Syllabus SET Commerce 2012
Syllabus SET Commerce 2012
Syllabus SET Commerce 2012
Subject: 05 COMMERCE DETAILS OF SYLLABUS Module I Business environment Concepts, types internal external environment analysis Economic environment economic systems industrial policies fiscal policies monitory policy EXIM policy economic reforms and liberalization Political and legal environment government and business FEMA IPR regulatory bodies industrial policy of India Socio cultural environment social institutions and systems social values and attitudes social groups middle class emerging rural sector in India Consumerism in India International and technological environment multinational corporations foreign collaborations and Indian business non-resident Indians and corporate sector international economic institutions WTO IMF IBRD Module II Management Information Systems conceptual structure of MIS system concepts data processing concepts database management data security system analysis and design E-Commerce classification Module III Research methodology Meaning and objectives types research process research design sampling collection of data application of statistical tools research report Module IV Management concepts and thoughts management concepts development of management thought management process planning organizing staffing directing controlling motivation group dynamics and team development organizational conflicts organization development Module V Strategic management concept of strategy environmental analysis internal corporate analysis strategic financial analysis strategic choices functional strategies implementation and evaluation of strategies Module VI Financial Accounting concepts and conventions of accounting elements and principles accounting standards depreciation trading and profit and loss account balance sheet
accounting from incomplete records consignment hire purchase and instalment joint venture accounts of non-trading concerns branch and department accounting partnership accounts admission retirement death and dissolution company accounts shares final accounts amalgamation, absorption and reconstruction liquidation valuation of shares and goodwill double account system insurance claims government accounting investment accounting voyage accounts insolvency farm accounting inflation accounting human resource accounting Module VII Cost and Management Accounting basic concepts elements of cost material, labour, and expenses overheads job, batch and contract costing Process costing marginal costing differential cost analysis cost reduction and cost control standard costing budget and budgetary control cost audit basic concepts of management accounting analysis and interpretation of financial statements fund flow and cash flow ratio analysis management of working capital working capital structure cost of capital capital budgeting. Module VIII Financial Management financial planning and control sources of capital capitalization Capital structure cost of capital internal financing leverages working capital management and control investment decisions dividend policy financial forecasting and budgeting lease financing factoring services securitization financial re-engineering. Module IX Quantitative Techniques concept of random variable correlation and regression Probability and sampling statistical inferences testing of hypothesis of (t,z,F,x2 and ANOVA) linear programming transportation and assignment techniques network analysis (CPM AND PERT) Module X Banking and Marketing Indian banking structure, commercial banks, law of negotiable instruments, banking practice e-banking CORE banking Marketing concepts functions segmentation behaviour pricing.