Handureader: Instruction For Use

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Portable Urine Chemistry Analyzer

Instruction for Use

Index Table

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. METHODOLOGY OF URINE TESTING ............................................................................................................... 3
1.2. TEST STRIPS .................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. DESCRIPTION OF HANDUREADER ................................................................................................................ 3
3. INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. OPERATIONAL GUIDE ....................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1. CONTROL MENU SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................... 5
4.2. SETUP PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.1. Setting the clock .......................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.2. Setting the serial output port....................................................................................................................... 6
4.2.3. Setting the language.................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3. STRIP SETUP OPTIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3.1. Setting the measurement Unit ..................................................................................................................... 6
4.3.2. Setting sensitivity attribute of the image processing program .................................................................... 6
4.3.3. Setting the pad sequence in printout ........................................................................................................... 7
4.4. THE SERVICE MENU OPTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 7
4.4.1 Calibration.................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.4.2 Selecting measuring mode .......................................................................................................................... 8
4.5. MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................................................................... 8
4.5.1. Setting a Patient ID for measurement......................................................................................................... 8
4.5.2. Performing a measurement......................................................................................................................... 8
4.6. MEMORY/DATA MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.6.1. Result printout............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.6.2. Data sending to host computer ................................................................................................................. 10
4.6.3. Enter Patient ID for a memory record...................................................................................................... 10
4.6.4. Clearing test data from memory ............................................................................................................... 10
4.7. THE PRINTER STATION ................................................................................................................................. 10
4.8. THE SERIAL PORT ......................................................................................................................................... 10
5. MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................................................. 11
6. ERROR MESSAGES AND TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................ 11
7. TECHNICAL FEATURES .................................................................................................................................. 12
8. PACKING LIST.................................................................................................................................................... 12
9. SYMBOLS ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
10. APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
11. MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY ............................................................................................................. 14

! Warning ! Important precautions to users: Read this before using the equipment!
Always read and follow the instructions described in this manual and in the LabStrip U11Plus
- Never use the equipment, power adapter or test strips others, than are shipped or supplied by the
manufacturer or its accredited distributors.
- Never use IVD products either if their expiration date is over or if the product is damaged.
- Always follow the storage, shipment, installation and operational instructions indicated on both the
packaging material and in the users’ manual.
- Before installing the equipment always consult with a qualified health care professional in order to avoid
malfunction or misrepresentation of the measurement results.
- The equipment provides the accuracy specified in its technical features only under the required and
permanently maintained operational temperature (range 15-30°C). If there is a significant difference in
temperature between the place where the equipment was stored and the place where you would like to
operate it, wait 20-30 minutes before starting measurements with the instrument. The equipment's
changing temperature may influence test result.

1. Introduction
1.1. Methodology of urine testing
The urine analysis is part of the medical diagnosis methods frequently used by medical doctors
in laboratories in order to reveal diseases.
The most cost-effective device used to screen urine is paper or plastic dipstick. This micro-
chemistry system has been available for many years and allows quantitative and semi-
quantitative analysis within one minute by simple but careful observation. The colour change
occurring on each segment of the strip is compared to a colour chart to obtain result. However,
misreading or misinterpreting of results, caused by individual handling habits of the user or
different light conditions may happen.

Urine analyzer (urine strip reader) equipments are designed specifically to improve accuracy
and security of urine strip evaluation by using light and photometric reader in order to detect the
colour changes on test strips. The analyzers also help in test data handling and report generation
by offering data storage and automated data processing features in medical laboratories.

1.2. Test strips

Good quality, dry reagent urine multi-strips are the basis of urine analysis. These strips have
separated pads for each tested parameter. A pad contains certain chemicals, which develop
colour changes reacting with the tested parameter according to its concentration in urine.
HandUReader is working with LabStrip U11Plus urine multi-strips, which provide accurate
results. Tested ingredients are as follow:
Ascorbic Acid
Specific Gravity

2. Description of HandUReader
HandUReader is designed for urine dipstick
reading. The equipment includes two main
functional Units:
- portable, battery operated Reader Unit for
urine analysis,
- bench-top AC powered Printer Station,
docking the portable Reader Unit and
providing the printed report.

Figure 1. Parts of HandUReader

The Reader is menu-driven, so the operator
needs first to set up the Reader Unit according
to the operational conditions with the help of
functional menus, then only to feed the
equipment by placing the moisturized test strip
on the holder – the rest: reading, evaluating the
strips is done automatically by the device.

Figure 2. The Reader Unit

The urine test strip containing chemical reagents is positioned under the reader's sensor. After the
pads' colours have been evaluated, the strip should be discarded by the operator. Timing, controlled
by the device is adequate to the needs of chemical reactions time - about 60 seconds.
HandUReader works by reflectance photometer method: Inside the reader the strip is illuminated
by white light, and the light reflected from the strip is detected by a colour CCD sensor. The RGB
signals are digitalized by analogue-digital conversion. The digitalized image is processed by built-in
program: it locates the pads, then based on the reflected light-wave information the urine
component parameter values (as the result of evaluation) will be calculated. The results together
with the actual date, time and patient ID are stored and can be printed out by connecting the reader
to the Printer Station.
The equipment is designed specifically for professional use. In basic installation the Reader Unit
and the Printer Station is connected. Its physical design, including colour, meets the requirements
raised by medical professionals. Measuring output is up to 50 test strip evaluations per hour.

3. Installation
Check the packing list (section 8.) if the shipment is complete. If it is complete follow the
instructions below, otherwise please contact your distributor immediately.

HandUReader is shipped in card-board box. Prior to unpacking, clear the area where the
instrument is to be operated: a 30 x 50 cm size table will be needed. Please take care of shipping
marks on the box while handling. Open the box. Cut the tape only, leave the carton material
intact. (It is recommended to keep the packaging materials for a while)

Prepare the accessories: power adapter, the rechargeable batteries and printer paper. Check also
the packing list if the shipment is complete (see section 8). If it is complete follow the
instructions below, otherwise please, contact your distributor immediately.

- Place HandUReader to its working position.

- Remove the Reader Unit from its docked position, find its
battery holder on the bottom and remove the cover-plate
and load the batteries (included) as shown on figure 3.
Reconnect the Reader Unit to its docked position.
- Using the standard RS232 serial cable (included), connect
the Reader Unit's serial port (see figure 2) to your
computer's serial port, if you want to upload and collect
data in a database.
- Connect power adapter first to DC socket on the reader,
then to the mains. Figure 3. Installation of the batteries

- Switch the HandUReader on by pressing the button Power-On. In a few seconds the
manufacturer's logo, then Main menu appears on the LCD offering the Memory/Meas/Menu

Note: If during power on process the user keeps pressed (touched) any point of the screen, boot up
process will be interrupted and the actually displayed information can be studied (serial number,
software version, etc.). After releasing the screen setup process will continue.

- Take a roll of printer paper and load it into the

printer paper holder (see fig. 4) Fit easily the
paper in the paper feeder hole and close the cover
plate. The printer paper will be pulled up
automatically to its start position. Now,
HandUReader is ready to operate offering the
Main Menu option (see chapter 9).

Figure 4. Loading the printer paper

Note: After installation you may check whether your equipment operates accurately. There are
control solutions available on the market (for example Quantimetrix from Quantimetrix Co.) which
can be used for testing. Use the control solution on each pad and measure the moisturized strip with
HandUReader. The result should be in the range written on the control solution's box.

4. Operational guide
4.1. Control Menu system
Operation and functions of HandUReader can be studied by its menu system’s chart (see
Appendix). Each selected menu allows the user to control one of the operational or setup
functions. For detailed explanation of sub-menus please find the accurate descriptions in
following chapters. By pressing the QUIT button you can always return to main-menu. The
OK button is used to enter the edited data and quitting the function.

4.2. Setup procedure (Menu/Setup)

4.2.1. Setting the clock
Select Menu/Setup/Clock menu to set
date and time (see figure 5). You can
adjust the parameter which is selected
with a frame around it by the UP and
DOWN function keys. To go on to
the next parameter press the NEXT
button. By changing the SEQ.
parameter you can set the date display
mode from Month/Day/Year to
Year/Month/Day or Day/Month/Year.
When all the parameters are set you
can store your changes and return to
main menu by pressing OK.
Figure 5. Clock setting

4.2.2. Setting the serial output port
You can set the serial output port in the
Menu/Setup/Serial menu (see figure 6).
If enabled the equipment is programmed
to communicate with host computer on
two ways: either by PC unidirectional or
by networked mode. You can choose
between the two protocols with the UP
and DOWN buttons or by directly
checking the field nearby the desired
protocol. In networked mode information
is sent in blocks. The blocks also include
an indicator (prior set by user by Figure 6. The serial setup menu
selecting or unselecting the Bl. ID.)
being able to sign if the sequence number (Seq. Nr.) or patient ID (Pat ID) identifies the
result reports. Standard mode setting is 9600 Baud, 8 bits with 1 Stop bit and no parity.
Other option can not be programmed. For more information on serial port refer section

Note: By disabling the serial port the printer will be disabled too. In this case you can only
study test results on the display.

4.2.3. Setting the language

Select Menu/Setup/Language menu to set the language. The equipment is programmed to
communicate with the user on the following languages: English, German or Hungarian.
The language can be selected with the UP and DOWN buttons or by directly checking the
field nearby the desired language. You can store your changes and return to main menu
by pressing OK. Other languages can be programmed on user's request for extra charge.

4.3. Strip setup options (Menu/Strip)

4.3.1. Setting the measurement Unit
The Menu/Strip/Unit menu allows you to select measurement Units of test results on
printed reports and on LCD.
Options are: Conv.
SI + Arb.
The unit can be selected with the UP and DOWN buttons or by directly checking the field
nearby the desired unit type. You can store your changes and return to main menu by
pressing OK.

4.3.2. Setting sensitivity attribute of the image processing program

Select Menu/Strip/Sensitivity menu to adjust the sensitivity. Measurement sensitivity in
program can be adjusted in two levels in both directions (+/-) for each pad. On figure 7
you can see the display showing the default setting for sensitivity.

You can change the sensitivity of each pad separately. At one time you may only

change the sensitivity of the selected pad
with the help of the UP and DOWN
control buttons. When the desired
sensitivity value of the prior selected test
pad appears then by pressing the NEXT
button the newly selected value is set.
After the last pad adjustment is over by
pressing the OK button changes will be
stored and the program will
automatically return to main menu.

Figure 7. Setting pad sensitivity

Note: When the reader is adjusted different from manufacturer setting it will be indicated by
asterisks in the footer of the printout.

4.3.3. Setting the pad sequence in printout

Select Menu/Strip/Padseq. sub-menu to change the pad sequence in printout. Entering
this function-menu, the left column on the LCD indicates the actually set pad sequence,
while the list of pads on the right offers the pads to be selected in default sequence.
Figure 8 depict the display showing the default setting of this function-menu.

You can select one of the pad names from the

list on the right with the help of the UP and
DOWN control buttons. When the desired pad
name is selected by pressing CHOOSE the
previously selected pad name will be the first in
the left column and at the same time it will be
removed from the list on the right. Now you can
choose one pad again from the pads remaining
in the right column to be next in line in the left
column which will be the new sequence of pads
on printouts. Repeat this procedure until the
new sequence of pads is compiled in the left
column and there are no pads in the right
Figure 8. Changing the pad sequence column. Pressing the OK button stores the
changes and the program automatically returns
to main menu.

4.4. The service menu options (Menu/Service)

4.4.1 Calibration
Entering encoded test strip related information allows HandUReader to control the
measurement process precisely. This coded information describes the strip lot (expiry
date, lot number and maximum counts of measurements being allowed with the given
calibration). When opening a new vial of strips, select the Menu/Service/Calibration sub-
menu from the menu system. Find the Calibration Card in the strip package, and enter its
code (numeric digits) using the touch screen (see figure 9).


Figure 9a. Example of HandUReader Calibration Card Figure 9b. Entering the calibration code
Figure 9. Calibrating HandUReader after opening a new vial of strips

- The calibration is needed for the proper operation of the reader.
- Please note, that a vial of test strips and calibration are co-related.
- Always remember calibrating the equipment when opening a new pack of strips.

4.4.2 Selecting measuring mode

HandUReader can be operated in two different modes:
- In Timer mode, the equipment waits for the strip to incubate for 60 seconds before it
reads the first pad. In this case incubation is controlled by the instrument.
- In Fast mode, the test strip is measured directly after Start is pressed. In this case it is
up to the user to time the incubation period outside the analyzer.
You can switch between Fast and Timer mode in the Menu/Service/Mode sub-menu.

Warning! When performing serial measurements in Fast mode, allow the strips to react for
approximately 55 seconds before inserting them in the HandUReader and pressing Start. False-
low or false-negative results may be obtained for some parameters if the reaction time is too
short. Likewise, false-high results may be obtained for some parameters if the incubation time
outside HandUreader is too long.

4.5. Measurement
4.5.1. Setting a Patient ID for measurement
You can identify a measurement by assigning a Patient ID to it. You can enter the Patient
ID before starting the belonging measurement or you may also enter the Patient ID later
in the Memory sub-menus (see chapter 4.6.3. for details). To assign a Patient ID for the
upcoming measurement press the Set ID button in the Meas sub-menu. Use the key pad
displayed on LCD for typing the Patient ID and store it by pressing the OK button. You
may now start the measurement which will identified by the previously entered Patient

4.5.2. Performing a measurement

Note: To have accurate results never use stored or accidentally contaminated urine.
Use only LabStrip U11 Plus strips with HandUReader.

If your HandUReader has already been set up for normal operation, you need to follow
the instructions listed below (no 1-9), if not, follow the instructions listed in chapters
4.1through 4.4.

1. Have the urine test sample tubes prepared.

2. Enter Patient ID by using the Meas/SetID. sub-menu if your working system needs it
(see chapter 4.5.1 for details).
3. Press the Start control button on LCD. The strip holder tray opens automatically.
4. Dip a test strip into the urine sample for 2 sec, and then remove the excess urine from
strip by teasing its edge on the test tube rim or on a tissue-paper.
5. Place the moisturized test strip with the pads up on the strip holder. Take care of the
strip ending edge to be pushed against the strip-bumper.
6. Press the Start control button on LCD again. The strip holder tray closes
automatically and the measuring cycle starts now.
7. From this phase test-process is controlled automatically by HandUReader if you have
previously selected Timer measuring mode (see chapter 4.4.2). Results are stored and
they will be printed out by default. In Timer measuring mode (default) a measuring
cycle lasts around 60 seconds from pressing the Start button. To get the results in
printed report form the printer prior need to be enabled (see chapter 4.8) and Reader
Unit should be docked or it should be in a visible distance from Printer Station.
8. Now you can discard the used test strip after opening the strip holder tray by pressing
Start. After you can either finish your testing job by pressing the Quit control button,
or if you still have urine samples to be tested place the new moisturized test strip on
the strip holder as previously you did, then press the Start control button. Strip
holder tray closes automatically and the equipment starts a new measuring cycle.
9. Finishing your work with HandUReader press the Quit button in main menu. After
asking confirmation of your request the equipment will turn off automatically. If you
leave the equipment without control more then 2.5 minutes, it will turn off
automatically if operated from batteries and 5 minutes if connected to mains.

4.6. Memory/data management

4.6.1. Result printout
Enter the Memory/Print sub-menu if you
would like to print out records stored in the
memory. You can select a memory range to
be printed out. The limits of the memory
range that is selected for printing are
displayed in the top-right corner (see figure
10). You can select one of them by simply
pointing on it. The selected limit can be
adjusted with the help of the UP and
DOWN arrows. The lower limit can not be
higher than the upper limit, therefore
increasing the minima will increase the
maxima also and decreasing the maxima
will decrease the minima as well if their
value was the same. The selected range
Figure 10. Selecting a memory range for printing
can be printed out by pressing PRINT.

For example on figure 10. 39 is the minima and 41 is the maxima of the printed range.
Therefore by pressing the PRINT button three records will be printed out, 39-40-41.

4.6.2. Data sending to host computer
In the Memory/Send sub-menu you have the possibility to send the records of a selected
memory range to a host computer. In memory send function the selected range of
measurement data (located in the selected range of memory addresses) will be sent to the
receiver serial port on a preprogrammed speed. Refer section 4.6.1. for details about
setting the memory range to be sent. For setting the parameters of the serial port see
section 4.2.2.

Note: You can enter a new patient ID or modify an existing one for a selected memory record
both in Memory/Print and in Memory/Send sub-menu with the Set-ID function button.

4.6.3. Enter Patient ID for a memory record

You can enter a new Patient ID or modify the old one for an existing memory record.
Enter the Memory/Print or the Memory/Send sub-menus and choose a data record by
adjusting the minima of the memory range (see figure 10). After pressing the Set ID
button you can enter a new Patient ID for the selected record or you may also modify an
existing one. Use the key pad for typing the Patient ID and store it by pressing the OK

4.6.4. Clearing test data from memory

All data in the memory or only a specified record can be deleted in the Memory/Clear
sub-menu. Upper limit of storage place is 200 records. The memory address's lower and
upper limits can be set by using the UP and DOWN arrows in top-right corner of the
LCD (refer section 4.6.1. for details about setting the memory range to be cleared). After
setting the limits of the memory range that should be erased press the CLEAR button.
The address pointer returns to lower address of the field after execution of the memory
clear function. By pressing CLR.ALL button all existing records in the memory will be

4.7. The Printer Station

The Printer Station connects the equipment to mains voltage and also provides power supply
for the Reader Unit while it is placed in its basic position. If you would like to send
measurement data either to the printer or to a computer via serial communication output, first
make sure the Reader Unit is connected to the Printer Station. Data communication is
executed through infrared (IR) transmission line: either docking the Reader Unit or holding it
in a visible distance from the Printer Station. Test data of the prior selected memory range
will be printed out in clinically meaningful (see chapter 4.3.1) units by the built in thermo-
paper printer with a speed of 2 lines per sec.

Note: The printer is operating only if it is connected to mains.

4.8. The Serial port

The HandUReader serial communication protocol offers two options: either the PC
Unidirectional protocol when upon a Start signal the selected data of the test
(measurement) is sent to the receiver computer, or Network protocol can be used. You
can select the communication protocol in the Menu/Setup/Serial sub-menu. By
checking the Bl. ID field you can determine whether the uploaded serial data should
be identified by Patient ID or by Sequence ID. In this sub-menu you can also disable
all serial data flow and the printer as well.

- Use only the serial port on the Reader Unit for uploading your data to host PC. The
serial port on the Printer station is an input for manufacturer calibration.
- If you uncheck the Enable field no test result will be printed out neither will be sent
through serial port. In this case you can only study test results on LCD screen.
- PC unidirectional protocol does not apply control sum checking.
- When sending/uploading result data to a computer, the HandUReader needs to be connected
to the host computer (PC) via interface cable (included) and the serial output line needs to be

5. Maintenance
Cleaning: To keep your HandUReader in perfect condition never leave used strips in the strip
holding tray. HandUReader checks the tray before switching off and opens it to kindly remind
you if you have left a strip inside. The only needed maintenance activity is to rinse and wipe out
the strip holder with a dry cotton cloth each day before switching off the equipment.

Warning! Since urine is a fluid of human origin, it may be infective and may bear the possibility
of biological risks. Handle used strips and urine contaminants with care!

Battery recharge: HandUReader's portable Reader Unit is powered by 3 pcs of AA size

rechargeable battery. Their fully charged capacity is sufficient for about 300 test measurements,
securing about a half-year of operational period.
Portable Reader Unit is operating from batteries only in stand alone mode. Docking it in the
Printer Station in its basic position, the batteries are being recharged. You can also power Reader
Unit by connecting power adapter directly to its socket. If batteries are discharged equipment
will not turn on. When batteries are getting discharged „Battery low” message appears on LCD.
In case you don't touch the screen for a while to save energy HandUReader switches off after 2,5
minutes if operated from batteries and 5 minutes if connected to mains.

6. Error messages and troubleshooting

During application the control program checks the operational conditions needed for proper
execution of the functions. If checking ends with indication of malfunction, an error message
will be displayed. Below you can find the list of error messages and suggestions how to
eliminate them.

Error message Action to be done

1.Tray moving error! check the tray opening route
2.Memory is full! clear some memory addresses
3.Battery low! recharge the batteries
4.Netw. comm. error! check the serial com. synchronism
5.Serial disabled! enable the serial output
6.There is no strip! load a strip into the strip holder
7.Remove the strip! remove the strip from holder
8.Wrong calibr. code! re-enter valid calibr. Code
9.Expiry date error! enter valid calibration code
10.Is not meas. number! enter valid calibration code
11.Need calibration code! enter valid calibration code

Note: If you cannot solve a problem or you experience malfunctioning not listed above, please
contact your distributor immediately.

7. Technical features
technology colour image processing
detection CCD image processing
max. throughput 50 strip/hour
memory last 200 results
display touch screen LCD
printer 57 mm thermal printer (2 lines/sec)
size 480 x 290 x 165 mm
weight 850 gr
external power-adapter 7,5 V DC / 1.5A
Interfaces: RS232 serial port
Op. temperature 15-30°C
Relative humidity 20-80%

8. Packing list
HandUReader equipment 1 pc
Power adapter with power cord 1 pc
Rechargeable battery 3 pcs
Strip tray 1 pc
Serial communication cable 1 pc
Printer paper 1 pc
Instructions for Use 1 pc

9. Symbols

In vitro diagnosticum


Information inside

SN Serial number


Biological risks

10. Appendix
Appendix A: The menu structure

Appendix B: Results Table

LabStripU11Plus + ++ +++ ++++

Bilirubin Conv. neg 1 2 4 mg/dl
Bil SI neg 17 35 70 umol/l
Urobilinogen Conv. norm 2 4 8 12 mg/dl
Ubg SI norm 35 70 140 200 umol/l
Ketone Conv. neg 15 50 150 mg/dl
Ket SI neg 1.5 5 15 mmol/l
Asc. Acid Conv. neg 20 40 mg/dl
Asc SI neg 0.2 0.4 g/l
Glucose Conv. norm 50 150 500 1000 mg/dl
Glu SI norm 3 10 30 50 mmol/l
Protein Conv. neg 30 100 500 mg/dl
Pro SI neg 0.3 1 5 g/l
Blood Conv. Neg(ca.5) 10 50 300 Ery/ul
pH Conv./SI 5 6 7 8 9
Nitrite Conv./SI neg pos
Leukocytes Conv./SI neg 25 75 500 Leu/ul
Spec. Grav. Conv./SI 1.000 1.005 1.010 1.015 1.020 1.025 1.030 1.035

11. Manufacturer's warranty
77 Elektronika Ltd. warrants HandUReader against defects in materials and workmanship for a
period of one year from the date of purchase. The warranty ceases to apply if the instrument has
been misused, poorly maintained or tampered with. Liability under this warranty is limited to the
repair of defective parts or, at the discretion of 77 Elektronika Ltd., to the issue of a replacement
instrument. A right to rescind the purchase agreement only exists if the replacement instrument is
also found to be defective. Claims other than these will not be entertained.
Damage caused by misuse, maltreatment, tampering, human error and extreme force are
excluded from this warranty.
This warranty is only valid if the date, and the stamp and signature of the dealer are entered on
the warranty card on the date of purchase.
The warranty period is not extended by any claim made under this warranty.

1116 Budapest, Fehérvári út 98.

Tel: + 36 1 206 - 1480
Fax: + 36 1 206 - 1481
E-mail: sales@e77.hu

v1.0 2004.06


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