Role of Education – Teachers help students think with reason.Based on the Socratic methods of oral exposition or recitation.
Explict or deliberate teaching of traiditonal values.
Focus in the Curriculum – Classical subjects, literary analysis, and curriculum is constant.
For Perennialists, the aim of education is to ensure that students acquire understandings about the great ideas of Western
civilization. These ideas have the potential for solving problems in any era. The focus is to teach ideas that are everlasting, to
seek enduring truths which are constant, not changing, as the natural and human worlds at their most essential level, do not
change. Teaching these unchanging principles is critical. Humans are rational beings, and their minds need to be developed.
Thus, cultivation of the intellect is the highest priority in a worthwhile education. The demanding curriculum focuses on
attaining cultural literacy, stressing students' growth in enduring disciplines. The loftiest accomplishments of humankind are
emphasized– the great works of literature and art, the laws or principles of science.
My Reflection:
Reflect on the philosophy of education – perennialism . On the spaces provided, write your reflection on the philosophy which
provides educators, teachers, and curriculum makers with framework for planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum
in schools. It helps in answering what schools are for, what subjects are important, how students should learn and what
materials and methods should be used.
At all time I, think I have come to a final belief statement, I learn something new about teaching and sometimes the
things I learn causes me to change my philosophy. Therefore, I will share with you what I learned about teaching and what
I’ve learned at this point about philosophy of Education Perennialism. As a future teacher I believe that educational system
must accommodate the individual and the diverse needs of each child. Many factors should be thought about when forming
a philosophy on education. Perennialism is a philosophy that believes “education” is constant were Students are taught
through structured lessons and drills in most traditional way
A perennial’s education is a preparation for life, and students should be taught the world’s dependently through
structured study. Perennialist’s hold that subject matter should be the center of the curriculum.They feel that greater
educational opportunities have lowered standards in the schools. They are particularly critical of the progressives who have
placed emphasis on the interests of the child and teaching through activity and freedom. Education should introduce the
pupil to the universal concerns of mankind thorough the study of the great works of literature, philosophy, history, and
science. Such works represent man’s finest insights into his own nature. The insights presented in these works are eternal.
They do not change; they are never dated. In this way, she learns truths that are more important than any she could find by
by pursing his own interests. In the learning process, the teacher plays a secondary role . It is pupils who play a primary role.
Since the child has natural capacity, he should learn by himself. Therefore, self-learning, self-activity and self-discovery
methods are suggested by perennialists. As a future educator I believe that Focusing on the past at the cost of present is not
at all desirable because the present is the valuable that guide us to the future.
Criteria Above Expectations Meet Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations Score
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Reflective The reflection explains the student’s The reflection explains the The reflection attempts to The reflection does
Thinking own thinking and learning processes, student’s thinking about demonstrate thinking about not address the
as well as implications for future his/her own learning learning but is vague and/or student’s thinking
learning. processes. unclear about the personal and/or learning.
learning process..
Analysis The reflection is an in-depth analysis The reflection is an analysis of The reflection attempts to analyze The reflection does
of the learning experience, the value of the learning experience and the learning experience but the not move beyond a
the derived learning to self or others, the value of the derived value of the learning to the student description of the
and the enhancement of the student’s learning to self or others. or others is vague and/or unclear. learning experience.
appreciation for the discipline.
Making The reflection articulates multiple The reflection articulates The reflection attempts to The reflection does
Connections connections between this learning connections between this articulate connections between not articulate any
experience and content from other learning experience and this learning experience and connection to other
courses, past learning, life content from other courses, content from other courses, past learning or
experiences and/or future goals. past learning experiences, learning experiences, or personal experiences.
and/or future goals. goals, but the connection is vague
and/or unclear.
Name: _____________________________________ Course: _______________ Date: _____________
School: ____________________________________ Class Schedule: ___________________________
Role of Education – Teachers help students think with reason.Based on the Socratic methods of oral exposition or recitation.
Explict or deliberate teaching of traiditonal values.
Focus in the Curriculum – Classical subjects, literary analysis, and curriculum is constant.
For Perennialists, the aim of education is to ensure that students acquire understandings about the great ideas of Western
civilization. These ideas have the potential for solving problems in any era. The focus is to teach ideas that are everlasting, to
seek enduring truths which are constant, not changing, as the natural and human worlds at their most essential level, do not
change. Teaching these unchanging principles is critical. Humans are rational beings, and their minds need to be developed.
Thus, cultivation of the intellect is the highest priority in a worthwhile education. The demanding curriculum focuses on
attaining cultural literacy, stressing students' growth in enduring disciplines. The loftiest accomplishments of humankind are
emphasized– the great works of literature and art, the laws or principles of science.
My Reflection:
Criteria Above Expectations Meet Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations Score
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Reflective The reflection explains the student’s The reflection explains the The reflection attempts to The reflection does
Thinking own thinking and learning processes, student’s thinking about demonstrate thinking about not address the
as well as implications for future his/her own learning learning but is vague and/or student’s thinking
learning. processes. unclear about the personal and/or learning.
learning process..
Analysis The reflection is an in-depth analysis The reflection is an analysis of The reflection attempts to analyze The reflection does
of the learning experience, the value of the learning experience and the learning experience but the not move beyond a
the derived learning to self or others, the value of the derived value of the learning to the student description of the
and the enhancement of the student’s learning to self or others. or others is vague and/or unclear. learning experience.
appreciation for the discipline.
Making The reflection articulates multiple The reflection articulates The reflection attempts to The reflection does
Connections connections between this learning connections between this articulate connections between not articulate any
experience and content from other learning experience and this learning experience and connection to other
courses, past learning, life content from other courses, content from other courses, past learning or
experiences and/or future goals. past learning experiences, learning experiences, or personal experiences.
and/or future goals. goals, but the connection is vague
and/or unclear.