Maharjan and Tamrakar

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Bulletin of the Department of Geology

Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, Vol. 13, 2010, pp. 1–12


tment of

Morpho-hydraulic parameters and existing stability condition of

Nakhu River, southern Kathmandu, Central Nepal
Binod Maharjan and *Naresh Kazi Tamrakar
Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

The Nakhu River is the fifth order main stem which contributes the Bagmati River from the southern part of the Kathmandu
valley. Based on morphologic and hydraulic assessments, the river segments 1, 2 and 3 (fifth order streams), and Segment 4 (fourth
order stream) were classified respectively as C5-, C5-, C4- and C4-streams. C5-streams were sandy meandering streams and C4
streams are gravelly meandering streams. All these segments were moderately entrenched with relatively low bank height ratios
except for Segment 3. These stream segments were laterally unstable and are competent enough to mobilise their riverbed materials.
Currently all the segments are potentially aggrading depending on F-M relationship. However, the relationship may be impaired
by human activities. To improve the river further studies and rehabilitation works are required.

INTRODUCTION terrace deposits. These deposits exist at elevated

horizons and the Nakhu River has incised the valley
The Nakhu watershed lies between latitude
further depositing at successively lower levels of
27°32’15”N to 27°40’40”N and longitude
terraces and currently the sediments have been
85°17’10”E to 85°24’30”E (Fig. 1). It extends for
deposited at the recent flood plains. From the
about 16 km N-S and about 12 km E-W, and has an
area of about 58 km2 with an altitude ranging from geomorphological point of view the river has
1260 m to 2625 m above mean sea level. The remained quite active and experienced several debris
watershed is demarcated by the Mahabharat Range flow events at past, and the whole watershed area
in the southern part, while by the Quaternary terrace contributed as alluvial fans to the peripheral part of
deposits of valley sediments in the other parts. In the paleo Kathmandu lake. Our focus is on the
the southern part the watershed is surrounded by current and future activity of the Nakhu River and
Phulbaridada in east (2590 m), Gothdada in south we are mainly concerned on the river covering
(2083 m) and Deurali in west (2075 m). hydrologic flood plans. Recently the Nakhu River
has been very much disturbed by various
The Nakhu River is one of the largest rivers anthropogenic factors, which have altered and
contributing to the Bagmati River from the southern
impaired stability condition and function of the river.
ranges of the Kathmandu valley. These ranges have
Therefore, the objectives of this study are (a) firstly
been actively uplifting from last 1 Ma (Sakai, 2001).
to recognise morphology, geometry, and type, and
Hence huge amount of sediments have been carried
(b) secondly, to evaluate the stability condition
and transported by the Nakhu River from the uplifting
(aggrading/degrading potential, and how competent
and eroded southern ranges, and the materials have
the river is). Tamrakar (2004), Shrestha and Tamrakar
been deposited in the form of gravelly to sandy
(2007), Tamrakar and Bajracharya (2009) evaluated
*Corresponding author: stability condition of the Bishnumati and the
E-mail address: Manahara Rivers, the major tributaries of the Bagmati
B. Maharjan and N. K. Tamrakar/ Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Vol. 13, 2010, pp. 1–12

85°17’30”E 85°20’E 80

INDIA Kathmandu
Segment 1
1288 26
0 1 2 Km 86
o 85 o 30’

N 85 15’
1302 Shivapuri Range


27 o 45’

0 2 4 Km

Bhainsepati 1338

27 o 45’
Segment 2

Na kh u Riv er

27 o 35’
a ti
Study area

Ba Lele
27 o 35’

u River

85 15’ 85 o 30’
Watershed boundary
First order stream
Segment 3 Chapagoan
1425 Second order stream
Third order stream
Fourth order stream


Existing fifth order stream (2009)

Previous stream (1995)

1755 2026


1595 Lele




B u ra

1850 2163
Na l
lu K
hola Segment 4 1894

Bhardeu Khola

2021 2590

2341 2070
85°17’30”E 85°20’E 85°22’30”E

Fig. 1 Location map, drainage order and four surveyed segments of the Nakhu River

Morpho-hydraulic parameters and existing stability condition of Nakhu River, southern Kathmandu, Central Nepal

River originating from the northern ranges. The fifth order stream has greater length extending for
present study sets up the stability condition of the about 14 km. The first, second, third, and fourth
one of the major rivers originating from the southern order streams extend for 1.19 km, 0.89 km, and 0.59
ranges of Kathmandu. km, 9.31 km, which is measured along the main
stem, respectively.
METHODOLOGY The Nakhu River is a fifth order river fed by
The regional watershed parameters and river two 4th order and one 3rd order major tributaries
planiform were measured from the topo maps with three sub-basins viz Nallu Khola, Lele Khola,
(1:10,000 and 1:25,000) and reconnaissance field and Burunchuli Khola. Among these sub-basin, the
visit was made along the river. Then four Nallu Khola sub-basin is the largest of about 22.64
representative segments of the Nakhu River were km2, the Lele Khola sub-basin with 14.922 km2 and
selected (Fig. 1) based on their planiform, and nature the Burunchuli Khola sub-basin is the smallest of
of channel condition, as segment 1 (Nakhu area), about 4.457 km2.
Segment 2 (Bhainsepati area), Segment 3
(Chapagaon area), and Segment 4 (Nallu area).
Drainage pattern
In the Nakhu watershed, there are mainly two
These segments were surveyed for cross-sectional
kinds of drainage patterns viz dendritic and parallel.
and longitudinal profiles using a leveling instrument,
The southern part of the watershed exhibits parallel
staff and a measuring tape. For the characterisation
drainage pattern. The dendritic drainage pattern is
of grain size in segment, Wolman’s (1954) pebble
observed in the hills of Bhardeu, Lele, and
counting method was applied in each transects of
the four segments. The median grain size obtained
from segment counting was applied in stream Drainage texture
classification after Rosgen (1994). The volumetric The drainage texture of the Nakhu watershed is
bar surface samples were sieved separately for grain fine to moderate at the southern part where bed rocks
size parameter and stream competence evaluation. exist, whereas it is coarse to very coarse at the central
The stream segments were classified according to and the northern parts of the watershed, which is
the criteria of Rosgen (1994). Because there is no relatively low-lying terrace fields (Fig. 2a).
discharge measuring station, bankfull discharge and
velocity were deduced using Manning’s equation Relative relief
and continuity equation. The Manning’s roughness The southern part of watershed, which is
coefficients were evaluated from the field survey of surrounded by hills, has a low relative relief (Fig.
stream segments. Stream aggrading/degrading 2b). The northern part, which is a low lying area,
potential was evaluated using F versus M relationship has a low relative relief. The higher relief in the
of Schumm (1963). southern part is attributed to active erosion, upliftment
of the ridges, and presence of competent rocks.
The Nakhu River originates from Phulbaridada
of the Phulchoki Range located at the SE of the Most of the floodplains, the low-lying land and
watershed, where the river originates as the Bhardeu the gentle slope area are used for farming and
Khola, which transfers to the Nallu Khola at Nallu settlement. The other parts are covered by forest,
village. The Nallu Khola after contribution from the and some of the parts as quarry sites for construction
Lele Khola at Tikabhairav becomes the main stem materials. Most of the southern parts of watershed
Nakhu River. consist of steep to gentle slopes, which are covered
by forest. Also most of the quarries in the area are
Drainage order located in these hills of southeastern to southwestern
The drainage order of the Nakhu watershed part of the watershed. Increase in sediment load
ranges from first order to fifth order (Fig. 1). The from quarry sites causes increase in turbidity of river

B. Maharjan and N. K. Tamrakar/ Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Vol. 13, 2010, pp. 1–12

which inturn causes reduction in aquatic life. Other metasedimentary rocks of the Phulchoki Group and
problem, which is an uncontrolled quarrying, might the soft sediments of the Kathmandu valley. The
generate temporary damming of river due to high Nakhu River originates from the Chandragiri
sediment discharge in river from quarry during a Limestone and traverses over the basin-fill sediments
heavy rainfall. of Bhardeu in the south east. Some tributaries also
originate and flow across the rocks of the Tistung
North of the Tikabhairab Gorge, landuse is mostly
and the Sopyang Formations in the south, and the
farm land. But with demand for settlement for
basinfill sediments at the north of watershed.
growing population, the landuse pattern has changed
rapidly in the watershed. Most of the huge floodplains At southern part of the Nakhu watershed, a thick
of the Nakhu River from downstream of Bhaisepati sequence of the Tistung Formation crops out on both
(confluence with the Bagmati River) that is used banks of the Nallu Khola. A vertical fault trending
for agriculture have changed rapidly to build-up NW–SE and a few lineaments were also reported
area, farm land and industrial area. Because of these, from the Nallu Khola area (Stöcklin and Bhattarai,
the banks of Nakhu River have been suffering from 1977). The Tistung Formation consists of
human encroachment. The water quality has also metasandstones, metasiltstones and phyllites. The
been highly degraded due to contamination of sewer Sopyang Formation lying between the Tistung
and solid waste. Formation and the Chandragiri Limestone has a
transitional zone with a mixed lithology of both. At
the Tikabhairav gorge, the Nakhu River flows through
GEOLOGY the thick sequence of the Chandragiri Limestone
The Nakhu watershed comprises of with the main rock type of yellow to brown weathered
85°17’30”E 85°20’E 85°22’30”E 85°17’30”E 85°20’E 85°22’30”E



1.0 15 30

2 1 0 2 Km 15
2 1 0 2 Km
0.2 0.4





Nakhudol Nakhudol

Relative relief


Bhainsepati Bhainsepati

Drainage texture Extremely high (>240)


Very fine (0–0.2) 60

High (120–240)
Fine (0.2–0.4) Moderate (60–120)




0.6 Moderate (0.4–0.6) Moderately low (30–60)

1.0 1.2 Coarse (0.6–0.8) Low (15–30)
Extremely low (1–15)
Nakhu Ri

Very coarse (>0.8)

Nakhu Ri




Chapagoan Chapagoan

0.8 120





0.4 240
0.6 0.8
Lele 240
120 la

Lele Kh o Lele


240 adev


6 0.4 Khola

r un



1.2 1.0
0.6 240
Nallu 0.4 Bhardeu Nallu Bhardeu
0.4 Khola Khola Bhardeu Khola




Bhardeu Khola

Nallu 0.4 Nallu

0.4 0.4

85°17’30”E 85°20’E 85°22’30”E 85°17’30”E 85°20’E 85°22’30”E

(a) (b)

Fig. 2 (a) Drainage Texture Map and (b) Relative Relief Map of the Nakhu watershed (In both figures the first order streams are
not shown for clarity of the figure)

Morpho-hydraulic parameters and existing stability condition of Nakhu River, southern Kathmandu, Central Nepal

limestone. The latter appears massive from a distance metasiltstone, phyllite, shale, and limestone clasts.
but is always well bedded and is quite platy at close
view (Stocklin, 1981). The fluvio lacurtrine deposit MORPHOLOGIC PARAMETERS
covers the central & northern part of the watershed.
The Lukundol and Kalimati Formations are fine- Planiform Geometry
grained deposits exposed mainly in the central and
the northern parts of the watershed at low-lying The results of planiform geometry are listed in
areas. The Chapagoan Formation is the Holocene Table 1. The sinuosity (K) of Segment 2 exceeds
alluvial fan deposit (DMG ,1998), which is 1.4 whereas other segments have values below it.
distributed in the central part at the higher levels Segments 1, 3 and 4 are low sinuosity river segments,
compared to fine-grained deposits. It is characterized and Segment 2 is somewhat sinuous river segment.
by cobble pebble gravel composed of metasandstone,
Table 1: LPlaniform and hydraulic parameters of the Nakhu River

Attribute Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4

Length of channel thalweg, L tw (m) 1510.90 2605.00 1792.24 1570.00
Length of valley, L valley (m) 1290.00 1708.88 1500.48 1260.00
Sinuosity, K = L tw /Lvalley (m/m) 1.17 1.52 1.19 1.25
Meander length, L m (m) 607.30 574.84 460.22 400.00
Belt width, Wblt (m) 263.11 356.36 255.29 211.43
Radius of curvature, R c (m) 177.62 201.94 137.53 107.09

Mander length ratio, L m/ Wbkf 34.43 32.26 18.05 31.05

Meander width ratio, Wblt /Wbkf 14.92 20.00 25.50 16.41

Riffle Cros-section
Width at bankfull, Wbkf (m) 17.64 17.82 19.53 12.88
Bankfull x-section area, A bkf (m 2 ) 11.62 8.39 9.20 5.82
Max depth at bankfull, Dmax (m) 1.00 0.77 0.77 0.72
Flood prone height, D fph (m) 2.00 1.53 1.53 1.44
Width flood prone area, Wfpa (m) 57.52 72.12 51.83 36.92
Max depth top low bank, D tob (m) 2.44 1.81 4.24 1.98
Mean depth at bankfull, D bkf = Abkf /Wbkf (m) 0.62 0.44 0.40 0.42

Entrenchment ratio, ER = Wfpa /Wbkf 3.05 4.00 2.87 3.37

Width depth ratio, W/D = Wbkf /Dbkf 30.19 39.94 49.06 31.26
Bank height ratio, BHR = D tob /D max 2.62 2.52 5.28 2.79
Max depth ratio, D max /Dbkf 1.68 1.70 1.85 1.75
Pool cross-section
Pool width, Wpool (m) 11.86 12.48 13.38 10.03
Pool area, A pool (m2 ) 5.51 4.25 5.92 5.78
Pool max depth, Dpool (m) 0.85 0.70 0.91 0.91
Slope of Channel, Saverage = Elv. / Ltw (m/m) 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.017

B. Maharjan and N. K. Tamrakar/ Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Vol. 13, 2010, pp. 1–12

Segment 1 and 2 have relatively large meander is the least (36 m). The cross-sectional area and
length (L m ) compared to other two segments. width increase from Segment 4 to Segment 3, and
Segment 2 exhibits the largest radius of curvature decrease slightly in Segment 2, and are greatest in
(Rc) and segment 4 has the smallest radius of Segment 1 with slightly narrow channel with
curvature (Rc). Segment 2 has high meander belt maximum depth.
width (Wblt) compared to other segments. Therefore, The entrenchment ratios (ER) in all the four
Segment 2 is potential to lateral accretion, whereas segments have nearly same value and all segments
Segments 3 and 4 have nearly same magnitude of are moderately entrenched. Segment 2 has the
meander length and meander belt width. greatest ER (4) showing greater affinity towards
Riffle and pool cross-sectional areas range from flooding than other segments.
5.81 to 11.62 m2 and from 4.24 to 5.9m2, respectively W/D ratio is in the range of 30 to 40 for segments
(Table 1). The width (Wbkf) is highest in Segment 1, 2 and 4. Segment 3 has almost twice the W/D
3, with value 19.53 m and is lowest (5.8 m) in ratio (75.66) compared to other segments. Segment
Segment 4. Segment 1 has the greatest maximum 3 also has the greatest bank height ratio (BHR) of
depth (1 m) and the mean depth (0.62 m), Segment 5.28. The downstream segments possess
4 has the least maximum depth (0.72 m) and the comparatively low value of BHR and are vulnerable
mean depth (0.42 m). Segments 2, 3 and 4 have to lateral shifting of river and flooding.
almost similar bankfull depth. The floodprone width
of Segment 2 is the highest (72 m) and Segment 4 The meander length ratio (MLR) varies from

L TO B Segment 4 Gravel,cobble with silty matrix

Silty Clay
Black Clay
Existing Water Level
Shurb Bankfull Level
Tree Flood Prone Level
0 2 4 6m
Grass Knick Point

L TO B Segment 3

0 2 4 6m

L TO B Segment 2

0 2 4 6m
1st Order

L TO B Segment 1 R TO B
2nd Order

Cultivated Cultivated
3rd Order

land land
4rd Order

5th Order


0 2 4 6m
Elevation (m)

3000 Lele Khola

2000 Burunchuli Khola

Nallu Chapagoan Bhainsepati Nakhhu
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance (km)

Fig. 3 Longitudinal Profile of the Nakhu River and cross-sections of its four segments

Morpho-hydraulic parameters and existing stability condition of Nakhu River, southern Kathmandu, Central Nepal

Table 2: Results of Wolman pebble count on segments of the Nakhu River

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4

(Nakhu) (Bhaisepati) (Chapagoan) (Nallu)
Particle Description Frequ- Frequ- Frequ- Frequ-
Cum. Cum. Cum.
(mm) (f) ency %f ency %f ency %f Cum. %f ency %f
%f %f %f
(f) (f) (f) (f)
Bed-rock >2048 -11 1 0.25 0.25 4 1 1
Large 1024-2048 -10 0 0.25 0 1
Boulder Medium 512-1024 -9 0 0.25 0 1
Small 256-512 -8 1 0.25 0.25 0 0.25 4 1 2
Large 128-256 -7 5 1.25 1.25 9 2.25 2.5 10 2.5 2.75 15 3.75 5.75
Small 64-128 -6 21 5.25 6.5 33 8.25 10.75 49 12.25 15 70 17.5 23.25
Very coarse 32-64 -5 43 10.75 17.25 35 8.75 19.5 65 16.25 31.25 69 17.25 40.5
Coarse 16.0-32 -4 51 12.75 30 44 11 30.5 63 15.75 47 32 8 48.5
Pebble Medium 8.0-16 -3 30 7.5 37.5 19 4.75 35.25 29 7.25 54.25 25 6.25 54.75
Fine 4.0-8 -2 16 4 41.5 12 3 38.25 4 1 55.25 2 0.5 55.25
Very fine 2.0-4 -1 12 3 44.5 5 1.25 39.5 3 0.75 56 0 55.25
Very coarse 1.0-2.0 0 0 44.5 0 39.5 0 56 0 55.25
Coarse 0.5-1.0 1 7 1.75 46.25 12 3 42.5 9 2.25 58.25 19 4.75 60
Sand Medium 0.25-0.5 2 0 46.25 8 2 44.5 6 1.5 59.75 6 1.5 61.5
Fine 0.125-0.25 3 0 46.25 0 44.5 1 0.25 60 1 0.25 61.75
Very fine 0.063-0.125 4 0 46.25 0 44.5 0 60 0 61.75
Silt/Clay Silt/Clay <0.063 5 215 53.75 100 222 55.5 100 160 40 100 153 38.25 100

18.05 (Segment 3) to 34.4 (Segment 1). The 2, 3 and 4 are extremely poorly sorted (Table 3).
downstream push of the channel is greater in Segment 3 indicates five sub-populations whereas
segments 1, 2 and 4 compared to Segment 3. The other segments represent four sub-population. Fine
meander belt width ratio (MWR) ranges from sand to pebble grade material are relatively poorly
14.91(Segment 1) to 25.50 (Segment 3) showing sorted than very fine sand and cobble grade materials.
that the magnitude of meandering is large in the In all the segments, pebble-cobble and mud are the
Segments 2 and 3 compared to Segments 1 and 4. dominant bed materials.

Longitudinal profile STREAM CLASSIFICATION

The longitudinal profile of the Nakhu River is Morphological characteristics (Rosgen, 1994)
concave upward (Fig. 3) with the average slope of viz ER, W/D ratio, K, slope and bed material were
0.052 m/m. The slope of the lower order streams adopted for the classification of the stream. Segments
declines abruptly when the fourth order stream 1, 2, 3 and 4 are classified as C5-, C5-, C4- and C4-
begins with a slope of 0.017 m/m. The slopes of the stream, respectively (Table 3).
river from Segment 4 to Segment 1 gradually
decrease from 0.017 m/m to 0.012 m/m.
Table 3: Summary of classification of the Nakhu River
Grain size distribution of riverbed material segment 1 segment 2 segment 3 segment 4
Wolman’s (1954) pebble count was adopted to Attribute

characterize riverbed material of individual segments. Entrenchment ratio, E/R 3.05 4.00 2.52 3.37
Ten transects in each segment were traversed for W/D ratio 30.19 39.94 90.79 31.26
fourty counts. Fig. 4 represents probability plots Sinuosity, K (m/m) 1.17 1.52 1.19 1.25
from the frequency percent of clasts (Table 2). Based Slope (m/m) 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.017
on median size, the sediments of Segments 1 and 2
Bed material, D50 (mm) 0.12 0.12 24.25 28.84
are very fine sands, and those of segments 3 and 4
Sorting, sI (f) 3.96 4.08 4.23 4.34
are pebble-grade bed material. The size distribution
Rosgen stream type C5 C5 C4 C4
of Segment 1 is very poorly sorted and of segments

B. Maharjan and N. K. Tamrakar/ Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Vol. 13, 2010, pp. 1–12

99.999 99.999
99.99 Segment 1 99.99 Segment 2
99.9 99.9
Cumulative frequency %

Cumulative frequency %
99 99
95 95
90 90

1 0.1
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
(a) Grain size (f-scale) (b) Grain size (f-scale)
99.999 99.999
99.99 Segment 3 99.99 Segment 4
Cumulative frequency %


Cumulative frequency %
99 99
90 95

0.1 1
-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
(c) Grain size (f-scale) (d) Grain size (f-scale)

Fig. 4 Grain size distribution of Nakhu River: (a) Segment 1; Nakhu, (b) Segment 2; Bhainsepati, (c) Segment 3; Chapagaon, and
(d) Segment 4; Nallu

C5-stream type 5). Most of the reaches of the corridor are

accompanied by cultivated and built-up areas. The
Segment 1 is less entrenched (>1.4) with high river segment has been affected by clearing of the
W/D ratio (30.19) and low sinuosity (K = 1.17) riparian vegetation, bank encroachment, extremely
with bed material of gravel and silt/clay mixture high effluent discharge from settlement areas, and
with little sand. Point bars, point bars with a few encroachment of river banks for extending roads.
mid channel bars and side bars characterize the
deposition pattern of this stream. Riparian vegetation Segment 2 has a broad valley with terraces
along the river corridor is poor, and constitutes associated with well defined flood plains. Segment
mainly shrub and grass, and minorly few trees (Fig. 2 is slightly entrenched (ER=4.0) with well defined

Fig. 5 Downstream view of the segment 1 at Nakhu Fig. 6 Downstream view of the segment 2 at Bhainsepati

Morpho-hydraulic parameters and existing stability condition of Nakhu River, southern Kathmandu, Central Nepal

Fig. 7 Downstream view of the segment 3 of the Nakhu River Fig. 8 Downstream view of the segment 4 of the Nakhu River
at Chapagaon area at Nallu area

meandering channel (K=1.52), high W/D ratio and bars, and grazing activities are the major
(39.94), and low gradient (<0.02 m/m). The bed disturbances which have been impairing the river
material comprises fine sand with gravel. Deposition segments.
pattern in the stream is characterized by abundant
channel bars and point bars. Riparian vegetation is HYDRAULIC PARAMETERS
represented by grass, shrubs. Distribution of tree is
Table 4 lists hydraulic parameters of the Nakhu
only in certain part in patchy and discontinuous
River segments. The Manning’s roughness
pattern (Fig. 6). The banks exhibit erosional scarps.
coefficients of segments 1, 2, 3 and 4 are respectively,
Seasonal channel shifting is remarkable. Building
0.090, 0.125, 0.121, and 0.144. The higher values
of gabion walls, cultivation of banks, grazing, bank
are mainly due to channel irregularities, high
encroachment and riparian vegetation clearing are
major problems. sinuosity, large riverbed sediment size and notable
instream vegetation.
C4-Stream type The bankfull discharge and velocity after
Segment 3 and 4 are slightly entrenched with Manning’s equation and continuity equation,
W/D ratio greater than 12 (Table 2). These are well respectively, are defined as:
defined meandering channel with low sinuosity Q = (A R2/3 S1/2)/n (1)
generally less than 1.5 (K of segment 3=1.19 and
V = Q/A (2)
K of segment 4=1.25) with very gentle slopes. Both
segments have broad valleys with terraces in where, A = bankfull cross-sectional area, R =
association with flood plains. The bed materials are hydraulic radius, n = Manning’s roughness
composed of fine gravel. Abundant point bars and coefficient, V = velocity and Q = discharge.
mid-channel bars constitute depositional channel The bankfull discharge ranged from 2.970 m3/s
elements. Riparian vegetation is represented by for Segment 4 to 10.236 m3/s for Segment 1. The
grasses, shrubs, and linear to patchy isolated trees bankfull velocities were also the least for Segment
(Fig. 7 and 8). Segment 3 has few trees in a
4 (0.511 m/s) and greatest for Segment 1 (0.881
discontinuous pattern in few parts of the segment
with wide flood plains. The banks exhibit erosional
scarps and a few landslides. Segment 4 exhibits
better condition than others. Seasonal channel STABILITY CONDITION
shifting is quite remarkable in segment 3. Excavation Stability condition of a river is explained by
of gravel from channels, cultivation on the banks behaviour of the river towards lateral and vertical

B. Maharjan and N. K. Tamrakar/ Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Vol. 13, 2010, pp. 1–12

Table 4: Results of hydraulic parameters of the Nakhu River segments

Attribute Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4
Width at bankfull, W bkf (m) 17.64 17.82 19.53 12.88
Bankfull x-section area, A bkf (m2) 11.62 8.39 9.20 5.82
Mean depth at bankfull, D bkf = A bkf/Wbkf (m) 0.62 0.44 0.44 0.42
Wetted perimeter (m) 18.88 18.71 20.41 13.73
Hydraulic radius (m) 0.62 0.45 0.45 0.42
Slope (m/m) 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.017
Manning's roughness coffcient, n 0.090 0.125 0.121 0.144
Bankfull discharge Q (m3/s) 10.236 4.478 5.473 2.970
Bankfull Velocity,V(m/s) 0.881 0.534 0.595 0.511

components due to tendency of erosion. The overall water, R is hydraulic radius and S is channel slope.
behavior is exhibited by whether the river is The boundary shear stress varies between 5.827
potentially aggrading or degrading, and the N/m2 to 7.386 N/m2 (Table 5).
competency of the river to entrain and transport the Dimensionless shear stresses were derived after
coarse sediments. equation of Andrew (1983):
Vertical stability t*ci = 0.0834 (di/ds50) –0.872 (4)
Bank height Ratio (BHR) and Entrenchment where, t*ci is a critical dimensionless shear stress
Ratio (ER) are two parameters which are indicators needed to entrain di (coarsest 10th percentile) of the
of vertical stability of channels. BHR shows a degree riverbed material and ds50 is a median diameter of
of incision which river had undergone relative to a bar material.
its depth, whereas ER shows a degree of incision Then the critical depth and critical slope required
taken place compared to its flood prone width. As to mobilise the di particles of bed were obtained as:
BHR exceeds 1.5 for all the segments, they are
Dc = (1.65 t*ci di)/S (5)
vertically unstable to some extent. The segment 3
possesses higher degree of vertical instability Sc = (1.65 t*ci di)/D (6)
compared to the rest of the segments which have where, D is the existing depth at bankfull and S
approximately the same degree of instability (Table is the existing slope.
1). All the segments are notably not entrenched at
present condition. The critical dimensionless shear stress, which is
required to initiate movement of the coarsest 10th
Lateral stability percentile of the riverbed material, ranges from 0.012
(Segment 3) to 0.025 (Segment 2). The critical
The Nakhu River segments are laterally unstable depth (Dc) and critical slope (Sc) required to mobilise
because they bear high Meandering Width Ratio the coarsest 10th percentile fraction would be the
(MWR), and show tendency of shifting of the river half of those of the existing depth and slope of the
belt. W/D ratio of all the segments are notably high channel (except for segment 2), indicating that the
and that of segment 3 even exceeds 40 and is more Nakhu River segments are competent enough to
vulnerable to lateral shifting of the channel due to mobilise the riverbed materials currently distributed
expansion of width of the channel by erosion. in the river. The segment 2 has almost the critical
depth and slope equal to the existing depth and slope
Competence still showing that the segment is competent.
Shields (1936) equation was used for boundary
shear stress: Aggrading/degrading potential
t = gRS (3) The following relationship of Schumm (1963)
was used to evaluate aggrading/degrading potential:
where, t is boundary shear stress, g is density of

Morpho-hydraulic parameters and existing stability condition of Nakhu River, southern Kathmandu, Central Nepal

Table 5: Results of calculation of shear stress, F-factor and order segments is the coarsest because of existence
M-factor of debris flow events and derivation of large sized
Parameters Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4
gravel in this river. The variability of the above
d50 (m) 0.00012 0.00012 0.02425 0.02884
parameters among the rivers is attributed to river
ds50 (m) 0.020420 0.034070 0.017430 0.024415
d10 (m) 0.094 0.135 0.155 0.201 dynamics of the individual basin and supply of
d10/ds50 4.601 3.971 8.917 8.228 sediments from the source rocks. Compared to the
t (N/m2) 7.386 5.827 6.761 7.200 Bishnumati and the Manahara River, the Nakhu
tcr 0.022 0.025 0.012 0.013 River is more capable of carrying huge volume of
Dc 0.285 0.430 0.212 0.259
Sc 0.005 0.013 0.007 0.010 sediments considering its competency. The fourth
F-factor = W/D ratio 28.350 40.047 44.386 30.324 (Segment 4) and fifth (Segments 1, 2 and 3) order
M-factor 50.464 52.952 36.645 37.609
segments of this river are aggrading in nature.

F = 255 M–1.08 (7) CONCLUSIONS

where, F and M are defined as: The Nakhu River is the fifth order main-stem
F = Wbkf/Dbkf (8) river draining the watershed, and the latter is
characterized by dendritic and parallel drainage
M = [(Sr.Wbkf)+(Sb.2Dbkf)]/(Wbkf+2Dbkf) (9) patterns. The drainage texture ranges from very
where, Sr is percentage of silt and clay in wetted coarse in the northern part where relative relief is
perimeter of a riffle cross-section and Sb is percentage low, and fine to moderately fine in the southern part
of silt and clay in a bar material. where relative relief is high.
Fig. 10 shows the F versus M relationship. The Grain size distributions of stream segments
plots of all the four segments of the Nakhu River indicate that the d50 of the river bed sediments of
lie on the aggrading field of this diagram. segments 1, 2, 3 and 4 are respectively, 0.120 mm,
0.122 mm, 24.25 mm and 28.84 mm. Segments 1,2,3
and 4 of the Nakhu River is classified as C5-, C5-,
C4- and C4-stream types, respectively. C5-stream
The four segments which have been surveyed is characterized by less entrenched meandering
indicate that they are moderately entrenched. The channel on low gradients with high W/D ratio and
fifth order segments of the Nakhu River are relatively fine sand with gravel in the channel. C5- and C4-
more entrenched than those of the Manahara River,
but the fifth and sixth order segments of the 1 Segment 1
Bishnumati River are even more entrenched (Table 2 Segment 2
6). Among the three rivers, W/D ratio of the Nakhu 3 Segment 3
4 Segment 4
River is intermediate between high ratios of the
Manahara River and the low of the Bishnumati 100
River. Sinuousity, is highly variable, but the fourth 3
order segment of the Nakhu River shows the least 4

sinuosity. Remarkably, radius of curvature of the 1


Nakhu River is highest among the rivers. Considering



the slope, the fifth order segment of the Nakhu River


shows the highest slopes among the rivers. The


meander length and meander belt width of the Nakhu DEGRADING

River exhibit low range while that of the Manahara 1
and the Bishnumati Rivers show wide range. 1 10 100 1000
Considering D50 of the fifth order segments, all lie M-factor
in sand-grade except for the upstream segment of
the Nakhu River. In the latter, D50 of the fourth Fig. 10 F versus M-factor diagram showing aggrading/degrading
potential of the Nakhu River segments

B. Maharjan and N. K. Tamrakar/ Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Vol. 13, 2010, pp. 1–12

Table 4: Summary of classification of the Nakhu River influence, e.g., quarrying of bedrocks, human
5th order 4th order
settlements and extension of road alignment. In
Attribute stream stream segment 4, it is due to mining activities, whereas in
Entrenchment ratio, *Bishnumati River 1.37 4.78
other segments, human settlements and their lifestyles
E/R **Manahara River 1.39–12.22 1.43 have impacted morphological and dynamic function
Nakhu River 2.52–14.00 3.37 of the river. Tendency of morphological changes in
W/D ratio Bishnumati River 26 12 C5-stream is pronounced due to recently built-up
Manahara River 66–85 48
road alignment along the right bank of the Nakhu
Nakhu River 28–44 30
River. To improve the river function, futher studies
Sinuosity, K (m/m) Bishnumati River 1.16 1.34
Manahara River 1.14–2.11 1.43 and river rehabilitation works are required.
Nakhu River 1.17–1.52 1.25
Radius of Bishnumati River 51 89 REFERENCES
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