Brucell en Anfibios
Brucell en Anfibios
Brucell en Anfibios
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Introduction: Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that has a significant economic, social and public
health impact in many parts of the world. The causative agents are members of the genus
Brucella currently comprising 11 species and with an expanding known host range in recent
Case presentation: One of a pair of White’s tree frogs (Litoria caerulea) developed skin lesions
from which a pure growth of a haemolytic organism was obtained. The isolate was identified as
Brucella melitensis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass
spectrometry, although the colony morphology was inconsistent with this identification. Applying
the classical biotyping approach used to subdivide members of the genus Brucella, the isolate
did not correspond to any known Brucella sp. However, PCR targeting of genes specific for
members of the genus Brucella was strongly positive and 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed a
close relationship with extant Brucella spp. In order to place the isolate more accurately, a
multilocus sequencing approach was applied, which confirmed that the isolate represented a
novel member of the emerging ‘atypical’ Brucella group, which includes isolates from human
disease, from rodents and, more recently, reported isolations from frogs in Germany.
Conclusion: This case represents the first report of isolation of a Brucella sp. from frogs outside
Germany and suggests that these isolates may be widespread. Whilst there is no evidence to date
that these isolates represent a zoonotic threat, the association of other ‘atypical’ Brucella sp. with
human disease suggests that appropriate measures should be taken to avoid unnecessary contact
with potentially infected amphibians until the zoonotic potential of this group is better understood.
Received 3 November 2014
Accepted 10 January 2015 Keywords: Brucella, brucellosis, frog, MALDI-ToF.
Molecular analysis
Given the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-
Fig. 1. Appearance of lesions on L. caerulea prior to drainage and of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) result and
isolation of UK8/14. two recent reports of the isolation of Brucella from frogs in
a quarantine centre and from a pet shop in Germany
(Eisenberg et al., 2012; Fischer et al., 2012), more extensive
treatment and required a second drainage before resolution. molecular analysis was undertaken to fully characterize the
The second animal remained symptomless throughout. strain.
To determine whether the isolate belonged within the
genus Brucella, a real-time PCR assay based on a genus-
Bacteriological analysis specific target present in the bcsp31 gene (Probert et al.,
The swab was initially received at IDEXX Laboratories for 2004) and the multiple-copy Brucella-specific insertion
characterization and inoculated onto blood agar with 5 % sequence IS711 (Matero et al., 2011) were performed. Four
sheep blood (Oxoid). After overnight aerobic incubation replicates were tested alongside duplicate Brucella positive
at 36 uC, a pure growth of a haemolytic organism was and no-template controls. The cycle threshold (Ct) values
observed. Following on-target extraction using formic acid, of the replicates were all around 23.5 cycles for bcsp31 and
the isolate was examined using a Bruker Microflex LT 18.5 for IS711, in agreement with the identification of this
system (Bruker Daltonics) using the standard and security- isolate as a member of the genus Brucella. No-template
related (SR) databases. Using the standard database, no controls were negative up to 40 cycles. The isolate was further
reliable identification was returned (score ,1.7), but using tested using Bruce-ladder, a multiplex PCR approach that can
the SR database the MALDI Biotyper real-time classifica- differentiate all known species of Brucella (López-Goñi et al.,
tion (RTC) software returned a secure identification of B. 2011). The isolate gave a profile of five bands distinct from
melitensis with a score of 2.316, with scores >2.3 being those reported from extant Brucella spp. (Fig. 2a).
considered secure to the species level. The identification Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence of UK8/14 showed
was repeated three times to verify the original findings, over 99 % nucleotide identity to sequences of all type
and each time the score was .2.3. The isolate was not strains of Brucella with the best match to Brucella inopinata.
morphologically consistent with B. melitensis and was Whilst most Brucella spp. have been reported to share
therefore referred to the national and international Brucella identical 16S rRNA gene sequences (Gee et al., 2004), B.
reference laboratory at the Animal and Plant Health inopinata is the most variant to date, showing five nucle-
Agency (APHA) for further characterization. otide changes from other species type strains (Scholz et al.,
On receipt at APHA, the isolate was labelled UK8/14 and 2010). UK8/14 shared these changes but additionally had
subcultured onto serum dextrose agar and Farrell’s medium. two 7 bp insertions not shared with other described Brucella
The isolate grew well at 20, 30 and 37 uC with only mar- spp.
ginally faster growth at the two higher temperatures, In order to place the isolate within the existing genus
forming opaque colonies not initially conforming to the of Brucella, a multilocus sequencing approach examin-
characteristic appearance of Brucella spp. On subculture, the ing sequences at nine unlinked genetic loci was applied
colonies were concave, smooth with entire edges and did (Whatmore et al., 2007). All nine loci were amplified
show the characteristic iridescence seen with classical Brucella successfully by PCR, indicating a close relationship of the
spp. on Henry illumination. The isolate was examined by a isolate to Brucella. Phylogenetic placement based on con-
slide agglutination test using unabsorbed Brucella antiserum catenated sequence data, excluding a single gene that does
and showed strong agglutination. However, this test is con- not amplify from B. inopinata, was performed, comparing
sidered to lack specificity, and the gold standard for the isolate with isolates representing the known genetic
identification is a biotyping approach conventionally used diversity of members of the genus Brucella (Fig. 2b). These
to identify Brucella isolates to the species and biovar levels included both ‘core’ Brucella spp., comprising all the
(Whatmore, 2009). By these approaches, the organism was classically described major pathogenic species, as well as
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2 JMM Case Reports
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Isolation of Brucella from Litoria caerulea
B. ceti ST23
B. pinnipedialis ST25
B. pinnipedialis ST27
B. ceti ST26
B. pinnipedialis ST24
Brucella sp. 10RB9215
Brucella sp. 83/13
Brucella sp. BO2
B. inopinata BO1
Brucella sp. 09RB8471
O. anthropi LMG3331T
O. intermedium LMG3301T
Fig. 2. Molecular characterization of UK8/14. (a) Comparison of the Bruce-ladder profile with members of existing Brucella
spp. and vaccine strains. Lanes: 1, 1 kb ladder; 2, B. ceti 1/94; 3, B. melitensis 63/9; 4, B. melitensis Rev1; 5, B. ovis 63/290;
6, B. abortus 86/8/59; 7, B. abortus RB51; 8, B. abortus S19; 9, B. suis 1330; 10, Brucella canis RM6/66; 11, Brucella
neotomae 5K33; 12, Brucella microti CCM4915; 13, B. inopinata BO1; 14, PCR negative control; 15, White’s tree frog isolate
UK8/14; 16, 1 kb ladder. (b) Phylogenetic placement relative to other Brucella spp. as determined by multilocus sequence
analysis (Whatmore et al., 2007) showing division into the ‘core’ Brucella group, including all classical pathogenic species, and
the ‘atypical’ Brucella group. The relationship with the nearest phylogenetic neighbour of Brucella, Ochrobactrum, is also
shown. ST, sequence type. These sequence types include reference strains for all classical known biovars of all classical
species. The tree was constructed in MEGA5 using the Jukes–Cantor distance and the neighbour joining approach. Bar,
nucleotide substitutions per site.
the recently described ‘atypical’ Brucella spp. that include Brucella sp. by conventional biotyping, the identification as
the recently described B. inopinata (Wattam et al., 2012). the highly pathogenic and zoonotic B. melitensis would have
These isolates are genetically divergent from the ‘core’ or significant implications. Clearly, it is therefore valuable to
classical Brucella spp. but have been described as Brucella use molecular approaches, such as multilocus sequence
spp. based on a much closer relationship to the ‘core’ analysis, to help accurately place these isolates in context
Brucella group than to the next closest phylogenetic with extant Brucella strains.
neighbours (Ochrobactrum spp.).
One of the classical characteristics of Brucella is the ability
Isolate UK8/14 clearly fell within the ‘atypical’ Brucella to survive and replicate intracellularly. Whilst testing of
clade, which includes the B. inopinata type strain (De et al., this characteristic was outside the scope of this case report,
2008; Scholz et al., 2010) as well as a number of isolates yet it would be of interest to examine this property. Whilst
to be formally described taxonomically. These include strain some of the emerging atypical Brucella spp. appear to
83/13, a representative of a group of isolates from Australian possess this capability (Jiménez de Bagüés et al., 2014),
rodents (Tiller et al., 2010a), strain BO2, described as a B. others, such as BO2, which, like UK8/14, fails to react with
inopinata-like isolate from a human infection (Tiller et al., either monospecific A or M antisera, and has a novel O-
2010b), and two additional isolates, 10RB9251 and 09RB8471. polysaccharide biosynthetic pathway (Wattam et al., 2012),
Interestingly, the latter isolates represent the first Brucella-like appear unable to replicate intracellularly (Wattam et al.,
isolates from amphibians described recently in wild-caught 2014). LPS is considered the major virulence factor of
African bullfrogs from Tanzania (Eisenberg et al., 2012). classic Brucella spp. (Lapaque et al., 2005), and thus any
Isolate UK8/14 is thus clearly a member of the ‘atypical’ modifications in its structure may impact host–pathogen
Brucella group most closely related to a strain isolated interactions. Whole-genome sequencing currently in pro-
previously from frogs (09RB8471). gress should provide a route to understanding the
structure of UK8/14 LPS.
Conclusions This is the first report outside Germany of the isolation
Whilst this isolate would be excluded as Brucella by con- of such strains from amphibians and both confirms the
ventional phenotyping approaches, molecular analysis con- rapidly expanding host range of the genus and suggests
firmed that the isolate belongs to the rapidly expanding that such isolates may be widely distributed. The lesions
group of ‘atypical’ Brucella spp. Although the species-level observed in this case appeared superficially similar to those
MALDI-TOF MS identification turned out to be inaccurate, reported in a previous case in another frog species (Leptopelis
probably reflecting both the known homogeneity of the vermiculatus). Whilst there is no evidence to date to suggest
group and the poor representation of extant Brucella spp. in that Brucella isolates associated with amphibians are
the commercial databases, MALDI-TOF MS was useful in pathogenic for humans, many members of the genus
identifying as a potential Brucella an isolate that would represent significant zoonotic pathogens (Godfroid et al.,
immediately be excluded by conventional phenotyping. In 2011). It is worth noting that the fact that strain UK8/14 was
order to avoid ‘missing’ such isolates, diagnostic or reference untypeable using the monospecific sera (A or M dominant)
laboratories should consider the use of 16S rRNA gene commonly used to classify Brucella spp. is suggestive of
sequencing and/or the presence of IS711, considered specific modifications in the LPS that may compromise the ability to
for Brucella spp. (Whatmore & Gopaul, 2012), in their detect any infection serologically, as tests are based largely on
routine identification procedures. In addition, the reaction detection of antibodies against the O-polysaccharide of the
with unabsorbed Brucella antiserum may be a useful screen, LPS (Zygmunt et al., 2012). Thus, it is possible that any
despite the acknowledged lack of specificity, provided that human infections with such organisms would not be
confirmatory testing is then pursued. With regard to detected by routine serodiagnostic approaches. The associa-
MALDI-TOF MS, it should be noted that, according to tion of other ‘atypical’ Brucella isolates (B. inopinata and B.
our findings and as reported elsewhere (Cunningham & inopinata-like organisms) with serious human infections (De
Patel, 2013), only users with the SR database installed and et al., 2008; Tiller et al., 2010b) suggests that appropriate
enabled would be able to identify this isolate as a Brucella sp. measures should be taken to avoid unnecessary contact with
Whilst MALDI-TOF MS might provide a useful initial potentially infected amphibians until the zoonotic potential
screen, particularly as the strain would be excluded as a of this emerging group is better understood.
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4 JMM Case Reports
On: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 14:56:35
Isolation of Brucella from Litoria caerulea
Acknowledgements for Bacillus anthracis, Brucella spp., Francisella tularensis and Yersinia
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