GOALS Partnership-Occupational Therapist and Other Health Professionals
GOALS Partnership-Occupational Therapist and Other Health Professionals
GOALS Partnership-Occupational Therapist and Other Health Professionals
Occupational Therapy:
Plan of Action
Demographic Information
Name: Herb San Jose
Age: 3.7 years old/M
Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Date: November 23, 2018
OT Intern in-charge: Abby Victoria Concepcion (AUF OT Intern 2018-2019)
CS In-charge: Anna Louisa Y. Tiu, OTRP
2. Difficulty in social interaction, specifically maintaining eye contact due to problems in work behaviors
specifically impulse control and attention and concentration, and problems in sensory regulation
specifically vestibular and proprioceptive seeking behavior secondary to Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Behavioral FOR will be used to address the client’s maladaptive behaviors that hinder him when
performing activities. BMTs such as positive social reinforcements will be given when good behavior
is shown as this would increase its likelihood of occurrence. Prompts and cues can be given to address
inattention and impulsiveness.
The principles of sensory integration FOR will be used as the child shows sensory seeking behaviors.
By providing activities that have high sensory input this would enable him to functionally engage in
activities during table top activities.
Problem 1: Difficulty in writing due to problems in work behavior specifically impulse control and attention and
concentration, problems in fine motor skills specifically improper tool grasp and problems in sensory regulation
specifically vestibular and tactile seeking behavior, and difficulty with auditory attention secondary to Autism
Spectrum Disorder.
BMT: Positive reinforcement will be given verbally such as “good job”, “high five”. Free play will also be
given when the set activities are accomplished successfully. Prompts and cues will be given when the child
would present work behavior issues such as inattention and impulsiveness.
Provide activities that will help regulate his sensory seeking behaviors specifically vestibular ,
proprioceptive and tactile seeking in preparation for table top activities such as:
Linear movement on vestibular swing
Jump on trampoline 10x
Wheel barrel position when completing form boards
modified sit-ups when getting form board pcs
Provide different textured toys
Provide activities that target coordination (Asymmetrical) and isolation of finger movements such as:
Tightening of nuts and bolts
Spooling of beads
Purposeful/Occupation based:
Tracing of shapes with thick lines using a broad highlighter eventually transitioning into thin
broken lines with a fine-tip marker.
Tracing of first name in uppercase letters using highlighted thick lines eventually transitioning
into thin broken lines
Problem 2: Difficulty in social interaction, specifically maintaining eye contact due to problems in work behaviors
specifically impulse control and attention and concentration, and problems in sensory regulation specifically
vestibular and proprioceptive seeking behavior secondary to Autism Spectrum Disorder.
LTG 2: Client will be able to indicate his wants and needs through gestures with one-word phrases given verbal
and physical prompts after 6 months of OT session
STG 1: Client will be able to assume eye contact with social partner when asking for wants 70% OTT given 3
verbal and physical prompts within 6 weeks of OT session.
STG 2: Client will be able maintain eye contact at least 70% OTT when talking/listening to social partner
given 3 verbal prompts within 6 weeks of OT session.
STG 3: Client will be able to appropriately indicate his wants and needs by using gestures with one-word
phrases 80% OTT given verbal prompts within 6 weeks of OT session.
TUS: Active friendliness will be used to establish rapport and get his attention and interest during
conversations Kind firmness will be used if the child does not initiate eye contact with social partner and is
inattentive during conversations.
LFT: Obstacles will be used to prompt the child to verbalize his wants and needs during activities. Expansion
will also be used to introduce different and new concepts to the child to expound his vocabulary.
Preparatory Activities:
Provide activities that will help regulate his sensory seeking behaviors specifically vestibular and
proprioceptive seeking in preparation for him to engage in social participation such as:
Asking which preparatory activity he wants to do first
Linear movement on vestibular swing
Jump on trampoline 10x
Going up and down the slide
Provide activities that are structured, repetitive, and has at maximum 2 step instructions that targets his work
behaviors such as:
Have him complete a form board. As the therapist will ask him “What do you want?”. He
should respond with “Give me __” and make eye contact with palm up gesture before giving it
to him.
Incorporate obstacle course (jumping on trampoline, slide) with completion of 4-piece puzzle.
Therapist will ask him “What do you want?”. He should be able to respond with “Give me __”
and make eye contact and palm up gesture before giving it to him. The therapist may also ask
what the child would like to do with his free time and/or indicate his needs such as to use the
toilet, to drink water, to play with another toy or with another child. The therapist can also
provide activities that requires turn taking for him to be able to have joint attention with social
partner; “your turn teacher___”.
Purposeful/Occupation Based:
During table top activities the therapist will be asking questions to prompt him to verbalize what he wants to
promote social interaction. Questions can be asked such as what is the color of the toy, what is the picture on
Occupational Therapy Plan of Action
Herb San Jose
GOALS Partnership-Occupational Therapist
and Other Health Professionals
#109 Katipunan St., Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City
Telephone Number: 3625981
Email address: center_for_goals@yahoo.com
the puzzle or form board, etc. to promote expansion of vocabulary and more communication between the
therapist and child during the session. Using of language facilitating techniques can be used such as obstacles
for the child to verbalize the correct answer or his wants and needs during the activity. Therapist can also use
filling in for the child to communicate and have joint attention when communicating during activities such as “
It’s time to pack ____ (away)”, “we are ___ (finish)”. Also, using gestures when cueing the child can facilitate
him to talk during activities other than verbal cueing.
For the family, encourage the child to make eye contact and use gestures when indicating his wants and
needs during ADLs (ex: when he is eating and asking for his food, when he needs to use the toilet, when he is
gathering his bathing materials, when he wants to dress up wearing specific clothes he prefers to wear for the
day) and Play (ex: when he is playing with another child or relative, when he wants to request for a toy that is
out of reach). Practice writing at home and establish hand preference but not force the child to write as this
would hinder him from freely wanting to hold the pencil with preferred hand. Techniques/ knowledge learned
during session should be incorporated into his routine at home for him to generalize the skills being taught.