WITS - 6 The Proper Background PDF
WITS - 6 The Proper Background PDF
WITS - 6 The Proper Background PDF
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Dedicated to my loving wife Michelle.
Special Thanks
Mr. Kory Melby has been with me from the beginning. His
enthusiasm for this material along with his long time
friendship made so much of this possible that I believe it
impossible to ever thank him enough.
David R. for not only talking me into founding WITS but also
for his continued support within the site.
Part 1 Introduction 7
The Signs 12
Planets and Personal Points 16
Aspects 19
Houses and Rulers 22
Combining 25
Planets in Aspect 28
House Rulers 31
Transits 33
Relocation Charts 35
Critical Time Periods 38
The Ascendant and Midheaven 41
What you have learned. 41
Midpoints 42
Midpoints and Transits 43
Solar and Lunar Arcs 44
Solar Returns and Secondary Progressions 49
Synastry 51
Critical Time Periods in Relationships 55
Houses Again 59
Advanced Aspect Structures 61
Advanced Prediction Techniques 63
Conclusion 65
Declination 66
Some old notes along with books that are required for
you to proceed, topics include 68
CONTENTS continued
Law of Values 83
Arcana 85
Kabala 87
The Great Mutations 89
Luther Jensen 91
Magnetic Activity 92
Heliocentric versus Geocentric 92
Rectification of a Natal chart 93
How to handle a stock split 95
Anatomy of a stock crash 95
Tunnel again 96
Taking the Mountain 96
Epilogue 98
The following parts include notes by the author. These parts also
contain valuable information.
Around this time I got my first real break. I was directed to study
the works of W.D. Gann. I was also informed that Gann used
In pursuing the Heliocentric side I went down the road now known
as the Cowanites, officially founded by author Bran Cowan. At this
same time I began studying personal Geocentric Astrology. After
years of investigation I can tell you that Heliocentric Astrology
does have its own validity. However I believe this is not where
Gann began. It is my belief that in his beginning years (circa 1909)
Gann was primarily using Geocentric Astrology.
underlying tenants of Astrology. I would later find out the reason
for this is directly attributed to one of two factors.
1) The author did not possess such an understanding.
2) The author did understand the underlying tenants.
Authors that Fall into the #2 category can make predictions. Many
such books are on the market, loaded with predictions. Why would
an author under category #2 want to release his method of
predictions? If he did then you would no longer read his books of
predictions because you could arrive at the same conclusions on
your own.
This leaves the student struggling in the dark, having to find his
way through the different techniques.
Today there are millions of books on astrology. Some are good and
others are not so good. The trick seems to be differentiating
between the two. Once this is done the question can be asked; how
much personal astrology is needed and how far do I have to go
with it? The answer to that question comes from astrology authors
around Gann’s time, who were “scientific men”, opposed to current
authors that write more about character traits than science.
Geocentric Astrology when connected with character traits appears
then to be an art form riding on top of a science. It is the science
that the student of financial markets is interested in. While the art
form is valid and one can learn much from its principles, those
aspects will not further the science. In the science we deal with
student into Gann. The bridge would be “the science.” Then the
problem came of where to locate sincere students.
I decided to take a Hiatus and put the lessons into a book form in
an attempt to sincerely help those that wish to pursue this field in a
manner of discovery. It will take time and sincere effort but results
will come to those diligent enough to TEST and apply this
material. I give you my word that I have provided in this textbook
as much information as I am permitted to put into the public
domain. The books referenced MUST be purchased in order that a
full understanding of the presented material is obtained.
through each section in the order presented until that section is
grasped. We will be beginning in personal astrology as I believe it
will aide you in knowing your own cycles while building a
platform for understanding of later materials. It is not necessary to
become an astrologer. The goal here is simply to be able to make
distinctions between cycles, planets, houses and aspects of different
charts. From page 55 of Gann’s “Wall Street Stock Selector”, “I
have repeatedly stated that stocks, like individuals have habits and
that to determine the position of any stock you must study it
individually and not collectively.”
This next excerpt from page 35 of Wall Street Stock Selector is one
of my favorites. “Man’s seasonal trend changes just as the market
and he has good and bad cycles. By keeping a record of your own
trades, you can determine when your trend is changing one way or
the other. I have been able to make as many as 200 consecutive
trades without loss. When I started the campaign, I did not believe I
could make 50 trades without a loss, but I did continue to make
perfect trades and close every trade with a profit, until I had made
the 200 trades. This run of luck or up trend that I was in had run for
some time. If I had no way to forecast it, what sign should I watch
to tell when the tide had turned against me and I should get out and
wait? The first indication that something was wrong would be the
first trade on which I made a loss. I remember that it was a small
loss around $100. On the next trade I had a loss of over $500. This
showed that my trend was changing and turning against me,
whether due to bad judgment, ill health, tired nerves, or other
causes. If I had been wise, I would have quit and kept all my
profits. I made the third trade and as most traders do, went into the
market on a larger scale. This trade soon showed a loss of $5,000.
And I did not take the loss quickly. The result was that I continued
to make a series of losses until the banks closed in November,
1907, and I could not get any more money out of the banks. I was
forced to close out all of my commitments with my brokers and
take a big loss, because I was bucking my own trend. My period of
good luck had run out, and I was trading in a period which should
have been for rest, recreation, and gaining knowledge instead of
trying to make more money which I did not need. The banks were
unable to pay currency for several months, and I could not get any
money to speculate with. I put in my time studying and figuring on
the market and found out what caused my mistake and the losses. I
started trading again in the Spring of 1908, and should have had
some rule to tell me when my trend had turned in my favor.”
Gann was born June 6, 1878 in Lufkin Texas. What Gann found
when he identified the “mistake and losses” is known as a Saturn
return and we will directly deal with this ahead. So there is an
importance of understanding ones’ own cycles.
Many intelligent and well degreed men have spent their entire lives
studying market prices only to come up empty handed. The reason
for their failure lies in the fact that they have failed to take into
consideration the TIME component, which we will be dealing with
here. Unlike most market books, this book is not loaded with
charts; however, a source of Wheat data is provided so the student
can test and work with the underlying tenants. Again this book is
about TIME as price is simply related. The student must have a
thorough understanding of the causes of a market turn before price
can be understood. This work does not deal with the Square of 9 or
hexagon charts so frequently referred to in other works because
again the student MUST understand TIME before the use of these
calculators become clear. Let’s move forward to find what factors
are related to market turns.
To better get a feel for The Zodiac take out a clean sheet of paper.
Place a large coffee can or other rounded bottomed can on the
paper and trace out a circle, the larger the better. Trace the circle
onto the paper using a pencil. Once this is done, start at the top of
the circle and draw a line straight down using a ruler. Then go to
the extreme left of the circle. This is the starting point of the
zodiac. Place a small arrow outside the circle at this point. Then
draw a line from left to right of the circle.
Labeling the first slice as Aries, the next is Taurus, then Gemini,
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius then Pisces. ALWAYS in this order.
Once the slices are named you probably want to add in the
symbols. Astrology deals with symbolism, with associations and
these symbols have meanings.
At this point you want to be able to look at a symbol and know its
name from memory. This may take a bit as there are usually 2 or 3
Symbols that individuals “mix up”. Now I will give you some
words to write in with each symbol so you can begin to use word
(symbol) association. In the slice named Aries, write in energy
and force. Taurus: building, creating, strengthening. Gemini:
duality, communication. Cancer: emotions, home, security. Leo:
ego, self-expansive, honor, royalty. Virgo: discrimate (in terms of
mental assimilation), exact, precise, refining. Libra: fairness,
beauty (grace), sociableness. Scorpio: control, deep, death and
rebirth. Sagittarius: philosophical, opinionated. Capricorn:
strategy, structure, tightness. Aquarius: eccentric, sudden,
brotherhood (meaning a concern for others). Pisces: cloudy,
dreamy, illusion, religion. Now these are by no means all that can
be said about these signs but it does provide a “foundation” which
we will be building on! What you want to be able to do is look
only at a sign. Know its name and the keywords in its “slice”.
Keep this piece of paper in a visible area by the computer so if you
need to you can simply glance up at it. This will come in handy.
What follows is advanced. You may want to read over it and put it
aside until much later. I simply needed to put it in here for your
reference when you are reading to expand possibly after future
lessons are read.
The Square and the Triangle form within the circle. The Triangle
ties together 3 like signs. An example is the signs Gemini, Libra
and Aquarius. Simply count 4 signs over, like Gemini to Libra is
1(Cancer) 2(Leo) 3 (Virgo) 4 is (Libra)...this gives you another
sign that is harmonious with the originating sign. These 3 signs
(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) form a triangle in the circle. This
triangle is known as the Air Trine. What does this mean? These
signs are extremely sociable and talkative much more than other
signs. They are alike in that they have certain characteristics like
sociability which they share. There are other Triangles in the
circle. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius comprise the Fire Trine which is
very impulsive (spur of the moment). Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
compose the Earth signs, while Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
comprise the Water Trine. These will be expanded.
For now we need to know that 4 triangles form within the circle. 3
squares are also found in the circle: cardinal, fixed and mutable.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces comprise the mutable signs.
They share common characteristics such as they are all mental
signs. The Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. To get the
next Mutable sign over from Gemini, we count 3 signs over... 1
(Cancer) 2 (Leo) and 3 is Virgo. So instead of counting 4 over like
we did with the triangles above, we count 3 over.
Now I will give you words that need to be associated with the
Planets do not actually move backwards; this is an optical illusion.
The planets move around the Sun in ellipses (circles with
eccentricity greater than zero), moving forward at all times. But
since we are on a spinning ball revolving around the Sun, it does
indeed "appear" that certain planets are moving backwards. If you
found a planet that is retrograding in a chart set for the current time
and went outside to observe it through a telescope, it really
"appears" to be moving backwards. The reader needs to be able at
this point to identify a retrograde planet in a chart.
I want to give you a "feel" here of how these planets move around
the chart. The Sun takes 1 year to make a circle and return to the
same place. This is called a cycle. Mercury and Venus stay
attached to the Sun as it moves around in the chart. Mercury is
never more than 28 degrees from the Sun while Venus is never
more than 48 degrees from the Sun. The rest of the planets along
with the Moon "spin freely" around the chart. The Moon does not
go retrograde; it simply moves forward at all times. The Sun is the
"giver of life" in our Universe. Without it there would be no life as
we know it. Consequently in the charts planets retrograde when
they begin to oppose the Sun. They "bow" to the king so to speak.
Run any chart. If you find a planet even close to an opposition with
the Sun, that planet will always be retrograde. What is meant by an
"opposition"...We know that the sign Taurus in a chart is directly
across from Scorpio. This "directly across" is called an
"opposition". While it is not necessary to memorize the following I
just wanted you to be aware that planets take different lengths of
time to complete a circle and return to the same place. The Moon
takes slightly over 28 days. Mars takes 1.875 years. Jupiter 12
years. Saturn 29.5 years. Chiron 52 years. Uranus 84 years.
Neptune 164 years and Pluto about 248 years. Transpluto 660.This
means that the Moon moves much faster around the circle than
does Mars for example.
Since the numbers 2 and 3 are all that is needed to generate the
Pythagorean music scale, these are the principle angles Astrologers
use. The Quintiles are not considered major and will be omitted
from this lesson; however, for future reference, they relate to
At this point one might ask why I keep referring to the Pythagorean
music scale. Pythagoras of Samos lived thousands of years ago.
He was once quoted as saying, “All is vibration.” When I first
came across this saying, my attitude was one of disbelief. Later as
my knowledge grew, I began to see the genius of this man! Music
is Vibration. ASTROLOGY IS VIBRATION. Music has
intervals, frequency and oscillation. Likewise Astrology has this!
Hence Astrology utilizes the scale! All that is needed to generate
the scale is 2 (octaves) and 3 (fifths). Divisions by 2 and 3 in the
first paragraph (above) come from this! An interesting
characteristic of the scale is the simultaneous sameness and
difference of the notes that compose it. Take a guitar chord and
sound it. Now take the chord at its ½ way point and sound only ½.
The note will sound the same but will be higher pitched because
the frequency is doubled. So ½ = 2. Likewise 1/3 = 3. I have
only touched on the subject, however, this was just included for
your information. What follows is really all that is needed to
understand how angles work in the chart.
Starting with 120 degrees we get 60, then 30. This comprises the
class known as the Trines.
Starting with 180 degrees we get 90, 45, and then 22.5. Also we
use 90+45= 135. This comprises the class known as the
opposition. In Actuality we tend to call this class the “squares”.
Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Start at the top of the circle and
draw a line to the bottom. Start at the left of the circle and draw a
line to the right. Go back to the left of the circle and put a “0” as
this is our starting point. Mark the bottom (90) the left is (180) and
the top is (270). Then we are back to “0” or 360 degrees which
completes our circle. Then go to halfway between “0” and “90”
this is 45 degrees. Draw a line from 45 degrees THROUGH THE
CENTER to the opposite side of the circle (label this point 225).
Then go to halfway between “90” and “180” this is 135 degrees
and draw a line to the opposite side (label it 315). You have
completed this class of angles.
Now each aspect within the classes has its own “nature”. 180
(opposition) creates a “stand-off” between the 2 planets. The 90
(square) creates a different type of tension which through problems
pushes one forward in life. The 45 (semi-square) and 135 (sesq.)
are less imposing then the square. Also keep in mind that if a
planet is at “0” and another is found at “270” we do not say they
are 270 degrees apart. We say they are square (90 degrees) ...
(360-270=90). I do not use the 22.5 in Natal Astrology but this
aspect will be dealt with in later lessons.
An aspect not talked about is the conjunction. When 2 planets
occupy the same degree of the zodiac, they are conjunct. A
conjunction has the nature of tension in the form of focus. It
“glues” the 2 planets together. The MAJOR ANGLES used by
astrologers are 180, 120, 90, 60 and 0. These are known as the
Ptolemic aspects dating back to Ptolemy. It is best to begin with
these angles. Once these are thoroughly mastered move on to the
What all this means is that, when planets are at one of these angles
listed above, there is a relationship (connection) between the 2
planets. The relationship works well and is harmonious in the
Trine class. The relationship does not work in the 180, 90 and 0
class, which causes tension in the individual. So either the planets
are connected in a good way or a bad way when they are in aspect.
More information on angles will be given in following lessons
ahead. This lesson is meant to distinguish between the 2 classes
and allow you to visually identify the angles.
House #1 begins at the far left of the circle at a point known as the
Ascendant (rising sign). The houses are numbered from this point
in a counterclockwise direction from 1 to 12. The keywords to the
houses follow:
1) personal power.
2) Self-worth, money.
3) Communications, brothers and sisters.
4) Home, the mother figure.
5) Children, love given, speculation.
6) Work, service, sickness.
7) Partners, marriage, lawsuits.
8) Death and rebirth, sex, money of the partner.
9) Education, law, long journeys, philosophy.
10) Career, father figure.
11) Love received, friends.
12) Secret sorrows, silent suffering and self-undoing.
The Ascendant is the start of the first house and the M.C. is the
beginning of the 10th house. 2 other points not yet discussed are
the beginning of the 4th house (I.C.) and the Descendent, which is
the beginning of the 7th house. These constitute the 4 personal
points. Notice that each House begins at a particular degree of the
Transpluto rules Virgo. Venus rules Libra. Pluto rules Scorpio.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Saturn rules Capricorn. Uranus rules
Aquarius. Neptune rules Pisces. Note in the above the 2 inner
planets both rule 2 signs. Many “astrologers” think that Mercury
rules both Gemini and Virgo and Venus rules both Taurus and
Libra, but this is incorrect information. Pluto was discovered in
1930 in the sign Cancer. Pluto has to do with underworld and note
Al Capone in 1930 making headlines. When Pluto was discovered,
Astrologers went back and re-read the works of the ancients. It
was from these writings that we learned to correctly interpret the
planet. Not only did the ancients realize the planet was in the
heavens, they also understood it! There are only 7 heavenly
bodies available to the naked eye and Pluto is not one of them.
If we take the keywords for the planet and the keyword for the sign
it rules, we can note the similarities. For example, with the planet
Saturn we get: separation, restriction, structure, and we can see that
they are similar to the keywords for Capricorn (Saturn Rules
Capricorn): strategy, structure and restriction. The reader is
encouraged to continue this process with other signs/planets.
At this point the reader should be able to determine the house and
its ruler along with all keywords.
Before proceeding you will want to make a few lists. Make a list of
the Signs along with their keywords. Make a list of the Planets and
their keywords. Make a list of the houses and their keywords, and
make a list of the angles and the information I gave you on them,
like 120d - harmonious, favorable etc. Perhaps an even better way
is to use note cards, as suggested by a previous reader. Once these
lessons are completed you will have reached a certain level of
becomes eccentric and leans towards spontaneous change.
Aquarians are often “shock jocks”. Mercury in Pisces, the mind
works towards understanding spiritual meanings and relationships.
The sentence with the Sun is: The Sun gives its energy to (SIGN
KEYWORD). Your Moon is your emotional need. Mars is
energy. With Mars the energy works through the sign holding
Mars. This is not only sexual energy but tells where the
individual’s energies are directed. Lets Say Mars is at 27 degrees
Leo. This is known as being on "the cusp". As it progresses
towards Virgo it takes on more Virgo qualities. At 0 degrees of
Virgo it is said to be in Virgo BUT it will still have Leo qualities
all the way to 3 degrees of Virgo. The way I explain this is at 27
degrees Leo it is 95% Leo and 5% Virgo. At 28d (d=degrees) Leo
it is 80% Leo and 20% Virgo. At 29d Leo it is 60% Leo and 40%
Virgo. These numbers are of course an estimate, as there is no real
way of measuring, this but this is a valid example. Venus is an
emotional and aesthetic need. The need to be loved a certain way.
After mastering your own chart, move on to others that you are in
contact with. This will facilitate understanding. Think of how you
and the people you know "work out" their charts. The goal is to
see how the planets "express themselves" in everyday life. An
example; I have worked with an individual whose Mars is in
Aquarius and in the 4th house. This person is highly sociable, loves
and is always on the go!
Try to make connections on your own. Take for example the "Air
Trine" constituted by the signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These
are sociable signs. Individuals with many planets in these signs are
highly sociable. Individuals who lack any planets in these signs
often struggle when around others incurring such things as "social
anxiety disorder" and now you know why, as their social skills can,
at times, prove highly lacking. With Astrology they can begin to
work with this. Creating patterns that substitute their lack of
sociableness. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are
known as the personal planets. The rest are the outer "generational"
planets. I have counseled an individual who has Mars, Venus, Sun
and Moon all in Aquarius (a sociable sign). No one is a stranger to
this individual. He can "talk up a storm" to anyone about anything.
It flows here. It is natural to him. I know of another individual with
no planets in the Air Trine and he repeatedly struggles in
Note also the Trine (120d) between this Venus and Neptune.
Trines are harmonious. These 2 planets work together to
compliment the individual. There is no tension in the Trines.
When a planet makes no major aspect in a chart,
(180,120,90,60,0d) it stands alone. It will have magnified
characteristics. I have observed many examples of this. The Moon
in Leo is a proud Moon, under a tension aspect from Saturn
(restriction) we get overtones that something is taking away from
the Moon. Later you will discover how to find out what is
restricting this Moon. Remember that the tension aspects create a
cross, 180, 0, and 90 degrees on both sides of the circle. A
planetary build up in one sign of the zodiac will make that sign’s
characteristics pervade the personality. Like 3 planets in Scorpio
there will be a predominance of control to the personality. Add a
couple more planets in Scorpio and we get "control freak", of
course other dynamics will be involved.
The above is easier to verify when the planets in question are the
"personal planets".
Uranus creates intensity and individualism in the house it is found.
Uranus in the 5th (love given) intensifies the sex drive. Neptune in
a house confuses the individual. Mars gives energy to the area of
life (house) it is found in. Venus adds a grace. Jupiter the planet
of “good fortune” gives the ability to expand easily in the area of
life it is found. Pluto gives the individual “focus” in the particular
house in which it is found. Mercury adds communication, and also
a duality will be associated with that house.
There are the parental houses of 4 and 10. Love houses 5 and 11.
Sickness and dis-ease (2 words here) houses of 6 and 12 etc.
Begin making these connections in your own chart.
Note: If the cusp of the 11th house was at 15 degrees Scorpio and
a planet was at 13 degrees Scorpio (appearing to be in the 10th
house) in my analysis, I would delineate it as if it were in the 11th.
(If it is conjunct the cusp put it in the higher numbered house). I
apply a strict 2 degree orb here.
In this lesson, I will give you the technicals of this method. These
will be expanded later.
Starting off there are harmonious times (everything flows for you)
and inharmonious times (when you feel tension/stress).
There is orb and retrograde periods here I need to address.
Calculate the above natal chart, and then run the transits for the
date of 5-1-1998. (Time is irrelevant.) Notice Saturn here closing
in on its Natal position. This is Orb. Saturn will be perceptible in
the character at this time (it was). Its effects began to build and
become stronger until the 2 planets were exactly at the same point
in the zodiac. Here on May 1st it is located at 25d Aries. On 6-1-
1998 it was at 29 Aries having moved 4d in one month’s time.
Run the transits for 7-1-98 and it is at 1 degree Taurus, moving
only 3 degrees in 1 month and thus we know it is slowing down.
Stop and think about this concept. THE SLOWER A
Run the transits for 1-15-99. Notice that Saturn is at 27d Aries and
again is direct and heading for the Natal position. The time period
along with the effects returned. In the 2nd passing, if the 1st
passing was correctly dealt with the 2nd should be much easier. It
is normally in the first passing that one normally “gets the
surprise”. Here in this example the effects are not over until Saturn
passes its Natal position in early April 1999. How did this
“passage” affect the individual? We use the key words for Saturn.
There was restriction, difficulty and separation. The difficulty
occurred at work (notice that the focus here was in the 6th house;
of work.) There was a separation but once the period was over
PROVIDES the individual did get back with the person and the
relationship continued. This time period “peaked” (strongest)
about 1 degree before the ideal conjunction while transiting Saturn
was at 2 degrees of Taurus. This is typical with the effects
diminishing once the conjunction passed.
We can take the keywords for the planets and do the same as
above. Uranus (sudden change) hitting one of the above points
would cause “sudden change” in the area of life corresponding to
the house it is transiting at the time. This gives you a powerful
base upon which to build.
Ezekiel 1:12 “and each one went straight forward, they went
wherever the spirit wanted to go and did not turn when they went.”
Ezekiel 1:16 “The appearance was as if it were a wheel in the
middle of a wheel”.
You are born, but when you move about on the Earth the “dial of
the houses” turns. If you were born in N.Y. And had a bad build-
up in the 7th house which was preventing you from fulfillment in
relationships (7th), moving to Florida would put that build up in
the 8th, freeing you! Millionaires, successful people using
Astrologers are aware of this! Also when you talk to someone on-
line or on the telephone your chart changes to that location. I have
counseled many women who have had unfulfilling relationships
and can not afford to move. I advise them to meet someone on-line
etc. in order to change their chart, which changes their
circumstances! Again calculate the above chart for 11-29-69, 4:35
A.M., Springfield, Illinois. Then go back after calculating it. Note
that the hour’s difference from Greenwich is 6:00. This must stay
the same… ALWAYS for this individual. Now calculate the chart
for the same date and time BUT for Sacramento California.
Change the hours different from Greenwich back to 6:00 and
calculate. This will give you an Ascendant of 12 Libra. Notice
that now Saturn is in the 7th house and the dynamics of the chart
itself has changed. This concept is applicable if the individual
were on the phone talking to someone in Sacramento. The chart
would be what the person in Sacramento perceives, NOT the Natal
chart! The process above is known as a “Relocation Chart”.
Assume an individual is considering a job opportunity in another
State or one in the home State. Joe Public would not have the
Science of Astrology to draw on, so he takes a “blind leap of faith”
which more often than not leads to misery, as we all know. With
Astrology, we know the effects of the new environment in advance.
The Saturn transit above is not only limited to its Natal position but
to all other planets and personal points in the chart. I recommend
a fantastic book for learning how to interpret all of these
configurations. Future Signs (How to make Astrological
predictions) by Maria Kay Simms ISBN# 093512750-X.
A common theme with some individuals is they do not want to
know what is coming, because it causes them anxiety about the
future. My response to this is 2 fold. If we know what is coming,
we can prepare for the bad times and push our luck in the good
times. 2nd, we can minimize the “bad times” in our lives by
understanding what is happening and act appropriately, which
MINIMIZES the effects drastically. During a Saturn transit to its
natal position, say transiting Saturn square Saturn, Joe Public is
going to walk into this time period unexpectedly and thus receives
a “surprise” when the cycle hits. W.D. Gann could not trade
through his Saturn return as evidenced by page 35 of “Wall Street
Stock Selector”. While you, watching and knowing can understand
when the effects start and END and can apply the rules given in the
“A to Z Horoscope maker and Delineator” pg. 519 and literally
minimize the effects. I will give you an example here and I see this
day in and day out in one form or another. Say in an experiment
that in 1 month you will close on a house. Person B will also close
on a house at the same time. Both you and person B will have
Saturn squaring its Natal position at that time. The rule is
“Purchase nothing new” at this time so you “back out”. Person B
continues with the deal because he does not know and guess what,
he gets the “big surprise”. Saturn will still affect you. Remember
the keyword is restriction (Saturn) and you may feel that restriction
in that you really wanted that house but person B will be getting
the “blunt end” of the transit. This is one example of many I could
give. There is a flipside to all of this that I and others use to get
ahead; the Trines. Under a Trine everything flows along with ease,
so much so that you may feel like “taking a nap in your hammock”
so-to-speak. I use these times to push ahead in life! This is the
time to “push your luck” in the area of life (house) the Trine is
coming from (house holding the transiting planet). Knowing when
these times occur is mission critical, in that you will be amazed at
what you can do under the Trines once you begin working with
An experiment that will give you immediate results follows!
Calculate your Natal chart and run the transits for today. The
outer wheel is the planets (for any time you desire) and the inner
wheel is your birth chart. Note any angles the Transiting Moon is
making (or will make) to planets in your Natal chart. Remember
that a planet is often strongest 1 degree before the ideal angle. So
write down the time the Moon will be 1 degree before the ideal and
the time it will be exact (exact is called partile). NOTE: Keep in
mind if a planet is square another planet in your chart, say Venus is
Square Mars, When the Moon conjuncts your Venus it would also
be squaring your Mars.
On the above write down the “window” that the transiting Moon is
1 degree 15 minutes to 1 degree before a square to your Natal
Moon and watch what happens that causes your “mood change”.
Also write down the “time window” when the transiting Moon is 1
degree 15 minutes to 1 degree of opposing the Natal Moon. This
window will be about ½ hour. Take into consideration 2 factors.
1) The house the transiting Moon is in. 2) The planet in the natal
chart being aspected...which house does it rule? This is an
important eye-opener as it will give you a feel for “tuning into
transits”. I have yet to see an event occur that was not timed by
this method i.e. The Moon is the master timer.
Let’s take for example the so called mid-life crises that both men
and women go through. The period of Uranus is 84 years. Half
this amount is 42, so around age 42 URANUS OPPOSES ITS
NATAL POSITION. Its takes Neptune 164 years to go around the
zodiac which means at 41 years it SQUARES ITS NATAL
POSITION. Both of these cause tension and together are the cause
of the mid-life crises wreaking havoc in the unsuspecting lives of
the general public. Men and women suddenly (Uranus) up and
leave their families often later regretting the decision. I have
counseled many who have and will go through this time period.
When a transiting planet changes houses it corresponds to
This is especially noticeable with the outer planets Jupiter, Chiron,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Transpluto.
Notice that Venus and Mercury stay attached to the Sun as the Sun
goes around the zodiac.
Often unpleasant time periods in ones life are timed by the Saturn
cycle. Saturn takes 29.5 years to complete its revolution. The
opposition, square and conjunction occur at about 7 year intervals.
Meaning every 7 years we go through a difficult time. Take your
chart and find when Saturn was crossing these points. Think back
on what was occurring at that time. If anyone close to you has
died, or a relationship came to an end, remember the date and see
what aspect Saturn (separation) was making at that time to its natal
position or other planets/personal points.
Go through your life when events happened and try to locate what
was going on in your chart using keywords on planets and houses.
At first this may seem difficult but with more time and experience
proficiency will develop.
At times there will be both a Trine and a difficult time (caused by
another planet forming an inharmonious aspect) occurring at the
same time. When this occurs one can generally expect to receive
help (Trine) in dealing with the inharmonious aspect. Another way
to look at it is that the individual will handle the inharmonious
aspect in a very positive way.
An old adage used in Astrology is “you will not Fall when you
have Jupiter working for you”. A woman Astrologer came to me
concerned about her husband going through the mid-life crisis. I
ran both of their charts and noted that while the cycles were in
effect, the man had Jupiter forming a Trine to its natal position
from the 7th house of relationships/partner. From this single aspect
I was able to deduce that he would receive help from his partner
during this trying time. Interesting in this particular example
transiting Uranus and Neptune were in the 3rd house when they
made their inharmonious aspects to the Natal positions. Since the
3rd house of communications is a mental house I quickly checked
to see if any aspects were being made to the natal Mercury during
this time as I suspected there would be a change in his thinking.
What I found was transiting Pluto (transformation) conjuncting his
natal Mercury. This backed up my initial deduction that there
would be a radical shift in thinking and communicating during this
time. I believe that the Jupiter aspect mentioned in this paragraph
will be the partner/Astrologer understanding what is happening and
actually helping him through this time period.
The Cross; although the Sun sits on the midpoint above we form a
cross to see if any planets or personal points square or oppose the
midpoint. Again Venus/Pluto = 9.5 Cancer. So we would look at
9.5 degrees Libra, 9.5 degrees Capricorn and 9.5 degrees Aries.
This forms a cross. (Again we use a strict orb on these points of 2
to 2.5 degrees). The Ascendant sits at 10 degrees Libra so
Venus/Pluto = Ascendant. To interpret this we again go to pg. 147.
degrees 35 minutes of Scorpio. Our goal is to Solar Arc to age 29.
So we add 29 days to 11-29-1969 which gives 12-28-1969. We
also want to add 29 minutes to the birth time! This takes care of
our problem of that extra .25 every year...simply add 1 minute to
the birth time for each year! Now we have a chart for 12-28-1969
at 5:04 A.M. Springfield, Illinois. Note that the Sun is at
276.5499 in the birth chart the Sun is at 247.0418. We subtract
247.0418 from 276.5499 which gives 29.5081. This means that on
the 29th birthday all the planets will have arced forward by
29.5081 solar degrees from their natal position. By adding all
29.5081 degrees to all the planets along with the Ascendant and
M.C we have the Arc for the 29th birthday.
We can use the Trines and Sextiles (120 degrees and 60 degrees)
but these are really states of mind. To time EVENTS we use 45,
90, 135 and 180 on both sides of the circle.
The Arc for the entire 29th YEAR of life is obtained by calculating
the chart for 30 days plus 30 minutes. Get the Suns position for
that day and subtract it from the 29th year (of 276.5499) we find
that during this year the Sun moved forward 1.0195 degrees. I
move the decimal over 4 places so we have 10195 units. 10195
Units divided by 365.25 days = 27.9123 units per day which is
.00279 degrees per day. (This may be confusing to you but please
bear with me). By this method Solar Arc Mars makes an aspect of
45 degrees with Natal Saturn on 7-29-99. Note that in the Natal
chart Mars (Mars is the planet doing the arcing) rules the 6th house
of illness. On 7-30-99 the subject was diagnosed by a Doctor as
having chronic bronchitis. To interpret the meaning we simply
look up Mars/Saturn in the book “Combination of Stellar
Influences”. At the bottom of page 156 under probable
manifestations is “illness”. There are other definitions BUT we
know that Mars which is the planet doing the arcing rules the 6th
house of illness. So we have a match that fits. 10 years or more
before this date if we ran the chart for the date the same prediction
could have been made and would have been accurate to the day, 10
YEARS IN ADVANCE! This is an extremely powerful method.
There is what I call a “shot gun” approach here. Simply take the
number of degrees between 2 planets and transfer that to years. If
2 planets are 29 degrees apart we can expect the Arc around age
29. If 2 planets are 151 degrees apart one would think there is no
need to think about them because you probably will not live to see
that. But at age 29 they will be in opposition! 29 + 151 = 180.
LUNAR ARCS: Use the technique above for the Lunar Arcs. If
we wanted to look at the lunar arcs for the 29th year of life we
would calculate a chart for 12-28-1969 @ 5:04 A.M., which gives
the Moons position at 147.8978. Then calculate the chart for 12-
29-1969 @ 5:05 A.M., which gives the Moons position at
159.7687. For the whole 29th year of life the Moon moves
11.8709. Or almost 1 degree a month! In the 29th year the Lunar
Arced Moon travels from 27 degrees Leo to 9 degrees Virgo. At 7
degrees Virgo the L.A. Moon is squaring the Natal Sun. This
Lunar Arc will be in effect for about 2 months. All Lunar Arcs
have their effect for 1 month approaching and 1 month separating.
Their interpretations are listed below. An aspect here is
Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine and Opposition. This is the
method L. Jensen refers to in his book “Astro-cycles and
Speculative Markets”.
Solar Arcs that do not involve midpoints build up for 6 months and
scale down for 6 months if the angle is conjunct square or opposed.
For minor angles such as 45, 135 etc. there is a 2 to 3 week build
up and a 2 to 3 week scale down. The center of the time is the date
it becomes exact. So a Solar Arc will be in effect for a year if it is
a major angle. The Solar Arcs which are midpoints are “points of
force” in ones life. These are exact points in time. Lasting only a
few seconds.
The uses of this method are many. Combining this technique with
transits lets one explore on a deeper level, fortifying prediction not
only in the personal life but in financial markets as we will see
I also use this technique to pin down the time of a birth. I simply
find the midpoint using arcs then go back and work to narrow
down the 2-4 day window.
Solar Arcs and midpoints of Solar Arcs will cluster together during
important time periods of life.
To test this method find the times in your life when the Solar Arcs
were due. Calculate the dates and see what was going on at those
times. Your past is the absolute best way to test this method.
The Solar Return emphasizes and highlights the themes for the
coming year.
The correct Solar Return chart for this individual is valid from 11-
29-00 to 11-29-01. The Ascendant will be 19 Gemini. The return
chart lasts one year…until the next return.
We would simply delineate this chart the same as a birth chart i.e.
Saturn will bring restriction in the house it is found etc. Remember
the “signs” have little significance and house placements are
The time when aspect occur (become exact) during the year
represent events in terms of the planets symbolism.
The way it works is here: Say in the above person A had there
Venus (Love) conjunct the Node of person B above. In this
example PERSON B would have strong feelings of love for person
A which would work to tie the 2 together. The person WITH THE
NODE would be “drawn in” by person B. (Venus conjunct Node)
is the MASTER ASPECT between 2 people. Ironically the
square (Venus square Node, or Venus opposed Node) will have
similar results but with only 75% of the “power” of the original
(Venus conjunct Node).
Remember though the planet does not have to be Venus for the “tie
together” to work. But Venus is the ultimate here.
If the planet were Mars the two would be tied together sexually.
Sun in terms of Ego, moon in terms of emotions, Mercury in terms
of communication/thinking, Jupiter in terms of reward issues,
Saturn in terms of structure, Uranus in terms of individuality (One
would appear very eccentric; the other would admire this
eccentricity). Neptune in terms of religion/inspiration. Pluto in
terms of destiny. Venus is love so the two would be tied together
with aesthetic appreciation. What YOU want is your partners
Node conjunct your Venus. The above is the first thing I look at
between 2 people/charts…it is ALWAYS so revealing. Note: The
square and opposition are inharmonious aspect BUT we must
remember that the North and South Nodes form an axis. Here the
square and opposition along with the conjunction merely “tie into”
the axis and thus are harmonious.
Time and Time again I am asked “I am an Aquarius what is the
best SUN SIGN for me to go out with”. There is a GRAVE error
here. First off it is NOT the Suns that are the most important
between the 2, it is the VENUS’S. We will use this as I do: as a
point of departure into the mechanics between 2 people. But
before I get into the planets I need to explain the aspects/signs.
Signs are supporting if they are 60 or 120 degrees apart. Like
Beginning with Libra as the base we count 2 signs over or 2 signs
back which would give Leo and the other way would give
Sagittarius for the 60 degrees. For the 120 degrees we count 4
signs over or back which would give Aquarius one way and
Gemini the other way. A Venus in Cancer not in aspect with a
Venus in Scorpio WILL be supporting. Lets look at how. Venus
in Cancer is security. Venus in Scorpio is control.
The individual with Venus in Cancer will gladly give control to the
individual with Venus in Scorpio thus relinquishing control to
achieve security. The person with Venus in Scorpio will gladly
take control over the other and NEVER feel threatened as the
Cancer Venus gladly takes the back seat working for stability in the
relationship. On the flipside counting 3 gives the square. 6 the
Opposition. Using the Venus in Cancer and counting 6 gives
Venus in Capricorn. The Venus in Cancer needs to deal with
emotions. The Venus in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn: restriction)
will have an emotional brick wall, pent up emotions about them
which the Venus in Cancer will find appalling and unacceptable.
An underlying sense of unfulfilled needs will materialize once the
newness of the relationship diminishes. Summing: the above signs
are supporting or non-supporting, regardless of aspect.
When the 2 Venus’s (one in Cancer and one in Scorpio) are within
6 degrees of a Trine (120d) aspect there is a bonus here! There
will be a comfort between the 2.
can fulfill the other. Like 2 people, both starving in Africa neither
can fulfill the others needs because they both seek the same. The
exception here is if the 2 conjunct planets are different planets.
From this point I look at what aspects Saturn makes in the 2 charts.
If person A has Saturn Squaring person B’s Mars, Person B will
feel blocked. This is what I call a “tombstone” which in most cases
creates excessive tension.
My next step is to take a look at the individual charts. I
immediately zero in on the 7th house as it is ALWAYS telling.
Pluto either by Natal or Transit in the 7th is a “tombstone”. Uranus
in 7th the individual will be rash, wanting a quick wedding. Saturn
in 7th is restriction and the individual will need a partner of Saturn
qualities (explained below). Mars in 7th the individual will seek
highly active, energetic, often rash partner. Such is the case with
women bent on dating/marrying only athletes. Mercury rules
Gemini (duality). Often individuals with Mercury in the 7th will
carry on several marriages/relationships etc. Neptune in the 7th
sets up the need for a partner to fulfill other needs (some other real
reason for the relationship). All others are acceptable.
Next I look at the position of the ruler of the 7th. I have counseled
many that have the ruler of the 7th located in the 12th. Interpreted
as; Secret sorrows, silent suffering and self undoing through
relationships/marriage. Hardly conducive to our goal of fulfillment.
When 2 individuals meet they can meet under deceiving aspects.
Transits which fool them into making rash decisions. Sometimes
one can feel “drawn to another”. A female that has a T-square in
her natal chart of Uranus (15 degree Pisces), Venus (15 degree
Virgo) and Saturn at (15 Gemini) will be strongly attracted to a
male that has his Mars at 15 Sagittarius. His Mars completes her
T-square (fills it in). The union will be extremely sexual (Mars fill
in). But the Male will soon learn he is being squashed
for only 6-8 years. We can expect this “turbo sex drive” if Uranus
squares or opposes the ruler of the 5th. Say Aries is on the cusp of
the 5th house in the Natal. We know Aries is ruled by Mars. If in
this chart, Uranus squared or opposed Mars we can expect the
“turbo elements”. Mercury found in the 8th or Gemini on the cusp
of the 8th communication (Mercury=communication) will be very
important in the sex act.
When Pisces is on the cusp of the 5th we can expect Gemini on the
8th which puts Virgo on the 11th. Let’s explore this. We have the
cloudy, illusional Pisces on the 5th (love given) with the dual
natured Gemini on the 8th (sex act) and the discriminating (in
terms of mental assimilation) Virgo on the 11th (love received).
This can set up a myriad of problems ranging from confusion to
homosexual/bi-sexual aspects. NOTE; in the above Mercury rules
both Gemini. Mercury is duality.
We want to pay attention to the 5th, 8th and 11th houses to paint an
overall picture of the individual sexuality, whether it is a house
ruler or a planet in one of those houses.
The female has an Ascendant of 5 Gemini. This ties them
together. Ironically their first child had an Ascendant of 4 Pisces
which forms a T-Square within the family. Often market traders
are drawn to a specific market. The reason for this is in the
Your 8th house is money and self-worth of your partner. This is
figured by placing wheel 2 again on the cusp of your 7th house
(partner) and counting to house 8. Money and self-worth are 2nd
house matters so on wheel 2, the 2nd house is directly over your
8th house in your chart.
A Grand Trine is 3 planets which are each 120 degrees apart. Mars
at 13 Sagittarius, Venus at 13 Aries, and the Moon at 13 Leo. This
creates a triangle within the circle. Trines are considered
“favorable” in charts so one would assume this setup is the “mother
load”. Students have often exclaimed “so and so has a Grand Trine
and are lucky.” Unfortunately too much of a good thing can work
against you as Grand Trines often do. The manner in which a
Grand Trine operates within the person depends on whether the
Grand Trine is in Fire, Earth, Air or Water. (From time to time I
will run across a case where 1 of the planets is in another element,
use the element that has at least 2 planets).
this individual and discovered the T-square. We would look at
which houses the planets of the T-square rule...and there we will
find the reason why this aspect of tension is manifesting in the life
of the individual.
An outer planet hitting the open point of the T-square will produce
life-changing events while a swifter planet will produce a “very
bad day or 2”.
An Angular Grand Cross would have a planet in the 1st, 4th, 7th
and 10th. Note that the parental houses are involved here which
will emphasize the growing up years. Often this individual will
need to marry the mother or father figure that comes along. This
will cause tension within the relationship (7th) as the “parent figure
spouse” fails to measure up.
After completing the Transits I would then check the Solar Arcs.
On Solar Arcs I first check to see if there are any of the larger
squares, oppositions and conjunctions (not midpoints). Because
these larger Solars take time to apply and separate I would check a
little outside the time period for due dates. As an example if I had
an arc due May 15th which is outside the Saturn period above, may
indicate that the “trigger” on the Saturn period would occur on that
date. I now have more details and am better informed.
The above rules I have laid out for you are gold. They have been
time tested both by me and students. After my “calendar” is set
up I then check the charts of anyone in my immediate circle to see
how my time period will affect them. By doing this I will be better
armed and able to better understand what others are going through.
Also I will fortify my interpretation of the events to come. Here is
an example that actually set up.
All of the above occurred at once. The entire family was affected
and it showed in every chart!
Had there been a need, an astute Astrologer could have picked up
on this 10 years in advance...well before any signs of cancer. This
shows the value of what I call “cross referencing to confirm”. This
is powerful Astrology. It does not have to be a family member. I
usually begin with my own chart in terms of the larger transits and
from there know who to cross reference with. Few Astrologers
will perform this service yet it is so vital to understanding the time
Spend some time with your chart and the chart of another. Look
for something challenging that you both went through and observe
how it set up in your chart and the chart of the other. Then look for
“similar points” that were simultaneously impacted.
The planets spin around the Sun. At the same time they also move
from North to South and South to North of the Sun. The Earth is
no exception and this is what causes our “Seasons”.
At the Winter Solstice the Earth is as far North as it can go. Thus
the Sun shines primarily on the southern hemisphere at this time.
The Earth then begins to move South (down) and as this occurs,
Spring begins which leads to Summer and the Earth is as far South
as it can go. Thus the Sun shines on the Northern Hemisphere.
Other planets also have declination which varies and can exceed 23
degrees 27 minutes. We will get to that in a moment.
North Declination or South Declination. When 2 planets are both
at 19 degrees North declination they are called PARALLEL.
When one planet is at 19 degrees North Declination and the other is
at 19 degrees South declination. They are called CONTRA-
example of this is the Earths movement around the Sun. If it is
Spring we simply count 365 days to get the next Spring. If we
wanted to forecast a Spring 5 years from now we simply count
(365 X 5) 1825 days out into the future. If it is Spring and we
wanted to forecast Fall we would use Pythagorean Harmonics,
specifically in this example, the octave. (365/2= 182.5). Counting
182 days out into the future will bring Fall. What we have done
here is taken the 365 day cycle and divided by 2. We can also use
the double octave of 4 and counting 91 days out into the future we
can predict the new season. Keep these harmonics in mind. For
everything there is a TIME and a SEASON. Most “Gann experts”
fail to take the seasons into account.
I also want to give you the US birth chart stats: 7-4-1776, 2:13
A.M. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. E.S.T. This chart has Gemini
rising, however, another popular chart in use has Libra rising. 7-4-
1776, 12:20 PM again Philadelphia, PA.
Arithmetic. B = (A+C)/2
Geometric. B squared = A times C
Harmonic. B = (2 times A times C) divided by (A+C)
A= 180 B= 360.
Take a piece of paper out and draw 15 vertical lines each at least ½
inch apart. Make line #1 you’re largest on the left and descending
to the right. Number the lines 1 on the left to 15 on the right.
Number 1 being your largest is the fundamental tone. We then
take ½ of the fundamental tone which is the Octave and our line 8.
(Label line 8 = 1/2). The next Octave is ½ of ½ or ¼ which is our
line 15. 2/3rds is known as the 5th so we count over 5 spaces from
the fundamental and label line 5 (2/3rds). The Octave of 2/3rds is
1/3rd and line 12 gets labeled as such. (2/3) SQUARED is 4/9ths
which is our line 9. If we doubled the line in length (4/9 X 2) we
get line 2 and label it 8/9. 8/9 X 2/3 (our 5th) is our line 6 at 16/27.
½ of line 6 is our line 13 at 8/27ths. But 16/27 x 2/3 (our 5th) is
32/81 or our line 10. The Octave of our line 10 is 32/81 X 2 =
64/81 which is our line 3. 64/81 X 2/3 =128/243 which is our line
7. The octave of our line 7 = 64/243 which is our line 14. 3/2
divided by 2 is our line 4 at ¾ Line 4 divided by 2 is our line 12 at
3/8. Tones of the scale are gotten by reducing successive 5ths by
the appropriate number of octaves. In our example 8/9 is known as
a tone above C. So 64/81 is known as 2 tones above C. The
reason for this is as you shorten the string length the tones
produced are above the fundamental...C.
Pythagoras believed that 2 was female and 3 male or the odd and
even numbers. His reason for this was that Octaves, POWERS OF
2, do not produce any new tones. The number 3 is needed to
produce new tones. Convert your notes into decimals like
128/243= .526 Do this with all your lines In market studies you
may run across a number or 2. Say you have a number of 1.3333
convert this number into a tone by using the reciprocal. If you had
a move of 10 and found another move of 5...the 5 would be the
octave above the fundamental. Or the 10 would be the Octave
below which is the greater and lesser. THE INTERVALS OF THE
AND HARMONIC MEANS. Let’s use an interval of 72 & 144
which is the Octave 2:1. The Arithmetical Mean is 1080 while the
harmonic mean is 96. 108 divide the interval into 2 ratios.
(108:72...144:108) reduces to (12:8...16:12) reduces to (3:2...4:3)
96 divides the interval RECIPROCALLY. The combination of the
Arithmetic and Harmonic duplicates proportions within the
9/27, 27/81, 81/243, 243/729 which is 9 over 2 circles and the
ROOT is 27 which is part of our SQUARE SERIES.
If one was building a house one could take the height to be the
Geometric, harmonic or arithmetic means of the length or breadth.
Ptolemy also derived a scale which uses the Primes 2,3 and 5.
Draw 8 Vertical lines from left to right in descending order again.
Number 1-8 left to right. Line one is the fundamental line 2 is
8/9th 3 is 4/5, 4 is ¾, 5 is 2/3, 6 is 3/5, 7 is 8/15 while 8 is our
octave or ½. While this fancy footwork is valid we will be
ignoring the bulk in this work.
You will need to acquire and read the following before proceeding:
The Dow high before the crash was made on August 25th 1987.
Look at the conjunctions of planets at that time. Indeed, what a
large “trigger”. Note also that there is a 10 year recession cycle.
From 00 to 01 of any decade. The cause for this is that at that time
Jupiter and Saturn transiting are conjunct or opposed. Many of you
will recall the 80-81 recession along with the 90-91 recession but if
you go back in time it is like this for every decade.
powerful Eclipse in May 1928. The Sun spot cycle was on a
downward slide from 1928 to 1932 which directly relates to
decreased business activity.
There are many SENSITIVE POINTS in the Birth Chart. One
such point which is commonly used by Astrologers is known as
“The Part of Fortune”. This is the Ascendant + Moon - Sun.
Many intelligent men have studied markets and met with little
success. The reason for this is obvious at this point. Everyone
“knows” astrology is just a hoax, therefore, failing to TEST this
premise the door remains open for the avid student.
The number one problem facing the analyst is which “chart” is the
actual birth chart. Many analysts will begin with the wrong date of
a commodity or stock, not get a result and scrap the project as not
valid. This is most unfortunate as we will see.
“Gann squares” out, so the student is able to understand the
astrological underpinnings.
Computers are great tools, however, in this regard, doing charts for
us, teaches us nothing of the underlying principles and
mathematics’ behind the final product of a natal chart. For this we
need a Table of Houses. In putting together this book I searched
for a Table that was available in rather large numbers as to
accommodate future readers of this work. I found the book
“Michelsen Table of Houses” ISBN# 0-935127-60-7. You need to
work through the examples in the book, working not only on your
chart but on at least 3 others that you know. Then use the book to
work through the examples in the “A to Z Horoscope Maker and
Delineator” by Llewellyn George. Once this is complete, go to the
next step below.
For those that can afford it, I highly recommend Starry Night Pro
available at www.starrynight.com for around 300.00. In the long
run this will be money well spent and the program comes with an
For those that can not afford the above software I recommend “The
Ever Changing Sky: A Guide to the Celestial Sphere” by James B
Kaler. ISBN# 0-52138053-7.
In combination with the above book or similar, there are bountiful
websites on Astronomy. A few are listed below. Again you
MUST have a complete understanding of this field.
History of Astronomy
word in financial markets) which alerts us to transiting Uranus and
sure enough we can see the opposition by transiting Uranus to the
Ascendant of the N.Y.S.E.
between a direct planet and the same planet in retrograde. Again
both SR and SD days are important and will time changes of trends
in markets if other factors are present.
Eclipses account for over 20% of stock market activity. You will
learn that as an eclipse point gets “hit”, news seems to be released
which affects stocks for better or worse, as well as Commodities
and our lives.
There is a formula for duration. Let’s use the Eclipse that occurred
on June 30, 1935 at 2:59 p.m. New York.
The Sun was at 8 Cancer 05. The closest Node (it does not matter
which) was at 22 Cancer 41.
But on the day of the eclipse nothing happened in this market! We
will explore why later.
Let’s take a look at the Dec. 24, 1973 eclipse. The Eclipse Sun is
at 20 Capricorn 40.
On April 24-25, 1974 transiting Mars opposed this point from 20
Cancer 40. On that date the military (MARS) overthrew Caetano
On May 15, 1974 transiting Saturn exactly opposed the eclipse
Sun. On this day the Palestinian Murdered (Saturn = Murder as per
Sepharial “Eclipses”) 20 children at Ma’ a lot.
On May 31, 1974 transiting Mercury exactly opposed the eclipse
Sun. On this date there was an agreement (Mercury) between
Israel and Syria.
The list goes on and on but the technique presented here needs to
be mastered.
Charts set for the Capital of the Country at the exact minute the
Transiting Sun hits 0 degrees 0 minutes 0 seconds of Aries, Cancer,
Libra and Capricorn time events. This corresponds with the 4
But if we set the chart for the Ingress at the New York Stock
Exchange (9:23 PM) we have an MC of 17 Leo. Now make the
Walter then goes on to list ruling degrees of cities. He lists the
New York Ascendant at 14 Cancer. Note that on September 11,
2001 we have transiting Mercury exactly square this Ascendant at
14 Libra.
Here we find Natals on the first page. Notice that the Declination
is also given. Do not use this N.Y.S.E. natal. The correct natal to
use is May 17, 1792, 8:52 A.M. Local Mean Time. New York,
New York. Walter purposely gives you the wrong date here which
also gives you a clue to his writing style. Many readers will
dismiss this book because his examples “appear” to not work in
practice. These same readers fail to genuinely take the time to
work through his examples. Arcana needs to be worked through
very carefully.
Walter uses the Mean motion of the Sun for his Solar Arcs. If this
is the correct method to use then his examples will match his
The above are not really “sign rulers”. An example is that the
correct sign ruler of Pisces is Neptune, however, Walter has
Jupiter. These are really Prime Significators using the above
Fortune here as Jensen also does in his book “Astro-cycles and
Speculative markets”.
In concluding the work Walter talks of the May 19, 1928 Eclipse
conjunct the Sun of the exchange. This activated the natal Sun. He
then uses transiting Mars oppositions and conjunctions to that
point. An eclipse may be effective in one market and not another.
A few years back a young neighbor’s father ran over the young
mans thumb when backing out of the driveway. The thumb had to
be amputated, the address 702 = 9. Over the course of time and
many tests I cam to realize that this scheme is incredibly accurate.
When I changed my own numbers from 1233 = 9 to 1231 = 7, I
immediately noticed improvement. To date I have yet to see an
example between house numbers and its inhabitants that I could
not rationally understand.
the names are different. These factors thus have great influence in
our lives as outlined in the Chapter “Law of Values” which we will
come back to.
Walter lists the “22 Tarot Keys” which are found in Chapter 3.
Later in the Chapter “Kabalism of Cycles” Walter adds the age the
individual obtains to the current year of attainment. For example a
person born in 1966 will obtain the age of 36 in 2002. 36 added to
2002 gives 2038 = 13. This number 13 will set a “tone” for this
individual for this year and we can see that an individual born in
1966 will face a Saturn square in 2002. This is of course only an
One needs to spend serious time reading and testing this book.
Most experts fail to derive much of anything in terms of
applications from the book simply because it was skimmed and not
thoroughly researched.
In observing the chart we see that Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct at
8 Capricorn 54. We also see that the figure is set for the
conjunction moment in Washington D.C. (The US capital.) This
was the first Geocentric conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Earth
Signs (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo). This is why it is called the
great mutation. On April 7 2060 there will be another Great
Mutation when Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct at 0 Gemini 48.
This will be in Air Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius).
Walter uses the figure of January 26, 1842, 5:29 A.M. London (51
N 30, 0 W 10). This gives 26 Vir 28 on the MC. He then Solar
Arcs the MC to the conjunction equaling 72 years. 1842 + 72
brings us to 1914.
this viewpoint Walter sets about erecting the Nov. 28 1901
Conjunction at 4:40 P.M. London (51 N 30, 0 W 10). In erecting
this figure we get an Ascendant of 20 Gemini. Now if we Arc the
Ascendant until it opposes the Mars (War) at 3 Cap 25 we get 13
years. 1901 (Conjunction) + 13 = again 1914.
Most readers will be unfamiliar with the fact that L. Jensen was
able to obtain the same results as Gann. Jensen was not as cryptic
and alluding as Gann. This has been one of my favorite books
from early on. It is written in a scrambled manner. The way to
understand this book is to first master the tenants presented in my
work then move on to piece together the Jensen material.
Another element used here is the “Combined Index.” This was the
index used in the McGraw-Hill publication, “Business Week.”
Neptune while being 45 degrees from Chiron. On Aug. 4 1972
Mars was 135 Chiron and 15 degrees Transpluto.
The causes of these highs and lows will not be Mercury or Venus
(although they may time the top or bottom the larger cycles “price
swings” are caused by the outer planets.) We then write down next
to the date the exact longitudinal position of Mars, Jupiter, True
Node, Saturn, Chiron Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Transpluto.
Why Transpluto? I believe Transpluto was operable in the 1661
Wheat market high in England and have noticed its effects in other
markets even to the current day. So we have large cycles and slow
planets. From this we begin to crunch numbers and this is how.
As an example lets say that Stock or Commodity X made a Low on
10-28-97 and Saturn Transiting was at 15.49 ( 15 Aries 29). We
notice further up our list that on 4-19-99 Stock X made a high
while Jupiter was at 15.51 ( 15 Aries 31). We would then look at
other dates to see if there were any other turns that occurred while
any of the planets were at 15 Aries 30. We use an “orb” of much
less than 1 degree. In the event we can confirm the degree by
getting more hits we begin to test it in the following manner; Take
that position (15 Aries 30) and write down dates that a transiting
planet was conjunct that point. Then compare that with the data.
IF we get turns on those dates when a planet hits 15 Aries 30 then
what we are viewing is a “piece” of the natal chart. This tells us
that in the natal a critical planet or point is located at 15 Aries 30.
If we do not get the additional turns than what we have is
coincidence and we move on. Here the Stock X was BAC.
Walter states that the ASC. MC. Sun and Moon are to be watched
as critical points in the natal. What this would indicate is that if
we have performed the above exercise correctly there will be a
series of hits to a point. Let’s say that you kept getting hits to the
Asc. Of 18 Scorpio 12 of Jensen’s chart on page 51 of his book
“Astro-cycles and Speculative Markets”. You notice over the
course of years this point continues to pop up at highs and lows,
this would indicate a sensitive point in the natal of the market
under investigation. Here we have Saturn at 18 Scorpio 12 on Dec.
6 1660, Retrograde on June 11, 1661 and direct on Aug. 28 1661.
We would need to “confirm” this point by looking at other planets
when they hit this point along with the 29 year revolution of Saturn
(i.e. Follow it back or forward in its effects to this point).
There are many tides. One such tide is the ebb and flow of the Sun
Spot cycle. After a minimum the numbers begin to rise and
business activity picks up. Profits begin to rise and Wall Street
follows. The rise in the Sun Spot numbers takes years during
which the average trader is lulled into thinking it is a sure bet. The
Sun Spot cycle reaches a maximum and starts to decline. After
many months the signs of slowing profits begin to materialize.
Prices remain high, propped up on stilts, while profits begin to
recede. This is where we are currently in the Summer of 2002. An
aspect or aspect structure sets up in the heavens at which time it
becomes glaringly apparent that something is seriously wrong.
Unfortunately this “fear” feeling hits everyone at once and you get
the proverbial “run for the exits”. With no buyers around prices
have sharp dramatic declines as they come crashing down.
A factor that thwarts those who are sincere in their research is the
data. The proper data must be obtained. Gann studied Wheat
going back hundreds of years. This data was compiled by an
author named James E. Thorold Rogers who spent 20 years of his
life compiling wheat data back in the 1800’s. Although links to
sources of wheat data and some actual wheat data are supplied with
this course, this is not enough, as you need to acquire the James E.
Thorold Rogers data along with any others for that period. Wheat
data is preferred as it goes very far back. This needs to be done
before more recent markets with less data are observed and I
cannot stress this point enough. If this step is skipped there will be
severe holes in your knowledge in regards to “cycles”.
last time this Venus/Mars conjunction occurred and nothing
happened, going back again only to find no turn, finally they find
that there was a turn at the next conjunction. The conclusion then
is that 50% of Venus/Mars conjunctions produce turns in that
specific market. Your function with this material is to find what is
activating the Mars/Venus conjunctions at turns and is absent when
the market does not respond. There are specific, isolatable reasons
for such occurrences. The Venus/Mars conjunction was used as a
hypothetic example only. It can be any planets or positions.
At the time of this writing I have noticed a trend that was not
around in 1996. The trend seems to be a better sharing of
information within the field. Theories are brought out and digested
much quicker and alliances made much faster through the use of
the medium known as the internet. I strongly encourage you, if
you have not done so, to join the Yahoo Group “Wheels In The
Sky” http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wheelsinthesky which boasts
nearly 1000 members worldwide at this time. I feel I have done
my part.
Next step: Astronomy. Many will skip this section, feeling that it
has no bearing. This would be a SERIOUS error. Please dear
researcher. Please DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP. Visualization is
really the key here. If you can afford the astronomy software, it
will greatly aid you. By visualization, I mean that you understand
certain concepts and can “see” how they work. The terms you
need to understand are Equator System, Ecliptic System, Horizon
System, Precession of the Equinoxes, Perigee and Apogee, Sidereal
Time, Altitude, Celestial Equator, Celestial Poles, Declination,
Elongation, Equation of Time, Hour Angle, Latitude, Meridian,
Nodes, Obliquity of the Ecliptic, Parallax, Proper Motion, RIGHT
ASCENSION, Vertex and Zenith. I completely understand your
hesitation at not wanting to go into astronomy. I would always tell
my students, “If you were preparing to be a brain surgeon, you
would not read a few books, talk to a few people and off you go
performing operations; and believe me; our field has a lot more
perks than brain surgery!” Spend some time in astronomy to
understand the above. It will be time well spent in the end, and I
truly want you to succeed.
the ability, I would have added the books, or relevant parts into this
work. However, due to copyrights, I am unable to include them.
Absolutely make certain that you get the Bonnie Lee Hill tape from
Carol Mull Publishing, as it sheds much light on a grossly
misunderstood and vital book.
Next comes the data. You need it. Your success hinges on this
element. Whether you are studying weather patterns, the stock
market, IBM or commodities, you must have the absolute best data
you can get. Let me show you how important this factor is in my
work. I actually for a long time have worked with a “team” in this
area. Although we have had to acquire more data than most of you
will require, we always went the long route. We never skimped in
this area. The goal at one point was to get rainFall totals as far
back as possible. One data stream was a yearly set. The goal was
to research Bonnie’s floods. The yearly data set had a problem. In
2002, it was a “normal” year with average rainFall for the locality
in question. In actuality, in 2002 it flooded in the Spring, and there
was drought in the Summer. This averaged out, but it was by far,
not a normal year. What we wound up doing was getting the daily
rainFall back to the beginning of record-keeping for that locality.
This made a world of difference and proved VERY fruitful.
The point is: do not skimp in this area. I will give you another
example. When it was decided to go after the same data set Gann
used on wheat, we tried to purchase it from individuals we knew
had it. We were consistently told that it was not for sale. Price
was never even discussed. Because of this, gathering the data set
became a priority, as we knew there was something in it.
Next step, before you begin researching the data that you have
gathered, read through the other sections of this work. Try to
understand where the authors are coming from. Focus on the
techniques they used to arrive at their conclusions.
Avoid such things as the Square of 9 Gann angles, etc. Hold off on
price until you have reached the point where you can say “a top
will occur here, and a bottom here,” based on your research. When
you get to the point where you can call turns like this, THEN and
only then are you ready to start looking at price.
When you get ready to “put it all together,” I have something that
will help you. Start here. Find out what transiting to transiting
aspects turn your market. Do not attempt to work with the natals at
this point. Take the Major Turns and look at the Transiting to
Transiting aspects. See which planets are turning your market.
Now, astrologers are often perplexed at why an aspect will turn a
market one time and have little effect the next. An example would
be a Transiting Jupiter 45* Transiting Saturn, and you get a nice
low like what occurred in the Dow on October 9, 2002. Then at
another Transiting Jupiter 45* Transiting Saturn, nothing appears
to happen… you get a “two day pop.” The reason for this involves
the location the aspect occurs. The sign, decanate and dwadism
either add to the power of the effect or detract from it. An example
would be to expect maximum power of Saturn at 1* Capricorn.
The reason is that Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn.
Dear student, I wish you the best and want you to succeed. When
you have thoroughly mastered this work, which will take you
months, and feel that you have gone as far as you can, write me at