Directions: For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories. Then provide examples of your
experiences in the area of the NBPTS. Finally, identify areas within each domain where you are interested in growing.
On the last page, summarize your strengths and areas of possible growth. Boxes will expand as needed.
• Exploring/Emerging (E/E) - a level of practice in which the teacher relies on ongoing assistance from more experienced
colleagues for support, guidance, and survival. The teacher is moving toward becoming more self-directed and
independent in her/his practice.
• Applying (A) - a level of practice in which the teacher is able to provide independent instruction and easily applies what
s/he has learned about educational practice.
• Integrating/Innovating (I/I) - a level of development in which the teacher is fully skilled and confident. The Integrating/
Innovating teacher is contributing to the broader educational community through staff development, research, or
publication in professional journals.
Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Recognize Individual Differences in Their Students and Adjust Their Practice
Accordingly X
2. Teachers Understand How Students Develop and Learn X
3. Teachers Treat Students Equitably X
4. Teachers Know Their Mission Transcends the Cognitive Development of Their Students X
Three Examples of Proposition 1 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
1. I have set up a culture in my classroom with rules Although I believe that I do a great job in teaching
and discipline consistency Students know what is different learners, I know that there is always room for
expected of them, and know what they can expect improvement and there are always new methods to
better implement in the classroom. This is an area that
from me and therefore my students feel that my
is always further developing and we as teachers need
classroom is a safe learning environment. to always grow in.
2. Although I have rules put in place within my
classroom, I highly encourage students to come and
talk to me if a problem should arise and they are not
able to attend class or turn in their homework on
time. If students communicate with me, I work with
them on finding a compromise or a solution to their
problem. If students do not communicate with me, I
can not help them. Students know that they can
come to me to help them out in any class, even if I
do not teach them anymore.
3. Because I know I have different types of learners
within my classroom, including some students with
learning adjustments, I implement different type of
teaching methods that would beneficial to all types
of learners. I have interactive notebooks with note-
taking inserts, I chunk my teaching, and use different
types of activities and visuals.
Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those E/E A I/I
subjects to students.
5. Teachers Appreciate How Knowledge in Their Subjects is Created, Organized, and Linked to
Other Disciplines X
6. Teachers Command Specialized Knowledge of How to Convey a Subject to Students X
7. Teachers Generate Multiple Paths to Knowledge X
Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (http://accomplishedteacher.org/preface/).
Three Examples of Proposition 2 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
1. We are in the process of creating a shared pacing I would like to attend more professional developments
guide of ideas/topics throughout the entire school. for my subject matter. There is still a lot for me to
When teaching historical and cultural parts in my learn and I am eager to go out and absorb as much
information as I can.
subject area, it is wonderful when the topics align
and the students learn different views on the same
topic that support each other. This happened
perfectly for my sophomores in my heritage class last
year when they learned about the Mexican
Revoliution. They just so happen to be learning it a
couple days later in their history class. Students were
happy to be able to participate in sharing
information with the rest of the class and teacher.
2. I know students have a hard time learning languages,
especially those with learning disabilities. I am
constantly looking for different types of teaching
methods that would be beneficial to all types of
learners. I have interactive notebooks with note-
taking inserts, I chunk my teaching, and use different
types of activities and visuals.
3. Any way I can expose my students to Spanish, I do it.
If I choose a movie to show them, it is in Spanish or it
is educating them about a cultural aspect. While
they work on activities, I play different types of
Spanish music, and sometimes let them request
music in Spanish.
Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Call on Multiple Methods to Meet Their Instructional Goals X
2. Teachers Support Student Learning in Varied Settings and Groups X
3. Teachers Value Student Engagement X
4. Teachers Regularly Assess Student Progress X
5. Teachers Engage Students in the Learning Process X
Three Examples of Proposition 3 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (http://accomplishedteacher.org/preface/).
1. I am constantly asking for feedback on how they did I am constantly looking for new methods of teaching or
on the activity that they just did and we corrected as for students to learn Spanish. I believe the education is
a class. It is simple, with a quick show of hands. constantly evolving and reevauluating itself, especially
with the use of technology in the classrooms. I
Sometime I do exit tickets for them to complete so
especially feel the pressure of incorporating technology
that I can see what they are still struggling with or in my classes because our school is a technology based
what they understood. school; we have 1:1 student with iPad. I feel that I
2. I believe that constant feedback and assessments are need to continue learning and investigating methods
necessary, especially when lesson planning. I believe used, even outside of my subject area, and find a way
that the lesson plans for the next day depend on the to incorporate it into my content area.
previous day’s assessments/feedback. If students
had difficulty with a certain topic, I believe teachers
should re-teach or practice more before moving on to
the next topic.
3. My students give me the energy that I need to be
there informant of them and making learning Spanish
Grammar as interesting as possible to learn. I make
sure they are engaged by using a random name
selector app. I vary the way they share their
answers, giving them opportunity to walk up to the
board, Think-Pair-Share, or with coral responses. I
love to laugh and be silly, and I think it is important
to make yourself vulnerable in front of your students
so that they can have a better connection with you
and want to learn and participate.
Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practices and learn from E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Make Difficult Choices That Test Their Professional Judgment X
2. Teachers Use Feedback and Research to Improve Their Practice and Positively Impact Student
Learning X
Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (http://accomplishedteacher.org/preface/).
Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of Professional Communities E/E A I/I
I still hav many areas to grow in. My love for teaching can not and will not be enough. I have to push myself to
reach out and make connections with our community to further expand the learning possibilities of my students. I
need to continue to further my education on teaching techniques by attending more professional developments
and learning from my colleagues as well.
Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (http://accomplishedteacher.org/preface/).