Civpro Case Matrix C2021: Case # Case Name Facts / Issue Ruling / Doctrine

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01 Joseph v. Perez is the owner of a cargo truck for conveying items & passengers for a A cause of action is understood to be the delict or wrongful act or omission committed by the
Bautista consideration from Dagupan to Manila. Truck was driven by Villa going to Bulacan. defendant in violation of the primary rights of the plaintiff. It is true that a single act or omission
Luis Joseph with a cargo of livestock boarded the truck at Dagupan City. WHILE can be violative of various rights at the same time, as when the act constitutes juridically a
TRUCK WAS NEGOTIATING WITH the national highway proceeding towards violation of several separate and distinct legal obligations. However, where there is only one
Manila, VILLA TRIED TO OVERTAKE A TRICYCLE. At about the same time, a delict or wrong, there is but a single cause of action regardless of the number of rights that may
pickup truck, owned by Sioson but driven by Lazaro tried to overtake the truck which have been violated belonging to one person. The singleness of a cause of action lies in the
was then in the process of OVERTAKING THE TRICYCLE, thereby forcing the truck singleness of the delict or wrong violating the rights of one person. Nevertheless, if only one
to veer towards the shoulder of the road & ram into a mango tree. As a result, Joseph injury resulted from several wrongful acts only one cause of action arises.
OTHER - The trial court was, therefore, correct in holding that there was only one cause of
Issue: W/N the judgement on the compromise agreement under the cause of action action involved although the bases of recovery invoked by petitioner against the defendants
based on quasi-delict is not a bar to the cause of action for breach of contract of therein were not necessarily identical since the respondents were not identically circumstanced.
carriage? However, a recovery by the petitioner under one remedy necessarily bars recovery under the
other. This, in essence, is the rationale for the proscription in our law against double recovery
NO. The argument that there are two causes of action embodied in petitioner’s for the same act or omission which, obviously, stems from the fundamental rule against unjust
complaint, hence the judgment on the compromise agreement under the cause of action enrichment.
based on quasi-delict is not a bar to the cause of action for breach of contract of SOLIDARY OBLIGATIONS; PAYMENT OF ONE DEBTOR RELEASES THE OTHER
carriage, is untenable. Trial court is correct in holding that there was only one cause of DEBTORS FROM LIABILITY - The respondents having been found to be solidarily liable to
action involved although the bases of recovery invoked by petitioner against the petitioner, the full payment made by some of the solidary debtors and their subsequent release
defendants therein were not necessarily identical since the respondents were not from any and all liability to petitioner inevitably resulted in the extinguishment and release from
identically circumstanced. However, a recovery by the petitioner under one remedy liability of the other solidary debtors, including herein respondent Patrocinio Perez
necessarily bars recovery under the other. This, in essence, is the rationale for the
proscription in our law against double recovery for the same act or omission which,
obviously, stems from the fundamental rule against unjust enrichment.

02 Monzon v. Respondent spouses filed an action for injunction against Monzon and Atty. Luna, A cause of action exists if the following elements are present: (1) a right in favor of the plaintiff
Spouses Relova RTC Tagaytay’s clerk of court. Monzon contracted a loan of P600,000 and P200,000 by whatever means and under whatever law it arises or is created; (2) an obligation on the part
vs. Addio with Sps. Perez and Sps. Relova, respectively, which were secured by mortgages. of the named defendant to respect or not to violate such right; and (3) an act or omission on the
Properties Monzon sold the mortgaged properties to both spouses (but it was not delivered yet). part of such defendant violative of the right of plaintiff or constituting a breach of the obligation
Coastal Lending Corporation foreclosed on Monzon’s properties (since she was also of defendant to the plaintiff for which the latter may maintain an action for recovery of
indebted to Coastal) which included the sold and mortgaged properties of both damages.
spouses. Addio Properties won the bidding which resulted in a P1.6M surplus which is
the focus of the spouses’ action. They wanted to restrain Atty. Luna from delivering The Court found that respondents do not have a cause of action against Atty. Ana Liza Luna for
the surplus to Monzon and to deliver it to them as payment for Monzon’s loans. the delivery of the subject amounts on the basis of Section 4, Rule 68 of the Rules of Court, for
Essentially, the spouses won because Monzon was declared in default and was the reason that the foregoing Rule does not apply to extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgages.
prevented from adducing evidence on her behalf.

The SC Ruled that the declaration of default was improper and remanded the case to
the RTC. They also found that the legal basis of the injunction against Atty. Luna,
Rule 68, was erroneously applied as the foreclosure was extrajudicial while Rule 68
only applied to judicial foreclosures. Thus, there was no cause of action against Atty.
Luna. Finally, the Court gave the spouses the choice to either treat the injunction as a
claim for a sum of money or not as the former would mean a waiver of their mortgage

03 Philippine PASUDECO transports sugar from Mabalacat to Magalang, Pampanga. Following the PASUDECOs negligence in transporting sugarcanes without proper harness/straps, and that of
National eruption of the Mount Pinatubo in 1991, access to national highways and bridges PNCC in removing the emergency warning devices, were two successive negligent acts which
Construction along Pampanga was blocked. Hence, PASUDECO wrote a letter to the Toll were the direct and proximate cause of Latagans injuries. As such, PASUDECO and PNCC are
Corp v. CA Regulatory Board if they can use NLEX which is under the maintainance and jointly and severally liable. Nonetheless, the petition is bound to be dismissed in the first place
(Ortiz) operation of petitioner Philippine National Construction Corporation. They entered since the allegations of the petitioner is based on questions of facts. A petition for certiorari
into a MOA under several terms and conditions. On January 1993, private repondents under Rule 45 must be based only on questions of law.
Arnaiz, Latagan and Generalao was driving along NLEX when their car passed upon
the flattened sugarcanes which fell on the road. Thus caused them to lose control over
their vehicle. The flattened sugarcanes belonged to PASUDECO. Earlier, PNCC, with
the help of PASUDECO’s Engineer, tried to clear the road and placed signs so that
motorists can be guided. However, PNCC immediately removed those safety barriers
even without clearing the flattened sugarcanes. A case was filed in the RTC which
granted Latagan an award for damages. This was affirmed by CA but upon appeal, the
CA modified RTC’s decision making PNCC and PASUDECO solidarily liable for
Latagan’s award for damages. Petitioner filed a petition for certiorari under rule 45.

W/N the petitioners should be held solidarily liable - Yes

04 View Master Allen Roxas applied for a loan with fmic in order to obtain funds to be used to bid for A cause of action is the fact or combination of facts which affords a party a right to judicial
Corp v. Roxas contral and ownership of State Investment where Viewmaster acted as guarantor. interference in his behalf. The requisites for a cause of action are: (a) a right in favor of the
Roxas entered with Viewmaster upon the following conditions: 1. 50% of stock shall plaintiff by whatever means and under whatever law it arises or is created, (b) an obligation on
be sold to viewmaster and 2. Development of certain parcels of lands. HOWEVER, the the part of the defendant to respect and not to violate such right; and (c) an act or omission on
parties did not put the agreement in writing. Eventually, FMIC granted the loan. the part of the defendant constituting a violation of the plaintiffs right or breach of the obligation
Despite demand by view master, Roxas failed and refused to comply with such of the defendant to the plaintiff. Briefly stated, it is the reason why the litigation has come
conditions. Hence, viewmaster filed a case for specific performance against everyone. about; it is the act or omission of the defendant resulting in the violation of someone’s right. In
this case at bar, neither of the parties has fully performed their obligation within the one-year
WoN Petitioner’s complaint before the RTC does not state cause of action? YES. period. Hence, the case falls within the coverage of the statute of frauds, which means that
the agreement is unenforceable. Therefore, there is no cause of action between the parties.

05 San Lorenzo Almeda Development and Equipment Corporation (ADEC) owns a land in San A complaint states a cause of action where it contains the 3 essential elements of a cause of
Village Lorenzo Village, Makati. It bought said land from Ponciano Almeda. The TCT action, a) the legal right of the plaintiff, b) the correlative obligation of the defendant, c) the act
Association Inc. covering the land had several conditions which according to ADEC are limitations on or omission of the defendant in violation of said legal right. A motion to dismiss on the ground
v. CA its rights. Thus, ADEC filed a case against San Lorenzo Village Association Inc of failure to state a cause of action in the complaint hypothetically admits the truth of the facts
(SLVAI). SLVAI filed a motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of cause of action on alleged therein. In this case, the averments in the complaint like the title of ADECs vendor, the
the part of ADEC alleging that the sale between Ponciano Almeda and ADEC is not execution of the sale by said vendor to ADEC, the latters status as the vendors successor-in-
registered. Both the Lower Court and CA ruled that there is a cause of action in this interest, and the altered physical environment along Pasay Road, are allegations well within the
case. hypothetical-admission principle. These averments satisfy the three elements of a cause of
action. In other words, the complaint did state a cause of action.
WoN the present case alleges a cause of action? -YES

06 Sps. Expedito Spouses Zepeda alleged that they obtained a loan in the amount of P5,800,000.00 from The Supreme Court ruled in the affirmative. A cause of action is a formal statement of the
Zepeda and Alice Chinabank secured by a Real Estate Mortgage over a parcel of land. The spouses operative facts that give rise to a remedial right. The question of whether the complaint states a
D. Zepeda v. subsequently encountered difficulties in paying their loan obligations, so they cause of action is determined by its averments regarding the acts committed by the defendant.
China Banking requested for restructuring which was allegedly granted by Chinabank. Despite this The spouses claimed that with the approval of the loan restructuring agreement, Chinabank
Corporation agreement, Chinabank xtrajudicially foreclosed the subject property. Ownership was made them believe that foreclosure would be held in abeyance. They also alleged that the
consolidated in the bank’s favour. The spouses contended that the foreclosure proceeding was conducted without complying with the posting and publication requirements.
proceedings should be annulled for failure to comply with the posting and publication
requirements. Chinabank then filed an answer with special affirmative defenses as well The Court found the allegations in the complaint sufficient to establish a cause of action for
as a set of written interrogatories with twenty questions. The trial court denied these nullifying the foreclosure of the mortgaged property. The fact that the spouses admitted that
defenses and ordered the pre-trial. Chinabank filed with the CA a petition for they failed to redeem the property and that the title was consolidated in Chinabank’s name did
certiorari. This was granted on the ground that the spouses’ complaint did not state a not preclude them from seeking to nullify the extrajudicial foreclosure.
cause of action.
DOCTRINE: The essential elements of a cause of action are as follow:
W/N the complaint states a cause of action — YES. 1. A right in favor of the plaintiff by whatever means and under whatever law it arises
or is created;
2. An obligation on the part of the named defendant to respect or not to violate such
right; and
3. An act or omission on the part of such defendant in violation of the right of the
plaintiff or constituting a breach of the obligation of the defendant.

07 Sea-Land Service, Sea-Land Services, Inc. and A.P. Moller/Maersk Line (AMML), both carriers of cargo FIRST ISSUE: Failure to state a cause of action
Inc. v. CA in containerships as well as common carriers, entered into a contract. It was a vessel The CA did not err in reading the Complaint of Florex and AMML’s Answer together with the
sharing agreement where they mutually agreed to purchase, share and exchange Third Party Complaint to determine whether a cause of action is properly alleged. In the
needed space for cargo in their respective containerships. Florex International, Inc. determination of whether or not the complaint states a cause of action, the annexes
(Florex) delivered cargo to AMML filled with various foodstuffs, with Oakland, attached to the complaint may be considered, they being parts of the complaint.
California as the port of discharge and San Francisco as place of delivery. Pursuant to
the agreement, respondent AMML loaded the subject cargo on MS Sealand Pacer, a SECOND ISSUE: An agreement to arbitrate
vessel owned by petitioner. Under this arrangement, therefore, AMML was the The agreement clearly provided that the Principal Carrier shall have the right to seek damages
principal carrier while Sea-Land was the containership operator. The consignee and/or indemnity from the Containership Operator by arbitration, pursuant to the agreement.
refused to pay for the cargo, alleging that delivery thereof was delayed. Allowing AMML’s Third Party Claim against Sea-Land to proceed would be in violation of the
Agreement. The CA failed to consider that, precisely, arbitration is the mode by which the
Thus, Florex filed a complaint against Maersk-Tabacalera Shipping Agency liability of the Containership Operator may be finally determined. As the Principal Carrier with
(Filipinas), Inc. for reimbursement of the value of the cargo and other charges. which Florex directly dealt with, respondent AMML can and should be held accountable by
AMML filed its Answer, alleging that, even on the assumption that Florex was entitled Florex in the event that it has a valid claim against the former. Arbitration being the mode of
to reimbursement, it was Sea-Land who should be liable. Accordingly, AMML filed a settlement between the parties expressly provided for by their Agreement, the Third Party
Third Party Complaint against Sea-Land, averring that whatever damages sustained by Complaint should have been dismissed.
Florex were caused by Sea-Land, which actually received and transported Florex’s
cargo on its vessels and unloaded them.

W/N the CA failed to state a cause of action. -- NO
W/N the CA committed GAD in disregarding an agreement to arbitrate. -- YES

08 Lorbes v. CA Lorbes filed an action for reformation of instrument and damages against Delos Reyes Ruling: Lorbes won. Not the caption but the alleged acts or omission determine cause of action.
and Cruz before the RTC of Antipolo. The action is based on the agreement that the
Deed of Absolute Sale will only serve as an equitable mortgage or a loan secured by a The SC agreed that it was wrong for the RTC not to lift the default order and there was indeed a
mortgage. In the RTC, Delos Reyes and Cruz failed to file their answer within the violation of due process. However, it ruled that CA is mistaken for dismissing the case for
reglementary period and thus through the motion of Lorbes, RTC held them in default. failure to prove any grounds for reformation of contract. Based on the arguments and allegation,
The RTC also ruled in favor of Lorbes. On appeal before the CA, it was reversed the cause of action is not really for reformation but to declare the Deed of Absolute Sale as an
stating that there was a violation of due process and that Lorbes failed to substantiate equitable mortgage. Moreover, the Court held that the fact that the complaint filed by petitioners
their claims specially that the case was for reformation of instrument and no ground before the trial court was categorized to be one for reformation of instrument should not
provided for in the Civil Code was alleged. Hence, Lorbes appealed before the SC. preclude the Court from passing upon the issue of whether the transaction was in fact an
equitable mortgage as the same has been squarely raised in the complaint and had been the
ISSUE:: Whether the caption of the pleading determines the case of action—No, it is subject of arguments and evidence of the parties.
the allegations in the complaint that determine cause of action
Doctrine: The Court held that it is not the caption of the pleading but the allegations
therein that determine the nature of the action, and the Court shall grant relief warranted
by the allegations.

09 Progressive Progressive Development Corporation leased to Westin Seafood Market a piece of Sec 3 of Rule 4 provides that a party may not institute more than one suit for a single cause of
Development v. land for 9 years and 3 months for P600,000. Westin failed to pay rent. A stipulation in action. Sec. 4 also provides that if two or more suits are instituted on the basis of the same cause
CA the Contract of Lease allowed Progressive to take the movables of Westin in the leased of action, the filing of one or a judgment upon the merits in any one is available as a ground for
property and sell it to when lessee fails to pay for rentals. When Progressive exercised the dismissal of the other or others. Cause of action is defined as the act of omission by which a
this option under the lease contract, Westin filed a case for forcible entry before the party violates a right of another. The cause of action in the forcible entry case and the damages
MeTC of QC. In this case, the parties agreed that Westin would deposit 8 million case is for the alleged illegal retaking of possession of the leased premises by the lessor, from
pesos in a bank to guarantee payment of rentals, which they failed to do so. As such, which all legal reliefs arise. A comparative analysis of the two complaints show that not only
Westin filed another case for damages with the RTC while the forcible entry case was elements of res judicata are present, but also both complaints constitutes the same cause of
still pending with the MeTC. The case for damages was admitted in the RTC. action. Both complaints allege the same set of facts and issues as basis for the relief. The
Progressive filed a petition for certiorari with the CA which was dismissed since a complaint for damages was redundant as the forcible entry complaint already prayed for
motion for consideration needs to be filed with the RTC before a petition for certiorari compensatory damages. There is but one single cause of action regardless of the number of
may be filed. Hence this case. rights that may have been violated, and all such rights should be alleged in a single complaint as
constituting one single cause of action. A claim cannot be divided in such a way that a part of
ISSUE: W/N the RTC case for damages is valid while the forcible entry case pending the amount of damages may be recovered in one case and the rest in another.
before the MeTC is still pending

10 Umale v. Canoga Umale leased the property of respondent Canoga Corp for a period of 2 years but I. Litis pendentia exists when the following requisites are present:
Park Corp. respondent sold this land. Before the contract expired, respondent filed an unlawful a. Identity of the parties in the two actions;
detainer case against petitioner for violation of the contract. While the case is pending, b. Substantial identity in the causes of action and in the reliefs sought by the parties; and
respondent filed another unlawful detainer case on the ground of expiration of lease c. The identity between the two actions should be such that any judgment that may be
contract. The petitioner questions the second case arguing that it must be dismissed rendered in one case, regardless of which party is successful, would amount to res
because on litis pendentia. The Supreme Court ruled that the second case cannot be judicata in the other.
dismissed on the ground of litis pendentia because of the absence of the third requisite. II. To determine whether a party violated the rule against forum shopping, the test applied
Moreover, the respondent is also not guilty of forum shopping. is whether the elements of litis pendentia are present or whether a final judgment in one
case will amount to res judicata in another.

11 Flores v. Mallare- FACTS: Flores filed a complaint in the RTC alleging that the two respondents, B and It appears that there is a misjoinder of parties because the claims against respondents Binongcal
Philipps C refused to pay the amounts of 11 K and 10 K representing the costs of truck tires and Calion are separate and distinct and neither of which falls within the lower court's
purchased on credit on various occassion. F considered them as two separate causes of jurisdiction.
actions. B filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction since the
amount of the demand was 11 K and under BP 129, the RTC has original jurisdiction Where 2 OR MORE PLAINTIFFS sue a defendant in a single complaint or ONE PLAINTIFF
on the amount of more than 20 K. The motion further averred that the obligation of C sues several defendants in a single complaint based on several causes of action, the TOTALITY
was separate and distinct from B. C joined in moving for dismissal. Judge then RULE applies only where:

dismissed the case for lack of jurisdiction. F appealed by certiorari maintaining that the · Causes of action arose from the same series of transaction; or
RTC has jurisdiction based on the totality rule. · There’s a common question of fact or law among them as provided in § 6 Rule 3.

ISSUE: W/N The RTC has jurisdiction over the case? NO, there is misjoinder of Where the plaintiff sues a defendant, the total demand furnishes the jurisdictional test
action and therefore, the use of the totality rule was misplaced. irrespective of whether several causes of action arose out of different transactions, although,
their joinder would only be permissive — not mandatory.


01 RAYO v. Midas Diversified Export Co. obtained a loan from Metrobank as evidence by SC denied petition for lack of merit.
METROBANK promissory notes. To secure the payment of an P8,000,000 loan, Louisville Realty and While Rayo would be injured by the judgment in this suit, he has no present substantial interest
Development Corporation executed in favor of Metrobank, a real estate mortgage. to institute the annulment of judgment proceedings and nullify the order granting the writ of
When Midas failed to pay, Metrobank extra-judicially foreclosed the real estate possession. There was no violation of petitioners right to constitutional due process.
mortgage in accordance with Act No. 3135, as amended. An ex parte petition for the issuance of a writ of possession under Section 7 of Act No. 3135 is
Metrobank was the highest bidder. Writ of Possession over the properties was issued not, strictly speaking, a judicial process. It is a non-litigious proceeding authorized in an
in favor of the Metrobank to be implemented by the Deputy Sheriff. extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgage. It is a proceeding where the relief is granted without
requiring an opportunity for the person against whom the relief is sought to be heard. No notice
A deed of assignment was entered into with Louisville, Winston Linwy L. Chua and is needed. As Rayo is not a party whose interest is adverse to that of Louisville, there was no bar
Eduardo Rayo which makes Rayo a co-assignee over the subject real properties. to the issuance of a writ of possession to Metrobank. It does not matter that petitioner was not
specifically named in the writ of possession nor notified of such proceedings.
Rayo filed a complaint against Metrobank alleging that his predecessor, Louisville, DOCTRINE: A real party-in-interest is one with a present substantial interest which means
was not notified of the proceedings and Section 7 (ex parte motion or petition for the such interest of a party in the subject matter of the action as will entitle him, under the
issuance of a writ of possession) of Act No. 3135 is unconstitutional. CA ruled that substantive law, to recover if the evidence is sufficient, or that he has the legal title to demand.
Rayo is neither the registered owner nor the successor-in- interest of the
registered owner; hence, not a real party-in-interest. SC denied petition for lack of OTHER RULINGS:
merit. Rayos’ attempt to challenge the constitutionality of Section 7 of Act No. 3135, constitutes a
collateral attack that is not allowed.
ISSUE/s: No forum shopping. The issuance of the writ of possession being a ministerial function, and
WON Rayo have the legal personality in the annulment of judgment proceedings? summary in nature, it cannot be said to be a judgment on the merits. It is only an incident in the
– No transfer of title. Hence, a separate case for annulment of mortgage and foreclosure sale cannot
WON Section 7 of Act No. 3135, is unconstitutional? - No be barred by litis pendentia or res judicata.
Is Metrobank guilty of forum-shopping? - No
02 V-Gent, Inc. v. V-Gent filed a money claim against Morning Star to refund the unused tickets. No. General Rule: Every action must be prosecuted or defended in the name of the real party-in-
Morning Star Morning Star questioned the personality of V-Gent to file the suit and claiming that the interest - the party who stands to be benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit. In suits
Travel & Tours, passengers, in whose names the tickets were issued, are the real parties-in-interest. wherean agent represents a party, the principal is the real party-in-interest; an agent cannot file a
Inc. MeTC dismissed the case but declared V-Gent as real party-in-interest. RTC: ruled in suit in his own name on behalf of the principal. Exception: Rule 3, Section 3 of the Rules of
favor of V-Gent. CA: ruled that V-Gent is not a real party-in-interest. Court provides the exception when an agent may sue or be sued without joining the principal. In
this case, only the first element is present: the purchase order and the receipt were in the name
Issue: Whether V-Gent is a real party-in-interest? of V-Gent. However, the remaining elements are absent because: (1) V-Gent disclosed the
names of thepassengers to Morning Star - in fact the tickets were in their names; and (2) the
transaction was paid using the passengers’ money. Therefore, Rule 3, Section 3 of the Rules of
Court cannot apply.
GR: Every action must be prosecuted or defended in the name of the real party-in-interest - the
party who stands to be benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit.
Exception: Agent may sue or be sued solely in its own name and without joining the principal
when the following elements concur: (1) the agent acted in his own name during the transaction;
(2) the agent acted for the benefit of an undisclosed principal; and (3) the transaction did not
involve the property of the principal. When these elements are present, the agent becomes
bound as if the transaction were its own.

03 Resident Marine 2 Consolidated cases. On June 13, 2002, the Department of Energy entered into a The petitioners, Stewards, have locus standi. The 1997 Rules of Court demand that parties to a
Mammals v. Sec. Geophysical Survey and Exploration Contract-102 (GSEC-102) with JAPEX. This suit be either natural or juridical persons, or entities. It further necessitates the action to be
Reyes involves geological and geophysical studies of the Tanon Strait. On December 21, brought in the name of the real party-in-interest. However, the court has enacted the Rules of
2004 FOE and JAPEX formally converted GSEC-102 into SC-46 (Service Contract) Procedure for Environmental Cases which allows for a citizen suit and permits any Filipino
for the exploration, development, production of petroleum resources in a block citizen to file action before the Court for violation of environmental laws.
covering approximately 2,850 square kilometers offshore the Tanon Strait. Since the
exploration well JAPEX committed to drill was in the marine waters of Aloguinsan SEC. 5. Citizen suit. - Any Filipino citizen in representation of others, including minors or
and Pinamungajan, where the Tanon Strait was declared a protected seascape in 1988, generations yet unborn, may file an action to enforce rights or obligations under environmental
JAPEX agreed to comply with the Environmental Impact Assessment requirements. laws.
The EMB of DENR Region VII granted DOE and JAPEX an ECC for the offshore oil
and gas exploration in Tanon Strait. JAPEX began to drill an exploratory well. This provision liberalizes standing for all cases filed enforcing environmental laws and
Petitioners seek to enjoin the respondents from implementing SC-46. Petitioners are collapses the traditional rule on personal and direct interest, on the principle that humans are
the resident marine mammals of the protected seascape of Tanon Strait, joined in stewards of nature. The terminology of the text reflects the doctrine first enunciated in Oposa v.
and represented by Gloria Ramos and Rose-Eliz Osorio, in their capacity as legal Factoran, insofar as it refers to minors and generations yet unborn.
guardians of lesser life forms.Second petition is put forth by Central Visayas
Fisherfolk Development Center. It is worth noting here that the Stewards are joined as real parties in the Petition and not just in
representation of the named cetacean species. The Stewards, Ramos and Eisma-Osorio, having
Public respondents, through the Solicitor General, contend that petitioners Resident shown in their petition that there may be possible violations of laws concerning the habitat of
Marine Mammals and Stewards have no legal standing to file the present petition; the Resident Marine Mammals, are therefore declared to possess the legal standing to file this

Whether or not Petitioners have locus standi - YES
Under Proclamation No. 2146, the Tañon Strait is an environmentally critical area, having been
declared as a protected area in 1998; therefore, any activity outside the scope of its management
plan may only be implemented pursuant to an ECC secured after undergoing an EIA to
determine the effects of such activity on its ecological system. When the seismic surveys were
done in the Tanon Strait, no such environmental impact was done. The ECC was secured only
prior to the second sub-phase of SC-46. Exploitation and utilization of the energy resource in
Tanon Strait may be allowed only through law passed by Congress, since the strait is a NIPAS

SC-46 is null and void. Two requirements of a service contract were not met - that the president
should be a signatory and within 30 days from execution, the President must report to Congress.

04 Magallanes vs. Magallanes is the sales agent of Andrews Inc. In order to get his commissions, The RTC decision absolving Magallanes from civil liability has attained finality because the
Palmer Asia Magallanes replaced the bouncing checks given by his clients with 5 checks drawn complainant - ANDREWS - was not able to file a petition for review on time. The petition filed
from his own account. However, these checks also bounced. Sometime in 1995, by Palmer in the CA should have been dismissed because they are not the real party in interest.
Andrews Inc. was taken over by Palmer Asia in furtherance of a marketing strategy
wherein Andrews will change its name to Palmer Asia. Just take note that Andrews A real party in interest is the party who stands to be benefited or injured by the judgment in the
remained as an existing corporation. It did not get dissolved nor did it transfer its assets suit, or the party entitled to the avails of the suit. Unless otherwise authorized by law or these
and liabilities to Palmer. Because the checks issued by Magallanes also bounced - Rules, every action must be prosecuted or defended in the name of the real party in interest.
Andrews filed a complaint for BP 22 against him in the MeTC of Makati. MeTC
acquitted Magallanes criminally but held him liable civilly. The RTC did not hold A case is dismissible for lack of personality to sue upon proof that the plaintiff is not the real
Magallanes liable since the RTC reasoned that the checks were not for valuable party-in-interest hence grounded on failure to state a cause of action. Remember that the
consideration since they were made to pay fictitious transactions and that MAgallanes bouncing checks were issued in favor of Andrews and NOT Palmer. Remember that Andrews
cannot be held liable for the bouncing checks of his clients. Palmer filed a petition for only relinquished its operations to Palmer but the corporation itself never got dissolved. It did
review under Rule 42 in the CA. CA ruled against Magallanes stating that he derived not issue a resolution nor filed in the SEC a petition to terminate itself. Hence, Palmer and
pecuniary benefit from the transactions. Andrews are two different entities. Hence, the action filed in the CA should have been filed by
or for the name of Andrews and not Palmer.
1. Whether or not the RTC decision has attained finality because Andrews Assuming that Palmer was acting as an agent of Andrews while filing the case, Palmer should
was not able to appeal such - YES have included Andrews in the title of the case. In this case, it did not.
2. Whether or not the CA failed to dismiss Palmer’s petition for lack of
jurisdiction - YES

05 PNB v. Mega A loan agreement was also entered which Mega Prime executed in favor of PNB a Fraud is never lightly inferred; it is good faith that is. Under the Rules of Court, it is presumed
Prime Realty promissory note for P404,496,000. Respondent further alleged that one of the principal that “a person is innocent of crime or wrong” and that “private transactions have been fair and
inducements for it to purchase the stockholdings of defendant was to acquire its assets, regular.” While disputable, these presumptions can be overcome only by clear and preponderant
specifically the one referred to as the Pantranco property. Mega Prime then entered evidence. Applied to contracts, the presumption is in favor of validity and regularity.
into a joint venture to develop the Pantranco property. Mega Prime sought the
annulment of the deed of sale on ground of misrepresentation. Respondent likewise
sought reimbursement of the P150,000,000 plus legal interest incurred by Mega Prime
as expenses for the development of the Pantranco property as actual damages and
further sought moral and exemplary damages and attorney’s fees.

WON PNB and Mega Prime are entitled to the damages they respectively claim
against each other.

NO. Basic is the jurisprudential principle that in determining actual damages, the
courts cannot rely on mere assertions, speculations, conjectures, or guesswork but must
depend on competent proof or the best obtainable evidence of the actual amount of

06 Aguila v CA Felicidad Abrogar, with the consent of her late husband and AC Aguila & Sons Co The Supreme Court found the petition meritorious. The Court ruled that since the memorandum
entered into a MOA selling her property in the amount of P200,000.00. In a special of agreement was executed by A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co. and Abrogar, it is the partnership, not
power of attorney, Abrogar authorized Aguila (manager of AC Aguila & Sons, Co) to its officer or agents, which should be impleaded in the instant case. Verily, since Aguila was not
cause the cancellation of TCT No. 195101, in the event that she (Abrogar) failed to the proper party in interest in this case, the case should be dismissed for failure to state a cause
redeem the subject property as provided in the memorandum of Agreement. Abrogar of action.
failed to redeem the property on time, causing Aguila to cancel TCT No. 195101 and
applied for the issuance of a new title in the name of AC Aguila & Sons Co. Rule 3, §2 of the Rules of Court of 1964, under which the complaint in this case was filed,
Thereafter, Aguila demanded for the peaceful surrender of the questioned property, but provided that "every action must be prosecuted and defended in the name of the real party in
Abrogar refused to vacate prompting Aguila to file an ejectment suit. Aguila won the interest." A real party in interest is one who would be benefited or injured by the judgment, or
case. Abrogar then filed a petition for declaration of nullity of a deed of sale with the who is entitled to the avails of the suit. 7 This ruling is now embodied in Rule 3, §2 of the 1997
Regional Trial Court of Marikina against Aguila alleging that the signature of her Revised Rules of Civil Procedure. Any decision rendered against a person who is not a real
husband on the deed of sale was a forgery because he was already dead when it was party in interest in the case cannot be executed. Hence, a complaint filed against such a
signed. Aguila filed the instant petition for review contending that he is not the real person should be dismissed for failure to state a cause of action.
party in interest but AC Aguila & Co. against which this case should have been
brought. N.B Complaint cannot state a cause of action against one who cannot be a party to a civil
WoN Aguila is the real party in interest. No, it is the partnership not the officers
who should be impleaded

07 Samaniego v. A land with an aggregate area of approximately 10.4496 hectares, more or less,in Patul 1. YES. The Court erred in dismissing the case. The procedure governing appeals tosaid court
Aguila (now Malvar), Santiago, Isabela was to be awarded to petitioners, Samaniego,et. al. from quasi-judicial agencies was embodied in Revised AdministrativeCircular No. 1-95, which
who were then tenants and recipients of the Operation Land Transfer Programunder provides in relevant parts:
PD No. 27. A part of the identified land belonged to the private respondentAguila, who
upon knowledge thereof, seek exemption from PD No. 27 to the RegionalDirector. TO: COURT OF APPEALS, COURT OF TAX APPEALS, THE SOLICITOR
Aug 21 1991, the Regional Director granted the application of exemptionwhich GENERAL,THE GOVERNMENT CORPORATE COUNSEL, ALL MEMBERS OF
prompted the petitioners to appeal the decision to the Department of AgrarianReform THEGOVERNMENT PROSECUTION SERVICE, AND ALL MEMBERS OF
(DAR). DAR affirmed the decision of the Regional Director. Uponmotion of THEINTEGRATED BAR OF THE PHILIPPINES.SUBJECT:....RULES GOVERNING
petitioners, the former reversed its decision and denied privaterespondent’s application APPEALS TO THE COURT OF APPEALS FROMJUDGMENTS OR FINAL ORDERS OF
for exemption. respondents then appealed the Department of Agrarian THE COURT OF TAX APPEALS AND QUASI-JUDICIAL AGENCIES.1. Scope.- These
Reform’sdecision to the Office of the President which reversed the DAR’s latter rules shall apply to appeals from judgments or final ordersof the Court of Tax Appeals and from
decision andaffirming its former decision and that private respondents are exempted awards, judgments, final orders orresolutions of or authorized by any quasi-judicial agency in
from PD 27.Petitioner’s raised the issue to the appellate court. The Appellate the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions. Among these agencies are the Civil
courtdismissed the petition on the ground that the petitioners failed to implead the ServiceCommission, Central Board of Assessment Appeals, Securities and
Officeof the President. ExchangeCommission, Land Registration Authority, Social SecurityCommission, Office of the
President, Civil Aeronautics Board, etc.. . . .
1.Whether the Court of Appeals erred in dismissing the case on the groundthat 6. Contents of petition. .- The petition for review shall (a) state the fullnames of the parties to
petitioners’ failure to implead the Office of the President - YES the case, without impleading the court or agencieseither as petitioners or respondents…
;2.Whether the Office of the President is an indispensable party in an appealfrom its
decision Thus, it is clear that petitioners’ failure to implead the Office of the President doesnot warrant
the dismissal of the case as it is in accordance with this circular

2. NO. The Office of the President is not an indispensable party to the case. Anindispensable
party is a party in interest without whom no final determination can behad of an action without
that party being impleaded. Indispensable parties are thosewith such an interest in the
controversy that a final decree would necessarily affecttheir rights, so that the court cannot
proceed without their presence. "Interest",within the meaning of this rule, should be material,
directly in issue and to beaffected by the decree, as distinguished from a mere incidental interest
in thequestion involved. On the other hand, a nominal or pro forma party is one who isjoined as
a plaintiff or defendant, not because such party has any real interest in thesubject matter or
because any relief is demanded, but merely because the technicalrules of pleadings require the
presence of such party on the record.

In the case at bar, even assuming that the Office of the President should havebeen impleaded by
petitioner, it is clear that the Office of the President is merelya pro forma party, in the same way
that a respondent court is a pro forma party inspecial civil actions for certiorari.

08 Domingo vs Herbert Scheer is a German national who was granted permanent resident status. He 1. 1. The SC agrees with the petitioner’s contention that the BOC was an indispensable party to the
Scheer was given an Alien Certificate of Registration and an Immigration Certificate of respondent’s petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus in the Court of Appeals. The
Registration. The DFA was informed by the German Embassy in Manila that Scheer respondent was arrested and detained on the basis of the Summary Deportation Order of the
was wanted by the German Federal Police and that a warrant was out against him and BOC. The petitioner caused the arrest of the respondent in obedience to the said Deportation
that his passport was cancelled. Thereafter, the Board of Commissioner (BOC) issued Order. The respondent, in his Memorandum, prayed that the CA annul not only the Summary
a Summary Deportation Order which cancelled Scheer’s permanent residence status Deportation Order of the BOC but also the latter’s Omnibus Resolution, and, thus, order the
and for his summary deportation. BOC solely relied on the German Vice consul to respondent’s immediate release. The respondent also prayed that the CA issue a writ of
conclude that he was an undesirable alien. He filed with the BOC an urgent motion for mandamus for the immediate resolution of his Urgent Motion for Reconsideration. The said
reconsideration of the summary deportation order but the BOC neither resolved nor motion had to be resolved by the BOC as the order sought to be resolved and reconsidered was
acted on the motion. When Immigration Commissioner Domingo assumed office, she issued by it and not by the petitioner alone. The powers and duties of the BOC may not be
asked the German Embassy if Scheer was still wanted to which the embassy replied exercised by the individual members of the Commission.
that he was not. Nevertheless, on June 6, 2002, Marine operatives as well as Board of Section 7, Rule 3 of the RoC requires indispensable parties to be joined as plaintiffs or
Immigration and Deportation (BID) agents arrested Scheer on order of Commissioner defendants. The joinder of indispensable parties in mandatory. Without the presence of
Domingo and was held pending deportation. Scheer filed a petition for certiorari, indispensable parties, the judgement of the court cannot attain real finality. Strangers to a case
mandamus and prohibition in the CA to prevent the deportation. He said that his are not bound by the judgment rendered by the court. The absence of an indispensable party
deportation was illegal, unjust, unconstitutional and tainted with GADELEJ. He also renders all subsequent actions of the court null and void. Lack of authority to act not only of the
said that the BOC has not acted upon his Urgent Motion for Reconsideration despite absent party but also as to those present. The responsibility of impleading all the indispensable
the lapse of 6 years. Commissioner commented on the petition saying that the BOC parties’ rests on the petitioner/plaintiff.
was an indispensable party, and not impleading the BOC as an indispensable party 2. The non-joinder of indispensable parties is not a ground for the dismissal of an action. Parties
warranted the denial of the petition. The CA rendered the decision in favor of Scheer. may be added by order of the court on motion of the party or on its own initiative at any stage of
CA said that there were numerous cases when only the Commissioner of Immigration the action and/or such times as are just. If the petitioner/plaintiff refuses to implead an
alone was impleaded to decide whether an alien may stay or be deported. (since only indispensable party despite the order of the court, the latter may dismiss the complaint/petition
the Commissioner domingo was impleaded and she is only 1 out of 4 commissioners) for the petitioner/plaintiff’s failure to comply therefor. The remedy is to implead the non-party
claimed to be indispensable. In this case, the CA did not require the respondent (petitioner
Issues: therein) to implead the BOC as respondent, but merely relied on the rulings of the Court in Vivo
1. WoN the Bureau of Commissioner was an indispensable party to the v. Arca, and Vivo v. Cloribel. The CA’s reliance on the said rulings is, however, misplaced. The
petition? - YES acts subject of the petition in the two cases were those of the Immigration Commissioner and
2. WoN the non-joinder of the Bureau of Commissioner be a ground for not those of the BOC; hence, the BOC was not a necessary nor even an indispensable party in
dismissal of the petition? - NO the aforecited cases.
2. The Court may be curing the defect in this case by adding the BOC as party-petitioner. The
petition should not be dismissed because the second action would only be a repetition of the
first. In Salvador, et al., v. Court of Appeals, et al., we held that it cannot be claimed by the
State that the BOC was not afforded its day in court, simply because only the petitioner, the
Chairperson of the BOC, was the respondent in the CA.

09 Agro Agro (seller) sold 2 parcels of land to Wonderland (buyer) and in return, Agro would Agro was held liable by the Court. The SC emphasized that Agro could not excuse itself from
Conglomerates secure a loan from the bank but Wonderland shall pay for it. Agro was able to receive liability and hold Wonderland liable to pay the loan upon the rescission of their sales contract. If
vs. CA the proceeds of the loan although the sale did not materialize because Agro did not petitioners sustained damages as a result of the rescission, it should have impleaded Wonderland
deliver the farmland to Wonderland. So the bank went after Agro. Agro contended that and asked damages (but they did not). The non-inclusion of a necessary party does not prevent
based on the agreement, Wonderland shall pay for the loan. But the RTC ruled that the court from proceeding in the action, and the judgment rendered therein shall be without
Agro is liable. Take note that Agro failed to file a third-party complaint against prejudice to the rights of such necessary party.
Wonderland. (This case is between Agro and Regent Bank)

W/N the non-inclusion of Wonderland in this case would prevent the court from
proceeding in the action. (NO)

10 Co v. Acosta Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of the Philippines, Inc. (PEPSI) issued 3 purchase orders RII and Delta’s complaint for a sum of money with attachment against PEPSI and Co clearly
addressed to CTC Appliance Center for 12,000 units of refrigerators. Rufino Co is the shows that PEPSI and the Co are indispensable parties to the case. In fact, RII and Delta sued
proprietor of the Center. In a formal deed of assignment, petitioner Co assigned his both PEPSI and Co under a common cause of action. Likewise, the affidavit attached in support
rights and interests to the three purchase orders and to the money value of the of the complaint is framed in such a way that there can be no doubt as to the intention of the RII
deliveries made or to be made thereunder to respondent Refrigeration Industries, Inc. and Delta in suing PEPSI and the petitioner herein as indispensable parties. After the lower
(RII). PEPSI wrote a letter to RII informing them that it was not recognizing the court dropped PEPSI as a party defendant in Civil Case No. 42815, the respondent court lost
 Failing to collect from PEPSI, RII sent a letter of demand to the Co authority to act further in the case insofar as Co is concerned.
demanding payment of P2,907,535.00, but the latter refused and failed to pay. RII and
Delta Motors Corporation (Delta) filed a case for a sum of money with attachment Where two defendants are sued under a common cause of action, plaintiff’s agreement to
before Branch X of the Court of First Instance of Rizal, against Pepsi Cola Bottling drop and release and discharge one of the defendants from the case should extend to the
Company of the Philippines, Inc., and petitioner Rufino Co. RII and Delta filed a other even if both defendants have not yet filed any answer.
formal ex-parte motion to dismiss the complaint against PEPSI. Attached to the motion
is an instrument entitled Delta Motors, RII, and PEPSI mutually agreed to release and
forever discharge each other from any and all liabilities or causes of action arising out
of the transaction involving the 1,000 units of refrigerator.

WoN the respondent court lost authority to act further in the case insofar as Co is
concerned. YES.

11 Metropolitan Central Bank (CB; now BSP) and RBG entered into an agreement, wherein RBG shall The agreement was between CB and RBG. Wherein, RBG assumed liability under the Project
Bank and Trust facilitate the loan applications of farmer-borrowers under the CB-International Bank terms and Conditions by solidarily binding itself with the principal debtors (i.e. farmer-
Company for Reconstruction and Development’s (IBRD’s) Rural Credit Line. The agreement borrowers) to fulfill the obligation. Therefore, CB’s immediate recourse should have been
(Metrobank) v. required RBG to open a separate bank account where the IBRD loan proceeds shall be against the farmer-borrowers and RBG. It erred in deducting the amounts against
Rural Bank of deposited. RBG opened an account with Metrobank. As depositary, Metrobank is to Metrobank’s account. Metrobank assumed no responsibility other than being a conduit.
Gerona, Inc. receive the credit advice released by the CB and Metrobank, in turn, would credit such
(RBG) amount to RBG’s savings account. Impleading CB as a necessary party is completely unnecessary contrary to the position
taken by the CA. In so far as Metrobank is concerned, the CB’s presence and the reasons for its
CB on several dates released credit advices in favor of Metrobank in the following reversals of the IBRD loans are immaterial after subrogation has taken place.
amounts and for the respective farmer-borrower: (1) 178,652 – Domindaor de Jesus;
189,052 – Basilio Panopio, and 220,000 – Ponciano Lagman. Metrobank, in turn, Rule 3, Sec. 8 of the Rules of Court provides: A necessary party is one who is not
credited the said amounts to RBG’s savings account. indispensable but who ought to be joined as a party if complete relief is to be accorded as
to those already parties, or for a complete determination or settlement of the claim subject
For some reason, the CB issued debit advices – reversing all the approved IBRD of the action. [Not really cited by the Court]
loans. CB debited from Metrobank’s demand deposit account the amounts
corresponding to the IBRD loans. Upon receipt of such debit advices, Metrobank In addition, whatever cause of action RBG may have against the CB for the unexplained
debited 312,052.41 from RBG’s savings account. Metrobank demanded from RBG for reversals and any undue deductions is for RBG to ventilate as a third-party claim; if it has not
the satisfaction of the outstanding balance (i.e. deficiency between the aggregate done so at this point, then the matter should be dealt with in a separate case.
amount of IBRD loans and amount Metrobank was able to debit from RBG’s account).
Metrobank filed a complaint for collection of sum of money against RBG before The SC remanded the case back to the RTC for further determination of the actual amounts due
the RTC. to Metrobank.

RTC ruled for Metrobank. It ruled that there was legal subrogation under Art. 1302 of
the Civil Code. It ordered RBG to pay Metrobank the outstanding amount plus 14%
per annum interest until paid. The CA, however, reversed the decision. Aside from
ruling that there was no legal subrogation, it also ruled that CB should have been
impleaded as a necessary party (!!!) so that it could shed light on the IBRD loan
reversals. Hence, the petition was filed before the SC. Metrobank argues that CB is not
a necessary party, because RBG already admitted its liability for the amount
Metrobank failed to recover. Furthermore, Metrobank argued that to further implead
CB would unduly delay the proceedings. (The case was filed with the RTC 20 years

ISSUE: Whether CB is a necessary party to the case (NO).

12 Plasabas v. CA Petitioner Sps. Plasabas and Malazarte filed a complaint for recovery of title to NO. Under Art. 487 of the Civil Code, any of the co-owners may bring an action for ejectment.
property with the RTC of Maasin. The subject property is a coconut land in Canturing, The said article covers all kinds of actions for recovery of possession. As such, there was no
Maasin, Southern Leyte. However, during the trial in the RTC, it was revealed that need to implead the other co-owners as parties to the case. A co-owner may file suit without
Plasabas is not the sole owner of the said property. Based on the testimonies of the necessarily joining all the other co-owners as co-plaintiffs because the suit is deemed to be
petitioner’s witnesses, the property was passed on from Francisco Plasabas to his son, instituted for the benefit of all. But if the judgment is adverse, the same cannot prejudice the
Leoncio. Then, Leoncio passed it to Jovita Talam, petitioner Nieves’ grandmother. rights of the unimpleaded co-owners.
Then to Antonina Talam, her mother. And then to her and her siblings – Jose, Victor,
and Victoria. The allegation of the petitioners in their complaint that they are the sole owners of the property
in litigation is immaterial, considering that they acknowledged during trial that the property is
The trial court dismissed the case without hearing the merits for the failure of the Sps. co-owned by Nieves and her siblings, and that Plasabas and Malazarte have been authorized by
Plasabas and Malazarte to implead the other co-owners, who are considered as the co-owners to pursue the case on the latter’s behalf. The Court remanded the case to the trial
indispensable parties to the case. This ruling was affirmed by the Court of Appeals. court for disposition.

The issue before the Supreme Court is WoN the co-owners are indispensable parties to
a case?

13 Casals v. Tayud Robert Casals and Inocentes Ouano, organizers of Apollo Homes and Investment YES. Rule 3, Section 7 of the Rules of Court defines indispensable parties as parties-in-interest,
Golf Corporation, furnished an Affidavit of Quitclaim and Waiver in favor of Antonio without whom there can be no final determination of an action. The general rule with reference
Osmeña, their co-organizer in the corporation. By virtue of said document, Osmeña to the making of parties in a civil action requires the joinder of all necessary parties, and the
was able to transfer ownership of certain parcels of land to his name with the tax joinder of all indispensable parties under any and all conditions, their presence being a sine qua
declarations issued as a consequence. Out of those properties covered by the waiver non for the exercise of judicial power. A person is not an indispensable party, however, if his
and quitclaim, four parcels of land were developed by Osmeña as a memorial park; six interest in the controversy or subject matter is separable from the interest of the other parties, so
parcels were sold to Tri-Plus Holdings Corporation with Euclid Po as payor; and a that it will not necessarily be directly or injuriously affected by a decree which does complete
parcel sold to the spouses de Jesus. justice between them. Also, a person is not an indispensable party if his presence would merely
permit complete relief between him and those already parties to the action, or if he has no
The heirs of Robert Casals instituted an action for declaration of nullity, conveyance, interest in the subject matter of the action. It is not a sufficient reason to declare a person to be
quieting of title, recovery of ownership, accounting and damages against Osmeña, an indispensable party that his presence will avoid multiple litigation.
Euclid Po, Tri-Plus Holdings Corporation, Spouses de Jesus and the Provincial
Assessor of Cebu. The CA, in finding Tayud Golf as an indispensable party, declared that Tayud Golf’s claim of
The petitioners filed a Motion for Separate Partial Judgment praying that they be ownership over the 108 parcels of land is based on a Deed of Assignment executed by Apollo
declared owners of parts of the lots. This petition was granted by the RTC. Petitioners Homes in favour of the former. Of the 108 properties, 106 parcels were included in the Affidavit
filed a Motion for Execution which was granted and a Writ of Partial Execution was of Quitclaim and Waiver which the heirs of Casals were assailing. The CA also found that 27
issued. parcels of land were already issued certificates of title under the name of Tayud Golf as early as
1993, with another 7 parcels of land which are subject matter of Tayud Golf’s application for
Respondent Tayud Golf filed with the Court of Appeals a Petition for Annulment of land registration which were still pending issuance of certificates of title. Moreover, 74 parcels
Final Orders, seeking to nullify the 3 orders on the grounds that the said Orders and were issued tax declaration under its name, with payment of real estate taxes thereof supported
Writ were obtained through extrinsic fraud and that there was lack of jurisdiction over by various tax clearances. Evidently, Tayud is encompassed within the definition of an
the person of respondent Tayud Golf, which was never impleaded in the civil case. The indispensable party. Being the registered owner of at least 27 properties included in the
CA found Tayud Golf’s petition meritorious as it declared the cited decisions as null Affidavit of Quitclaim and Waiver, not to mention the other seven properties which were
and void for lack of jurisdiction. A Motion for Reconsideration filed by petitioners was pending issuance of certificates of title by virtue of the CA decision dated May 31, 2006, and
denied by the CA. Petitioners filed this petition for review under Rule 45. the other properties, which were declared for taxation purposes under its name, Tayud Golf
definitely has such a direct interest in the controversy or subject matter of the instant case.
W/N Tayud Golf is an indispensable party.

14 Pimentel v. Senator Panfilo Lacson delivered a privilege speech entitled "Kaban ng Bayan, NO, Senator Madrigal is not an indispensable party to the petition before the Court. While it
Senate Bantayan!" and called attention to the congressional insertion in the 2008 General may be true that she has an interest in the outcome of this case as the author of P.S. Resolution
Appropriations Act, particularly the P200 million appropriated for the construction of 706, the issues in this case are matters of jurisdiction and procedure on the part of the Senate
the CP Garcia Avenue Extension including Right-of-Way (ROW), and another P200 Committee of the Whole which can be resolved without affecting Senator Madrigal’s interest.
million appropriated for the extension of C-5 road including ROW. He stated that C-5 The nature of Senator Madrigal’s interest in this case is not of the nature that this case could not
is what was formerly called CP Garcia Avenue and that the second appropriation be resolved without her participation.
covers the same stretch – from Sucat Luzon Expressway to Sucat Road in Parañaque
City. Senator Lacson further stated that when he followed the narrow trail leading to Test to determine if party is indispensable:
the double entry, it led to Senator Villar, then the Senate President. Senator Madrigal An indispensable party is a party who has an interest in the controversy or subject matter that a
introduced P.S. Resolution 706 and demanded to direct the Committee on Ethics and final adjudication cannot be made, in his absence, without injuring or affecting that interes-- a
Privileges to investigate the conduct of Senate Manuel B. Villar, Jr. for using his party who has not only an interest in the subject matter of the controversy, but also has an
position of power to influence public officials in relocating the C-5 Road extension interest of such nature that a final decree cannot be made without affecting his interest or
project leaving the controversy in such a condition that its final determination may be wholly
inconsistent with equity and good conscience. An indispensable party is one who must be
ISSUE: Won Senator Madrigal, who filed the complaint against Senator Villar, is an included in an action before it may properly go forward.
indispensable party in this petition.
A person is not an indispensable party if his presence would merely permit a complete relief
between him and those already parties to the action, or if he has no interest in the subject matter
of the action.

15 Kilosbayan vs. Philippine Charity and Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) and Philippine Gaming A party's standing before the court is a procedural technicality which it may, in the exercise of
Guingona Management Corporation (PGMC) entered into an agreement dubbed as a Contract of its discretion set aside in view of the importance of the issues raised.
Lease which would allow the PGMC to conduct online lottery with PCSO. Petitioners In line with the liberal policy of this Court on locus standi, ordinary taxpayers, members of
oppose the agreement stating that serious moral and ethical considerations. WoN the Congress, and even association of planters, and non-profit civic organizations were allowed to
petitioners have locus standi? The court stated that locus standi is a procedural initiate and prosecute actions before this Court to question the constitutionality or validity of
technicality that the courts may set aside in its discretion. Since the issue is of laws, acts, decisions, rulings, or orders of various government agencies or instrumentalities
transcendental importance with serious repercussions, the petitioners were recognized.
WoN the contract of lease is valid. The contract of lease is not valid. The law granted
to PCSO the franchise to conduct lotteries, and such franchise, being granted by the
Congress cannot be shared, or assigned to others. The “Contract of Lease” is actually a
joint venture, and as such violative of the law as it would allow PCMG to shares
PCSO’s franchise.

16 Intellectual Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) recommended to the DFA Legal standing refers to a right of appearance in a court of justice on a given question. The
Property that the Philippines should accede to the Madrid Protocol (implements Madrid person who would assail the validity of a statute must have "a personal and substantial interest
Association vs. Agreement which provides a one stop solution for registering and managing marks in the case such that he has sustained, or will sustain direct injury as a result.” (Direct Injury
Ochoa worldwide). DFA endorsed this to the president and determined that it is an executive test)
agreement. President Benigno Aquino III ratified the protocol through an instrument of
accession. Petitioner Intellectual Property Association of the Philippines, an The injury that the IPAP will allegedly suffer from the implementation of the Madrid Protocol
association of more than 100 law firms and individual practitioners in intellectual is imaginary, incidental and speculative as opposed to a direct and material injury required by
property law whose main objective is to promote intellectual property rights in the the foregoing tenets on locus standi. The IPAP has misinterpreted the provisions of the IP Code.
Philippines, commenced a special civil action for certiorari and prohibition to Hence, the IPAP cannot claim that it will suffer irreparable injury or diminution of rights
challenge the President’s accession to the protocol without the concurrence of the granted to it by Section 125.
senate. They also stated that the Madrid Protocol was in violation of the IP Code. The The IPAP, however, also emphasizes that the paramount public interest involved has
IPAP argues that it has the locus standi to file the case by virtue of its being an transcendental importance because its petition asserts that the Executive Department has
association whose members stand to be injured as a result of the Protocol’s overstepped the bounds of its authority by thereby cutting˜∑ into another branch's
enforcement. They claim that it will diminish the rights granted by the IP Code to IP
Law practitioners. functions and responsibilities. The issues raised herein against the implementation of the
Madrid Protocol are of transcendental importance. Accordingly, the court recognized
IPAP's locus standi to bring the present challenge. The Court has adopted a liberal attitude
Whether or not the IP AP has locus standi to challenge the President's ratification of towards locus standi whenever the issue presented for consideration has transcendental
the Madrid Protocol YES significance to the people, or whenever the issues raised are of paramount importance to the

17 Velarde vs. Social SJS filed a Petition for Declaratory Relief before the RTC against Velarde. SJS sought Legal standing or locus standi has been defined as a personal and substantial interest in the
Justice Society the interpretation of several constitutional provisions, specifically on the separation of case, such that the party has sustained or will sustain direct injury as a result of the challenged
(SJS) church and state; and a declaratory judgment on the constitutionality of the acts of act. Interest means a material interest in issue that is affected by the questioned act or
religious leaders endorsing a candidate for an elective office, or urging or requiring the instrument, as distinguished from a mere incidental interest in the question involved.
members of their flock to vote for a specified candidate.
Parties bringing suits challenging the constitutionality of a law, an act or a statute must show
The trial court decided in favor of SJS and failed to include a dispositive portion in its "not only that the law or act is invalid, but also that they have sustained or are in immediate
assailed decision. Thus, Velarde and Soriano filed separate Motions for or imminent danger of sustaining some direct injury as a result of its enforcement, and not
Reconsideration which were denied. merely that they suffer thereby in some indefinite way.

WoN respondent/s have any legal standing to file the Petition for Declaratory Relief? - First, parties suing as taxpayers must specifically prove that they have sufficient interest in
NO. BUT preventing the illegal expenditure of money raised by taxation.

Second, there was no showing in the Petition for Declaratory Relief that SJS as a political party
or its members as registered voters would be adversely affected by the alleged acts of the
respondents below.

Finally, the allegedly keen interest of its "thousands of members who are citizens-taxpayers-
registered voters" is too general, vague, highly speculative and uncertain to satisfy the
requirement of standing.


The Court may liberalize the locus standi requirement when a petition raises an issue of
transcendental significance or paramount importance to the people. In IBP v. Zamora, It noted
that "the IBP has advanced constitutional issues which deserve the attention of this Court in
view of their seriousness, novelty and weight as precedents.”

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