The Study of Chili Pepper

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Vol:8, No:10, 2014

Efficacy of Garlic and Chili Combination Solution on

Cabbage Insect Pests and Crop Growth in Vietnam
Nguyen Minh Tuan, Bui Lan Anh, Bui Nu Hoang Anh

 Plutella xylostella (L.) [8], Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus)

Abstract—The study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), cabbage white butterfly, Pieris
Garlic and Chili combination solution on control of insect pests in rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), cluster caterpillars,
cabbage crop. The solution was sprayed at different intervals after Spodoptera litura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), beet
transplanting. The efficiency of Garlic and chili combination solution
armyworm, Spodoptera exigua Hübner (Lepidoptera:
on cabbage insect pests was measured. Results revealed that Garlic
and chili combination solution was the effectively reduced cabbage Noctuidae), the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer
insect pests. On other hand, the spray solution not only reduced the (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and turnip aphid, Lipaphis erysimi
number of days required for the cabbage growth but also greatly Kaltenbach (Hemiptera: Aphididae) [10]. Yield loss attributed
Open Science Index, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Vol:8, No:10, 2014

enhanced the leaf number, head diameter, head weight, and quality of to DBM can be as high as 100% [14], [15]. Global cost of
cabbage. Garlic and chili combination solution have positive effects control and yield loss attributed to DBM has recently been
on pests reduction and improve growth, yield and quality of cabbage
estimated between US$ 4 and 5 billion per annum [16].
Moreover, Brassica crops are of particular importance in
Keywords—Cabbage, Garlic, Chili, Diamondback moth, peri-urban environments and high farm gate prices have led to
Cutworm, Flea Beetle, Quality. the frequent overuse of insecticides. The situation is most
acute in the sub-tropics and tropics, where farmers often grow
I. INTRODUCTION crops continuously and apply mixtures of insecticides on a
weekly or sub-weekly basis. Insect parasitoids are active in
T HE vegetables are high yielding and provide nutritional
security, more employment, more cash and foreign
exchange [9]. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.), a member of
fields despite the heavy use of chemical insecticides in the
crop systems over the years. Overuse of pesticides has led to
Cruciferae and a useful vegetable, belongs to the genus resistance [2], [1], crop residue problems, environmental
Brassica. Cabbage and is related to turnips, cauliflowers and contamination and destruction of indigenous natural enemies.
brussels sprout [6]. The Food and Agricultural Organisation The frequent application of mixtures of pesticides also has a
[5] has identified cabbage as one of the top twenty vegetables considerable impact on the profit margins of growers.
and an important source of food globally. It has been However, biological control represents more sustainable
domesticated and used for human consumption since the alternatives to chemical control of cabbage insect pest; they
earliest antiquity [7], and now Cabbage is one of the most are urgently required and are potentially more economic. A
popular vegetable being grown globally in more than 90 number of Bt and NPV products were reported to have high
countries [13]. Cabbage crop is much preferred by the efficacy in killing the target pests with no side effects on the
growers because of assured yield and transportable capacity beneficials [11], [12]. Generally, the use of botanical
[13]. Cabbage is a rich source of vitamin A and C. The green insecticides is more sustainable and has a lower environmental
outer leaves of cabbage are richer in vitamin A, calcium and impact than synthetic insecticides [17]. However, current
iron than the white inner leaves. Headed cabbage are usually commercially extracted botanical insecticides such as
consumed as a cooked vegetable, or eaten fresh as an pyrethrum and azadirachtin tend to be relatively expensive
ingredient of coleslaws and mixed salads. and difficult for most smallholder farmers to obtain. To
The crop is grown worldwide under 3 mha. The chief constitute a viable technology for most of the world’s poor
constraints in the production of cabbage is pest complex right farmers, botanical insecticides must be based on plant
from germination till harvest. The most important pest species materials that are cheap and readily available and be simply
of these and other brassica crops is the diamondback moth prepared rather than requiring organic solvents and complex
apparatus. Further, extracts need to be benign to natural
N.M. Tuan is with Faculty of Agronomy, ThaiNguyen University of enemies in order to avoid secondary and resurgent pests, as
Agriculture and Forestry, Quyet Thang commune Thai Nguyen City, Viet well as having low phytotoxicity and protecting yields.
Nam (Corresponding author: Tel : +84 915-456-445; e-mail: Additionally the information about response of cabbage
B.L. Anh is with Faculty of Agronomy, ThaiNguyen University of vegetable by application of Garlic and chili solution in
Agriculture and Forestry, Quyet Thang commune Thai Nguyen City, Viet combination to control cabbage insect pests is so far lacking.
Nam (Tel : +84 973-051-734; e-mail: The Present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of
B.N.H. Anh is with Faculty of Economics, Thainguyen University
of Economics and Business Administration, Quyet Thang commune Thai Garlic and chili combination solution on insect pests and
Nguyen City, Viet Nam (Tel: +84 979-899-037; e-mail: cabbage growth under field condition.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(10) 2014 1146 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Vol:8, No:10, 2014

II. MATERIALS AND METHODS In heads of Cabbage vegetable ascorbic acid, known as
vitamin C, was measured by classical titration method using
A. Plant Materials and Treatment Design 2,6-di-chlorophenol indophenol solution in mg/100g sample
The experiment was carried out in Thai Nguyen University [4].
of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam from 2009 to 2010 in
C. Statistical Analysis
winter-spring. The experiment consists of three treatment
including the control was design in Randomized Complete The data obtained from the study were analyzed using SAS
Block Design (RCBD) with three replicated. The cultivar used 9.1 statistical software for each cultivar separately. The least
was KKcross and was transplanted at 40 x 50 cm spacing. significant difference was calculated following a significance
Each plot consisted of one hundred and five plants. The Garlic F-test (at p≤ 0.05)
and chili combination solution was sprayed at 15, 35 and 45
days after transplanting in the afternoon with a truck-mounted III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
motorized sprayed until dripoff.
A. Effect of Garlic and Chili Combination Solution on
1) Garlic Buld Extract Period Growth of Cabbage Vegetable
The outer layers of the matured garlic were peeled off. 200 Growth is function of various vegetative characters put
g of garlic were mixed with 1 L of water and ground with a together namely, height of plant, number of leaves, plant
Open Science Index, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Vol:8, No:10, 2014

blender to obtain garlic juice. This juice was thoroughly spread, no of secondary head, days to central head formation,
mixed with additional 1 L of water. The mixture was then days to secondary head formation, head size and harvest
sieved to obtain a uniform extract. duration. From the results obtained in Table I revealed that the
time of cabbage growth was significantly different among
2) Chilli Fruit Extract
treatment. The minimum period of pre-head initiation was
The matured chilli fruit was used to extract. 200 g of chilli found in early winter-spring with value of 24.08 days after
were mixed with 1 L of water and ground with a blender to transplanting by sprayed Garlic and chili combination + soap
obtain chilli juice. This juice was thoroughly mixed with 0.1%, followed by mid winter-Spring, Later Winter-spring
additional 1 L of water. The mixture was then sieved to obtain with value of 24.78 and 24.84 days, respectively, whereas the
a uniform extract. maximum period of pre-head initiation was recorded in
3) Soap untreated control. For the period of head formation, there were
significant differences among treatments concerning it (Table
Omo soap made of Unilever Company was used in this
I). In which, the control treatment was found to have the
highest value of 43.56, 42.69 and 41.86 days after
B. Data Collection transplanting in early winter-spring, mid winter –spring and
Twenty plants per plot were selected randomly for taking later winter-spring, respectively, whereas the period of head
observation regarding growth, and quality, time of pre-head formation was hastened due to application of Garlic and chili
initiation, time of head formation, and time of head maturity combination + soap 0.1%. Moreover, the earliest harvestings
were recorded. Numbers of leaves per plant were obtained by were obtained by sprayed Garlic and chili combination + soap
counting each green and functional leaf that existed on the 0.1% with value of 91.38, 90.38, and 90.18 in early winter-
plant at each sampling. Head diameter was measured across spring, mid winter spring and late winter-spring, respectively
the widest part of head. Average head weight was determined (Table I). It seems that application of Garlic and chili
to kilograms per head by weighing. The efficiency of Garlic combination + soap 0.1% treatment reduced the number of
and chili combination on cabbage insect pests was measured days required for the initiation of pre-head. This has also
by method of [3]. resulted in the earliness in the formation head and maturity of
Treatment Early winter spring Mid Winter spring Late Winter spring
Pre-head Head formation Head maturity Pre-head Head formation Head maturity Pre-head Head formation Head maturity
period period period period period period period period period
Control 25.14a 43.56a 93.51a 26.06a 42.69a 92.43a 26.13a 41.86a 91.43a
Soap 0.1% 24.33b 43.02ab 91.26b 24.97b 41.58b 91.38b 25.83b 41.05ab 90.94b
Garlic and Chili 24.08b 41.41c 91.38b 24.78b 40.48c 90.38c 24.84c 40.21b 90.18c
combination solution +
soap 0.1%
1. Mean in each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different at P≤ 0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(10) 2014 1147 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Vol:8, No:10, 2014

B. Effect of Garlic and Chili Combination Solution on plant. In which, the highest value was found in mid winter
Quality Parameters of Cabbage Vegetable spring by sprayed Garlic and chili combination solution +
soap 0.1%, followed by in late winter spring, early winter
1) Number of Leaf Per Plant spring with value of 29.68 , 28.21 and 27.25 number of leaf
The results summarized in Table II showed that, the per plant, respectively as compared to untreated control.
application of Garlic and chili combination solution + soap
0.1% had significant different effects on number of leaf per

Treatment Early winter spring Mid winter spring Late winter spring
Number of Head Head VitaminC Number of Head Head VitaminC Number of Head Head VitaminC
leaf/plant diameter weight (mg/100g) leaf/plant diameter weight (mg/100g) leaf/plant diameter weight (mg/100g)
(leaf/plant) (cm) (kg) (leaf/plant) (cm) (kg) (leaf/plant) (cm) (kg)
Control 24.27c 37.0c 0.75c 22.74c 27.82c 42.41c 0.90c 24.01c 25.53c 38.92c 0.81c 23.28c
Soap 0,1% 25.71b 45.48b 0.83b 23.15b 28.34b 51.90b 1.0b 24.95b 26.56b 47.84b 0.89b 24.71b
Garlic and Chili 27.25a 68.20a 1.60a 25.66a 29.68a 74.39a 1.92a 26.82a 28.21a 70.71a 1.72a 25.36a
combination +
Open Science Index, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Vol:8, No:10, 2014

soap 0.1%
1. Mean in each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different at P≤ 0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test.

2) Head Diameter and Head Weight C. Effect of Garlic and Chili Combination Solution on
As can be seen from Table II, the treatment that sprayed Control Cabbage Insect Pest
with Garlic and chili combination solution + soap 0.1% Insects from three major orders (Diamondback moth,
produced the maximum head diameter 74.39 cm, 70.71 cm Cutworm and Flea Beetle) were found associated with the
and 68.20 cm in mid winter spring, late winter spring and cabbage crop. As showed in Table III, the highest value
early winter spring, respectively, whereas the control (62.03%) was obtained with Garlic and chili combination
treatment produced the least of head diameter in all treatment. solution + soap 0.1%, followed by Soap 0.1% sprayed with
It can be seem that the head diameter of cabbage was value (8.26%), compared to lowest value of 0,0% was found
significantly influenced (p≤0.05) by application of Garlic and in untreated control in the case of Diamondback moth after
chili combination solution + soap 0.1% sprayed 5 days. Moreover, for Cutworm application of Garlic
For the head weight, data in Table II showed that there was and chili combination + soap 0.1% exhibited the maximum
significant head weight among treatments. In mid winter efficiency (56.55%), but untreated control gave the lowest
spring, application of Garlic and chili combination solution + value of 0.0%. In the same table data showed that, sprayed
soap 0.1% resulted the greatest head weight (1.92kg), Garlic and chili combination + soap 0.1% recorded the
followed by application of Soap 0.1% with value of 1.0 kg, maximum value of 88,16%, while the minimum value of 0.0%
whereas the lowest head weight (0.9kg) was obtained for was obtained in untreated control, which was found in the
untreated control. It is also clear from the results that case of “Flea Beetle” insect pest (Table III). It can be seem
application of Garlic and chili combination + soap 0.1% that sprayed Garlic and chili combination + soap 0.1% greatly
showed the higher head weight as compared to untreated efficiency in control insect pest cabbage vegetable as
control. This result was achieved in the late winter spring and compared to untreated control, which is in accordance with
early spring, respectively with the significantly difference at the finding of [11], [12].
(p≤0.05). It can be seem that application of Garlic and chili Plant extracts are known to possess toxic organic poison
combination + soap 0.1% greatly improve some parameter and that is effective in reducing insect pest population [21).
quality of Cabbage vegetable compared to control treatment. Moreover, several authors have shown the efficacy of
different plant materials as biopesticides for the control of
3) Vitamin C
different pest [18], [19]. Neem, West African black pepper,
The Vitamin C of Cabbage vegetable were significantly garlic bulb and African nutmeg, Lippia adoensis Hoschst have
(p≤0.05) influenced by application of Garlic and chili been reported to be effective against some crop pests species
combination + soap 0.1% in early winter-spring, mid winter [20]. Therefore, the results presented in this study showed that
spring and late winter spring. Data in Table II indicated that application of Garlic and Chilli combination solution on
the highest value of Vitamin C 26.82mg/100g in mid winter cabbage crop after five days sprayed significantly increased
spring, 25.66mg/100g in early winter spring, and 25.36 the efficiency on control BDM and other insect pests when
mg/100g in late winter spring was achieved in Garlic and chili compared with control treatment (Table III). It seems that
combination + soap 0.1% sprayed, while the untreated control garlic and chilli acts as a repellent for insects. Because, Garlic
gave the lowest value of 24.01mg/100g, 22.74mg/100g and and chilli produces a pungent alliaceous compound, which
23.28mg/100g, respectively. probably is responsible for its pest repellent attribute. This
results are in agreement with [22] who stated that ginger, chilli

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(10) 2014 1148 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Vol:8, No:10, 2014

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