Per Unit Calculation
Per Unit Calculation
Per Unit Calculation
Per Unit
Lecture Objectives: 1. Transform per phase and three phase circuit quantities
from Standard International (SI) units to per unit.
2. Transform per unit circuit quantities to per phase SI and
three phase SI units.
3. Per form change of base for per unit quantities.
Historically the per-unit conversion was used to simplify hand calculations. With the
advent of the digital computer in power system analysis, this advantage has been
eliminated. The conversion however, has several other advantages:
Ideal transformers are eliminated as circuit elements. This results in a large saving
in component representation and reduces computational burden.
The voltage magnitude throughout a given power system is relatively close to unity
in the per-unit system for a power system operating normally. This characteristic
provides a useful check on the calculations.
In power system calculations the nominal voltage of lines and equipment is almost
always known, so the voltage is a convenient base value to choose. The apparent
power (volt-ampere) is usually chosen as a second base. In equipment this quantity is
usually known and makes a convenient base. The choice of these two base quantities
will automatically fix the base of current, impedance, and admittance. In a system
study, the volt-ampere base can be selected to be any convenient value such as 100
MVA, 200 MVA, etc.
The same volt-ampere base is used in all parts of the system. One base voltage in a
certain part of the system is selected arbitrarily. All other base voltages must be related
to the arbitrarily selected one by the turns ratio of the connecting transformers.
For single-phase systems or three-phase systems where the term current refers to line
current, where the term voltage refers to line to neutral voltage, and where the term volt-
amperes refers to volt-amperes per phase, the following formulae relate the various
base, VAl
Base current, A (B4.1)
base voltage, V LN
base voltage, V LN
Base impedance, (B4.2)
base current, A
base voltage, V LN 2
Base impedance, (B4.3)
base, VAl
Actual impedance,
Per Unit impedance of an element = (B4.6)
Base impedance,
Normally, in power systems, power bases are specified as kVA or MVA. One must
always ensure these values are converted to units of VA before using the above formula
(1 kVA=1x103 VA, 1 MVA=1x106 VA). Likewise, voltage bases are usually specified as
kV. One must always ensure these values are converted to units of volts before using
the above formula (1 kV=1x103 V).
In Module B3, Section B3.2.2, we have demonstrated that balanced three-phase circuits
can be solved on a per-phase basis. In performing per-phase analysis, the bases for
the quantities in the circuit representation are volt-amperes per-phase or kilo-volt-
amperes per phase, and volts or kilovolts from line to neutral. System specification is
usually given in terms of total three-phase volt-amperes or kilo-volt-amperes or mega-
volt-amperes and line-to-line volts or kilovolts. This may result in some confusion
regarding the relation between the per-unit value of line-to-line voltage and the per-unit
value of phase voltage (line to neutral voltage). In a per-phase circuit, the voltage
required for the solution is the line to neutral voltage even though a line-to-line voltage
may be specified as a base. The base value of the line to neutral voltage is the base
value of the line-to line voltage divided by 3 . Since this is also the relation between
line-to-line and line to neutral voltages of a balanced three-phase system, the per-unit
value of a line to neutral voltage on the line to neutral voltage base is equal to the per-
unit value of the line-to-line voltage at the same point on the line-to -line voltage base if
the system is balanced. Similarly, the three-phase volt-amperes is three times the volt-
amperes per-phase, and the base value of the three-phase volt-amperes is three times
the base value of the per-phase volt-amperes. Therefore, the per-unit value of the
three-phase volt-amperes on the three-phase volt-ampere base is identical to the per-
unit value of the volt-amperes per-phase on the volt-ampere per-phase base.
We then have
Base Per-phase Kilovolt-ampere Base kVA1 15,000kVA
Base Line-to-neutral voltage Base kVLN 103.92kV
We will now calculate the per-unit quantities for a line-to-line voltage of a 162 kV and a
total three-phase power of 24,000 kW.
Line-to-Line Base
162 10 3
Per - unit Voltage = 0.90
180 10
24 ,000 10 3
Per - unit Power = 0.533
45,000 10 3
Line-to-Neutral Base
For an actual line-to-line voltage of 162 kV, in a balanced three-phase system, the line
to neutral voltage is 93 .5307 kV , and
93.5307 10 3
Per-unit voltage = 0.90
103 .92 10 3
24 ,000 k
For a total three-phase power of 24,000 kW the power per-phase is 8000 kW ,
8000 10 3
Per-unit power = 0.533
15000 10 3
The values of base impedance and base current can be computed from base values of
voltage and volt-amperes as shown earlier in the section. If the base values of volt-
amperes and voltage are specified as the volt-amperes for the total three phases and
voltage from line-to-line in a balanced three-phase system respectively, we have
Base current, A (B4.7)
3 base voltage, V LL
(base voltage, V LL ) 2
Base impedance, (B4.8)
Example B 4.1
In the circuit shown in Figure B4.1, a load having an impedance of 39 j 26 is fed from a
voltage source through a line having an impedance of 1 j8 . The effective, or RMS,
value of the source voltage is 220 V.
1 j8
- 2200
0Vrms VL I L 39 j 26
Line Load
Figure B4.1
a) Since the line and load are in series across the voltage source, the load current
equals the voltage divided by the total impedance. Thus
220 0
IL 3.193 j 2.714 4.1906 40.364 A
40 j34
The load voltage is the product of the load current and load impedance:
The circuit diagram in Figure B4.1 can now be represented in per-unit. The per-unit
values of the various quantities are given by
Vg 1.0
1 j8
Z line 0.03099 j 0.2479
39 j 26
Z load 1.20867 j 0.805
0 .030991 j 0 . 2479
1 .20867 j 0 .805785
1 0
- VL I L
Line Load
d) In order to verify the per-unit values obtained above, we multiply the per-unit values
by their respective base values to obtain the actual values.
The per-unit value of the above impedance can now be calculated on the new base by
substituting the value of the actual impedance Eq. (B4.11) in Eq. (B4.10) with the choice
of the new base for voltage and voltamperes. This gives
baseVold 2 baseVAnew
Per Unit Z new Per Unit Z old ( ) ( ) (B4.12)
baseVnew baseVAold
Figure B4.4 shows the single line diagram of a simple power system. A generator
grounded through a reactor is connected to a bus and through a step-up transformer to
a transmission line. Two motors grounded through reactors are connected to a bus
through a transformer at the other end of the line. A load is also connected to the bus
with the motors. The information regarding the ratings of the generators, transformers,
motors, and loads is usually provided on the one-line diagram.
T1 T2
Transmission Line
G M2
Figure B4.4 Single-Line Diagram of a Sample Power System
With the appropriate component models briefly described above, the one line diagram
shown in Fig. B4.4 has a per-phase impedance representation as shown in Fig. B4.5
T1 Transmission line T2
M1 M2
In most realistic power systems, the line reactance is much larger than the resistance.
In most analyses, the line resistance is neglected. In addition, for transmission lines of
short length (50 miles or less), the shunt capacitance can be neglected, as a result, only
the series reactance is represented. In several cases, the magnetizing current of
transformers is neglected, and the series resistance is small compared to the reactance.
Based on these assumptions, Example B4.2, depicts the development of a simplified
impedance diagram on a common system base in per-unit consisting largely of
reactances for the purpose of analysis.
Example B 4.2
Given the system shown in the single-line diagram in figure B4.4, we select a base
voltage of 161 kV for the transmission line, and a base volt-ampere of 20 MVA. Find
the per-unit impedances of all components referred to these bases. The components
have ratings as follows:
Using Eq. (B4.12), we first convert the reactance of the various components to the
specified system base of 161 kV in the transmission line, and 20 MVA.
Transformer T1, has a transformation ratio of 161 kV: 13.2 kV, as a result, it converts
the 161 kV base voltage in the transmission line to 13.2 kV on the generator side. This
step of determining the appropriate base voltage in different parts of the system based
on the transformation ratio of the transformer involved is a key step in converting all the
components to a common base. The per-unit impedance of the transformer referred to
either side is identical. The power on either side of the transformer is the same, as a
result, the base value of the volt-ampere on either side of the transformer is the same.
With the new system base values identified, the per-unit reactance of the generator G,
and transformer T1, can now be determined.
20 13.8
Generator G: x 0.15 0.21859 per-unit
15 13.2
Transformer T1: x 0.10
20 161
0.080 per-unit
25 161
Transformer T2, has a transformation ratio of 161 kV: 13.8 kV, as a result it converts the
161 kV base voltage in the transmission line to 13.8 kV on the load side. The per-unit
reactance of the motors and the load are then given by,
Motor M1 and M2: x 0.15
20 13.2
0.54896 per-unit
5 13.8
For the transmission line we must convert from ohmic values to per-unit values. We
divide the actual value of the reactance by the base value given by Eq. (B4.10)
( j100)(20 x106 )
Transmission line, x j 0.07715 per-unit
(161x103 ) 2
For the load we first evaluate a parallel R-X representation using Eqs. (B3.31, B3.32)
S cos j sin
4 0.8 j 0.6
3.2 j 2.4MVA
2 2
Vload Vload
Rload , X load , where Vload is the voltage at the load bus which can be
determined if the operating conditions for the motors are known.
V (20 10 6 )
(V p.u.) 2 (20) per-unit
load load
(3.2)(13.8 103 ) 2 (3.2)
Example B 4.3
VbaseLL 480
VbaseLN 277V
3 3
Van 277 30
Vanp.u. 1.0 30 per-unit
VbaseLN 277
The equivalent circuit in the per-unit representation is shown below in Figure B4.6
Ia per unit Z Y per unit 0 . 976 56 40
V an p er u nit 1 30
Line Load
I a 0.9776 72.62 18.042 17.6388 72.62 A
Example B 4.4
Prepare a per-phase schematic of the system shown below in Figure B4.7 and show all
impedances in per-unit on a 100 MVA, 154 kV base in the transmission line circuit.
Necessary data for this problem are as follows
T1 T2
20 j80
G1 G2
10 j 40 10 j 40
Base kV in the Transmission Line = 154 kV
Note: Once the Base kV is specified in the transmission line circuit, the Base kV in all
other circuits is determined by the transformation ratio of the appropriate transformers.
In this example T1 and T2 have the same transformation ratio. Hence the Base kV in
G1 and G2 are equal. If the transformation ratios were not the same then the
appropriate transformation ratios should be used to determine the base voltage.
100 13.8
G1 : X 0.15 0.3583 per unit
50 12.63
100 14.4
G2 : X 0.15 0.9755 per unit
20 12.63
2 2
100 161 100 13.2
T1 : X = 0.10 0.10 0.18216 per unit
60 154 60 12.63
2 2
100 161 100 13.2
T2 : X = 0.10 0.10 0.4372 per unit
25 154 25 12.63
(154x10 3 ) 2
Base Impedance in Transmissi on Line Circuit = 237.16
100x10 6
20 j80
Z T.Line 0.084 j 0.3373 per unit
(12.63x10 3 ) 2
Base Impedance in Load Circuit = 1.595
100x10 6
10 j 40
Z D. Line 6.269 j 25.075 per unit
Load = 25(0.8 + j0.6) = 20 + j15 MVA
2 2
Vload (100 x10 6 ) Vload (100 x10 6 )
Ru , Xu
20 x10 6 (12.63x10 3 ) 2 15 x10 6 (12.63x10 3 ) 2
j 0 . 3583 j 0 .18216 0 . 08 j 0 . 3373 j 0 .4372 j 0 .9755
G1 G2
6.269 j 25.075 j 25.075 6.269
Ru Xu
Problem 1
Consider the power system shown below. Choose a system power base 100MVA and a
line-to-line voltage base for section 1 as 6.9kV. The load in section 3 consumes 10MVA
at 0.8pf leading when the line-to-line voltage at the load is 13.8kV
(a) Determine the ohmic value of a R+jX load (R and X connected in series, as shown)
in section 3 that consumes this same amount of power at the specified voltage level
(i.e., that consumes 10 MVA at 0.8 pf leading at 13.8kV line-to-line).
(b) Compute the impedance base for the section 3 load.
T1 T2
Problem 2
Consider the power system shown below. Choose a system power base of 100MVA
and a line-to-line voltage base for section 1 as 6.9kV. Determine the appropriate values
of per unit impedance for transformers T1, T2, and the transmission line.
T1 T2
5 j 20
6.8kV/69kV 71kV/13.8kV
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
10%, 50MVA 8%, 20MVA
Problem 3
A generator is connected to a transmission line through a transformer having a rated
turns ratio (ratio of line to line voltages) of:
20 kV (generator side) to 100 kV (transmission line side).
The generator has a per unit reactance of 0.08 pu on a 19 kV, 50 MVA base.
Select the base voltage on the transmission line side to be 110 kV.
a. Compute the base voltage on the generator side.
b. Compute the pu reactance of the generator using a 100 MVA system power
Problem 4
Choose a system MVA base of 100 MVA and a voltage base of 4.0 kV for the load
portion of the system. Find per-unit values of impedances for both transformers and the
transmission line.
T1 T2
Xline = 6
Problem 5
You receive the following data from a manufacturer regarding a new three-phase
Ratio of line-line voltages: 13.8kV/225kV
Power rating: 400 MVA
Per unit reactance on component base: 8%
You are considering replacement of an existing transformer in your three-phase system
with this new one, and you want to see how it would affect the currents. Below is a
circuit of your system. All data is in per unit on a 100 MVA base. The voltage base for
the transmission line is 230 kV and the voltage base for the low side of transformer 1 is
14.1067 kV. The per unit impedances of the transmission line, transformer 2, and the
load are:
Zt=0.0004+j0.005 pu XX2=0.02 pu RL=0.8 pu
a. Compute the per unit reactance of the transformer on the system bases.
b. Compute the magnitude of the current It in the transmission line, in per unit, and
in amperes.
Transformer 1 Trans. Line Transformer 2 Load
Xx1 Zt Xx2
1.0 pu + It
voltage RL