The Role of Electronic Government in Malaysian Companies
The Role of Electronic Government in Malaysian Companies
The Role of Electronic Government in Malaysian Companies
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Research Studies
Volume 1, Issue 4, November - 2018
that is the gateway to the successful implementation of e- VI. FOUR PHASES OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT
government in different countries. Factors such as high costs
for general using, the lake of time to use, the lake of There are different models for this issue and different
inadequate knowledge, are not available to the general people, divisions have been carried out in this background. but after
extending the gap to general people. As mentioned, no researching about on these models, we can point out to
countries have implemented an e-government to complete its four stages as follows: The first stage: at this stage
aspects: so, the authorities are seeking to improve their organizations and government introduce their services on the
systems. Therefore, the government should recognize barriers facebook. The second stage: at this stage people can ask their
to the implementation of the e-government. Also, citizens questions from who give services and receives their responses
should be encouraged as the main e-government user for using from e-mail. The third stage: at this stage people can receive
the system. Therefore receive benefits that are the driving e-services only during an official working time of offices, and
force to encourage them to use the system and improve its the relation between people and government is carried out via
readiness to use level, and the level of citizens' awareness local internet indeed. (in this stage services like issuing
about the benefits of the use of all electronic systems is of passports, receiving taxes are done without the presence of
paramount importance [5]. people). The stage fourth: at this stage all of the data systems
are united and citizens refers to the only one internet and
V. THE DIGITAL DIVIDE AMONG COUNTRIES receive needed data and performing this stage certainly needs
for culturing, giving training service, extending and installing
So many researchers have been done about the citizens' technical and communicational services [10].
intention to make use of e-government services in the world
but there is a lack of research about the citizens' of Malaysia VII. UTILIZATION OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT
intention to make use of e-government services. The mission
to implement electronic government has increased E-government can be utilized as follows [11]:
dramatically thanks to its positive impacts. However, due to Government to citizens (G2C): It is the most important and
the complexity of using e-government, it is challenging for the most current kind of e-government which includes
governments to make their citizens use the e-government from giving data to the people up to paying telephone,
services [6]. The most important characteristic of any using water, electric power, penalties.
successful e-government is its quality and accessibility. Other Government to business (G2B): The government provides
issues like the integration of legacy systems, and security the special needs of trading society by internet system and
systems appropriate privacy and confidentiality, and it includes from registering companies up to providing
infrastructure maintenance, social and other issues need to be electronic instruments.
studied to increase the effective participation of citizens in the Government to employees (G2E): In order to providing
use of electronic government services. Although there are data for employees of general section, the special internet
many services available online, most of the citizens still prefer has been designed so that they can access to the data like
to conduct their official matters the old-fashioned way. Most human sources or personal section and retirement section.
people are using these websites to check their summonses Government to government (G2G): Generally it is
instead of fully utilize the online facility given [7]. The available via the internet or private internet of
reluctance of the general public to trust, to perceive usefulness governments.
and accept the innovativeness of e-services provided by the
government to conduct their official matters is an issue that VIII. ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT IN
needs to be addressed. The use of the Internet has changed the ORGANIZATIONS
quite rapid spread of methods to provide services to citizens.
Using government websites, citizens can get proficient
services in a convenient way is faster than face-to-face Producing knowledge and science in the present world
services and can also access government information and has created new issues which one of them is the management
services from anywhere, at any time. Moreover, from the of data technology. For this management, labor, capital, and
government side and these facilities can be used by citizens machines are not the main sources for creating wealth but the
significantly reduce costs for the government [8]. As a result, science of them is a fundamental factor for gaining and
the Government's objective in this area is to build services earning [12]. The borders and organizational units are paled
focused on the needs of the citizen and provide easy access to and organizational activities are changed to horizontal form.
government services to citizens [9]. All activities and duties of the organization are designed and
carried out on the base of giving data and even the officials do
not need to be present at their organization physically. These
officials continuously are engaged to learning and educating
and creating also innovating, are there the most duties. The
labors of the organization will be done in the form of online,
and managers are in contact with their customers and clients
without any mediator. The decision issue will be changed into
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Research Studies
Volume 1, Issue 4, November - 2018
the un-concentrated form, and the time for making a decision XII. PROBLEM STATEMENT
will be increased, and prolonged. by creating this government
the more numbers of officials will be released and they can be Different countries in the administration of e-
used in mental labors. In many countries, the official issues government have faced various problems and qualities. These
are based on bureaucracy, and moving towards e-government varieties are mainly due to and are caused by their cultures.
is needed for newer official issues. General teaching and The critical reason for the difference between them is how
creating culture is very important [13]. they think about their opportunities and how they manage and
feel the need for e-government. These days, introducing
IX. MANAGING ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT information technology is essential for most countries, also the
challenges of e-government for the managers and government
As mentioned before the e-government has many are very important. This study will focus on describing e-
advantages and benefits. Besides it makes the managers of government in the government sector with the government.
governmental institutions review their issues, they try to omit This research shows and describes the benefits and risks of
additional preventions by reviewing their activities and management challenges in the administrating e-government in
programs, and by re-planning they correct their issues. One of Malaysia. Also in this study will pay attention to the
the other advantages of e-government is that citizens can Managing challenges in administrating e-government, and this
receive their needed governmental services without referring study will help the overcoming and gaining victory against
to the governmental institutions, then they prevent of these challenges.
encountering face to face of officials which is one of the
factors causes deterioration in the governmental institutions. XIII. RESEARCH QUESTIONS
On the other side by creating e-government, the managers of
organizations can have more control on the staff which is What are the requirements for creating e-government?
under his supervision. Thus, creating of e-government can How can create a model for implementing e-government?
have an important role on creating safety, and reducing Evaluating the Effect of perceived ease of use in using
deterioration at governmental institutions [14]. citizens' intention to use e-government services?
These days, people's expectations of needs and In this research, the population is Malaysian SMEs. In
necessities have led the government to feel responsible for this study, 131 questionnaires will be randomly distributed to
these expectations and requirements; therefore, people need to the society. The sample will be collected from Malaysian
increase communication time, extend the time of work, SMEs companies. The research utilizes a quantitative method
provide high quality services and receive less cost. Therefore, of data collection for key data. The data were collected for the
the only factor that can respond to all people in the world is e- current research through a self-administered questionnaire.
government. Not only does the government create unity with Questionnaires will be distributed in two different ways, the
society, but it also emphasizes the resources that are needed by hard copy and an electronic copy.
the government. The e-government promotes the culture of
self-servicing and enables citizens to help themselves as long XV. CONCLUSION
as possible and prevent the waste of time and budgets. This
problem has an evolutionary quality and should be required in Installation of an e-government in a country is a
each country exclusively as a country. Clearly, other sensitive issue. It is a fact that the installation of Information
experiments in this field will be very valuable. In this study, technique project in different agencies in the developed
by reviewing the interview with those who have been facing to countries have encountered with a failure of seventy percent.
the e-government, all the challenges that managers are likely Though, having a successful experiment for countries like
to face are fully described and are trying to understand the Malaysia is needed for a very adequate consequence and
deep Have enough knowledge of possible problems. result. Different ways of administration of information
technique, for a country like Malaysia, determining and
XI. OBJECTIVE OF RESEARCH codification of administrative politics, planning for the way
of its availability, and recognizing its different stage for a
There are various goals for e-government that cannot be successful administration, all are the points that have attracted
considered to provide better services to the people, improving the thoughts and interest of managers, and are challenges of all
business between the government and them, and clearing up of them. The different achievements of studies have pointed to
citizens for access to the information that they need. the three prominent challenges which are: cultural challenges,
organizational and sources. In this research, will try that the
advantages of e-government to be mentioned to the nations
and a practical methodology to be introduced from the
beginning and the way of acting in Malaysia. In this research,
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