500 List
500 List
500 List
author of Connect
Josh Turner
Thank you!
the Booked System?
Tragedy Awaits 16
Sleepless Nights 19
The System 35
The Foundation 41
Email Blueprint 81
Onward! 86
might be a bit more established, with multiple six,
seven, or eight figures of revenue.
B. Convert a percentage of
these prospects into leads and
gets an at-bat? You can’t hit the ball, if you don’t
have enough at-bats. You’re a home run hitter. If
you weren’t, you wouldn’t be reading this book.
You just need more at-bats.
Fishing, Drywall,
and Failure
I was fortunate to
grow up in a loving
and supportive family.
My Dad was a typical
American father fig-
ure. Tough but loving.
Most importantly, he
taught me to fish from
a very young age.
When I was just a few years old, I remember Dad
remodeling our basement. He had learned on his
own how to build stuff. And was very good at it. At
the time, he was working for a big insurance com-
pany. Less than 10 years later, in a story that is all
too familiar to most of us, he was downsized. And
the prospect of getting another “job” was not only
daunting, it was unattractive.
In 1999 I headed off to college at University of Mis-
souri, and would work for him during the summer
when I came home. My responsibilities increased,
and by the time I was 22 I wasn’t just a trim car-
penter. I was helping estimate jobs, coordinating
schedules with subcontractors, managing projects,
communicating with clients, helping out with mar-
keting and sales, and basically whatever he needed
help with. Dad’s business had grown to the point
where he had several jobs going at any given time.
And one year he even reached the $1 million reve-
nue mark.
money coming in. And because the preceding few
months had become increasingly slow, the payables
had started to mount. As the business lost money,
the debt mounted. And the hole was too big to dig
out of. Unable to pay the bills, he had no choice but
to shut the doors.
more prospects. To schedule more appointments,
consultations, strategy sessions, sales calls…what-
ever you want to call it. More appointments, more
sales. If you want more business, your calendar
needs to start filling up. Soon enough, when a
prospect asks if you can talk tomorrow…you’ll have
to tell them you’re booked. When your calendar
fills up with appointments, you can start to pick and
choose who you work with, raise your prices, make
more money, and succeed in the game of business.
Tragedy Awaits
From the outside, it looked like a very successful
business. But on the inside, we were living paycheck
to paycheck.
The most important thing
for any business is
marketing and sales.
tacts, I decided to call myself an “outsourced CFO.”
I created a terrible looking website and had some
business cards made at Kinko’s. They were terrible
too. But I was in the game.
This story runs through your mind. But you have
no other choice than to keep pushing forward.
stantly on the cash flow roller coaster. One week it
feels like you’re doing great, and you’re busy helping
clients...the next you’re wondering what happened...
and the phone’s just not ringing. Where’d all the
business go? If you’re just getting started, it can feel
even worse. Without a track record, it’s tough get-
ting people to take your seriously.
You know that already, right? You’re willing to do
the work. But there is so much confusion out there,
that you’re not sure where to start. Most small busi-
ness owners don’t have a step-by-step system for
generating qualified appointments in place. That’s
what this book is all about.
The bullshit
I was fed
The serious business owners I work with, they’re
tired of that crap too. Not only are they tired of it,
they’ve completely tuned it out. They’re looking for
practical resources to help take what you love to do,
to take your business, to the next level. They want,
like you, to leverage proven systems for getting in
front of more clients, generate more income and
revenue, improve your cash flow, and grow your
business. And to get a little peace of mind, knowing
that you won’t have to worry about where your next
client will come from.
Cool? Cool.
now you’re almost out of work. Where will your
next buck come from?
Here’s the problem. And it’s a BIG one. Most of the
social media gurus out there, most of their stuff is
full of you know what. You probably already know
that. Unfortunately, I didn’t when I first got started
and I had to learn the hard way.
what all the cool kids were doing right?
I knew there was a sea of prospects out there, acces-
sible to every one of us. They’re just sitting there,
waiting for you and for me, but we all know you
have to approach them the right way. You have to
know the right things to say. Otherwise you won’t
stand a chance of getting in the door.
Game on.
year grizzled business vets, that rarely look outside
of the “old boys club.”
Having seen the success I was having with this
system, I was asked by some of my finance clients if
they thought the same marketing and social media
processes would work for them.
It can work for you too. If you’re ready to put in the
Let’s go!
The System
Position yourself above the fray,
and prospects will be far more
approachable than when you’re
just another me-too competitor
in a crowded sea.
Of course, you have to be able to turn an appoint-
ment into a client. But even if you only close a small
fraction of consultations into clients, the system will
work for you. And that’s a worst case scenario. For
most people I talk to, it’s not a matter of being able
to close. You’ve got an amazing service and compel-
ling story, but just aren’t getting in front of enough
people. Let’s change that.
about the process. No matter where your clients can
be found, the process can work for you.
Over the next few chapters I’ll walk you through the
5-step process and give you some examples of peo-
ple who have had amazing success using it.
Step 1
It starts with the foundation. These are the things
that you need to put in place FIRST. Without them,
the rest of the system will be far less effective.
Step 2
Step two is our proprietary process for quickly es-
tablishing your leadership platform. It’s this plat-
form that’s going to supercharge everything else you
do, and it might take you only an hour or two to get
up and running.
Step 3
The third step is building your database of pros-
pects. This involves identifying your ideal clients
and bringing them into your funnel, in a number of
ways, both systematic and free.
Step 4
From there, we’ll move to Step 4, your messaging
campaign. This is where the results start POUR-
ING in. Instead of sitting back and waiting, this
proactive approach insures that you’ll be generating
appointments when you want them.
Step 5
Then in Step 5, learn to combine the systems you’ve
built in Steps 1-4 with email strategies that gen-
erate even more appointments. It’s funny how so
many people get married to one platform. With
our system, you’ll be leveraging not JUST Facebook.
Not JUST LinkedIn. You won’t be a one trick pony.
You’ll be integrating the best of both Facebook and
LinkedIn, based on where your target market can
best be reached. Then you’ll combine them with
email to get results that most other people only
dream about.
work. It can be managed in under an hour a day.
You can take weekends off too. As long as you are
willing to commit to 30-60 minutes a day, 5 days per
week, you will get some remarkable results.
The Foundation
Trying to be all things to all people leaves your
message vanilla, boring, and it won’t resonate with
• Seniority
• Male/Female
• Age
• Department or Function
Once you’ve identified and begun joining these
groups, you need to spend some time understand-
ing what kind of topics interest them. A cursory re-
view of the conversations and posts in these groups
will give you a good idea of which topics your
prospects really care about. What are they asking
about? Which discussions seem to have a lot more
comments than the others? Create a list of topics
that seem to be of interest to your prospects, and set
it aside for later. You’re going to use this to position
yourself as a trusted resource, but let’s not get ahead
of ourselves. There are still a couple items pieces of
our foundation left.
ate new leads. This kind of content can and should
be created very quickly. In fact, our students have
access to training showing them how to create this
in less than 1 hour. The key is to not get too caught
up in creating this content. That’s why it’s called the
MVP (Flagship Lead Magnet).
In addition, your lead magnet will also be used
throughout your messaging campaigns. Used stra-
tegically, it will increase your response rate and be a
key component of generating more appointments.
what your prospects care about. More importantly,
you want them to feel comfortable connecting with
you. Facebook is even easier. You might change
your cover photo to include information about your
leadership platform (stay tuned for that), or you
might leave it just the way it is.
Your Leadership
The Booked system is a step-by-step process for
achieving that. It starts with building a leadership
To achieve this effect, you’ll need to create your
group on either Facebook or LinkedIn. They’re the
most popular online networks, and we’ll talk in a
moment about which might be best for you.
LinkedIn or Facebook?
Some markets are better for Facebook, some for
LinkedIn. Referring back to your ideal prospect
profile, you need to be clear about whether your
prospects are more likely to engage on Facebook or
LinkedIn. Let’s say you’re targeting CEO’s of manu-
facturing companies. They’re not likely to engage in
a business conversation on Facebook. You’ll want to
focus more on LinkedIn.
Personal chefs is a great example. You can find
12,000+ personal chefs on LinkedIn. Even though
they may not spend much time on LinkedIn, you’ll
connect with them on LinkedIn as the first step.
Then once you’re connected on LinkedIn, you’ll
invite them back to the Facebook group.
Building Your
to new prospects on an ongoing basis. This second
phase essentially never ends, as we recommend
reaching out to at least a few new prospects every
day. Well, not every day. You can take the weekend
off if you’d like.
as a peer and a leader in the industry. They’re much
more open to connecting. That one little change
opens the doors to some of the most senior decision
makers that Bob has never before been able to get
through to.
want to go all out, you can send up to 1,500.
Your Name
Founder, Your Group Name
Building a Database on Facebook
Let’s talk about Facebook now. Connecting with
prospects on Facebook is a bit different. For one,
it is not as easy to search for prospects, and there-
for is more difficult to find them. One way around
this is to join the groups they hang out in. If you’re
looking to reach business coaches, find marketing
or coaching groups. By joining these groups, you’ll
have access to hundreds or thousands of prospects.
The alternative is to identify them in other places
(like LinkedIn) and then search for them by name
on Facebook.
Hi First Name,
others will want to connect with you because they
perceive you to be a leader in the market, from your
well positioned leadership platform.
added into your leadership platform, as well as
directly connecting with you. Using our proprietary
messaging processes, you’ll be armed with a weap-
on that will convert a predictable number of these
prospects into live appointments, consultations, and
strategy sessions.
If all you implemented were the first 3 phases of
the system that we covered so far, you’d be ahead of
90% of your competitors. Stopping there would be
doing yourself a disservice, because there is a way to
take it to the next level and to generate a consistent
stream of new appointments.
Don’t worry about what you
think other people are doing.
Figure out how many prospects
YOU need to reach YOUR goals.
you measure.” It’s true. If you’re just shootin’ in the
dark, your results will be all over the place. When
you have clear goals to track against, you can hold
yourself accountable and increase the chances that
you’ll hit your income goals.
what comes your way, that’s fine. But keep in mind,
that’s what most people do. Most people are not
generating the kinds of results you’re looking for.
Why do you think companies like Microsoft have
hired us to install this system for their teams? They
know the most time-tested, proven way to grow is to
go out, position yourself in front of your prospects,
and ask for the meeting.
teach our students include:
• Multi-Touch Point Nurture Campaign
• Referencing a Shared Connection
• Request for Call Right After Connecting
• Re-engaging Existing Connections
• Asking Permission to Send Your Lead Magnet
you, on average. In some markets it has been lower,
and in others higher. Regardless, the bottom line is
that it works.
There’s nothing in it for you. You’re just sharing it
with your new friend, because you think they’ll get
value out of it. It can be as simple as saying,
Hey Bobby,
Your Name
Hey Bobby,
Now it’s time to ask for the phone call. The fourth
message might look like this:
Your Name
Hey Bobby,
Your Name
Campaign” is just one approach. Let’s spend a bit of
time talking about the rest.
initial outreach. When sending a friend or connec-
tion request, personalize the message you send to
reference the shared connection.
Hey Bobby,
Your Name
Hey Bobby,
Request for Call Right After
Another approach for generating calls more quickly
is to connect, and then ask for the phone call. This
approach is pretty simply. First, send a connection
or friend request. Once they accept, send a message
asking them if they’d be open to jumping on a call to
learn more about each other.
Hey Bobby,
Your Name
market, and to some extent your business and how
unique it is. If you have something really special,
prospects will agree to speak with you at a higher
rate. This “request a call immediately after con-
necting” approach is another good way to generate
appointments in the short term while you wait for
the nurture campaign to reach its peak.
message might look something like this:
Hey Bobby,
Your Name
in page where the prospect has to enter their email,
we’re just going to send it to them.
Hey Bobby,
But what about those who don’t respond? Send a
follow up! In this case, I like to assume the sale and
just send them the report.
Hey Bobby,
Your Name
Hi Bobby,
time and learn more about the work you’re doing.
Happy to answer any questions you have about the
ideas in the report. How does next Tuesday after-
noon look?
regarding the message timing/date and the message
script that was used.
Won’t messaging that many people individually take
a ton of time?” Great question! Fortunately there
are easy ways to make the process very efficient.
Sure, you will definitely spend a few minutes each
day sending out messages. There’s no way around
that, unless your comfortable with mediocre results.
Sending personalized 1-on-1 messages dramatically
improves the response rate and effectiveness of the
system. One of the reasons it works so well is that
a lot of people simply aren’t willing to put it in the
time to do it! When you start seeing the leads pour
in, you’ll be glad you took the time to do it the right
Email Blueprint
anything in marketing. The more places you can
reach your prospects where they’re hanging out,
the better your odds of booking an appointment
with them. We know they’re probably on LinkedIn,
and we know they’re probably on Facebook. But we
know without a doubt that they are spending lots
of time in their email inbox. So why not show up
there too?
Instead, what we’ve seen work tremendously is to
layer individual email outreach on top of the mes-
saging campaigns you run within LinkedIn and
that this kind of email is most certainly not SPAM.
Think of it as following up with a friend. It’s essen-
tially the same thing.
Want a Free Blueprint of the Authority
Appointment Generation System?
thority Leadership Platform that will position you
as true leader in your market, creating authority
that will open prospects up to you like never before.
From there, I showed you the best practices for
prospecting and building a database of targeted po-
tential clients. Then we gave you an overview of five
of our most effective messaging processes that you’ll
use to convert a percentage of the prospects in your
database into appointments on your calendar. And
finally, the email blueprint to improve your results
even more.
After helping so many businesses implement this
system, we’ve found that there are a few keys to
successfully implementing and managing the pro-
cess, so that you get the results you’re after…lots of
appointments with qualified prospects!
will be sent. Based on historical percentages, you
can predict approximately how many appointments
the different messages will generate. That way, you
can easily throttle your activity up or down, to
arrive at the precise number of appointments that
you’re aiming to generate. Compare that with what
you’re currently doing. I bet it’s night and day.
you could spend. So, somewhere between 30-60
minutes is the sweet spot.
Getting off
the Cash Flow
The cash flow rollercoaster is the leading cause of
death for businesses. Without consistent cash flow,
you’re only one downturn away from being out
of business. The way to get off the rollercoaster is
to have a steady stream of new opportunities and
clients. The way to insure that happens, is to have a
system for generating a consistent flow of new leads
and appointments.
competitor. And you must be willing to put in the
time to work the processes that I’ve laid out for you
in this book.
Resources to Help
You Book More
The Authority Appointment
Generation Blueprint
To help support you in implementing the Booked
system, we’ve put together a blueprint outlining
the different steps in the process. This visual guide
maps out the steps necessary to get your appoint-
ment generating system up and running.
• The proven scripts (over 20 pages) you’ll use
to attract qualified prospects into your network,
and then working them all the way to the
• How to integrate your LinkedIn and Facebook
efforts with email, to increase your appointments
by 10-20%.
• The daily step-by-step action plan, so you’ll
know exactly what to do, every single day.
Josh Turner