Ifrs Leases Full
Ifrs Leases Full
Ifrs Leases Full
IFRS 16 Leases
1. Introduction 5
2. Scope 7
2.1. Recognition Exemptions 7
3. Identifying a Lease 10
3.1. Applying the Definition of a Lease 12
3.2. Identified Asset 13
3.3. Obtaining Economic Benefits 16
3.4. Right to Direct the Use of the Asset 18
3.4.1. Relevant Decisions are Pre-Determined 20
4. Determining the lease term 21
4.1. Non-cancellable Period 21
4.2. Lessee Extension and Termination Options 22
4.3. Revisions to the Lease Term 26
5. Recognition and measurement 27
5.1. Lease Liability – Initial Recognition 28
5.2. Discount Rate on Initial Recognition 37
5.3. Right-of-Use Asset – Initial Recognition 45
5.4. Lease Liability – Subsequent Measurement 47
5.5. Right-of-Use Asset – Subsequent Measurement 48
5.6. Remeasurement of Leases 51
5.7. Lease Modifications 55
6. Presentation 60
7. Disclosure 63
8. Lessor accounting 65
8.1. Separation of Lease and non-Lease Components 65
8.2. Sub-Leases 66
8.3. Lease Modifications 68
8.3.1. Finance Leases 68
8.3.2. Operating Leases 69
8.4. Disclosure Requirements 70
9. Sale-and-Leaseback transactions 71
IFRS 16 Leases brings significant changes in accounting requirements for lease accounting, primarily for lessees. IFRS 16
replaces the existing suite of standards and interpretations on leases:
–– IAS 17 Leases (IAS 17);
–– IFRIC 4 Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease (IFRIC 4);
–– SIC 15 Operating Leases – Incentives (SIC 15);
–– SIC 27 Evaluating the Substance of Transactions Involving the Legal Form of a Lease (SIC 27).
This BDO In Practice sets out the requirements of IFRS 16 in relation to the classification and measurement of leases from
the perspective of lessees and lessors and compares those requirements to the previous standards, primarily IAS 17. It
should be noted that the guidance relating to lessor accounting remains largely unchanged from IAS 17, so the focus of this
publication is on the requirements for lessees.
Almost all leases are recognised in the statement of financial position as a ‘right-of-use’ asset and a lease liability. There
are narrow exceptions to this recognition principle for leases where the underlying asset is of low value and for short term
leases (i.e. those with a lease term of twelve months or less). The asset is subsequently accounted for in accordance with the
cost or revaluation model in IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment (IAS 16) or, if the right of use asset meets the definition of
investment property, in accordance with the requirements of IAS 40 Investment Property (the fair value model is required if
the lessee measures investment property at fair value). The liability and right-of-use asset are unwound over the term of the
lease giving rise to an interest expense and depreciation charge, respectively.
As noted above the guidance relating to lessors remains substantially unchanged from IAS 17. Lessors continue to account for
leases as either operating or finance leases depending on whether the lease transfers substantially all the risks and rewards
incidental to ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee. An exception is intermediate lessors, where the classification of
the sublease is determined with reference to the intermediate lessor’s right of use asset, and not the entire underlying asset.
Operating leases continue to be recorded as assets in the statement of financial position and lease income is recognised on a
straight line basis over the lease term. For finance leases, a lessor is required to derecognise the underlying asset and record a
receivable equal to the net investment in the lease, with a gain or loss on sale. Finance income is subsequently recognised at
the interest rate implicit in the lease over the lease term.
Effective date
The effective date of IFRS 16 is for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. For lessees there is a
choice of full retrospective application (i.e. restating comparatives as if IFRS 16 had always been in force), or retrospective
application without restatement of prior year comparatives. This results in the cumulative impact of adoption being recorded
as an adjustment to equity at the beginning of the accounting period in which the standard is first applied (the date of initial
Early adoption of IFRS 16 is permitted, but entities electing to do so must also apply IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with
Customers (IFRS 15) at the same time. Entities that do elect to early adopt IFRS 16 and apply IFRS 15 at the same time can
choose different transition methods for each standard. For example, an entity that chooses the modified retrospective
approach under IFRS 15 can use the fully retrospective approach under IFRS 16. The transition choices need not be the same
under both standards.
The scope of IFRS 16 is broadly similar to IAS 17 in that it applies to contracts meeting the definition of a lease
(see Section 3.), except for:
(a) Leases to explore for or use minerals, oil, natural gas and similar non-regenerative resources;
(b) Leases of biological assets within the scope of IAS 41 Agriculture held by a lessee;
(c) Service concession arrangements within the scope of IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements;
(d) Licences of intellectual property granted by a lessor within the scope of IFRS 15; and
(e) Rights held by a lessee under licensing agreements within the scope of IAS 38 Intangible Assets (IAS 38) for such items as
motion picture films, video recordings, plays, manuscripts, patents and copyrights.
BDO comment
At the time of publication of this IFRS in Practice, the IFRS Interpretations Committee has published a Tentative Agenda
Decision in respect of a customer’s right to access a supplier’s application software hosted on the cloud, for a specified term.
The Tentative Agenda Decision has concluded that the licensing arrangement would fall within the scope of IAS 38 Intangible
Assets, and not IFRS 16, because sub-paragraph (e) above gives a list of items as examples and so does not restrict its scope
to only those items. Consequently, it is concluded that the scope exclusion from IFRS 16 applies to all rights held by a licensee
under licensing arrangements.
Assuming the Agenda Decision is finalised largely as drafted, it will be necessary to consider the effect of the clarification of the
scope of IFRS 16 and IAS 38, both for licenses entered into prior to the adoption of IFRS 16 (which may have been accounted for
as leases under IAS 17) and subsequently.
Short-term Leases
Short-term leases are defined as ‘leases that, at the commencement date, have a lease term of twelve months or less. A lease
that contains a purchase option is not a short-term lease.’
BDO comment
This exemption simplifies the application of the standard for short-term leases significantly.
It is important to note that the IFRS 16’s definition of ‘lease term’ must be considered carefully before concluding that a
lease is a short-term lease. In particular the lease term must include the effect of options to extend or terminate a lease. This
means that it will be unlikely to be possible to keep a lease off balance sheet by, say, structuring the contract with an initial
term of 11 months and 29 days, with extension options for further periods of 11 months and 29 days, or by including periodic
lessor termination options. This is because the ‘lease term’ as defined includes periods covered by extension options that are
reasonably certain to be exercised by the lessee and the existence of termination options exercisable only by the lessor are
However, where the lease is not enforceable by either party (i.e. they both have an option to terminate the lease without
permission from the other with no more than an insignificant penalty) then the lease term would take into account those
termination options.
Determining the lease term is discussed in more detail in Section 4. below.
BDO comment
The standard does not provide very much guidance to assist in assessing what ‘low value’ means. Examples are provided to
allow preparers to analogise the comparative cost of assets, but this may become problematic in the future as assets become
more or less expensive due to technological advancement, which may increase the functionality of equipment and/or decrease
its cost. The Basis for Conclusions to the standard notes the value of USD 5,000 as being an amount the IASB had in mind when
finalising IFRS 16 towards the end of 2015, but this was not included in the standard itself.
The assessment of low value should be applied consistently, regardless of the lessee’s size and nature. This is illustrated in the
following two examples.
As all leases (except for the limited exceptions described in Section 2.) will be recorded ‘on balance sheet’, a key consideration
is whether a contract meets the definition of a lease in IFRS 16:
Note: a period of time may also be described in terms of an amount of use of an asset
An entity only reassesses whether a contract is, or contains, a lease subsequent to initial recognition if the terms and
conditions of the contract are changed.
BDO comment
Non-lease components exist in numerous types of lease agreements. For example, they may arise from maintenance included
in the lease payments for vehicles, or common area maintenance costs for multi-unit real estate leases to cover shared
costs such as security, cleaning, etc. In determining whether an entity will elect to include non-lease components in the
measurement of the lease contract, entities should consider the cost vs. benefit of determining stand-alone prices for the
individual components.
Additionally, for non-lease components such as common area maintenance costs, entities should consider whether such costs
are variable in nature and not dependent on an index or rate, and therefore would not be included in the lease measurement
regardless of the accounting policy choice (see Section 5.1 for discussion of common area maintenance and variable lease
Combining Contracts
It may be necessary to combine two or more contracts to assess whether the combined transaction constitutes a lease. For
example, the substance of multiple legal agreements entered into at or near the same time with the same counterparty (or
parties related to the counterparty) might only be understood when viewed as a single, composite contract. Combination of
contracts is required when:
(a) The contracts are negotiated as a package with an overall commercial objective that cannot be understood without
considering the contracts together;
(b) The amount of consideration to be paid in one contract depends on the price or performance of the other contract; or
(c) The rights to use underlying assets conveyed in the contracts (or some rights to use underlying assets conveyed in each of
the contracts) form a single lease component.
Unit of Account
IFRS 16 is written in the context of accounting for the lease of a single asset. This means that the low value asset exemption
described in Section 2.1. above applies even if there is only a single lease contract for, say, 1,000 low value computers.
However, as a practical expedient to treating the unit of account as the lease of a single asset, an entity may apply IFRS 16 to
a portfolio of leases with similar characteristics if the entity reasonably expects that the effects on the financial statements
of applying the standard to the portfolio would not differ materiality from applying the standard to the individual lease
contracts within the portfolio. If it accounts for the leases on a portfolio basis, an entity is then able to make estimates
and assumptions that reflect the size and composition of the portfolio. Therefore, if an entity leases 1,000 vehicles under
1,000 separate contracts (i.e. each contract is for a single vehicle) it may be possible to consider the portfolio of leases as a
single right to use 1,000 vehicles, rather than 1,000 rights to use a single vehicle. It will depend on how similar the features of
each contract are (such as the specification of the vehicles) and the extent to which they were entered into at or around the
same time.
BDO comment
Judgement must be applied in determining whether the underlying asset is within the scope of IAS 16, IAS 38, or is a service
arrangement. The facts and circumstances related to the right to use the underlying asset must be analysed to determine the
appropriate accounting treatment. For example, if it is determined that the underlying asset is in the scope of IAS 16, a right-
of-use asset and corresponding lease liability would be recognised as per Section 5. below. In contrast, for a right to use an
intangible asset in the scope of IAS 38, an accounting policy choice exists. A lessee may, but is not required to, apply IFRS 16
to leases of intangible assets other than licensing agreements for items such as motion picture films, video recordings, plays,
manuscripts, patents and copyrights (which are excluded from the scope of IFRS 16).
The contract does not contain a lease; apply other applicable IFRSs
Substitution Rights
A supplier’s right to substitute an asset would be substantive, and therefore the customer would not account for a lease of
that asset, if both of the following conditions are met:
–– The supplier has the practical ability to substitute alternative assets throughout the period of use; and
–– The supplier would benefit economically from the exercise of its right to substitute the asset.
BDO comment
It is important to note that both of the above criteria must be satisfied for a supplier’s substitution right to be substantive. Some
contracts contain clauses where a lessor has the right to substitute an asset. However, unless the lessor has a compelling reason
to exercise this right, it is not substantive. In such a case, the substitution right may be protective (rather than substantive) to
ensure the supplier’s interest in the asset is maintained.
In addition, IFRS 16 requires that this substitution right must exist ‘throughout the period of use’. If a substitution right were to
only be exercisable upon the occurrence of a specific event, after a period of time has elapsed or on a specific date, than the
substitution rights would not be substantive for the purposes of IFRS 16 as they are not present ‘throughout the period of use’.
In situations where the asset is located at the lessee’s premises or elsewhere away from the lessor, the cost to substitute the
asset may outweigh any perceived benefit to the lessor. In addition, a supplier’s right to substitute an asset for the purposes
of repairs or maintenance (if the asset is not operating properly) or to be upgraded when a technical update becomes
available, does not mean the lessor has a substantive right of substitution.
In situations where it is not readily determinable whether a supplier has substantive substitution rights, a lessee must
presume that any substitution right is not substantive.
BDO comment
That the standard requires lessees to conclude substitution rights are non-substantive where it is unclear means that in
situations of doubt lessees should assume that the contract contains a lease. Consequently, notwithstanding the existence of
the substitution rights, if an asset is identified in the contract (by being explicitly or implicitly specified), further analysis of the
contract is needed to see if the other two conditions of the definition of a lease are met (see Sections 3.3. and 3.4. below).
Portions of Assets
A capacity portion of an asset may be an identified asset if it is physically distinct (e.g. a floor of a building). A capacity
portion of an asset that is not distinct (e.g. a specified capacity of fibre optic cable) is not an identified asset, unless it
represents substantially all of the capacity of the asset.
BDO comment
The requirement that a portion of an asset can meet the identifiability criterion can be seen as a potential ‘anti-avoidance’
provision of the standard. Without this provision, a contract could exclude an insignificant portion of an asset’s capability, and
not meet the identifiability criterion.
Although IFRS 16 makes reference to a capacity portion that is ‘physically distinct’, in our view this approach also applies when
a capacity portion is technologically distinct. For example, a lease could be of all of the light blue colour capacity of a fibre
optic cable. In that case, the light blue component would be an identified asset for the purposes of IFRS 16.
In assessing whether a customer has a right to substantially all the economic benefits from the use of an identified asset, the
assessment should be made based on the asset’s use within the defined scope of the contract. For example:
–– If a contract limits the use of a vehicle to only a particular geographic area, an entity assesses only the economic benefits
from use of the motor vehicle within that territory. It does not consider what economic benefits could be obtained had
there not been any geographical restriction in the contract.
–– If a contract specifies a machine can only be utilised during specific times of the day, an entity assesses only the economic
benefits from use of the machinery during that time of the day. It does not consider what economic benefits could be
obtained from using the machine 24 hours a day.
Economic benefits from use of the asset include its primary outputs (e.g. finished goods for a manufacturer to sell) and by-
products, including potential cash flows that are derived from these items. When considering economic benefits, emphasis
should be placed on the benefits derived from using the asset rather than on other incidental benefits.
A customer has the right to direct how and for what purpose an asset is used if, within the scope of its right-of-use defined
in the contract, it can change how and for what purpose the asset is used throughout the period of use. Certain decision
making rights are clearly more relevant than others. Those that affect the economic benefits derived from use of the asset
(as outlined in Section 3.3.) are the most relevant.
Examples of decision-making rights that may grant a customer the right to change how and for what purpose an asset is
used (depending on the circumstances), include rights to change:
–– The type of output that is produced by the asset (e.g. what type of food certain food processing equipment produces);
–– When the output is produced (e.g. the regular operating hours for equipment);
–– Where the output is produced (e.g. the physical location of machinery or destinations and routes for transport
equipment); and
–– Whether the output is produced, and the quantity of the output (e.g. to decide whether to produce energy from a power
plant and how much energy to produce).
Decision-making rights relating to operating or maintaining an asset do not grant the right to change how and for what
purpose the asset is used. However, the rights to operate an asset may grant a customer the right to direct the use of the
asset if the relevant decisions about how and for what purpose the asset is used is predetermined.
BDO comment
The guidance on determining who has the right to direct the use of the asset focuses on control. This is consistent with the
IASB’s focus on control being a primary element in determining whether transactions qualify for recognition in other recently
issued standards, such as IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements and IFRS 15 Revenue from Transactions with Customers.
However, it is slightly different from the current focus in IAS 17 on which party has the risks and rewards of the leased asset.
BDO comment
Assets that may fall into this category include those that are:
–– Technologically advanced such that they are designed for highly specific purposes;
–– Costly to modify or repurpose for other uses; and/or
–– Whose use is restricted based on regulation or law.
An entity is only permitted to include in its analysis decision-making ability that will occur during the term of the lease,
except in the situation described in (b) above where the customer designed the asset. In such a situation, an entity would
identify which elements were pre-determined by the decisions made prior to the asset being completed.
If a contract is, or contains, a lease, the lease term needs to be determined. The lease term begins on the commencement
date (i.e. the date on which the lessor makes the underlying asset(s) available for use by the lessee) and includes any rent-free
or reduced rent periods. It comprises:
(a) The non-cancellable period of the lease (Section 4.1.);
(b) Periods covered by an option to extend the lease if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option (Section 4.2.);
(c) Periods covered by an option to terminate the lease if the lessee is reasonably certain not to exercise that option
(Section 4.2.).
BDO comment
Requiring a lessee to estimate the likelihood of the lessor exercising termination options (or not exercising extension options)
would have necessitated making significant judgements about the intentions and economic conditions of lessors, for which the
lessee will often have only limited information. A lessee also has an unconditional obligation to pay for the right-of-use asset
during periods covered by lessor extension and termination options, unless and until the lessor decides to terminate the lease.
Therefore, the standard requires a lessee to assume that a lessor will continue to enforce a contract over the period of time
during which the lessor has the sole, unilateral right to terminate the contract.
In the second scenario above, in which both the lessee and lessor have termination options, IFRS 16 Paragraph B34 is
Example 10 – Assessment of Lease Term (both lessee and lessor have termination option)
Assume similar facts to the prior example except both the lessee and the lessor have a termination option at the end of
Year 5 with a zero termination payment.
A customer is considering entering into a lease for equipment to manufacture widgets.
The lease has a 5-year term, with an option to extend the lease for an additional 2 years. Either party can terminate the
lease at the end of the 5-year term with zero termination payment. The monthly rental payments escalate at an industry-
accepted rate based on inflation plus a margin. This escalation also applies to the additional 2-year period if the lessee
exercises its extension option.
The customer operates in a remote location where the cost of shipping and installation for pieces of equipment are
Paragraph B34 does apply, since both the lessee and lessor have a termination option. Therefore, the second requirement
of B34 is addressed to determine if there is no more than an insignificant penalty.
The contract specifies there is no monetary penalty; however, this is only one kind of penalty that could arise. There
needs to be no penalty of any type in order for the termination clause to have economic substance and the lease term to
be capped at 5 years. There could be other kinds of economic penalties in addition to those explicitly in the contract. In
this instance, due to the remote location and likely difficulty obtaining a new tenant along with the specialised nature of
the leasehold improvements, the lessor would have an economic penalty. In addition, as noted in Example 9, the lessee
would also have economic penalties. Therefore, the penalty is determined to be more than insignificant and the contract
is enforceable.
The term of the lease is then determined based on the lessee factors similar to Example 9 with the conclusion that
it is reasonably certain that the extension option will be exercised, and therefore, the lease term is estimated on
commencement of the lease to be 7 years. Therefore, it is important to note that a lease contract containing a mutual
termination option does not automatically limit the lease term to the period prior to the mutual termination option
becoming available.
BDO comment
Interaction between leasehold amortisation period and lease term
In amortising owned leasehold improvements in the scope of IAS 16, entities should consider the interaction between the lease
term and the period over which leasehold improvements are amortised, together with periodic re-estimations of the useful
life and related depreciation period. IAS 16.56 provides a number of factors to be considered when determining the useful life
of an asset for purposes of amortisation. Item (d) states that legal or similar limits on the use of the asset, such as expiry dates
of related leases should be considered. Entities should consider the determination of the lease term, including the effects of
Paragraph B34 or IFRS 16 in determining the period of time over which leasehold improvements should be amortised.
In situations where the maximum enforceable period of a lease is shorter than the otherwise determined useful life of
leasehold improvements, entities should carefully evaluate whether the lease term (as defined in IFRS 16) has been determined
The threshold for the determination of the useful life of leasehold improvements under IAS 16 (the expected period) is different
from the threshold for the inclusion of an option to extend a lease in the lease term (reasonably certain). Consequently, it is
necessary to consider both the useful life of the leasehold improvements, and which entity (the lessor or lessee) has the option
to extend or terminate a lease. For example, a lessee might enter into a 5 year lease of a property, with an option to extend the
lease for a further 5 years, and install leasehold improvements which have a useful life of 7 years. In this case, even if the lessee
concludes that the initial lease term is 5 years, in our view the lessee might conclude that the leasehold improvements should
be depreciated over a period of either 5 or 7 years as an accounting policy choice. However, in circumstances where the lease
extension is at the option of the lessor and not the lessee, the threshold for using a useful life for the leasehold improvements of
more than 5 years would be higher, and careful consideration of all facts and circumstances would be required.
At the commencement date of a lease, i.e. the date on which the lessor makes an underlying asset available for use by a
lessee, the lease liability and right-of-use asset comprise:
Payments Lease
commencement Liability
Certain Initial
Variable Direct
Payments* Costs
Costs of
Lease removal Right-of-Use
Guarantee* Liability restoring* Asset
Exercise made at
Price of or prior to
Purchase commencement
Discounted payments (see Section 5.2. – Discount Rate on Initial Recognition)
Fixed Payments
These include the set payments outlined in the lease contract. Some payments may be structured in a way such that they
appear to have variability, but based on their nature or circumstance are unavoidable and therefore are ‘in-substance fixed
lease payments’. In-substance fixed lease payments may take several forms:
–– Payments based on a presumed underlying assumption (e.g. that a leased asset will have to operate during the period);
–– Payments structured as containing genuine variable components, where the variable component will be resolved
during the term of the lease (e.g. payments that becomes fixed once the lessee’s base level of use of the asset has been
established in the first year). Such payments become in-substance fixed payments when the variability is resolved;
–– There is more than a single set of potential payments a lessee may have to make, but only one option is realistic;
–– There is more than a single set of potential payments, but at least one must be made. In this case, the minimum (on a
discounted basis) payments are the fixed lease payments.
BDO comment
In reaching the decision that variable lease payments that are linked to the future performance or use of an underlying
asset should be excluded from the definition of lease payments, some IASB Board members considered that these variable
payments do not meet the definition of a liability for the lessee until the performance or use occurs. Other IASB Board
members considered that all variable lease payments meet the definition of a liability for the lessee, with the decision to
exclude them from lease liabilities being made purely for cost benefit reasons (for example, to avoid the potential need
for lessees with turnover based lease payments to make estimates of sales far into the future), and in response to concerns
expressed by constituents about the high level of measurement uncertainty that would arise and the large number of leases
held by some lessees.
Variable Payments
Variable lease payments can take multiple forms. They may be indexed to a rate such as inflation, LIBOR or the consumer
price index, or be linked to the performance of the asset itself (e.g. a percentage of sales for a retail store in a shopping
The treatment of variable lease payments is summarised as:
In measuring the lease liability, Lessee does not make any estimate of how future changes in CPI will impact future lease
payments. Rather it assumes the initial lease payment will remain constant during the lease term.
BDO comment
Forecasting Indices and Rates
The IASB considered whether IFRS 16 should require entities either to forecast an estimate of what the index or rate will
be at each repricing date over the lease term, or to assume the index or rate in effect as at commencement date would be
constant over the lease term). Ultimately, the IASB rejected both of these approaches as they could require lessees to make
estimates using macroeconomic data that may not be readily available and the costs may outweigh the benefits to users of the
statements. Therefore, the final standard does not require a lessee to makes assumptions or obtain forecasts about the future.
Instead it requires the lessee to measure lease liabilities using lease payments that assume no changes to passing rent over the
remainder of the lease term.
However, as and when the amount of rent payable changes as a result of lease payments being linked to a rate or index, leased
assets and liabilities have to be remeasured. Long-term real estate leases often contain lease escalations linked to indexes such
as the consumer price index, inflation rates posted by government agencies or periodic uplifts to market rent. Section 5.6.
below covers such remeasurements in more detail.
Example 15 – Variable Lease Payments not included in the Initial Measurement of the Lease
Assume the same facts as Example 12 except that Lessee is also required to make variable lease payments for each year of
the lease, which are determined as 1 per cent of Lessee’s sales generated from the leased property.
At the commencement date, Lessee measures the right-of-use asset and the lease liability recognised at the same
amounts as in Example 12. This is because the additional variable lease payments are linked to future sales rather than to
a rate or index. Consequently, those payments are not included in the initial measurement of the leased asset and liability,
and so will be recognised in each period in addition to the depreciation and interest charges arising from the amounts
recorded on balance sheet.
Lessee initially recognises assets and liabilities in relation to the lease as follows:
BDO comment
Determining whether a lessee will exercise a purchase option at the end of a lease term may have a significant effect on the
initial measurement of the lease liability and right-of-use asset recognised in the financial statements.
The amount of judgement involved in this assessment is especially high for lease contracts with a significant lease term, as
uncertainties and assumptions inherently increase when the period of time covered by forecasts increases. It may therefore be
appropriate to disclose the judgements and estimates made in accordance with Paragraph 125 of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial
Other Consideration
A lease may include amounts payable by the lessee for activities and costs that do not transfer a good or service to the
lessee. For example, a lessor may include in the total amount payable a charge for administrative tasks, or other costs it
incurs associated with the lease. Such amounts do not give rise to a separate component of the contract, but are considered
to be part of the total consideration. This is common in leases of real estate, which require payments for items that do
not transfer a separate service, such as property taxes and insurance. The treatment of these payments would differ from
payments made for maintenance costs (such as common area maintenance costs in multi-unit property leases), which
do transfer a service to the lessee. The lessee first needs to determine whether there are certain payments that relate
specifically to a particular (lease or non-lease) component of the contract. Payments that cannot be directly attributed to
the individual (lease or non-lease) components are then allocated on a relative stand-alone basis to the lease and non-lease
However, for additional costs that are considered to form part of the lease payments, it is also necessary to determine
whether these constitute variable lease payments and, if so, whether they are based on an index or rate.
BDO comment
Use of rate of implicit in the lease vs. incremental borrowing rate
The rate implicit in the lease is the rate that would cause the present value of the lease payments and unguaranteed residual
to equal the sum of the fair value of the underlying asset(s) and initial direct costs incurred. Using the implicit rate presents the
true financing cost of leasing an asset as opposed to paying for it up-front or buying it outright without financing.
Allowing the incremental borrowing rate to be used acknowledges that a lessee is often not able to determine the implicit rate.
A lessor often does not disclose the rate in the contract, or may offer a rate as being promotional (i.e. a below market interest
rate), but also charges above-market lease rates to compensate for the low interest rate). Ultimately, to calculate the rate
implicit in the lease requires not only information about the fair value of the leased asset at the start of the lease, but also its
‘unguaranteed residual value’ (the fair value at the end of the lease if the residual value is not being guaranteed). However, in
many leases it will not be possible to make a reliable estimate of this, particularly where the lease term is less than the leased
asset’s useful economic life.
Therefore, it is likely that many lessees will use their incremental borrowing rate for a wide variety of leases.
Financing factors
IFRS 16 is clear that the intention of the discount rate guidance is to ensure the discount rate reflects how the contract is priced.
As the ‘base rate’ discussed above represents a risk-free rate of borrowing, it must be adjusted to consider the credit risk of the
This may be accomplished by obtaining credit spread information for the entity itself from recent borrowings; however,
obtaining this information specific to one particular entity may be difficult in practice. Entities may also consider utilising
industry data and making adjustments for the entity’s specific credit risks relative to industry composites.
It should be noted that in group structures where central treasury functions obtain financing for groups across multiple
jurisdictions, special considerations may apply. It is common for conglomerates and large corporate entities to centralise their
borrowing function in order to lower borrowing costs for the group as a whole through economies of scale. In determining
an appropriate incremental borrowing rate, entities must consider that it would generally not be appropriate to use a
’consolidated’ borrowing rate for the group as a whole. This is because a group borrowing rate generally considers the blended
credit characteristics of all entities in the group, which will normally differ from the terms of a lease obtained in each individual
subsidiary. For example, a group treasury rate for a revolving credit facility may consider guarantees and diversification
adjustments, which lower the rate for the group as a whole and not for each separate subsidiary. Upon consolidation of many
entities within a corporate group, the incremental borrowing rate may differ significantly across different entities that operate
in different geographic regions and industries, even if the underlying leased asset is similar.
Entity L is a new freight and logistics firm that has entered into a large number of leases for railcars in order to transport
its customers’ goods. It has also entered into a number of leases for smaller equipment such as automobiles and forklifts.
The interest rate implicit in the leases is not readily determinable, therefore, Entity L will discount the lease liability upon
initial recognition of the leases using its incremental borrowing rate. In determining the discount rate to apply to the total
portfolio of leases, Entity L elects to utilise the practical expedient to apply IFRS 16 to a portfolio of leases with similar
Entity L’s major lease portfolio consists of two major types of railcars: heavy rail and light rail, therefore, Entity L will
determine the discount rate for these portfolios of leases separately. These portfolios are hereafter referred to as the
‘heavy portfolio’ and ‘light portfolio’. The smaller equipment lease portfolio (e.g. automobiles and forklifts) is referred to as
the ‘minor equipment portfolio’.
For all leases, Entity L will make quarterly payments in advance of equal amounts over the related lease term.
Entity L applies the methodology discussed in the previous section to determine the discount rate for these three
Base rate for economic factors: similar economic environment, term and value
Heavy portfolio
Entity L analyses its portfolio of leases and notes that the lease terms vary between 4 and 6 years, with the leases being
evenly dispersed over that period (in number and value). Consequently, Entity L concludes that the weighted average lease
term is 5 years.
Entity L then reviews interest rates applicable to high quality bonds in its jurisdiction and notes that:
–– The bonds pay interest quarterly and have ‘bullet’ capital repayments on maturity
(in contrast to the lease liabilities which are amortising balances);
–– Interest rates for bonds with maturities of between 1 and 5 years rise evenly over the 4 year period.
Consequently, Entity L concludes that a reasonable approximation of the ‘base’ rate will be obtained by referring to the
interest rate for bonds with a 2.5 year duration. Utilising instruments with a duration equal to 50% of the weighted
average lease term accounts for the fact that the referenced bonds are bullet loans with ‘back loaded’ cash flows
compared to the cash flows of the lease, which are evenly dispersed. The base rate is determined to be 3.10%.
If the lease portfolio had been different, then additional analysis would have been required. For example, Entity L might
have found that while the average lease term is 5 years, there are a significant number of leases in this portfolio with lease
terms of 18 months-2 years compared to another large number of leases with terms of 7-8 years. While the applicable
reference bonds for these more granular segments carry different interest rates, Entity L would need to carry out a
sensitivity analysis to determine whether the use of a single 2.5 year reference rate would potentially have a material
impact in the measurement of the lease contracts.
In addition, if an approximation is used, it is necessary to revisit the approach as and when additional leases are added in
future to determine whether the approximation remains acceptable.
Light portfolio
Entity L performs an analysis similar to above, noting that the average lease term in the light portfolio is 3 years. The
applicable rate after referencing a series of high quality bonds in the applicable jurisdiction is 2.65%.
Minor equipment portfolio
The minor equipment portfolio is made of many different types of equipment with various lease terms ranging from 1
to 4 years, with lease terms and values evenly spread in this range. Entity L notes that the minor equipment portfolio
is immaterial in comparison to its railcar portfolios and to the financial statements as a whole Consequently, Entity L
considers that it is acceptable to use a 3.00% discount rate for the minor equipment portfolio of lease contracts, rather
than determining different rates for various sub-portfolios of different types of equipment with different lease terms.
Entity L performs a sensitivity analysis and notes that a reasonably possible shift in the discount rate would not result in a
material difference in the measurement of this portfolio. Although financing factors are also considered, an adjustment for
asset factors is not considered necessary as its effect would be immaterial.
Financing factors
Heavy portfolio
To adjust the base rate for credit risk factors, Entity L refers to the spread between the credit rating of bonds in the
reference portfolio compare to Entity L’s own credit risk. The credit rating for the bonds in the reference portfolio
were AAA, meaning they have a low risk of defaulting on the payments. Entity L consults with several banks in its
jurisdiction and obtains a number of different interest rate ‘spreads’ between AAA borrowers and Entity L for loans
of 2.5 years in duration. The average of these spreads is 1.75%.
Light portfolio
Entity L performs an analysis similar to above, however, for a reference portfolio with an average duration of 1.5 years
(i.e. half of the light portfolio’s weighted average lease term). The average of these spreads is 1.25%.
Minor equipment portfolio
Entity L considers the range of lease terms in this portfolio and the credit spreads for the heavy and light portfolios. It
concludes that a reasonable approximation of the credit spread applicable to the minor equipment portfolio is 1.50%.
Asset factors
Heavy portfolio
The base rate and credit spread determined above relate to an unsecured borrowing position. Entity L notes that the
security in its leases are the underlying right-of-use asset, therefore, an adjustment to the borrowing rate should take
this into account. Entity L consults with several banks on the adjustment to the rate on a secured borrowing position.
Entity L notes that in discussions with banks, they note that the underlying asset provides less relevant security than say,
commercial real estate in a major city centre, since realising on the underlying security (rail cars) is more difficult and
would include more significant costs. The adjustment for the asset factors is -0.45%.
Light portfolio
Entity L performs an analysis similar to above, however, the nature of the security (light rail cars) differs slightly. The banks
that Entity L consults that light rail cars are used less frequently and have shorter useful lives, therefore, the nature of the
security provides a lower adjustment than the heavy portfolio. The adjustment for the asset factors is -0.35%.
Combining the relevant factors together results in the following discount rates:
Heavy portfolio = base rate + financing factors + asset factors
Heavy portfolio = 3.10% + 1.75% + (-0.45%)
Heavy portfolio = 4.40%
Light portfolio = base rate + financing factors + asset factors
Light portfolio = 2.65% + 1.25% + (-0.35%)
Light portfolio = 3.55%
Minor equipment portfolio = base rate + financial factors
Minor equipment portfolio = 3.00% + 1.50%
Minor equipment portfolio = 4.50%
BDO comment
IFRS 16 emphasises that direct costs must be ‘incremental’ in the context of each individual lease (and not on the basis of a
portfolio of leases). This precludes an entity from making an allocation of administrative costs relating to obtaining a lease,
such as a portion of finance and management salaries. Such costs would not be incremental as they would be incurred
regardless of whether an entity enters into a specific lease.
Shipping and installation expenses are common costs that lessees incur to be able to use underlying lease assets. For example,
leased manufacturing equipment may require significant costs to install into a pre-existing assembly line.
The definition of ‘initial direct costs’ states that they are the cost of ‘obtaining a lease’; it is unclear as to whether this means
costs strictly related to executing the lease agreement (e.g. legal costs), or if this may include costs associated with the
underlying asset itself.
In our view, it is preferable for a lessee to capitalise costs associated with the physical underlying asset (e.g. shipping and
installation), as this produces consistency with the outcome if the lessee had purchased the asset outright. Despite this,
since IFRS 16 is unclear, we believe it is also acceptable for a lessee to expense initial direct costs that are associated with the
underlying physical asset.
CU 50,000 in advance plus PV of 4 payments at CU 50,000 and 5 payments at CU 55,000, discounted at 5%.
PV of 4 payments at CU 50,000 and 5 payments at CU 55,000, discounted at 5%.
Dr Cash CU 5,000
Cr Right-of-use asset CU 5,000
Interest Remeasu-
on Lease rements Lease
Initial Value
Carrying Payments (Sections Liability
Value 5.6., 5.7.)
Interest on the lease liability is recognised in profit or loss, unless it is included in the carrying amount of an asset as required
by another standard.
BDO comment
Situations where interest on lease liabilities may be capitalised into the cost of other assets include:
–– The production of inventory utilising leased equipment;
–– The construction of property, plant and equipment where leased assets are a component of the construction; and
–– The development of intangible assets where leased assets are a component of the directly identifiable costs to obtain or
develop those intangible assets.
Cost Model
(IAS 16)
Measurement Models
Revaluation Model
(IAS 16)
BDO comment
IFRS 16 references IAS 16 and IAS 40 for guidance on subsequent measurement, but it does not state that the right-of-use asset
in a lease contract is property, plant and equipment or investment property.
Right-of-use assets are therefore, a class of asset distinct from both property, plant and equipment and investment property.
Section 6 below discusses how right-of-use assets should be presented in the statement of financial position.
Cost Model
Under the cost model, an entity measures a right-of-use asset at:
–– Cost measured in accordance with Section 5.3. above;
–– Less accumulated amortisation (recognised in accordance with the depreciation requirements of IAS 16) and
accumulated impairment losses (recognised in accordance with IAS 36);
–– Adjusted for remeasurements (see Sections 5.6. and 5.7.).
The right-of-use asset is amortised over the lease term (see Section 4. above), unless the initial recognition contemplates the
exercise of a purchase option or the lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee by the end of the lease
term. In those cases, the right-of-use asset is amortised over the useful life of the underlying asset.
BDO comment
Componentisation of right-of-use assets
As IFRS 16 directs entities to record amortisation based on the requirements of IAS 16, and IAS 16.43 requires each item
with a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost be amortised separately. In our view, similar accounting is required
for right-of-use assets with significant components when the lessee is required to incur the cost of replacing or maintaining
such components. Componentising right-of-use assets into distinct units of account for amortisation purposes would create
significantly different amortisation expense for underlying assets that have differing useful lives for sub-components.
For example, aircraft leases often contain clauses requiring lessees to perform major overhaul and maintenance of aircrafts
based on specific increments of time and/or flight hours. If an aircraft lease contained a 10-year lease term, but the engines in
the aircraft would require replacement after 4 years at the cost of the lessee, then the engines should be amortised separately
over their 4-year useful life. Determining the basis for componentising significant leased assets may require significant
Revaluation Model
If right-of-use assets relate to a class of property, plant and equipment to which an entity applies the revaluation model
under IAS 16, a lessee may elect to apply the revaluation model to those right-of-use assets. An entity must be consistent in
its classification of a class of property, plant and equipment, and right-of-use assets for the purposes of IAS 16 and IFRS 16.
BDO comment
The option to apply the revaluation model for right-of-use assets where the same class of property, plant and equipment is
revalued under IAS 16 results in the potential for inconsistency because an entity is not required to apply the revaluation model
to those right-of-use assets. Therefore, an entity may have a group of owned assets (e.g. land and/or buildings) to which it
applies the revaluation model, whilst applying the cost model to property leases.
BDO comment
In contrast to the revaluation model, which may be used if applied to the same class of property, plant and equipment, the fair
value model must be applied to right-of-use assets meeting the definition of investment property where a lessee applies the
fair value model in IAS 40 to owned investment property.
Change in estimate of
residual guarantee
– Remeasure lease liability reflecting revised estimate of lease term
and cash flows
– Discount revised payments using original rate
– Adjust carrying amount of right-of-use asset by the same amount
so no gain or loss recognised
Change in index or
rate affecting payments
including market rent reviews
In most cases of a reassessment the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset is adjusted by the same amount as the
adjustment to the carrying value of the lease liability. Therefore, there is no immediate gain or loss; rather the impact of the
revised cash flows impacts the income statement over the remaining term of the lease. Exceptions to this general principle
are when a reduction in the carrying value of the lease liability is greater than the carrying value of the related right-of-use-
asset at the point of remeasurement, in which case the asset is reduced to nil and the excess is recognised in profit or loss,
and in many cases where a lease modification decreases the scope of an existing lease.
Note that prior period figures are not adjusted, with all of these remeasurements being accounted for prospectively.
Year(s) Payments
1 CU 10,000
2-5 CU 10,000 adjusted for CPI changes since the start of year 1
6 Market rent at the start of year 6
7-10 Market rent at the start of year 6 adjusted for CPI changes since the start of year 6
For initial measurement of the lease liability, the lessee uses the current market rent of CU 10,000 for 10 years.
Assume that CPI increases by 3% in the first year and therefore the payment for year 2 will be CU 10,300.
Consistent with Example 22, the cash flows for years 2-5 will be updated to CU 10,300 to reflect the revised cash flows.
The cash flows for years 6-10 remain variable since they will not become known until the market rent review occurs in
year 6.
The measurement issue is whether at the time of the remeasurement in year 2, should the lessee assume the payments
in years 6-10 should be calculated as CU 10,300 per annum since additional variability exists due to the eventual market
rental review to occur in year 6.
In our view, at the time of the remeasurement in year 2 due to CPI changes, all remaining 9 years of payments should be
calculated as USD 10,300, the base payment using the revised CPI rate. For the same rationale as discussed in Example 22,
when a remeasurement occurs, IFRS 16.42(b) states that it shall be based on the revised contractual payments. The fact
that multiple drivers of variability exist in the lease contract does not remove this requirement.
It should be noted that the circumstances above that resulted in the remeasurement of the lease liability and the right-of-
use asset did not arise from any modification to the contractual terms agreed between the lessor and the lessee. Instead
they arose from revisions to estimates and judgements made on the initial recognition of the lease. The accounting for lease
modifications is addressed in Section 5.7.
BDO comment
Judgement must be applied to assess whether the extension of lease terms between existing parties are treated as new leases
or the modification of the original lease. For example, consider a lease that does not include any renewal option. During the
lease term, the parties enter into a new lease for the same identified asset that commences when the original lease ends. This
change is not accounted for as a separate lease as it does not convey the right to use additional underlying assets; the asset in
question is the same. As such, in our view, the lease modification would be accounted for as at the time the agreement between
the lessee and the lessor is modified. The remeasurement would not be delayed until the end of the term on the original
underlying lease, since in substance, this is a modification to the contractual terms of the original lease.
BDO comment
The legal form of a lease agreement may be modified to add additional assets (e.g. additional floors of an office building). In
cases where the additional right-of-use assets are added to the contract at a price commensurate with their standalone price,
the modification is in substance a new lease contract and the modification is accounted for as a separate lease under IFRS 16.
The prevailing incremental borrowing rate at date of modification is used unless the implicit rate in the lease is readily
If a lease modification results in the lessee obtaining additional rights to use one or more underlying assets, but not at an
amount that is commensurate with the standalone price for the increase in scope, the liability is remeasured by discounting
all of the future lease payments as revised in the modified contract at the lessee’s prevailing incremental borrowing rate
(assuming the rate inherent in the lease is not readily determinable). It does not use the discount rate that applied to the pre-
modified lease payments. The remeasurement of the lease liability is adjusted against the carrying value of the right-of-use
asset such that no gain or loss arises as a result of the modification. The same accounting is applied if the term of the original
lease is extended without adding any additional rights to use any more underlying assets.
If the modification results in a decrease in scope (e.g. by reducing the lease term or reducing the amount of asset(s) that
are being leased) the accounting is more complex. Although the resulting liability is measured in the same way as above
by discounting the lease payments in the modified contract at the lessee’s prevailing borrowing rate, this adjustment is
undertaken in two steps:
–– Step 1: the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset at the date of modification is reduced to reflect the partial or full
termination on the lease, with the lease liability being reduced by the same proportion. The difference between the
carrying amount of the right-of-use asset and lease liability derecognised gives rise to a gain or loss.
–– Step 2: the carrying amount of the liability resulting from Step 1 is adjusted again to ensure its carrying amount equals
the future lease payments in the modified contract discounted at the prevailing incremental borrowing rate. This second
adjustment to the lease liability is accounted for by making a corresponding adjustment to the right-of-use asset. No gain
or loss is recognised in this step.
Entry required to adjust lease liability to the required revised balance of CU 129,884 (Step 2):
BDO comment
There are two consequences arising from the required accounting for lease modifications that reduce the scope of the lease
that may seem counterintuitive:
–– Firstly, a lease modification will often result in a gain. This is because at any point in time a lease liability will generally be
greater than the leased asset as higher interest charges in the earlier years of the lease result in the lease liability being
reduced at a lower rate than the straight line depreciation charge that is typically applied to the right-of-use asset. As the
adjustment in Step 1 results in the pre-modification carrying amounts of the right-of-use asset and lease liability being
reduced by the same proportion, generally more of the lease liability will be derecognised than the right-of-use asset.
This may not be the case if the right-of use asset is not being depreciated on a straight-line basis or the majority of lease
payments prior to modification were paid in advance and the reduction in scope was not resulting in a refund of those
advance payments;
–– Secondly, the gain will be the same irrespective of the amount by which future lease payments are being modified. This is
because it is Step 2 which ensures the carrying amount of the liability reflects the present value of future lease payments,
which is only adjusted against the right-of-use asset. No gain or loss arises from Step 2.
The accounting for this type of lease modification reflects that the reduction in scope was effected for nil consideration with
total future lease payments being recognised as an expense over the remaining term of the lease. Consequently, any change
in the lease cost that relates to future periods will be reflected in depreciation and interest expenses in those future periods.
This timing of expense recognition is therefore similar to how changes in operating lease expenses arising from a modification
if an operating lease would have been presented under IAS 17, albeit that under IFRS 16 the future expense is presented as
amortisation and interest charges, and not a single operating lease expense.
The requirements for the presentation of lease balances and transactions are summarised as follows:
Statement of Financial Position Statement of Profit and Loss Statement of Cash Flows
–– Right-of-use assets: present in its –– Interest expense with other –– Cash payments of lease liabilities
own line item or combine with finance costs. as financing activities.
property, plant and equipment, –– Amortisation of right-of-use –– Cash payments for interest
with separate disclosure.* assets.** in accordance with IAS 7’s
–– Lease liabilities: present separately requirements for interest paid.
or include with other liabilities and –– Short-term, low-value and variable
disclose which line item they have lease payments within operating
been included. activities.
Right-of-use assets that meet the definition of investment property are required to be grouped with investment property.
IFRS 16 does not require separate presentation of amortisation expense of right-of-use assets on the face of the income
statement, nor does it mandate which line item the amortisation expense should be included (which will in part be driven
by whether the entity presents its expenses ‘by function’ or ‘by nature’). However, the expense does need to be disclosed
by class of underlying assets in the notes.
IFRS 16.47(a)(i) states that if an entity wishes to group right-of-use assets with other assets, they must be grouped ‘within
the same line item as that within which the corresponding underlying assets would be presented if they were owned’.
For example, if a lessee had a right-of-use asset relating to a lease of heavy equipment, that right-of-use asset would be
grouped with property, plant and equipment in the statement of financial position, unless the lessee elects to present
right-of-use assets as a separate line item. Right-of-use assets are not aggregated with intangible assets on the face of the
statement of financial position.
The presentation requirements of IFRS 16 represent a fundamental change from those in IAS 17 as a result of leases
previously classified as operating leases having to be recognised on balance sheet. Whereas the lease expense would have
been charged in full as an operating expense, some of the expense will now be presented as a finance charge on the lease
liability. The balance of the charge, amortisation of the right-of-use asset, will still be charged in arriving at operating profit
but will, along with depreciation of property, plant and equipment, be categorised as a non-cash expense.
BDO comment
The presentation requirements may shift key metrics for entities significantly. EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation and amortisation) is often a key measure of short-term profitability for many industries and entities.
The timing of overall expenses being recognised in profit and loss will also change. See the example below for the effect on an
entity for a typical real estate lease.
Example 29 – Illustration of Effect on Profit and Loss for Leases Previously Classified as Operating
Entity C has a 5-year lease for the floor of an office building. It pays CU 75,000 a year and has an incremental borrowing
rate of 5% (the rate implicit in the lease is not readily determinable). The table below illustrates the impact on net income
and EBITDA depending on whether IAS 17 or IFRS 16 is used to account for the lease. Assume the entity has no other
transactions other than CU 100,000 of sales in each year.
IAS 17 IFRS 16
Amortisation Interest Operating Cost Net income Amortisation Interest Operating Cost Net income
Year 1 - - 75,000 25,000 64,942 16,235 - 18,823
Year 2 - - 75,000 25,000 64,942 13,297 - 21,761
Year 3 - - 75,000 25,000 64,942 10,212 - 24,846
Year 4 - - 75,000 25,000 64,942 6,972 - 28,086
Year 5 - - 75,000 25,000 64,942 3,571 - 31,487
Total - - 375,000 125,000 324,711 50,289 - 125,000
As illustrated, the net income for the entire 5 year period does not change, but the timing of expense recognition is faster
in IFRS 16 since the financing element (interest) is higher at the beginning of the lease and reduces over time. The more
significant difference is the calculation of EBITDA:
IAS 17 IFRS 16
Year 1 25,000 100,000
Year 2 25,000 100,000
Year 3 25,000 100,000
Year 4 25,000 100,000
Year 5 25,000 100,000
Total 125,000 500,000
1 2 3 4 5 year
BDO comment
IFRS 16 results in significantly higher EBITDA than under IAS 17, as all components of the expenses relating to the leases
(amortisation and interest expense) are added back.
Entities may need to revisit covenant and regulatory calculations, and financial statement users’ methods of analysing results
may need to be updated.
IFRS 16 has extensive disclosure requirements for lessees in both qualitative and quantitative form. Quantitative disclosure
requirements by primary statement include:
–– Additions to right-of-use assets. –– Depreciation for assets by class. –– Total cash outflow for leases.
–– Carrying value of right-of-use –– Interest expense on lease
assets at the end of the reporting liabilities.
period by class. –– Short-term leases expensed.*
–– Maturity analysis of lease –– Low-value leases expensed.*
liabilities separately from
–– Variable lease payments expensed.
other liabilities based on IFRS 7
–– Income from subleasing.
Financial Instruments: Disclosures
requirements. –– Gains or losses arising from sale-
and-leaseback transactions.
These disclosures need not include leases with lease terms of one month or less.
IFRS 16 requires that the quantitative disclosures should be presented in a tabular format, unless another format is more
appropriate. To the extent amounts are included in the carrying amount of other assets (e.g. interest on lease liabilities
capitalised into the cost of inventory), this must also be disclosed.
Other disclosure requirements include:
–– For right-of-use assets that meet the definition of investment property, the disclosure requirements of IAS 40, with a few
–– For right-of-use assets where the revaluation model has been applied, the disclosure requirements of IAS 16.
–– Where the short-term and/or low-value lease exemptions has been used, that fact as well as the amount of short-term
lease commitments, if the portfolio of short-term leases that gave rise to the current period expense is dissimilar to the
portfolio of short-term leases to which the lessee is committed at the end of the reporting period.
The accounting requirements in IFRS 16 for lessors are unchanged in most respects from IAS 17. Leases that transfer
substantially all of the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the underlying asset are finance leases. All other leases
are operating leases.
BDO comment
The IASB acknowledges there is asymmetry in lessee and lessor accounting under IFRS 16. For leases that are classified as
operating leases by the lessor, the lessee will also recognise an asset for the same underlying asset in its statement of financial
position: the lessor the actual asset and the lessee a right-of-use of that asset. However, feedback received during the project
indicated that, ultimately, a symmetrical approach to lessee and lessor accounting was not necessary. Lessor accounting
under IAS 17 was well understood and most users of financial statements did not adjust the financial statements of lessors
for the effects of leases, indicating that the lessor accounting model in IAS 17 provided the information that they required.
Consequently, the IASB concluded that the costs associated with making changes to lessor accounting at this point would be
difficult to justify, and therefore decided substantially to carry forward the lessor accounting model in IAS 17.
The areas that may affect lessors are those where IFRS 16 expands guidance or provides guidance on issues not previously
addressed in IAS 17, such as:
–– The new definition of a lease (see Section 3.);
–– Clarification that variable payments that depend on an index or a rate are factored in to the definition of lease payments,
and so could impact the assessment as to whether the present value of the lease payments amounts to substantially all
of the fair value of the underlying asset for the purposes of classifying a lease as a finance lease or operating lease;
–– Revised sale-and-leaseback guidance (see Section 9.);
–– Separation of lease and non-lease components in a contract (see below);
–– Sub-lease guidance (see below);
–– Guidance on lease modifications (see below); and
–– Enhanced disclosure requirements (see below).
8.2. Sub-Leases
A lessee may become an intermediate lessor if it sub-leases an asset it in turn leases from another lessor (the ‘head lessor’).
An intermediate lessor assesses whether the sub-lease is a finance or operating lease in the context of the right-of-use asset
being leased, not the actual underlying asset.
BDO comment
Sub-leases may result in right-of-use assets being classified as finance leases from the perspective of the lessor while being
classified by the head lessor as operating leases. In the example above, the underlying asset is real estate, which would typically
be classified as an operating lease by the lessor since most real estate leases do not transfer substantially all of the risks and
rewards of ownership.
However, because the asset held by the intermediate lessor is a right-of-use asset with a much shorter useful economic life, the
classification of the sub-lease by the intermediate lessor may differ from that of the head lessor.
Assessing whether a sub-lease is a finance or operating lease may be more difficult in situations where the whole asset is not
sub-leased (e.g. a portion of real estate for a portion of the head lease term).
When a head lease is short-term and the intermediate lessor takes advantage of the related practical expedient not to
recognise short-term leases in its statement of financial position in its capacity as a lessee, the intermediate lessor must
classify the sub-lease as an operating lease.
In summary, the accounting treatment required for a sub-lease depends on its classification by the intermediate lessor as
All other lease modifications – Apply the requirements of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.
The remeasurements above occur on the effective date of the lease modification on a prospective basis.
The standard requires the quantitative disclosures to be presented in a tabular format, unless another format is more
Similar to the lessee disclosure requirements, IFRS 16 requires a lessor to disclose additional qualitative information about
its leasing activities in order to provide users with a basis for assessing the impact on the financial statements from lease
This disclosure would include the nature of the lessor’s leasing activities and how the lessee manages risks associated
with those activities, including risk management on rights retained in underlying assets and risk management strategies
–– Buy-back agreements;
–– Residual value guarantees;
–– Variable lease payments for excess use; and
–– Any other risk management strategies.
In a sale-and-leaseback transaction (‘SALT’), an entity (seller-lessee) sells an asset to another entity (buyer-lessor) who then
leases it back to the seller-lessee. The seller-lessee can thereby immediately receive liquid funds from the buyer-lessor and
still keep its right to use the asset sold through the leaseback side of the contract. Often the fair value of the asset is greater
than its book value, and so entering into a SALT can result in an accounting profit being recognised.
The accounting for a SALT under IFRS 16 is significantly different to that required by IAS 17. Under IAS 17 a lessee defers the
gain on the sale side of the transaction if the resulting leaseback is classified as a finance lease. If the resulting leaseback
is classified as an operating lease, however, the gain could be recognised in full if the proceeds on the sale side of the
transaction are equal to the asset’s fair value, otherwise it would be deferred and spread over the lease term.
In order to determine the appropriate accounting treatment under IFRS 16, the sale must first be assessed as to whether
it qualifies as a sale in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 15 (please refer to BDO’s IFRS In Practice publication on
IFRS 15).
Transfer to buyer-lessor qualifies –– Derecognise asset and apply lessee –– Apply lessor accounting
as a sale accounting requirements. requirements to asset purchased.
–– Measure right-of-use asset as the
retained portion of the previous
carrying value.
–– Recognise gain/loss on the rights
transferred to the lessor.
Transfer to buyer-lessor does not –– Continue recognition of asset. –– Asset purchased is not recognised.
qualify as a sale –– Amounts received are recognised –– Amounts paid are recognised
as a financial liability under as a financial asset under
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.
If the sale side of the transaction does qualify as a sale under IFRS 15, similar to IAS 17 it is necessary to consider whether
the sales price as stated in the contract is equal to the asset’s fair value. In an arm’s length transaction it is highly likely that
the totality of the sale-and-leaseback transaction is on-market. However, this does not prevent the consideration received
on the sale side of the contract being off market, with compensating off-market lease payments on the leaseback side of the
transaction. Therefore, IFRS 16 requires the profit or loss on the sale side of the transaction from the lessee’s perspective (and
initial measurement of the asset purchased from the lessor’s perspective) to be determined by reference to the fair value of
the asset, not the stated contractual sale price. Consequently, lessees need to determine the fair value of the asset in order to
ensure they recognise the correct profit or loss on sale (as do lessors for the purposes of accounting for the cost of the asset)
rather than assuming the asset’s fair value equals the stated contractual sales price.
BDO comment
In determining the fair value of an asset in a SALT, there is uncertainty as to which of the requirements in IFRS a seller/lessee
should follow in determining that fair value. While IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement is typically the standard that provides
guidance on the determination of fair value, IFRS 13.6(b) scopes out leasing transactions accounted for in accordance with
IFRS 16. Fair value is defined in IFRS 16 itself, however, the definition of fair value in IFRS 16 is prefaced with ‘for the purpose of
applying the lessor accounting requirements in this Standard…’. Therefore, it is unclear which definition of fair value a seller/
lessee should apply when applying the SALT guidance in IFRS 16.
In our view, since IFRS 16 refers to IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers in determining whether the transfer of an
asset is accounted for as a sale, and IFRS 15 is included in the scope of IFRS 13 for fair value measurement, a lessee should refer
to IFRS 13 in applying the SALT guidance in IFRS 16.
If it is determined that the fair value of the asset is less than or greater than the contractual sales price, then the difference
is accounted for by the lessee as additional borrowing or a prepayment, respectively. Similarly, the lessor accounts for the
difference as rents receivable or deferred rental income, respectively, (if the leaseback is classified as an operating lease) or an
adjustment to the finance lease receivable (if the leaseback is classified as a finance lease).
In some cases, it may be easier to compare the contractual leaseback rentals to market rentals rather than the contractual
sales price to the fair value of the leased asset, in which case the standard also permits this approach when determining
whether both sides of the SALT transaction are at open market rates.
As a further complication in the calculation of the lessee’s profit or loss on disposal, it needs to be remembered that a seller-
lessee does not transfer control of the whole asset to the buyer-lessor, because it continues to control the same asset during
the leaseback period. It is only losing control of the asset subsequent to the leaseback period. Therefore, the seller-lessee’s
profit or loss on disposal will not simply be equal to the fair value of the asset less its carrying amount (as it may have been
under IAS 17). Instead, it is the amount of consideration attributable to the portion of the asset for which control has passed
to the buyer-lessor (i.e. monies received which do not have to be paid back to the lessor over the leaseback period) less the
portion of the asset’s carrying amount attributable to the period after the end of the leaseback and for which control has
passed to the buyer-lessor.
Dr Cash CU 2,000,0001
Dr Right-of-use asset CU 699,5552
Cr PPE (the property sold) CU 1,000,0003
Cr Lease liability CU 1,459,2004
Cr Gain on rights transferred CU 240,3555
Total cash received from the buyer-lessor.
The retained right-of-use of the asset sold is measured by reference to the previous carrying value of the property.
The fair value of the property is CU 1,800,000, whilst the fair value of the leaseback rental is CU 1,259,000
(i.e. CU 200,000 less than the repayments that the lessee is required to make). Therefore, the cost of the property
for which control has not passed to the buyer-lessor = CU 1,000,000 x CU 1,259,000/CU 1,800,000 = CU 699,355.
The previous carrying value of the property is derecognised.
Present value of future lease payments of CU 1,459,200 (CU 120,000 per year for 18 years, 4.5% annual
discount). This includes the difference between the consideration received and the fair value of the property
of CU 200,000 (CU 2,000,000 – CU 1,800,000). In other words, had proceeds on sale been on-market at
CU 1,800,000, then the present value of the leaseback payments would only have been CU 1,259,000. The
proceeds above market on the sale side of the transaction are therefore treated as additional financing.
The gain on sale is the balancing entry in the transaction, but can be reconciled as follows:
Gain = Proceeds attributable to the portion of the asset for which control is transferred
Carrying value of the portion of the asset for which control is transferred
Proceeds attributable to the portion of the asset being disposed:
= Total proceeds less total amount of financing received
= CU 2,000,000 - CU 1,459,200
= CU 540,800
Carrying value of the portion of the asset being sold:
= Carrying value less right-of-use asset retained
= CU 1,000,000 - CU 699,555
= CU 300,445
Therefore gain on disposal:
= CU 540,800 - CU 300,445
= CU 240,355
BDO comment
Application of IFRS 16 results in a consistent treatment for SALTs by lessees. The accounting required by IAS 17 varies depending
on whether the leaseback qualifies as a finance or operating lease.
SALTs are common for transactions involving real estate, which normally resulted in the leaseback being classified as an
operating lease by the seller-lessee under IAS 17. Due to the lessee having to exclude from the calculation of profit on disposal
the total consideration attributable to the financing received, the accounting required by IFRS 16 will typically result in smaller
gains on disposal when recognising the sale side of the transaction. Taking the same facts as the example above, IAS 17 would
have resulted in a profit on the sale side of the transaction of CU 800,000 (total proceeds of CU 2,000,000 less CU 200,000 to
be deferred less asset’s carrying value of CU 1,000,000), significantly more than the CU 240,355 recognised under IFRS 16.
It should be noted that the carrying value of the asset being sold and leased back must be at its appropriate carrying amount
following the application of other IFRSs prior to the SALT. For example, if land had a carrying value of CU 100,000 immediately
prior to a SALT, where the sales price (at the fair value of the land) was CU 90,000, the seller would have to apply IFRS 5, Non-
Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations prior to accounting for SALT. Applying IFRS 5.15, the seller would
measure the land at the lower of its carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. As the SALT is about to take place, the
lower of carrying amount (CU 100,000) and fair value less costs to sell (CU 90,000 from the SALT) is CU 90,000, therefore, the
land should be written down prior to the SALT accounting.
IFRS 16 is effective for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. Entities may early adopt the standard, but if they elect
to do so, they must also adopt IFRS 15 as there can be significant interactions between the two standards.
Significant transitional exemptions and simplifications are available to entities.
This approach results in an entity applying IFRS 16 to all periods presented as if it had always been applied.
Application of the full retrospective approach requires presentation of a third statement of financial position in accordance
with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. Further, there is only limited transitional relief related to applying the
definition of a lease as (discussed in Section 10.3.). This may lead entities to follow the modified retrospective approach
instead as it provides for significantly more transitional relief and also does not require presentation of a third statement of
financial position.
The modified retrospective approach does not require restatement of comparative periods. Instead the cumulative impact
of applying IFRS 16 is accounted for as an adjustment to equity at the start of the current accounting period in which it is
first applied, known as the ‘date of initial application’.
Lease liability
Equal to remaining lease payments using
incremental borowing rate at the
date of initial application to discount
Leases ROU asset*
(1) equal to the lease liability adjusted for prepaid
or accrued lease payments immediately before
the date of initial application; or (2) as if IFRS 16
had always been applied but using the incremental
Modified borrowing rate at the date of initial application***
Lease liability
Use previous carrying value of
finance lease liability
ROU asset
Use previous carrying value of
finance lease asset
The choice between options (1) and (2) may be made on a lease-by-lease basis. If option (2) is chosen, the rate to be used is the
incremental borrowing rate as at the date of initial application of IFRS 16, not the commencement date of the lease. No adjustment
is required to lease assets previously accounted for as investment property under the fair value model in IAS 40.
On transition, the issue arises as to whether leases accounted for as finance leases under IAS 17 must use the above-noted transition
guidance (i.e. bring forward the existing ’on balance sheet’ accounting), or whether finance leases that could be classified as low
value leases may follow that recognition exemption once IFRS 16 is adopted. For example, if a lessee had 1,000 laptop computer
leases that were classified as finance leases under IAS 17, the issue is whether those leases can be taken ‘off balance sheet’ if the
lessee chooses an accounting policy of using the low value lease exemption under IFRS 16, despite the transition guidance noted
above. In our view, the low value and short-term lease exemptions are ’gating’ type assessments, where leases are assessed under an
entity’s accounting policy for the scope of IFRS 16 prior to applying the transition requirements of the new standard. As such, finance
leases recorded in accordance with IAS 17 for leases that qualify for the low value exemption under IFRS 16 need not be accounted
for ’on balance sheet’ upon transition to IFRS 16 if the low value lease exemption is utilised. It should be noted that the low value
lease exemption is available on a lease-by-lease basis, therefore, entities may utilise the option as noted above in an inconsistent
manner if they wish to do so.
For leases acquired in a business combination prior to the date of initial application of IFRS 16, the question arises as to whether
the guidance to recognise the right-of-use asset ‘as if IFRS 16 had always been applied’ means the commencement date of the
lease should be that of the previous acquiree’s original lease commencement date (which will be prior to the date of the business
combination) or the date of the business combination itself. In our view, since the lease did not exist from the perspective of the
reporting entity (the acquirer), the right of use asset should be measured based on the commencement date being the date of the
business combination.
BDO comment
The modified retrospective approach may initially seem significantly simpler than the full retrospective approach simply
because there is no need to restate comparatives. However, lessees still need to calculate how much to bring on balance sheet
on the date of initial application for lease liabilities and, if the option to recognise at the same value as the lease liability is not
taken, a separate calculation will be needed to determine the initial measurement of right-of-use assets on that date.
The main reason the modified retrospective approach is simpler is because it provides for more practical expedients (see
below). However, current period financial statements will not be comparable with the prior period financial statements
as the comparatives are not being restated and, therefore, the financial statements will be potentially less relevant and
useful. Preparers should consult with relevant financial statement users and those charged with governance to assist them in
determining which approach to transition is most suitable for their needs.
BDO comment
Reconciling current and comparative year balance sheets
Under the modified retrospective approach comparative figures are not restated. This means that a lessee with a large portfolio
of operating leases that were not recognised in the statement of financial position under IAS 17 in the comparatives for the year
ended 31 December 2018 will recognise those leases in the statement of financial position for the first time on the date of initial
application of IFRS 16 (i.e. 1 January 2019).
To assist users in understanding the adjustment to equity made on the date of initial application to bring the leases on the
statement of financial position for the first time, IFRS 16 requires lessees to provide an explanation of any difference between
the amount disclosed as operating lease commitments in accordance with IAS 17 as at 31 December 2018 and the amount of
lease liabilities recognised on 1 January 2019. The primary reconciling items between these two figures would generally be the
effects of:
–– Discounting: amounts included in the operating lease commitment note would not have been discounted;
–– The assessment of renewal and termination options affecting the lease term as defined by IFRS 16, if different from the
assessment made under IAS 17; and
–– In-substance fixed payments: the lease commitment note may have considered only minimum lease payments.
Entities will need to ensure that their IAS 17 disclosures for operating leases are accurate in accounting periods prior to adoption
of IFRS 16 to avoid having to present a separate reconciling item in the year IFRS 16 is adopted for errors made in operating
commitments disclosed in the preceding financial year.
The extent of the disclosure that is required to explain the difference between previously disclosed lease commitments and
the opening lease liability as at the date of initial application will depend on the materiality of lease liabilities recognised. In
instances where lease liabilities are not material, entities may determine that disclosure of the operating lease commitments
discounted using the rate implicit in the lease or the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate, together with a narrative explanation
of the adjustment compared to previously disclosed lease commitments, is sufficient to meet this disclosure objective. For
entities with significant differences between lease liabilities recognised and previously disclosed lease commitments, more
detailed numerical disclosure in tabular format may be appropriate.
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Apply a single Rely on its Not recognise Exclude initial Use hindsight,
discount rate assessment of leases whose direct costs from such as in
to a portfolio whether a lease term ends within the measurement determining the
of leases with is onerous by 12 months of the of ROU assets at lease term if the
reasonably applying IAS 37 date of initial the date of initial contract contains
similar immediately application (use application. options to extend
characteristics. before the short-term lease or terminate the
date of initial accounting).** lease.
Practical expedient #2 is provided as an alternative to applying IAS 36, Impairment of Assets at the date of initial application, which is
a requirement if this practical expedient is not elected. If an entity applies IAS 36 instead of this practical expedient, an impairment
calculation is only required if indicators of impairment exist, since the determination of the recoverable amount is only required
in this case for assets other than indefinite life intangible assets and goodwill (IAS 36.9-10). If an impairment test is performed
because indicators of impairment exist, in our view, the impairment test is performed at the level of the individual lease, unless it is
not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual lease. In this case, leases would be grouped using methodology
similar to the guidance relating to cash-generating units (IAS 36.66). This may be the case in situations where certain leases do not
generate cash flows independent of other leases (e.g. leases for many different pieces of equipment that operate together to produce
inventory may need to be grouped together to determine impairment).
For lease contracts with tacit renewals (i.e. those that automatically renew with no action by the lessee or lessor), but which may be
terminated by both parties at any time with no penalty (which, for the purposes of IFRS 16 would be both financial and economic),
this practical expedient may be used if the period covered by each tacit renewal is twelve months or less. The lessee would continue
to account for the lease ‘off balance sheet’.
BDO comment
The number of options available to lessees on transition to IFRS 16 are extensive due to the two different approaches and
the range of practical expedients that are available. For lessees with significant lease portfolios, if the modified retrospective
approach is to be used it may take a significant amount of work, effort and time to:
–– Determine which practical expedients should be used;
–– Calculated the adjustments and amendments to systems and processes; and
–– Draft the required disclosures.
It would appear that the scope of practical expedient #2 is wide, in that provided an assessment of whether a lease was onerous
under IAS 37 was carried out (regardless of whether an onerous lease provision was required), there is then no requirement to
carry out an impairment test as at the date of initial application. For example, a retailer might have 100 stores and on the day
immediately before the date of initial application of IFRS 16, having assessed those leases, conclude that 10 of these require a
provision for an onerous lease. Although a provision has been made for only 10 leases, the practical expedient can be applied to
all 100.
Assessed as operating
under IFRS 16:
continue to account for
lease as operating lease
Operating Lease
(IAS 17)
Assessed as finance under
IFRS 16: account for lease as
new finance lease as of the
Sublease date of initial application
(IAS 17)
The issue is where the difference between the derecognition of the right-of-use asset and the recognition of the net
investment in the lease is recorded. To illustrate:
In our view, the guidance in IFRS 16 on the application of the modified retrospective approach provides sufficient guidance
in this scenario to record the balancing aspect of this entry in opened retained earnings (or another component of
equity, as appropriate), as IFRS 16.C7 states that the cumulative effect of applying the modified retrospective approach is
recorded in this manner.
Previous assessment of
lease under IAS 17
BDO comment
Under the transitional provisions, leases that arose from SALTs are accounted for in an identical way to other leases that exist
at the date of initial application, with other adjustments relating only to deferred gains and losses previously recognised
under IAS 17.
Given that some leasebacks may have arisen on a sale-and-leaseback transaction first entered into many years ago the
transitional provisions provide significant relief from full retrospective restatement. The specific transitional provisions in IFRS
16 for SALTS take precedence over the more general transition requirements for lessees. As such, when measuring the right-
of-use asset upon transition to IFRS 16, an entity that has previously entered into sale-and-leaseback transactions before the
initial date of application of IFRS 16 would not be permitted to measure the right-of-use asset at the proportion of the previous
carrying amount of the asset that relates to the right-of-use retained by the seller-lessee. The transitional provisions for sale-
and-leaseback transactions are expressed in absolute terms and not as options or exemptions.
Example 33
Entity A enters into a 10 year lease for a piece of equipment on 1 January 2016 and in the process, incurs CU 500 of initial
direct costs in the form of commissions, which were expensed under IAS 17. It will pay the lessor CU 1,500 per annum on
1 January of each year. The lease does not contain any termination, extension or purchase options. The rate implicit in
the lease is 7%. Entity A’s incremental borrowing rate as at 1 January 2019 is 5%. The lease was previously classified as an
operating lease under IAS 17. The following additional assumptions are made:
–– The contract meets the definition of a lease under both IAS 17 and IFRS 16;
–– The lease does not meet the low value or short-term lease exemptions under IFRS 16;
–– Entity A has a calendar year-end, so IFRS 16 is effective as of 1 January 2019; and
–– Entity A will use the cost model within IAS 16 to amortise the right-of-use asset.
The above facts are applied to each of the 3 approaches explained further in Sections 10.7.1., 10.7.2. and 10.7.3. below.
Certain Residual
Fixed Price of Termination Lease
Variable Value
Payments Purchase penalties Liability
Payments Guarantee
(1) The fixed payments are calculated at the present value of CU 1,500 per annum, 9 years of payments (the first payment
was made at lease commencement), and applying a 7% discount. If the rate implicit in the lease was not readily
determinable, the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at commencement date would be used.
(2) The lease does not contain any variable lease payments that depend on a rate or index such as inflation.
(3) The lease does not include a residual value guarantee.
(4) The lease does not include any purchase options.
(5) The lease does not include any termination options.
Costs of Payments
Initial made at Lease
Lease Removal Right-of-Use
Direct or prior to incentives
Liability and commence- Asset
Costs received
Restoring ment
(1) The lease liability component is equal to the value calculated in Step #1.
(2) Under the full retrospective approach, initial direct costs must be capitalised into the right-of-use asset. The practical
expedient to exclude initial direct costs from the measurement of right-of-use assets is only available to entities applying
the modified retrospective approach.
(3) The lease does not contain any costs of removal or costs to restore.
(4) The initial payment on the first day of the lease is capitalised into the right-of-use asset.
(5) The lessee has not received any lease incentives.
(A - B) x 7% A-B+C
Year ended Opening balance(A) Payment (B) Interest (C) Closing balance(D)
31 December 2016 CU 9,773 - CU 684 CU 10,457
31 December 2017 CU 10,457 CU 1,500 CU 627 CU 9,584
31 December 2018 CU 9,584 CU 1,500 CU 566 CU 8,650
The closing figures as at 31 December 2017 and 2018 are CU 9,419 and CU 8,242, which are the opening right-of-use assets
as at 1 January 2018 and 2019, respectively.
The figures calculated for the comparative period (31 December 2018) and the beginning of the comparative period
(1 January 2018) are therefore as follows:
In its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019, Entity A would also present the 31 December 2017 figures
in a third statement of financial position as required by IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, and the 31 December 2018
figures as its comparative figures.
Certain Residual
Fixed Price of Termination Lease
Variable Value
Payments Purchase penalties Liability
Payments Guarantee
(1) The fixed payments are calculated at the present value of CU 1,500 per annum, 7 years of payments remaining and
applying a 5% discount. The discount rate under the modified retrospective approach is always the incremental
borrowing rate as at the date of initial application even if the rate implicit in the lease is readily determinable. The lessee
makes payments on the first day of each year. However, this calculation is at the beginning of this period, which would be
before the advance rental payment on that day. CU 9,114 therefore equals to CU 1,500 payable on 1 January 2019 plus a
further 6 annual payments of 1,500 from 1 January 2020 discounted at 5%
(2) The lease does not contain any variable lease payments that depend on a rate of index such as inflation.
(3) The lease does not include a residual value guarantee.
(4) The lease does not include any purchase options.
(5) The lease does not include any termination options.
The figures calculated for the date of initial application (1 January 2019), the comparative period (31 December 2018) and the
beginning of the comparative period (1 January 2018) are therefore as follows:
This version of the modified retrospective approach is simplest in that it essentially requires a single calculation in most
instances for the outstanding lease liability on 1 January 2019. As can be seen from the above table, the comparative
period is not restated, so comparability between periods will be reduced. Additionally, the right-of-use asset is recorded at
an amount higher than it would if the full retrospective approach (see Section 10.7.1. above) or the second version of the
modified retrospective approach (see Section 10.7.3. below) were used. This will result in higher amortisation charges in
subsequent periods and less comparability with new leases entered into subsequent to the date of initial application.
Certain Residual
Fixed Price of Termination Lease
Variable Value
Payments Purchase penalties Liability
Payments Guarantee
(1) The fixed payments are calculated at the present value of CU 1,500 per annum, 9 years of payments (the first payment
was made at lease commencement) and applying a 5% discount rate, since the modified retrospective approach requires
the incremental borrowing rate as at the date of initial application to be used in the calculation.
(2) The lease does not contain any variable lease payments that depend on a rate or index such as CPI/inflation.
(3) The lease does not include a residual value guarantee.
(4) The lease does not include any purchase options.
(5) The lease does not include any termination options.
Costs of Payments
Initial made at Lease
Lease Removal Right-of-Use
Direct or prior to incentives
Liability and commence- Asset
Costs received
Restoring ment
(1) The lease liability component is equal to the value calculated in Step #1.
(2) Under the modified retrospective approach, a number of practical expedients are available to first-time adopters of
IFRS 16 (see Section 10.1.). In this example, Entity A is electing to use the practical expedient that excludes initial direct
costs from the measurement of right-of-use assets at the date of initial application. This simplifies Entity A’s accounting
process in that it is not necessary to analyse contracts for initial direct costs arising in the past. This practical expedient is
not available to entities applying the full retrospective approach.
(3) The lease does not contain any costs of removal or costs to restore.
(4) The initial payment on the first day of the lease is capitalised into the right-of-use asset.
(5) The lessee has not received any lease incentives.
The closing right-of-use asset as at 31 December 2018 is the opening figure as at 1 January 2019. Therefore CU 8,514 is the
right-of-use asset’s carrying value on the date of initial application.
The figures calculated for the date of initial application (1 January 2019), the comparative period (31 December 2018) and the
beginning of the comparative period (1 January 2018) are therefore as follows:
This version of the modified retrospective approach is more complex in that it requires retrospective calculation of the
right-of-use asset. However, it is simpler than full retrospective application in that practical expedients can be used and the
incremental borrowing rate as at the date of initial application must be used. The comparative period is not restated, so
comparability will be reduced. However, compared to the first version of the modified retrospective approach, the right-of-
use asset is recorded at a value closer to the amount which would have been calculated using the full retrospective approach.
The difference between the asset and liability recognised as at the date of initial application is recognised as an adjustment to
opening equity (e.g. retained earnings).
Note that the two versions of the modified retrospective approach can be adopted on a lease-by-lease basis, so a lessee
may use one method for certain leases and another method for a different set of leases. For example, an entity may wish to
use the second modified retrospective approach to its high-value leases (e.g. aircraft) as it reflects a figure for the right-of-
use asset which is closer to that required by the full retrospective approach. The first modified retrospective approach could
be used for portfolios of lower value leases to reduce the amount of work required (e.g. a company’s small fleet of cars) for
which there may be an immaterial difference compared to the second modified retrospective approach.
BDO comment
The differences between the amounts recognised, the amount of work involved, the practical exemptions available, and the
degree of comparability between current and comparative figures in the year of first-time adoption of IFRS 16 mean that
entities will need to weigh up their options carefully early in the transition planning process in order to decide which is the most
appropriate transition approach to follow for their circumstances.
Given that different entities will reach different conclusions about which is the most appropriate approach for their individual
circumstances, total comparability across entities will not be achieved. However, the IASB decided to provide entities with
these choices to make it as straightforward as possible to implement the new standard.
IFRS 16 has resulted in several consequential amendments to other IFRSs. A summary of the more significant amendments
IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of IFRS –– The option to use fair value as deemed cost in an entity’s opening statement of
financial position upon adopting IFRS has been extended to right-of-use assets.
–– If an entity elects not to apply IFRS 3 retrospectively to past business
combinations upon adopting IFRS, it still must recognise the acquiree’s lease
contracts based on the requirements of IFRS 16.
–– An entity may elect to follow several simplifications for initial measurement:
–– Measure the lease liability as the present value of remaining lease payments
discounted using the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at the date of
–– Measure the right-of-use asset at either:
(1) The amount that would have been recognised had IFRS 16 applied on
commencement of the lease except that it is discounted using the lessee’s
incremental borrowing rate at the date of transition; or
(2) An amount equal to the lease liability.
–– A right-of-use asset for a lease that meets the definition of investment property
and is measured using the fair value model would be measured at fair value on
adoption of IFRS.
–– A lessee may also use several other simplifications on a lease-by-lease basis:
–– Use a single discount rate for a reasonably similar portfolio of leases;
–– Elect not to measure leases that terminate within twelve months of the date
of transition to IFRS;
–– Elect not to measure leases where the underlying asset is of low-value;
–– Exclude initial direct costs from the measurement of right-of-use assets;
–– Elect to use hindsight (e.g. in determining the lease term if options exist).
IFRS 3 Business Combinations –– Clarifies that an acquirer recognises and measures an acquiree’s lease liabilities
and right-of-use assets using the principles in IFRS 16, and not at fair value, i.e.
leases acquired are accounted for as if they were new leases as at the acquisition
–– As IFRS 16 recognises leases ’on balance sheet’, separate intangible assets
relating to off-market operating leases acquired in a business combination prior
to the adoption of IFRS 16 will no longer be recognised. Instead, the acquirer
adjusts the initial measurement of the right-of-use asset to reflect favourable or
unfavourable terms when compared to market terms.
IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: –– Extends the exemption from disclosure of fair values of financial instruments to
Disclosures lease liabilities.
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments –– Permits lessors to measure finance lease receivables using lifetime expected
credit losses instead of the three-staged approach otherwise required by IFRS 9
for impairment of financial assets.
IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement –– Extends the scope exemption for the measurement and disclosure requirements
to leasing transactions within the scope of IFRS 16.
IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in –– Clarifies that lease liabilities are monetary liabilities and right-of-use assets are
Foreign Exchange Rates non-monetary assets.
IAS 40 Investment Property –– Significant editorial amendments to reflect that leased right-of-use assets may
meet the definition of investment property.
IAS 1:117(b) Disclose accounting policies that are relevant to understanding the financial statements (i.e. those for
material items).
IFRS 16:60 If a lessee accounts for short-term leases or leases of low-value assets applying Paragraph 6 of IFRS 16
(i.e. by not recognising a lease liability and corresponding right-of-use asset), disclose that fact.
IFRS 16 Leases is effective for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. This appendix provides example illustrative
disclosures that A Layout (International) Group might have provided had it adopted IFRS 16 two years earlier than required
on a fully retrospective basis. For entities using the modified retrospective method on adoption of IFRS 16 (i.e. not restating
comparatives), then the disclosure requirements of IAS 17 Leases apply to those comparatives. However, IFRS 16 also includes
disclosure requirements in the year of adoption when the modified retrospective method is used, an example of which is also
at the end of this appendix.
Accounting Policy
All leases are accounted for by recognising a right-of-use asset and a lease liability except for:
–– Leases of low value assets; and
–– Leases with a duration of twelve months or less.
Lease liabilities are measured at the present value of the contractual payments due to the lessor over the lease term, with
the discount rate determined by reference to the rate inherent in the lease unless (as is typically the case) this is not readily
determinable, in which case The Group’s incremental borrowing rate on commencement of the lease is used. Variable lease
payments are only included in the measurement of the lease liability if they depend on an index or rate. In such cases, the
initial measurement of the lease liability assumes the variable element will remain unchanged throughout the lease term.
Other variable lease payments are expensed in the period to which they relate.
On initial recognition, the carrying value of the lease liability also includes:
–– Amounts expected to be payable under any residual value guarantee;
–– The exercise price of any purchase option granted in favour of The Group if it is reasonable certain to assess that option;
–– Any penalties payable for terminating the lease, if the term of the lease has been estimated on the basis of termination
option being exercised.
Right-of-use assets are initially measured at the amount of the lease liability, reduced for any lease incentives received, and
increased for:
–– Lease payments made at or before commencement of the lease;
–– Initial direct costs incurred; and
–– The amount of any provision recognised where The Group is contractually required to dismantle, remove or restore the
leased asset (typically leasehold dilapidations – see Note 29).
Subsequent to initial measurement lease liabilities increase as a result of interest charged at a constant rate on the balance
outstanding and are reduced for lease payments made. Right-of-use assets are amortised on a straight-line basis over the
remaining term of the lease or over the remaining economic life of the asset if, rarely, this is judged to be shorter than the
lease term.
When The Group revises its estimate of the term of any lease (because, for example, it re-assesses the probability of a lessee
extension or termination option being exercised), it adjusts the carrying amount of the lease liability to reflect the payments
to make over the revised term, which are discounted at the same discount rate that applied on lease commencement. The
carrying value of lease liabilities is similarly revised when the variable element of future lease payments dependent on a rate
or index is revised. In both cases an equivalent adjustment is made to the carrying value of the right-of-use asset, with the
revised carrying amount being amortised over the remaining (revised) lease term.
IFRS 16:52 Disclose information about its leases for which it is a lessee in a single note or separate section in
its financial statements. However, a lessee need not duplicate information that is already presented
elsewhere in the financial statements, provided that the information is incorporated by cross-reference
in the single note or separate section about leases.
IAS 16:59 Disclose qualitative and quantitative information about its leasing activities necessary to meet the
disclosure objective in Paragraph 51 (as described in Paragraph B48). This additional information may
include, but is not limited to, information that helps users of financial statements to assess:
(a) The nature of the lessee’s leasing activities;
(b) Future cash outflows to which the lessee is potentially exposed that are not reflected in the
measurement of lease liabilities. This includes exposure arising from:
(i) Variable lease payments (as described in Paragraph B49);
(ii) Extension options and termination options;
(iii) Residual value guarantees;
(iv) Leases not yet commenced to which the lessee is committed;
(c) Restrictions or covenants imposed by leases; and
(d) Sale-and-leaseback transactions.
IFRS 16:B49 Additional information relating to variable lease payments that, depending on the circumstances, may
be needed to satisfy the disclosure objective in Paragraph 51 could include information that helps users
of financial statements to assess, for example:
(a) The lessee’s reasons for using variable lease payments and the prevalence of those payments;
(b) The relative magnitude of variable lease payments to fixed payments;
(c) Key variables upon which variable lease payments depend and how payments are expected to vary
in response to changes in those key variables; and
(d) Other operational and financial effects of variable lease payments.
When The Group renegotiates the contractual terms of a lease with the lessor, the accounting depends on the nature of the
–– If the renegotiation results in one or more additional assets being leased for an amount commensurate with the
standalone price for the additional rights-of-use obtained, the modification is accounted for as a separate lease in
accordance with the above policy;
–– In all other cases where the renegotiated increases the scope of the lease (whether that is an extension to the lease term,
or one or more additional assets being leased), the lease liability is remeasured using the discount rate applicable on the
modification date, with the right-of-use asset being adjusted by the same amount;
–– If the renegotiation results in a decrease in the scope of the lease, both the carrying amount of the lease liability and
right-of-use asset are reduced by the same proportion to reflect the partial of full termination of the lease with any
difference recognised in profit or loss. The lease liability is then further adjusted to ensure its carrying amount reflects the
amount of the renegotiated payments over the renegotiated term, with the modified lease payments discounted at the
rate applicable on the modification date. The right-of-use asset is adjusted by the same amount.
For contracts that both convey a right to The Group to use an identified asset and require services to be provided to
The Group by the lessor, The Group has elected to account for the entire contract as a lease, i.e. it does allocate any amount
of the contractual payments to, and account separately for, any services provided by the supplier as part of the contract.
BDO Comment Entities that apply the modified retrospective approach for adopting IFRS 16 (i.e. do not restate
comparatives retrospectively) are not required to provide comparatives on an IFRS 16 basis in the
period of adoption. Instead, comparative disclosures would be made in accordance with IAS 18 and
IAS 10 as appropriate.
IFRS 16:B50 Additional information relating to extension options or termination options that, depending on
the circumstances, may be needed to satisfy the disclosure objective in Paragraph 51 could include
information that helps users of financial statements to assess, for example:
(a) The lessee’s reasons for using extension options or termination options and the prevalence of those
(b) The relative magnitude of optional lease payments to lease payments;
(c) The prevalence of the exercise of options that were not included in the measurement of lease
liabilities; and
(d) Other operational and financial effects of those options.
IFRS 16:B51 Additional information relating to residual value guarantees that, depending on the circumstances, may
be needed to satisfy the disclosure objective in Paragraph 51 could include information that helps users
of financial statements to assess, for example:
(a) The lessee’s reasons for providing residual value guarantees and the prevalence of those guarantees;
(b) The magnitude of a lessee’s exposure to residual value risk;
(c) The nature of underlying assets for which those guarantees are provided; and
(d) Other operational and financial effects of those guarantees.
IFRS 16:B52 Additional information relating to sale-and-leaseback transactions that, depending on the
circumstances, may be needed to satisfy the disclosure objective in Paragraph 51 could include
information that helps users of financial statements to assess, for example:
(a) The lessee’s reasons for sale-and-leaseback transactions and the prevalence of those transactions;
(b) Key terms and conditions of individual sale-and-leaseback transactions;
(c) Payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities; and
(d) The cash flow effect of sale-and-leaseback transactions in the reporting period.
BDO Comment A Layout (International) Group has not entered into any sale-and-leaseback transactions and so
addition information required by IFRS 16:52 has not been given.
The Group sometimes negotiates break clauses in its property leases. On a case-by-case basis, The Group will consider
whether the absence of a break clause would exposes The Group to excessive risk. Typically factors considered in deciding to
negotiate a break clause include:
–– The length of the lease term;
–– The economic stability of the environment in which the property is located; and
–– Whether the location represents a new area of operations for The Group.
At both 31 December 2018 and 2017 the carrying amounts of lease liabilities are not reduced by the amount of payments
that would be avoided from exercising break clauses because on both dates it was considered reasonably certain that
The Group would not exercise its right to exercise any right to break the lease. Of the total lease payments of CU 7,327,000
(2017 – CU 6,878,000) is potentially avoidable were The Group to exercise break clauses at the earliest opportunity.
One of the contracts that The Group has with a distributor conveys to The Group the right to use certain vehicles for the
contractual term. The Group agreed to the inclusion of a residual value guarantee in favour of the supplier. This because
the pricing of the contract does not result in The Group having to pay full fair value of the vehicles, but as those vehicles
are under The Group’s control The Group is able to use the vehicles to such an extent that they would have little value
to the supplier at the end of the lease term. The alternative would have been to restrict the mileage use of the vehicles
over the lease term, but The Group did not wish to be operationally restricted on its ability to use the vehicles. The
amount of the residual value guarantee, which has been included in the carrying value of lease liabilities, is CU 1,475,000
(2017 – CU 1,475,000).
IFRS 16:52 Disclose information about its leases for which the entity is a lessee in a single note or separate section
in its financial statements. However, a lessee need not duplicate information that is already presented
elsewhere in the financial statements, provided that the information is incorporated by cross-reference
in the single note or separate section about leases.
IFRS 16:53 Disclose the following amounts for the reporting period:
(a) Depreciation charge for right-of-use assets by class of underlying asset;
(b) Interest expense on lease liabilities;
(c) The expense relating to short-term leases accounted for applying Paragraph 6. This expense need
not include the expense relating to leases with a lease term of one month or less;
(d) The expense relating to leases of low-value assets accounted for applying Paragraph 6. This
expense shall not include the expense relating to short-term leases of low-value assets included in
Paragraph 53(c);
(e) The expense relating to variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities;
(f) Income from subleasing right-of-use assets;
(g) Total cash outflow for leases;
(h) Additions to right-of-use assets;
(i) Gains or losses arising from sale-and-leaseback transactions; and
(j) The carrying amount of right-of-use assets at the end of the reporting period by class of underlying
IFRS 16:54 Provide the disclosures specified in Paragraph 53 in a tabular format, unless another format is more
appropriate. The amounts disclosed shall include costs that a lessee has included in the carrying amount
of another asset during the reporting period.
BDO Comment A Layout (international) Group has disclosed amounts in compliance with IFRS 16:53 (a), (b), (g), (h)
and (j) in a reconciliation of both right-of-use assets and lease liabilities rather than as standalone
amounts in a table. This is considered more appropriate as it facilitates a clearer picture of what
has given rise to changes in the carrying amounts of these items as well as enables ease of cross
reference to other parts of the financial statements. For example, the amounts in the reconciliation
for right-of-use assets would equal the amount included on the face of the statement of financial
position (if that presentation approach is chosen under IFRS 16), and the interest expense on lease
liabilities would tie into that component of total finance cost included in Note 9. Providing the
disclosures in the form of a reconciliation results in voluntary disclosures being given for the effect
of lease modifications, adjustments from revising variable lease payments linked to an index or rate,
and foreign exchange movements on the carrying amounts for both right-of-use assets and lease
IFRS 16:56 If right-of-use assets meet the definition of investment property, apply the disclosure requirements in
IAS 40. In that case, a lessee is not required to provide the disclosures in Paragraph 53(a), (f), (h) or (j)
for those right-of-use assets.
Right-of-Use Assets
Land and buildings Plant, machinery and motor vehicles Total
CU’000 CU’000 CU’000
Lease liabilities
Land and buildings Plant, machinery and motor vehicles Total
CU’000 CU’000 CU’000
BDO Comment A Layout (international) Group has disclosed amounts in compliance with IFRS 16:53 (c), (d), (e), (f)
and (i) in a table as required by Paragraph 54. Income from sub-leases is already disclosed in Note 5
and, in accordance with IFRS 16:53, the disclosure is not duplicated here. A Layout (International)
Group has not entered into any sale-and-leaseback transactions in the current or prior period.
IFRS 16:55 Disclose the amount of its lease commitments for short-term leases accounted for applying
Paragraph 6 if the portfolio of short-term leases to which it is committed at the end of the reporting
period is dissimilar to the portfolio of short-term leases to which the short-term lease expense disclosed
applying Paragraph 53(c) relates.
IFRS 16:57 If a lessee measures right-of-use assets at revalued amounts applying IAS 16, disclose the information
required by Paragraph 77 of IAS 16 for those right-of-use assets.
BDO Comment A Layout does not measure right-of-use assets at revalued amounts and hence these disclosures are
not applicable.
IFRS 16:58 Disclose a maturity analysis of lease liabilities applying Paragraphs 39 and B11 of IFRS 7 Financial
Instruments: Disclosures separately from the maturity analyses of other financial liabilities.
BDO Comment The same format has been used for disclosing the maturity of other liabilities in Note 3 as the
disclosure might more appropriately be included within the same table in Note 3 rather than
separately within the separate lease note.
2018 2017
CU’000 CU’000
Disclosures applicable only to entities not applying IFRS 16 on a fully retrospective basis
IFRS 16:C13 If a lessee elects to apply this Standard using the modified retrospective approach, disclose:
(a) The weighted average lessee’s incremental borrowing rate applied to lease liabilities recognised in
the statement of financial position at the date of initial application; and
(b) An explanation of any difference between:
(i) Operating lease commitments disclosed applying IAS 17 at the end of the annual reporting
period immediately preceding the date of initial application, discounted using the incremental
borrowing rate at the date of initial application; and
(ii) Lease liabilities recognised in the statement of financial position at the date of initial application.
BDO Comment A Layout (International) Group has chosen to provide this explanation by presenting a numerical
The numerical reconciliation presents the adjustment to discount the total population of lease
commitments as at 31 December 2017 first. An alternative approach would be to first subtract
all leases that are to be excluded from recognition under IFRS 16 due to the short-term and low
value exemptions. A Layout (International) Group could then apply the discount rate and other
adjustments to this modified population of leases that are to be recognised ‘on balance sheet’
under IFRS 16.
IFRS 16:C14 If a lessee uses one or more of the specified practical expedients in Paragraph C10, it shall disclose that
Disclosures applicable only to entities not applying IFRS 16 on a fully retrospective basis
The weighted average incremental borrowing rate applied to lease liabilities on 1 January 2018 was 6.24%.
The aggregate lease liability recognised in the statement of financial position at 1 January 2018 and The Group’s operating
lease commitment at 31 December 2017 can be reconciled as follows:
In applying the modified retrospective approach, The Group has taken advantage of the following practical expedients
[delete as appropriate]:
–– A single discount rate has been applied to portfolios of leases with reasonably similar characteristics;
–– Impairment losses on right-of-use assets as at 1 January 2018 have been measured by reference to the amount of any
onerous lease provision recognised on 31 December 2017;
–– Leases with a remaining term of twelve months or less from the date of application have been accounted for as short-
term leases (i.e. not recognised on balance sheet) even though the initial term of the leases from lease commencement
date may have been more than twelve months;
–– Initial direct costs have not been included in the measurement of the right-of-use asset as at the date of initial
[Note: This relief is only relevant if the modified retrospective approach is applied by measuring the right-of-use asset
by reference to the amount of lease payments from lease commencement date. It is not relevant if the entity applies the
modified retrospective approach by reference to the measurement of the lease liability recognised on the date of initial
–– For the purposes of measuring the right-of-use asset hindsight has been used. Therefore, it has been measured based on
prevailing estimates at the date of initial application and not retrospectively by making estimates and judgements (such
as the term of leases) based on circumstances on or after the lease commencement date.
[Note: This relief is only relevant if the modified retrospective approach is applied by measuring the right-of-use asset
by reference to the amount of lease payments from lease commencement date. It is not relevant if the entity applies the
modified retrospective approach by reference to the measurement of the lease liability recognised on the date of initial
Commencement date of the lease The date on which a lessor makes an underlying asset available for use by a
(commencement date) lessee.
Contract An agreement between two or more parties that creates enforceable rights and
Economic life Either the period over which an asset is expected to be economically usable by one
or more users or the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained
from an asset by one or more users.
Effective date of the modification The date when both parties agree to a lease modification.
Fair value For the purpose of applying the lessor accounting requirements in this Standard,
the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between
knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.
Finance lease A lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership
of an underlying asset.
Fixed payments Payments made by a lessee to a lessor for the right to use an underlying asset
during the lease term, excluding variable lease payments.
Inception date of the lease The earlier of the date of a lease agreement and the date of commitment by the
(inception date) parties to the principal terms and conditions of the lease.
Initial direct costs Incremental costs of obtaining a lease that would not have been incurred if the
lease had not been obtained, except for such costs incurred by a manufacturer or
dealer lessor in connection with a finance lease.
Interest rate implicit in the lease The rate of interest that causes the present value of:
(a) The lease payments; and
(b) The unguaranteed residual value to equal the sum of:
(i) The fair value of the underlying asset; and
(ii) Any initial direct costs of the lessor.
Lease A contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to use an asset (the
underlying asset) for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
Lease incentives Payments made by a lessor to a lessee associated with a lease, or the
reimbursement or assumption by a lessor of costs of a lessee.
Lease modification A change in the scope of a lease, or the consideration for a lease, that was not part
of the original terms and conditions of the lease (for example, adding or terminating
the right to use one or more underlying assets, or extending or shortening the
contractual lease term).
Lease payments Payments made by a lessee to a lessor relating to the right to use an underlying
asset during the lease term, comprising the following:
(a) Fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), less any lease
(b) Variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate;
(c) The exercise price of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to
exercise that option; and
(d) Payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the
lessee exercising an option to terminate the lease.
For the lessee, lease payments also include amounts expected to be payable by the
lessee under residual value guarantees. Lease payments do not include payments
allocated to non-lease components of a contract, unless the lessee elects to
combine non-lease components with a lease component and to account for them
as a single lease component.
For the lessor, lease payments also include any residual value guarantees provided
to the lessor by the lessee, a party related to the lessee or a third party unrelated
to the lessor that is financially capable of discharging the obligations under the
guarantee. Lease payments do not include payments allocated to non-lease
Lease term The non-cancellable period for which a lessee has the right to use an underlying
asset, together with both:
(a) Periods covered by an option to extend the lease if the lessee is reasonably
certain to exercise that option; and
(b) Periods covered by an option to terminate the lease if the lessee is reasonably
certain not to exercise that option.
Lessee An entity that obtains the right to use an underlying asset for a period of time in
exchange for consideration.
Lessee’s incremental borrowing The rate of interest that a lessee would have to pay to borrow over a similar term,
rate and with a similar security, the funds necessary to obtain an asset of a similar value
to the right-of-use asset in a similar economic environment.
Lessor An entity that provides the right to use an underlying asset for a period of time in
exchange for consideration.
Net investment in the lease The gross investment in the lease discounted at the interest rate implicit in the
Operating lease A lease that does not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to
ownership of an underlying asset.
Optional lease payments Payments to be made by a lessee to a lessor for the right to use an underlying
asset during periods covered by an option to extend or terminate a lease that are
not included in the lease term.
Period of use The total period of time that an asset is used to fulfil a contract with a customer
(including any non-consecutive periods of time).
Residual value guarantee A guarantee made to a lessor by a party unrelated to the lessor that the value (or
part of the value) of an underlying asset at the end of a lease will be at least a
specified amount.
Right-of-use asset An asset that represents a lessee’s right to use an underlying asset for the lease
Short-term lease A lease that, at the commencement date, has a lease term of twelve months or
less. A lease that contains a purchase option is not a short-term lease.
Underlying asset An asset that is the subject of a lease, for which the right to use that asset has been
provided by a lessor to a lessee.
Unguaranteed residual value That portion of the residual value of the underlying asset, the realisation of which
by a lessor is not assured or is guaranteed solely by a party related to the lessor.
Useful life The period over which an asset is expected to be available for use by an entity; or
the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from an asset by
an entity.
Variable lease payments The portion of payments made by a lessee to a lessor for the right to use an
underlying asset during the lease term that varies because of changes in facts or
circumstances occurring after the commencement date, other than the passage of
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