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*) Student of Civil Engineering Major, Faculty of Engineering, University of Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon
**) Lecturer of Civil Engineering Major, Faculty of Engineering, University of Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon


The strategic geographical location of Tegal City supports the development of business and
services. YOGYA Group is a Supermaket and Department Store company. In building construction there
is a structural analysis that is used as a method or system to achieve development as planned.

The method used in this research is qualitative method. Literature method by collecting data,
studying and identifying. Observation method by conducting a survey to the research location. Adhering
to the guidelines of SNI 2847: 2013 (Requirements for structural concrete for buildings), SNI 1727: 2013
(Minimum load for building design and other structures), Guidelines for house planning and building
loading (PPURG 1987) and SNI 1726: 2012 (earthquake resistance planning procedures for buildings and
non-building structures).

This analysis obtained a result of dimension data and the number of beam reinforcement, column,
plate and the number of pile needs for the Yogya Tegal department store building.

Keyword : Analysis, Building, Concrete, SNI, Strategic

I. INTRODUCTION 3. How to analyze using Etabs?
1.1. BACKGROUND 4. How to plan the foundation for the
Tegal city is a city located in the construction of the Yogya Tegal
north of Central Java Province, with a total Department Store?
area of 39.5 km2 and is divided into 4
districts and 27 villages that are directly 1.3.2. PROBLEM IDENFICATION
adjacent to the sea. Lately, Tegal City has a This problem identification is
fairly rapid development in the field of focused on designing and analyzing the
business and services. With the support of a
building structure of Yogya Tegal Toserba
very strategic Geografis location, the city
that connects the district consisting of using concrete structures with the help of
Brebes Regency, Pemalang Regency, not Etabs application
only that as the main driving force for
economic activity in the city of Tegal. 1.4. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES
1.4.1. PURPOSE
Yogya Group is a modern The thesis proposal entitled "
Indonesian retail company. YOGYA Group
is a retail company with Supermaket and
Department Store formats. In building YOGYA TEGAL TOSERBA " will explain
construction there is a structural analysis building planning with concrete structures.
that is used as a way or system to achieve
development as planned. 1.4.2. OBJECTIVES
1. To redesign Yogya Tegal Toserba
On the basis of criteria of safety and
by using a concrete structure.
prime service, the loading planning process
must be in accordance with SNI 1727 - 2. To find out the details of
2013 and the structure planning of this dimensions, plates, beams, columns
building must refer to SNI - 2847-2013 and foundations accordingly.
reinforced concrete, which is the latest 3. calculate the cost of the budget only
regulation adapted to the development of in the building structure.
the latest material technology with reference
to AISC, besides that in the calculation of 1.5. LIMITATION OF PROBLEM
earthquake engineering must also refer to In the thesis with the title " PLANNING
SNI 1726 - 2012.
In this study focused on designing limitation that aims for the preparation of the
with concrete structures and analyzing the Thesis, the limitation of the problems raised as
building of Yogya Tegal Department Store follows :
using reinforced concrete structures.
1. Only plan and design the construction
1.3. PROBLEM FORMULATION AND of the Yogya Tegal Toserba building in
PROBLEM IDENFICATION accordance with SNI 2847: 2013
1.3.1. PROBLEM FORMULATION Reinforced concrete and SNI 1727:
1. How to design Yogya Tegal 2013 for loading.
Toserba using concrete structures 2. Planning the plate, beam, column
(SNI 2847: 2013)? structure using reinforced concrete
2. How to plan the dimensions of the structures.
plate, beam and column?
3. Don’t plan the structure of stairs and II. THEORETICAL BASIS
shear walls, or retaining walls. 2.1. THEORETICAL BASIS
4. Planning the Pile foundation 2.1.1. Structure Analysis
5. Don’t plan electrical installations, Structural analysis is a process
drainage, pavement. which is needed in a building construction,
6. Visualize through 2D drawing. and bridges to determine the strength of the
7. Calculate the Budget Plan (RAB) only structure. Analysis can be done with the
on the structure. help of manual counts and application
8. Don’t calculate the budget for assistance such as SAP2000, ETABS and so
architectural and plumbing work. on.
9. Analyzing building structures using
only the Etabs application. 2.1.2. Basic Planning
Building analysis or building
1.6. FRAMEWORK planning must have guidelines or
regulations that apply in Indonesia,
including :
1. Requirements for structural
concrete for buildings (SNI 2847:
2. Minimum load for building design
and other structures (SNI 1727:
3. Guidelines for planning the loading
of houses and buildings (PPURG
4. Procedures for planning earthquake
resistance for structures of buildings
and non-buildings (SNI 1726:

2.1.3. Structure Planning

The Structure is an element which

Picture 1. Formwork is united which is able to accept its own
load or load received from outside, the
1.7. RESEARCH LOCATION criteria for good structure are :

1. Fire resistant
2. Sturdy or strong
3. Economic
4. Safe and comfortable

Figure 2. research location

2.1.4. Classification of Loading Table 4. Minimum thickness of non-
The loads received by the structure prestressed beams or one-way plates if
are: deflection is not calculated
a. Dead Load
b. Live Load
c. Earthquake Load
d. Wind Load
e. Load Combination
Structural elements must be planned to
bear the worst possible load combination. The
following are, the load combination that referes
to load minimum :

1. 1,4D
2. 1,2D + 1,6L +0.5 (Lr atau Satau R)
3. 1,2D + 1,6 (Lr atau S atau R) + (L atau
4. 1,2D + 1,0W + L + 0.5 (Lr atau S atau R)
5. 1,2D + 1,0E + L + 0.2S
6. 0,9D + 1,0W b. Two-way Plate
7. 0,9D + 1,0E If the Ly / Lx value is ≤ 2, then
the plate is considered a two-way plate.
Where :  Determine Plate Thickness (h)
D = Dead Load 𝑓𝑦
𝐿𝑛 . (0,8+ 1400 )
L = Live Load h=
𝐿𝑦 1
36 + 5 . . [2− 0,12 . (1+ 𝐿𝑦 )]
R = Rain Load 𝐿𝑥
W = Wind Load
E = Earthquake Load In accordance with SNI – 2847 – 2013
Lr = Roof Load concerning the rules for determining (h)
the thickness of the plates as follows :
S = Snow Load
hmin roof plate (dak) = 90 mm
2.1.5. Basic Planning of Reinforced hmin pelat lantai = 125 mm
Concrete Building Structures Keterangan :
The following is the basis for h = Plate Thickness
planning reinforced concrete structural ln = Clean span length
elements according to SNI 2847-2013: ly = Long span of direction y
1. Plate Planning lx = Long span of direction y
a. One-way Plate
 Counting Moments that work in the
If the Ly / Lx value> 2 then the
X and Y directions
plate is considered a one-way plate.
• Mlx(+) = 0,001 . Qu . lx2 . Clx
• Mly(+) = 0,001 . Qu . lx2 . Cly
• Mtx(-) = - 0,001 . Qu . lx2 . Ctx
• Mty(-) = - 0,001 . Qu . lx2 . Cty
Keterangan : 2. Beams
Mlx = Momen of direction x  Calculate the effective height of the
Mly = Momen of direction y beam and width (b) the cross
Lx = short span length section concrete
Clx = moment field direction d = h – p – Ø stirrup – (1/2 Ø main
coefficient x reinforcement)
Cly = moment field direction
coefficient y  Calculate the latitude style of beam
Ctx = moment support direction design
coefficient x U = 1,2 D + 1,6 L
Cty = moment support direction
 Calculate the maximum beam
coefficient x
design moment
 Calculate the As needed (area of Mu = 1,2 MDL + 1,6 MLL
 Determine the quality of concrete
Mn = 𝑏𝑑 2 and reinforcing steel: :
0.8𝑓𝑦 −√(0.8𝑓𝑦)2 −4(0.4704 ′ )( 2)
𝑓𝑦2 𝑀𝑢 f’c ≤ 30MPa then β1=0,85Mpa
𝑓 𝑐 𝑏𝑑
ρ = 𝑓𝑦2
f’c ≥ 30MPa then β1=0,65 Mpa
2 𝑥 (0.4704 )
𝑓′ 𝑐

ρmin =
1  Determine the reinforcement and
reinforcement ratio
ρmaks = 0,75 x ρbalance 𝑀𝑢
0,85 . 𝑓𝑐 600 Mn =
ρbalance = βi . ( ) 𝑥 ( ) ø
𝑓𝑦 600+𝑓𝑦 ϕ = 0,8
if fcꞋ ≤ 30 Mpa then βi = 0,85 𝑀𝑛
Rn = ( b = beam width)
jika 30 ≤ fcꞋ ≤ 55 then : bd2
0,85 . (𝑓𝑐−30)
βi = 0,85 − 0,85 𝑥 𝑓𝑐 ’
ρ = 𝑥 (1 −
βi = 0,85 – 0,007 (fcꞋ − 30) fy

if fcꞋ > 55 Mpa then βi = 0,65 2𝑅𝑛

Terms : √1 − 0,85 𝑥 𝑓𝑐’
jika ρmin ≤ ρ ≤ ρmaks (then the √𝑓𝑐 ’
value is taken ρ) ρmin = 4 . fy
jika ρ > ρmin (then the ρmaks = 0,75 x ρbalance
value is taken ρ) ρbalance = βi . (
0,85 . 𝑓𝑐
𝑥 (600+𝑓𝑦)
jika ρ < ρmin (then the
if fcꞋ ≤ 30 Mpa then βi = 0,85
value is taken ρmin)
if 30 ≤ fcꞋ ≤ 55 then :
jika ρ > ρmaks (then the
0,85 . (𝑓𝑐−30)
value is taken ρmaks) βi = 0,85 −
So : βi = 0,85 – 0,007 (fcꞋ − 30)
As perlu = ρ x b x d if fcꞋ > 55 Mpa then βi = 0,65
Terms :
 Calculate reinforcement distance :
if ρmin ≤ ρ ≤ ρmaks (then the
The distance between reinforcement value is taken ρ)

x d2 xb
(s) =
if ρ > ρmin (then the SNI Section Menyataka
value is taken ρ) hoops that the total cross-sectional
if ρ < ρmin (then the area of not less than one of the
value is taken ρmin) greatest of:
if ρ > ρmaks (then the 𝑠.𝑏𝑐.𝑓𝑐′ 𝐴𝑔
Ash = 0.3.-1 ( )( )
value is taken ρmaks) 𝑓𝑦𝑡 𝐴𝑐ℎ
so : And
As = ρ x b x d 0.09. 𝑠. 𝑏𝑐. 𝑓𝑐′
Pililh tulangan dengan dasar As 𝐴𝑠ℎ =
terpasang ≥ As diperlukan.

 Plan shear re  Nominal shear strength

Vc = ϕ ( √𝑓𝑐 ҆ ) 𝑥 𝑏 𝑥 𝑑 √𝐹𝑐 ′ 𝑥 𝑏 𝑥 𝑑
6 𝑉𝑐 =
ϕ = 0,6 (sliding reduction factor) 6
Vu ≤ 0,5ϕVc (then there is no need  Gayar shear reinforcement stirrup bear
for shear reinforcement) 𝑉𝑢
Vu > 0,5ϕVc (then a shear 𝑗𝑖𝑘𝑎 ( − 𝑣𝑐) ≤ 0 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑎 𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑣𝑠 = 0𝐾𝑁
reinforcement is needed) 𝑉𝑢 𝑉𝑢
𝑉𝑢 𝑗𝑖𝑘𝑎 ( − 𝑣𝑐) ≥ 0 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑎 𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑣𝑠 = ( − 𝑣𝑐)
Vs perlu = − 𝑉𝑐 ∅𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 ∅𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟
Vn = Vc + Vs.  The maximum stirrup distance
3. Column If the Smaks = d / 2𝑉𝑠 < 3
Here, are the steps of planning If the Smaks = d / 4𝑉𝑠 > 3
the appropriate column SNI - 2847 -
2013:  Calculate the area of reinforcement
 Calculate the necessary stirrups need
reinforcement area 1
AS = ρ xbxh 𝐴𝑣 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑢 = 3
 Calculating the amount of
reinforcement used  Calculate the area of reinforcement
n = As / (π x D2 / 4) stirrup wear
 Calculating the wear reinforcement Av wear = nx 0.25πD2
As = (nx π x D2) / 2
 Checking Pu of the load balanced
OPN = 0.80 Ø (0.85 x fc 'x ab xb +
As' x fs' - As x fy)
 Maximum nominal axial force
ɸPn = 0.8 * ɸ * (0.85 * fc * (Ag-
As) + (fy * As)).
 Planning reinforcement
confinement \
Table 5. Thick concrete covers minimum, for 4. SNI - 2847 - 2013 (Structural
reinforced concrete concrete requrements for buildings)
5. SNI - 1726 - 2012 (Procedures for
earthquake resistance planning for
building structures and Non-
6. SNI - 1727 - 2013 (Minimum load
for building design and other
7. PPIURG 1987 (Guidelines for
Loading Plans for Home and

3.1.2 Research Methods Used

The research methods used are
quantitative methods and qualitative
methods, the explanation is as follows:

4. Foundation 1. Quantitative method is a method

In planning the foundation which studies existing literature for
using piles of data to use the data the preparation of a thesis.
sondir Tegal area Yogya 2. Qualitative method is a method that
Department Store project. Sondir is carried out by collecting data from
necessary data is data and data qc research objects for the preparation
JHL of a thesis.

III. METHODS RESEARCH 3.1.3 Types of Data and Sources of

3.1. METHODS Research Data
3.1.1 Design The research Types of data types and sources
are as follows:
The research design begins with
collecting data and literature related to 1. Primary Data
planning. The data used in this study are In this study primary data
as follows: collection is by conducting a field
survey, on the object of research in
1. Existing data in the form of land
Yogya Tegal Toserba Building.
area and building area and the
2. Secondary Data
function of the building to be
Secondary data is data obtained from
sources or references from books and
2. Building image data of Yogya Tegal
the internet relating to building
3. Literature study by collecting
references from books and the
internet, which are intended as
preparation for the thesis.
3.1.4 Data Collection Method 3.3. OBJECT OF RESEARCH
Data collection methods used Yogya Tegal Toserba development
are literature and methodology methods, project is located on the Tegal-Cilacap road
the explanation is as follows or more precisely the AR HAKIM road.

1. The literature methode

The literature is a method carried
out by collecting, studying, and
identifying literature from books and the
internet, which are related to building
2. Metode Observation
Observation method is a method
obtained from the survey results directly
Picture 4. Project location of building
to the location or object of research.
Yogya Tegal Toserba
With a survey to the location of the
study, it can be known and obtained data IV. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS
from the planning of the building 4.1 PLANNING STRUCTURE
structure of Yogya Tegal Toserba. 4.1.1 Building specifications
a. building functions :Mall
b. Building area :
c. Building height : 25m
d. elevation Building
- Rooftop : + 22M
- 4th floor : + 16m
- 3rd floor : + 10m
- 2nd Floor : + 5m
- 1st floor : + 0m
- Basement : - 3m
4.1.2 Material specifications
a. quality Concrete
- Plate : K 300-350 kg / cm2,
Fc '= 25-30 mpa
- Beam : K 350-400 kg / cm2,
Fc '= 30-35 mpa
- Column : K 350-400 kg / cm2,
Fc '= 30-35 mpa
- Foundation : K 350 kg / cm2, Fc '=
30 mpa
b. Quality Steel in Concrete
- Plate type 1: ⦰12-13, fy = 240 mpa
Picture 3. Flowchart Thought - Beam : D14-22, fy = 400 mpa
methodology : ⦰8-16, fy = 310mpa
- Column : D14-22, fy = 400 mpa
: ⦰8-16, fy = 310mpa Table 9. Dimensional structure plan for
- Foundation : D16, fy = 400 mpa
4.2.3. Planning Dimensions
a. Plate
Table 6. Dimensional structure
plan for

b. Beams and Columns

Table 7. Dimensional structure 4.2. PLANNING STRUCTURE PLAN
plan for floor beams 1-4

Table 8. Dimensional floor plan

structure for the roof beams

Figure 5. Plan building looks on

Figure 6. As Plan As A and B direction Y

Figure 9. As Plan F direction Y

Figure 7. As Plan C direction Y

Figure 10. As Plan 6-14 x direction

Figure 8. As the US Plan D and E directions Y

Figure 11. As Plan 5-4 x direction

Table 10. Dimensional structure plan for the
roof slab plate

Table 11. Dimensional structure plan for floor


Figure 12. Plan As 3 directions x

For the results of the planning and

reinforcement beams obtained its dimensions

Table 12. Dimensional structure plan for beam

support area

Figure 13. As sketch 1-2 directions x

From the results of Tegal Yogya
Department Store Building planning using
concrete structure is obtained dimensions of
each work its structure. Such as beams, columns,
plates, and tiebeam. For the calculation of the
initial dimensional search using the ISO 2847-
2013 with the help of ETABS, and his
pembebenan using ISO 1727-2013, ISO 1726-
2012, and PPIURG 1987.

For the results of the planning and

reinforcement plates obtained its dimensions are:
Table 13. Dimensional field beam structure plan is 8375.8 m2. With this budget in its square
for the area meter Rp. 2.038.944,37


Supriyatna , Rio. 2017. “Analysis of Building

Local Government Structure 2 Karawang
with Concrete Structure”. University of
Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon

Manthofani, Subhan. 2016. “Analysis Structure

Table 14. Dimensional field beam structure plan University of Swadaya Gunung Jati
for the area Cirebon

Yusuf, Maulana. 2017. “Analysis and Planning

Masjid Raya Cirebon regency, West Java
Plumbon Concrete Structures Using ISO:
2847 2013”. University of Swadaya
Gunung Jati Cirebon

Table 15. Dimensional field beam structure plan

for the area

Table 16. Dimensional structure plan for

Tiebeam support area

Table 17. Dimensional structure plan for

Tiebeam support area

For budget cost of the building structure

Yogya Department Store worth Rp.
17.077.790.226 Tegal, with a total building area

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