Corporate Strategy Final
Corporate Strategy Final
Corporate Strategy Final
DEI has a five decade long association with the founding fathers
pleased to address the colloquia in the following words :
of the systems movement spread over several campuses all
over the world, including Michigan State University, University
of Waterloo, IIT Delhi and DEI, Dayalbagh. Revered Prof. Prem
Saran Satsangi, Leader of Radhasoami Faith (Dayalbagh) and
Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education, Dayalbagh
Educational Institutions obtained his Master’s degree in 1961
from Michigan State University under the tutelage of Prof.
Herman Koenig, father of Physical System Theory. Revered
Prof. Satsangi obtained his Ph.D. from University of Waterloo
in 1969 on the topic “A Physical System Theory Modelling
Prof. David Johnston, then President, University of Waterloo
Framework Generalized for Large Scale Economic Systems” addressing DEI-UW MoU signing ceremony in July 2008
under the Canadian Commonwealth Fellowship with Late Prof.
Jack B. Ellis as the supervisor. Prof. Satsangi has fond reminis- “It was in the mid sixties that I met a young man called
cence about his association with Prof. Peter Roe at University Prem Satsangi. Little did I know the consequences of this. He
of Waterloo during the period from fall 1966 to summer 1969, enrolled in my Advanced System Analysis graduate course.
He was only one of about 10 students who was able to Revered Prof. Satsangi introduced himself at the DEI-Waterloo
which he was pleased to share at the signing of the DEI-UW
answer my somewhat unusual exam. Engineering graduate MoU signing ceremony in 2008 according to the format of the
MoU in July 2008 in the following words :
students don’t expect to write an essay in an exam for a UW alumni survey :
“Let me reminiscence very briefly about my experience of the
mathematical course. Is UW still part of my life?
course on Advanced System Theory which I took from Prof.
Peter Roe in the very first term at University of Waterloo in The point is that I taught Graph-theoretic modelling Yes. I owe my researchability ever since my days at Waterloo
fall 1966. Prof. Peter Roe gave our graduate class, a surprise methods, and Prem understood how to apply them to from 1966-fall to 1969-summer to the research exposure
of our life in setting up the final examination as an essay systems outside those I discussed in the course. Prem and opportunities which I found in that lofty institute.
on application of system theory to soft systems such as Satsangi went on to a PhD, and returned to India. He Of course, I knew about Waterloo even from earlier days,
socio-economic systems, which he had not even remotely had an illustrious career, and rose to Head of Electrical from fall 1960 in fact, when I had joined Michigan State
touched in the entire term. At my wit’s end, I let my imagi- Engineering at IIT Delhi. And he became Director of the DEI. University as a USAID TCM Scholar, for my Master’s degree
nation have a complete free play and composed an essay He later was elected as world-wide head of the Religion of in Electrical Engineering where Prof H.K. Kesavan used
on socio-economic system theory, which as a sequel, I could Saints Radhasoami. The best way to describe this position to be a frequent visitor to the system theory group led by
even pass on as a preliminary version of my synopsis for the to most North Americans is to line it to the Dalai Lama. The Prof. Herman E. Koenig, verily the father of physical system
Ph.D. research on generalization of physical system theory to Most Revered Dr Prem Satsangi is the Spiritual Head of the theory. Prof. Kesavan, in fact served as an excellent goodwill
socio-economic systems, in particular large scale economic Dayalbagh Community, which houses among other things, ambassador for UW and soon after meeting him, Waterloo
systems. Apparently Prof Roe liked my essay and gave me the the DEI. He has endeavoured with a great deal of success, to became my preferred destination for research abroad.
only A grade in his course. The rest of the course participants explain the religion and the universe using graph-theoretic Is UW a school I am proud of?
had to settle with B grades or other grades.” system theory - the same theory to which he was introduced
in my graduate course in about 1966. Most certainly. This is one strong reason why Dayalbagh
Today, we can only imagine those heady days at Waterloo when Educational Institute is so happy and proud to enter into
these renowned personalities must have worked together. The Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) collaborative relationship with the University of Waterloo
grew out of the founding, 100 years ago, of a middle school through the wonderful MoU that has just been signed.
in Dayalbagh; the University of Waterloo received its first
students 50 years ago, as a Faculty of Engineering. 2017 is What’s Waterloo to me?
an especially auspicious year, not only for those anniver- Waterloo to me is, above all, the spirit of “why not?” which
saries, but also because it is the 200th Anniversary of the we share deeply with UW in the quest of Total Quality
founding of the Radhasoami Faith, the 150th anniversary of through excellence, creativity, innovation and initiative
the birth of Canada as a nation and the 70th anniversary of which I believe are the hallmarks of success in the modern
Indian independence. UW and DEI are decidedly different world which is highly competitive today.
Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi institutions, yet they are both devoted to education to form Our five decade long ties with University of Waterloo will be the
with Late Prof. H.K. Kesavan with Prof. Peter Roe well-rounded persons and research to create a better world.” focus of this scientific event.