July 1998
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July 1998
Page 2
DEPs (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of:
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other Service Companies.
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The objective is to set the recommended standard for good design and engineering practice applied by Group
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Page 3
1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................4
1.1 SCOPE........................................................................................................................4
1.3 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................4
1.4 ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................6
1.5 CROSS-REFERENCES .............................................................................................6
2. GENERAL...................................................................................................................7
2.1 PREMISE ....................................................................................................................7
2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................7
3. DRY GAS SEAL DESIGN AND ARRANGEMENT....................................................9
3.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................9
3.2 GENERAL DGS ARRANGEMENT SELECTION ISSUES .......................................10
3.3 DGS ARRANGEMENT SELECTION........................................................................11
3.4 DRY GAS SEAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ..................................................14
4. GAS SEAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS ...........................................................................16
4.1 BASIC OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................16
4.2 SEAL GAS SYSTEM.................................................................................................17
4.3 LOW PRESSURE LEAK-OFF SYSTEM...................................................................19
4.4 BUFFER GAS SYSTEM ...........................................................................................21
4.5 ATMOSPHERIC VENT SYSTEM .............................................................................23
4.6 SEPARATION GAS SYSTEM ..................................................................................24
5.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................25
5.2 ARRANGEMENT ......................................................................................................25
5.3 MATERIALS..............................................................................................................25
5.4 PIPING ......................................................................................................................25
5.5 VALVES ....................................................................................................................25
5.6 FILTERS ...................................................................................................................25
5.7 SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................26
6. REFERENCES..........................................................................................................28
APPENDIX A SELECTION OF DGS ARRANGEMENT ........................................................29
APPENDIX B SEAL ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................30
APPENDIX C DRY GAS SEAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS..........................................................35
APPENDIX D MATERIALS FOR O-RINGS ...........................................................................44
APPENDIX E TYPICAL COMPOSITE SCHEMATIC.............................................................45
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This new DEP specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the selection and
specification of dry gas seal systems, and their supporting systems, for centrifugal
Continuous flow A valve that can simultaneously divert both inlet and outlet flows
transfer valve from one component to its stand-by component without altering
the continuity of full flow through the valve to the equipment.
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Page 5
High pressure An application where the gas pressure to be sealed exceeds the
service proven capability of a single dry gas seal, taking account of the
size and speed of the compressor shaft in question.
Hydrogen service An application where the gas being compressed contains
hydrogen at a partial pressure greater than 0.7 MPa.
Moderate pressure An application where the gas pressure to be sealed is within the
service proven capability of a single dry gas seal, taking account of the
size and speed of the compressor shaft in question.
Non-flareable gas Gas which cannot be flared, vented or otherwise continuously
disposed of in a safe and acceptable manner, either for
environmental reasons or because a suitable system is not
available or cannot be made available.
Process gas, The main gas stream being compressed and which is to be sealed
sealed gas from the environment.
Sealed pressure The pressure immediately inboard of the innermost seal during
any specified static or operating conditions and during start-up
and shutdown.
NOTE: In operation, the sealed pressure of a compressor with a normal
balanced piston arrangement will typically be close to the suction
pressure. In static condition, the sealed pressure may be as high as
the settle-out pressure.
Seal gas Gas injected inboard of a seal or the innermost seal of a set, to
prevent the seal being damaged by any constituent or
contaminant (solids, liquids etc.) present in the process gas.
Separation gas A supply of inert gas or air fed into the region between the seal -
or the outermost seal of a set - and the shaft bearing.
Settle-out pressure the maximum pressure the system can come to under static
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Single seal The sealed pressure above which reliable seal operation and seal
operating pressure integrity cannot be guaranteed with a single dry gas seal (i.e.: the
limit "capability" of a single dry gas seal).
NOTE: This pressure limit is not only dependent on seal size (diameter), but
also on the state-of-the-art of the technology. As dry gas seal
technology development is still ongoing, the single seal pressure limit
should only be fixed in consultation with the seal supplier concerned.
Single seal static The maximum differential pressure a single dry gasseal will
pressure limit reliably contain in the stationary condition and from which the seal
will reliably “lift-off” and assume its correct operating state when
the compressor is started.
Very toxic A substance which may produce serious harm to health as a
substance result of a single or short term exposure. Amongst others, the
following should be considered very toxic:
• gases containing hydrogen sulphide exceeding 1 000 ml/m3;
• οther substances specified by the Principal to be very toxic
DGS Dry Gas Seal
ED Explosive Decompression
IPF Instrumented Protective Functions
HAZOP Hazard and Operability study
LEL Lower Explosion Limit
PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme
QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment
Abbreviations used in this DEP for instrument functions are consistent with (Table 1) of
Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section
number is shown in brackets. Other documents referenced in this DEP are listed in (6).
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Page 7
There is a wide variety of DGS arrangements and support systems. The final selection
depends on the application, but to a certain extent also on user preferences, design and
operating philosophy, and the compressor Manufacturer and the DGS Suppliers’ standards
and experience.
This DEP has been written on the premise that the gas to be sealed is flammable and/or
very toxic. Non-toxic, non-flammable gas can generally be sealed using simple seals such
as labyrinths.
For exceptional cases (for example where a flammable buffer gas is used to seal a very
toxic process gas) the DGS arrangement and support systems should be selected in close
consultation with the compressor Manufacturer and DGS Supplier.
In the case of a functional specification, essentially only the following questions have to be
Table 2 Essential questions for selection of DGS arrangement and required
support systems
1. Is the sealed pressure above or below the "single seal operating pressure
2. Is the settle out pressure above or below the “single seal static pressure limit”?
3. Is the combination of pressure, size and speed within proven experience?
4. Is the seal gas “flareable”; that is can the gas be continuously flared, vented or
otherwise disposed of safely and acceptably and is there a system available to
do this?
5. Can a suitable buffer gas be made available? If yes, at what pressure/quantity,
and should buffer gas recovery be considered?
6. Is the seal gas (or when applicable the buffer gas) compatible with the lube oil?
7. Can separation gas be made available of acceptable composition, pressure,
8. Does the compressor or driver require to be barred over at low speed for
warming up or cooling down purposes?
For a functional specification approach, the Purchaser need only provide the data marked
“P”. As the level of technical specification increases, the purchaser may also provide data
for entries marked “C” or “D”.
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Page 9
3.1.2 Applications
The applications in which dry gas seals may be used can be categorised in two ways:
a) Is the application within the proven capability of a single DGS?
Note: This is primarily a function of pressure but also of speed and size. For the purposes of this DEP,
applications will be described as “moderate pressure” if they are within the capability of a single DGS
or “high pressure” if they are not.
b) Can normal continuous operating leakage flows of the process gas be safely and
acceptably disposed of through a flare, vent or other system that is available or can be
Note: For the purposes of this DEP the process gas will be described as “flareable” or “non-flareable”
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Page 10 If approved by the Principal, a single DGS arrangement may be considered for moderate
pressure service if the process gas is flareable. In addition to its simplicity, this arrangement
may be particularly attractive where there is a need to minimise the axial length of the seal
assembly for rotor-dynamic reasons. However, the use of a single DGS requires the
following additional conditions to be satisfied:
- a proven type of segmented carbon ring or other close-clearance type of seal shall be
available for use as secondary seals. (See;
- a reliable source of inert buffer gas shall be available. (See;
- a reliable method of detecting failure of the primary DGS shall be installed and such
failure shall result in immediate shut-down and depressurisation of the compressor;
- there shall be a flare or vent system within which the pressure under all foreseeable
situations, shall be such that in the event of failure of the primary DGS the pressure in
the interspace (between the primary and secondary seals) will not exceed the capability
of the separation gas / secondary seals to contain the leakage until the compressor can
be shut down, isolated and depressurised. A single DGS arrangement shall be provided with a secondary/separation seal assembly
comprising a pair of segmented carbon ring seals (or other approved close-clearance
seals), mounted in a face-to-face configuration with inert buffer gas injected between them.
When requested, the DGS/compressor Supplier shall provide evidence of the proven
reliability of the proposed secondary seals in similar applications. The primary leakage (i.e. the gas leaking outwards from the DGS plus the inward leaking
separation gas) shall be conducted to a flare, vent or other suitable disposal system. The buffer gas system shall be capable of reliably supplying buffer gas at sufficient
pressure and in sufficient quantity to positively prevent outward leakage of process gas
under all operating and static conditions including failure of the DGS. In establishing the
DGS failure condition, due account shall be taken of the maximum likely flare or vent
system pressure, due to simultaneous discharge from other process equipment and
pressure loss in the connecting pipework. When specified, or if the additional conditions specified in ( cannot be met, a
tandem DGS arrangement shall be provided for moderate pressure, flareable gas service. The primary leakage (from the inner DGS) shall be conducted to a flare, vent or other
suitable disposal system. The system shall be designed to impose a minimal back pressure
on the inner DGS whilst maintaining a sufficient pressure across the outer DGS to prevent
“hang-up”. The outer DGS shall be designed to contain the maximum pressure that may occur under
all foreseeable fault conditions. This will generally be with a disintegrated primary DGS with
the primary leakage flow limited only by labyrinths and other restrictions, and with the
maximum pressure in the flare/vent system resulting from other equipment discharging into
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Page 12 If venting of small quantities of process gas is not acceptable, an intermediate labyrinth
shall be provided between the two dry gas seals and buffer gas shall be injected between
that labyrinth and the outer DGS, Figure C.3. The buffer gas system shall be capable of
supplying buffer gas at sufficient pressure and in sufficient quantity to prevent process gas
that leaks through the inner DGS from leaking through the outer DGS. If so stipulated by
the compressor Manufacturer and/or the DGS Supplier, it may be necessary to increase the
quantity of buffer gas for cooling purposes. `Unless otherwise agreed, an intermediate labyrinth shall be provided even if buffer gas is
not used. Such a labyrinth will help to prevent debris from a failed inner DGS from
precipitating failure of the outer DGS and will also enable a buffer gas facility to be installed
at a later date if required. Agreement not to provide such an intermediate labyrinth should
only be given if it is essential to minimise the axial length for rotor-dynamic reasons. The secondary leakage shall be routed to a separate independent atmospheric vent. If discharge of process gas directly to the atmosphere is not acceptable, and it is essential
to minimise the quantity of buffer gas required, and provided there is no constraint on axial
length, a triple DGS arrangement with the outer seals in a face-to-face configuration may be
considered. See (Figure B.8). The primary DGS leakage shall be conducted to a flare or vent system. Buffer gas shall be provided between the outer face-to-face DGSs and consistently
maintained at a pressure greater than the pressure outboard of the primary DGS. However,
it may be necessary to provided additional flow for cooling purposes. Where the pressures to be sealed exceed the operating or static capability of a single DGS
(high pressure application) and the gas is flareable, a tandem DGS arrangement shall be
used. The pressure outboard of the inner DGS shall be controlled at a value in the order of
50% of the sealed pressure. The compressor Vendor in co-operation with the DGS Supplier
may offer alternative arrangements for the Principal’s approval. Tandem DGS arrangement with controlled pressure leak-off (Figure B.4)
Subject to the additional conditions specified in (, and with the Principal’s
agreement, a tandem DGS arrangement with two dry gas seals, as shown in Figure B.4,
may be used. Such an arrangement shall be provided with a secondary/separation seal
arrangement as described in ( When specified or if the additional conditions specified in ( cannot be met a triple
tandem DGS arrangement as shown in Figure B.6 shall be used. When venting of small quantities of process gas is not acceptable, an intermediate labyrinth
shall be provided between the outer two dry gas seals and buffer gas shall be injected
between that labyrinth and the outer DGS, (See Figure B.7). The buffer gas system shall be
capable of supplying buffer gas at sufficient pressure and in sufficient quantity to prevent
process gas that leaks from the middle DGS from leaking through the outer DGS. Unless otherwise agreed, an intermediate labyrinth shall be provided between the outer two
DGSs, even if buffer gas is not used. Such a labyrinth will help to prevent debris from a
failed middle DGS from precipitating failure of the outer DGS and will also enable a buffer
gas facility to be installed at a later date if required. Agreement not to provide such an
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Page 13
intermediate labyrinth should only be given if is essential to minimise the axial length for
rotor-dynamic reasons. Where the gas to be sealed cannot be continuously vented, flared or safely disposed of in
any other way, or where a suitable vent, flare or other system is not available and cannot be
made available, a double face-to-face DGS arrangement such as is shown in (Figure B.5)
shall be used. A double face-to-face arrangement shall also be used where the pressure to be sealed can
be lower than that in the available vent or flare system. A double face-to-face arrangement should also be considered for applications subject to
frequent stops and starts or significant periods at standstill but pressurised, as an
alternative to providing an external source of seal gas. Buffer gas shall be injected between the two DGSs at a pressure which is reliably controlled
at a level which is always greater than the pressure inboard of the seals under all
operational, static and transient conditions. For high pressure, non-flareable gas applications, an additional DGS shall be installed
outboard of the face-to-face assembly (a face-to-face triple arrangement) and the pressure
between the outer two DGSs, maintained at an intermediate pressure as described in
(3.3.2). See Figure B.9.
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Page 14 For each end of the compressor, the complete DGS arrangement shall be designed as a
fully shop-assembled cartridge. Where segmented carbon rings or other types of close clearance seals are used as
secondary/separation seals, these shall be included in the cartridge. However the cartridge
shall be designed so that such secondary/separation seals can be replaced in-situ without
removing the complete cartridge. Unless otherwise agreed DGS cartridges shall be tested at the DGS Supplier's works prior
to shipment before assembly into the compressor. For testing scope and procedures,
DEP shall apply. To prevent any accumulation of liquid in the seal assembly, any inlet connections to a seal
cartridge, such as seal gas, buffer gas or separation gas, shall be at the top and any outlet
connections, such as low pressure leak-off or atmospheric vent, shall be at the bottom. The seal/cartridge design shall be such that secondary sealing devices such as O-rings will
not be damaged or dislodged by inadvertent reverse pressure. The DGS Supplier shall clearly indicate on the data/requisition sheet whether the offered
DGS design is bi-directional or uni-directional. For uni-directional designs, the direction of rotation shall be permanently marked on the
outside of each cartridge. In the case of a uni-directional design, the compressor Manufacturer in co-operation with
the DGS Supplier shall ensure that inadvertent fitting of a cartridge at the wrong end of a
compressor casing is physically impossible. The impact of the directional nature of a particular DGS design on spares interchangeability
and hence on the required stocks of spares should be considered. It should also be
recognised that the face groove design may affect the ability of the DGS to “lift-off” at
elevated pressure and/or low speed and also affect the operating face clearance, which in
turn may affect the leakage rate and heat generation. Above a sealed pressure of 60 bar (ga), O-rings shall be made of ED-resistant materials
and the section dimensions should be less than 7 mm maximum.
NOTE: Examples of suitable (1996 state-of-the-art) ED materials are provided in (Appendix D). The alternative, i.e. slow depressurisation while still using conventional elastomer materials,
should only be considered if process and operational considerations allow a
depressurisation period of the order of 24 hours.
NOTE: The maximum depressurisation rate often proposed by a Supplier of 20 bar/min is therefore
considered insufficient.
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Page 15 For applications where ED is possible, particular attention to O-ring materials is required
where the gas contains H2S, methanol or aromatics, or the operating temperature can be
below minus 20 °C. For extremely high (e.g. above 175 °C) or low (e.g. below minus 20 °C) seal operating
temperatures, the suitability of the proposed elastomer material at the expected operating
temperatures shall be confirmed. Particularly at low seal operating temperatures, the use of self-energised (spring-assisted)
seal designs should be considered. Self-energised (spring-assisted) PTFE seals may be preferred for applications subject to
frequent starts, as they may be less prone to resist axial movement and to cause hang-up
of the DGS.
DGS arrangement
Support system Fig No B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9
Seal gas C.1or C.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Low pressure leak-off C.3 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Buffer gas - for tandem DGSs C.5 Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No No
Atmospheric vent C.7 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
S = Single DGS
T = Tandem DGS
TB = Tandem DGS with intermediate labyrinth and buffer gas supply
TL = Tandem DGS with controlled pressure leak-off
D = Double, face-to-face DGS
TT = Triple tandem DGS
TTB= Triple tandem DGS with buffer gas supply
TF = Triple face-to-face DGS
FT = Face-to-face triple DGS
NOTE: The above table indicates that separation gas is not required for DGS face-to-face arrangements. This
is because in such arrangements there is no risk of process gas entering the bearing housing.
However, separation gas may still be required for these arrangements to prevent lubricant entering the
seal assembly.
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Page 17
4.2.1 Purpose
The seal gas system shall be designed to:
- ensure that the gas at the seal remains free from any contaminants (solids or liquids)
that may be present in the process gas;
- assist in maintaining acceptable temperatures in the seal area;
- in conjunction with the primary leak-off system, maintain a pressure difference across
the primary DGS in the correct direction and of an appropriate magnitude under all
predictable steady-state and transient conditions.
Seal gas is required for all DGS arrangements except face-to-face arrangements where the
flow through the innermost DGS is inwards. However this requirement to provide seal gas when the compressor is not running is
satisfied, the possible effects on the pressures in the system prior to compressor start-up
shall be considered. If an external source of seal gas is used, either permanently or temporarily, the gas shall be
compatible with the process and with the materials of construction of the compressor and
downstream equipment. Seal gas shall be filtered such that all solid particles greater than 2 µm are removed. Two
filters in parallel shall be provided, with the necessary valving, so that one filter can be
taken out of service, depressurised and its element replaced with the compressor on line.
o The temperature of the seal gas shall be not less than 10 C above the dewpoint at the
pressure prevailing in the seal assembly, under all identified operating conditions. Unless the dew point of the seal gas can be confidently expected to be below ambient
temperature, and for compressors which need to be liquid washed or otherwise have liquid
regularly injected, coalescers shall be provided in addition to or in combination with the
filters. Also seal gas piping shall be insulated, kept as short as possible and provided with
drainage facilities.
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Page 18 A sufficient quantity of seal gas shall be supplied, at the necessary pressure, to prevent
outward flow of unfiltered process gas into the seal chamber. Where the seal chamber and
the body of the compressor are separated by a simple labyrinth, the seal gas pressure shall
be sufficient to result in a mean inward velocity through the smallest gap of not less than
7m/s with the compressor in operation in order to prevent outward migration of process gas
due to the highly turbulent, circumferential flow regime in the labyrinth. In the stationary
condition, the mean inward velocity shall be not less than 3m/s. Where separation is by
some other type of seal, an alternative criterion may be appropriate. The simplest and therefore most reliable method of controlling the supply of seal gas is to
let it down from the source pressure through suitable restriction orifices see Figure C.1.
This method shall therefore be used provided the criteria of ( can be satisfied under
all specified compressor operating and static conditions. It shall be possible to adjust the
flow to each seal assembly with manual regulating valves and/or by changing the orifice
size. Where the criteria of cannot be satisfied by the simple system described in (,
due for example to widely varying compressor operating conditions, the seal gas supply
shall be controlled by a differential pressure controller as shown in (Figure C.2). Where the
compressor design is such that the sealed pressure at the two ends is substantially the
same, one common differential pressure controller can be used for the seal gas supply to
the two ends. Otherwise a separate differential pressure controller shall be provided for
each seal assembly. During start-up and shut-down of a centrifugal compressor, significant transient differential
thermal expansion can occur between the shaft and the casing. During such transients it is
essential that an adequate positive pressure difference is maintained across each DGS,
otherwise, the DGS may separate and fail to reseat. Where necessary, this problem can be
avoided by supplying seal gas at a higher pressure than would otherwise be required. If
necessary the control of the seal gas supply should be integrated with the control of the low
pressure leak-off. The supply of seal gas to each seal assembly shall be provided with a suitable flow
indicator. These flow indicators can be used to adjust the system during initial
commissioning and to indicate deterioration of the inboard labyrinth or other device. A differential pressure alarm should be provided to warn of loss seal gas pressure. A differential pressure alarm should also be fitted across the filters/coalescers.
4.2.6 Safeguarding
Since failure to supply adequate seal gas will not immediately result in a hazardous
situation unless allowed to persist, it is not considered essential to provide automatic shut-
down of the compressor except perhaps for remote unmanned installations.
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Page 19
4.3.1 Purpose
4.3.2 Disposal Where the composition of the sealed gas is such that direct discharge to the atmosphere is
acceptable (typically if the density is less than that of air) and local regulations permit such
a discharge, the low pressure leak-off may be conducted to atmosphere either through a
separate dedicated vent or into a common vent system. Where this not acceptable the low
pressure leak-off shall be conducted to a flare. If the low pressure leak-off is conducted to a common flare system or a common vent
system that serves other equipment, the maximum pressure that can exist in the system
must be allowed for in deciding the required seal gas pressure and the method of control of
the seal gas, the low pressure leak-off and the buffer gas (if provided). In a single DGS arrangement, it is essential that the line to the flare (or vent) system
imposes minimum resistance to flow. In most cases it is not necessary to control the leak-
off in any way but merely let it ride on the flare (or vent) system pressure. See (Figure C.3). For tandem DGS arrangements, consideration shall be given to maintaining a positive
pressure difference across each DGS, under all predictable operating, static and transient
conditions. The simplest way of achieving this is to insert a suitably sized restriction orifice
in the leak-off line. However, this is not recommended because if the orifice is sized for the
normal flow when the DGSs are in good condition, any deterioration in the inner DGS or a
tendency for the seal faces to open due to differential thermal expansion during start-up or
other transients will cause an increase in flow resulting in a large increase in the pressure
outboard of the inner DGS. For this reason, if it is necessary to restrict the leak-off flow, this
should be done with a back-pressure controller as shown in (Figure C.4). This controller
should be of a simple proportional type, without integral (reset) action. The size of the
control valve and the associated pipework shall be based on the maximum flow under seal
failure conditions. A flow meter shall be provided in the low-pressure leak-off line from each seal assembly.
This flow meter shall be of a type capable of measuring the normal flow when the DGSs are
in good condition (reproducibility is important but high accuracy is not required) to enable
the condition of the DGSs to be monitored. However, it is essential that this flow meter does
not impose a significant pressure drop on the system in the event of failure of the inner
NOTE: A possible type of flow meter which may satisfy the above requirements is the type which operates on
the principle of measuring the convective heat loss from a heated element.
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Page 20 The pressure in the chamber outboard of the inner DGS shall be measured. A significant
increase in this pressure will indicate a failure of the inner DGS.
4.3.5 Safeguarding In a single DGS arrangement, failure of the DGS shall immediately result in the compressor
shutting down and being depressurised. This can most reliably be detected by a rapid and
substantial increase in the low pressure leak-off flow. The shut-down level should be set at
a value several times the normal flow so that it is not activated by variations in buffer gas
Alternatively, failure of the DGS can be detected by a rapid and substantial increase in the
low pressure leak-off pressure. However, for relatively low sealed pressures, the
safeguarding system may need to be able to differentiate between a true increase in
leakage and an increase in the pressure in the flare (or vent) system to which the leak-off is
connected. With a tandem DGS arrangement, failure of either DGS shall initiate a shut-down. Failure of
the inner DGS can be detected by a rapid and substantial increase in the low pressure leak-
off flow or by an increase in the intermediate pressure. Failure of the outer DGS can be
detected by a decease in intermediate pressure or by an increase in demand for buffer gas
where this is provided and is differential pressure controlled. As above it may be necessary
to engineer a system which can differentiate between a seal failure and variation in the flare
(or vent) system pressure.
NOTE: Since, in a tandem arrangement, the outer DGS will normally be designed to contain any leakage from
a failed inner DGS, the shut-down and depressurisation initiated by such a failure may be of a
controlled rather than emergency nature.
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Page 21
4.4.1 Purpose
The buffer gas system shall be designed to provide positive separation between the
process and the local environment. Except where hydrocarbon buffer gas is used solely to avoid discharging very toxic gas into
a vent or flare system, buffer gas shall be inert gas (normally nitrogen). For face-to-face DGS arrangements it is essential for the source of buffer gas to be reliable
since if the buffer gas pressure falls below the sealed pressure (inboard of the inner DGS),
the inner DGS faces will separate and may fail to re-seat. Since the buffer gas will pass though at least one DGS, the quality of buffer gas shall be as
defined for seal gas in (Section 4.2.3). Buffer gas shall not contain more than 10% oxygen under any foreseeable condition.
Note: In some cases it may be necessary to impose more stringent limits; for example to avoid corrosion in
the vent or flare system. Where the buffer gas is supplied between a pair of face-to-face DGSs, see (Figure B.5),
(Figure B.8) and (Figure B.9), it is essential for the pressure to be maintained at a
prescribed differential above the pressure inboard of the inner DGS of the pair (or the
pressure outboard of the outer DGS in vacuum applications). The required differential will
be specified by the compressor Manufacturer/DGS Supplier (normally 1 or 2 bar). The
pressure differential should therefore be controlled as shown in (Figure C.6). Where the buffer gas is supplied inboard of a DGS for the purpose of ensuring that the
leakage through that DGS is free of process gas, see (Figure B.3) and (Figure B.7), the
buffer gas shall be controlled to achieve a minimum axial velocity through the inboard
labyrinth of 7m/s under operating conditions and a minimum axial velocity of 3m/s under
static conditions. This can be achieved by controlling the pressure at which the buffer gas is
supplied at a fixed differential above the inboard pressure. The pressure difference should
be adjusted to achieve the required minimum flow with the labyrinth(s) in new condition.
Maintaining a constant pressure differential will automatically compensate for wear of the
labyrinth. Where buffer gas is supplied between a pair of close clearance seals as shown in (Figure
B.1), differential pressure control should also be used, since the inboard pressure, normally
the pressure in the flare system, may vary. With face-to-face DGS arrangements, the flow rate of the buffer gas should be continuously
monitored. This will facilitate initial setting up of the buffer gas system. Also, an increase in
flow is indicative of deterioration of one of the DGSs.
4.4.6 Safeguarding With the following DGS arrangements, primary containment of the process gas is
dependent on the buffer gas being supplied at the appropriate pressure:
July 1998
Page 22 With a single DGS arrangement, where the buffer gas also serves as separation gas, failure
to maintain the buffer gas at an adequate differential pressure will result in local leakage of
process gas and/or contamination of the oil system. Unless otherwise agreed, this shall
also initiate a compressor shut-down. Where separation gas is also supplied to the inboard
seal of the adjacent bearing housing (see 3.2 (vii) and 4.6.2), it may be acceptable for
failure of buffer gas pressure to result in an alarm only, provided any leakage from the seal
assembly is conducted to a safe location. With the following DGS arrangements, primary containment is not dependent on the
continued supply of buffer gas; however buffer gas is necessary to avoid local venting of
process gas:
- tandem DGS with buffer gas supply;
- triple tandem DGS with buffer gas supply.
In these cases failure to maintain the required buffer gas pressure should initiate an alarm.
The decision whether such failure should also result in a compressor shut-down and
depressurisation depends on whether the local venting of small quantities of process gas is
July 1998
Page 23
4.5.1 Purpose
The atmospheric vent system shall be designed to safely dispose of the leakage from the
outer DGS of a multi-seal arrangement.
4.5.2 Disposal
The leakage gas from each seal assembly shall be separately conducted to a safe location.
The pipework shall be arranged and sized to present the minimum resistance to flow, shall
be designed to avoid the entrapment of liquid and shall be provided with flame traps.
4.5.4 Safeguarding
Where flammable gas detectors are required in accordance with (4.5.3), detection of
increased flammable gas content in the vent shall initiate an alarm Consideration should be
given to arranging for a further increase to initiate a compressor shut down.
July 1998
Page 24
4.6.1 Purpose
The separation gas system shall be designed to prevent process gas from entering the
bearings and lubricant from entering the seal assembly.
4.6.2 Arrangement
The separation gas shall be injected between two labyrinth seals located between the seal
cartridge assembly and the bearing chamber. If agreed, an approved type of segmented
carbon ring or other close-clearance seal may be used in place of the labyrinths.
Where the lubricant system also serves an electric motor it is particularly imperative that the
lubricant is not contaminated with flammable process gas, to avoid the possibility of
explosions in the motor. In such a case, except where the motor itself is pressurised (EX-P
type), there shall be a clear space open to atmosphere between the seal assembly and the
bearing chamber and a further supply of separation gas (air or nitrogen) shall be provided
to the inboard seal of the bearing housing. See (Figure B.10).
4.6.5 Safeguarding
In cases where there is no buffer gas supply and flammable gas detectors are provided in
the atmospheric vents (4.5.3), failure of the separation gas will be detected by an increased
flammable gas content in the atmospheric vent which will initiate a shut-down, see (4.5.4).
In other cases, separation gas failure will not immediately result in a hazardous situation
hence it is not necessary to initiate a trip.
July 1998
Page 25
Dry gas seal support systems should be designed and built to similar standards as those
specified in DEP for special purpose oil systems.
Dry gas seal support systems should be designed as compact modules. These can be
mounted on and supported from the compressor baseplate, or supplied as separate skids
(stand-alone or combined with the lube-oil system).
As far as possible, the layout should be such that the function of control valves and change-
over valves for spared items is readily apparent.
The location and arrangement of the module or modules shall not impede normal operation
and maintenance of the compressor. Normal maintenance, particularly of the compressor
bearings and seals, shall be possible with a minimum of disconnections.
The appropriate level of isolation (e.g. double-block-and-bleed, if required by the pressure)
shall be provided for all components, particularly filters, if it is desired to service such items
without isolating and depressurising the compressor.
All systems which supply gas into the compressor seal assemblies shall be completely
made entirely of austenitic stainless steel.
Piping shall be fabricated by welding or bending and with the minimum number of flanged
joints (flanges only where required to facilitate maintenance).
Piping connections shall not be threaded.
All instrument impulse lines shall be stainless steel. Impulse lines after the first isolation
valve may be stainless steel tubing with stainless steel compression fittings of an approved
make and type.
Valves shall conform to the applicable piping classes. All valves shall have stainless steel
Guidance on filter sizing is provided in API 614.
The collapsing pressure of the filter elements shall not be less than 3.5 bar (ga).
The gas flow to be used for sizing purposes shall be three times the gas flow determined to
be required for seal gas in accordance with (4.2) or three times the gas flow determined to
be required for buffer gas in accordance with (4.4). In each case the maximum design
labyrinth clearances shall be assumed. The pressure drop across a clean filter shall not be
greater than 10 mbar. The system shall still function with a dirty filter pressure drop of up to
250 mbar.
Dual filters shall be provided, equipped with continuous-flow transfer valves and vents to
enable the off-line filter to be isolated and depressurised, and have its elements replaced
with the compressor in service.
July 1998
Page 26
Additional isolation valves between the transfer valves and the filters are required when the
service and gas supply pressure level dictate double isolation for maintenance.
The layout of the sealing-gas filtration system should be such that the filters can be
replaced with better or larger ones (e.g. one size up) without major piping reworks, should
this prove necessary at a later date.
Instrumentation on the filtration system should allow for monitoring of differential pressure
(PDI), and provide an alarm on the same parameter (PDA-H).
DGS arrangement
Figure No C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9
Seal gas system
Low differential supply pressure A A A A A A A
Low pressure A A AX A A AX A
Low pressure AX AX
High flow A A
High flow A A A
S = Single DGS
T = Tandem DGS
TB = Tandem DGS with intermediate labyrinth and buffer gas supply
TL = Tandem DGS with controlled pressure leak-off
D = Double, face-to-face DGS
TT = Triple tandem DGS
TTB= Triple tandem DGS with buffer gas supply
TF = Triple face-to-face DGS
FT = Face-to-face triple DGS
NOTES: 1. Shutdown on both high pressure and high flow will generally not be required.
2 Shutdown may not be required if separation gas is provided to the inboard seal of the bearing
housing and any leakage from the seal assembly is conducted to a safe location.
July 1998
Page 28
Index to DEP publications and standard DEP
Compressors - selection, testing and installation DEP
Symbols and Identification Systems - DEP
Instrumentation (Part I - Process (Engineering) Flow
Classification and Implementation of Instrumented DEP
Protective Functions
Lubrication, Shaft-Sealing, and Control-Oil Systems API 614
and Auxiliaries for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas
Industry Services
Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, API 617
and Gas Service Industries
Issued by:
American Petroleum Institute
Publications and Distribution Section
1220 L Street Northwest
Washington DC. 20005
July 1998
Page 29
July 1998
Page 35
Explosive decompression (ED) damage is caused when gas trapped in voids in the
elastomer cannot diffuse out fast enough.
Above a sealed pressure of 60 bar (ga), (ED)-resistant materials should be selected, with
section dimensions less than 7 mm. The alternative, slow depressurisation while still using
conventional elastomer materials, should only be considered if the available/allowable
depressurisation period is in the order of 24 hours.
Caution: Vendors often propose conventional elastomers in combination with a maximum
depressurisation rate in the order of 20 bar/min., and/or claim that these materials were
tested (often, however, with nitrogen as test gas, which has smaller molecules, thus giving
a false sense of security where the risk of ED is concerned). These proposals/claims should
not be accepted without challenge.
Examples of suitable ED-resistant elastomers include (but are not limited to):