Land Registry Entry For K803975 Manston Airport
Land Registry Entry For K803975 Manston Airport
Land Registry Entry For K803975 Manston Airport
The following extract contains information taken from the register of the above
title number. A full copy of the register accompanies this document and you
should read that in order to be sure that these brief details are complete.
Neither this extract nor the full copy is an 'Official Copy' of the register. An
official copy of the register is admissible in evidence in a court to the same
extent as the original. A person is entitled to be indemnified by the registrar
if he suffers loss by reason of a mistake in an official copy.
This extract shows information current on 19 OCT 2010 at 23:40:08 and so does
not take account of any application made after that time even if pending in the
Land Registry when this extract was issued.
Lender(s) : None
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This is a copy of the register of the title number set out immediately below,
showing the entries in the register on 19 OCT 2010 at 23:40:08. This copy does
not take account of any application made after that time even if still pending
in the Land Registry when this copy was issued.
This copy is not an 'Official Copy' of the register. An official copy of the
register is admissible in evidence in a court to the same extent as the
original. A person is entitled to be indemnified by the registrar if he suffers
loss by reason of a mistake in an official copy. If you want to obtain an
official copy, the Land Registry web site explains how to do this.
A: Property Register
This register describes the land and estate
comprised in the title.
1 The Freehold land shown edged with red on the plan of the above
Title filed at the Registry and being London Manston Airport,
Manston Road, Manston, Ramsgate.
NOTE 1: The land coloured green on the filed plan is not included
in the title.
(a) The cables wires pipes drains and channels (if any) in or
over the property hereby conveyed and serving the retained land
and the right to the free passage of electricity gas water and
soil through the same to and from the retained land together with
all appropriate easements rights and privileges for repairing
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A: Property Register continued
maintaining renewing and removing the same
(b) The right at all times to enter upon the property hereby
conveyed with or without workmen and others for the purpose of
maintaining inspecting or renewing the said fence marked "R.A.F.
Manston Boundary Fence" on the said plan the Vendor making good
any damage thereby caused to the property hereby conveyed"
NOTE: The fence referred to is the fence between the land conveyed
and the land in this title.
8 (23.03.2001) There are included in this title the following
matters excepted by and the land has the benefit of the following
rights reserved by a Transfer of other land dated 7 March 1968
made between (1) The Secretary of State for Defence and (2) Kent
County Council:-
"EXCEPT AND RESERVED in fee simple to the Vendor the right to use
the high voltage electricity main in the approximate position
shown to be a red line on the said plan and all other cables wires
pipes drains and channels (if any) in on or over the Property and
serving the Retained Land and the right to the free passage of
electricity gas water and soil through the same to and from the
Retained Land together with all appropriate easements rights and
privileges for repairing maintaining renewing and removing the
NOTE: The red line referred to has been reproduced on the filed
10 (22.04.1996) The land has the benefit of the following rights
reserved by a Transfer of the land adjoining the western boundary
of the land in this title dated 20 March 1996 made between (1) The
Secretary of State for Defence and (2) The Kent County Council:-
"There are reserved out of the property for the benefit in fee
simple of the Retained Land the rights set out in the Schedule.
1. All cables wires pipes drains and channels (if any) in or over
the property hereby conveyed and serving the Retained Land and the
right to free passage of electricity gas water and soil through
the same to and from the Retained Land together with all
appropriate easements rights and privileges for repairing
maintaining renewing and removing the same.
Together with the necessary right of entry on the said lands for
the purpose of exercising the said rights the Secretary of State
keeping the said ..... cable and apparatus in good repair and
paying reasonable compensation for damage to crops or to the
surface caused in the exercise of such rights."
NOTE: The green land referred to lies to the south of the land in
this title. The broken red line is shown by a blue broken line
between points J-J on the filed plan.
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B: Proprietorship Register
This register specifies the class of title and
identifies the owner. It contains any entries that
affect the right of disposal.
Title absolute
Co. Regn. No. 136162) of Glasgow Prestwick International Airport,
Aviation House, Prestwick, Ayrshire KA9 2PL and of Broadwalk
House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2HA.
2 (04.10.2005) The price stated to have been paid on 25 August 2005
for the land in this title and other property was £10,300,000.
3 (04.10.2005) A Transfer dated 25 August 2005 made between (1)
London Manston Airport Plc and (2) PIK Services Limited contains
purchasers personal covenants.
C: Charges Register
This register contains any charges and other matters
that affect the land.
1 The parts of the land known as the A253 which are included in the
title are subject to rights of way.
2 (21.05.1991) A Conveyance of the land edged and numbered 37 in
blue on the filed plan dated 8 July 1903 made between (1)
Frederick George Hodgson and (2) Joseph Frederick Thompson
contains restrictive covenants but neither the original deed nor a
certified copy or examined abstract thereof was produced on first
3 (21.05.1991) A Conveyance of the land edged and numbered 38 in
blue on the filed plan and other land dated 2 July 1904 made
between (1) Frederick George Hodgson and (2) Charles Dear contains
restrictive covenants but neither the original deed nor a
certified copy or examined abstract thereof was produced on first
4 (21.05.1991) A Conveyance of the land edged and numbered 10 in
blue on the filed plan dated 28 April 1906 made between (1) George
Trapps and (2) James Cawson contains restrictive covenants but
neither the original deed nor a certified copy or examined
abstract thereof was produced on first registration.
5 (21.05.1991) A Conveyance of the land edged and numbered 36 in
blue on the filed plan and other land dated 29 January 1924 made
between (1) Frederick George Hodgson and (2) Henry Percy Draper
contains restrictive covenants but neither the original deed nor a
certified copy or examined abstract thereof was produced on first
6 (21.05.1991) A Conveyance of the land edged and numbered 64 in
blue on the filed plan dated 31 March 1924 made between (1)
Francis Marsden Cobb and (2) The President of The Air Council
contains covenants details of which are set out in the schedule of
restrictive covenants hereto.
7 (21.05.1991) By a Conveyance dated 12 August 1927 made between (1)
Edward James Buttery Norris and (2) The President of The Air
Council the land edged and numbered 9 in blue on the filed plan
was conveyed subject to the covenants details of which are set out
in the schedule of restrictive covenants hereto.
8 (21.05.1991) The lands edged and numbered 45 to 62 inclusive in
blue on the filed plan became vested in the President of The Air
Council by a Deed Poll dated 7 July 1928 executed pursuant to the
provisions of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 and no
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C: Charges Register continued
documents of earlier title have been produced to the Land
Regustry. The land is accordingly subject to such restrictive
covenants or easements as may have been imposed thereon prior to 7
July 1928 and are still subsisting and enforceable.
9 (21.05.1991) The land shown by blue broken lines from B to B and C
and C on the filed plan is subject to the rights granted by a Deed
dated 17 November 1933 made between (1) The President of The Air
Council and (2) The Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of The Borough of
NOTE: The plan referred to is the first and second portions of the
Manston Park Building Estate referred to above.
19 (21.05.1991) By divers conveyances made by Frederick George
Hodgson which together comprise the lands edged and numbered 29 to
35 inclusive in blue on the filed plan the lands were conveyed
subject to identical covenants details of which are set out in the
schedule of restrictive covenants hereto.
20 (21.05.1991) The land hatched brown on the filed plan is subject
to rights granted by Deed dated 21 October 1992 made between (1)
Secretary of State for Defence and (2) British Gas PLC
"WITH the intent and so as to bind the yellow land and every part
thereof and every part of the Property which lies within 1.5
metres of the yellow land into whosesoever hands the same
respectively may come and to benefit and protect the rights and
liberties hereby granted the First Grantor and the Second Grantor
hereby severally covenant with Seeboard as follows:-
NOTE:-Copy filed.
10. The growing crops are not included in this present sale and
the Vendor reserves the right to enter upon the land for the
purpose of removing the same on or before the 30th September
NOTE: The land coloured green referred to lies to the south of the
land edged and numbered 65 in blue on the filed plan.
4 The following are details of the covenants contained in the
Conveyances of the land edged and numbered 11 to 21 inclusive in
blue on the filed plan referred to in the Charges Register:-
"the Purchaser hereby covenants with the Vendor his heirs and
assigns and also with the Purchasers of the other lots on the said
Estate that she the Purchaser her heirs and assigns shall and will
at all times hereafter in all things observe and perform the
several stipulations and conditions expressed and contained in the
said first schedule hereto so far as the same relate to the
hereditaments hereby conveyed and to acts or things to be done or
omitted to be done by the Purchaer her heirs and assigns PROVIDED
ALWAYS that the foregoing covenant shall only be binding on the
Purchaser her heirs and assigns during the period of actual
ownership but shall run with the land
NOTE: The plan referred to is the first and second portions of the
Manston Park Building Estate referred to above.
5 The following are details of the covenants contained in the
Conveyances of the lands edged and numbered 29 to 35 inclusive in
blue on the filed plan referred to in the Charges Register:-
"the Purchaser hereby covenants with the Vendor his heirs and
assigns and also with the Purchasers of other lots on the said
Estate that he the Purchaser his heirs and assigns shall and will
at all times hereafter in all things observe and perform the
several stipulations and conditions expressed and contained in the
said first Schedule hereto so far as the same relate to the
hereditaments hereby conveyed and to acts or things to be done or
omitted to be done by the Purchaser his heirs and assigns PROVIDED
ALWAYS that the foregoing covenant shall only be binding on the
Purchaser his heirs and assigns during the period of actual
ownership but shall run with the land
9. The Vendor reserves the right to gather in and sell the crops
now growing on the land hereby conveyed.
End of register
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