Amine Blush+Bloom Explained - Dow Bulletin

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Blushing and blooming are surface defects that can occur when epoxy coatings are applied under certain conditions of temperature and humidity. They are caused by chemical reactions involving amines in the curing agent and can affect the performance and appearance of the coating.

Blushing and blooming are surface defects that appear as white patches, hazy or milky effects, or greasy layers on epoxy coatings. Blushing is caused by moisture condensing on the surface during curing, while blooming occurs when water-soluble compounds migrate to the surface.

Blushing and blooming are caused by chemical reactions between amines in the curing agent and carbon dioxide and moisture in the air, forming salts like ammonium carbonate that appear as greasy layers on the surface.

Amine Blushing and Blooming

of Epoxy Binder Systems

What are Blushing and components will appear on the surface

Technical Bulletin
Blooming? as sticky deposits.
When some epoxy binder systems are Severe blush or bloom will also cause
applied under low temperature and/or significant surface irregularities
high humidity conditions, a side effect resulting in an additional whitened
of the curing reaction may appear on appearance.
the coating or flooring surface. This
side effect can manifest itself as grey What Effects Do They Have?
cloudiness; gloss reduction, a greasy, Blush and bloom are surface defects
waxy layer; or as white crystals or that need to be removed from an epoxy
patches. In some instances it may not coating. They affect the coating
be visible. However, on contact with performance as they can result in poor
high humidity or water, the coated gloss retention, discoloration over time
areas can display opaque white marks. (yellowing), poor overcoatability and
The appearance of these marks can intercoat adhesion. The most important
occur during cure or even after this is of these effects is the reduced
completed. Although the exudate is, in overcoatability, i.e. insufficient
principle, water soluble it will in most adhesion of a subsequent coating layer
cases not wipe off easily with water, to the system due to surface energy
thinners or solvents. Often it can only modification. In the case of the final
be removed by dry or wet sanding layer (top-coat) the mechanical and
after the binder has completely cured. chemical properties are altered and the
visual appearance is worse. A similar
Blushing and blooming are two slightly
phenomenon to the surface effects
different processes. Blushing,
described above can occur at the
sometimes also referred to as water
coating-substrate interface. Moisture,
spotting, occurs when moisture
containing dissolved carbon dioxide,
condenses on a coating surface during
from a porous substrate, e.g. concrete,
the curing process. Sometimes the
can cause incomplete cure at the
moisture can originate from within the
interface. The incomplete cure affects
porous substrate. It manifests itself as
the final adhesion which can explain
white patches or a milky, hazy effect in
the occasional delamination of epoxy
clear coatings and may cause lack of
flooring compounds.
gloss in pigmented coatings.
Blush and bloom can be removed but
Blooming, or leaching, is somewhat
this will add time and costs to the
different from blushing. Blooming
coating / flooring job.
occurs when the amount of condensate
causes water-soluble compounds to
migrate from the body of the coating
to the coating surface. When the
moisture evaporates the leached

Technical Bulletin

Humidity (Condensation)
The humidity in the air changes
continuously and can vary from
hour-to-hour even within relatively
small areas such as within one
If the substrate temperature falls
below the dew-point, moisture in
the air will condense on the
substrate. Upon coating
application, air from the spray gun
and solvent evaporation can lower
the surface temperature of the
coating. This effect gets worse
when very fast drying solvents or
an unbalanced solvent mixture are
used. The condensed moisture will
What Causes Blushing and Blooming? cause the blushing reaction with
Blushing and blooming are chemical reactions. The chemical component of the amine compounds.
the epoxy binder system which causes the blushing or blooming is in the
curing agent. Low molecular weight (primary-) amines are typically It is generally accepted in the
hygroscopic and tend to react with atmospheric carbon dioxide and coatings industry that the minimum
moisture to form an ammonium carbamate according to the following surface temperature should
simplified equation. normally be at least 3˚C above the
dew point before painting. An
-- + exception to this would be for
2 R – NH2 + CO2 –––––– R – NH – C – O NH3 – R paints that are specifically
II designated as “moisture tolerant.”
O The dew point can be derived from
the air temperature and the relative
The greasy layers that can appear on some epoxy binder systems are humidity in the air. Correction
largely the salts of ammonium (bi-) carbonate. Depending on the type and charts are readily available.
formulation of the binder system, amine compounds on the surface Blooming or leaching can occur in
combine to varying degrees with CO2 (carbon dioxide) and water in humid systems containing water-soluble
air to form hydrates of amine carbonate. ingredients. This may include
curing agents and additives that are
+ 2 -- components of solvent or water
2 R – NH2 + CO2 + H2O –––––– [R – NH3]2 CO3
based coatings. Upon exposure to
high humidity components can
migrate (leach) to the surface,
The net result of the above side reactions is that amine (hydrogen)
dissolve in the moisture and leave a
compounds are being consumed which were intended to react with the
shiny or oily looking deposit. If still
epoxide compounds. As a consequence not all epoxide groups can react
liquid, the deposit can be typically
with the curing agent resulting in under-cure.
washed off with soap and water.
However, if the blooming is too
Which Factors Play A Major Role? severe and saturates the surface
There are several factors that play a role in the appearance of blush or before it is thoroughly dried, the
bloom. However, two major factors influencing the formation of result can be discoloration, uneven
carbamate or carbonate are the humidity and the reaction rate of the gloss, drips, runs and even
amine with carbon dioxide relative to the amine-epoxy reaction rate. destruction of the binder.
Technical Bulletin

Reaction Kinetics (Rate of Cure) machinery. Also in priming/sealing compatibility with liquid epoxy
Amine blush and bloom relate to applications aliphatic amine curing resins than unmodified alkylene
the reaction of an amine curing agents may be used. Although the amines, reduced blush/bloom
agent with moisture and/or carbon initial coating will be affected, the tendency and improved early water-
dioxide in the air. The amine in application of a subsequent layer in spot resistance. Special grades of
question should, in fact, react with due time might overcome the Mannich-bases are products using
the epoxy resin rather than with problem of blushing (see the section Cardanol, a major constituent of
moisture or carbon dioxide. It is on Repair). cashew nut shell liquid, as the
obvious that blush or bloom may phenol component. These types of
In order to eliminate the formation
be intensified when the reaction products, often referred to as
of blush or bloom, a wide range of
speed of the epoxy-amine reaction phenalkamines, are reference
modified amine curing agents have
is slowed down. materials in low temperature, high
been developed. The two major
humidity cure applications.
Temperature categories are epoxy-amine adduct
As the temperature decreases the hardeners and a special form of Accelerators
reaction rate of the amine and adduct hardeners: Mannich-bases. These products increase the epoxy-
epoxy resin is significantly The epoxy-amine adduct curing amine reaction rate and subsequently
decreased. As a rule of thumb, for agents are the largest category of reduce the possibility of the
every 10˚C reduction in curing products designed to have a undesired blushing or blooming
temperature the reaction rate will be reduced tendency to blush. Epoxy- reactions. Controlled use of the
reduced by a factor of approximately amine adducts are reaction amount and type of accelerator
2. The reduction of the cure speed products of liquid epoxy resin with ensures minimal impact on the
of the epoxy-amine reaction leaves an excess of primary amines. cured binder performance.
the (primary-) amines more time to Although epoxy-amine adducts still Although there are numerous
migrate to the surface and undergo contain a large excess of free amine products capable of accelerating
alternative reactions. If, during this they are less hygroscopic and have amine-epoxy reactions, the most
period, the environment is damp a lower vapor pressure compared commonly used are: tertiary-amines
and cold, the reaction of the amine to the neat amines. Epoxy-amine (e.g. DMP-30 = 2,4,6-Tris-
with CO2 and water is favored adducts are less sensitive to blush [Dimethylaminomethyl]-phenol),
resulting in the formation of blush formation and as a result are better phenol-derivatives (e.g.
and bloom. suited for coatings / floorings which Nonylphenol), alcohols (e.g. Benzyl
cure under high humidity / low alcohol) or acids (e.g. salicylic acid).
Curing Agent Type Be aware that adding accelerator
temperature. A disadvantage of
The type of curing agent plays an will significantly reduce the pot-life
epoxy-amine adducts is their
important role in whether blushing of the binder system.
relatively high viscosity. In order to
or blooming might occur and is
reduce the viscosity epoxy-amine
related directly to the structure of Resin Type
adducts are often modified with
the amine. Low molecular weight Bloom or blush is less likely to be
solvents or plasticizers, a common
(cyclo-) aliphatic amines, typically formed in systems that have a fast
example of such is for instance
used in combination with epoxy epoxy-amine cure rate. The epoxy-
benzyl alcohol.
resins, are mostly hygroscopic and amine reaction rate is not only
have a high vapor pressure. These Mannich-base curing agents are determined by the reactivity of the
types of products are very adduct type hardeners formed by hardener (amine) but also by the
susceptible to blushing or blooming. the condensation of (aliphatic-) reactivity of epoxy resin.
Aliphatic amines are mainly used as amines, phenol (derivatives) and
raw materials to prepare “advanced” formaldehyde. The phenolic
curing agents, but find also use in hydroxyl group present in these
applications where appearance is types of molecules has an
not important. An example of such accelerating effect on the epoxy-
an application would be grouting amine reaction rate. Moreover,
compounds for anchoring heavy Mannich-bases show better
Technical Bulletin

In order to reduce blush/bloom, industrial de-humidifiers and/or hot time, often referred to as the
epoxy resin components that reduce air-blowers may assist in creating induction time, will react away
the reactivity should be avoided. correct curing conditions. most of the free amines (as these
For instance, it is well known that are typically the most reactive) and
The substrate temperature has to
aliphatic mono-functional reactive improve the compatibility between
be at least 3˚C (5˚C is better) above
diluents, frequently used in flooring the resin component and the curing
the dew point before a flooring or
applications, are low in reactivity. agent. Care has to be taken that the
coating can be applied. Condensate
An example of an epoxy resin reaction does not advance too far;
on the substrate or coating will
containing such reactive diluent sufficient time should remain for
otherwise result in blush or bloom.
would be for instance D.E.R.* 324 the application of the whole batch.
Note that, for spray application,
epoxy resin. Reduction of the
special care has to be employed Repair
amount (D.E.R. 325 epoxy resin),
because fast solvent evaporation If, after all the prevention and
or complete elimination (D.E.R.
can additionally reduce the coating precautions mentioned above, there
331 epoxy resin), of this reactive
temperature to below the dew point. are still signs of blush or bloom,
diluent from the binder
Consider also the temperature drop then there is still a chance to
formulation will enhance the
in the late afternoon or early “rescue” the coating before more
epoxy-amine reactivity.
evening and one can avoid the intensive repair is required.
Prevention formation of “shadow areas.”
One of the first measures to employ
The majority of epoxy coating systems Before coating a mineral substrate upon observing the formation of
will tolerate a certain amount of an assessment of the moisture haze in or on the coating is to apply
humidity without being affected. In content in the substrate is essential. heat to the affected area. Note: Do
order to reduce the risk of blushing For concrete floors the residual not apply the heat directly to the
or blooming some guidelines are moisture content should typically coating. Under non-controlled
suggested below. not exceed 4% for regular epoxy conditions (outside) this might be
In order to promote epoxy-amine binder systems. Special epoxy more difficult to do than in
reaction rather than carbamate/ binder systems are available for confined spaces, especially given
carbonate formation the use of humid or “green” concrete the limited time available.
heating systems (hot-air blowers) allowing higher moisture content.
Epoxy resin-based sealers/primers
might be considered in confined In case the curing conditions are applied on mineral substrates, such
spaces. Note that gas burning just inside the limits but it is as concrete, are prone to blushing
engines (fork-lift trucks, etc.) as considered that the chances on as moisture, from the porous
well as direct fired gas or kerosene carbamate / carbonate formation surface, can be absorbed
heaters (“salamanders”) will are still (too) high, an additional immediately prior to curing. The
considerably increase the carbon precaution can be taken. Once the primer can become milky as a
dioxide content in the air which is curing agent and resin component result of such moisture entrapment.
typically around 350-1500 ppm. have been mixed together the Sometimes this phenomenon can be
Moreover, such direct fired heaters chemical polymerization reaction “repaired” by immediately
also produce significant amounts of starts. The further the applying an additional coat of the
water vapor. polymerization reaction has same solvent containing product or
Most coating systems are sensitive advanced, the lower the chances of by saturating with solvent. The new
to very high levels of humidity and a reaction between the amine and layer of solvent borne coating or
should not be applied when the carbon dioxide and moisture of the neat solvent will usually soften
moisture levels in the air are too the surrounding air. Thorough the coating sufficiently to allow the
high. Typically, for standard epoxy mixing of the individual entrapped moisture to be released
binder systems, a relative humidity components and then leaving the and the microscopic water-droplets
of 85% at 21˚C or 75% at 10˚C binder to “rest” in the mixing causing the white haze to
should not be exceeded. Again, in container before application will disappear.
confined spaces, the use of accomplish this. The pre-reaction
Technical Bulletin

In case a coating has been affected, If the coating has completely dried, Grinding the top surface of a
it can still be possible to apply a minor blushing may be corrected coating produces a lot of dust
second, filled layer without grinding. by compounding or polishing. which will require adequate worker
The filled layer must be applied, Repeated washing operations may, protection. In some other cases the
however, before the first, affected, in some cases, bring improvement. coating must be removed entirely
coating has been allowed to Whereas some applicators use before recoating. This has a big
thoroughly cure. The new epoxy water, others report successes with impact on the time and amount of
layer will “dissolve” the top layer of a citric acid solution or dilute labor needed to complete a
the “old” coat and fuse “chemically.” vinegar. painting job making the application
Naturally it must be ensured that much more expensive than
Severe blushing, however, will
the new coat will not also be anticipated.
require sanding and refinishing.
susceptible to blushing or blooming.

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