National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (3 Quarter) : August 8, 2019
National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (3 Quarter) : August 8, 2019
National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (3 Quarter) : August 8, 2019
(3rd Quarter)
August 8, 2019
Prepared by:
Azeneth B. Manalo
Principal 1
(Enclosure no. 2 DepEd Order No. 84,s 2012)
2. Did the drill participants practice the "Duck, Cover and Hold" technique during the Alarm Phase
(while the siren is being sounded)? YES
Yes/No If NO, please elaborate _________________________________________
3. Did the drill participants(a) evacuate during the Alarm Phase (b) wait for the siren to stop
before evacuating (c) others, please elaborate _______________________________________
4. Did the drill participants follow their designated routes to evacuation area? YES
Yes/No If NO, please elaborate _________________________________________
5. Did the drill participants (a) run (b) walk casually (c) walk faster than normal during the
evacuation phase? Please specify a, b, or c __________________________________________
6. Did the drill participants bring any first aid kit or any item noticeable during the Evacuation
Phase? YES
Yes/No If NO, please elaborate _________________________________________
7. Did the drill participants conduct the headcount during the Headcount Phase? YES
Yes/No If NO, please elaborate _________________________________________
8. How long did it take for all the drill participants to vacate the building and reach the designated
evacuation area? Less than a minute (earthquake drill)
9. How long did it take for all the drill participants to vacate the building and reach the designated
evacuation area? Less than a minute (fire drill)
10. Did the drill participants (a) stay in the evacuation area (b) move to other place (c) go back to
the building without instruction? Please specify a, b or c ________________________________
11. Observed number of drill partricipants (estimate will do) 223 pupils and 8 teachers
I. School Details
Number of Teachers: 8
Location: Brgy. San Lorenzo, San Pablo City
X. Recommendation
Provision of new building to have an open space/ground for evacuation area
Encourage the participants to conduct drills at home together with their family.
The participants at their designated evacuation area during the earthquake drill.
Class advisers do the head count to their respective classes.
The participants immediately vacate their room and proceed to the evacuation
area during the fire drill. Evaluation of the drills conducted by the SDRRM Coordinator.
The participants covering their head while going to their designated
evacuation area after the warning siren of an earthquake stopped.
The participants doing the “duck, cover and
hold” technique during the alarm phase