2018-19 Exam Schedule - Spring
2018-19 Exam Schedule - Spring
2018-19 Exam Schedule - Spring
7:25-10:27 Period 1 Class/ TME/ Review 2) Due to the limited class size expected with the
modified separate setting rules, we may not have
10:27- 11:17 SMART Lunch enough classroom space on campus to administer
11:17- 2:18 Period 2 Class/ TME/ Review teacher-made exams on the same day as CTE, NCFE
& EOC exams.
1:00- 3:00 Graduation Practice- Seniors
3) Students are expected to take exams at the
scheduled times. The teacher will inform students
Tuesday, June 4th if their exam is in the morning or afternoon
session. If absent from an exam, a student must
7:25-10:27 Period 3 Class/ TME/ Review submit a parent note to the attendance office upon
10:27- 11:17 SMART Lunch return to school. The student is responsible for
taking the make-up exam for a teacher-made exam
11:17- 2:18 Period 4 Class/ TME/ Review on the scheduled make-up exam day. For a state
exam (CTE, NCFE or EOC), the testing coordinator for
state exams will schedule the make-up state exam.
Wednesday, June 5th
7:25-10:27 Period 1 Morning Session 4) Students who remain on campus after the morning
CTE, NCFE & EOC exam OR make-up exam OR arrive
10:27- 11:17 SMART Lunch early for the afternoon CTE, NCFE & EOC exam must
remain in designated, supervised areas and follow
11:17- 2:18 Period 1 Afternoon Session the schedule provided on those days.