Crystals For XRF
Crystals For XRF
Crystals For XRF
Natural beryl
Catalogue of Saint-Gobain Crystals monochromators
Lithium fluoride Quartz Silicon Germanium
Crystal Antimonide
(1) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
Chemical formula LiF SiO2 InSb Si Ge
Crystal system Cubic Hexagonal (3) Cubic Cubic Cubic
a..................Å.... 4.027 4.913 6.48 5.431 5.658
b..................Å.... 4.913
c..................Å.... 5.405
Reflecting planes
(200) (220) (420) (1011) (1010) (111) (111) (220) (111) (220)
2d in Å 4.027 2.848 1.801 6.684 8.514 7.480 6.271 3.840 6.532 4.000
Usual surface finish Treated Treated Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished
or Treated
Reflectivity Intense Intense Average Good Good Intense Intense Average Intense Intense
Calibration elements Mo, Fe, Ti Mo, Fe Mo Cu Cu Si Cu Cu Cu Cu
Common From K Heavy Heavy As As Quantitative Extinction of even Extinction of even
applications to heavy elements elements Ge (111) PET analysis of order spectral lines order spectral lines
elements silicon
Lines Lines
splitting splitting
Ethylene Ammonium
Beryl Acid Phthalates
Pentaerythritol Diamine Dihydrogen
Crystal PET Dextrotartrate Phosphate
EDDT ADP (2) Thallium TIAP Rubidium RbAP Potassium KAP
Chemical formula C(CH2OH)4 C6H14N2O6 NH4H2PO4 3BeO,AI2O3 6SiO2 CO2HC6H4CO2TI CO2HC6H4CO2Rb CO2HC6H4CO2K
Crystal system Quadratic Monoclinic Quadratic Hexagonal Orthorhombic Orthorhombic Orthorhombic
a..................Å.... 6.16 8.97 7.530 9.21 6.63 6.55 6.46
b..................Å.... 6.16 8.808 7.530 9.21 10.54 10.02 9.61
c..................Å.... 8.74 5.959 7.542 9.17 12.95 13.06 13.33
β......................... 105° 33’
Reflecting planes (002) (020) (101) (1010) (001) (001) (001)
2d in Å 8.740 8.808 10.648 15.950 25.900 26.120 26.640
Cleaved or Polished or
Usual surface finish Polished Polished Cleaved Cleaved Cleaved
treated treated
Reflectivity Intense Average Average Average Intense Intense Good
Calibration elements Al, Si Al Mg Mg Na, Mg Na Na
Common Mg Na and F to Al Na to Al, up to Na to Al, up to
applications following F in emission F in emission
elements probes probes
a = b≠c
α= β = 90° y= 120°
on elements AI, Si AI Mg Mg Na, Mg Na Na
c K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
90° y= 120° 0.93 37 0.88 38 0.83 39 0.79 40 0.75 41 0.71 42 0.67 43 0.64 44 0.61 45 0.59 46 0.56 47 0.54 48 0.51 49 0.49 50 0.47 51 0.45 52 0.43 53 0.42 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
0.40 55 0.39 56 0.37 57 0.22 72 0.22 73 0.21 74 0.20 75 0.20 76 0.19 77 0.19 78 0.18 79 0.18 80 0.17 81 0.17 82 0.16 83 0.16 84 0.15 85 0.15 86
supplied on request: Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
2d = 2.712 Å 0.15 87 0.14 88 0.14 89
2d = 19.800 Å Fr Ra Ac 0.36 58 0.35 59 0.34 60 0.32 61 0.31 62 0.30 63 0.29 64 0.28 65 0.27 66 0.26 67 0.25 68 0.25 69 0.24 70 0.23 71
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
2d = 25.650 Å
2d = 52.500 Å Rare 0.13 90 0.13 91 0.13 92 0.12 93 0.12 94 0.12 95 0.12 96 0.11 97 0.11 98 0.11 99 0.10 100 101 102 103
Earths Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lw