20 Jan 19 GNLM
20 Jan 19 GNLM
20 Jan 19 GNLM
The Global New
Light of Myanma
Pull-out supplement
HERE were times
I felt like everyone
they are and what except me seemed
they have. So, I so happy with being
Yes, I found out inspiration looked for people who
whose steps would
accepting who they both in books and inspire me.
from people around
are and anything me. “See. They are
Things get easier granted by life. They
in that way.” This move on. They don’t
But why… I can’t is what I reminded care.
get enough of myself. me daily to find myself.
like this? Why did “I should have done
it have to be me?” this. Why am I always
isfy themselves, While everybody
I am here blaming knows how to sat-
the best. As the time myself for not being
went by, I started always
people are running to notice that different
to disparate targets
ceptions. Nobody with diverse per-
can tell someone,
further acquaintance, “You are wrong.”
people get along By
and they do know well with their life
what the best options
Then how am I supposed are to make it best.
to put the blames
perspectives and in me for my own
decisions? Whether
not, the fault is not they went in my
in me. I have the way or
is what I totally forgot right to be wrong
all the time. and that
“When you adore
the fact that everyone
everything else will has their own story,
fall into place.” I
to this so often but used to read or hear
wasn’t aware of its lines similar
line but actually deep meaning. This
means a lot to me seems an ordinary
feet in this world lately. Till now, I am still finding
and I don’t know my
and failures are where I am belonged
still showing up to. Mistakes
endlessly counted like sunrises. My
like the sheep we defects can be
However, the blessed count when we can’t
thing is I got to know fall asleep.
existence of my life how to appreciate
and I am sure this the
move on no matter is what makes everyone
how things turn
Vol. V, No. 279, Fullmoon of Pyatho 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Sunday, 20 January 2019
YITHU Hluttaw Dep- of People’s Republic of China,
uty Speaker U Tun Yangon Region Chief Minister U
Tun Hein attended the Phyo Min Thein and wife, Yan-
2019 China-Myanmar gon Mayor U Maung Maung
New Year Spring Festival held in Soe, Hluttaw representatives,
Sky Net Studio hall in the Shwe Ambassador of China to Myan-
Htut Tin Grounds in Tamway mar Mr. Hong Liang and wife,
Township, yesterday evening departmental officials and in-
in Yangon. vited guests.
The event was also at- First People’s Republic
tended by Union Minister for of China Party Standing Com-
Religious Affairs and Culture mittee member and Director
Thura U Aung Ko and wife, H.E. of the Publicity Department of
Zhao Jin, Member of Standing Yunnan Provincial Party Com-
Committee and Director of the mittee H.E. Zhao Jin delivered
Publicity Department of Yun- a speech.
nan Provincial Party Committee SEE PAGE-2
Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Tun Tun Hein and dignitaries (Upper) attend the 2019 China-Myanmar New Year Spring Festival in Yangon yesterday. PHOTO: MNA
Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko receives Head of Publicity Department of Yunnan Province
UNION Minister for Religious Thura U Aung Ko paid respects to
Affairs and Culture Thura U Ovadacariya (Patron) Sayadaws,
Aung Ko received Mr. Zhao Jin, assistants and Sanghas at the 71st
Member of the Standing Commit- Tipitakadhara Tipitaka Kawvida
tee and Director of the Publicity Selection examinations. The ex-
Department of Yunnan Provin- aminations were being held from
cial Party Committee of People’s 28 December 2018 to 29 January
Republic of China at the Ministry 2019, with 228 Sanghas sitting for
of Religious Affairs and Culture the oral recitation examination.
(Yangon Office) yesterday morn- The examinations were overseen
ing. by 11 Ovadacariya Sayadaws, 124
At the meeting, matters assistant Sayadaws and 66 of-
relating to culture and religion ficials from the Department of
were discussed. The meeting Religious Affairs. After observ-
was also attended by Deputy ing the examinations, the Union
Minister U Kyi Min and offi- Minister provided cash donations
cials from the People’s Repub- to Ovadacariya Sayadaws and
lic of China embassy. Later in assistant Sayadaws.—MNA Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko receives Standing Committee member and Director of the Publicity
the afternoon, Union Minister (Translated by Zaw Min) Department of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Zhao Jin yesterday in Yangon. PHOTO: MNA
Khaing Thanda Lwin,
Hay Mar Tin Win,
Ei Myat Mon
Kyaw Zin Lin
Kyaw Zin Tun
Nyein Nyein Ei,
Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar
Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe,
Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe,
Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win,
Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe
Kachin State Chief Minister Dr. Khet Aung and Deputy Minister for Information U Aung Hla Tun enjoy dress rehearsal of students
EDITORIAL SECTION for opening ceremony of the Children’s Literature Festival in Myitkyina. PHOTO: MNA
(+95) (01)8604529,
Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 Kachin State Chief Minister Dr. Sales opening ceremony dress practice sessions of the band, Ministry of Information, Ministry
Khet Aung and Deputy Minis- rehearsal at Myintkyina Univer- pom pom troupe, singing of songs of Education and Kachin State
ter for Information U Aung Hla sity convocation hall yesterday and dances by students. government and will be held for
San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532,
Hotline - 09 974424114 Tun inspected the Children’s morning. The Children’s Literature three days from 20 to 22 Janu-
Literature Festival, Children’s State Chief Minister and Festival and Book Sales (My- ary. — MNA (Translated by
ADVERTISING & MARKETING Literature Exhibition and Book Deputy Minister inspected the itkyina) is jointly organized by Zaw Min)
( +95) (01) 8604530,
Hotline - 09 974424848
Artist Lwin Lwin Kyaw
exhibits his works at
Printed and published at the Global New
Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at
No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan
Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light
of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No.
00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629.
Mandalay Hill Art Gallery
gnlmdaily@gmail.com ARTIST Lwin Lwin Kyaw is his visit to destinations across
showing selected works in a solo Mandalay, after reading a his-
exhibition at the Mandalay Hill tory book. The subject matters
Art Gallery in Mandalay. of the paintings mainly include
The art exhibition, featuring natural landscapes, culture,
72 watercolour paintings, began traditions and the lifestyles of
on 19 January and will continue people in Mandalay.
until 21 January at the gallery, On the first day, the exhibi-
located at the corner of 24th and tion was crowded with artists
80th street in Aungmyethazan and art enthusiasts.—Kyaw Soe A visitor looks at the
Township. Oo (Mandalay) paintings created by Artist
Lwin Lwin Kyaw.
Artist Lwin Lwin Kyaw said (Translated by
he created the paintings during Khaing Thanda Lwin)
Write for us
We appreciate your feedback and
contributions. If you have any comments
Elderly woman injured in kitchen fire in Paung Township
or would like to submit editorials,
analyses or reports please email A 70-year-old woman was injured owned by Daw Sein living in at Mottama station. The fire after arriving on the scene.
ce@globalnewlightofmyanmar.com in a kitchen fire that broke out Zetawon Ward in Mottama Vil- caused losses of some K150,000, Charges have been filed
with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only in Paung Township, Mon State, lage-tract. The fire largely de- according to the Township Fire against the homeowner, charg-
able to publish “Letter to the Editor” early morning on Sunday. stroyed the home. Due to the Services Department. ing her with negligence.—Ko
that do not exceed 500 words. Should
you submit a text longer than 500 words Around 2 am on 19 January, accident, the 70-year-old wom- With the assistance of vil- Hein (Paung)
please be aware that your letter will be the fire reportedly began in the an was left injured and is now lagers, firefighters extinguished (Translated by
kitchen of the wooden house, receiving medical treatment the flames within thirty minutes Khaing Thanda Lwin)
20 JANUARY 2019
Deputy Minister
inspects transmission
station, sub-printing
house in Myitkyina
DEPUTY Minister for Informa- the staffs cordially.
tion U Aung Hla Tun inspect- Next, the Deputy Minis-
ed the television transmission ter arrived at the sub-printing
station and sub-printing house house where officer in charge
in Myitkyina yesterday after- U Kyaw Htet explained about
noon. distribution of state-own news-
Firstly, transmission sta- papers, printing and distribu-
tion State Chief Engineer U tion of a supplement page in
Aung Kyaw Zin reported on the ethnic Kachin language. Af-
works of the station and the terwards, the Deputy Minis-
Deputy Minister coordinated ter inspected the sub-printing
with requirements. The Depu- house and met cordially with
ty Minister then inspected the the staff.—MNA (Translated
transmission status and met by Zaw Min) Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun inspects the transmission station in Myitkyina yesterday. PHOTO: MNA
Gems, Jewelry Fair 2019 concludes has ordered the Tatmadaw to (Translated by Zaw Min)
THE 1st Internal Gems and Jew- part and hoped and expected retary U Thein Win.
elry Fair 2019 held at Yadanbon improvement and development In the closing ceremony,
Super Center in Myanmar con- in Myanmar gem and jewelry those who cooperated for the
cluded yesterday with People’s sector. successfully holding of the
Republic of China Guangzhou Of about 10,000 gem mer- fair were presented with cer-
Province Jade and Jewelry As- chants invited to the event, over tificates of honors and those
sociation Deputy Chairman in 8,000 came and made purchas- who won in the finished jewel-
attendance. es on the first day alone. The ry competition were also pre-
At the event the Deputy total attendance during the sented with prizes.—Min Htet
Chairman said the various My- five-day event exceeded 10,000 Aung (Mandalay Sub-printing
anmar jades and jewelry were according to Mandalay Yada- house)
high in quality but more need nar Mall Gems Entrepreneurs (Translated by Kyaw Zin Director-General U Zaw Htay, spokesperson for the Office of the President,
to be done on the workmanship Development Committee Sec- Tun) hosts a tea party for reporters yesterday in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA
20 JANUARY 2019
Ho t Line :
09 9 74424848
Thin Thin May,
from Thailand were led by Mrs.
Petcharat Sinauy, Director-Gen-
eral of Department of Employ-
and preparation for selecting
Myanmar workers by Thailand
employers.—MNA (Translated
ment, Ministry of Labour. by Kyaw Zin Tun)
20 JANUARY 2019
Spirit of Unity is Exploring new paths for tourism 72nd Anniversary (2019)
Union Day National Objectives
key to overcoming
challenges development around Toungoo 1. All ethnic nationals to work with collective strength for
non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of
national unity, perpetuation of national sovereignty; and to
By Ko Lwin (Swar) work for preservation and protection of the above.
2. To strive for the emergence of a Constitution that is in align-
GOVERNMENT elected by the people has a duty to ment and harmony with the Democratic Federal Union.
carry out the equitable development of all regions in ITH peaceful vibes 3. To strive for the success of the Union Peace Conference
the country, in accordance with rules and regulations. and serene natural – 21st Century Panlong and thence till the success of the
During its first year, the Union Government began beauty, Myanmar internal peace process.
the development of all sectors and reform works, in accord with the has gorgeous lakes, 4. All union nationals to cooperate and work in “Unity and
slogan “Time for Change,” and focused on creating jobs, improv- forests, mountains and seas for Harmony” for rule of law and for the people to be secure
ing road transport and making electricity more widely available. retreat and relaxation with the and free from danger.
In its second year, in accord with the slogan “Together with rising number of globe trotters 5. All union citizens to be able to enjoy good education and
the People” the State’s affairs were conducted, along with the and local travelers, resulting in adequate health care protection.
people. In the third year, as per the slogan “Collective Strength,” quest of new and fresh avenues
to ensure our collective existence and works were conducted with for tourist destinations.
collective strength.
The incumbent government has marked nearly three years New avenues for tourism de- Myanmar Daily Weather Report
in office. Since taking office, the government has implemented velopment (Issued at 7:00 pm Saturday 19th January, 2019)
the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan – MSDP (2018- Born, hailed and raised in
2030), which was drawn up with the aim of establishing a peaceful Toungoo, the writer of this article
and flourishing democratic would like to cite new and fresh BAY INFERENCE: Weather is generally fair over the North
country. avenues such as that of Toungoo and Central Bay and partly cloudy to cloudy over the Andaman
When transitioning area, Taungdwingyi area, and Ye- Sea and elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal.
from an old system to a dashe area for creating into new
For a new system, as well as and fresh avenues for tourism
January, 2019: Rain will be isolated in Taninthayi Region and
from an old age to a new development.
developing age, difficulties and chal- Sitting on a place (508) years (Eastern and Southern)Shan State. Degree of certainty is (80%).
lenges will be encountered. ago, with magnificent and gran-
country to But the establishment of deur with many dynasties, the comed the travelers with her Yangon to Ottwin, 166 miles (266 constructed with laterite, brick ground about the irregularities. 4WD vehicles are no more neces-
Weather will be partly cloudy in Bago, Yangon and Ayeyarwady
Regions, Kachin, Northern Shan, Kayah, Kayin and Mon States
face a huge
a Democratic Federal Un- Toungoo area could be revamped beauty amidst drifting and floating km) by car and Ottwin to Sein-Ye and stone about three miles long In the same area, the in- sity for the ride.
ion, and achieving internal with the remains of the ancient white clouds up and above, show- camp, 20 miles (32 km) by car wall deep inside the thick forest. ter-district motor roads namely The camp was established in and generally fair in the remaining Regions and States.
challenge is peace, will be successful if city along with modern design ing the beautiful colonial build- along Bago Mountain crossing Now, the Yaytarshay Kayin Loikaw-Toungoo linkage can ar- 2005 by the Myanma Forest De- STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in
the people cooperate and lifestyle for making fresh tourist ings spread across the area. The (forest road). Chaung-Leik Tho Motor Road is rive at Tandaung Township. partment and has showcased with Myanmar waters. Wave height will be about (3-5) feet off and
collective it discovers where it was territories of the Bagan Kingdom Township into tourist spots with making fresh tourist destinations … photographs of the colorful flying FOR 20th January, 2019: Partly cloudy.
weak and correct any weak- for the first time since 1287. Small bamboo houses that of the existing old sites on creatures. FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING
strength of the nesses. Indeed, there is a venue where Japanese military camps of Sec- Moving westward from the AREA FOR 20th January, 2019: Generally fair weather.
The strengths and Toungoo and its environ only a small population inhabited, ond World War, military bunkers, elephant camp, the visitors can
people. weaknesses are not only Famous pagodas namely at the west of Ottwin Township; on and military airfields to be show- ready to connect with the Sittoung Pho Kyar Elephant Camp arrive at (13) mile post, deep in-
a lesson, but also a good Shwesandaw Pagoda, Myasigone the Yoma mountain crossing route cased to the visitors with the intent River Crossing Bridge (Kyweyaing Another retreat is at 10-mile side two miles of the forest is the
Invitation to young
practice for the country. Pagoda, Laykyun Kandawgyi Pa- namely Ottwin-Paung Khaung mo- to promote tourism industry. If Pyin), and that the forceful water- Pho Kyar Natural Elephant Camp Thaing Chaung Elephant Camp
The government is goda, and many more historical- tor road leading to magnificent succeeded, there would be plenty falls coming in as divert flow from on the Yoma mountain cross- with the scenic bird’s eye view of
concentration and unyielding efforts, and starting from this New grandeur with moats and ancient seat of Ottwin Township, in the In the Toungoo Township, on a road from Tagara Township It is the home for the old and
Year to forthcoming years, opportunities will be grasped in the city walls making parallel magnif- Taungoo District in the Bago Re- the Kyaytaw Area and Hnasaung Waterfalls from divert flow could reach Nay Pyi Taw – Yangon ageing elephants, mother ele-
political, economic and social sectors. icence with colonial architectures, gion of Myanmar. Pyaing Area are intertwined with As the intended area for the Express Way at the mile post of phants, carrier elephants, and
While striving to take hold of the opportunities, there will along with the interesting and de- The vast reservoir accom- the area and surrounding of Nan- tourist promotion destinations (174). baby elephants with the mahouts
be many challenges. Challenges in the economy, challenges in fiant “Myolaywun” fortress. modates on her cool surface with chon Village where the Japanese happened to be in the Forest Re- and elephant trainers, where their The Global New Light of Myanmar is accepting submissions of
poetry, opinion, articles, essays and short stories from young people
development, and many more. To overcome these challenges, we Moving towards east of Toun- small bamboo huts for locals en- camps had been in war operation, serves, systematic management of Getting to the elephant camp way of life and elephant related
for its weekly Sunday Next Generation Platform. Interested candidates
must start well, in order to ensure that it ends well. goo, the beautiful and serene Pathi gaging in fishery trade with eye the past events and old scenarios the project is very much vital in the The journey to Pho Kyar el- professions could be noted with
can send their work to the Global New Light of Myanmar at No. 150,
Our country is a developing country. For a developing country Dam and Reservoir are located catching attractions to the visi- were being remembered by the allocation of relaxation zones, ho- ephant camp was pleasant two awesome interest.
Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, in person, or
to face a huge challenge is not a small thing. But we can face it there, adding coolness of water tors in the panoramic backdrops village old timers and elders. tels and restaurants, and retreats. hour drive on winding road weav- The writer of this article
by email to ce@globalnewlightofmyanmar.com with the following
with the collective strength of the people. flow amidst pure natural rock of green and lust mountains. At the moment, some of the ing through hilly terrain. There is would like to conclude that these
information: (1) Sector you wish to be included in (poetry, opinion,
near the Pathi River Resort just The Ottwin-Pauk Khaung Ancient Pyu City naive locals are taking the lands no public transportation for this are the possible fresh avenues ex- etc.), (2) Own name and (if different) your penname, (3) Your level of
(13) miles from Tandaung City of Yoma cross mountain motor road Sites and avenues for pro- in their own hands and sold them journey so it needs to arrange isted there waiting to be explored education, (4) Name of your School/College/University, (5) A written
popular Kayin State. is leading the visitors to inner for- motion of tourism industry inside out to other interested parties, well in advance that one can go in transforming them into new and note of declaration that the submitted piece is your original work and
Hiking uphill along the trails est trails to 20-mile Elephant Sanc- the Yaytarshay Township could and that the local people of the on desired day. unblemished tourist attractions for has not been submitted to any other news or magazine publishing
towards the top of a mountain, tuary, the natural home to older be earmarked at Kyweyaing Pyin Kayinchaung Village asked and As usual the more people the foreign visitors as well as the houses, (6) A color photo of the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC
Naw Bu Baw Prayer Mountain is elephants, working elephants, Village Tract, leading an off-track advised the responsible officials of sharing the cheaper it gets. The local travelers.
Call Thin Thin May,
card, (8) Contact information (email address, mobile number, etc.).—
09251022355,09974424848 the one of the heart of Kayin State. mother elephants, and baby el- village trail namely Katpai Village the regional government to make road condition has improved much Editorial Department, The Global New Light of Myanmar
“Naw Bu Baw Pagoda” wel- ephants inhabiting in the forest. where the Ancient Pyu City was field visits to check realities on the during the last couple years and Translated by UMT (Ahlon)
10 WORLD 20 JANUARY 2019
Thai PM condemns
gunfire attack in
southern Thailand
BANGKOK-—Thai Prime Min- said government spokesman
ister Prayut Chan-o-cha on Puttipong Bunnakun.
Saturday condemned the gun About 10 militants in
attack in Thailand’s southern camouflage black uniforms
province of Narathiwat that stor med the temple and
has killed at least two monks opened fire with automat-
on Friday, ordering a hunt for ic weapons on Friday night,
the attackers. killing the temple abbot and
Prayut has instructed another monk.
officials to urgently inves- Two other monks were se-
tigate the incident and step riously injured and were later
up security measures in the rushed to the district hospital
province. He asked the pub- by security forces.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday boarded a tank while inspecting Larsen and Toubro’s Armoured
Systems Complex facility at Hazira in Gujarat’s Surat for manufacturing high-end guns. PHOTO: PTI lic to have confidence in the Witnesses said the attack-
government’s commitment to ers shot randomly inside the
HERE were times I felt like everyone except me seemed so happy with being who
they are and what they have. So, I looked for people whose steps would inspire me.
Yes, I found out inspiration both in books and from people around me. “See. They are
accepting who they are and anything granted by life. They move on. They don’t care.
Things get easier in that way.” This is what I reminded me daily to find myself.
But why… I can’t get enough of myself. “I should have done this. Why am I always
like this? Why did it have to be me?” While everybody knows how to sat-
isfy themselves, I am here blaming myself for not being always
the best. As the time went by, I started to notice that different
people are running to disparate targets with diverse per-
ceptions. Nobody can tell someone, “You are wrong.” By
further acquaintance, people get along well with their life
and they do know what the best options are to make it best.
Then how am I supposed to put the blames in me for my own
perspectives and decisions? Whether they went in my way or
not, the fault is not in me. I have the right to be wrong and that
is what I totally forgot all the time.
“When you adore the fact that everyone has their own story,
everything else will fall into place.” I used to read or hear lines similar
to this so often but wasn’t aware of its deep meaning. This seems an ordinary
line but actually means a lot to me lately. Till now, I am still finding my
feet in this world and I don’t know where I am belonged to. Mistakes
and failures are still showing up like sunrises. My defects can be
endlessly counted like the sheep we count when we can’t fall asleep.
However, the blessed thing is I got to know how to appreciate the
existence of my life and I am sure this is what makes everyone
move on no matter how things turn out.
It is at the head of the village. There is a pagoda near
the monastery. There is a state middle school at the
village. It has over 200 boys and girls. It is in the centre
of the village. We saw a building near the school. It is the
village co-operative shop. It sells foodstuffs, household
goods, textiles and farming implements.
uReaf wmfwo Ykd nf xd&k mG rSnae(4)em&Dcefw
Yf iG x
f uG cf mG cJMh uonf/ OD;av;
ESifhuRefawmfhnD0rf;uGJrsm;jrpfurf;odkY vdkufydkYMuonf/ uRefawmfwdkYEIwf
By C. T. O qufaomtcg olwdkYtvGef0rf;enf;Muonf/ tjyefc&D;wGif uRefawmf wdkY
ud,k wf ikd af vSavSmcf MhJ uonf/ uReaf wmfwtYkd vGeaf ysm&f iT cf MhJ uonf/ uReaf wmf
wdkYtdrfjyefa&mufaomtcg (6) em&Dxdk;aeygNyD/
We left the village at about 4 pm. My uncle and
Essay-Writing onf þ&moDukd tESpo f ufq;kH jzpfonf/ tb,fah Mumifq h akd omf ausmif;rsm; cousins saw me off at the bank of the river. They were
pmrsm;a&;om;í awmif;qdMk uaomaMumifh ,ckvwGif Essays rsm; ydwí
f &Snv
f sm;aomaEG&moD tm;vyf&ufvnf; pwifcNhJ y/D od&Yk mwGif uRef very sad when we said goodbye to them. On our way
xnfhay;xm;ygonf/ ,cifvuvnf; xnfhay;cJhygonf/ aemiffwGifvnf; awmf þ&moDurkd BuKd uyf g? tvGeyf jl yif;vGe;f í opfyifrsm;vnf; t&Guu f if;rJh back we rowed the boat ourselves. We were very happy.
qufvufxnfhay;oGm;ygrnf/ Muonf/ uRefawmfonf aqmif;&moDudk tBudKufqHk;jzpfonf/ It was 6 o’clock when we arrived back home.
rdrda&;om;Edkifaomtwdkif;twmtwGif;rSpmaMumif;wdkrsm;jzifh vG,f When the examinations are over, summer comes.
vG,af wG;í a&;om;wwfap&ef jrefrmvdak wG;awmyHu
k kd xnfah y;xm;ygonf/ The students like this season best because the schools My ambition
have been closed and the long summer vacation has Everybody has an ambition. Some want to be doc-
The season I like best begun. But I do not like this season. It is too hot and the tors. Some want to be engineers. Some want to be artists
jrefrmjynfonf tylyikd ;f wkid ;f jynfwpfjynfjzpfonf/ olrrSm yltku
d f trees are leafless. I like winter best. and some want to be wirters. But my ambition is to be a
pGwfpdkaom&moD&dSonff/ xdkYtjyif OwkoHk;vDvnf;&dSonf/ aEG? rdk;? aqmif; modern farmer.
wdjYk zpfonf/ aEGonfazazmf0g&DvrSarvtxdjzpfonf/ rd;k &moDonf ZGev f rS A visit to a village Myanmar is an agricultural country. Her main prod-
pufwifbmvtxdjzpfonf/ aqmif;onf atmufwdkbmvrS Zefe0g&Dv Ny;D cJah omwe*FaEGu uReaf wmf&mG wpf&mG odYk oGm;a&mufvnfywfco hJ nf/ uct is rice. It is also our staple food. We also export it. So
txdjzpfonf/ xkd&Gmonf &Gmom&Gmjzpfonf/ xdk&Gmonf tif;pdefNrdKUvdIifjrpfwpfzufurf; it is important to produce more and more rice from year
Burma is a tropical country. She has a hot wet ay:wGi&f o Sd nf/ uReaf wmfonf uReaf wmfrh w
d af qGjrwfO;D ? tHahH rmifwEYkd iS thf wl to year. I want to be a modern farmer because I want to
climate. Moreover, there are three seasons. They are oGm;cJhonf/ uRefawmfwdkYonf tif;pdefodkY bwf(pf)um;jzifh oGm;í xdk&GmodkY help increase production of rice and various other crops.
summer, the rainy season (The Monsoon) and winter. avSwpfp;D iSm;íoGm;Muonf/ uReaf wmfwo Ykd nf xd&k mG odYk eHeuf(7;00) em&D Moreover, my father and uncles are all farmers. They
Summer is from February to May. The Monsoon is from cefYwGif a&mufoGm;Muonf/ want me to be a modern farmer. I am a student of the
June to September. Winter is from October to Janary. I visited a village last Sunday. It is Ywatha. It is on Yangon University (Botataung Campus). I am in my first
jrefrmjynfonf v,f,mpdkufysKd;aomwdkif;jynfwpfjynfjzpfonf/ the bank of the Hlaing River across Insein. I went there year. I got good marks in my BEHS examination. I have
jrefrmjynfonf qefESifh oD;ESHrsKd;pHkpdkufysKd;onf/ odkY&mwGif qefonft"du together with my friends Myat Oo and Ant Maung. We worked very hard this year. I hope to pass the examination
xGufukefjzpfonf/ qefonfrdk;ESifhaea&mifjcnfrsm;pGmvdktyfonf/ xdkY went to Insein by bus and we took a boat to the village. with flying colours. I will go on working hard next year.
aMumifh rdk;&moDonf jrefrmjynftwGuf toHk;t0ifqHk;aom&moDjzpf We arrived there at about 7 a.m. I believe that I will be able to join the Yezin Institute of
onf/ uRefawmfwdkYopfoD;rsm;ESifh [if;oD;[if;&Gufrsm;pGm&&dSonf/ ig;ESifh uReaf wmfrh mS xd&k mG wGif OD;av;wpfa,muf&o Sd nf/ olonfcsr;f omaom Agriculture. There, we will have to study for four years.
ykpeG rf sm;vnf; aygrsm;onf/ od&Yk mwGif uReaf wmfonf þ&moDukd rBuKd uyf g/ v,form;wpfa,mufjzpfonf/ olonfcsr;f omaomv,form;wpfa,muf We will be taught modern scientific methods of farming
þ&moDonf pGwpf v kd eG ;f tm;Bu;D onf/ vrf;rsm;onf &TUH xlí npfywfonf/ jzpfonf/ olonfpyg;pdkufonf/ olYrSmarG;jrLa&;NcHwpfNcHvnf;&dSonf/ uRef and animal husbandry. We will also be taught Horticulture.
uRefawmftBudKufqHk;&moDrSm aqmif;&moDjzpfonf/ awmfwo Ykd nfEmG ;EdrYk sm;pGmaomufíMuufOrsm;pGmpm;cJo h nf/ xdaYk emufuReaf wmf We will also have to learn how to handle machines used
aeYpOf &moDOwkonf om,monf/ yef;f rsm;tpGr;f ukeyf iG ahf eMuonf/ wdaYk rG;jrLa&;Ncx H oJ aYkd vQmufvnfcMhJ uonf/uReaf wmfwv Ykd ,f,mvkyo f m;rsm; in agriculture. We will also be required to do practical
avmuwpfcv k ;kH vSyaeonf/ eHeufcif;rsm;onf at;jríavonfvwfqwf pGmudkjrifcJhMuonf/ trsm;pkrSm rdef;uav;rsm;jzpfonf/ tcsKUd wdo Yk nf Muuf work of growing crops and vegetables. When we get our
onf/ uRefawmfonf eHeufapmapmxí oifcef;pmrsm;udk avhvmonf/ rsm;udt k pmauR;aeonf/ tcsKUd wdo Yk nf0ufrsm;udk aq;aMumaeonf/ tcsKdU degrees, we will be given jobs.
um,avhusifhcef;vnf; ,lonf/ wdoYk nf EGm;rrsm;udEk n Ykd pS af eonf/ tcsKUd wdo
Yk nf qefurJG sm;udak xmif;aeonf/ I will go wherever I am sent. I will do my work with
Burma is an agricultural country. She grows rice tcsKUd onf tyifrsm;udak &avmif;aeonf/ tcsKUd wdkYonf bJrsm;ausmif;aeMu heart and soul. I will spread among the farmers the
and many other crops. However, rice is the main product. onf/ tcsKdUwdkYonfv,fuGif;rsm;xJwGif aumufpdkufaeMuonf/ knowledge I have gained. I will set up a model farm and
Rice needs plenty of rain and sunshine. So, the rainy I have an uncle in that village. He is a rich farmer. show the farmers how to grow special high-yield paddy
reason is the most useful to Burma. We get a lot of fruits He grows paddy. He has a livestock farm as well. We and how to use chemical fertilizers and insecticides. I
and vegetables. Fish and prawns are plentiful. However, drank a lot of milk and ate a lot of eggs. Then we went shall encourage them to take on livestock breeding on
I do not like this season. It is too wet. The streets are round the livestock farm. We saw many farm workers. manageable scale.
muddy and dirty. The season I like best is winter. The Most of them are girls. Some were feeding the chickens. ambition b0&nfrSef;csuf
weather is fine. The flowers are in full bloom. All the Some were washing the pigs. Some were milking the a modern farmer acwfrDv,form;
world is beautiful. Mornings are cool and the air is fresh. cows. Some were pounding broken rice. Some were staple t"du
I get up early every morning and study my lessons. I watering the plants. Some were looking after the ducks. export EdkifiHjcm;odkYwifydkYonf/
also take physical exercises. Some were transplanting paddy seedlings in the fields. increase wdk;yGm;aponf
yGaJ wmfrsm;ESiyhf rJG sm;udvk nf; þ&moDtwGi;f wGiu f si;f yMuonf/ jrefrmrsm; OD;av;\ v,fuu G Ef iS rhf eD;ra0;wGif prf;acsmif;wpfc&k o
Sd nf/ uReaf wmf with flying colours *kPfxl;rsm;ESSifh
onf yGt J vGeBf uKd uo f nf/ nOfeY ufoef;acgifyMJG unfjh cif;udk ESpNf cKd uMf uonf/ wdo
Yk nf prf;acsmif;xJ wGif em&D0ufcefaY &ul;cJMh uonf/ aus;&Gmoluav;rsm; modern scientific
uReaf wmfonf aqmif;&moDut kd ESpof ufq;kH jzpfonf/ tb,faMumifq h akd omf prf;acsmif;wGiaf &vmcyfonfukd jrifc&hJ onf/ rGe;f wnfch sed cf efw Y iG f OD;av;tdrf methods of farming acwfrDodyÜHenf;uspdkufysKd;arG;jrLa&;
uReaf wmfonf tm;upm;orm;wpfa,mufjzpfí tm;upm;,SONf yKd iyf rJG sm;udk odjYk yefíxrif;pm;Muonf/xrif;pm;Ny;D aomtcg&GmxJavQmufvnfMuonf/ enf;pepfrsm;
þ&moDwiG u f si;f yavh&o S d nf/ uReaf wmfabmvH;k ESih f bwfpuf ufabmupm;onf/ There is a stream near my uncle’s fields. We swam animal husbandry wd&pämefarG;jrLa&;
uReaf wmfonf tm;upm;yGJ (ajy;? cke?f ypf) rsm;üvnf; yg0ifqifEaJT vh&o Sd nf/ in it for about half an hour. We saw village girls fetching Horticulture opfoD;0vHyef;refpdkufysKd;a&;
uReaf wmfonfqrk sm;pGm&&dí S tvGet f m;&0rf;omjzpf&onf/ od&Yk mwGipf mar; water from it. We went to the uncle’s house at about noon (O,smOfvkyfief;)
yGJrsm;vnf; eD;uyfvmíuRefawmfonf pmar;yGJtwGuf tqifoifhjzpf&ef and had lunch. After lunch we went round the village. handle udkifwG,fonf
jyifqifpjyK&onf/ xd&k mG onf &GmBu;D wpf&mG jzpfonf/ tdraf jc(300)ausm&f o Sd nf/ vlaygif; required vdktyfonf
Festivals and pwes are also held during this season. (1600)avmuf&o Sd nf/ trsm;pkrmS v,form;rsm;jzpfonf/ wHigonff tcsKUd crops oD;ESH
The Myanmar like pwes very much. They enjoy them- vnf;&Sdonf/ tdrftrsm;pkudkopf0g;wdkYjzifh aqmufxm;onf/ olwdkYonf degree bGJU
selves watching pwes late into the night. I like winter tvGet Yf vGev f nf; rcsr;f om?tvGet Yf vGev f J rqif;&JMu/xd&k mG wGif taumif; with heart and soul pdwfa&mudk,fyg
best because I am a sportsman and sports and games are qH;k taqmufttHrk mS bke;f Bu;D ausmif;jzpfonf/ &GmOD;xdyw f iG &f o Sd nf/ ausmif; spread jzefYonf
held during this season. I play football and basket ball. I ESirhf eD;ra0;wGib f &k m;wpfq&l o
Sd nf/xd&k mG wGit
f v,fwef;f ausmif; wpfausmif; special high-yield paddy txl;txGufwdk;pyg;
also take part in sports activities. I win many prizes and &do
S nf/ ausmif;wGif ausmif;olausmif;om; (200) ausm&f o Sd nf/ ausmif;onf chemical fertilizers "mwfajrMoZm
I am very pleased. However, our examination is drawing &Gmv,fwiG &f o Sd nf/ ausmif;teD;wGit f aqmufttHw k pfc&k oSd nf/ aus;&GmG or insecticides ydk;owfaq;
near and I begin to prepare myself for the examination. 0g,rqdkifjzpfonf/ xdkqdkifonf pm;aomufukefrsm;? tdrfoHk;ypönf;rsm;? livestock breeding wd&pämefarG;jrLa&;
pmar;yGNJ y;D qH;k oGm;aomtcg aEG&moDa&mufvmonf/ ausmif;om;rsm; t0wftxnfrsm;ESifh v,f,moHk;ud&d,mrsm;udk a&mif;csonf/ (TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK)
20 JANUARY 2019
ID you know that January is the international
creativity month? This first month of every year
is set aside around the world to celebrate the
uniqueness of creativity and marks a fresh start to
addressing problems and improving our creative skills. It is
important that we acknowledge the significance of creativity
for developing innovative ideas, which runs across different
sectors in a country, including economy, education, politics,
healthcare, and so on. On the other hand, we need to unleash,
harness, and celebrate our personal creativity, something
that we, as human beings, were born with.
Taking an art class, cooking a new dish at home, or pick-
ing up a camera to do a vlog are a few examples of how this
month can be celebrated. For me, writing a blog post or an
article is a huge task of feeding one’s own creativity. Besides,
creating gifts for loved ones, and planning surprises for a
friend’s birthday, if there is any, are no short of creativeness.
But first of all, how do we unlock our creativity?
Creativity comes in when we are not stressed, and when
our thoughts are flowing with our minds at rest, and undis-
tracted by anything. This is how productivity can triumph
over procrastination and loss of focus. When we have started
off by putting ourselves into the creative process, getting
started in whichever direction is easiest is important instead
of thinking the structure to them, for example, getting the
first set of ideas down on a scratch paper! Walking, according
to researchers from the Stanford university in 2015, can im-
prove one’s creative thinking, as in the fact that it can initiate
or stimulate the first string of bright creative thoughts. It
is no surprise why one of the famous global thinkers, Steve
Jobs, was famous for his long walks to meetings.
It is a need to be not afraid of making mistakes when we
explore our creative outlets. Otherwise, we can shy away
from this process if we make being perfect a business or feel
as though we are not good enough. If we know that we can
amend ideas at a later stage, we can enjoy creativity bound-
lessly. Also, the environment that we put or find ourselves in
can determine our extent of creativity. The lights of the room
or the desk we work on can either promote or disrupt our
Sometimes learning from others and being inspired can
help when we are depleted of creativity, whether that be
watching videos and vlogs of Youtubers or surrounding our-
selves with innovative people, as they can ignite our think-
ing-out-of-the-box skill. And something that should not be left
out is reading novels, the process where we can explore not
only the creative minds of authors but also those of charac-
ters that have been created. This can expand our knowledge
database and imagination, which again fosters our creative
In this way, if there is anything that people are passion-
ate about and have not started yet or are working on, this
month is to motivate all of us to get it done. It is time that we
started setting out on that plan that we have been promising
ourselves, and this may probably require us to step out of our
comfort zone, or to take an adventure. So, why don’t we get
ourselves to the work of creativity and also encourage our
friends or even our grandmother at home to do something
creative, just in time before this month ends?
20 JANUARY 2019
By Nyi Tu
S part of efforts to conserve bears that are facing extinction due to hunting for their gall
bladders and bile, conservationists carried out a survey to determine the bear population in
the Htamanthi Wildlife Forest Reserve in northern Myanmar.
Malay bears and Himalayan bears are largely found in Myanmar, and both are included
on the list of protected species.
Malay bears can be found in forests in the Rakhine and Shan mountain ranges, but the species is
on the brink of extinction in other areas.
Conservationists from the Wildlife Conservation Society (Myanmar), with the assistance of the
Segere Foundation, launched the counting of the population of Malay bears in the Htamanthi Wildlife
Forest Reserve, using 120 trap cameras in late 2016.
“We planned to carry out the survey and research for four years. We have done it for two years, so
far. According to the calculation following the survey, there are good prospects for the bear population,”
said U Zar Ni Aung, a conservationist who is conducting the survey of bears in the wildlife forest reserve.
The researchers study habitats of bears in the wild.
The sanctuary is located on the eastern bank of the Chindwin River across from the town of Tamanthi.
It lies within the Hkamti District of Sagaing Region, and covers 830.40 sq m, which is home to Indochi- leased into the Nam Izuu area in the Htamantee Wildlife Reserve in Sagaing District
nese tigers, Indian elephants, gaur (Asiatic bison), Indochinese leopards, serow, and bears. In all, over in August last year.
30 mammals are found there. The two bears were later found near the India-Myanmar border after they strayed
Today, not only gall bladders and bile of bears, but also the remaining parts of the bears are in de- off the path to find food.
mand, leading to declining bear populations. The situation has resulted in the authorities stepping up Just patrolling the Htamanthi Wildlife Forest Reserve does not mean the efficient
efforts to prevent hunting. conservation of bears will be conducted in Myanmar, as threats from poachers to bears
In 2016, the Forest Department discovered the illegal breeding of bears in Lashio and rescued four still exists in other parts of Myanmar.
bears. Authorities also seized bear parts in Kengtung in Shan State last year. “All are responsible to conserve key species and umbrella species,” said U Zar Ni
Another threat to bears are the shrinking living areas for bears. Aung.
Meanwhile, two endangered Himalayan Black Bears (also known as Asian Black Bears), were re- Translated by Gyaw Orwell
Malay bear was discovered in hidden camera trap at Htamanthi Wildlife Forest Reserve. A bear in the wild. A bear conservation researcher taking a record by using his GPS location track application.
A Malay bear looking for fruits in forest. Mutilated bear parts sold on the black market. Forest rangers working in the Forest Reserve. Conservationists embark on a boat trip along their journey.
20 JANUARY 2019
kyat notes
that were al-
HAD ready present in
a some- the small bag.
what bitter ex- With loud voice, he
perience when I was in shouted, pointing his index
Grade II. finger at us, “You both are like
Our mom never gave both my knobbed sticks. Don’t try me like
sister and myself the pocket money to this. I am very experienced smart
school lest we would buy and eat something through much experience. I’ll forgive
which would not suit for our health. She and you this time. Leave the snacks you had
used to arrange for our snack which would enchant- taken. Next time, I’ll slap your cheeks and
Ms. Moon be bananas, biscuits, dry cake, groundnut ing man. His let the class teacher know.”
Final year Honours brittle or sesame brittle and the bottles of wa- shop was the most We did not know how we left the snack
( English ) ter. Therefore, our school bags were always crowded one there. We took stalls as we were very shy and nervous in
Dagon University swollen with the packages of snack and the place like other students in front of our limbs. We wanted our bodies might be
bottles of water. his shop interestingly displayed with the shrunk as small as the ants and melted to
During the recess, we did not need to packs of plum jam, damson, Bouea burmani- disappear under the curious looks of the
go to the snack stalls of the school. We just ca, mango, sweet lime, toffee, candy and other students’ eyes. We went to the banyan tree
needed to unpack our snack and eat them. foodstuff. We were going to buy snack and beside the football ground of the school and
However, we wanted to enjoy the feeling of eat as we possessed our own pocket money. cried. I pleased my younger sister wiping
going to the snack stalls smart and buying The girl beside me picked one pack of her tears and we made an agreement not to
what we liked. To say the truth, we hated snack and gave money to Mummy Than. let our mom know that case. It was certain
the snacks that mom had prepared. How We, then, gave money to Mummy Than with that on the next days, our school bags would
nice they were in taste, we did not want to great composure but we could not yet know be full of books and prepared packs of snack
eat them as we thought it might be a blunt which snack we would choose. Our small and water bottles.
style to eat what had been prepared by home. and bright eyes were running about on the Twenty five years later, while I was on
We sometimes pestered our mom to give display of the snacks which seemed to make the night duty in a hospital, an emergency
us pocket money. After asking against for the us craving for. We could not decide whether patient got to my ward. It was Mummy Than
pocket money several times, we got one kyat we would take the snack here or we would who once gave a nice lesson to us. He had
note each as the pocket money. The children choose one there. In fact, we did not have not changed in appearance much except his
of nowadays will not understand the value of any experience of self-helping. Therefore, we gray hair and thinner figure. While I was
one kyat note. At that time, other classmates puzzled at that moment. At last, we decided examining what was needed for him, there
also got one kyat or two kyats for their pocket and chose the snacks we like and left the shop was a deep prick in my chest. I immediately
money. We did not get that money easily. It with the pleased countenances. remembered the one kyat note event which
was received after listening mother’s long “Hey, you two, give me cash for your was often thought and I decided not to hap-
lecture such as, “Buy and eat what”; “Don’t snacks. You forget, don’t you? You slip out pen like that again. In fact, he was not wrong
eat what are with dye”; “Avoid what the flies like this, don’t you? Does it OK to slip out?” but we are not just up to standard. We had to
rest on” etc. We showed our agreement on At first, we did not know to whom the thank him for what he taught us practically
mom’s lecture saying “Yes”. But her lecture voice referred to. So we had a glance and as a valuable lesson. Was it worth more than
did not enter our heads since we did not continued to walk as if it was not associated one lakh or one hundred lakh investing only
understand the diseases mom had said such with us. one kyat? That lesson always teaches us not
as diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis, jaundice “Hey, you, two girls, I am telling both of to believe anyone until anything is in hand.
etc. Instead, we thought mom was extremely you! Don’t practise one-upmanship.” It makes us strongly attached not to be in
worried about our health. His voice became sharper and louder. In deeds and words until we are accomplished
At the recess hour, we marched for the addition, only when the boy who was next to anything in hand.
snack stalls of the school tightly grasping the us pointed us and told that we are shouted by A small snag that we had hit accidentally
one kyat note each. At the snack stall, there was Mummy Than, we realized that we are being made us know a good sense to avoid the larger
always a crowded shop which owner’s name told. Then, we explained we had paid but snags as soon as we first climbed the ladder of
was all called as ‘Mummy Than’. Although his Mummy Than insistently refused we had not experience at the beginning of our lives.
name was ‘Mummy Than’, he was tall, dainty paid. His face got red due to the anger show-
By Thu Naung Kyaw T is No. '13' that most people feel like avoiding. Friday the witches' power and vice versa. There are '13' months in a lunar
(Hledan) '13th' is believed to be the unluckiest day of a year. Hotels also calendar for witches. For them, the number '13' refers to the sense of
Dip. in English (YUFL) lack '13th' floor since the twelfth floor ascends to the 14th floor perfect potency.
with no floor in between them. The following incidents are the
stories telling why the number '13' is considered unlucky. 7. '13' Gaits Towards the Gallow
As per a traditional custom, only '13' gaits are required for a
1. '13' People at the Last Supper person to take towards the gallow.
Invitation to Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus Christ was the '13th' person
sitting at the dining table. Since then, it has been believed that if 8. Friday the '13th'
young there were '13' people dining together, one of them would die within There is a load of superstitions relating to Friday the '13th', which
writers for one year. suggest that on that date, in particular, having hair cut, going past
Sunday Special the cemeteries, walking under a ladder and so forth be avoided. No
2. Norse Mythology businesses usually start on this day, either.
The Global New Light
of Myanmar is accepting
In one of the tales of Norse myths, an event of dinner was ru-
submissions of poetry, opinion, ined by Loki, an evil spirit in the terrible way that Loki came to the 9. Room No. '13' at Hotels
articles, essays and short stories dinner and oppressively blackened the entire atmosphere in there. Most hotels do not have Room No. '13'. In London, Carlton even
from young people for its Then, he brought it towards Balder, a god of death. Loki was the got rid of its '13th' floor. Some airplanes have also omitted the seats in
weekly Sunday Next Generation
'13th' who arrived to the dinner. the '13th' row.
Platform. Interested candidates
can send their work to the
Global New Light of Myanmar 3. The Abnormal Number 10. Tuesday the '13'
at No. 150, Nga Htat Kyee The number '12' bears the sense of perfection. Olympian gods Not only Friday, the '13th', there is a belief in Spain that Tuesday
Pagoda Road, Bahan Township,
number 12. The '12' is included in clocks and watches as well. There are the '13th' also brings misfortune.
Yangon, or by email to dce@
globalnewlightofmyanmar. also '12' months in a year and there are '12' astrological signs represent-
com with the following ing the houses of the zodiac. In Christianity, there are '12' followers of 11. The Ancient Code of Hammurabi
information: (1) Sector you Jesus Christ. However, the number '13' is the odd one out. The Code of Hammurabi is a well-preserved Babylonian code
wish to be included in (poetry,
of law of ancient Mesopotamia, dated back to about 1754 BC (Middle
opinion, etc.), (2) Own name
and (if different) your penname,
4. '13'-alphabet Name Chronology). The codes of law are listed from 1 to 282. Among them,
(3) Your level of education, (4) If a person's name is comprised of '13' alphabets, it is said to be the '13th', '66th', and '99th' codes of law are missing.
Name of your School/College/ under the influence of evil spirit. The murderer, Jack the Ripper, is
University, (5) A written note of
also assumed to follow the lead of evil spirit. 12. Killing of Christian Martyrs
declaration that the submitted
piece is your original work
These martyrs risked their lives while protecting the cup
and has not been submitted to 5. Ladies Having Their Periods '13' Times Per Year believed to have been used at the Last Supper. The day they were
any other news or magazine At times, what is believed tends to sound strange and supersti- executed is believed to be '13th' October, 1307.
publishing houses, (6) A color tious. It is also said that the reason why most people are afraid of '13'
photo of the submitter, (7) Copy
of your NRC card, (8) Contact
is that ladies generally have their periods '13' times per year. 13. Zoroastrian Rituals
information (email address, Zoroastrian rituals foretell that by the year 13,000, the world will
mobile number, etc.).— Editorial 6. '13' Members at Witches' Conference inevitably be in utter chaos following a brutally disastrous war. The
Department, The Global New It used to be said in the olden days that there are '13' members good will then be beaten by the bad.
Light of Myanmar
at every witches' conference. The Moon has positive effect on the