Lesson Plan 2: The Importance of Setting in Jane Eyre
Lesson Plan 2: The Importance of Setting in Jane Eyre
Lesson Plan 2: The Importance of Setting in Jane Eyre
Lesson Frame:
- Today, after a brief “reading check” on Kahoot, we will review the settings we have
encountered while reading Jane Eyre.
Companion Concluding Task(s)
- After reviewing Jane Eyre so far as a class, I will assume 1 of 4 possible roles in my
group and help create a poster for our assigned setting that includes:
the name of the setting,
2 significant quotes from the text,
the prominent weather/season associated with the setting,
at least 3 prominent colors associated with the setting,
a list of major characters Jane meets at this setting,
an illustration that represents the setting, and
a statement of the setting’s influence upon Jane.
A. “TO DO” before the day of the lesson:
o Read chapters 19-21 of Jane Eyre
o Create a Kahoot “reading check”: https://create.kahoot.it/share/reading-
o Pictures of pages with answers from Jane Eyre are included in a separate word doc
o Cut 15 pieces of large white paper (available in teacher workroom)
o Supply enough markers for student group activity (available in Mrs. G’s room)
o Count students in each class and divide them into groups of 4
o 4th period will have 3 groups of 4 and 1 group of 3
o 8th period will have 7 groups of 4
I will adjust the groups as needed if students are absent
o Create group numbers to attach to each group of desk (7 total for both periods)
o Prepare instruction sheet for group activity
o Group assignments are included on the back of group activity guidelines sheet for
each period
o Prepare a PowerPoint containing engagement question, Kahoot “reading check” link, and
group activity instructions
B. For the lesson itself:
o Arrange the classroom desks into groups of 4
o Mrs. G has a conference period before her 4th and 8th period, so I will arrange them
during this time
o I will attach the group numbers to each group of desk so students may know where
to sit with their groups
o Have the engagement question projected on the board
o Have PowerPoint ready for lesson
o Have large white sheets of paper and markers available for students
o Have my copy of Jane Eyre for reference (if needed)
Steps in Lesson:
*The “Group Activity Guidelines” will be in a stack on the desk where students retrieve their
work/handouts for class each dayon the back will be their group assignments. I will instruct
students to sit with the group they have been assigned each set of tables will be labeled with a
group number *
ENGAGEMENT— (5 minutes)
What the TEACHER will do / say— What the STUDENTS will do—
o I will project the following o Students will read the instructions/statement
statement/instructions on the board: and discuss with their group if they agree or
“With the people in your group, read disagree with the statement.
and discuss the following statement:
A person’s environment influences Potential Responses:
his/her decisions and actions. o Students may agree with the statement
As a group, take 2-3 minutes to decide if by responding that a person is directly
you agree or disagree with the influence by their environment
statement” o Students may also disagree with the
o I will instruct students to discuss with their statement by responding that people
groups if they agree or disagree with the have the power to make the best of the
statement for 2-3 minutes environment they are in
o During this time, I will walk around o However, I still expect
room from group to group responses/justifications to be
o I will then invite 2-3 groups to share whether varied
they agree or disagree with the statement o In a whole class discussion, 2-3 groups
and why they chose that stance. will volunteer to share their response(s)
to the statement.
Today, we will review chapters 19-21 and check our understanding through a brief Kahoot
“reading check.” After completing the Kahoot and reviewing the settings in Jane Eyre, everyone
will assume a role in their groups and help create a poster for their group’s assigned setting that
includes the required elements.
Introduce/Explore- 10 minutes
o I will ask students to name the settings
we have encountered while reading Jane o Students will name the settings we have read
Eyre. thus far:
o After naming the settings, I will ask o Gateshead Hall
students, in their groups, to rank each o Lowood School
setting for worst to best and consider o Thornfield Hall
why they chose these rankings o Gateshead Hall (again)
o I will as 1-2 groups to share their o Students will rank the settings from worst to
rankings and reason for ranking best with their groups and discuss why they
them as so chose this ranking
o “After considering if we agree or o 1-2 groups will share their rankings and
disagree with the impact of one’s reasons for choosing to do so.
environment on their actions, we are
now going to explore the impact of Potential Responses:
Jane’s environment on her o Students may rank the settings in the
actions/attitude through the setting(s) in order that we have read them. However
the novel” students may also rank them as:
o Gateshead, Lowood, Gateshead
o Lowood, Gateshead, Gateshead
(again), Thornfield
o Students may justify their rankings by
referring to some of the major characters
Jane met in each setting or the
experiences Jane had.
Apply/Elaborate- 40 minutes
o I will grab my copy of the “group activity
guidelines” that students received on o Students will read/listen carefully to the
the way into class and read the instructions ask any questions if they arise.
instructions aloud with the students
o “With your group, you will
create a poster to represent your
assigned setting in Jane Eyre. As
a group, you will include each of
the following elements on your
1. Name of the setting
2. At least 2 significant
quotes, cited correctly.
3. The prominent
season/weather associated with
the setting
4. At least 3 prominent
color associated with the setting
5. A list of the major
characters Jane meets at this
6. An
illustration/picture/symbol that
reflects something significant
about the setting.
7. A statement of the
setting’s influence upon Jane.
In addition, each group will
assign each member one of the
following roles:
In addition, each group will
assign each member one of the o Students will assume a role from the “group
following roles: activity guidelines” and begin working on
Artist- This student will be their poster
responsible for decorating their
group’s poster. Possible Questions:
Spokesperson- This student will o Students may again ask if the assignment
be responsible for presenting is for a grade
their group’s poster to the class o I will inform them that it is not
at the end of the activity. for a grade but must still be
Researcher- This student will be completed
responsible for finding textual o Students may ask for supplies such as
evidence that support their markers/pens/etc.
group’s poster. o Supplies will be available in
Manager- This student will Mrs.G’s classroom
collect necessary supplies for o Students may ask to change
their group and monitor the groups/settings, but my hope is to keep
time left in the activity. the original assignments
Note that some groups may
require one student to be Possible Responses:
assigned to more than one role. o Though student choices of textual
However, I expect that you will evidence will vary for each group/setting,
all work together to complete
the assignment!” I expect students to heavily refer/use
o I will then ask students if they have any chapters 1-4 (Gateshead), chapters 5-10
questions- If any questions arise I will (Lowood), chapters 11-13 (Introduction
answer them before beginning the to Thornfield Hall) and chapter 21
activity (return to Gateshead)
*During the activity I will set a timer for 40 o Common colors that may arise:
minutes on my phone and walk around the room o Grey
to provide help when needed. I will alter o Red (the red room)
students when they have 20 minutes, 5 minutes, o Black
and then 1 minute left for the activity. o Brown
o Green
o Etc.
o As for characters, for Gateshead:
Mrs. Reed
John Reed
Eliza Reed
Georgiana Reed
Miss Abbot
Mr. Brocklehurst
o Lowood:
Miss Temple
Mr. Brocklehurst
Helen Burns
Miss Miller
Various teachers (their
classification of
“significant characters”
may vary”)
o Thornfield:
Mrs. Fairfax
Mr. Rochester
Miss Ingram
Mr. Mason
Grace Poole
o Gateshead (again)
Mrs. Reed
Mr. Leaven
Georgiana Reed
Eliza Reed
John Eyre (maybe)
o Students choices of
symbols/images/illustrations will vary
but I may see images such as a book
(Gateshead hall), a Bible (Lowood), a bird
(Gateshead), or a letter (Gateshead,
Evaluate- 10 minutes
o I will ask the “spokesperson” for each
group to bring their poster to the front o The “spokesperson” for each group will
of the room (or stand up and hold it at present their group’s poster to the class
their desk) and present their groups
o After each “spokesperson” shares their
group’s poster, I will collect the poster(s)
o Once each group is done sharing, I will
then ask students to consider how Jane
has changed since the beginning of the o After each group is done presenting,
novel and ask students will discuss the new question
o “How has Jane changed from her with the students in their group
beginning at Gateshead to her
final return?” Potential Responses:
o After discussing the question with their o Students may respond by saying that
group, I will then ask 1-2 groups to share Jane has become more forgiving
their response to the question o Students may also respond by saying
that Jane has learned to overlook the
Reeds’ treatment/view of her
CLOSURE— (5 minutes)
What the TEACHER will do / say— What the STUDENTS will do—
o After finishing the group activity I will o Students will reread the statement from the
redisplay the statement from the beginning beginning of class and respond to the new
of class on the board. question with the members of their group.
o I will then ask students to reread the The, 2-3 students will share their response.
statement and now consider the following
question with the members of their group: Possible Responses:
o “Does Jane’s experiences with the o Students may choose to agree with the
different settings in the novel change statement if they disagreed before because
your stance in regard to the of Jane’s change with each setting
statement from the beginning of o Students may keep the same stance
class?” o Students may choose to disagree with the
o I will then ask 2-3 groups to share their statement with the agreed before because,
response. despite her environment, Jane has grown as
a character and overcome her circumstances.
*The concluding task, enabling students to execute the “I will” statement, will either fall within
‘apply/elaborate’ or ‘evaluate’ phase of active learning or function as the closure activity, depending.
Modifications/Differentiation Strategies:
o Following the IEPs
o Varied responses used- small group discussion, whole class discussion/sharing
o Poster creation for spatial learners
o Working on “setting activity” in small groups and sharing with class for interpersonal and
verbal/linguistic learners
Evaluation Strategies:
o Participation in “Agree or Disagree” activity (informal)
o Completion of Kahoot “reading check” (formal)
o Participation in groups (informal)
o Creation and presentation of “setting” poster (informal)