(a) Local area network
(b) Virtual private network
(c) Enterprise private network
(d) Storage area network
8. Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ………………
(a) Automatic
(b) Half-duplex
(c) Full-duplex
(d) Simplex
9. The first Network
10. The ……………… is the physical path over which a message travels
(a) Ppath
(b) Medium
(c) Protocol
(d) Route