Crystals For XRF

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Monochromating crystals

A monochromating crystal behaves Hence, the most important charac-

in X-ray spectrometry as does a teristic of a monochromating crystal
diffraction grating in optics. When is the double atomic spacing 2d,
Crystals for X-Ray Spectrometry rotated with respect to the incident CRYSTALS
which gives the largest wavelength
polychromatic beam (see figure), it to be diffracted.
will diffract the spectral component
The spectral analysis of X-rays emitted along with direction to satisfy The range of monochromators
by a sample after irradiation is both Bragg’s law, namely: supplied by Saint-Gobain Crystals
a powerful qualitative and quantita- 2d sin θ = n λ can be found in the table (next
tive analytical technique. It is based where integer n refers to the page), along with the usual surface
on the following phenomenon: an diffraction order. finish, within our control means, to
The spectral
atom relaxes analysis of X-rays
after excitation byemitted by a sample after irradiation is both the best intensity-resolution com-
a powerfulX-ray radiations
qualitative andat quantitative
specific analytical technique. It is based on promise. The optimum depends on
the followingwhich reveal thean atom relaxes after excitation by emitting
phenomenon: each specific case and strongly
TIAP crystal
identity of the emitting
X-ray radiations species.
at specific wavelengths, which reveal the identity of the reflects the nature of the set-up.
For species.
this spectral analysis Saint-
Gobain Crystals supplies two key
For this spectral analysis Saint-Gobain Crystals supplies two key
- The monochromating crystals Products available
- The scintillation detectors Monochromating crystals can be
• The monochromating crystals
• X-ray
The scintillation suppled in the two following shapes:
An spectrometerdetectors
basically - Flat
Products available
consists of:
An X-ray spectrometer basically consists - Curved onto a holder
•of:An excitation source which may be Monochromating crystals Monochromating crystals can be suppled
- Either a primary X radiation, in Flat in the two
plates can following shapes:un-
be supplied
which case
An excitation one refers
source whichto X-ray
may be A monochromating crystal behaves Flat
mounted or mounted into holders
either a primary Xspectrometry.
radiation, in which in X-ray spectrometry as does a Curved
suitable for onto a holder
industrial X-ray fluores-
- Orone
case anrefers
electron beam,
to X-ray inducing a
fluorescence diffraction grating in optics. When cence spectrometers. Other types of
so-called direct
spectrometry. Or an emission, used in
electron beam, rotated with respect to the incident Flat plates
holders can be
may also besupplied
inducing anddirect
a so-called scanning
emission, polychromatic beam (see figure), it or mounted into holders
request. The standard orientationsuitable
used in microprobes
electron and scanning
microscopes. will diffract the spectral component for industrial X-ray fluorescence
accuracy provided is 10 minutes. On
electron microscopes. along with direction to satisfy Bragg’s spectrometers. Other types of holders
•A monochromating crystal which is special request a one-minute
law, namely: 2d sin θ = n λ where may also be supplied on request. The
accuracy can be ensured.
A used to disperse the
monochromating various
crystal spectral
which is integer n refers to the diffraction standard orientation accuracy provided
components of the incident beam.
used to disperse the various spectral order. is 10 minutes. On special request a one-
components Natural quartz The curved plates used in such
•A detector of
in the incident
order beam. the
to measure minute accuracy can be ensured.
instruments as microprobes and
intensity of the various spectral lines Hence, the most important
A as
detector scanning electron microscopes are
order to measure
by the the
monochromator. characteristic of a monochromating The curved plates used in such
always supplied on tailor-made
intensity of the various spectral lines as crystal is the double atomic instruments as microprobes and scanning
singled out by the monochromator. spacing 2d, which gives the largest holders.
electron microscopes are always supplied
The detector offered by Saint-Gobain
wavelength to be diffracted. Twoon tailor-made
main types ofholders.
focusing configu-
Crystals is a X Scintibloc® which
The detector offered by Saint-Gobain Two main types of focusing configurations
rations may be considered:
combines a Nal(TI) scintillator PET crystal
Crystals combines a Nal(TI) or The range of monochromators may
- The be considered:
Johann geometry
directly coupled to a photomultiplier
BrilLanCe™ 380 scintillator directly supplied by Saint-Gobain Crystals The Johann geometry
with a low absorbing MIB or beryl- - The Johansson geometry
coupled to a photomultiplier with a low can be found in the table (next page), The Johansson geometry
lium entrance
absorbing MIB or window (seeentrance
beryllium brochure along with the usual surface finish,
“Scintillation detectors”). 3D curved crystal optics can be
window (see brochure “Scintillation within our control means, to the best 3D curved crystal optics can be provided
provided according to your special
detectors”). intensity-resolution compromise. The according to your special finishing
optimum depends on each specific
finishing requirements:
case and strongly reflects the nature - spherical
of the set-up. - toridal
- ellipsoidal
- conical
Single θ 2θ
- othersothers
(please inquire)
(please inquire)
crystalline plate
X-ray generator

Natural beryl
Catalogue of Saint-Gobain Crystals monochromators

Lithium fluoride Quartz Silicon Germanium
Crystal Antimonide
(1) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
Chemical formula LiF SiO2 InSb Si Ge
Crystal system Cubic Hexagonal (3) Cubic Cubic Cubic
a..................Å.... 4.027 4.913 6.48 5.431 5.658
b..................Å.... 4.913
c..................Å.... 5.405
Reflecting planes
(200) (220) (420) (1011) (1010) (111) (111) (220) (111) (220)
2d in Å 4.027 2.848 1.801 6.684 8.514 7.480 6.271 3.840 6.532 4.000
Usual surface finish Treated Treated Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished
or Treated
Reflectivity Intense Intense Average Good Good Intense Intense Average Intense Intense
Calibration elements Mo, Fe, Ti Mo, Fe Mo Cu Cu Si Cu Cu Cu Cu
Common From K Heavy Heavy As As Quantitative Extinction of even Extinction of even
applications to heavy elements elements Ge (111) PET analysis of order spectral lines order spectral lines
elements silicon
Lines Lines
splitting splitting

Ethylene Ammonium
Beryl Acid Phthalates
Pentaerythritol Diamine Dihydrogen
Crystal PET Dextrotartrate Phosphate
EDDT ADP (2) Thallium TIAP Rubidium RbAP Potassium KAP

Chemical formula C(CH2OH)4 C6H14N2O6 NH4H2PO4 3BeO,AI2O3 6SiO2 CO2HC6H4CO2TI CO2HC6H4CO2Rb CO2HC6H4CO2K
Crystal system Quadratic Monoclinic Quadratic Hexagonal Orthorhombic Orthorhombic Orthorhombic
a..................Å.... 6.16 8.97 7.530 9.21 6.63 6.55 6.46
b..................Å.... 6.16 8.808 7.530 9.21 10.54 10.02 9.61
c..................Å.... 8.74 5.959 7.542 9.17 12.95 13.06 13.33
β......................... 105° 33’
Reflecting planes (002) (020) (101) (1010) (001) (001) (001)
2d in Å 8.740 8.808 10.648 15.950 25.900 26.120 26.640
Cleaved or Polished or
Usual surface finish Polished Polished Cleaved Cleaved Cleaved
treated treated
Reflectivity Intense Average Average Average Intense Intense Good
Calibration elements Al, Si Al Mg Mg Na, Mg Na Na
Common Mg Na and F to Al Na to Al, up to Na to Al, up to
applications following F in emission F in emission
elements probes probes

(1) Other cuts can be supplied upon request.

(2) Noteworthy for its high radiation damage threshold (synchrotron). May also be supplied on request:
(3) The quartz unit cell is rhomboedric. The parameters given here Topaz (303) 2d = 2.712 Å
correspond to a multiple hexagonal cell, defined as for beryl by CsAP (001) 2d = 25.650 Å

a = b≠c
α= β = 90° y= 120°
on elements AI, Si AI Mg Mg Na, Mg Na Na

n applications Mg Na and F to AI Na to AI, up to Na to AI, up to

following F in emission F in emission
elements probes probes

uts can be supplied

quest. Wavelength λ
rthy for its high 1 2

n damage threshold H Element He

2d sin θ = nλ
otron). 240 3 113 4 Usual Alternative 67 5 44 6 31.60 7 22.71 8 18.30 9 14.62 10
rtz unit cell is Li Be
Crystal Crystal
12.394 B C N O F Ne
λ(Å) =
edric. The parameters E(keV)
11.91 11 9.89 12 8.34 13 7.13 14 6.16 15 5.37 16 4.73 17 4.19 18
ere correspond to a Na Mg Al S Cl Ar
Si P
e hexagonal cell,
as for beryl by 3.74 19 3.36 20 3.03 21 2.75 22 2.51 23 2.29 24 2.10 25 1.94 26 1.79 27 1.66 28 1.54 29 1.44 30 1.34 31 1.26 32 1.18 33 1.11 34 1.04 35 0.98 36

c K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
90° y= 120° 0.93 37 0.88 38 0.83 39 0.79 40 0.75 41 0.71 42 0.67 43 0.64 44 0.61 45 0.59 46 0.56 47 0.54 48 0.51 49 0.49 50 0.47 51 0.45 52 0.43 53 0.42 54

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
0.40 55 0.39 56 0.37 57 0.22 72 0.22 73 0.21 74 0.20 75 0.20 76 0.19 77 0.19 78 0.18 79 0.18 80 0.17 81 0.17 82 0.16 83 0.16 84 0.15 85 0.15 86

supplied on request: Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
2d = 2.712 Å 0.15 87 0.14 88 0.14 89

2d = 19.800 Å Fr Ra Ac 0.36 58 0.35 59 0.34 60 0.32 61 0.31 62 0.30 63 0.29 64 0.28 65 0.27 66 0.26 67 0.25 68 0.25 69 0.24 70 0.23 71

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
2d = 25.650 Å
2d = 52.500 Å Rare 0.13 90 0.13 91 0.13 92 0.12 93 0.12 94 0.12 95 0.12 96 0.11 97 0.11 98 0.11 99 0.10 100 101 102 103
Earths Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lw

ADP(101) InSb(111) LiF(200) LiF(220) Ge(111) TIAP(001) PET(002)

Photonic Products Crystals for X-Ray Spectrometry

The Johann geometry

A thin plate, produced by one of the two

following methods:

USA • Cleavage for LiF (200)-PET-TIAP-RbAP-KAP

Saint-Gobain Crystals • Machining for other materials, is further

33 Powers Street cylindrically curved and glued upon a holder
Milford, NH 03055
of curvature radius 2R. It is possible to
Tel: (603) 673-5831 or (800) 899-5831
Fax: (603) 673-1256 show that a beam emitted by a source at
S is approximately focused at F. The source
Europe and focus are both located on the so-called
Rowland circle whose radius is R
Saint-Gobain Crystals
104 Route de Larchant
BP 521
77794 Nemours Cedex, France
Tel: 33 (1) 64 45 10 10 The Johansson geometry
Fax: 33 (1) 64 45 10 01
Two different types of Johansson configurations,
South Korea theoretically leading to perfect focusing, are
Saint-Gobain Ceramics,
Crystals Division
Youngpoong Building, 15th FL • Single machining Johansson
33 Seorin-dong, Jongno-Gu • Double machining Johansson
Seoul, Korea (110-752)
Tel: 82-2-3706-9334 The illustrations represent the fabrication steps
Fax: 82-2-3706-9335 of Johansson plates in both techniques.

Saint-Gobain KK, Crystals Division

3-7, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 102-0083 Japan
Tel: 81 (0) 3 3263 0559
Fax: 81 (0) 3 5212 2196 Saint-Gobain Crystals will choose the most
appropriate technique according to the type of
China crystal, its dimensions and the radius of Rowland
circle to be achieved.
Saint-Gobain (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
15-01 CITIC Building
19 Jianguomenwai Ave.
The orientation accuracy is better than 10
Beijing 100004 China minutes, except for the Johann cleaved
Tel: 86 (0) 10 6513 0311 configuration, where it is 1 minute.
Fax: 86 (0) 10 6512 9843
Other types of curvature may be investigated
India on request. For example, curvatures on holders
shaped as logarithmic spiral, elliptic, parabolic,
Saint-Gobain Crystals and Detectors
Sy. No. 171/2, Maruthi Industrial Estate even spheric designs, interesting in plasma or
Hoody Rajapalya, Whitefield Main Road synchrotron radiation study and astrophysics.
Bangalore 560048 India
Tel: 91 80 42468989 Manufacturing capabilities will strongly depend
Fax: 91 80 28416501 upon the crystal nature and dimensions as well
as on the curvature radii.

Manufacturer reserves the right to alter specifications.

©2004-13 Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics, Inc. All rights reserved. (09-13)

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