Cerebral Palsy - Critical Elements of Care 6 - 2011
Cerebral Palsy - Critical Elements of Care 6 - 2011
Cerebral Palsy - Critical Elements of Care 6 - 2011
Produced by
The Center for Children with Special Needs
Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA
© 1997, 2002, 2006, 2011 Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Cerebral Palsy
3. Severity of Mobility Limitations: the Gross In children with cerebral palsy, multiple disabilities
Motor Function Classification System, which tend to be the rule rather than the exception; 80%
ranks severity on a five-point scale by age groups, will have at least one associated disability, while
is the best way to describe severity (see below) 40% will have three or more associated disabilities.
Studies have demonstrated that injuries to certain Despite these multiple challenges, many children
areas of the brain result in consistent patterns with CP can become healthy, productive adults.
of impairment. This observation has led to the
How Is the Severity of Cerebral
“topographical” descriptors of various spastic forms
of cerebral palsy such as hemiplegia, diplegia or Palsy Described?
quadriplegia, which are thought to be the result of Traditional methods to classify the severity of CP
pyramidal tract injury. Certain patient populations are have limited reliability and validity. Newer systems,
predisposed to a particular “type” of cerebral palsy, including the Gross Motor Function Classification
as in the case of premature infants and spastic System (GMFCS) have been created and validated to
diplegia. The extrapyramidal types of cerebral palsy consistently describe gross motor function among
(athetoid, dystonic, ataxic) will typically involve the examiners. The Gross Motor Functional
entire body. Many children have a “mixed” clinical Classification System (GMFCS) defines five levels
picture, where both spastic (pyramidal) and of motor function for each age group (see www.
extrapyramidal features are present. canchild.ca and look under Motor Growth Measures
for GMFCS-ER). Both researchers and clinicians
What Are the Causes of Injury now use the GMFCS to compare groups of children
in Cerebral Palsy? with cerebral palsy and to describe individual
The injury resulting in cerebral palsy may occur children in medical records.
during the prenatal (including genetic), perinatal or Children who have GMFCS I or II severity are
postnatal periods. The majority of cases are prenatal. ambulatory. Children who have GMFCS III
Many children with cerebral palsy appear to have a severity can transfer independently and walk with
“cascade” of harmful events that often begin in utero assistive devices for short distances. Children who
and continue during and after delivery. The precise have GMFCS IV or V severity require devices
etiology often cannot be identified in 20-30% of such as power mobility and the assistance of other
cases. True perinatal asphyxia at or near term causes a people. The overall severity of a given child’s
small percentage of cerebral palsy cases. impairment is often determined by the other
disabilities that can accompany CP.
Are There Associated Risks of
Other Disabilities? Does the Presenting Picture of
Yes, cerebral palsy is known to have a higher Cerebral Palsy Stay the Same?
risk association with other disabilities. These No, cerebral palsy exhibits an evolving clinical
risks include, but are not limited to: picture over time, secondary to the maturation of
• Seizures: 35-45% the central nervous system; therefore clinical
change should be expected. Because of this “time
• Intellectual disability: 40-60%
effect,” predictions about prognosis are rarely
• Visual impairments: 20-60% absolute. The clinical evaluation of these children
• Communication impairments, including hearing: must be ongoing and outcomes should be carefully
30% assessed and reassessed.
• Feeding difficulties A changing clinical picture may be the natural
progression of the primary injury, modified by
• Behavioral concerns
maturation of the central nervous system (i.e.,
• Sleep problems increasing tone or spasticity), or it may be a “new”
finding identified by assessment methods that are age- • An effective health care system is a comprehensive
dependent (delayed language or cognitive abilities). source for the patient’s routine, as well as, specialty
The clinical change may also be a result of the care needs. A child’s cerebral palsy does not prevent
emergence and/or identification of other associated her from contracting ordinary childhood diseases,
deficits. The evolving appearance of signs and such as ear infections and influenza, nor exclude her
symptoms of cerebral palsy, such as changes from from anticipatory care needs, such as immunizations
hypotonia to spasticity, need to be distinguished from and monitoring of physical growth.
progressive disorders such as those caused by • Continuity for these children and their families
metabolic, neoplastic or degenerative disorders. is essential. Following these children over time
permits monitoring of the progression of their
How Can the Child with Cerebral Palsy
disability and reduces redundancy of
Be Best Managed? evaluations. Continuity fosters an anticipation of
The strategic goals in the management of cerebral medical, educational and community needs for
palsy are to enable the child to grow up in the the child and the family and the prevention of
family and community and to achieve optimal further complications through early
independent participation in adult life. Comfort and identification and treatment.
ease of care are additional valued goals. • Competence requires that professionals have
Much of the tactical management of cerebral palsy current training, experience, judgment and interest
is aimed at preventing cumulative secondary in cerebral palsy. No single provider has the time
impairment and disability. Follow-up at regular or expertise to address all of the affected
intervals (directed at assessing motor and functional areas and effectively manage these
developmental progress) is essential in the optimal children while supporting their families.
management of a child with cerebral palsy. • A community-based approach requires
The multi-faceted nature of cerebral palsy requires a appropriate use of community resources in areas of
comprehensive approach. No two cases with cerebral special education, family support systems,
palsy are alike. Interventions directed at one aspect financial support, respite, child care, recreation and
of the child’s problem must be made while taking social participation.
into account the potential impact they may have on • A compassionate approach emphasizes the child,
all areas. Prioritization is crucial. A team of not the disability. Long-term stressors are
experienced professionals is usually needed at both anticipated and countered with appropriate care
the primary and consultative level. and support. Rules are adjusted to serve individual
What Are Some Valuable Characteristics wants and needs. Self-defined choices for quality
of life are respected.
of Optimal Care?
Effective health care systems for children should When Are Interventions and
be family-centered, competent, comprehensive, Treatments Indicated?
compassionate, continuous, community-based Treatment for children with cerebral palsy should be
and culturally appropriate. centered around improved activity, participation and
• Family-centered care encompasses an independence for the child and the family - now and
understanding of the child’s place in the family and into the future. Interventions and therapies should not
the impact of the disability on all family members. be mandated based on the “label” of cerebral palsy.
The family is empowered to play a major role in The effectiveness of any intervention is optimized by
decision-making for their child. Through meetings, periodic review and modification with a constant goal
educational materials and copies of all professional of improving function. Neither the clinical
reports, families are provided the background presentation nor the clinical treatment should be
necessary for making informed decisions. expected to remain static. Anticipating
clinical changes allows for improved monitoring adolescents with acquired jaw deformities. Central
and planning for necessary interventions. and obstructive apnea may be present. Children with
severe visiual impairment may not have a normal
Who Can Help in Monitoring the Need circadian clock.
for Interventions or Treatments? Musculoskeletal Changes
Community and regional resources can assist the
Musculoskeletal changes are often the most easily
PCP and family in making decisions about services.
identified consequences of central nervous system
Early intervention centers, schools and a local
injury in cerebral palsy. Interventions may address the
therapist can monitor the progression of the child’s
physical changes of contracture, muscle imbalance,
abilities. Experienced cerebral palsy teams will
joint instability and body malalignment with the goals
provide the PCP with extended assessment abilities
of preventing deformity, improving function and
and intervention programs needed to assist the child
relieving pain. Professionals participating in the care
and family.
of these children should consider the impact any
What Are Some of the Specific intervention will have on function. Everyone involved
Management Issues That Can Occur? should encourage input from other professionals who
are working with the children, therapists and parents.
Spasticity and Dystonia
A thorough orthopedic assessment should include a
Symptoms such as spasticity and dystonia evolve detailed visual inspection (e.g. gait observation), a
over time and can become problematic. When this hands-on inspection of joint mobility (e.g. passive
happens pharmacologic or surgical interventions are range of motion) and an assessment of joint
available. Community therapists can help monitor alignment.
for these concerns. By developing a working Contractures are more likely in children with
relationship with these professionals, the PCP will spasticity than others. There have been specific
be able to intercede appropriately. The PCP can use musculoskeletal problem areas identified in this
the cerebral palsy team to develop a plan of care for patient population. Spasticity in the hip adductors
these problems. may result in subluxation of the femoral head.
Pain Dislocations of the hips are more common in
nonambulatory children when compared to
Pain is a common problem in children with cerebral
ambulatory children. Subluxation can reach an
palsy at all ages. Many children are remarkably stoic
advanced stage before becoming clinically apparent.
so the provider needs to ask about pain. Pain is most
The hip needs to be relocated in the socket by age 4-5
often due to either musculoskeletal problems, spasm
years to develop properly. There is ample evidence
from spasticity or gastrointestinal issues such as
from prospective studies to support obtaining
reflux and constipation. It is important to search for
hip X-rays beginning between 18-24 months as a
and eliminate causes of pain and to treat pain
standard of practice. The frequency of subsequent
vigorously. Muscle spasm due to fatigue or severe
X-rays depends on hip status and severity of
spasticity is common.
spasticity. Gonad shielding should be routine.
Sleep Problems
Scoliosis is the appreciable deviation of the normally
Sleep problems are common in children with cerebral straight vertical line of the spine. Children with
palsy at all ages. The causes can be complex but cerebral palsy are at risk for scoliosis, especially
can also be due to typical developmental issues. during times of rapid growth, such as the pubertal
Parents may be more likely to respond to wakening in growth spurt. A simple lateral deviation of the spine is
a child with a disability like cerebral palsy for many not a cause for concern. The presence of a twist or
logical reasons but can also reinforce repeated rotation around the vertical axis warrants x-rays and
wakening. Airway problems are common in young orthopedic consultation. In ambulatory children, the
children with tonsillar hypertrophy and in older incidence of scoliosis is less than 10% and usually
appears during the pubertal growth spurt. There is a how best to address these needs. If the child’s needs
30-40% incidence of scoliosis in non-ambulators. are difficult to meet, it may be necessary to refer to
Their scoliosis is more likely to be lumbar and is an experienced cerebral palsy team for evaluations
often associated with pelvic obliquity. and recommendations.
Management decisions in the treatment of scoliosis Seizures
should consider the degree of curvature, the Seizures also require careful evaluation and follow-up
proximity to the age of skeletal maturity and the in children with cerebral palsy. Overall, 35-45% of
linear growth rate of the child. While there is no these children will have some kind of seizure disorder.
compelling evidence that physical therapy, custom The onset of seizures can occur at any time, but
seating, or any treatment for hypertonia can prevent usually begins during the first two years of life.
the progression of scoliosis, all of these treatments Seizures can be of any clinical type, though grand mal
have important roles in helping a child achieve and seizures are reported most frequently. There
maintain function. is a strong correlation between the clinical type of
The goals of orthopedic intervention for scoliosis cerebral palsy and the incidence of seizures. There is
should be: to maintain balance in both the sitting a higher incidence of seizures in children with
and walking positions; to reduce pain; to reduce hemiplegic and quadraplegic (60%) cerebral palsy.
areas of increased pressure resulting in decubitus; Seizures are relatively uncommon in spastic diplegia
and to preserve cardiopulmonary functional reserve. (15-30%), and in the extrapyramidal forms (<25%).
It is important that surgical repair of scoliosis be
Cognitive Abilities
undertaken by an orthopedist who has experience
with individuals with cerebral palsy and in a center Cognitive abilities should be specifically assessed and
with strong postoperative and rehabilitation care must be considered as a comprehensive treatment plan
teams. is developed. Overall, 40-60% of children with
cerebral palsy will have an intelligence quotient below
Therapy and Bracing
70 within the range defined for intellectual disability.
Therapy and bracing concerns can be evaluated in The severity and frequency of intellectual disability is
the community by therapists, rehabilitation medicine related to the clinical type of cerebral palsy. More than
physicians and orthopedists. Therapy is more 75% of children with hemiplegia, diplegia and athetoid
effective when directed toward functional goals cerebral palsy have normal intelligence, while 75% of
(such as getting up stairs, versus increased ankle children with spastic quadriplegia have intellectual
dorsiflexion). The importance of strengthening, disability. Children with cerebral palsy who have a
practice and maintenance of cardiopulmonary normal intelligence quotient are often at risk for
endurance deserves considerable emphasis beginning learning disabilities.
in the preschool years and continuing through It is known that a high percentage of the children
adulthood for individuals with cerebral palsy. There with severe motor disabilities also have
is ample evidence that muscle strengthening is communication difficulties. There is a close
beneficial and does not worsen hypertonia. Referral
linkage between communication skills and the
to experienced cerebral palsy teams at regional
outcome of cognitive testing. Therefore it is
centers is often helpful.
imperative that the impact of these deficits on the
Adaptive Equipment testing procedures and the child’s communication
Adaptive equipment needs begin at an early age and language skills optimized prior to the
when the child’s need for safety is addressed. The initiation of cognitive assessments.
family may need equipment to bathe, transport or Visual Impairment
position their child in a safe manner. Community Visual impairment is present in more than half of
therapists, in association with early intervention
children with CP. Refractive errors (often severe)
centers/schools, can assist the PCP in determining
and strabismus (esotropias > exotropias) are most in nonambulatory children with CP. Constipation is
common, but nystagmus, cortical visual impairment, common and should be treated vigorously with
visual field defects and complex disorders of visual adequate fluids, stool softeners, bowel stimulants,
control may all be encountered. comfortable adaptive toilet seats and other techniques.
Hearing Problems While gastrostomy/jejunostomy technology and
special formulas make it easier to assure the nutritional
Hearing problems are estimated to be present in well-being of children with severe CP, management
10-15% of children with cerebral palsy. An issues including the need for other surgical
accurate measure of hearing ability is essential. interventions (fundoplication, etc.) may further
While universal newborn hearing screening is complicate the decision-making process.
essential, children with CP may develop
Emotional Support
permanent hearing loss after the newborn period.
Oral Motor Deficits Emotional support for the family is important. All
family members are affected when one member has
Oral motor deficits (dysarthria) can adversely affect a disability. Family stress is intensified by the care
the individual’s speech and feeding abilities. The needs of the child. The PCP can help the family find
child may have a central speech/language deficit support through Washington State Parent to Parent
such as aphasia or a central deficit in motor planning or PAVE - Parents Are Vital in Education (see
(apraxia). references). The local public health department,
Feeding/Nutrition early intervention centers/schools and other agencies
Careful monitoring of the weight and length/height are may help identify other resources to assist the
critical in determining the proper growth of the child. family. If these services are not locally available,
Good nutritional status is essential for healing then referrals to an experienced cerebral palsy team
following surgery. The risk for feeding and nutritional may be of assistance.
concerns in children with cerebral palsy, including Critical Elements of Care
osteopenia, increases with the degree and severity of
The following outline defines functional areas that
the disability. Risk factors for vitamin D deficiency
need to be assessed and the recommended frequency
include lack of ambulation, anticonvulsant use, low sun
for assessment. It also provides the PCP with
exposure and living above 40 degrees latitude, poor
suggestions for appropriate consultations with other
calcium intake and general malnutrition. Providers
specialists, including developmental pediatricians,
should assure that all children with CP receive at least
orthopedists, neurologists, physiatrists (rehabilitation
400 international units per day of vitamin D to
specialists), speech therapists, physical and
maximize bone density and should check 25-hydroxy
occupational therapists, nutritionists, psychologists,
vitamin D levels yearly.
social workers, educators, public health nurses,
Special techniques are required to measure bone equipment vendors and others. Along with these
density accurately by DEXA scan. DEXA scans and specialists, life-long care always involves the child’s
bisphosphonate treatment are best reserved for children family and requires their thoughtful involvement in
with CP who have a personal history of low-impact all decision making. These Critical Elements of Care
fractures. At present, there are no data on the safety of constitute an initial attempt to provide a framework
bisphosphonates given in childhood and continued for for long-term management of such children and
a lifetime. Those with poor calcium intakes should be should not be viewed as a comprehensive manual for
supplemented with calcium (500 to 1,300 mg/day, care.
depending on weight).
Gastrointestinal Problems
Gastrointestinal problems (gastroesophageal reflux,
GI motility disorders and constipation) are common
The Critical Elements of Care for Cerebral Palsy The Quick Check Worksheet was designed to
were designed to organize and simplify the child’s summarize the Critical Elements of Care using a
care plan. They provide information and education check-off format to identify concerning trends over
regarding the comprehensive needs of an time. There is room for short notation regarding
individual with cerebral palsy. specific problems, treatment regimes or referral
The Critical Elements of Care are divided into options. The worksheet may be used during each office
five age groupings: visit to consolidate the information. Therefore, past
and present concerns can be identified quickly, and
• < 2 years
intervention referrals initiated.
• 2-4 years
• 4-6 years
• 6-12 years
• >12 years
Within each age grouping, six functional
categories are identified:
• Communication
• Feeding and Nutrition
• Musculoskeletal
• Mobility
• Cognition
• Sensory Impairment
In addition, there is a section for Family Issues.
Each age grouping has been divided into functional
categories. These are subdivided into a range
of functional levels and coincide with specific
recommendations for intervention possibilities. By
reviewing the Critical Elements of Care specific to
your patient’s age group, you will be able to assess
the areas of concern, identify the intervention
possibilities and organize and simplify the child’s
care plan.
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM every 6 mo. extremities, hips and back
ABSENT • Hip X-ray at 18-24 months
• Ask about pain
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM every 6 month: extremities, back • Orthopedic consult
PRESENT • Orthopedic evaluation every 6 months, if indicated • Early intervention program*
• Hip X-ray at 18-24 months
• Ask about pain
• Review OT/PT plan (splinting/bracing)
AGE-APPROPRIATE • Assess per well-child practice guidelines
DELAYED • Need formal evaluation to accurately determine degree of cognitive • Early intervention program*
delay (once in this age period) • Experienced cerebral palsy
• Consider associated disabilities when choosing appropriate instrument management team
for testing
Feeding & Nutrition
ORAL • Assess per well-child practice guidelines • WIC (ages 1-5)
• Plot weight, length, OFC • Health Dept.
• Maintain weight-length ratio at 5-50th percentile • Early intervention program*
• Review drug-nutrient interaction
• Assess feeding, swallowing skills (duration, parent concerns)
• Consider nutrition consult
• Consider behavioral component / Oral aversions
• OT consult (early intervention program, experienced cerebral palsy
management team)
• May need calorie or nutrient modifications (special supplements)
• Supplement with 400 IU vitamin D
• Measure 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels annually
• Consider supplementation with calcium (500 mg/day)
NON-ORAL Assess at each visit: • WIC (ages 1-5)
• Plot weight, length, OFC • Health Dept.
• Maintain weight-length ratio at 5-50th percentile • Early intervention program*
• Review drug-nutrient interactions • Experienced cerebral palsy
• Evaluate feeding, swallowing difficulties management team
• Review history of pulmonary problem, recurrent OM and sinusitis
• Ask about pain
• Consider delayed gastric emptying and gastroesophageal reflux
• Consider nutrition consult, OT feeding evaluation, or swallow
evaluation (experienced cerebral palsy management team)
• Consider behavioral component
• Pediatric surgical consultation, as indicated
• Assess nasogastric/gastrostomy/jejunostomy tube site if indicated
• Supplement with 400 IU vitamin D
• Measure 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels annually
• Consider supplementation with calcium (500 mg/day)
Sensory Impairment
HEARING NORMAL • Assess per well-child practice guidelines
HEARING ABNORMAL • Refer to ENT/audiology • Early intervention program*
• Consider referral to early intervention program for speech therapy, • Experienced cerebral palsy
amplification, sign language management team
VISION NORMAL • Assess per well-child practice guidelines check acuity and binocularity
VISION ABNORMAL • Referral to ophthalmology • Early intervention program*,
visually impaired programs
Family Issues
• Anticipate family’s needs
• Sleep issues for the child and caregivers
• Acceptance/understanding of diagnosis (across all functional areas)
• How to explain to siblings/family members
• Resources: support groups, respite care, information, financial (SSI, CSHCN, DDD), or contact PHN for further resources
• Literature resources, how to care for a child with CP (see references and resources section)
• Establish mutual goals between family and provider
• Address emotional issues: grief, loss (ongoing)
• Foster care, institutional care options and/or respite care
• Lifestyle changes for family, transportation (car seats) and safety issues,
• Specific issues for child and family:
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM (extremities, back) every 6-12 months
ABSENT • Ask about pain
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM every 6 mo. (extremities, back) • CP specialist
PRESENT • Ask about pain • Early intervention program*
• Hip/spine X-ray, as indicated
• Review OT/PT plan
• C specialist every 6-12 months
AGE APPROPRIATE • Assess per well-child practice guidelines
IMPAIRED • Need formal evaluation to accurately determine degree of cognitive • Early intervention program*
delay (once in this age period) • Experienced cerebral palsy
• Consider associated disabilities when choosing appropriate instrument management team
for testing
• Enroll in developmental preschool at 3 years old
Feeding & Nutrition
ORAL • Assess per well-child practice guidelines • WIC (ages 1-5)
• Plot weight, length, OFC • Health Dept.
• Maintain weight-length ratio at 5-50th percentile • Early intervention program*
• Review drug-nutrient interaction
• Assess feeding, swallowing skills (duration, parent concerns)
• Consider: nutrition consult (WIC, Health Dept., experienced cerebral
palsy management team)
• Consider behavior component/oral aversions
• OT consult (early intervention program, experienced cerebral palsy
management team)
• May need calorie or nutrient modifications
• Supplement with 400 IU vitamin D
• Measure 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels annually
• Consider supplementation with calcium (500 mg/day)
NON-ORAL Assess at each visit: • WIC (ages 1-5)
• Plot weight, length, OFC • Health Dept.
• Maintain weight-length ratio at 5-50th percentile • Early intervention program*
• Review drug-nutrient interactions • Experienced cerebral palsy
• Evaluate feeding, swallowing difficulties management team
• Review history of pulmonary problem, recurrent OM and sinusitis
• Ask about pain
• Consider delayed gastric emptying and gastroesophageal reflux
• Consider nutrition consult, clinical feeding evaluation, and/or swallow
• Consider behavioral component
• Pediatric surgical consultation, as indicated
• Assess gastrostomy/jejunostomy tube care site
• Supplement with 400 IU vitamin D
• Measure 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels annually
• Consider supplementation with calcium (500 mg/day)
Family Issues
• Ascertain family acceptance
• Sleep issues for the child and caregivers
• Parent separation issues – independence of child
• Changes in family lifestyle
• Getting ready for school issues
• Encourage age-appropriate activities
• Beginning peer relations
• Include child in family responsibilities, e.g. household chores
• Specific issues for child and family:
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM yearly (extremities, back)
ABSENT • Ask about pain
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM yearly (extremities, back) • School program*
PRESENT • Hip/spine X-ray, as indicated • CP specialist consult (local/
• Ask about pain experienced cerebral palsy
• CP team evaluation yearly management team)
AGE APPROPRIATE • Assess skills for age/developmental level
IMPAIRED • Review school program • School program*
• Need formal evaluation to accurately determine degree of cognitive • Experienced cerebral palsy
impairment (once in this age period) management team
• Verbal and fine motor impairments may falsely lower scores on many
standard IQ tests
Feeding & Nutrition
ORAL • Assess per well-child practice guidelines • Health Dept.
• Plot weight, length, OFC • Experienced cerebral palsy
• Maintain weight-length ratio at 5-50th percentile management team
• Review drug-nutrient interaction • School program
• Assess feeding, swallowing skills (duration, parent concerns)
• Consider nutrition consult
• Behavioral component
• Consider feeding consult
• May need calorie or nutrient modifications
• Supplement with 400 IU vitamin D
• Measure 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels annually
• Consider supplementation with calcium (500 mg/day)
NON-ORAL Assess at each visit: • Health Dept.
• Plot weight, length, OFC • Experienced cerebral palsy
• Maintain weight-length ratio at 5-50th percentile management team
• Review drug-nutrient interactions
• Evaluate feeding, swallowing difficulties
• Review history of pulmonary problem, recurrent OM and sinusitis
• Ask about pain
• Consider delayed gastric emptying and gastroesophageal reflux
• Consider nutrition consult, OT feeding evaluation, or swallow
• Consider behavioral component/oral aversions
• Pediatric surgical consultation, as indicated
• Assess gastrostomy/jejunostomy tube care site
• Supplement with 400 IU vitamin D
• Measure 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels annually
• Consider supplementation with calcium (500 mg/day)
Family Issues
• Address child’s concerns: “Why am I different?”
• Sleep issues for the child and caregivers
• Encourage age-appropriate activities: summer camp, Special Olympics, horseback riding
• Encourage family participation in support groups: parents, child, siblings
• Include child in family responsibilities, e.g. household chores
• Specific behavioral concerns
• Specific issues for child and family:
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM yearly (extremities, back)
ABSENT • Ask about pain
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM yearly (extremities, back) • Orthopedic consult (local/
PRESENT • Hip/spine X-ray, as indicated experienced cerebral palsy
• Ask about pain management team)
• Orthopedic evaluation yearly, as indicated • School program*
AGE APPROPRIATE • Assess skills for age/developmental level
IMPAIRED • Review school program • School program*
• Need formal evaluation to accurately determine degree of cognitive • Experienced cerebral palsy
impairment (once in this age period) management team
• Verbal and fine motor impairments may falsely lower scores on many
standard IQ tests
Sensory Impairment
HEARING NORMAL • Assess per well-child practice guidelines
HEARING ABNORMAL • New onset/changes: refer to ENT/Audiology (local/experienced • School program*
cerebral palsy management team) • ENT/audiologist (local/
• Assess compliance with hearing aids as indicated experienced cerebral palsy
management team)
VISION NORMAL • Assess acuity and binocularity • Ophthalmology consult
• Refer to ophthalmology as indicated (local/experienced cerebral
palsy management team)
VISION ABNORMAL • Assess compliance with use of glasses as indicated • Ophthalmology consult
• Refer to ophthalmology as indicated (local/experienced cerebral palsy (local/experienced cerebral
management team) palsy management team)
Family Issues
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM yearly (extremities, back)
ABSENT • Ask about pain
CONTRACTURE • Assess ROM yearly (extremities, back) • School program*
PRESENT • Hip/spine X-ray, as indicated • Orthopedic consult (local/
• Ask about pain experienced cerebral palsy
• Orthopedic evaluation yearly, as indicated management team)
AGE APPROPRIATE • Assess skills for age/developmental level
IMPAIRED • Review school program • School program*
• Learning disabilities and “mild” fine motor problems may impair • Experienced cerebral palsy
achievement without classroom adaptations. management team
• Verbal and fine motor impairments may falsely lower scores on many
standard IQ tests
Sensory Impairment
HEARING NORMAL • Assess per well-child practice guidelines
HEARING ABNORMAL • New onset/changes: refer to ENT/audiology (local/experienced • School program*
cerebral palsy management team)
• Coordinate assessment/plan with school programs
• Consider speech therapy, amplification, augmentative communication
evaluation with experienced cerebral palsy management team
VISION NORMAL • Assess per well-child practice guidelines
VISION ABNORMAL • New onset/changes: refer to ophthalmology (local/experienced • Ophthalmology consult
cerebral palsy management team) (local/experienced cerebral
• Coordinate assessment/plan with school program palsy management team)
Family Issues
Quick-Check Worksheet
NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________________
DOB: ___________________________________________________________________________________
MR #: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Nutrition: Wt: Lt %ile
OFC %ile
*Feeding: Mechanism/Method
Pulmonary: Cold/Pneumonia
RAD, Otitis/Sinusitis
Milestones: Gross Motor
Fine Motor
Musculoskeletal: Hips
Other joints
X-ray done
Safety (age/dev. approp.)
Social/Behavior: Child
School Program
Equipment (w/c, power w/c,
feeding pump, suction, walker,
crutches, other)
Splints/Braces (AFO, Hand,
Skin check
Medication review
Lab check
*Feeding Mechanism: PO/NG/Gt/Jt
Problem: Vomit/Gag/Choke/Cough
*Referral Options: PHN/Early Intervention Center/School/PT/OT/Speech/Psych/Specialist MD
Nelson KB. (2008) Causative Factors in Cerebral Winter S, Autry A, Boyle C, & Yeargin-Allsopp M.
Palsy. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2002) Trends in the prevalence of cerebral palsy
51(4), 749–762. in a population-based study. Pediatrics, 110,
Nickel, RE. (2000) Cerebral palsy. In Nickel, R.E 1220-1225.
& Desch, L.W. (Eds.), The physicians guide to Yeargin-Allsopp M, Braun KVN, Doernberg NS,
caring for children with disabilities and chronic Benedict RE, Kirby RS, & Durkin MS. (2008)
conditions. Baltimore: P. H. Brookes. Prevalence of CP in the United States in 8-year-
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360-357-5596 or toll-free 888-754-8798
Disability Research, McMaster University. http://
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Samson-Fang L, Butler C, O’Donnell M, & American www.depts.washington.edu/healthtr
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A resource for adolescents with special health
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Information, legal issues, current political topics
Surmana G, Hemmingb K, Plattc MJ, Parkesd J,
Greene A, Huttonb, & Kurinczuka JJ. (2009) and links to relevant organizations.
Children with cerebral palsy: severity and trends
over time. Paediatric and Perinatal
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Item #001