Special Weather at 1545 Hrs On 2018.11.05
Special Weather at 1545 Hrs On 2018.11.05
Special Weather at 1545 Hrs On 2018.11.05
A low pressure area is likely to develop over South-west Bay of Bengal tonight (05th). lt is very
likely to move west-northwestwards across Sri Lanka and Gulf of Mannar.
General public, Naval and fishing communities are requested to be attentive about
advisories issued by the Department of Meteorology in this regard.
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2$recDe6 EeEr @Qegr6zrro@rl4o TP :01L 2686686
or otho aiurr-eu ofl u eb pil ernann& s onrb Fax : 011- 2691,443
Due to the effect of the above system, Showery condition is expected to enhance over
the lsland and in the sea areas around the island next few days.
Showers or thundershowers will occur at times in the most parts of the island.
Heavy falls about 100-150mm can be expected at some places in the North-central,
Eastern, Uva and central provinces and in Hambanthota district.
Rish Levsil
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2. Winds
Winds speed will be 20-40 kmph over sea areas around the island. Wind speed can increase
up to 50-60 kmph at times over the sea area extending from Hambantota to Mannar via
Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Kankasanturai.
Wind speed can increase up to 50 kmph at times over the deep sea area extending from
Mannar to Galle via Puttalam and Colombo.
Temporarily strong gusty winds (up to 70-80 kmph) and rough seas can be expected during
3. Sea Condition
o During 5-6 November 2018
Rough to very rough over southwest Bay of Bengal sea area (deep and shallow sea
areas off the coast extending from Hambantota to Mannar via Batticaloa,
Trincomalee and Kankasanturai.) and adjoining equatorial lndian Ocean.
Fairly rough over deep Se5 areas off the coast extending from Mannar to Galle via
Puttalam and Colombo.
o Southwest Bay of Bengal (deep and shallow sea areas off the coast extending
from Trincomalee to Galle via Batticaloa, Pottuvil and Hambanthota) during 5-
' 6 November 2OL8;
o Sea areas off the coast extending from Trincomalee to Puttalam via
Kankasanturai, and Comorin area during 7-8 November 2018.
. The fishermen at deep sea areas of Southwest Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Mannar are
advised to return to the coast or safer sea area before night time of 5 November
2018. :
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:011 2686586
eesr 6zrr o@rlz2O
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olzslas :01-1 269t443
ol ofhoannr-alofl ur al pfl orann&a enrb EqBnJ ztre5z€ : metnmc@gmail.cqm
Department of MeteorologY oOD qO8ol : www.meteo.gov.lk
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