G01 20 VD 101 (Sizing Sheet) 3 Phase

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Distributor and Nozzles Horizontal Knock Out Drum (General Data) Boot Detailed Calculation Supplemental Data
Detailed Calculation Boot Design Wire Mesh Pad

Project: GT New Feed PJ

Job Code: 0-5004-20-0000
Client: Sonatrach
Item: G01-20-VD-101
Service: LP Slug Catcher Condensate Flash Drum
No./item: 1
1. Operating Conditions 3. Liquid Level Holding Volume and Time Option: (HEAD VOLUME INCLUDED)
Liquid Vapor Water Hold. Volume Hold. Time
Flowrate kg/h 2091 12.76 1185 Total Flowrate 3288 kg/h HHLL to BTL mm 700 mm HHLL to HLL ### m3 HHLL to HLL ### min
Density kg/m3 683.9 7.49 982.4 Ave Density 551.1 kg/m3 HLL to BTL mm 600 mm HLL to NLL ### m3 HLL to NLL ### min
Viscosity cP 0.4510 0.0123 0.4788 Ave Viscosity 0.40 cP NLL to BTL mm 500 mm NLL to LLL ### m3 NLL to LLL ### min
Ave Vol Flowrate 6 m3/h LLL to BTL mm 400 mm LLL to LLLL ### m3 LLL to LLLL ### min
LLLL to BTL mm 300 mm LLLL to BTL ### m3 LLLL to BTL ### min
2. Vessel Dimensions
4. Vapor/Liquid Separation Check
Drum Diameter mm 1200 Total Volume (head excluded) 2.83 m3 Minimum NLL HLL HHLL
Drum Length mm 2500 Holdup Vol. (HLL~LLL) #VALUE! m3 Inlet Nozzle from TL mm 250 #VALUE! Horizonal Velocity #VALUE! #VALUE! ### m/s
Head shape - 2:1 Ellipse Holding time ### min Outlet Nozzle from TL mm 200 #VALUE! Allowable Velocity #VALUE! #VALUE! ### m/s
Req. Hold. Time min 3 L/D Ratio 2.08 - Droplet Diameter micron 150 % Rating #VALUE! #VALUE! ### %


mL (kg/h) = 2090.88 mV (kg/h) = 12.76 VAPOR
Inlet Nozzle from TL ρL (kg/m3) = 683.9 ρV (kg/m3) = 7.49 OUT

Outlet Nozzle from TL
= 250 mm μL (cP) = 0.451 μV (cP) = 0.01233 = 200 mm Actual Droplet Velocity
σL (dyne/cm) = 0

Actual Vel (m/s) = #VALUE!

HHLL Actual Horizontal Velocity
Allowed Vel (m/s) = #VALUE!
700 mm Rating (%) = #VALUE! Actual Vel (m/s)= ###
Allowed Vel (m/s) = ###
HHLL to HLL Rating (%) = ### Actual Vel (m/s) = H#VALUE!
Hol Vol (m3) = #VALUE! Allowed Vel (m/s) = ###
600 mm Hol Time (min) = #VALUE! Rating (%) = ###

Hol Vol (m3) = #VALUE!
500 mm Hol Time (min) = #VALUE!


Hol Vol (m3) = #VALUE!
400 mm Hol Time (min) = #VALUE!


Hol Vol (m3) = #VALUE!
300 mm Hol Time (min) = #VALUE!

Hol Vol (m3) = #VALUE!
BTL Hol Time (min) = #VALUE!


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Distributor and Nozzles Horizontal Knock Out Drum (Detailed Calculation) Boot Detailed Calculation Supplemental Data
General Data Boot Design Wire Mesh Pad


Diameter mm 1200
Length mm 2500
Head shape (index) - 0 Head shape index = 0 for 2:1 Ellip, 1 for Hemi, 2 for 10% Dish
Drum cross sectional area m2 1.131 Drum Cross-sectional Area = pi() x Diameter ^2 / 4
L/D ratio - 2.0833333 Confirm with Job Std. BDM criteria is 2 ≤ L/D ≤ 6. L / D Ratio = Length / Diameter


Liquid Level Liquid Volume Holding Time


Cylinder Head Total Delta

HHLL to BTL 700 mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Level = liquid level form BTL (mm) from General Data workbook
100 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins Dlevel = higher level minus lower level (mm)
HLL to BTL 600 mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Cylinder volume = SegA(level/Diameter) x Drum cross sectional area x (Length / 1000)
100 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins
NLL to BTL 500 mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Head Volume = 2 x HeadVertVolume(Diameter, Liquid level from BTL, Head Shape)
100 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins = 0 (if Head Volume is not included)
LLL to BTL 400 mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Total Volume = Cylinder Volume + Head Volume
100 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins Delta Volume = Total Volume at high level - Total Volume at adjacent lower level
LLLL to BTL 300 mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Residence time = Delta Volume / (Liquid flowrate / Liquid density) * 60
300 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins


Separation length 2050 mm Separation length = Drum length - Inlet Nozzle from TL - Outlet Vapor Nozzle from TL
Minimum required dome height 300 mm Minimum required dome height = 0.2 x Diameter or 300mm whichever is higher
Droplet diameter 150 micron Droplet diameter of 150mm is conservative for KO drum.
Terminal velocity of droplet #VALUE! m/s Terminal velocity of droplet = DropTermV(Drop Diameter, Liquid density, Vapor density, Vapor viscosity)
Reynolds number of droplet #VALUE! - Droplet Reynold's number = DropReynolds(Terminal Velocity, Droplet diameter, Vapor density, Vapor visc.)
Drag coefficient #VALUE! - Drag coefficient =DropDragCoeff(Reynold's number)

Liquid Level NLL HLL HHLL

Dome height 700 600 500 mm OK Dome height = Diameter - Liquid level [To be checked against calc'd minimum required dome height]
Dome height / Drum diameter 0.5833333 0.5 0.4166667 -
Dome area / Drum cross area #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! - Dome area / Drum cross area = SegA(Dome height / Drum diameter)
Dome area #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m2 Dome Area = (Dome area / Drum cross area) x Drum cross area
Horizontal vapor velocity #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m/s Horizontal vapor velocity = (Vapor flowrate / Vapor density) / Dome area
Allowable vapor velocity #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m/s Allowable vapor velocity = Separation length / Dome height x Droplet terminal velocity
Rating #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! % % Rating = Horizontal vapor velocity / Allowable vapor velocity x 100

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Detailed Calculation (Horizontal Knock Out Drum (Distributor and Nozzles) Boot Detailed Calculation Supplemental Data
General Data Boot Design Wire Mesh Pad

5. Nozzles 6. Half Pipe

Feed Inlet Liquid Outlet Vapor Outlet Nozzle & Pipe I.D mm 42.8
Nozzle size inch 3 2 2 Nozzle Corss Sectio Area mm2 1438.7
Nozzle ID mm 73.7 42.8 42.8 Open Pipe Length mm 34
Nozzle cross sectional area m2 0.0043 0.0014 0.0014

Nozzle velocity m/s #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

Nozzle rV2 kg/m/s2 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Erosional velocity constant - 120 120 120
Erosional velocity m/s 5.11 4.59 43.85

DP100 in inlet piping kg/cm2/100m #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

Reynolds number - #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Contraction/expansion DP kg/cm2 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Nozzle CL from TL mm #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!


Diameter (in) = 2
Nozzle CL BTL
Area (m2) = 0.0014
BTL Nozzle CL
Nozzle CL from TL (mm) = #VALUE!
Nozzle CL from TL (mm) = #VALUE!
Contraction DP ( kg/cm2) = #VALUE! DP100 (kg/cm2/100m) = ###
DP100 (kg/cm2/100m) = #VALUE! Velocity (m/s) = ###
Velocity (m/s) = #VALUE! rV2 (kg/m-s2) = ###
rV2 (kg/m-s2) = #VALUE!

Velocity (m/s) = #VALUE!
rV2 (kg/m-s2) = #VALUE!
Diameter (in) = 3 DP100 (kg/cm2/100m) = #VALUE! Contraction DP ( kg/cm2) = #VALUE!
Area (m2) = 0.0043
Nozzle CL from TL (mm) = ###
BTL Diameter (in) = 2
Nozzle CL Area (m2) = 0.0014

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Detailed Calculation Horizontal Knock Out Drum (Boot Design) Boot Detailed Calculation Supplemental Data
General Data Distributor and Nozzles Wire Mesh Pad

1. Boot Dimensions 4. Nozzle (Heavy Liquid Outlet)

Diameter mm 400 Water Outlet

Height mm 1700 Nozzle size inch 2
H/D ratio - 4.25 Nozzle ID mm 42.8
Head shape - 2:1 Ellipse Nozzle cross sectional area m2 0.0014

2. Liquid Level Holding Volume and Time Option: (HEAD VOLUME INCLUDED) Nozzle velocity m/s #VALUE! #VALUE!
Hold. Volume Hold. Time Nozzle rV2 kg/m/s2 #VALUE! #VALUE!
TTL to BTL mm 1700 TTL to HHIL #VALUE! #VALUE! m3, min Erosional velocity constant - 120
HHIL to BTL mm 1500 HHIL to HIL #VALUE! #VALUE! m3, min Erosional velocity m/s 3.83
HIL to BTL mm 1300 HIL to NIL #VALUE! #VALUE! m3, min
NIL to BTL mm 900 NIL to LIL #VALUE! #VALUE! m3, min DP100 in inlet piping kg/cm2/100m #VALUE!
LIL to BTL mm 500 LIL to LLIL #VALUE! #VALUE! m3, min Reynolds number - #VALUE!
LLIL to BTL mm 300 LLIL to BTL #VALUE! #VALUE! m3, min Contraction DP kg/cm2 #VALUE!
Nozzle CL from TL mm #VALUE!

3. Liquid/Liquid Separation Drawing

min. required Feed In Vapor Out
Drum Diameter 1200 mm 250mm
Inlet Nozzle from TL 250 mm
Liquid Outlet Nozzle from TL 200 #VALUE! mm
Boot to Outlet Nozzle 950 #VALUE! mm
Separation Length 1100 mm

Droplet diameter 100 μm

LLLL LLL NLL 1100 mm 950 mm

Horizonal Velocity #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m/s 1200mm
Allowable Velocity #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m/s
% Rating #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! % Horizontal Velocity


LIL 200 mm

Liqht Liquid Out


Heavy Liquid Out

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Detailed Calculation Horizontal Knock Out Drum (Boot Detailed Calculation) Boot Design Supplemental Data
General Data Distributor and Nozzles Wire Mesh Pad


Diameter mm 400
Height mm 1700
Head shape (index) - 0 Head shape index = 0 for 2:1 Ellip, 1 for Hemi, 2 for 10% Dish
Drum cross sectional area m2 0.126 Drum Cross-sectional Area = pi() x Diameter ^2 / 4
H/D ratio - 4.25 Confirm with Job Standard. BDM criteria is 2 ≤ L/D ≤ 5. H / D Ratio = Height / Diameter


Liquid Level Liquid Volume Holding Time


Cylinder Head Total Delta

TTL to HHIL 1700 mm 0.214 #VALUE! #VALUE! m3
200 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins
HHIL to BTL 1500 mm 0.188 #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Level = liquid level from BTL (mm) from Boot Design Worksheet
200 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins Dlevel = higher level minus lower level (mm)
HIL to BTL 1300 mm 0.163 #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Cylinder volume = pi()/4 x (Diameter / 1000)^2 x (Level/1000)
400 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins
NIL to BTL 900 mm 0.113 #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Head Volume = HeadHoriVolume(Diameter, Liquid level from BTL, Head Shape)
400 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins =0, if Head volume not included
LIL to BTL 500 mm 0.063 #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Total Volume = Cylinder Volume + Head Volume
200 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins Delta Volume = Total Volume at high level - Total Volume at adjacent lower level
LILL to BTL 300 mm 0.038 #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 Residence time = Delta Volume / (Liquid flowrate / Liquid density) * 60
300 mm #VALUE! m3 #VALUE! mins
BTL 0 mm 0.000 #VALUE! #VALUE! m3

Boot to outlet nozzle(liquid) = Boot Diameter + (2 x Shell thickness)+ (23 x Liquid Outlet nominal nozzle size) +
Boot to outlet nozzle (liquid) #VALUE! mm 0.1 x Drum Diameter + 350
Separation length 1100 OK Separation length = Drum length - Feed Inlet Nozzle from TL - Liquid Outlet Nozzle from TL-Boot to outlet nozzle
Droplet diameter 100 micron Droplet diameter of 100 mm is conservative for KO drum.
Terminal velocity of droplet #VALUE! m/s Terminal velocity of droplet = DropTermV(Drop Diameter, Water density, Liquid density, Liquid viscosity)
Reynolds number of droplet #VALUE! - Droplet Reynold's number = DropReynolds(Terminal Velocity, Droplet diameter, Liqiud density, Liquid viscosity)
Drag coefficient #VALUE! - Drag coefficient =DropDragCoeff(Reynold's number)

Liquid Level LLLL LLL NLL

Liquid height 300 400 500 mm From "General Data" section
Liquid height / Drum diameter 0.25 0.33 0.42 -
Liquid area / Drum cross area #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! - Liquid area / Drum cross area = =SegA(Liquid height / Drum diameter)
Liquid area #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m2 Liquid Area = (Liquid area / Drum cross area) x Drum cross area
Horizontal liquid velocity #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m/s Horizontal liquid velocity = (Liquid flowrate/Liquid density + Water flowrate/water density) / Liquid area / 3600
Allowable liquid velocity #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m/s Allowable liquid velocity = Separation length / Liquid height x Terminal velocity of droplet
Rating #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! % % Rating = Horizontal liquid velocity / Allowable liquid velocity x 100

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Detailed Calculation Horizontal Knock Out Drum (Supplemental Data) Boot Design Wire Mesh Pad
General Data Distributor and Nozzles Boot Detailed Calculation

Design Data Minimum height of LG nozzle from bottom Nozzle size data - ANSI (CA = 3mm)
Design Pressure 22 kg/cm2G LG Nozzle diameter 2 inch Standard nozzle projection data NPS (in) ID (mm) Thickness
Design Temperature 85 deg.C Nozzle rating 150 # Size 150# 300# 600# 900# 1.5 34.0 Sch160
Outside diameter of welding neck 90 mm 1.5 150 150 150 200 2 42.8 Sch160
Vessel Dimension Minimum height from bottom 95 mm 2 150 150 150 200 3 73.7 Sch80
Diameter 1200 mm Minimum visible point of LG 275 mm 3 180 200 200 200 4 97.2 Sch80
Length 2500 mm 4 180 200 200 200 6 146.3 Sch80
Head shape 0 - Vessel Height Estimation 6 200 200 250 250 8 193.7 Sch80
Elevation from GL 1100 mm Projection of liquid nozzle 150 mm 8 200 230 280 280 10 242.9 Sch80
Drum cross sectional area 1.13 m2 Elevation from GL (required) 735.6 mm 10 200 230 320 320 12 289.0 Sch80
12 200 260 320 320 14 330.2 0.5"
Fluid Volume and Weight 14 250 260 350 350 16 381.0 0.5"
Total Shell Head 16 250 300 350 350 18 431.8 0.5"
Vapor volume #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 18 250 300 400 400 20 482.6 0.5"
Liquid volume #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! m3 20 250 300 400 400 22 533.4 0.5"
Total vessel volume #VALUE! 2.827 #VALUE! m3 24 250 330 450 450 24 581.1 0.562"
Vapor weight #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! kg 26 280 360 480 480 26 635.0 0.5"
Liquid weight #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! kg 28 685.8 0.5"
Total fluid operating weight #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! kg Outside diameter of welding neck (mm) 30 736.6 0.5"
Total hydrostatic test weight #VALUE! kg Size 150# 300# 600# 900# 32 787.4 0.5"
2 90 90 90 100 34 838.2 0.5"
Material Data Surface Area Data 4 140 150 160 160 36 889.0 0.5"
Material specification SA-515 Gr.60 - Head depth / Shell diameter 0.25 - 6 200 210 230 240 38 939.8 0.5"
Material CS - Head depth 300 mm 8 250 270 280 300 40 990.6 0.5"
Allowable tensile stress 12.02 kg/mm2 Shell surface area 9.42 m2 10 310 330 350 370 42 1041.4 0.5"
Metal density 7850 kg/m3 Head surface area #VALUE! m2 12 370 380 410 420 44 1092.2 0.5"
Total surface area #VALUE! m2 46 1143.0 0.5"
Thickness 48 1193.8 0.5"
ANSI Flange rating 150 # Wetted area exposed to fire Joint efficiency data
Weld efficiency of joint 0.85 - Fire elevation 7600 mm Radiograph Efficiency Application
Corrosion allowance 3 mm Liquid height 500 mm Full 1.00 CS >32mm thk; 1-¼Cr-½Mo >16mm; 2-¼Cr-7Mo and 5Cr-½Mo >0mm
Minimum wall thickness 6 mm Liquid height exposed to fire 500 mm Spot 0.85 Other than those mentioned for "Full" radiographic examination
Approx. shell thickness #VALUE! mm Wetted area exposed to fire #VALUE! m2 None 0.70 For non-pressure tanks
Approx. head thickness #VALUE! mm
Shell material data
Weight Density,
Material CA, mm Allowable tensile stress, kg/mm2
Approx. vessel weight #VALUE! kg <93°C <149°C <204°C <260°C <315°C <316°C <343°C <371°C
Nozzle - Feed #VALUE! kg SA-240 Gr.304 SUS 7930 0 14.06 13.28 12.86 12.3 11.67 11.39 11.39
Nozzle - Vapor #VALUE! kg SA-240 Gr.304L SUS 7930 0 11.74 11.73 11.11 10.33 9.89 9.63 9.63
Nozzle - Liquid #VALUE! kg SA-240 Gr.316 SUS 7930 0 14.06 14.06 13.57 12.65 11.95 11.67 11.67
Nozzle - 24" MH #VALUE! kg SA-240 Gr.316L SUS 7930 0 11.74 11.73 11.04 10.4 9.84 9.63 9.63
SA-515 Gr.60 CS 7850 1.5 / 3.0 12.02 12.02 12.02 12.02 11.52 11.52 11.11 10.75
SA-516 Gr.60 CS 7850 1.5 / 3.0 12.02 12.02 12.02 12.02 11.52 11.52 11.11 10.75
Total Weight #VALUE! kg SA-516 Gr.70 CS 7850 1.5 / 3.0 14.06 14.06 14.06 14.06 13.63 13.63 13.22 12.72

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