Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
• Reflect on how routines can impact classroom environment (pacing, preventive CRM,
student engagement)
• Choose and justify the selection of appropriate routines (entering/leaving the class,
transitions, submitting work, resource distribution) in a range of contexts (ages, gender,
class size, school context, class dynamics, parental support)
• Explain practical aspects of implementation (clear instructions consistency)
The task is made up of two activities:
Activity 1: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Activity 2: Planning for/Developing Routines and
You are to complete BOTH Activity 1 AND Activity 2.
1 The teacher Say When the class To be quite and The students listen to their teacher when she
the classroom to begin before finish their work say the rules and they follow the rules during
Classroom rules
manage the start the lesson quietly the lesson
students behavior
2 The teacher tells During the To engage and active The students listen to the teacher when she
to the students if lesson – When with the teacher and asks them question and they try to answer
Reword chart
they finish their they finish the answer the question correctly to take a star that help the teacher
work answer the activity and to know if they understand the lesson.
question correctly when they
she will put a star finish the
next to their name individual work.
in the reword
3 The teacher play a When the To let them to keep When the students listen to the song they
clean-up song to students finish their classroom collect everything from the table and they sit
Clean up song
their activity organized
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet
let the students to quietly until the teacher do another thing
clean their table with them
4 Morning Assembly The teacher ask In the morning To be quite and The students listen to the teacher and they
line the students to before the stand in line in order follow her instruction also they make a line
stand in one line morning without talking with and they didn’t talk and push each other .
assembly start each other.
EPC 2903
Teaching Practice Booklet
• Lesson objectives
• Main activities in the lesson
• Grouping of students during each main activity
• Behaviour expected during each activity (e.g. sharing resources; changing stations;
• Where are the transitions in the lesson? What are they: (e.g. moving from plenary to
group work between main activity one and main activity two)
Class/Year Routine Routine Routine
Learning Objective of The teacher create a The teacher shows the Explaining the key words
the reward chart to let the students the classroom rules using flash cards to lit
routine/procedure students engage and push and asks them to follow it the students to
them to exited when they understand it.
(what it hopes to
do their work to get a star
Anecdotal Evidence
(e.g. pictures of your
class during the
routine; posters of
rules etc.)
Place in today’s class During the lesson when Before start the lesson The teacher introduce
(when will you they finish their work or the flashcard before
perform the routine) when they answer the start the lesson
question correctly
EPC 2903
Teaching Practice Booklet
Importance to the To let the students listen to The students follow the rules To help the students to
smooth functioning the teacher when she every time and listen to the know the new words
of today’s class explain the lesson and teacher easily and understand
answer to her question the meaning of the word
How well did this The reward chart let the To help the teacher to manage easy for the students to
routine work in students to motivate and students behavior recognize and use those
today’s class engage to answer all the words during the lesson
question without talking when they write
with their friend. sentences
If you had to teach I will put the students I will give the students how I will ask the students
this class over, how pictures next to their name follow the rules a nice gift to after explaining the
would you adjust this to let the student happy let the other students do the words to put them in
routine and why and excited when they same . sentences, because this
study in the class will help me to know if
they know the meaning
of the word without
help from the teacher
After the Task - Reflection
Choose 3 best practices you observed during your time in school. Reflect on these and
consider why you could implement these in a UAE primary classroom in the future. Explain
how these practices will affect student learning in a primary class.
- Firstly, I observe my MST when she inters the class and she say good morning and
welcome the students also she ask them how are you to day with smiley face that things
build a strong relationship with the students and the students love their teacher and love
the subject also, Ms. Rose always talk with her students and give them a positive word,
that help their student to like the English lesson and engage and motivate to learn also
that things encourage and support the students to be active with the teacher when she
explain the lesson for them. Secondly, Use the reward chart and positive words let the
students to finish their work and exited to do another thing those strategies help the
teacher to manage the student’s behavior and know if the students understand the
lesson. Thirdly, write the LO on the board before start the lesson help the students to
know what they will learn from this lesson also they will focus more with the teacher
to answer to her question. Finally, In the future I will use those strategies with my
students to help them to learn easily.