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We survey our recently published results concerning scattering problems for the
nonlinear Schrödinger equation
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116 Applied Linear Algebra in Action
. Introduction
i E ( x,t ) = -DE ( x,t ) + h ( x, E ) E ( x,t ) ,
where π = ω and fixed, and u denotes the complex amplitude of the field. Concerning the
nonlinearity ν x, s , we pose the basic assumptions.
. |ν x, s | ≤ θ x, ∈L σ
ℝ , ≤s ≤ ,
. |ν x, s - ν x, s | ≤ θ ′ x |s - s |, ∈ L σp ℝ , ≤ s , s ≤ ,
Here, L σ ℝ denotes the weighted Lebesgue space with the norm.
The main practical example it can be considered as the motivation of this research of such
type equations is the equation of the form
We consider the inverse scattering problems for . For these purposes, we are interested of
the scattering solutions to , i.e. solutions of the form
where , the unit sphere in ℝ , u x, π, = eξπ x, is the incident wave and usθ x, π, is the
scattered wave. The scattered wave must satisfy the Sommerfeld radiation condition at infinity
for fixed π > and uniformly in . In that case, these solutions are the unique solutions of
the Lippmann-Schwinger equation.
where Gπ+is the outgoing fundamental solution of the operator − ∆ − π , i.e. the kernel of the
integral operator −∆ − π − ξ −
. It is equal to
where H denotes the Hankel function of order zero and first kind.
The following main results concerning the direct scattering problem were proved in [ ].
Under the basic assumptions and for ν, it is proved that for any > there is π > such that
for any π π in the ball B = {u ∈ L ∞
ℝ u ∞≤ }, there is a unique scattering solution or the
solutions of the form in to which satisfies the condition
118 Applied Linear Algebra in Action
for j = , , … with u as above. Let the function ν have the same properties as above, but now
where is the direction of observation. This function A gives us the scattering data
for inverse problem. More precisely, the inverse problem that is considered here is to extract
some information about the function ν by the knowledge of the scattering amplitude A for
different sets of scattering data. There are four well-known inverse scattering data sets i the
full scattering data
We use the following notations for the direct and inverse Fourier transforms
where , x denotes the inner product in ℝ , i.e. ,x = x + x . By C > , we denote a generic
constant that may change from one step to another. By H t ℝ = W t ℝ , t ∈ ℝ we denote the
standard L based Sobolev space. A weighted Sobolev space W p,σ ℝ is defined here by
The direct scattering theory described above can also be reversed. The inverse scattering theory
treats the function ν as unknown and attempts to recover it from the knowledge of the
scattering amplitude A for different data. Usually, the model in is probed with one or more
incident plane waves u and the resulting scattered waves are measured at a distance. This
gives rise to several different scattering data sets which can be used to recover the unknowns.
The inverse backscattering problem for was treated in [ ]. Also for , the recovery of
unknown function ν is possible from the full scattering data. In addition to the two-dimensional
studies mentioned above, certain particular nonlinear cases of have been investigated in
other dimensions too. In one-space dimension, we refer to [ ] and the references therein. In
higher dimensions n we are only aware of [ , ]. Similar problems with formally more
general equation but with bounded ν are considered in [ ] and [ ].
Our point of view is that the nonlinearity may contain local singularities in the space coordinate
x, and therefore we work in the frame of weighted Lebesgue spaces. These local singularities
can be recovered from the scattering amplitude using the method of Born approximation. As
a unifying result, we obtain mathematically more general results that have far wider applica‐
bility in physical experiments.
120 Applied Linear Algebra in Action
Let us set
In the subsections that follow we consider the inverse problems of recovering information
about ν from the knowledge of full data D, backscattering data DB, fixed angle data DA and
fixed energy data DE.
The inverse problem with full data D was investigated in [ ]. Here we summarize the main
results without proofs.
Theorem Saito’s formula . Under the basic assumptions and for the function ν we have,
where the limit is valid in the sense of distributions for / < p ≤ and pointwise even
uniformly for < p ≤ ∞.
Corollary Uniqueness . Let σ be as in . Consider the scattering problems for two sets of
potentials ν and . If the scattering amplitudes coincide for some sequence πj → ∞ and for all
′, , then
Remark . In addition to providing the above results, Saito’s formula might be applied
numerically too. It can be written as a convolution equation
Some Recent Advances in Nonlinear Inverse Scattering in 2D: Theory and Numerics 121
where the function f can be computed from the full scattering data in principle. A numerical
inversion of this equation would yield a full recovery of ν but this is an open problem as far
as we know. What is more, unlike the representation formula above it holds pointwise in the
important case of bounded p = ∞ nonlinearities.
For reasons of purely technical nature we define the scattering solutions u x, π, for negative
π as
we have that
where F denotes the Fourier transform . Using the basic assumptions for the function ν and
, we can easily obtain that
122 Applied Linear Algebra in Action
We have used here the fact that the basic assumptions for the function ν guarantee that the
functions and both belong to
These considerations and real valuedness of ν suggest and justify the following definition
which is understood in the sense of tempered distributions. In order to recover main singu‐
larities of ν from qB, we must study their difference and show that it is locally less singular
than ν . To this end, we have the following main result from [ ].
Remark . Theorem means that, for / < p < ∞, the main singularities of ν can be
recovered from the inverse scattering Born approximation qB with full data D. In the case
of p = ∞, we have no singularities but may have finite jumps. Under such circumstan‐
ces, we record the following special case.
Concluding, in this part of the work, the uniqueness of the direct problem for the
nonlinearities ν satisfying the appropriate properties was proved. These properties allow
local singularities and do not require compact support, but rather some sufficient decay
at infinity. Under similar properties, we were also able to establish the asymptotic behaviour
of scattering solutions, which gives us the scattering data so we can investigate the inverse
scattering problems. Note that both results were proved without assuming smallness of
the norm of the nonlinearity as is necessary in dimensions three and higher.
Some Recent Advances in Nonlinear Inverse Scattering in 2D: Theory and Numerics 123
What can we regard as the main result of this section is the Saito’s formula since it implies a
uniqueness result and a representation formula for our unknown function ν . In addition, we
managed to extract more information about the nonlinearity by applying the method of Born
approximation. More precisely, the main singularities or jumps over smooth curve of ν can
be recovered from the Born approximation qB which corresponds to the full scattering data D.
In this section, we consider backscattering data DB and fixed angle scattering data DA following
[ ]. Using we introduce the inverse backscattering and inverse fixed angle scattering Born
approximations qBη and qB as follows
( ) ( k (q ¢ - q ) ) ,
A ( k ,q ¢,q 0 ) = F qqB0 0
where is fixed.
Furthermore, we assume in addition that the nonlinearity ν possesses the Taylor expansion
uniformly in s ∈ , s , s > and with , ∈L σ R , where σ as in . From this we obtain
the expansion
where g x = ∂s ν x, , g x = ν x + g x and ∈ L σ ℝ with the same σ as above.
Again, the main result for the recovery of main singularities is formulated as the following
for any t < − /p if < s ≤ / and for any t < min{ − /p, /s − } if / < s < .
Let us sketch the main ideas in the proof of Theorem . Using the definition, we may expand
the difference in several terms as
where F - denotes the four-dimensional inverse Fourier transform. This formula might have
independent interest too, but primarily it allows us to prove the following regularity the term
q belongs to the space
. C ℝ ∩L ∞
ℝ if < s < /
. H ℝ if s = /
The latter four terms have exactly the same regularity results as their counterparts in fixed
angle scattering. For the first nonlinear term, the representation is now
Some Recent Advances in Nonlinear Inverse Scattering in 2D: Theory and Numerics 125
The additional assumption in Theorem implies that ν ∈ L ℝ .This explains
why we restrict s′ < p. By Sobolev embedding, we obtain
with some positive ∈ < min{ /p, − /p}. Hence, ν is locally more singular than either of these
differences. That’s why both Born approximations recover the main singularities of ν . On the
other hand, we may perform the comparison also in the scale of Sobolev spaces. Indeed, if
ν ∈ H θomp ℝ with some < r < , then
for any t < r if < r ≤ / and for any t < + r / if / < r < . In both cases this t can be made
bigger than r. It means that we can reconstruct all singularities from Sobolev space Hr, < r <
from data DB and DA by the method of Born approximation.
Corollary . If a piecewise smooth compactly supported function ν contains a jump over a
smooth curve, then the curve and the height function of the jump are uniquely determined by
backscattering and fixed angle scattering data. Especially, for the function ν being the
characteristic function of a smooth bounded domain, this domain is uniquely determined by
backscattering and fixed angle scattering data.
Concluding, in this section we proved that all singularities and jumps in the absence of a
uniqueness theorem of the nonlinearity ν can be recovered from the inverse scattering Born
approximation corresponding to fixed angle scattering and backscattering data DA and DB,
respectively. No assumptions about the smallness of the norm of nonlinearity ν were used as
it were in previous publications even in the linear case.
The two-dimensional fixed energy problemx was a long-standing open problem. In the case
of linear Schrödinger operator, the first uniqueness and reconstruction algorithm was proved
by Nachman [ ] via ∂¯ -methods for potentials of conductivity type. Sun and Uhlmann [ ]
proved uniqueness for potentials satisfying nearness conditions to each other. The question of
global uniqueness for the linear Schrödinger equation with fixed energy was settled only in
by Bukhgeim [ ] for compactly supported potentials from Lp, p > . This result has
recently been improved and extended to related inverse problems see for example [ ] and
[ ] . Note that Grinevich and Novikov [ ] proved that in two dimensions there are nonzero
real potentials of the Schwartz class with zero scattering amplitude at fixed positive energy.
126 Applied Linear Algebra in Action
Thus, the compactness of the supports of the potentials is very natural condition in our
The results of this section are proved in [ ] and they slightly generalize the linear case to a
special type of nonlinearity. It turned out that as we can see in this section inverse fixed energy
scattering problem is much more difficult than the others.
In fixed energy scattering problem, instead of the scattering solutions we need the so-called
complex geometrical optics solutions. Complex geometrical optics CGO solutions or
exponentially growing solutions of the form
with R decaying at infinity for |z| large for the homogeneous Schrödinger equation
It remains to establish unique solvability of this equation. To this end we again use iterations
in the sense of next theorem.
z ∈ℂ
. ‖ ‖,‖ ‖ >
Theorem . Under the above conditions for ν, there exists a constant C > such that for all |
z| C the equation has a unique solution in L ℝ and this solution can be obtained as
lim j→∞ Rj in L ℝ , where
The proof of Theorem is based on the fact that for any < there is constant θ > such that
Turning now to the inverse fixed energy scattering problem, we define the scattering transform
and e = |e ξ |=e
x,z x -x
. What is more, we have the uniform limit T ν = lim j→∞ T ν , j ,
128 Applied Linear Algebra in Action
We point out that the scattering transform is somehow an auxiliary object see DE in Introduc‐
tion . But it is connected to the scattering amplitude as follows. It is well known that the
scattering amplitude at fixed energy uniquely determines the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map Λν -π
which in turn uniquely determines the scattering transform see the details, for example, in
[ ] and [ ] . Recall that Λν f = ∂ u, where u satisfies the Dirichlet problem
In contrast to the preceding inverse problems, we now set the unknown function to be
In linear case ν is the actual potential appearing in the Schrödinger equation, but otherwise
the connection to physical scatterers is not known to us.
where . Then we have the following main result concerning the recovery of singularities of
ν x defined by .
Theorem . Under the foregoing conditions for the potential function ν, it is true that
Remark . The embedding theorem for Sobolev spaces says that the difference qBf - ν belongs
to Lq R for any q < ∞ modulo C∞ R functions. It means that all singularities from
L ρoθ R , p < ∞ of unknown function ν can be obtained exactly by the Born approximation
which corresponds to the inverse scattering problem with fixed positive energy.
We note that under fixed energy data we have some additional assumptions on ν. This limits
the applicability of the main result to, for example, saturation type nonlinearities. In particu‐
lar, cubic nonlinearity is excluded from these considerations. Moreover, the unknown
function ν has no direct connection to original scatterers in nonlinear cases.
. Numerical examples
Here we discuss the numerical computation of the Born approximation first proposed in [ ]
for backscattering and fixed angle data. We assume that the scatterer ν x is supported in the
rectangle R = - , × - , ⊂ ℝ . We consider the following examples
Example linear
Example saturation
Here Ω, Ω , Ω are the shifted ellipses rotated in angle Θ theta counter-clockwise detailed in
Table and shown in Figure .
130 Applied Linear Algebra in Action
Ω / , / / . ,
Ω / , / / − . ,
where fj’s are the unknown values on rj’s. Substitution into yields
′ ′
Evaluating this at some points π = πs , = t and = p leads us to
If we denote M = N N N , we may form one linearized index ρ = ρ s, t, p , ρ = , …, M and write
the latter equation as
ξπs - p, y ′
where E j, ρ = ∫rj e t
dy are easily evaluated and gρ = A πs , t, p needs to be computed.
The computation of gρ is carried out using numerical integration, see [ ] for details. In matrix
form is clearly Ef = g.
For backscattering data and fixed angle data the system is modified accordingly. We note
that the system Ef = g does not depend on the scatterer but only on data type and measurement
The fixed energy case differs from the first three data sets. In fixed energy inversion we
approximate the scattering transform as
We choose M = m × m points uniformly from the rectangle [−s, s] × [−s, s]. The function Tν,
is evaluated by numerical integration, see [ , ] for details. Then the inverse Born approxi‐
mation is computed similarly to .
We use N = and N = for each data set. For full data we use N = N = . For backscattering
and fixed angle data, we use N = . For fixed energy scattering we use m = and s = .
In all four cases we obtain the linear system Ef = g whose coefficient matrix E is of size
M × N. The data g is corrupted with zero mean Gaussian noise with standard deviation
σ= . max |g|.
The size M as well as the ranks r E and approximate condition numbers log κ E measuring
the ill-posedness of the linear system EF = g are shown in Table .
Data M rE log κ E
Fixed angle
Fixed energy
As the linear system is rank-deficient and ill-posed, we use regularization method to solve it.
More precisely, we apply the total variation method TV which is defined as
where the matrix L implements the differences between neighbouring elements in horizontal
and vertical directions for details, see [ ] . As in [ ] we formulate this minimization problem
as a quadratic problem in standard form for more efficient solution. As the regularization
parameter we use = ⋅ −
for DE and = −
All computations are carried out in a UNIX system with GB of memory and logical CPU
cores, each running at . GHz. The software platform is MATLAB R b. We have used
workers in parallel in computing the right-hand side g. We note that a desktop PC with logical
cores running at . GHz and GB of memory is also capable of our computations, but with
workers it is considerably slower in computing g.
The computational times to both form and solve the linear system are shown in Table . We
point out that the right-hand side g contains synthetic data and actual physical measurements
may take longer or shorter time.
Some Recent Advances in Nonlinear Inverse Scattering in 2D: Theory and Numerics 133
Example Example
Data E g TV g TV
Full . s s s m s s
Backscattering . s s s s s
Fixed angle . s s s s s
Fixed energy . s m s s - -
The contour plots of scatterers ν x and their TV reconstructions via Born approximation from
full data, backscattering data and fixed angle data with = , are shown in Figures –
for all examples. For fixed energy scattering we only consider the linear Example , since
otherwise we do not have direct comparison to a scatterer. The TV reconstruction is shown in
Figure . In each figure solid white line indicates the true geometry of the scatterer.
We see that the location of the scatterer is located quite nicely in all cases. The shape of the
scatterer is best seen from full data and backscattering data. By computing the Born approxi‐
mation from full angle data, we close an open problem from [ ].
Figure . Scatterer ν x and its TV reconstruction via Born approximation, Example . a scatterer b full data c
backscattering data d fixed angle data.
134 Applied Linear Algebra in Action
Figure . Scatterer ν x and its TV reconstruction via Born approximation, Example . a scatterer b full data c
backscattering data d fixed angle data
Figure . Scatterer ν x and its TV reconstruction via Born approximation, Example . a scatterer b full data c
backscattering data d fixed angle data.
Some Recent Advances in Nonlinear Inverse Scattering in 2D: Theory and Numerics 135
Figure . Scatterer ν x and its TV reconstruction via Born approximation, Example . a scatterer b full data c
backscattering data d fixed angle data.
(a) (b)
Figure . Scatterer ν x and its TV reconstruction via Born approximation, Example . a scatterer b fixed energy.
This work was supported by the Academy of Finland application number , Finnish
Programme for Centres of Excellence in Research – .
136 Applied Linear Algebra in Action
Author details
[ ] Serov V, Harju M, Fotopoulos G. Direct and inverse scattering for nonlinear Schrö‐
dinger equation in D. J. Math. Phys.. .
[ ] Harju M. On the direct and inverse scattering problems for a non-linear three-dimen‐
sional Schrödinger equation [dissertation]. University of Oulu .
[ ] Harju M, Serov V. Three-dimensional direct and inverse scattering for the Schrödinger
equation with a general nonlinearity. Operator Theory Advances and Applications.
– .
[ ] Fotopoulos G, Harju M, Serov V. Inverse fixed angle scattering and backscattering for
a nonlinear Schrödinger equation in D. Inv. Probl. Imag.. – .
[ ] Serov V. Inverse fixed energy scattering problem for the generalized nonlinear
Schrödinger operator. Inv. Probl.. .
[ ] Harju M. Numerical computation of the inverse Born approximation for the nonlinear
Schrödinger equation in two dimensions. Comp. Meth. Appl. Math.. – .