ComboLog Memory
ComboLog Memory
ComboLog Memory
Applications Introduction
Reservoir delineation ComboLog is more cost effective to run because it requires significantly less rig
Hydrocarbon saturation time. The ComboLog system is less than half as long as conventional tools and
determination and imaging weighs about half as much, yet it gives you better, quicker and more accurate
Movable hydrocarbon answers—both in memory and real time.
determination When ComboLog works in memory mode,It can provide wireline-quality
Location of porous and permeable openhole logs without wireline. The tool string is powered by a battery sub, and
zones data are stored in nonvolatile memory chips housed in a memory sub. Log
Gas detection values are recorded in time-base and converted to depth logs when the string is
Lithology determination recovered at the surface. Using drill pipe conveyance methods, ComboLog
Well-to-well correlation enables fast and efficient logging in highly deviated wells and in horizontal wells
Thin-bed analysis with challenging hole conditions.
Less rathole needed for the shorter General Specifications
length, lowering drilling time and
Max Temperature 350°F (175°C)
Max Pressure 20000 psi (137.9 MPa)
More reliable performance for Tension 68000 lb
reduced downtime, which saves rig OD 92 mm
time Maximum logging speed 18 m/min
Better quality logs, more data and Data storage capacity 8 G bytes
higher resolution, revealing
hard-to-find pay zones
Fifty percent reduction in time
spent on location, significantly DOWNHOLE TOOLS
lowering operating costs Pipe Adapter (for 3-1/2’ and 5’ drillpipe)
Short-radius wells readily logged Battery Power Sub (BPS)
Casing Collar Locator (CCL)
Memory/ Spectralog /Orientation Tool (MSO)
Features Four Arms Centralizer Sub (FCS)
Acoustic Tool-Memory (ACT-M)
Overall length greatly reduced Hexapod Arms Caliper- Memory (HAC-M)
through the use of integrated Compensated Neutron Tool-Memory (CNT-M)
Litho-Density Logging Tool-Memory (ZDT-M)
sensors and reengineering
Dual Lateral log Tool-Memory (DLT-M)
Speed correction
Array Induction Tool-Memory (AIT-M)
Integrated Rxo measurement
Depth matching and borehole
Memory Control Box (MCB)
Laptop with PIDAS Software (with softdog)
Data Acquisition Panel-Memory (DAP-M)
For 5’
For 3-1/2’
Pipe Adapter
Applications Introduction
Test the ComboLog in shop The DAP-M (Data Acquisition Panel-Memory) is designed to be a standalone
Perform the shop calibration acquisition panel that provides field maintenance personnel with a means of
Real-time data acquisition and functionally testing and troubleshooting the ComboLog used in field
control operations. The DAP-M can acquire and process data from the various
ComboLog in time. It connects to a laptop running test software, it can be
used with the ComboLog in wireline mode.
Height 8.75 in. (22.23 cm)
Depth 25.2 in. (64 cm)
Width 19 in. (48.26 cm)
Weight 40 lbs. (18.14 kg)
Operating Temperature 32°F to 131°F (0°C to 55°C)
Storage Temperature -58°F to 149°F (-50°C to 65°C)
Maximum AC Power 240Vac
Minimum AC Power 100 Vac
Memory Control Box (MCB)
Applications Introduction
The MCB is designed to operate as:
Portable and easily moved
1. A battery condition tester
between PC’s
2. A universal interface box for programming and downloading data from MSO.
Logging battery status and
The box interfaces laptop running Windows XP (or upper) with ComboLog tools.
The MCB contains an auto battery depassivator that, on connection to the MCB,
Toolstring power monitoring
detects when a battery is unable to supply enough power and switches in the
Battery depassivator indicator
depassivating circuit. When the battery has finished depassivating, the
Battery voltage OK/LOW indicator
depassivating circuit automatically switches off.
Tool power & PC control indicators
On the front of the unit there is a LCD display where you can monitor tool
Program the MSO and
power. Tool power can also be monitored on the PC screen when the tool is
downloading data from MSO
running in monitor mode.
Hookload Depth
Sensor Recorder
Ethernet Cable
Mains Supply
Power Lead
Memory Control Box(MCB)
Swivel Sub (SWS)
Applications Introduction
The SWS Swivel Assembly allows different portions of the tool string to rotate
Different portions of the tool string independently. It allows unrestricted 360° rotation by means of an internal
to rotate independently slip-ring assembly. A swivel isolates an tool from the normal torque induced as
the spiral-wound wireline is lowered into and pulled out of the well. This torque
Unrestricted 360° rotation by means causes the tool string to rotate slowly — typically one or two rotations per 100 ft.
of an internal slip-ring assembly (30 m) of depth for a seasoned line. Typically, this rotation does not cause any
Battery Power Sub (BPS)
Applications Introduction
Provide the ComboLog power The Battery Power Sub (BPS) contains up to four battery packs
inside. When ComboLog is fitted with a BPS, the working time is
more than 50 hours.
Maximum Temperature 350°F (175°C)
Maximum Pressure 20,000 psi (137.9 MPa)
Tool Diameter 3.625 in. (92 mm)
Make-up Length 2m
Shipping Length 2.3 m
Weight 50 kg
Open Circuit Voltage 36 Vdc
Capacity 26 A*h @ 500 mA
Battery Pack Type Lithium Chloride
Maximum Tensile Force 20,000 lbs
Maximum Compressive Force 78,000 lbs
Casing Collar Locator (CCL)
Applications Introduction
The CCL tool measurement is based upon the principle that a changing magnetic
Depth Measurement
flux within the instruments sensor coil generates a voltage across the terminals of
that sensor coil. The magnetic field of a CCL magnet is affected by any
magnetically sensitive material close to it, such as the casing in a borehole. A
collar or joint in the casing changes the magnetic flux field including the flux
passing through the sensor coil ends adjacent to the magnets, causing an electric
voltage to be generated.
Max Operating Temp 350°F (175°C) for 10 hours
Max Press 20,000 psi (137.9 MPa)
Min Operating Temp 32°F (0°C)
Max OD 3-3/8 in. (86 mm)
Makeup Length 27.56 in. (0.7 m)
Ship Length 44.09 in. (1.12 m)
Weight 35.1 lbs. (15.9 kg)
Ship Weight 44.1 lbs. (20 kg)
Principle Magnetic Flux Change
Radial Resolution 360°
Temperature/Tension/Mud Resistivity (TTR)
Applications Introduction
The TTR is a 92 mm diameter high strength forge gauge sensor sub containing
Borehole temperature
three types of transducers for measurement of cablehead tension/ compression
force, borehole temperature, and mud resistivity.
Mud resistivity measurement.
The sub is optional and does not contain any electronics. It is supported by the
Tension and compression forces
MSO, which contains the electronics portion of the TTR.
Memory/Spectralog/Orientation Tool (MSO)
Applications Introduction
Data storage and control This tool is the memory and control center. Its main function is to collect
Lithology identification logging data and store these data in nonvolatile memory chips. It can
Determination of clay type and also control the tool string how to work. It also provides spectralog and
clay content orientation measurement.
Measuring bed thickness The ComboLog obtains power from BPS and communicates with MSO
Locating uranium by-product through the tool bus.
buildup in a cased well MSO also provides monitoring function of pressure sensor. When the
Identifying potential fracture zones specific pressure signal is detected , MSO supply or cut off power to the
Borehole orientation tool string.
Memory/Spectralog/Orientation Tool (MSO)
Max Temperature 350°F (175°C)
Max Pressure 20,000 psi (137.9 MPa)
Minimum Hole Diameter 4.75 in. (120.7 mm)
Tool Diameter 3.625 in. (92 mm)
Make-up Length 9 ft.- 0.27 in. (2.75 m)
Shipping Length 10 ft-5.76 in.(3.19 m)
Weight 132.3 lbs (60 kg)
Data Storage Capacity 4 G bytes
Tool Housing Material Titanium Alloy
Maximum Tensile Force 38,000 lbs (17,237 kg)
Maximum Compressive Force 78,000 lbs (35,381kg)
Maximum Logging Speed 30 ft/mim (9 m/min)
Measuring Range 0.04 to 3.5 MeV
Typical Oil Well Potassium, 0 to 20%
K, U, Th concentrations Uranium, 0 to 300 ppm
Thorium, 0 to 300 ppm
Maximum Measureable Gamma Ray 2500 API
Quantity Potassium 100 percent
Uranium 250 ppm
Thorium 700 ppm
Accuracy GR:±3% of measured value
K, U, & Th:±4% of measured value
Precision for standard shale
At 10 ft/min (3 m/min) GR:100 ± 1.5 API
K:2 ± 0.15 percent
U:6 ± 0.51 ppm
Th:12 ± 1.03 ppm
At 30 ft/min (9 m/min) GR:100 ± 2.6 API
K:2 ± 0.26 percent
U:6 ± 0.88 ppm
Th:12 ± 1.78 ppm
Gamma Ray Energy Range 0.06 to 3.5 MeV
Number of Energy Channels 256
Sensor Accuracy Azimuth ± 1.5 degrees
Deviation ± 0.25 degrees
Drift Azimuth Deviation range 9o to 90o DAZ ± 1.5 degrees
Deviation range 5o to 9o DAZ ± 6.0 degrees
Deviation range 1o to 5o DAZ ± 10.0 degrees
Four Arms Centralizer Sub (FCS)
Applications Introduction
The FCS Centralizer is a 3.38" O.D., inline centralizer . The device is optional,
Centralize the downhole tools
but is intended to be run in conjunction with GTS tools which require
centralization in the borehole.
Max Operating Temp 400°F (204°C), for 1.5 hours
Max Press 20,000 psi (137.9 MPa)
Minimum Hole Diameter 4.50 in. (114.5 mm)
Maximum Hole Diameter 16.0 in. (406.4 mm)
Tool Diameter 3.38 in. (85.9 mm)
Make-up Length 4 ft - 1.4 in. (1.25 m)
Shipping Length 5 ft - 6.3 in. (1.68 m)
Weight 83 lbs (37.65 kg)
Acoustic Tool-Memory (ACT-M)
Applications Introduction
Formation porosity from The ACT-M 4-channel Acoustic Electronics is responsible for the
compressional slowness data acquisition, downhole analysis, and telemetry interface and
Sonic waveforms for fracture is measurement of compressional△t. This tool was developed to
identification provide high quality compressional △t measurement with minimal
CBL and VDL for cased hole operations investment in a relatively small physical tool package.
cement evaluation
Hexapod Arms Caliper-Induction(HAC-I)
Applications Introduction
HAC-I is spring powered with 12 magnetic sensors (6 calipers),
Logging in either direction, down
logging in either direction (up or down), no motor required..
or up
Spring powered
Compensated Neutron Tool-Memory (CNT-M)
Applications Introduction
The CNT-M measures the hydrogen index of downhole formations. The
Indicate formation porosity in open
measurements are converted to porosity values, which in combination
or cased boreholes.
with density tool measurements provide an indication of lithology and gas
in zones of interest.
Dividing reservoir.
The CNT-M contains a radioactive source that bombards the formation
with fast neutrons. The neutrons are slowed, primarily by hydrogen atoms
Distinguish gas reservoir.
in the formation. Detectors count the slowed neutrons deflected back to
the tool. Because the CNT-M responds primarily to the hydrogen content
of the formation, the measurements are scaled in porosity units. The
CNT-M uses two thermal detectors to produce a borehole-compensated
thermal neutron measurement.
Litho-Density Logging Tool-Memory (ZDT-M)
Applications Introduction
The ZDT-M provides measurements of formation density, formation photoelectric
Porosity determination
factor, and borehole diameter. The density data are used to calculate porosity
Lithology analysis and identification
and determine the lithology. The combination of density and CNT-M data is used
of minerals
to indicate the presence of gas.
Gas detection
The maximum diameter of the ZDT-M is 96 mm, so it can adapt 4.5 in. holes. It
Hydrocarbon density determination
has a pad with a gamma ray source and two detectors. Magnetics shielding and
Shaly sand interpretation
high-speed electronics ensure excellent measurement stability. The ZDT-M
Rock mechanical properties
records the full-pulse-height gamma ray spectra from both detectors and
processes them into windows. Bulk density and photoelectric factor are derived
conventionally from the windows counts with enhanced quality control.
Dual Laterolog Tool – Memory (DLT-M)
Applications Introduction
The DLT-M tool measures formation resistivity and is designed primarily for use in boreholes
Rt determination in conductive mud. filled with highly conductive drilling fluids. DLT-M provides two resistivity measurements: a
Evaluate the water saturation. Shallow reading to investigate the formation near the borehole and a Deep reading to
measure farther out where the formation is less disturbed by drilling fluids. These two
readings are used to estimate the amount of hydrocarbon in a formation and the ease of
recovering that hydrocarbon.
Array Induction Tool-Memory (AIT-M)
Applications Introduction
Reservoir delineation AIT-M (Array Induction Tool-Memory) uses multi-spacing and
Determination of Rt multi-frequency measurements to acquire a complete set of data
Determination of Sw from the formations surrounding the borehole.
Hydrocarbon identification and AIT-M allows us to characterize invasion profiles, even in oil-based
imaging muds.
Determination of movable
hydrocarbons Specifications
Invasion profiling
Maximum Temperature 350°F (175°C)
Thin-bed analysis Maximum Pressure 20,000 psi (137.9 MPa)
Make-up Length 19 ft-0.58 in. (5.81 m)
Shipping Length 19 ft-11.39 in. (6.08 m)
Weight 394.6 lbs (179 kg)
Tool Diameter 3.625 in. (92 mm)
Minimum Hole Diameter 4.5 in. (114.3 mm)
Maximum Hole Diameter 20.0 in. (508 mm)
Logging speed(s)
Recommended 30 ft/min
Maximum 60 ft/min@4 samples per ft
100 ft/min@2 samples per ft
Focused Conductivities
Apparent Vertical Resolution 1 ,2 , 4 ft
Depth(s) of Investigation 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120 in.
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