Postgraduate Prospectus 2021: World Changers

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ONE OF THE 30,000 Introducing our University
TOP 100 STUDENTS Our campuses
Our world-changing research
IN THE WORLD OVER 140 Your learning & research environment
COUNTRIES Life beyond the books
Support along the way
RANKED Focused on your future
Glasgow, gateway to Scotland
2ND IN THE A MEMBER OF People make Glasgow
Entry requirements
STUDENT RESEARCH- Postgraduate taught degrees
SATISFACTION INTENSIVE UK Postgraduate research degrees
NSS 2020 UNIVERSITIES Fees & cost of living
Funding & scholarships
A–Z of subjects
7 NOBEL OUR ANNUAL Further information

“The University promotes cross-disciplinary thinking and research,
and as such, you have the opportunity to interact with so many
diverse groups across the University conducting world-leading
research. I relocated to Glasgow in 2016, and I feel completely at

home! It is a vibrant and welcoming city, and the people here are
so friendly.”
Dr Sophie Bradley is a Senior Lecturer in the Institute of Molecular Cell
& Systems Biology

“I came to UofG as an aspiring young researcher, from a tiny village

in the middle of Brazil where I was the first in my family to obtain a
higher education degree; and being here has completely changed
my life. It has opened up countless opportunities which I never
thought were possible before coming here.”
Dr Rair Macedo is a Lecturer in Electrodynamics and Spin Electronics
(Electronic & Nanoscale Engineering)


“The University has moulded me greatly in my career as a “UofG is so welcoming because of the people. Everyone is really
scientist. They believed in my future, my dreams and my friendly and helps to ensure that there is a real sense of community
aspirations, and provided me with the opportunity to study at this at the University. The SRC is here to represent your interests
world-changing institution, a research powerhouse. and offers a range of welfare and support services along with
Following graduation, I feel empowered to contribute to volunteering opportunities. You’ll always find a friendly face there
society and change the world.” to welcome you.”
Dr Yalinu Poya from Papua New Guinea graduated with a PhD in Liam Brady, President of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC)
Chemistry (2020) and is one of the University’s Future World Changers

“The tutors at UofG are so fantastic and kind, and so “Glasgow is a great place to start your career, you’ll build
established in their respective fields that I considered it a privilege to knowledge, skills and networks to help you get your future off to
study here. Also, the city has such a vibrant arts and culture scene. the right start. It’s true that joining us at Glasgow means you’ll be
I truly love how studying Creative Writing has allowed me to grow as walking in the footsteps of many renowned innovators and you can
a writer and an individual.” set your own unique path to become part of our world changing
Shehzar Doja originally from Bangladesh is a 2nd year Creative Writing community.”
(DFA) student and is one of the University’s Future World Changers Gail Angus, Careers Manager


The University of Glasgow has
“Teaching at UofG is very rewarding; it provides the chance to
innovate in terms of not just the content we teach but how we connect been changing the world for the
it to our research specialisms and make it practical and accessible,
so that students learn from us, and we also learn from them, building better for more than 560 years.
on and responding to our students’ own experiences.” Be part of our history. Be part of
Professor Sarah Cook is a Professor in Museum Studies and Curator of
Contemporary Art TeamUofG.
“The learning environment at UofG is uniquely supportive, inspiring,
and student-focused. Our aim is to support all students to become
active learners and enable them to develop independence,
autonomy, and critical thinking to make their own decisions in
learning, and help them align their university experience with their #TeamUofG2021
own interests and aspirations.
Dr Mark Wong, Lecturer and Programme Director in Social and
Public Policy
2 3

The University of Glasgow has always been at
the forefront of discovery and innovation, and
our past achievements inspire our current
world changers.

4 5
IN 1451

Our iconic Cloisters have appeared in many films and TV shows.

Our stunning Gilbert Scott Building dates from 1870. Our Fraser Building brings together many student support services.

OUR CAMPUSES Dumfries campus

Our School of Interdisciplinary Studies
in Dumfries, south-west Scotland, offers
several postgraduate programmes and
Gilmorehill campus At the centre of the campus lies the Garscube campus research study opportunities. By choosing
Our main Gilmorehill campus stunning Gilbert Scott building, with Spanning 200 acres at the north-
to study at Dumfries Campus, you will
is based in the West End of the an iconic bell tower that is one of west boundary of the city lies our Dumfries Campus
benefit from the academic excellence
city, within easy reach of the city Glasgow’s most notable landmarks. beautiful Garscube estate, just Our School of Interdisciplinary Studies
of the University in a progressive, rural
centre by public transport or on On this campus we have great four miles from the University’s in Dumfries, south-west Scotland, offers
campus environment.
foot. It’s a compact, campus-style indoor sports facilities including Gilmorehill campus. several postgraduate programmes and
environment with all the benefits a 25m swimming pool, two student research study opportunities. By choosing
The interdisciplinary teaching and friendly
of being in a major city. unions, our museum and art gallery Garscube is home to the School to study at Dumfries Campus, you will
residences help you to get to know
and an enormous library over of Veterinary Medicine, our Wolfson benefit from the academic excellence of the
students and staff from all disciplines
Gilmorehill is home to the majority 12 floors. Hall of Residence and outdoor University in a progressive, rural campus
quickly and really feel at home.
of our teaching and research sports facilities which include environment. The interdisciplinary teaching
facilities and will soon be expanded And as we’re right in the heart of the both grass and synthetic pitches. and friendly residences help you to get to
For more information, see
as part of our £1 billion campus West End, the campus is surrounded know students and staff from all disciplines
development programme to include by shops, cafes, bars, restaurants, quickly and really feel at home.
a mix of research, teaching and supermarkets and a cinema. For more information, see
public spaces. dumfries.

Dumfries Campus is set in 85 acres of leafy parkland.

6 7
ADDRESSING Our researchers are working with
partners in some of the world’s
poorest regions to support
We are working to address inequality, COVID-19 interventions and
deprivation and marginalisation enhance their capacity to

around the world. respond to the pandemic.

The Glasgow Research Beacons bring together Malaria kills nearly half a million
our ambitious researchers to address the complex
challenges which face our world. In 2020 they
ONE HEALTH people every year. Research from
Glasgow has revealed a new
Through an integrated “one health” drug that may prevent the spread
responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. approach we are tackling some of of malaria, and treat people
the world’s most devastating diseases. suffering with the deadly
parasitic disease.

Our biomedical engineers are

developing a point-of-care test
FUTURE LIFE which will enable medical staff
Working across disciplinary to test individuals for COVID-19,
boundaries, we are developing new and be accessible to remote
technologies to improve our world. communities, where access
to more advanced medical
infrastructure is restricted.

THE NANO & Researchers in Glasgow are

QUANTUM WORLD developing sensing technology
which has the potential to fight
We are transforming nano and
COVID-19 by detecting if a person
quantum science into revolutionary
has acquired immunity.
technologies for a better world.

CULTURAL & Glasgow researchers created

a database revealing the
CREATIVE ECONOMIES stories of enslaved people who
Our research impacts on escaped their captivity in 18th
the global cultural and century Britain. The research
creative economy. has had global impact on our
understanding of slavery in Britain.

PRECISION MEDICINE Our Centre for Virus Research & CHRONIC DISEASES (CVR) is one of the UK’s key
centres working on COVID-19. The
We are pioneering new CVR will sequence the genome of
treatments and precision the virus and map how it behaves
diagnostics for chronic diseases. and spreads in populations.

8 9

Glasgow is a place that inspires
ambitious people to succeed.
A place where inspiring minds
can develop their ideas. A place
where people make discoveries
that change the world.

10 11
(NSS 2020)

James McCune Smith

Learning Hub
We’re creating a campus to inspire the next


generation of world changers. A 14-acre
site beside our main campus is now being
developed with a planned total investment
of £1 billion.

RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT Our flagship James McCune Smith

Learning Hub is the first building to be
delivered through our campus development
programme, with completion due by early
2021. As well as increasing our teaching
Research community Graduate Schools Academic Development Online learning capacity, this modern study space will offer
As a Russell Group university, Each of our four colleges has its Service (LEADS) If you are looking for flexibility in your flexible spaces for clubs and societies,
research is at the heart of own Graduate School which offers Our LEADS advisers can help learning, we offer a wide range of credit- conferences and events, becoming the
everything we do. Our PhD a hub for all postgraduate taught you develop your academic skills bearing programmes online. You will connect student-focused heart of the campus.
students are collaborators and and research students. through workshops and one-to- with your fellow students and tutors through
colleagues, driven by the same one consultations on essay writing our virtual learning environment where you • Extended opening hours until 11pm
goals, curiosity and passion. We They exist to foster postgraduate and exam preparation. For more will have access to a multitude of resources. • Capacity for 3,500 students
are a research community and research and teaching of the information, see You’ll receive the same qualification as the • 500-seat lecture theatre
we have created an inspiring highest standard, facilitating student leads. campus-based equivalent. • Interactive teaching spaces
environment which supports our productivity and development while • Three catering outlets
researchers in their professional promoting wellbeing and providing For more information, see
and personal development. excellent support. online. See

12 13

Be active
At UofG Sport, we know how much
staying fit and active can help your
studies and university experience. Our
programmes are designed for you and
are flexible enough to fit around your


UofG Sport membership includes
access to
• Over 350 group exercise classes
each month
• Revolve, our award-winning indoor
cycling studio
• Pulse cardio suite with fully interactive
Dedicated postgraduate club Choose from two unions purpose-built extension nightclub,
The Gilchrist Postgraduate Club Queen Margaret Union hosts new with no fewer than nine bars, two
• PowerPlay strength suite, a premier
provides a relaxed environment to music, local bands, big-name acts, libraries, a debating chamber,
conditioning facility
meet friends, participate in group student-run club nights and a variety snooker and pool hall, convenience
• 25m swimming pool with six lanes
study or take a break. Facilities of events from quizzes to open mic store, cafeteria and coffee shop.
• Sauna and steam rooms
include a seminar room which nights and a spoken word night. See
• Squash courts and sport halls
can be booked by postgraduate It is also home to three catering
• Tennis courts, exercise studios, six
students and a cafe bar with barista outlets. See
grass and two synthetic football
coffee, tea, alcohol and food.
pitches and a cricket oval.
Events for postgraduate students Glasgow University Union has
are also held in the club. See everything a student needs within
See the stunning old Union building and
14 15

Accommodation Services are here to help you find a
suitable place to live and, providing you’ve applied for
residence and met the conditions of your offer of study
before 22 August, we guarantee a place in our university

You have options in four residences, located between

a two-minute and a 25-minute walk from our main

SUPPORT ALONG THE WAY Gilmorehill campus.

Benefits include:
• an excellent way to make new friends and the
opportunity to share accommodation with other
University of Glasgow students
The Students’ help with everything from the orientation programme to ensure • round-the-clock access to trained University
Representative Council registration process to support you settle into University life as Living Support staff
The Students’ Representative with welfare and pastoral issues. quickly and as smoothly as possible. • membership of the University’s sport facilities
Council (SRC) provides high-quality, See See included in your fees
impartial advice on a range of support. • 24/7 internet access incorporating wi-fi in all rooms
welfare and academic issues. International student support • 39-week contracts offered instead of 44-week
See Our International Student Support University Library contracts offered by private providers
team provides an advisory Open daily from 7.15am to 2.00am • bed linen provided at all residences
Student services service year-round. This includes with online access 24/7, the University • personal contents insurance included
Our Student Services Enquiry Team a welcome desk on campus in Library has one of the largest • managed on-site laundry facilities.
is here to help you make the most September and January for any collections of books in Europe.
of your time at Glasgow. We can questions or concerns and a full See To find out more, see

16 17
We want you to feel inspired and empowered
to prepare for your chosen career. At Glasgow,
we offer professional careers advice, coaching, Careers support Inspiring events
resources and support to help you find your A wide range of coaching We run a series of events
dream job. and guidance support and fairs with graduate
for all of your career employers, ranging from
development needs. major global organisations
to small local companies.

Internship Hub Got a business idea?

Through the Internship Hub, We provide support for
we can help to find you an enterprising students. We
internship. Internships expand offer one-to-one mentoring
your network and enhance and competitions, or assist
your career prospects. during the actual business
start-up process.

9,000 alumni from Bespoke careers

100 countries support for
The Network offers you the research students
chance to interact with our We offer specialist support
alumni community, providing for our research students,
networking opportunities including careers workshops
and invaluable advice. and training sessions.

18 19
Rough Guides, 2017

Glasgow provides the ideal base
from which to explore the length and
breadth of the country. Known for its
stunning landscapes, rich history and
warm, welcoming people, Scotland is
a passionate and innovative country.
From spectacular castles to world-
renowned festivals, there are plenty
of attractions to experience.
Camusdarach beach, Arisaig, Scottish Highlands.

20 21

Kelvingrove Park, on the banks of the River Kelvin next to the University.

Ashton Lane, a lively cobbled lane next to the University which is packed with bars, restaurants and a cinema. Part of the Glasgow City Centre Mural Trail.

Music and nightlife

PEOPLE MAKE GLASGOW As the UK’s first UNESCO City of Music,

Glasgow is a place where music is not
simply confined to the four walls of
venues – it’s the beating heart of the
city. Each winter, Glasgow welcomes
West End Museums and art galleries city, or even somewhere to spot an array of international artists for the
The University’s main campus is Glasgow has over 20 fantastic a Highland cow, you’ll be spoilt Celtic Connections festival showcasing
nestled within Glasgow’s cosy museums and galleries, where for choice. traditional folk, roots and world music.
and cultural West End, home to visitors of all ages can enjoy one
• Barrowland Ballroom
bohemian Byres Road and the of the richest and most varied Sports • King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut
Instagrammable Ashton Lane. Both collections in Europe. In fact, Glasgow is synonymous with sport. • SWG3
of these are great spots to explore, Glasgow was recently voted the In fact, the city recently won the • The SSE Hydro
with plenty of student-friendly bars UK’s Top Cultural and Creative award for the world’s “Best Small
and restaurants. City (European Commission 2019). City for hosting sporting events”
(SportBusiness International, 2018). Eating out
Shopping Parks As successful co-host of the Glasgow has an ever-evolving food
Glasgow is a shopper’s paradise, With a name meaning “Dear Green 2018 European Championships, and drink scene, with options to suit
with the city catering for all tastes Place” in Gaelic, the city has over the city is now looking ahead to all tastes and pockets. The Finnieston
and budgets. From the biggest 90 parks and gardens to explore, hosting duties of UEFA EURO 2021. neighbourhood (next to the University)
high street brands to vintage wares, with many housing some of the is considered the city’s “foodie quarter”
from one-off speciality stores to city’s top attractions. So whether To find out more, see with a brilliant mix of cool, quality and
exclusive designer gear – you will you’re looking for a tranquil spot to The SSE Hydro is the world’s second-busiest arena venue, affordable venues. Glasgow is also
find it all in Glasgow. study, a beautiful viewpoint of the behind New York’s Madison Square Gardens (Pollstar, 2019). recognised as one of the UK’s most
vegan-friendly cities.
22 23
(2019 World Travel Awards)

Our top 5 events

in Scotland
No other nation celebrates the New
Year quite like Scotland. Ring in the
bells at traditional and unique events
The Kelpies, the largest equine sculptures in the world. like Edinburgh’s Hogmanay, Inverness’s
Red Hot Highland Fling, Stonehaven’s
Fireballs, Biggar Bonfire and The Kirkwall
Ba’ Game in Orkney.

TRNSMT Festival
Hosted in Glasgow, TRNSMT is
Scotland’s biggest music festival.
Welcoming 150,000 fans across one
incredible weekend, it attracts some
of the biggest artists in the world.
Previous years have seen the likes of
The pools at Glen Rosa with a view of Goat Fell on the Isle of Arran. Arctic Monkeys, Radiohead, The Killers,
Stormzy, Queen & Adam Lambert and
George Ezra perform.

Edinburgh Festivals

SCOTLAND IS NOW Over the summer, seven spectacular

festivals take place in Scotland’s capital
including the world-famous Fringe, the
largest arts festival in the world.

Burns Night
Outdoor activities Whether you decide to take part Film and TV locations Scotland celebrates its National Bard,
Scotland’s land and coast were in watersport activities or just go Scotland has played a starring role Robert Burns, every year on and around
made for exploration and adventures. for a relaxing walk, keep your eyes on the big and small screen, as the 25 January. Special events include the
From world-class watersports and peeled for marine life in the waters filming location for top films and TV Burns An’ A’ That Festival across Ayrshire
walking, to cycling and mountain and seabirds flying overhead. shows including Outlaw King, Mary but it’s likely you’ll find “haggis, neeps
climbing, the possibilities for getting Queen of Scots, Skyfall, Outlander, and tatties” on the menu in most Scottish
active in Scotland’s magnificent Attractions Harry Potter and many, many more. eateries up and down the country.
great outdoors are endless. Scotland is filled with attractions
to suit every taste and budget, To find out more, see Highland Games
Beaches including iconic castles, world- Experience Scottish culture and
You’ll find some of the UK’s most class museums and galleries, traditions at over 70 events across the
spectacular beaches dotted fascinating heritage sites and country, taking place between May and
Eilean Donan Castle, Scottish Highlands.
along Scotland’s entire coastline. beautiful gardens. September.
24 25


26 27
Entry requirements
Applicants for the majority of postgraduate
degrees should have a 2.1 Honours degree
(or equivalent).

A Masters qualification may also be required in

some cases for PhD study. Work experience may
also be taken into account.

International applicants can check any country-

specific requirements at

Improving competence in English

Before you are admitted to the University, we
require you to show competence in English,
if English is not your first language. We set a
minimum English language proficiency level
and accept qualifications from around the world.

• IELTS (Academic): 6.5 (with no sub-test less

than 6)
• TOEFL iBT: 90; with sub-tests no less than:
Reading: 20; Listening: 19; Speaking: 19;
Writing: 23
• C1 Advanced (formerly Cambridge Certificate
of Advanced English): 176 overall: no sub-test
less than 169
• C2 Proficiency (formerly Cambridge Certificate
of Proficiency in English): 176 overall: no
sub-test less than 169
• PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English,
Academic test): 60; no sub-test less than 59.
Please note that some programmes require a
higher standard of English – check the web page
of your programme of interest for details.

We provide courses to help you reach a

proficiency level equivalent to the required IELTS
score through our English for Academic Study

Pre-sessional EAS courses can last 5–36 weeks

depending on your entry level. These courses
have a strong study skills component and focus
on academic English to help you adapt to our style
of learning and teaching. See

Glasgow International College

If you’re an international student but not quite
ready to study at Glasgow, our partner institution,
Glasgow International College, offers pre-Masters
programmes in the Arts, Business, Engineering,
Law, Sciences and the Social Sciences to help you
achieve the required standards for admission to
a range of one-year Masters programmes at the
University. See

28 29
Your steps to application
Step 1
Choose a programme
Types of postgraduate taught degrees
With more than 300 taught options to choose
from, you should be able to find a programme
that matches your interests.
• Taught Masters degrees usually last for one
year (full-time study) or two years (part-time
study) and the final assessment is often
based on the submission of a research-based
• Most Postgraduate Diplomas last for nine
months full-time.
• Postgraduate Certificates generally last
for four to five months full-time.
• Many Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate
programmes are available on a part-time basis.
• We also offer several International Masters
programmes which are delivered in conjunction
with our partners. These usually last for two
years (full-time study). Erasmus Mundus
scholarships are available for well-qualified

Our programmes
A full list of our programmes by subject area is
available on pages 38–65 or on our website:

Step 2
Consider what funding you will require
Fees and funding information is available on
pages 34–37.

Step 3
Submit an application
Before starting your application, we strongly
recommend that you review any relevant
information at
apply (including the admissions policy) and
our FAQs at
frequentlyaskedquestions. Applications are made
via our online application form. Before submitting,
you may save and return to your application as
many times as you wish within 42 days.
Apply now: Contact us
For further information, complete
Application deadlines
The application deadline can vary between
our online enquiry form:
programmes so please ensure that you check the
programme web page for details.

30 31
Your steps to application
Step 1
Identify a potential supervisor/topic
Postgraduate degrees can generally be divided
into Research Masters and Doctoral (PhD)
degrees. Students undertaking a research degree
are expected to make a significant contribution to
knowledge or understanding in their field of study.

It’s a good idea to identify a potential supervisor

and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. Explore relevant
academic staff members’ subject interests at

Step 2
Consider what funding you will require
Fees and funding information is available on
pages 34–37.

Step 3
Submit an application
Before starting your application we strongly
recommend that you review any relevant
information for prospective postgraduate students
on the web pages of the graduate school to which
you are applying.

Applications are made using our online form. You

can save and return to your application as many
times as you wish within 42 days. Please note,
even if you have spoken to an academic member
of staff about your proposal, you still need to
submit an online application form.
Apply now:

Application deadlines
We accept applications for the majority of
research degrees all year round. However, some
research programmes and all funding bodies
have specific deadlines. See

Contact us
For further information, complete
our online enquiry form:

32 33
Tuition fees
Our tuition fees for postgraduate taught degrees are detailed
in the table below. Specific fees are available on individual
programme pages:
For postgraduate research degrees, see

Tuition fees (2021–22)

Full-time students from the UK per year
Most arts, social & political sciences, and
life sciences taught programmes (non-clinical)* £9,000
Most science & engineering taught programmes* £10,250
Most Adam Smith Business School
taught programmes* £12,450
Research programmes See website
MBA £18,300

Full-time international students (non UK)

Most taught or research programmes
for arts or social sciences* £19,350
Most Adam Smith Business Varies between
School taught programmes* £23,000 and £29,300
Most taught or research programmes
for science & engineering* £23,000 or £24,540
Most taught or research programmes
for medical, veterinary & life sciences Varies between
(non-clinical)* £23,000 and £26,000
MBA £29,300

Cost of living**
Average cost per month of living
in self-catered accommodation
Accommodation £550
Food £130
Clothes £50
Travel in Glasgow £70
Laundry/stationery etc £30
Telephone/internet £40
Entertainment £120
Total £990

Additional costs per year

Books £400
UK travel £300
Total £700

* Please note tuition fees may be higher for certain programmes. See for full details. ** The living costs quoted are not related to
funding requirements for entry clearance. At the time of going to press, UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) states that Tier 4 visa applicants planning to
study outside London must demonstrate that they have funds to cover living costs for up to a maximum of nine months (depending on the length of
the course) at £1,015 per month. For up-to-date information on entry clearance requirements, see

34 35
Graduate schools
If you are a postgraduate research degree
SEARCH FOR applicant, the main source of information
on funding is the webpage of the graduate
SCHOLARSHIP school to which you are applying.

AND FUNDING To view the latest funding opportunities

and scholarships, see:

• •

Find out more

To find out what support is available,
and to get advice about topics such as
financial aid, budgeting, paying tax and
setting up bank accounts, see glasgow.


Scholarships • PGT Excellence Scholarship: • University International
As a commitment to supporting £5,000 tuition fee discount for Leadership Scholarship: £10,000
new students and rewarding taught programmes is available tuition fee discount for taught
academic excellence, we provide for UK students. programmes is available for
a wide range of financial support. • University of Glasgow African international students.
Some of the scholarship schemes Excellence Fee Waiver: Full fee • University European Leadership
you may be eligible for are listed waivers for African students. Scholarship: £10,000 tuition fee
below. • Humanitarian Scholarship: discount for taught programmes
• Glasgow Alumni Discount: Full fee waiver and stipend for is available for European
10% fee discount on both students living in the UK on students.
postgraduate taught and humanitarian grounds and facing
research programmes for alumni. challenges in progressing into Alternatively, you may be able to
• Postgraduate Talent Scholarship: Higher Education. University apply to the Student Award Agency
£2,000 for Scottish students who accommodation may also be for Scotland for a Postgraduate
could face financial difficulties provided subject to criteria. Tuition Fee Loan to help with the cost
in taking up a place to study a • Refugee Scholarship: £2,500 of fees. For a list of eligible degree
taught Masters programme. annual stipend for students who programmes, see
hold refugee status.

36 37
Accounting & Finance History of Art
Archaeology Infection, Immunity & Inflammation
Biodiversity, Animal Health & Information Studies
Comparative Medicine Law
Cancer Sciences Life Sciences
Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences Management
Celtic & Gaelic Mathematics & Statistics
Central & East European Studies Media & Cultural Policy
Chemistry Medicine
Classics Modern Languages & Cultures
Computing Science Molecular, Cell & Systems Biology
Creative Writing Music
Dentistry Neuroscience & Psychology
Economic & Social History Nursing & Health Care
Economics Philosophy
Education Physics & Astronomy
Engineering Politics & International Relations
English Language & Linguistics Scottish Literature
English Literature Sociology
Environment, Sustainability & Tourism Theatre Studies
Film & Television Studies Theology & Religious Studies
Geographical & Earth Sciences Urban Studies
Health & Wellbeing Veterinary Medicine
History War Studies

For a full list of all postgraduate taught programmes,


38 39
& FINANCE Archaeology at Glasgow is a vibrant
ANIMAL HEALTH At Glasgow we bring together scientists
Accounting & Finance at Glasgow has community of students and staff working & COMPARATIVE and clinicians to promote and develop
had an international reputation for high- together to investigate our shared past MEDICINE the best in cancer research, drug
quality research and teaching since and its role in contemporary society. discovery and patient care.
1925. It is ranked 1st in the UK (Complete Biodiversity, Animal Health &
Archaeology has been taught at Glasgow for over Comparative Medicine combines We are ranked joint 1st in the UK for Medicine
University Guide 2021). 50 years and is recognised for its commitment to (Complete University Guide 2021).
excellent teaching and research. It is ranked 1st expertise in animal biology and
We are a broad subject group, bringing together in Scotland (Complete University Guide 2021). ecology with extensive knowledge of We work together to:
expertise in the main areas of: comparative and veterinary medicine. • identify the molecular changes that cause cancer
• Finance and market-based research We support diverse student and research interests • develop drugs targeted to these changes
A • Financial reporting by providing opportunities to take courses in and Unique in the UK, the range of our research • bring new therapies through preclinical and C
• Management accounting and control. collaborate with colleagues in other disciplines. spans multiple biological levels, integrating: clinical trials.
• Molecules and cells
We also have specialist knowledge of accounting We have strong links with the University’s museum • Individuals The Cancer Research UK Glasgow Centre brings
education, accounting history, auditing and and art gallery, The Hunterian, and numerous private • Human populations and ecosystems. together scientists and clinicians from research
corporate governance. If you study with us, you and public organisations. centres, universities and hospitals around Glasgow
will gain career-enhancing professional skills and Given the threats posed by environmental to deliver the very best in cancer research, drug
a degree accredited by all the major UK professional You will benefit from field experience, placements, change and rapidly increasing human population, discovery and patient care. The centre’s world-
accounting bodies. and a variety of visiting guest speakers. there has never been a more urgent need for a leading teams have made major advances in the
holistic approach. understanding and treatment of many cancers.
As a postgraduate student in Accounting & Finance,
you will have access to excellent financial databases Postgraduate taught programmes
With this belief in mind, we bring together Postgraduate taught programmes
including Bloomberg, WRDS Compustat, CRSP, Our Masters programmes address practical, rigorous quantitative analysis, appropriate
Datastream, BoardEx, FAME and Thomson ONE. theoretical and scientific methodologies through theoretical frameworks and predictive modelling • Cancer Research & Precision Oncology (MSc)
a collection of seminars, work placements and to help us understand the interdependence of
Accounting & Finance boasts three computer fieldwork. The MSc in Archaeology offers specialist animal and human populations, ecosystems Research opportunities
laboratories which are equipped with accounting pathways in landscape, Celtic & Viking and digital and the environment.
archaeology. We offer PhDs in the following research areas:
software Sage Accounts, statistical software such • Cancer biology and cell signalling
as STATA and Minitab, bibliography software such • Ancient Cultures (MSc)
• Archaeology (MSc) Postgraduate taught programmes • Epigenetics
as EndNote, qualitative research software such as • Cancer stem cell biology
NVivo, and online data sources such as Company • Conflict Archaeology & Heritage (MSc, PgDip) • Animal Welfare Science, Ethics & Law (MSc)
• Material Culture & Artefact Studies (MSc, PgDip) • Conservation Management of African • Cancer imaging
Analysis. You will also have access to a dedicated • Chemoresistance in cancer
Social Sciences employability officer who can help Ecosystems (MSc)
• Ecology & Environmental Biology (MRes) • Cancer and ageing
you to enhance your employability and related skills. Research opportunities • Regulation of cancer cell death processes
• Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
We offer the following research study options: & Antimicrobial Resistance (MSc) • Genetics, genomics and systems medicine
Postgraduate taught programmes PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes. • Quantitative Methods in Biodiversity, Conservation • Immunotherapy for cancer
• Corporate Governance & Accountability (MSc) & Epidemiology (MSc) • Cancer clinical trials.
• International Accounting & Financial Management Our research areas include:
(MAcc) • Scottish archaeology, particularly in the Mesolithic You may want to identify a potential supervisor
• International Corporate Finance & Banking (MSc) and Neolithic periods and the Celtic, Pictish and Research opportunities and contact him or her to discuss your research
• International Finance (MFin) Viking areas We offer PhDs in the following research areas: proposal before you apply.
• International Financial Analysis (MSc) • Prehistoric artefacts, notably textiles and clothing • Ageing, health and welfare
• Financial Technology (MSc) • Mediterranean and Near Eastern archaeology • Infectious disease
with foci in Italy, Cyprus and Iraq • Ecology
• Landscape archaeology • Evolution
Research opportunities • Historical archaeology, particularly medieval • Population and ecosystem health.
We offer PhDs in the following research areas: Europe and contemporary Europe
• Accounting • Battlefield and conflict archaeology You may want to identify a potential supervisor
• Finance. • Digital and computational archaeology. and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply.
You may want to identify a potential supervisor You may want to identify a potential supervisor
and contact him or her to discuss your research and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. proposal before you apply.

40 41
MEDICAL SCIENCES Celtic & Gaelic at Glasgow brings
EUROPEAN STUDIES Glasgow is ranked 6th for Chemistry in
At Glasgow we bring together basic, together the teaching and research of The study of Central & Eastern Europe, the UK (Complete University Guide 2021)
translational and clinical research in the ancient, medieval and modern periods Russia and Eurasia has a long tradition at and has fostered the talents of four Nobel
cardiovascular and medical sciences. in the Celtic languages of Scottish Gaelic, Glasgow: for over 60 years, our staff have Prize winners in chemistry.
Irish and Welsh. covered developments in the region.
We are ranked joint 1st in the UK for Medicine Chemistry at Glasgow combines superb facilities
(Complete University Guide 2021). Gaelic has been taught at the University of Glasgow with world-leading research groups covering all
Since 1949, we have hosted Europe-Asia Studies aspects of chemistry as well as the interfaces
since the end of the 19th century. 83% of Celtic & (formerly Soviet Studies), the principal academic
Our research groups are based in the purpose- Gaelic research at Glasgow was classed as world- with biology, materials science and physics.
journal in the world focusing on the history and Our outstanding research has led to the University
built British Heart Foundation Glasgow leading or internationally excellent in REF 2014. current political, social and economic affairs of the
Cardiovascular Research Centre, the Sir James of Glasgow being ranked 4th in the UK for Chemistry
C Black Building and the Royal Infirmary. Much With links to archaeology, history and modern
countries of the former communist bloc of Europe in REF 2014. C
and Eurasia.
of our teaching is delivered at the Teaching & languages and cultures, we can provide you with a
Learning Centre at the Queen Elizabeth University unique opportunity to study a range of fascinating The School of Chemistry is also a member of
We bring together innovative – and in some ScotCHEM, which brings together seven universities
Hospital, which combines NHS, University and languages and cultures. Glasgow is the only cases unique – expertise in the processes of
research sector expertise on a single site. These university to have a named Chair of Gaelic, which in Scotland. ScotCHEM is committed to excellence
socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-political and to providing the highest-quality postgraduate
state-of-the-art facilities enable us to focus on a reflects our commitment to the language. transformation in eastern Europe and Eurasia.
comprehensive research and teaching agenda. education and research experience.
As a subject, we work across disciplines including
Postgraduate taught programmes History, Political Science, Sociology, International Athena Swan Award
Postgraduate taught programmes Our Masters programmes are centred around Relations, Economics and languages (Czech, The school has an Athena Swan Bronze Award,
• Cardiovascular Sciences (MSc(MedSci)) the advanced interdisciplinary study of the Celtic Polish, Russian, Hungarian). demonstrating the school’s commitment to
• Clinical Pharmacology (MSc(MedSci)) languages and their literature, history and culture: supporting women in scientific studies and careers,
• Diabetes (MSc(MedSci)) • There is also the option of an MRes in Celtic You will benefit from our unparalleled international and to improving the working environment for all.
• Precision Medicine & Pharmacological Studies or Gaelic. This research Masters network of academic and non-academic partners,
Innovation (MSc) programme combines taught courses with a larger an extensive range of study abroad options and
independent research component a lively seminar series here in Glasgow. Postgraduate taught programmes
• Precision Medicine (with specialisms) (MSc)
• Sport and Exercise Science & Medicine (MSc) • We also contribute to the teaching of Ancient Our Masters programmes draw on the research
• Sport and Exercise Science & Medicine (MSc, Cultures (MSc). Postgraduate taught programmes strengths of our academics and active research
PgDip, PgCert) (online) groups within the school. The school strives to meet
Our Masters programmes offer advanced study student expectations, combining both teaching
• Translational Medicine (MRes) Research opportunities of historical and contemporary developments in excellence and a supportive learning environment.
We offer the following research study options: the economy, politics, culture and society of Russia • Chemistry (MSc)
Research opportunities PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MRes. and the countries of Eastern Europe and Eurasia. • Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (MSc)
We offer PhDs in the following research areas: • Central & East European, Russian & Eurasian • Industrial Heterogeneous Catalysis (MRes)
• Cardiac research Our research areas include: Studies (Erasmus Mundus International Master)
• Vascular research • Modern and medieval Celtic languages (IntM)
• Literature and cultures, especially modern • Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies (MSc) Research opportunities
• Metabolic disease and diabetes research
• Renal research Scottish Gaelic and Irish language and linguistics • Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies We offer the following research study options:
• Stroke research • Modern Scottish Gaelic literature, 18th–21st (MRes) PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res).
• Omics research. centuries
• Gaelic linguistics Research opportunities Our research areas include:
You may want to identify a potential supervisor • Medieval Celtic literatures, especially early • Chemical biology and precision synthesis
We offer PhDs in the following research areas: • Chemical photonics
and contact him or her to discuss your research Irish/Gaelic and Middle Welsh • Histories of communism and postsocialism
proposal before you apply. • Textual cultures of the medieval Celtic- • Complex chemistry
• Human rights and (in)securities in Central and • Energy conversion and storage
speaking areas Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia
• Medieval Celtic art • Heterogeneous catalysis
• Migration and mobility • Supramolecular, electronic & magnetic systems.
• Celtic place names of Scotland. • Politics and international relations of Central
and Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia You may want to identify a potential supervisor
You may want to identify a potential supervisor • Statehood, nationhood and identity.
and contact him or her to discuss your research and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. proposal before you apply.
You may want to identify a potential supervisor
and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply.

42 43
Classics has been central to the
SCIENCE Glasgow’s creative writing programmes Established in 1879, Glasgow Dental
University of Glasgow since its Glasgow is ranked in the top 10 in the UK for are among the most prestigious in the Hospital and School is the second-largest
foundation in 1451 and today has Computer Science (Complete University UK, having launched the careers of many dental school in the UK. We provide
a vibrant research community. Guide 2021). successful writers. postgraduate taught and research
opportunities in a range of subjects.
Classics at Glasgow is a world-leading centre Since 1957, when Glasgow became the first university in 21st-century graduates of our programme include
for the study of Roman oratory. Our scholars are Scotland to have an electronic computer, we have built a Louise Welsh, Kirsty Logan, William Letford, We benefit from comprehensive modern facilities
also current in fields as diverse as religion, reputation for the excellence of our Computing Science Jen Hadfield, Helen Sedgwick, Alan Trotter, Anne for patient care, student clinical practice and training,
historiography, comedy, science, technology, research and our graduates. Today, our School of Donovan, Shola Von Reinhold and others who are and for education and research in dental and oral
medicine, warfare and late antiquity. Computing Science is one of the UK’s leaders making their mark on the contemporary scene. diseases and disorders.
in the field, setting itself the highest standards in They join a long line of notable Glasgow writers that
C We have active research projects on the reception research and in research-led learning and teaching. includes James Boswell, Tobias Smollett and Adam We are ranked 1st in the UK for Dentistry (Complete D
of the classical world from the Middle Ages Smith in the 18th century, and in the 20th century University Guide 2021).
onwards. In addition, there is the opportunity to prominent writer graduates such as William Boyd,
begin or continue Ancient Greek, Latin or Egyptian Postgraduate taught programmes Catherine Carswell, James Herriot, James Kelman,
hieroglyphs. Our Masters programmes provide you with the William McIlvanney, Edwin Morgan, Alexander Trocchi Postgraduate taught programmes
necessary skills and expertise that are required for and Janice Galloway. • Endodontics (MSc(DentSci))
You will benefit from access to the University’s a successful career in industry. We offer a range of • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (MSc(DentSci))
well-stocked library, the University’s museum and specialist and conversion degree programmes that meet Our Creative Writing programme is the longest • Oral Sciences (MSc)
art gallery – The Hunterian (with its notable fine industry skill shortages in the UK and overseas. established in Scotland and has gained an excellent
coin collection), to a major centre in humanities reputation among writers, agents and publishers. Research opportunities
computing, and a dedicated Classics postgraduate Specialist programmes for those with a Computing We have a vibrant visiting speaker programme and We offer PhDs in the following research area:
study space and library. Science undergraduate degree: recent writers have included Chris Kraus, Alasdair • Dentistry (Community Oral Health & Oral
• Computing Science (MSc) Gray, Eileen Myles, D’Bi Young Anitafrika, Mark Millar, Sciences).
If you study with us, you will develop a broad range • Data Science (MSc). Nadine Aisha Jassat, Margaret Atwood and Jamaica
of intellectual and transferable skills. You may also Kincaid. You may want to identify a potential supervisor
have the opportunity to interact with collaborative Conversion programmes for students whose and contact him or her to discuss your research
research projects in our key areas of activity. undergraduate degree is in a subject other than This programme is perfect for aspiring writers who want proposal before you apply.
Computing Science: to develop their craft, take risks in their work and gain
Postgraduate taught programmes • Information Technology (MSc) creative and critical skills, all as part of a supportive
• Software Development (MSc). community of fellow writers. We have a wealth of
Our Masters programmes offer the opportunity to experience and enthusiasm to help you develop vital
develop in-depth understanding of the discipline, skills in creative, critical and editorial thinking.
engage with our University Collections, and study Research opportunities
a language from beginner level. We offer the following research study options:
• Ancient Cultures (MSc) PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res). Postgraduate taught programmes
• Classics & Ancient History (MSc) This programme is for ambitious, dedicated
• There is also the option of a taught MRes in Our research areas include: individuals who are already engaged in writing.
Classics, which combines taught courses with • Autonomous systems The courses are taught by published, award-
a larger independent research component. • Computing science education winning writers.
• Computer vision and graphics • Creative Writing (MLitt)
Research opportunities • Embedded, networked and distributed systems • Creative Writing (MLitt) (online)
• Formal analysis, theory and algorithms
We offer the following research study options: • Healthcare technologies
PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MRes. Our key areas of Research opportunities
• Human-computer interaction
research are: • Inference, dynamics and interaction We offer the following research study options:
• Greek and Roman drama, with particular • Information retrieval DFA, MFA. Our research areas include:
strength in comic drama • Machine learning • Experimental poetry and poetics
• Greek and Roman politics, with particular • Socially intelligent artificial agents • Literary and genre fiction
strength in oratory • Software engineering. • Hybrid forms and literary experimental essaying
• Ancient science and technology, including • Cross-medial projects, eg arts and writing practice
medicine. You may want to identify a potential supervisor • Conceptual writing.
and contact him or her to discuss your research
You may want to identify a potential supervisor proposal before you apply. You may want to identify a potential supervisor
and contact him or her to discuss your research and contact her or him to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. proposal before you apply.

44 45
SOCIAL HISTORY Economics has a distinguished history In the School of Education, our goal is • In Headship (PgDip)
at Glasgow dating back to Adam Smith, to enhance the educational experience • Inclusive Education: Research, Policy & Practice
Glasgow hosts the largest group (MEd)
of economic and social historians the father of modern economics. and attainment of those living in Scotland, • Inclusive Education: Research, Policy & Practice
in Scotland. the wider United Kingdom and worldwide. (PgDip, PgCert: Online distance learning available)
Today we have international expertise in: We believe our postgraduate provision • Into Headship (PgCert)
• Macroeconomics • Middle Leadership & Management in Schools
Economic & Social History has been taught at • Financial economics is transformative and underpinned by
the University of Glasgow since the beginning our core values of equity, diversity and (PgCert)
• Development economics • Museum Education (MSc)
of the 20th century, with R H Tawney thought • International finance social justice.
to be the first appointment in the field. We are • Museum Education (MSc) (online)
• Econometrics • Museum, Heritage & Education Studies (IntM)
internationally recognised for research excellence • Microeconomics. Glasgow is ranked 1st in the UK for Education
in modern economic and social history, with • Professional Practice with PGDE (MEd)
E exceptional strength in business and financial
(Complete University Guide 2021). The School of • Psychological Studies (conversion) (MSc) E
Staff research directly informs our teaching, which Education has a history and tradition of working • Teacher Leadership & Learning (PgCert)
history, the history of medicine and social and means that if you study with us, you can benefit from collaboratively across groupings to develop
gender history. • TESOL: Teaching of English to Speakers
up-to-date degree programmes that touch on key innovative cross-cutting research. A key feature of Other Languages (MEd)
theoretical and policy issues. of our research is our commitment to placing • TESOL: Teaching of English to Speakers
Study with us and you will benefit from flexible educational research as part of an interdisciplinary
degree programmes, small class sizes, an of Other Languages (MSc)
Postgraduate taught programmes agenda to support the development of more
excellent range of library and archival resources equitable societies in the spirit of social justice.
and a supportive environment for learning. • Asset Pricing & Investment (MSc) Our research is a fundamental component of our Research opportunities
• Data Analytics for Economics & Finance (MSc) teaching. To continue to be a world-class and We offer the following research study options:
Postgraduate taught programmes • Development Studies (MSc) progressive university, we are dedicated to bringing PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MSc Research.
• Economic Development (MSc) inspiring people together to change the world.
• Global Economy (MSc) • Economics (MRes)
• Global Markets, Local Creativities Our research areas include:
• Economics, Banking & Finance (MSc) Our areas of specialist knowledge include: • Culture, literacies, inclusion and pedagogy
(Erasmus Mundus International Master) (IntM) • Environment & Sustainable Development (MSc) • Adult and community education • Education leadership and policy
• Finance & Economic Development (MSc) • Educational leadership and management • Pedagogy, praxis and faith
Research opportunities • Finance & Management (MSc) • Language and culture • People, place and social change.
We offer PhDs in the following research areas: • Financial Economics (MSc) • Science, engineering and technology education
• Modern economic and social history • Financial Forecasting & Investment (MSc) • Teacher education and professional learning You may want to identify a potential supervisor
• Business and financial history • Financial Risk Management (MSc) • Citizenship and values education. and contact him or her to discuss your research
• History of medicine • International Banking & Finance (MSc) proposal before you apply.
• Social and gender history. • Investment Banking & Finance (MSc)
• Investment Fund Management (MSc) Postgraduate taught programmes
You may want to identify a potential supervisor • Quantitative Finance (MSc) • Academic Practice (MEd) (online)
and contact him or her to discuss your research • Adult Education for Social Change (Erasmus
proposal before you apply. Research opportunities Mundus International Master) (IntM)
• Adult Education, Community Development
We offer PhDs in the following research areas: & Youth Work (MEd, PgDip)
• Economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics, • Advanced Educational Leadership (PgCert)
international finance, financial economics, (online)
development economics • Assessment in Education (MSc) (online)
• Finance • Childhood Practice (MEd, PgDip)
• Quantitative finance. • Children’s Literature & Literacies (MEd)
• Children’s Literature, Media & Culture
You may want to identify a potential supervisor (Erasmus Mundus International Master) (IntM)
and contact him or her to discuss your research • Education (MSc) (online)
proposal before you apply. • Education (Primary) (PGDE)
• Education (Secondary) (PGDE)
• Education for Sustainable Futures in Adult,
Community and Youth Contexts
• Education Policies for Global Development
(Erasmus Mundus International Master) (IntM) Postgraduate taught:
• Education, Public Policy & Equity (MSc)
• Educational Leadership (MEd) PGDE:
• Educational Studies (MEd) Postgraduate research:
• Educational Studies (MSc) • Enhanced Practice in Education (MSc) (Dumfries Campus) postgraduate
46 47
Glasgow has been delivering • Robotics and AI (MSc)
& LINGUISTICS The University is one of the UK’s oldest,
world-class engineering education • Structural Engineering (MSc) largest and most dynamic centres for the
• Sustainable Energy (MSc) English Language & Linguistics at
and research since 1840. Glasgow offers world-leading expertise study of English literature and language.

We are ranked 4th in the UK for research Research opportunities in modern English language and We are ranked 31st in the World (QS World Rankings
excellence across all Engineering disciplines We offer the following research study options: PhD, linguistics, English historical linguistics, 2020), and place research-led teaching at the heart
(REF 2014) and have world-leading expertise MPhil, MSc(Res). Scots and English in Scotland, and of our mission – we are 1st in Scotland and 3rd in the
in the research and teaching of: medieval English studies. UK for research power (REF 2014).
• Aerospace engineering The School of Engineering has five research divisions;
• Biomedical engineering within these our research expertise covers the following You will benefit from a vibrant research environment, Our cohort of over 1,300 students explore all aspects
• Civil engineering areas: with world-leading researchers and library facilities. of literature in English from the medieval period
E • Electronics and electrical engineering • Aerospace sciences – Experimental and In 2017 we won the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for onwards, benefiting from our staff’s expertise in a E
• Mechanical engineering. computational aerodynamics, rotorcraft, systems, Higher Education for our work in English Language wide range of areas. You will have access to the
design, structures, space, energy and propulsion. over the last 50 years. University’s formidable archival resources, including
Working at the cutting edge of technology, our • Biomedical engineering – Advanced medical special library collections and the world-class
research supports industrial innovation, helps diagnostics, rehabilitation engineering and assistive Glasgow was ranked 3rd in the UK and 1st in Hunterian collection, in addition to Glasgow’s many
preserve the environment and assistsin the technologies, biomaterials and synthetic biology. Scotland for research strength in English Language public collections, libraries and museums.
advancement of medical and biological science. By • Electronics and nanoscale engineering – Electronic, & Literature (REF 2014). English Language &
choosing to study with us you will take advantage photonic, microsystem and nanofabrication Literature at Glasgow is ranked 31st in the world Postgraduate taught programmes
of a broad range of degree programmes that set technologies. Key areas of interest include sensors, (QS World Rankings 2020). Study with us and you
new standards in engineering education. All our telecommunications, quantum information processing, We offer a variety of MLitt programmes, reflecting
will work closely with academics considered leaders our wide-ranging research and teaching expertise:
technical degree programmes are accredited by the terahertz and millimetre wave technology, advanced in their fields.
appropriate institutions. microelectronic devices, device simulation, metrology • Creative Writing (MLitt) (online and on-campus)
and instrumentation. • English Literature (MLitt)
Glasgow is ranked 1st in Scotland for Aerospace • Infrastructure and environment – Water and Postgraduate taught programmes • English Literature: American Modern Literature (MLitt)
Engineering and Civil Engineering, and 2nd in environmental engineering and mechanics and Our Masters programmes offer a variety of options • English Literature: Fantasy (MLitt)
Scotland for Electronics & Electrical Engineering and modelling of materials. for postgraduate taught study: • English Literature: Medieval & Early Modern
Mechanical Engineering (Complete University Guide • Systems, power and energy – Energy, space • Applied Linguistics (MSc) Literature & Culture (MLitt)
2021). systems, healthcare, manufacturing, wireless • English Language & Linguistics (MSc) • English Literature: Modernities – Literature, Culture,
communications and automotive engineering. Key • Speech, Language & Sociolinguistics (MSc). Theory (MLitt)
Athena Swan Award areas of interest include renewable energy and high- • English Literature: Romantic Worlds (MLitt)
The school has an Athena Swan Bronze Award, efficiency energy conversion processes, medical and • English Literature: Victorian Literature (MLitt).
Research opportunities
demonstrating the school’s commitment to industrial ultrasonics, materials, advanced and digital We offer the following research study options:
supporting women in scientific studies and careers, manufacturing, planetary exploration, space systems PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes. Research opportunities
and to improving the working environment for all. and wireless and radar systems. We offer the following research study options:
Our research areas include: PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MRes and MFA (Creative Writing).
Postgraduate taught programmes The School is a partner in four Centres for Doctoral • Historical English language, literature and
Training (CDT) that bring together a critical mass of medieval studies – including manuscript Our research areas include:
Our Masters programmes address the technological world-leading academics and industries to tackle
challenges of the 21st century. We offer specialist, studies, codicology, textual and editing, literary • African literatures in English
multi-disciplinary challenges. Through high-quality and gender criticism, historical linguistics • American and Canadian literatures and cultures
multidisciplinary and conversion engineering cohort-based programmes and access to world-leading
programmes. • Contemporary English linguistics, including • Colonial and postcolonial studies
facilities, these CDTs will train innovation leaders in the phonetics and phonology, psycholinguistics, • Critical theory
• Aerospace Engineering (MSc) following areas:
• Aerospace Engineering & Management (MSc) morphology, semantics, text analysis, • Environmental, energy and spatial humanities
• CDT in Photonic Integration and Advanced Data sociolinguistics and onomastics • History of the book
• Biomedical Engineering (MSc) Storage (PIADS)
• Civil Engineering (MSc) • Language in Scotland, including spoken • Irish literature and culture
• CDT in Intelligent Sensing and Measurements (ISM) and written Scottish English and Scots, and • Medical humanities
• Civil Engineering & Management (MSc)
• Computer Systems Engineering (MSc) translation studies • Modernism and the avant-garde
• CDT in Engineered Tissues for Discovery, Industry and • Applied Linguistics, including language in • Poetry and poetics
• Electronics & Electrical Engineering (MSc) Medicine (lifETIME)
• Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management education and professional practice, critical • Textual scholarship and editing
• CDT in Future Ultrasonic Engineering (FUSE) discourse analysis, forensic linguistics and • Travel writing.
• Electronics and Photonics Manufacturing (MSc) systemic functional linguistics.
• Mechanical Engineering (MSc) You may want to identify a potential supervisor
You may want to identify a potential supervisor You may want to identify a potential supervisor and contact him or her to discuss your research
• Mechanical Engineering & Management (MSc) and contact him or her to discuss your research
• Mechatronics (MSc) and contact him or her to discuss your research proposal before you apply.
proposal before you apply. proposal before you apply.
• Medical Devices Engineering (MSc)
• Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (MSc)
• Product Design Engineering (MSc) (jointly taught
with Glasgow School of Art)

48 49
& TOURISM Glasgow is 1st in the UK for Drama, Glasgow is ranked 5th for Geography Our aim is to improve population health
The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Dance and Cinematics (Complete and 7th for Geology in the UK and wellbeing and reduce inequalities
at Dumfries Campus has undertaken University Guide 2021). The city of (Complete University Guide 2021). in health.
innovative, crossdisciplinary research Glasgow is a prime international location
for the study of film and television. As Our Human Geography Research Group ranked The Institute of Health & Wellbeing builds on existing
and teaching for 20 years. 1st in the UK for world-leading and internationally strengths within the University of Glasgow and brings
Scotland’s media capital, it is home excellent research (REF 2014). together experts from a range of disciplines across
In Dumfries we have a thriving community of to BBC Scotland, STV and numerous the University to pursue common themes:
students from across the world. As well as independent production companies. Athena Swan Award • environment and health
offering stunning scenery and recreation, our local • perceptions and experiences of health and
E landscape and heritage are an important real-life Our city is famed for its thriving cultural scene, with
The school has an Athena Swan Silver Award,
demonstrating the school’s commitment to
laboratory for teaching and research. Forestry, two independent cinemas, an annual film festival, supporting women in scientific studies and careers, • inequalities in health and wellbeing
renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, wildlife and specialist film and arts festivals. We are a and to improving the working environment for all. • new technologies to enhance health and wellbeing
conservation, tourism and community projects are well-established, respected centre for teaching and • trials of health service and community-based
all important to the region, culture and economy. research, home to the leading international journal interventions
Screen and host the journal’s annual conference. Postgraduate taught programmes • capitalising on longitudinal studies and the use
Postgraduate taught programmes Most of our Masters are accredited by the Royal of routine NHS or other administrative data.
On-campus facilities include a cinema, audiovisual Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and
• Environment, Culture & Communication (MLitt) Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors
• Environmental Risk Management (MSc) resource centre, video-editing suite and design Postgraduate taught programmes
room. You will be taught in seminar groups and will (CICES).
• Management & Sustainable Tourism (MSc) • Developing & Evaluating Interventions (MSc,
• Tourism Development & Culture (Erasmus be supported to develop critical and creative skills
to prepare you for a wide variety of careers. • Earth Futures: Environments, Communities, PgDip, PgCert, CPD)
Mundus Joint Master) (MSc) Relationships (MSc) • End of Life Studies (MSc, PGDip, PgCert) (online)
• Tourism, Heritage & Development (MSc) • Geoinformation Technology & Cartography • Global Health (MSc)
• Tourism, Heritage & Sustainability (MSc) If you study with us you will benefit from a dedicated
team of world-renowned Film and Television Studies (MSc, PgDip, PgCert) • Global Mental Health (MSc, PgDip, PgCert)
researchers, curators and practitioners, in a vibrant • Geomatics & Management (MSc) (online and on-campus)
Research opportunities and creative environment. • Geospatial & Mapping Sciences (MSc, PgDip, • Global Mental Health (Health Promotion
We offer the following research study options: PgCert) specialism) (MSc)
PhD, MSc(Res), MPhil(Res). • Human Geography: Spaces, Politics, • Global Mental Health (Health Technology
Postgraduate taught programmes Ecologies (MRes) Assessment specialism) (MSc)
Here are just some of the research topics available: We offer a number of innovative and professional • Land & Hydrographic Surveying (MSc, PgDip, • Global Mental Health (Research Methods
• Tourism and heritage MLitt and MSc programmes, combining theoretical, PgCert) specialism) (MSc)
• Hospice, palliative and end-of-life care historical and practical approaches: • Land & Hydrographic Surveying with • Health Technology Assessment (MSc, PgDip,
• Public health, wellbeing and ageing • Creative Industries & Cultural Policy (MSc). Work Placement (MSc) PgCert) (online)
• Social policy and the third sector • Film & Television Studies (MLitt) • Sustainable Water Environments (MSc) • Population Health Sciences (MSc, PgDip,
• Environmental humanities • Film Curation (MSc) PgCert) (online)
• Environmental sustainability and land • Filmmaking & Media Arts (MSc) • Primary Health Care (MSc, PgDip, PgCert) (online)
Research opportunities • Public Health (MPH) (online and on-campus)
management We offer the following research study options:
• Marine and freshwater pollution Research opportunities • Public Health (Data Science specialism) (MPH)
PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res). Our research areas include: • Public Health (Epidemiology specialism) (MPH)
• Hydrological modelling and forecasting We offer the following research study options: • Creative geohumanities
• Education studies • Public Health (Health Economics specialism) (MPH)
PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes. • Deep Earth and shallow crustal processes • Public Health (Health Promotion specialism) (MPH)
• Science, technology and mathematics education • Environmental biogeochemistry
• Leadership and professional practice Topics in which we would welcome postgraduate • Environmental change and sustainability
• Literacies and language research include: • Evolution of Earth’s surface Research opportunities
• Political philosophy • Television and film theories • Exploring vital geographies We offer PhDs in the following research areas:
• Scottish history and Scottish studies • Screen histories, aesthetics and practices • Geospatial technologies, GIS and remote sensing • General practice and primary care
• Folk belief and popular culture. • The national, transnational and world cinemas • Planetary evolution and habitability • Health economics and health technology
• Film festivals and curation • Spatial politics and practices assessment
You may want to identify a potential supervisor • Screen media technologies and archives • Mental health
and contact him or her to discuss your research • Stressed environments and communities
• Gender, race, age, disability and class. • Subaltern globalisations. • Public health
proposal before you apply. • Social science and health.
You may want to identify a potential supervisor You may want to identify a potential supervisor
and contact him or her to discuss your research and contact him or her to discuss your research You may want to identify a potential supervisor
Postgraduate taught: proposal before you apply. and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. proposal before you apply.
Postgraduate research:
50 51
History at Glasgow offers an outstanding The University provides a highly
learning experience, working with world- stimulating study environment with INFLAMMATION Information Studies at Glasgow offers
leading experts with close connections access to world-renowned collections an exciting programme of research and
to the libraries, archives and museums in one of the most inspirational cities The Institute of Infection, Immunity &
Inflammation is home to scientists and teaching on the creation, management
of the University and the city. for art and design in the UK. and use of information in all its forms.
clinical investigators of global repute
The University of Glasgow has taught History since Our expertise covers all major European art- who possess the broad expertise Our areas of specialty are museums and archives,
1897. In the most recent Research Excellence historical periods, from Antiquity to contemporary. necessary to achieve our aims. libraries, information and records management,
Framework (REF 2014), we were ranked joint 4th With art galleries on campus and access to and digital humanities.
in the UK for research excellence and impact. Glasgow Museums, you will benefit from hands-on Despite the continual development of new
experience and development of specialised skills therapies, antibiotics and vaccines, chronic
H Our Masters programmes cover all periods from as part of your degree programme. inflammatory and infectious diseases still
The University’s rich environment of practice-based I
teaching and research is immersed in heritage
early medieval to late modern, and emphasise pose persistent health threats. and provides first-hand experience in ways that
Scotland, Britain, Europe and the Americas, with Postgraduate taught programmes knowledge has been created, used, communicated
an increasingly global perspective. Infectious, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases and preserved from the past to the digital age.
• Art History (MLitt)
• Art History: Collecting & Provenance in an place an enormous global burden on human and
Postgraduate teaching is conducted mainly in animal health. The institute comprises scientists You will have access to cutting-edge facilities at our
small-group seminars, discussing topics directed by International Context (MSc)
• Art History: Dress & Textile Histories (MLitt) and clinicians working together to promote and dedicated collections study centre at Kelvin Hall
cutting-edge research. Our research community is develop research, drug discovery and ultimately and the opportunity to work with cultural heritage
dynamic and supportive and you will be encouraged • Art History: Modern Material Artefacts (MSc)
• Art History: Technical Art History, Making & improvements in patient care in this area of critical organisations within one of the world’s most
to take part in many research-led initiatives. international importance. inspirational and accessible cities. Teaching partners
Meaning (MLitt)
• Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) (in include The Hunterian, Glasgow Museums and the
Postgraduate taught programmes conjunction with The Glasgow School of Art) (MLitt) Our expertise is supported by state-of-the-art National Library of Scotland.
Our programmes combine a core research training • Museum Studies (MSc, PgDip, PgCert) basic science technology, integrated seamlessly
course and a range of specialised historical, • Textile Conservation (MPhil) with translational clinical trial facilities. We also Our programmes focus on developing your critical,
theoretical and skills-based courses. You will also have numerous research links with disease analytical and communication skills, to equip you to
complete a primary source research dissertation. endemic countries, in particular in Africa, South meet the demands of today’s employers and tackle
Research opportunities America and India. the challenges of the 21st century.
• Early Modern History (MSc, PgDip)
• Gender History (MSc, PgDip) We offer the following research study options:
• Global History (MSc) PhD, MLitt and MPhil. We aspire to a truly “bench to bedside and back”
approach to resolving crucial questions of this Postgraduate taught programmes
• History (MSc, PgDip) Our MSc programmes combine work placements,
• Medieval History (MSc, PgDip) Areas available for research supervision include: new millennium.
• European art historical periods, especially practitioner seminars and guest speakers.
• Modern History (MSc, PgDip) • Information Management & Preservation
• Scottish History (MSc, PgDip) Medieval, Renaissance, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th Postgraduate taught programmes
centuries, and contemporary (MSc, PgDip, PgCert–CILIP and ARA accredited)
• Modernist studies, particularly Dada and • Immunology & Inflammatory Disease • Museum Studies (MSc, PgDip, PgCert–CILIP
Research opportunities Surrealism, and 19th-century avant-gardes (MSc) accredited)
We offer the following research study options: including Whistler, Impressionism and fin-de-siècle • Infection Biology (with specialisms) (MSc)
PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes. • Chinese art and culture • Infection Biology (Microbiology specialism) (MSc)
• Infection Biology (Parasitology specialism) (MSc) Research opportunities
• Art theory, particularly gender and post-1945 We offer the following research study options:
Topics in which we would welcome postgraduate • Collecting practices, collections, the art market, • Infection Biology (Virology specialism) (MSc)
PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes.
research include: museums and curatorial practices, and technical
• Medieval Europe art history Research opportunities Our research focuses on the following areas:
• Scotland, Ireland and the British Isles • Material culture studies, particularly decorative art; PhD programmes within the institute cover an • Theoretical approaches to information
• Early modern culture, beliefs and ideas and design history, including the work of Charles exciting range of topics, with specific areas of • Management, curation and evaluation of
• Global history and culture Rennie Mackintosh interest across our four main research themes: digital assets
• History of medicine • Dress and textile histories • Immunology and inflammation • Archive, records and information management
• Social and gender history • Textile conservation and textile conservation • Bacteriology • Digital cultural heritage and museology
• War studies science • Parasitology • Digital humanities and arts.
• Late modern American, European, British and • Law and ethics approaches to cultural heritage • Virology.
Scottish history. • Art law and business. You may want to identify a potential supervisor
You may want to identify a potential supervisor and contact him or her to discuss your research
You may want to identify a potential supervisor You may want to identify a potential supervisor and contact him or her to discuss your research proposal before you apply.
and contact him or her to discuss your research and contact him or her to discuss your research proposal before you apply.
proposal before you apply. proposal before you apply.
52 53
The teaching of law at the University of The School of Life Sciences has an Management at the University of
Glasgow dates back to the foundation international reputation for teaching and Glasgow began in the late 1950s and Glasgow’s proud history of excellence
of the University in 1451. research in modern biological sciences. is part of an internationally accredited in Mathematics dates back to the 17th
world-class business school. century and we have one of the largest
The School of Law has a long and illustrious We take a collaborative, crossdisciplinary approach
history with distinguished alumni including judges, to addressing the scientific challenges of this post- We have a long tradition of research-led business statistical groups in the UK.
politicians and scholars. As one of the top law genomic and information age. If you choose to study and management education and development,
schools in the UK – currently ranked 1st in Scotland with us you can benefit from an exceptional choice delivered within an internationally recognised and We offer an extensive and varied seminar programme,
and 5th in the UK in the Complete University of degree programmes that attract students from highly regarded Russell Group University. with members of the school involved in networks
Guide 2021 – we enjoy a worldwide reputation for across the globe. including the North British Functional Analysis
excellence in research. Our aim is to help creative thinkers, managers and Seminar, the North British Differential Equations
L The strengths of the school include the academic executives to realise their potential by stimulating Seminar and the London Mathematical Society M
As a student you will have access to our excellent breadth of teaching activities, innovative teaching interest and reflection, heightening awareness and Network on Classical and Quantum Integrability.
facilities including a dedicated law library and practice and experienced staff committed to expanding horizons. The result is research that is
Moot Courtroom as well as an opportunity to take providing an excellent teaching and learning world-leading, innovative, significant, rigorous and Postgraduate taught programmes
part in our vibrant seminar series, featuring talks experience. featured in respected academic journals. Our portfolio is diverse and covers a wide range of
from highly successful judges and lawyers. You topics such as extracting information and value from
will benefit from our employability experts, who Our competitive degrees utilise the research If you study with us you will benefit from industry complex data, applying statistical methods and their
organise careers events, courses and networking and teaching strengths of the College of Medical, links which offer tangible benefits to our students. use in medical and genetic applications, or learning
sessions to help you into a successful career. Veterinary & Life Sciences to deliver research-led Corporate supported teaching spaces and practical technical expertise in data handling.
Studying Law at Glasgow equips you with the education and equip our graduates with the skills consultancy projects provide an enhanced learning • Advanced Statistics (MRes)
knowledge and skills you need in an increasingly and attributes necessary for success in any experience, while commissioned research informs • Data Analytics (MSc)
competitive legal job market. chosen career. our teaching, providing you with the most up-to-date • Data Analytics (MSc, PgDip, PgCert) (online)
management knowledge. • Mathematics / Applied Mathematics (MSc)
Postgraduate taught programmes Postgraduate taught programmes • Statistics (MSc)
• Corporate & Financial Law (LLM) • Bioinformatics (MSc, PgDip, PgCert) Postgraduate taught programmes
• Diploma in Professional Legal Practice (PgDip) • Biomedical Sciences (MSc) • Finance & Management (MSc) Research opportunities
• Intellectual Property & the Digital Economy (LLM) • Biomedical Sciences (MRes) • International Business (MSc) Integrated PhD programme (four years)
• International Commercial Law (LLM) • Human Anatomy (PgCert) • International Human Resource Management Our PhD with Integrated Study in Mathematical
• International Competition Law & Policy (LLM) • Medical Visualisation & Human Anatomy (MSc) & Development (MSc) Sciences is a four-year PhD programme. Successful
• International Economic Law (LLM) • International Management & Design Innovation completion of the taught component will allow you
• International Law (LLM) Research opportunities (MSc) to progress to a research degree. You will submit a
• International Law & Security (LLM) • International Strategic Marketing (MSc) thesis to be examined by the end of your fourth year.
• International Law of Global Security, Peace & We offer PhDs in the following research areas:
• Molecular biology • Management (MSc)
Development (LLM) • Management (MRes) We also offer the following research study options:
• Law (LLM) • Cellular biology
• Population ecology. • Management & Sustainable Tourism (Dumfries PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res).
• Law (MRes) Campus) (MSc)
• Socio-Legal Studies (MRes) • Management with Enterprise & Business Our research areas include:
You may want to identify a potential supervisor
and contact him or her to discuss your research Growth (MSc) • Algebra
Research opportunities proposal before you apply. • Management with Human Resources (MSc) • Analysis
We offer the following research study options: • Management with International Finance (MSc) • Biostatistics
PhD, LLM by Research. • Marketing (MSc) (online) • Continuum mechanics
• Master of Business Administration (MBA) • Environmental statistics
Our research areas include: • Master of Global Business (MGB) • Geometry and topology
• Legal theory • Integrable systems and mathematical physics
• Intellectual property Research opportunities • Mathematical biology
• International law, conflict and security Management embraces diverse social science • Number theory
• Law reform and public policy methodological traditions and research methods. • Statistical methodology.
• Corporate and financial law. Its interdisciplinarity and methodological pluralism
position it well to address key contemporary You may want to identify a potential supervisor
You may want to identify a potential supervisor concerns. We currently offer a PhD in Management. and contact him or her to discuss your research
and contact him or her to discuss your research proposal before you apply.
proposal before you apply. You may want to identify a potential supervisor
and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. postgraduate
54 55
POLICY The School of Medicine, Dentistry & Research opportunities
Media & Cultural Policy at Glasgow Nursing is renowned for pioneering We have over 170 postgraduate research students Modern Languages & Cultures brings
teaching methods and superb facilities involved in a wide range of research subject areas.
has excellent links with industry. We offer opportunities for both clinical (MD/PhD/ together expertise to help you develop
for postgraduate study. We have one of proficiency in speaking, understanding,
MSc) and non-clinical (PhD/MSc) research in a
The Centre for Cultural Policy Research is the largest and most prestigious Medical number of areas: reading, writing and appreciating
internationally connected in the academic world Schools in Europe and we are ranked • Forensic medicine and science
and has close ties with policymakers, cultural languages and culture.
joint 1st in the UK for Medicine (Complete • Nutrition
agencies and the media and communications • Medical education.
industries. Invited speakers will provide current University Guide 2021). We offer expertise, teaching and supervision in
industry insights from across the sector. a diverse range of fields within Catalan, Czech,
The school is recognised within the University You may want to identify a potential supervisor French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Polish,
M At the same time our programmes offer you an and externally for its innovative and distinctive and contact him or her to discuss your research Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. M
basic science, translational and clinical research proposal before you apply.
academically engaging and rewarding experience
and will equip you with a critical understanding of programmes in medicine, dentistry and nursing The school hosts a large number of research
the landscape within which cultural and creative and healthcare based on interdisciplinarity and seminars featuring both academics from Glasgow
industries operate. a multi-professional approach. The school is and distinguished international visiting speakers.
dispersed over University and Hospital sites. The school’s teaching is supported by the excellent
resources in the dedicated language library.
Postgraduate taught programmes The main site for Dentistry is the Glasgow Dental
The Centre-taught Media Management programme Hospital and for Medicine, the Wolfson Medical Some 10,000 items are currently available in over
will help you hone your analytical skills in media School Building, the New Lister Building at Glasgow 60 languages, at levels from beginner to advanced,
economics, business strategy, marketing and policy Royal Infirmary and since 2015, the Teaching & including language materials for professionals,
and prepare you for a range of careers across the Learning Centre at the Queen Elizabeth University such as those in engineering and law.
media sector. The School of Culture & Creative Arts Hospital.
also runs a Creative Industries & Cultural Policy Our students go on into the workplace well
programme, which will allow you to develop key If you study with us, you can benefit from our prepared to work in an international environment
sector knowledge, policy awareness and critical outstanding facilities and pioneering teaching or as preparation for further study in a wide range
analysis skills. methods, including the best in clinical experience. of related fields.
• Creative Industries & Cultural Policy (MSc) The interface with the NHS partners is critical to our
• Digital Society (MSc) research strategy and comprises a key element for Postgraduate taught programmes
• Media, Communications & International translating basic science discoveries into clinical
Journalism (MSc) practice with clear societal benefits. Our Masters programmes offer study options
• Media, Culture & Society (MSc) in the following areas:
• Media Management (MSc) We have over 170 postgraduate research students • Comparative Literature (MLitt)
involved in a wide range of research subject areas. • Translation Studies (MSc, PgDip, PgCert).

Research opportunities
Postgraduate taught programmes Research opportunities
We offer the following research study options:
PhD, MLitt and MPhil. • Advanced Lymphoedema Management (PgCert) We offer the following research study options:
• Child Health (PgCert) PhD, MPhil, MLitt, MRes.
We welcome applications for research in the • Clinical Critical Care (MSc) (online)
following broad areas: • Clinical Genetics (MSc(MedSci)) Our research areas include:
• Creativity and innovation in the cultural and • Clinical Nutrition (MSc(MedSci)) • Language and society
media industries • Critical Care (MSc, PgDip, PgCert) • Language teaching scholarship
• Cultural and national identities and • Critical Care & Leadership (MSc) (online) • Visual cultures
communications in the global context • Critical Care, Leadership & Management (MSc) • Histories and subjectivities
• Communication and media studies • Genetic & Genomic Counselling (with Work • Writing in transit/cultural translations
• Digital Society (MSc) Placement) (MSc(MedSci)) • Critical editions and translations.
• Evaluation of the social impact of arts intervention • Health Professions Education / Health Professions
• Evidence-based policymaking Education (with Research) (MSc, MSc (with You may want to identify a potential supervisor
• Media management and media economics Research), PgDip, PgCert) (online) and contact him or her to discuss your research
• Media regulation and cultural policy in the UK • Healthcare Chaplaincy (PgCert) proposal before you apply.
and EU • Health Services Management (MSc, PgDip,
• Social media, journalism and sport. PgCert)
• Human Nutrition (MSc(MedSci))
You may want to identify a potential supervisor • Medical Genetics & Genomics (MSc(MedSci))
and contact him or her to discuss your research • Medical Physics (MSc)
proposal before you apply. • Pathology, Molecular (MSc, PgDip, PgCert:
Blended learning) • Sports Nutrition (PgCert)
56 57
& SYSTEMS BIOLOGY The University of Glasgow hosts
Molecular, Cell & Systems Biology at Scotland’s leading centre for music Glasgow is ranked 6th in the UK for The Nursing & Health Care School is
Glasgow houses a multidisciplinary centre research. Psychology (Complete University Guide committed to evidence-based practice
of excellence conducting fundamental Based in the UK’s first UNESCO City of Music, our 2021). and research that enhances patient
and translational life science research world-class expertise includes specialist knowledge care and service delivery and which
underpinning health and food security. in historical and cultural musicology, popular Neuroscience & Psychology offers an excellent underpins our teaching.
music and the music industries, performance and research environment with impressive facilities
Our facilities include a protein characterisation performance studies, composition, sound design, and world-leading expertise. We strive to understand Our research activity is multi-professional, patient-
facility which allows the study of protein structure, audiovisual practices and music technology. the human brain and behaviour at multiple levels of centred and collaborative and sits mainly within the
function stability and interactions with other function, from cells to cognition and social interaction. themes of Improving Health, Wellbeing and Care,
Our research teams combine multimodal brain
M macromolecules in solution as well as facilities Our range of programmes are designed for those
imaging with sophisticated analyses to study human
and Education. There is an active postgraduate N
for cell biology. seeking a career in the music industry or the arts research community and we are ranked 1st in the
and cultural sector, and for those interested in the and animal brain functioning, or examine fundamental UK for Nursing (Complete University Guide 2021).
We are supported by a world-class technological links between music and contemporary culture, mechanisms of social perception, social cognition
base. This includes next-generation sequencing, history, creativity and the digital world. and social interaction, along with applications in the Our Nursing & Health Care School was
microarrays, proteomics and metabolomics domains of health and artificial agents. established with the aim of producing Graduate
through the Sir Henry Wellcome Functional By studying with us, you will benefit from work Nurses who were grounded in health-related
Genomics Facility and the Scottish National placement opportunities within Glasgow’s legendary Postgraduate taught programmes scientific theory and it now has a national and
Centre for Metabolomics. music scene, learn from award-winning professional • Applied Neuropsychology (MSc(MedSci), PgDip) international reputation for nursing education
musicians and scholars, and be able to pursue your • Brain Sciences (MSc) and research with the patient/client as the focus
We provide excellent graduate training both at musical interests through researching, performing, • Clinical Neuropsychology (MSc(MedSci), PgDip) of health care.
Masters and PhD level. Our three taught Masters composing and exploring new technologies. • Clinical Neuropsychology Practice (PgCert)
programmes allow you to work closely with members (subject to approval)
• Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) Postgraduate taught programmes
of staff carrying out internationally recognised Postgraduate taught programmes
research in their chosen field. • Philosophy of Mind & Psychology (MSc) • Advanced Nursing Science (MSc)
Our range of programmes are driven by a strong (taught jointly by staff in Philosophy) • Advanced Practice in Health Care
research and professional development ethos. • Psychological Science (conversion) (MSc) (MSc(MedSci))
Postgraduate taught programmes • Historically Informed Performance Practice • Psychological Studies (conversion) (MSc) • Leadership in Health & Social Care (PgCert)
• Biotechnology (MSc) (in conjunction with RCS) (MMus) • Psychology (conversion) (MSc) (online) (online)
• Biotechnology & Management (MSc, PgDip) • Music Industries (MSc) • Research Methods of Psychological Science (MSc) • Palliative Care (MSc/PgDip/PgCert: online)
(with Adam Smith Business School) • Musicology (MMus)
• Food Security (MSc) • Sound Design & Audiovisual Practice (MSc) Research opportunities Research opportunities
• Stem Cell Engineering for Regenerative
Medicine (MSc) MSc and PhD opportunities include: We offer opportunities for both clinical (MD/PhD/
Research opportunities • Non-invasive multimodal brain imaging using fMRI MSc) and non-clinical (PhD/MSc) research
We offer the following research study options: • Sensory and cognitive processing using MEG/EEG in Nursing and Health Sciences.
Research opportunities PhD, MPhil, MRes. • Functions of brain oscillations
We offer PhDs in the following research areas: • Neuromodulation via TMS You may want to identify a potential supervisor
• Molecular genetics We welcome research in the following areas: • Brainstem circuits in pain; spinal cord injury and contact him or her to discuss your research
• Plant science • Composition, including experimental music and • Schizophrenia proposal before you apply.
• Protein structure and regulation intercultural aspects of composition • Autism
• Molecular pharmacology • Historical and cultural musicology, including • Stroke (experimental; preclinical and clinical)
• Cell engineering cross-disciplinary approaches to music analysis • Translational neuroscience
• Synthetic biology and criticism, music in popular culture, music and • Laminar cortical circuits in animals and humans
• Biological systems. politics, and music and modernism • Cortical circuits mediating perception and memory
• Sonic arts and audiovisual practice, including live • Circadian rhythms
You may want to identify a potential supervisor electronics, spatial composition, and audiovisual • Visual perception and cognition
and contact him or her to discuss your research composition and aesthetics • Social signal processing (emotion, kinship)
proposal before you apply. • Performance, including historically informed • Language production and comprehension
performance and contemporary music practices. • Health behaviour (eating, stress)
• Virtual agents and social robotics
You may want to identify a potential supervisor • Statistical and scientific methodology.
and contact them directly to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. Please contact a potential supervisor before applying.
neurosciencepsychology 59
Philosophy at Glasgow consists of a vibrant
community of scholars tackling fundamental Glasgow is ranked 2nd in Scotland
RELATIONS The University of Glasgow hosts the only
questions at the forefront of the limits of for Physics & Astronomy (Complete academic unit in the world exclusively
knowledge. Glasgow has a long tradition of
University Guide 2021). researching and teaching politics, dating dedicated to the teaching and research
Our research-driven programmes will help prepare you back to when Adam Smith gave a series of Scottish Literature.
In recent years our research has been recognised
for PhD study or a career in the public or private sectors. by REF 2014, and it receives consistently high of lectures on justice, police, revenue and
Our research expertise includes epistemology, philosophy Established in 1971, Scottish Literature at Glasgow
levels of funding. arms at the University. is regarded as a world-leading research unit with
of mind, and perception, history of analytic philosophy,
logic, language and mathematics, metaphysics, moral and a teaching provision which covers the range of
Glasgow’s Institute for Gravitational Research Politics & International Relations at Glasgow Scottish literature from the 14th century to the
political philosophy. was recently at the centre of a truly global research produces innovative and influential research across
P discovery which detected gravitational waves three main clusters:
present day. P
You will benefit from an extraordinary amount of staff time coming from two black holes, confirming Einstein’s • Comparative Politics, with an emphasis on the
and attention and are encouraged to informally exchange Our Centre for Robert Burns Studies is dedicated to
theory of general relativity more than 100 years after quality of democracy, political communication and Scotland’s national bard, and we are involved in all
ideas with both staff and other students, and to attend and his original prediction. processes of political transformation, especially
participate in many research seminars, workshops and aspects of Scotland’s literary heritage.
in the rising powers of China and Russia. Cluster
conferences. research groups include: citizens, communication
Postgraduate taught programmes As a relatively “new” subject in the academic
and political actors; transformation. context there is a great deal of research work
If you study with us you will also be following in the Our taught programmes provide an understanding • International Relations, especially the normative
footsteps of past professors, who include such giants of of the principles and methods covering a variety of still to be undertaken in Scottish literary studies.
dimensions of security and EU external relations Glasgow is supremely well placed to support
empiricism as Adam Smith and Thomas Reid. global challenges in the areas of energy, materials, as well as development, from an empirical
emerging technologies and the environment. exciting postgraduate and postdoctoral research.
perspective. Associated research groups include:
Postgraduate taught programmes We offer a diverse portfolio of specialist and Historic and International Theory (HINT); Glasgow
interdisciplinary programmes that reflect our research Staff members are active within the wider world of
We offer three Philosophy Masters programmes, including Global Security Network. Scottish literature at home and abroad. Many of us
strengths, successful academic collaborations and • Human Rights, with a focus on the politics of
a conversion option for those who don’t already have a professional accreditation, all at a level appropriate are involved in key editions of major Scottish writers
degree in Philosophy. All degrees put you in a position to protection and the gender, sexuality, rights nexus. (notably Robert Burns, James Hogg, Walter Scott,
for a professional physicist. Associated research groups include: Gender
apply for the PhD in Philosophy. • Advanced Functional Materials (MSc) Hugh MacDiarmid and Allan Ramsay) and many
• Philosophy (MSc) & Sexualities Forum; Glasgow Human Rights have published major critical texts on a wide range
• Astrophysics (MSc) Network.
• Philosophy (conversion) (MSc) • Nuclear & Environmental Physics (MSc) of Scottish literary subjects.
• Philosophy of Mind & Psychology (MSc) – • Quantum Technology (MSc)
jointly taught by staff in Psychology. • Sensor & Imaging Systems (MSc) Postgraduate taught programmes Research opportunities
(jointly taught with the University of Edinburgh) • Global Security (MSc, MRes) We offer the following research study options:
Research opportunities • Theoretical Physics (MSc) • Human Rights & International Politics (MSc, MRes) PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes.
We offer the following research study options: • International Relations (MSc, MRes)
PhD, MLitt and MPhil. Research opportunities • Political Communication (MSc, MRes, PgDip) The MPhil in Scottish Literature allows you to
• Security, Intelligence & Strategic Studies (Erasmus undertake an independent piece of research in
We offer the following research study options: Mundus International Master) (IntM)
You will have the opportunity to engage with specialist PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res). one year, providing you with grounding for further
research at the interdisciplinary Centre for the Study • South European Studies (Erasmus Mundus doctoral study.
of Perceptual Experience. The centre brings together International Master) (IntM)
Our research areas include: • Transnational Crime, Justice & Security (MSc)
philosophers and scientists to work on the nature of the • Astronomy and astrophysics Topics in which we would welcome postgraduate
mind, perceptual experience, virtual reality, emotions, and • Experimental and theoretical particle physics research include:
hedonics. • Extreme light Research opportunities • Scottish literature of the 16th and 17th century
• Gravitational research We offer PhDs in the following research areas: Renaissance
You will also have the opportunity to take part in the • Imaging concepts • Chinese studies • 18th-century literary tradition
research activities of one of the largest and most active • Materials and condensed matter physics • Citizens, communication and political actors • Robert Burns studies
epistemology research communities in the world, the • Nuclear and hadron physics • Gender and sexualities forum • Scottish romanticism
COGITO Epistemology Research Centre. COGITO brings • Optics • Historic and international theory (HINT) • 20th-century Scottish modernism
together specialists in contemporary epistemology, as • Quantum theory. • Politics of transformation. • Contemporary Scottish literature.
well as at the intersection of epistemology with philosophy
of language and mind, ethics, political philosophy and You may want to identify a potential supervisor You may want to identify a potential supervisor You may want to identify a potential supervisor
philosophy of gender and race. and contact him or her to discuss your research and contact him or her to discuss your research and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. proposal before you apply. proposal before you apply.
You should identify a potential supervisor and contact him
or her to discuss your research proposal before you apply.
60 61
Sociology at Glasgow is home to Glasgow is an internationally recognised
RELIGIOUS STUDIES Urban Studies at Glasgow is widely
world-leading research which explores centre of excellence for the teaching, Theology or divinity has been taught at recognised as a world-leading centre
the causes, consequences and practice and research of Theatre Studies. the University since its foundation in 1451. for innovative, interdisciplinary urban
resistance to forms of social inequality. research with high international impact.
Glasgow is ranked 1st in the UK for Drama, Dance Theology & Religious Studies incorporates
For more than 50 years, Glasgow sociologists have & Cinematics (Complete University Guide 2021). academic and vocational teaching and research We are proud that 50% of our research outputs were
been conducting empirical and scholarly research Our courses are grounded in a deep critical across monotheistic traditions (both religious and judged to be world-leading and 42% internationally
characterised by rigour, methodological innovation engagement with a range of forms and practices secularised), as well as their engagement with other excellent in REF 2014. Within the field of Urban
and committed engagement with communities and of theatre. On-campus facilities include a theatre, world faiths. All of our subjects can be studied from Studies, research spans all aspects of social and
movements beyond the University. cinema, video-editing suite and performance studio. within or without a personal faith base. urban policy, including social, economic and physical
change in cities and a focus on communities,
S Key areas of expertise include: We combine historical, theoretical and practice- If you choose to study with us, you can benefit disability, governance, health, housing, inequalities, T
• Anthropological research based approaches to learning. Our close industry from our multidisciplinary approach and supportive planning, welfare reform, transport and real estate.
• Crime, criminal justice and punishment connections provide opportunities to learn from and environment for learning. Glasgow has built its
• Disability work with practitioners and organisations of national reputation for excellence in traditional fields of You will learn from academics considered leaders
• Gender and sexuality and international standing. theology such as: in their fields and gain vital practical knowledge for
• Health • Practical, and modern systematic theology shaping places, strengthening communities and
• Media and culture Our visionary alumni include multi-award-winning • Hermeneutics improving policymaking.
• Racism, nationalism and migration director, John Tiffany; award-winning comedian, • Church history
• Social theory. Richard Gadd and Artistic Director/Chief Executive of • Catholic moral theology
the National Theatre of Scotland (NTS), Jackie Wylie. Postgraduate taught programmes
• Biblical studies • City Planning (MSc)
Postgraduate taught programmes • Theology and the arts. • City Planning & Real Estate Development (MSc)
If you study with us, you will be taught in small
Our programmes provide you with the intellectual seminars, workshops and supervisions, and • Housing Studies (MSc, PgDip)
and methodological skills to critically investigate a Additionally, Glasgow has a strong profile in Islam, • International Real Estate & Management (MSc)
supported to develop critical and creative skills Sufism, Judaism, and religion in modern Iran, the
range of crucial social questions and developments. that prepare you for a wide variety of careers. • Public & Urban Policy (MSc, PgDip)
Asian subcontinent, Japan and Scotland. • Public Policy & Management (MSc)
• Criminology (MRes) • Public Policy Research (MRes)
• Criminology & Criminal Justice (MSc) Postgraduate taught programmes Postgraduate taught programmes • Real Estate (MSc, PgCert)
• Digital Society (MSc) Our Masters programmes benefit from close links Our Masters programmes cover the following • Spatial Planning (PgCert)
• Equality & Human Rights (MSc) to industry, such as Playwrights’ Studio Scotland, subject areas: • Urban Analytics (MSc)
• Equality & Human Rights (MRes) the Edinburgh International Festival and the NTS. • Ancient Cultures (MSc) • Urban Research (MRes)
• Global Health (MSc) • Playwriting & Dramaturgy (MLitt) • Church History & Theology (MTh) • Urban Studies (PgCert)
• Global Migrations & Social Justice (MSc) • Theatre & Performance Practices (MLitt) • Ministry, Theology & Practice (MTh). • Urban Transport (MSc)
• Global Migrations & Social Justice (MRes) • Theatre Studies (MLitt)
• Media, Communications & International Research opportunities
Journalism (MSc) Research opportunities
Research opportunities We offer PhDs in the following research areas:
• Media, Culture & Society (MSc) We offer the following research study options:
We offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil/MTh, MLitt (Theology and Creative • Crime
• Sociology (MSc) PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes.
• Sociology & Research Methods (MRes) Practice) and MRes. • Disability
• Transnational Crime, Justice & Security (MSc) • Education
Topics in which we would welcome postgraduate Our main collective research topics are: • Health
research include: • Religion and politics • Housing
Research opportunities • Dramaturgical practices and playwriting • Religion and identity • Labour markets
We support PhDs involving research into all the • Contemporary European/UK theatre and • Scripts, scriptures and textual analysis • Planning
areas identified above, and which is informed by performance practices • Applied theology • Real estate
sociological, criminological or anthropological • Live art and interdisciplinary practice • History of religion • Systems of governance
approaches. We particularly welcome research that • Media and digital arts • Theology through creative practice. • The environment
makes use of novel methods, or which might be • Ecology, environment and heritage • Urban analytics
pursued in collaboration with non-academic partners. • History and historiography You may want to identify a potential supervisor • Urban transport
• Queer/gender theory and contact him or her to discuss your research • Welfare reform
You may want to identify a potential supervisor • Social/political arts practices and theory. proposal before you apply. • Youth policy.
and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. You may want to identify a potential supervisor You may want to identify a potential supervisor
and contact him or her to discuss your research and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply. proposal before you apply.

62 63
The University is the home of the Scottish
Glasgow is a global centre for veterinary Centre for War Studies.
This publication is intended to help Validated institutions Publication credits:
medicine excellence, attracting students, The Scottish Centre for War Studies was established
you choose your programme of study
at the University of Glasgow. Every
The University is proud of its association
and validation relationship with three Design:
researchers and clinicians from around to promote research in, and understanding of, war effort has been made to ensure independent institutions: The Glasgow D8 (,
the accuracy of the information School of Art, Scotland’s Rural College working in conjunction with External
the world. and conflict in all its aspects. It is based within the contained within this publication but and Edinburgh Theological Seminary. Relations, University of Glasgow.
subject of History in the School of Humanities but it is subject to change without notice. If you apply for a programme at one of
Our internationally accredited school provides seeks to develop links across a range of related If there is any conflict or ambiguity these institutions, you will be registered
Reuben Paris
between information contained in this with that institution and will pursue
an expert referral centre, via the Small Animal subjects and encourages interdisciplinarity. publication and the student contract your studies there but your final degree
University Photographic Unit
Hospital, the Weipers Centre for Equine Welfare (see below), then the student contract will be conferred by the University of Additional photography credits:
and the Scottish Centre for Production Animal With contributions from a wide-ranging group of will prevail. Glasgow. Applications to one of the
validated institutions should be made to Globe,
V Health & Welfare for animal owners and referring scholars, including visiting specialists, the Centre The student contract the institution concerned and not to the
practitioners throughout the UK. presents a unique opportunity to study the theory By accepting an offer from the University University.
of Glasgow, each student enters into Kelvingrove Park,
and practice of war and conflict, from causes to a student contract with the University. As a student of a validated institution
We are ranked 1st in the UK for Veterinary consequences, in a wide range of aspects and The student contract is made up of the you are deemed to be an “associated
Medicine (Complete University Guide 2021). settings, from the Middle Ages to the present day, terms of the offer, the student terms student” of the University which entitles Buchanan Street,
and conditions and the University’s you to access certain University facilities.
from Britain and Europe to the Americas and the Regulations set out in the University For further details of the facilities
Veterinary medicine research at Glasgow has had Near and Far East. Calendar. The student terms and available to you please contact the
SSE Hydro,
Nigel Young
lasting impacts in the animal welfare industry and conditions and the University Calendar institution concerned.
can be found on the University website
charities, global health bodies and government The Centre’s term-time research seminars give at
Eilean Donan Castle,
VisitScotland/Kenny Lam
policymaking, and a broad range of commercial you the opportunity to develop insights and
industry. Key areas of research excellence include: understanding from the latest research in diverse The student contract sets out: the terms The Three Sisters, Glencoe,
on which the University will provide VisitScotland/Kenny Lam
• Infectious disease aspects of the subject. the relevant programme or course; the
• Comparative medicine and biology University’s Regulations with which Kayakers on Camusdarach beach,
• Clinical veterinary science. students must comply; students’ other VisitScotland/Chris Close
Postgraduate taught programmes obligations to the University, our staff,
and to fellow students; how the contract Edinburgh,
The MSc aims to challenge, educate and engage may be changed or ended; what to do if
Postgraduate taught programmes by exposing you to a wide range of different ideas there is a problem; and other important
• Advanced Practice in Veterinary Nursing about war. information.
(MSc, PgDip, PgCert) (online) • War Studies (MSc)
• Animal Nutrition (MSc, PgDip, PgCert, CPD)
(online) Research opportunities
• One Health (MSc, PgDip, PgCert) (online)
We offer the following research study options:
PhD, MLitt and MPhil.
Research opportunities
We offer PhDs in the following research areas: Our research areas include:
• Veterinary epidemiology • Scottish military history
• Advanced veterinary diagnostic imaging • Medieval warfare
• Equine infectious disease • Early modern warfare
• Equine, ruminant and poultry nutrition • The Napoleonic Wars
• Veterinary microbiology • 19th- and 20th-century international relations
• Small animal endocrinology, nutrition and obesity • Colonial conflict and violence
• Veterinary reproduction • Intelligence and international relations
• Veterinary neurology • The global Cold War
• Veterinary oncology • Ideas of peace and peace movements
• Veterinary pathology • Conflict archaeology
• Veterinary public health • Ethics of war and humanitarian intervention
• Small animal cardiology. • Insurgency and counter-insurgency
• Genocide in a global perspective
You may want to identify a potential supervisor • International security from historical and
and contact him or her to discuss your research contemporary perspectives.
proposal before you apply.
You may want to identify a potential supervisor
and contact him or her to discuss your research
proposal before you apply.
© University of Glasgow, October 2020. University of Glasgow, charity no: SC004401

64 65
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