Syllabus of All Subjects PDF
Syllabus of All Subjects PDF
Syllabus of All Subjects PDF
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
hydride cells- Li cells - Zinc – air cells. Corrosion :- Definition – Theories of Corrosion
(chemical & electrochemical) – Formation of galvanic cells by different metals, by
concentration cells, by differential aeration and waterline corrosion – Passivity of metals –
Pitting corrosion - Galvanic series – Factors which influence the rate of corrosion -
Protection from corrosion – Design and material selection – Cathodic protection -
Protective coatings: – Surface preparation – Metallic (cathodic and anodic) coatings -
Methods of application on metals (Galvanizing, Tinning, Electroplating). Fuel cells: -
Hydrogen Oxygen fuel cells – Methanol Oxygen fuel cells
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Web Resoureces:
NPTEL, Chemistry,
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 5 To gain knowledge about water problems and solution associated with water.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
Unit – I (8 Contact hours)
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Beta and Gamma functions - elementary properties, differentiation under integral sign, and
differentiation of integrals with variable limits - Leibnitz rule.
Multiple integrals:
Rectification, Jacobians of transformations, double and triple integrals, computations of
surface and volumes, change of variables in double integrals - integrals dependant on
parameters - applications.
Learning resources
Text book:
1. ERWIN KREYSZIG, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Wiley-India, 9th Edition
Reference Books:
1. TOM M. APOSTAL,’ Calculus, Volume II’, Wiley-India, Second Edition,
2. R. K. JAIN AND S. R. K. IYENGAR,’ Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Narosa
Publishers, 3rd Edition.
3. B.S.GREWAL, ‘Higher Engineering Mathematics’, Khanna Publishers, 42nd Edition.
Web resources:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Solve first order differential equations.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Check the convergence of infinite series and discuss the power series
CO 3
representation of a function at various points.
CO 5 Apply Leibnitz rule and beta gamma functions to evaluate improper integrals.
CO 6 Evaluate surface area and volume by using double and triple integrals.
Assessment Method
Programming and Data
CS1109 ESC 3: 0: 0 3 credits
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
Unit- I (5 hours)
Computer Hardware, Bits and Bytes, History of Programming Languages, Character Set,
Variables and Identifiers, Built-in Data Types. Operators and Expressions, Constants and
Literals, Simple Assignment Statement, Basic Input/output Statement, Simple 'C' Program,
Conditional Statements and Loops.
Unit – II (6 hours)
One Dimensional Arrays, Array Manipulation, Searching, Insertion, Deletion of An
Element from An Array; Finding the Largest/Smallest Element in An Array; Two
Dimensional Arrays, Addition/Multiplication of Two Matrices, Transpose of square
Matrix, Inverse of Matrix, Character Arrays, Multi-dimensional arrays.
Unit - IV (8 hours)
Structure & Union
Structure Variables, Initialization, Structure Assignment, Nested Structure, Structures and
Functions, Structures and Arrays: Arrays of Structures, Structures Containing Arrays,
Unit - V (9 hours)
Pointer Type Declaration, Pointer Assignment, Pointer Initialization, Pointer Arithmetic,
Functions and Pointers, Arrays and Pointers, Pointer to Pointers, Dangling Memory,
Dynamic Memory Allocations, Storage Classes.
Unit – VI (10hours)
Data Structures
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Linked List, Double Linked Lists, Stack, Stack Implementation Using Arrays, Stack
Implementation Using Linked List, Queues, tree traversals
Learning Resources:
Text book:
1. ReemaThareja, ‘Data Structures using C’, Oxford Higher Education,2nd Edition.
Reference Books:
1. W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, ‘C Programming Language’, Prentice Hall India
Learning Private Limited, 2nd Edition.
2. Balagurusamy, ‘Programming in ANSI C’,McGraw Hill Education India Private
Limited; 7th Edition.
3. Yashavant Kanetkar, ‘Let us C’, BPB Publications,14th Edition
Web resources:
1. Prof Satyadev Nandakumar, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Introduction to Programming in
C', URL:
2. Dr P P Chakraborty, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'Programming and Data Structures'
3. URL:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Illustrate the flowchart and design an algorithm for a given problem and to
develop one C program using Operators.
CO 2 Develop conditional and iterative statements to write C Programs.
CO 3 Describe C Programs that use the arrays and its usage.
CO 4 Exercise user defined functions to solve real time problems.
CO 5 Describe C Programs using pointers and to allocate memory using dynamic
memory management functions.
CO 6 Explore different data structures and understand.
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
1. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. & Ingle P.R., (2014), 'Engineering Drawing', 53rd
Edition, 2014, Charotar Publishing House
Reference books:
1. Shah, M.B. &Rana B.C. (2008), 'Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics',
Pearson Education
2. Agrawal B. & Agrawal C. M. (2012), 'Engineering Graphics', TMH Publication
Web resources
1. Prof Anupam Saxena, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Engineering Drawing'
2. Prof Anupam Saxena, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Computer Aided Engineering
Design'. URL:
Course outcome: After the completion of this course, the student will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
CO 2 Student will be familiar with obtaining the views of the frontal and the top
surfaces of an object.
CO 4 Student will know about computer aided drafting techniques and will be
familiar with one of the most powerful software ‘AutoCAD’.
Engineering Chemistry
CY1182 Practicals for Civil Engineering BSC 0-0-3 1.5
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Lab Syllabus
List of Experiments:
1. Determination of temporary and permanent hardness of water using standard
EDTA solution.
2. Determination of Iron by a Colorimetric method using thiocynate as reagent.
3. Determination of pH of the given sample solution using pH meter.
4. Conductometric titrations
a. strong acid and strong base.
b. strong acid and weak base.
5. Potentiometric titrations
a. strong acid and strong base.
b. strong acid and weak base.
6. Determination of density and surface tension of liquids against air
i. Determination of viscosities of pure liquids and solutions
ii. Determination of size of the molecule from viscosity measurements
7. Determination of percentage of copper in brass
8. Determination of percentage of Iron in Cement sample by colorimetry
9. Estimation of Calcium in port land Cement
10. Fuel Characterization:
iii. Flash point, Fire point
iv. Ash content
Reference Books:
1. Chemistry Practical Manual, Lorven Publications
2. K. Mukkanti (2009) Practical Engineering Chemistry, B.S. Publication
3. A Textbook of Quantitative Analysis, Arthur J. Vogel.
4. Dr. Jyotsna Cherukuris (2012) Laboratory Manual of engineering chemistry-II,
VGS Techno Series
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Derive the physical characterization like size, surface tension and viscosity of
CO 3
chemical substances
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Unit 1
2.1Podcasts – 5
3.1 British Council – A1 –level – Modules 1-5
3.2 ESL conversations – 5
4.1Introduction to Reading Comprehension Passages
4.2Types of RC passages
4.3Tactics to tackle RC questions
5.1Rearrangement of Jumbled Words and Sentences
5.2Format of the Questions
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Unit 2
2.1Podcasts – 5 – LISTENING SKILLS
3.1 British Council – A1 –level – Modules 6-10
3.2 ESL conversations - 5
4.1. Types of RC passages
4.2. Time saving tactics
5.1Rearrangement of Jumbled Words and Sentences
5.2Format of the Questions
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Unit 3
2.1Podcasts – 5
3.1British Council – A1 –level – Modules 11-15
3.2 ESL conversations - 5
4.1. RC Practice Tests – 5
5.1 Accuracy Building Zone – Exercises 1 – 5
Unit 4
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
2.1Podcasts – 5 – LISTENING SKILLS
3.1British Council – A1 –level – Modules 16-20
3.2 ESL conversations - 5
4.1. RC Practice Tests – 6-10
5.1 Accuracy Building Zone – Exercises 6 – 10
Unit 5
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
2.1Podcasts – 5
3.1British Council – A2 –level – Modules 1-5
3.2 ESL conversations - 5
4.1. RC Practice Tests – 1-5
5.1Accuracy Building Zone – Exercises 11 – 15
Course outcomes
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the students will be able to
CO 1 Critically analyze a text and be more efficient in comprehensions and
CO 2 Learn writing effectively.
CO 3 Speak confidently and spontaneously.
CO 4 Present the presentations effectively overcoming stress, fear and anxiety.
CO 5 Build a strong ethical personality.
CO 6 Implementing practically the four skills of English besides competency in
functional English.
1. British Council Face 2 Face Instruction Material
2. Objective English by Edgar Thorpe and Showick Thorpe
3. Oxford Interactive Lab Course
4. English For Engineers And Technologists, published by Orient Blackswan Pvt
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Web Resources
1. www.Eslfast .com
2. www.British
Assessment Method
Weightage (%) Internal External Marks Total Marks
40% 60% 100%
1. Understand the basic concept of C Programming and Data Structures, its different
modules that include conditional and looping expressions, Arrays, Strings,
Functions, Structures, Files, Stacks and Queues
2. Acquire knowledge about the basic concept of writing a program
3. Purpose of programming language and its application in problem solving
List of Experiments
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course outcome: After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able
CO 1 Apply and practice logical ability to solve the problems
CO 2 Understand C programming development environment, compiling,
debugging, executing a program using the development environment
CO 3 Analyzing the complexity of problems, modularize the problems into small
modules and then convert them into programs
CO 4 Understand and apply the in-built functions and customized functions for
solving the problems
CO 5 Understand and apply the pointers, memory allocation techniques and use of
files for dealing with variety of problems
CO 6 Understand and apply the structures and unions concept and solving
problems on the same
CO 7 Understand the basic concepts of stacks, queues and applying the same for
basic problems
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Contents:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Number system: Base System, Exponents, Factorials, LCM & HCF, Properties of
Numbers, Remainders, Successive Divisions
Arithmetic: Averages, Clocks & Calendars, Simple Interest & Compoud Interest,
Mixture & Alligations, Percentages, Profit, Loss & Discounts, Ratio & Proportion,
Speed, Time & Distance, Time & Work
Probability & Statistics: Mean, Median & Mode, Permutation & Combination,
Probability Set Theory & Venn Diagram
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Data Interpretation: Charts (Column, Pie & Bar), Tables Graphs (Line & Area), Venn
Diagram, Data Sufficiency. Reading Comprehension
Verbal Ability: Cloze Test Error Spotting, Fill in the blanks, Sentence Correction, Word
Usage, Para jumbles, Paragraph Completion, Paragraph Summary
Learning resources
Text book:
Reference books:
1. Nishit K Sinha, 'Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation', Pearson publications
2. Arun Sharma, 'Quantitative Aptitude', McGraw Hill publications
Web resources:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Familiarize with the written tests of competitive exams, campus placements and
CO 4
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Assessment Method
1. To learn different optical phenomena shown by light waves related to interference and
diffraction and characteristics of coherent radiations with an example and their
application in specific to optic fiber.
2. To learn about working of LASERS and its applications. To learn about introduction
of optical fibers, their applications in our lives and some interesting facts associated
with optical fibers.
3. To gain knowledge on the foundation principles of crystallography in specific to crystal
systems, unit cell and related parameters and to understand about concept of X-ray
4. To gain knowledge on the magnetic and dielectric properties of materials.
5. To gain knowledge on the different forced systems and their resultant and the concepts
of friction.
6. To gain knowledge on the functional materials and its physical significance
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning resources
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
1. Suresh Garg, C.K.Ghosh, Sanjay Gupta ‘Oscillations and Waves’ PHI Learning, 10th
2. Gaur and Gupta, ‘Engineering Physics’, Dhanpathrai Publications
1. Sear’s and Zemansky, ‘University Physics’, Pearson Edition.
2. William T. Silfvast ‘Laser Fundamentals’, 2nd edn, Cambridge University press, New
York (2004)
3. Charls Kittel ‘Introduction to solid state physics’, Wiley Publisher, 7th Edition, Delhi
4. Ewa Klodzinska,’Functional Materials: Properties, Performance and Evaluation’,
Apple Academic Press, March 2, 2015
Web resources:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1. Student will be able to understand the phenomena of interference, diffraction and
polarization exhibited by light waves and the characteristics of lasers with an example and
its application in specific to optic fiber.
CO2. Student will be able to understand the working and construction of LASERS and its
applications in various fields. Student will get knowledge about optical fibers and their
CO3. The student shall understand about different crystal systems, space lattices, and
parameters of unit cell and the Bragg’s law of X-ray diffraction
CO4. Student shall understand about response of the materials in presence of electric and
magnetic fields
CO5. Student will be able to understand the system of forces (non-equilibrium) and
different type’s frictions.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
CO6. Student will gain knowledge on the functional materials and their applications
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
1. Discuss the properties of vector fields and evaluating integrals by using vector fields.
2. Discuss the linear transformation and its Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
3. Discuss the complex function continuity and differentiability and analyticity.
4. Evaluate integrals using residues and to solving some types of real integrations by
using complex concepts.
5. Discuss numerical methods to find the roots of polynomial and transcendental
equations Interpolating and Fitting the curves for data points.
6. Evaluate integrals by using numerical methods and solving IVP.
Course Content:
Unit – I
Linear Algebra: ( 10 Contact hours)
Vector Spaces, Linear Combinations of Vectors, Linear dependence and Independence,
System of Linear Equations, Rank of a Matrix, Inverse of a matrix, Eigen values and
Eigen Vectors. Properties for various types of matrices (i.e symmetric, skew-symmetric,
Hermitian, Skew - Hermitian, Orthogonal, Unitary matrices and Idempotent matrix)
Unit - II
Vector calculus: ( 15 Contact hours)
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Scalar and vector fields, level surfaces, directional derivative, Gradient, Curl,
Divergence, Laplacian, line and surface integrals,Green, Gauss and Stokes theorems
(without proof) and problems.
Learning resources
Text book:
1. ERWIN KREYSZIG, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Wiley-India, 9th Edition.
Reference Books:
1. R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi, 3rd Edition.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
4. J.W. Brown and R.V. Churchill, ‘Complex variables and Applications’, McGraw - Hill
2,8th Edition
Web resources:
3. RGUKT content
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Able to find various integrals by using vector fields.
CO 3 Check the Analyticity of the given function, able to find complex integrations.
Approximate the value at a point by using given discrete data. Solve IVP
CO 6
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course content
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources
Web Resources
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Outcomes
CO 3 Identify the type of electrical machine used for that particular application
Assessment Method
CE 1201 ESC 3-1-0 4
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Newton’s second law; Translation and Fixed axis rotation; Alembert’s principle; concept
of work energy equation, power and efficiency, virtual work and impulse momentum
equation. Introduction to type springs, introduction to vibrations.
Text Books:
1. A.K.Tayal, Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics, 14th Edition, 2011,
Umesh Publications.
2. S.Timoshenko& D.H Young Engineering Mechanics, 5th Edition,2013, McGraw
Hill publications.
Reference Books:.
1. J. L. Meriam Engineering Mechanics, statics, , 6th Edn , 2006, Wiley India Pvt
2. J. L. Meriam Engineering Mechanics, dynamics, 7th Edn, 2013 Wiley India Pvt
3. I. H. Shames Engineering Mechanics, statics and dynamics, 4th Edition, 2005,
Pearson Publications
4. F. P. Beer & E. R. Johnston Mechanics For Engineers, statics – 10 th Edn, 2012,
McGraw Hill Publ.
5. P. Beer & E. R. Johnston Mechanics For Engineers, dynamics - F– 5th Edn, 2007,
McGraw Hill Publ.
6. E. W. Nelson, C. L. Best & W.G. McLean,Theory& Problems of engineering
mechanics, statics & dynamics –5th Edn, 1998 – Schaum’s outline series - McGraw
Hill Publ.
7. Ferdinand. L. Singer, Harper – Collins Engineering Mechanics, 3rd Edition, 1994,
Indus Publications.
8. A Nelson Engineering Mechanics statics and dynamics, 1st Edition, 2009, McGraw
Hill Publ.
9. S. S. Bhavikatti, K. G. RajashekarappaEngineering Mechanics, 1st Edition, 2016,
New age International Publishers.
Web Resources:
1. Lecture series on Engineering Mechanics by Prof. Manoj Harbola, Department of
Physics, IIT Kanpur.NPTEL,
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
CO1 Student can able to categorize how the Newton laws work’s in Nature
One can formulate and solve the problems after understanding the classical
Capacity to understand the reasonable constrains while tackling the problems in
real life
Students can capable decrypt information from charts by utilizing numerical
CO5 One can comprehend the response of structure because of dynamic impact
CO6 Student can able to analyze the trusses
Course Objectives:
The student will be able to
1. Explain the failures of some civil engineering constructions.
2. Relate the types of minerals and their physical properties.
3. Demonstrate the classification of rocks and their texture.
4. Summarize the crystal systems
5. Show the concept of geological maps
6. Interpret the concept of structural geology
Course content:
UNIT- I: Introduction: (Contact hours - 8)
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Importance of geology from Civil Engineering point of view. Brief study of case histories
of failure of some Civil Engineering constructions due to geological drawbacks.
Importance of Physical geology, Petrology and Structural geology.
Weathering of Rocks:
Its effect over the properties of rocks importance of weathering with reference to dams,
reservoirs and tunnels weathering of common rocklike “Granite”.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning resources:
Text Books:
1) K.V.G.K. Gokhale , Principals of Engineering Geology , 1st Edition, 2010, B.S
2) N.Chennkesavulu, Engineering Geology ,2nd Edition, 2009,Macmilan India Pvt Ltd.,
1. F.G.Bell, Fundamental of Engineering Geology , 2016, Butterworths Publications, New
2. Krynine& Judd, Principles of EngineeringGeology&Geotechnics, 1st Edition, 2005,
CBS Publishers& Distribution,
Web Resources:
1. NPTEL HRD, December 31, 2009, “”
Course outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the learners would be able to…
Site characterization and how to collect, analyze, and report geologic data using
standards in engineering practice
2 The fundamentals of the engineering properties of Earth materials.
3 Identify of rocks and their texture.
4 Estimate the crystal systems
5 Analyse the concept of geological maps
6 Understand the concept of structural geology
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 How to determine the acceleration due to gravity (g) and radius of gyration
about an axis through the center of gravity using compound pendulum.
CO 5 Calculate the wavelength of laser light using Diffraction Grating and get
knowledge over the phenomena of diffraction.
CO 6 learn the concept of magnetism and student will able to determine the
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop (B-H loop) of given magnetic materials
CO 7 Calculate the acceptance angle and Numerical Aperture of given fiber optic
CO 9 understand the concept of Hall effect and he/she will able to calculate the hall
coefficient, carrier density and carrier mobility of a given semiconductor
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
CO 10 Learn the four probe method and its applications in determination of electrical
resistivity of given semiconductor.
CO12 learn how to determine normal mode frequency and beat frequency using
coupled pendulum. Student will also understand the concept of coupling and
energy transform from one system to other through oscillation.
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Assessment Method
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, Wildlife
Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act, Issues involved in enforcement of environmental
legislation, Public awareness.
Learning Resources
Text Book:
1. Erach Bharucha, ‘Textbook of Environmental studies’, UGC
Reference Books:
1. Clark RS, ‘Marine Pollution’, Clanderson Press, Oxofrd (TB).
2. De AK, ‘Environmental Chemistry’, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Assessment Method
Course Contents:
Unit I: (6 hours)
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Theory of production, production functions, concept of cost, cost analysis, break even
Introduction to capital, capital sources, capital budgeting- NPV, IRR, Payback period,
profitability index.
Unit V: (8 hours)
Learning resources
Text book:
1. Aryasri, A. R., Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis, McGraw Hill, 2014.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Reference Books:
1. Siddiqui., Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis, 2e, New Age International
Private Limited, 2017.
3. Prasanna Chandra., “Financial Management: Theory and Practice”, 9e, Mc Graw Hill
Education, 2015.
Web resources:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Students can also be able to forecast as well as generate trend series by utilizing the
CO 4
available secondary data.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
PCC 3-0-0 3
1. Identify and Understand the basic building materials and their functional and mechanical
3. Understand the details of masonry construction and flat roofs and information about
various types of structural elements - foundation, columns, beams, walls, sloped and flat
4. Realize various types of finishing works plastering, painting, varnishes and importance.
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
UNIT –VI: Finishing Works and special materials (Contact Hours :6),
Plastering & Pointing, Damp Proof Course, Water proofing, Paints, Distempers, Varnishes,
Asphalt, Bitumen & Tar, Thermal & Sound insulating materials. Scaffolding, Centering
and Form work for concrete structures.
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
CO2 Understand the tests of basic building materials and interpretation of the
Learning Resources:
Text books:
1. M.L. Gambhir. – Tata Mc. “Building Materials” GrawHillPublishers, New Delhi.
2. Dr. B.C.Punmia ,Building Construction , Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi,
11th Edition 2016.
Reference books:
1. S.C.Rangwala, Building Construction, Charotar Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2009,
2. P C Varghese, “Building Material”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, Eighth Printing, 2012.
Web Resources:
1. IIT Delhi, December 31 2009, “Building Materials and Construction” URL:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Permeability & Durability: Permeability, Sulphate attack, attack by sea water, Acid attack,
Alkali- aggregate reaction, corrosion of reinforcement.
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. M.S SHETTY “ Concrete Technology Theory and Practice” 8th Edition, 2018,S Chand
Reference Books:
1. M.L. Gambhir "Concrete Technology Theory and Practice" 5th Edition, 2017, McGrah
Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 5th Edition.
2. A.M. Niveli& JJ Brooks "Concrete Technology" Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2010.
Web Resources:
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to
Understand the basic concepts of concrete and realize the importance of quality
of concrete.
Familiarize the basic ingredients of concrete and their role in the production of
Test the fresh concrete properties and the hardened concrete properties and
evaluate the ingredients of concrete through lab test results.
CO4 Familiarize the basic concepts of special concrete and their production.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Learning Objectives: On completion of the course the student will be able to
Course Content:
Dimensions and units – Physical properties of fluids specific gravity, viscosity, surface
tension, vapor pressure and their influences on fluid motion.
Pressure at a point, Pascal‟s law, Hydrostatic law - atmospheric, gauge and vacuum
pressure- measurement of pressure. Pressure gauges, Manometers: differential and Micro
Manometers. Hydrostatic forces on submerged plane, Horizontal, Vertical, inclined and
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
curved surfaces – Center of pressure. Derivations and problems. Buoyancy- Meta centric
height, conditions of Equilibrium of submerged Bodies.
Description of fluid flow, Stream line, path line and streak lines and stream tube.
Classification of flows : Steady, unsteady, uniform, non-uniform, laminar, turbulent,
rotational and irrotational flows – Equation of continuity for one, two , three dimensional
flows – stream and velocity potential functions, flow net analysis.
Surface and body forces – Euler’s and Bernoull’s equations for flow along a stream line
for 3-D flow, (Navier – stokes equations, Momentum equation and its application – forces
on pipe bend. Measurement of Flow: Pitot tube, Venturi meter and orifice meter –
classification of orifices, flow over rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal and Stepped
notches - –Broad crested weirs.
Laws of Fluid friction – Darcy’s equation, Minor losses – pipes in series – pipes in parallel
– Total energy line and hydraulic gradient line.Pipe network problems, variation of friction
factor with Reynold’s number – Moody‟s Chart.Characteristics of Laminar & Turbulent
flows. Flow between parallel plates, Flow through long tubes, flow through inclined tubes.
Identify how properties of fluids change with temperature and their affect on
pressure and fluid flow
CO2 Describe fluid pressure and its measurement
Define the relationship between pressure and elevation as it relates to
manometers, barometers and other pressure measuring devices.
CO4 Calculate forces on a plane submerged in a static fluid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Use the general energy equation to calculate changes in fluid flow for circular
and non-circular pipes for in-compressible fluids.
CO6 Derive energy, momentum and displacement thickness for any type of fluid
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. P.N.Modi and S.M.Seth., Hydrualics and Fluid Mechanics, 21st Edition, 2017,
Standard Book House,1995.
Reference Books:
1. C.S.P Ojha, R. Berndtsson, P.N Chandrmouli “Fluid Mechanics and machinery”,
1st Edition, 2010, Oxford University Press Publishers.
2. K.L Kumar, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Eurasia Publishing House PVT Ltd,
3. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Dr. R. K. Bansal, 10th Edition, 2018,
Lakshmi Publications.
4. V.L Streeter and E. benzamine Wylie, Fluid Mechanics, 9th Edition, 2017, McGraw
Hill Education.
Web Resources:
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1. Determine the stress, strain, and deflection in structural elements when subjected
to different loads.
2. Evaluate the principal stress and principal plane in material subjected to load
3. Give preliminary concepts of assessment of bending moment and shear force in
Propped cantilevers, fixed beams and continuous beams due to various loading
4. Impart concepts of Bending Moment and Shear force for beams with different
boundary and loading conditions
5. Evaluate flexural and shear stresses in elements when subjected to transverse loads
6. Demonstrate concept of torsion in circular shafts.
Course Content:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Definition of beam, Types of beams, Concept of shear force and bending moment, S.F and
B.M diagrams for cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams subjected to point
loads, uniformly distributed load uniformly varying loads and combination of these loads,
Point of contra flexure, Relation between S.F., B.M and rate of loading at a section of a
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Beer, F.P., and Johnston, JR, E.R., "Mechanics of Materials", 7th Edition, 2014,
McGraw Hill, 1992.
2. S. Ramamrutham & B.Narayanan, “Strength of Materials”, 18th Edition, 2014, Dhanpat
Rai Publishing Company Pvt Ltd.,
Reference Books:
1. Popov, E.P., Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Edition, 2015, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, 1976.
2. Punmia B C, Mechanics of Materials, Revised Edition, 2017, Laxmi Publications Ltd,
New Delhi
3. Hibbeler, R.C., "Mechanics of Materials", 10th Edition, 2016, Pearson Education, Low
Price Edition, 2007
4.Bansal, R.K., "Strength of Materials", 6th Edition, 2018, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.,
Web Resources:
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Define the fundamental concepts of stress and strain and the relationship
CO1 between both through the strain-stress equations in order to solve problems for
simple tridimensional elastic solids.
CO4 Analyze and represent the stress diagrams in bars and simple structures
Examine the problems relating to pure and non-uniform bending of beams and
CO5 other simple structures
Course L-T-
Course name Course Category Credits
code P
CE 2105 SURVEYING – I PCC 3-0-0 3
The student can able to,
1. Explain the basic principles of surveying.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
2. Distinguish the various methods of linear and angles measuring instruments and
enable the students to use surveying equipments.
3. Identify the different methods of Plane table Surveying
4. Demonstrate the Levelling and different methods of levelling.
5. Examine the Contouring and methods of contouring.
6. Demonstrate the Tacheometry and various tacheometry methods
Course Content:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Dr. K.R. Arora, Surveying Vo.I, 16th edition, 2018, Standard Book House.
2. B.C. Punmia, Surveying Vol.I, 17th Edition, 2016, Lakshmi Publications.
3. S.K.Duggal, Surveying Vol.I, 4th Edition, 2017,Tata Mcgraw Hill Education.
Web Resources:
1. IIT Kanpur, December 31 2009, “Surveying” URL:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
CE 2181 PCC 0-0-3 1.5
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
List of Experiments:
1. Introduction of instruments used for chain survey, Measurement of distance by ranging
and chaining
2. Distance between two inaccessible points using compass
3. Compass traversing, Closing error correction – Closed traverse (Local Attraction)
4. Plane Table Traversing- Radiation Method &Intersection Method
5. Plane Table Traversing- two point and three Point problem
6. Fly leveling – Height of Instrument method and Rise and Fall method
7. Longitudinal and Cross sectional leveling
8. Contour plan of a given area – Direct method and Grid method
9. Measurement of Horizontal and vertical angles by Theodolite
10. Trigonometric levelling – Height and Distance problem
11. Curve Setting- different methods
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Contents:
UNIT I: (5 hours)
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
State Government and its Administration- Governor: Role and position, CM and Council
of ministers, state secretariat: Organization, structure and functions.
UNIT V: (7 hours)
Learning resources
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Text book:
Reference Books:
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 2 The students will learn the political system and the system of elections in India.
CO 4 Students can also be able to utilize the laws and facilities provided by constution
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Weightage (%) 0 0 0 0
PCC 2-1-0 3
Course Content:
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water curve - standard step method, direct step method Computation of back water profile
using spread sheet.
Learning Resources:
Texts Book:
1. K.Subramanya, Flow in Open Channels, 3rd Edition, 2008, Tata McGraw Hill
Publication co. Ltd. New Delhi, 1992
Reference Books:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
1. P.N. Modi and S.M. Seth, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, 21st Edition, 2017,
Standard Book House, 1998
2. V.T. Chow, Open Channel Hydraulics, McGraw Hill, 1975
3. K.G. Rangaraju, flow in Open Channels, 1st Edition, 2001,Tata McGraw Hill
Publication Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1993
4. R.H. French, Open Channel Hydraulics, 1st Edition, 2007, McGraw Hill Book Co.,
New York 1986
Web Resources:
1. IIT Guwahati, December 31 2009, ‘Hydraulics Engineering’, URL:
PCC 2-1-0 3
Course Content:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Thin seamless cylindrical shells, Derivation of formula for longitudinal and circumferential
stresses - hoop, longitudinal and Volumetric strains, Changes in diameter, and volume of
thin cylinders, Thin spherical shells. Introduction Lame‘s theory for thick cylinders ,
Derivation of lame‘s formulae – distribution of hoop and radial stresses across thickness,
design of thick cylinders, compound cylinders, Necessary difference of radii for shrinkage
– Thick spherical shells.
Text Books:
1. Beer, F.P., and Johnston, JR, E.R., "Mechanics of Materials", 7th Edition, 2014,
McGraw Hill, 1992.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
1. Popov, E.P., Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Edition, 2015, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, 1976.
2. Punmia B C, Mechanics of Materials, Revised Edition, 2017, Laxmi Publications Ltd,
New Delhi
3. Hibbeler, R.C., "Mechanics of Materials", 10th Edition, 2016, Pearson Education, Low
Price Edition, 2007
4.Bansal, R.K., "Strength of Materials", 6th Edition, 2018, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.,
Web Resources:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course name L-T-P Credits
Course code Category
Course Content:
UNIT-I: Introduction: (Contact hours: 8)
Soil formation and structure – moisture content – Mass- volume relationship – Relative
density. Index Properties of Soils: Grain size analysis.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources
Text Book:
1. Gopal Ranjan, A.S.R. Rao, ‘Basicand Applied Soil Mechanics’, 3rd Edition, 2016
New Age International (P) Limited publishers, India.
Reference Books:
1. Braja M. Das, ‘Principles of Geotechnical Engineering’, Thomson learning Inc, 5th
Edition 2001.
2. K. Terzaghi, R. B. Peck and G. Mesri,‘Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice’, 3rd
edition 1996 , John Wiley & Sons.
Web resources:
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Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Elaborate concepts of origin of soil, identification and classification of the soils
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
Propped Cantilevers, Fixed Beams and Continuous beams (contact hours - 8)
Analysis of propped cantilevers-shear force and bending moment diagrams-Deflection of
propped cantilevers, Deflection of fixed beams, effect of sinking of support, effect of
rotation of a support. Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments- Analysis of continuous
beams with constant moment of inertia with one or both ends fixed-continuous beams with
overhang, continuous beams with different moment of inertia for different spans, Effects
of sinking of supports-shear force and bending moment diagrams.
UNIT – IV: Slope Deflection and Moment Distribution Method (contact hours - 12)
Derivation of slope deflection equation of supports application to continuous beams
including settlement of supports single bay, single sway, portal frame including side sway.
Stiffness and carryover factors –Distribution factors– Analysis of continuous beams with
and without sinking of supports–storey portal frames –including Sway-Substitute frame
analysis by two cycle.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. R C Hibbler,” Sructural Analysis” 10th edition, 2017, Person India
1. C. K. Wang, Intermediate Structural Analysis, 1st Edition, 2017, McGraw-Hill India.
2. S P Gupta and G S Pandit , Theory of Structures - Volumes 1 and 2, 1st Edition, 2017,
Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Norris, Wilbur and Utku, Elementary Structural Analysis, 4th Revised
Edition, 1991, McGraHill.
5. C.S. Reddy, Basic Structural Analysis, 7th Edition, 1981, Tata McGraw Hill.
Web Resources:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Analyze the continuous beams using various methods- slope deflection method,
Moment distribution method and Kani’s method.
Draw the influence line diagrams for various types of moving loads on
CO6 Analyze the strength of structural elements using plastic analysis
The student will be able to
1. Explain the triangulation
2. Distinguish the different types of curves and methods of setting curves
3. Determine the Earth work computation
4. Train on utilization of surveying instruments like EDM, Total station and GPS.
5. Demonstrate basics of photogrammetry and mapping process.
6 Throw light on remote sensing elements.
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Introduction, Basic concepts, perspective geometry of aerial photograph, relief and tilt
displacements, terrestrial photogrammetry, flight planning; Stereoscopy, ground control
extension for photographic mapping- aerial triangulation, radial triangulation, methods;
photographic mapping- mapping using paper prints, mapping using stereo plotting
instruments, mosaics, map substitutes.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Illustrate Earthwork computation by various methods.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Dr. K.R. Arora, Surveying, Vol. II, 13th Edition, 2016,Standard Book House, Fifth
edition, 2001.
2. Dr.B.C. Punmia, Surveying, Vol. II, 16th Edition, 2016, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd,
3. Dr. A.M.Chandra, Higher Surveying, 2nd Edition, 2006, New Age International
Web Resources:
1. IIT Kanpur, December 31 2009, “Surveying” URL:
PCC 2-1-0 3
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
Hydrological cycle, precipitation and its measurement, error in estimation, missing rainfall
data, consistency of rainfall records, intensity-duration-frequency curves, and Probable
Maximum Precipitation (PMP). Evaporation Consumptive Use and Infiltration: process
affecting factors, estimation and measurement techniques. Infiltration indices.
Types of floods and their estimation by different methods, probability and frequency
analysis, flood routing through reservoirs and channels, flood control measures, economics
of flood control.
Confined and unconfined aquifers, aquifer properties, hydraulics of wells under steady
flow conditions.Groundwater quality, Ground water recharge-necessity and methods of
improving ground water storage.Darcy’s law and its limitations.Formulation of governing
equations for groundwater movement.Hydraulics of flow towards wells.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. K. Subramanyan, “Engineering Hydrology”, Fourth Edition., Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2013
Reference Books:
1. Dr. P.N. Modi, “Irrigation, Water Resources & Water Power Engineering”, 9th
ed., Standard Book House, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Dr. B.C. Punmia& Dr. Pande B.B. Lal, “ Irrigation and water power Engineering
“, 16th ed., Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009
3. K.N Duggal, “Elements of Water Resources Engineering”, New age international
Publishers, 2003
4. R.K. Linsley and J.L.H. Paulhus: Water Resources Engineering, McGraw Hill
Book Co., 1992
Web Resources:
1. IIT Kanpur, December 31 2009, ‘Water Resources Engineering’, URL:
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PCC 0-0-3 1.5
Course objectives/Outcomes:
On the completion of the course student will be able to
1. Determine the consistency and fineness of cement.
2. Determine the setting times of cement.
3. Determine the specific gravity and soundness of cement.
4. Determine the compressive strength of cement.
5. Determine the workability of cement concrete by compaction factor, slump and
Vee – Beetests
6. Determine the specific gravity of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate by Sieve
7. Determine the flakiness and elongation index of aggregates.
8. Determine the various strengths like compressive strength, split tensile strength and
flexural strength of the concrete.
Cement Testing:
1. Normal Consistency
2. Initial and Final Setting Time
3. Soundness
4. Fineness of Cement
5. Compressive Strength of Cement
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Aggregate Properties:
6. Grade analysis of Fine and Coarse aggregates
7. Loose and Bulk density of Coarse and Fine aggregates
8. Water absorption of coarse aggregates and Angularity number
9. Specific gravity of Fine and coarse aggregate
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
1) Venturi meter and Orifice meter
2) Pitot tube
3) Rota meter
4) Bernoulli’s Experiment
5) Notches and Weirs
6) Orifices and Mouth Pieces
7) Free and Forced Vortices
8) Friction Losses
9) Fransis Turbine
10) Impact of jets
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
CE 3101 Advanced Structural Analysis PEC 2-1-0 3
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Devdas Menon, "Advanced Structural Analysis", Narosa Publishing House, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Amin Ghali, Adam M Neville and Tom G Brown, "Structural Analysis: A Unified
Classical and Matrix Approach", Sixth Edition, 2009, Chapman & Hall.
2. Devdas Menon, "Structural Analysis", Narosa Publishing House, 2nd edition 2018.
3. AsslamKassimali, "Matrix Analysis of Structures", 2nd edition , 2011.
4. R C Hibbler ‘Sructural Analysis’, 9th edition,2017, Person India Publication
Web Resources:
1 IIT Madras, 2012, ‘Advanced Structural Analysis’ by Prof. Devdas Menon,
Department of Civil Engineering, URL:
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course; the student will be able to
CO1 Differentiate Determinate and Indeterminate Structures
CO2 Carryout lateral Load analysis of structures
CO3 Analyse Cable and Suspension Bridge structures
CO4 Analyse structures using Kani’s method
CO5 Analyse structures using Matrix methods
Analyse the loads in Pratt and Warren trusses when loads of different types and
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Design of Reinforced Concrete
CE 3102 PCC 3-1-0 4
Course Content:
Learing resources:
Text Books:
1. .UnnikrishnaPillai & DevdasMenon, ,"Reinforced concrete design" 3rd
Edition,2017, Tata Mc.Graw Hill ,New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. N Subramanian ,“Design Reinforced concrete structures” , first edition 2013
Oxford Publications, New Delhi.
2. B.C.Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain,“Limit State Design” , first
edition 2007 , Laxmi, publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
3. P.C.Varghese ,“Limit state designed of reinforced concrete” 2nd edition 2008
Printice Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. IS: 456-2000. “Guidelines for Reinforced concrete design” Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi
Web resources:
1. IIT KHARAGPUR, December 31 2009, “Design of reinforced concrete structures”
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CO1 Identify and compute the main mechanical properties of concrete and steel.
CO2 Identify and calculate the design loads and distribution.
CO3 Analyze and design R.C. slabs, Footings and stair cases
CO4 Analyze and design reinforced concrete flexural members.
CO5 Analyze and design for vertical and horizontal shear in reinforced concrete.
CO6 Analyze and design short and slender R.C. columns.
PCC 2-1-0 3
Course Content
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Unit – III: General Requirements for water supply (Contact hours: 07)
Flow chart of public water supply system Sources, intake, pumping and conveyance,
Different types of intakes, pumps, Design of conveyance pipe, Distribution reservoirs,
mass curve method.
Unit – IV:Surface Water Treatment for Potable Water Supply (Contact hours: 10)
Basic unit processes and operations for surface water treatment- flow-sheets.
Sedimentation: factors affecting efficiency, design values of various parameters, tube
settlers. Coagulation and flocculation: mechanisms, common coagulants, rapid mixing and
flocculating devices, G and GT values, Jar test, coagulant aids - polyelectrolyte etc.
Filtration: classification, slow and rapid sand filters, dual media filters, sand, gravel and
under-drainage system, mode of action, cleaning, limitations, operational difficulties,
performance, basic design consideration, Disinfection: chlorination, chemistry of
chlorination, kinetics of disinfection, chlorine demand, free and combined chlorine, break
point chlorination, super chlorination, de chlorination, chlorine residual, use of iodine,
ozone, ultraviolet rays and chlorine dioxide as disinfectants.
Unit – V: Ground Water treatment for potable water supply (Contact hours: 8)
Basic unit processes and operations for ground water treatment- flow-sheets.
Aeration: Types of aeration.Water softening: lime soda and Base Exchange methods,
principle reactions, design considerations, sludge disposal.Miscellaneous treatments:
removal of iron and manganese, taste, odour and colour, principles and methods; de-
fluoridation, reverse osmosis.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning resources
Text book:
1. Santhosh Kumar Garg, “Environmental Engineering Vo.I”, Khanna publishers,
21st edition, 2012
Reference Books:
1. Howard S.Peavy,” Environmental Engineering”, 1st edition 1985 Mc Graw-Hill
International editions
2. Gerard Kiely, “Environmental Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Indian edition, 2007.
3. G.S. Birdi ,”Water supply and Sanitary Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons Publishers
Web resources:
1. NPTEL HRD, December 20, 2007,”Water and Waste water Engineering”
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 understand the role of environmental engineer
CO 2 explain the objectives of protected water supply
CO 3 define and describe water characteristics and water quality standards
CO 4 differentiate the process of surface water and ground water treatment.
apply the knowledge of water quality parameters and treatment principles for
CO 5
designing of conventional water treatment plant units.
CO 6 compare different types of water distribution networks
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. B.N. Dutta, ‘Estimating & Costing in Civil Engineering Theory and Practice’, UBS
Publishers & Distributors Limited, New Delhi, 28th Revised Edition, 2016.
Reference Books:
1.Rangawala,‘Estimating, Costing and Valuation”, Charotar Publishing House Pvt Ltd,
17th Edition, 2017.
2. R C Kohli, “A Textbook of Estimating , Costing & Accounts ( Civil)”, S Chand & CompNY Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 13th Edition. 2013.
Web Resources:
1.April 22 2018“Estimation and costing”
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand work book estimation
CO 4 Preparation of DPRs
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Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Monthly End Semester
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Total
tests Test
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Importance of Geometric Design, Design controls and Criteria, Highway Cross Section
Elements, Sight Distance Elements-SSD, OSD &ISD, Design of Horizontal Alignment:
Super elevation, Extra widening, Transition Curves, Design of Vertical alignment,
Gradients, Vertical curves.
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Khanna& Justo, ‘Highway Engineering’, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, revised
10th edition.
Reference Books:
1. Dr. L.R. Kadiyali& Dr. N.B.Lal, ‘Principles and Practice of Highway
Engineering’, Khanna Publication.2016 edition.
2. ParthaChakraborthy&Animesh Das, ‘Principles of Transportation Engineering’,
Prentice Hall of India Publications.2nd edition.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Web Resources:
1. IITKharagpur, ‘Introduction to Transportation Engineering’
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Explain the highway development in India.
Determine various road cross sectional elements and geometric design of
CO 2 highways.
Determine various tests on road materials and its suitability for road
CO 3 construction.
language learning.
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2. To help the students cultivate the habit of reading passages from the computer
monitor, thus providing them with the required facility to face computer-based
4. To initiate them into greater use of the computer in resume preparation, report
Unit 1
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – A 2 – Modules – 6-10 – Text Material
2.2 At The Post Office – Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Vocabulary Skills
4. Writing
4.1 Curriculum Vitae
4.2 E- Correspondence
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7. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 The Ultimate Challenge
Unit 2
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – A 2 – Modules – 11-15 – Text Material
2.2 At The Doctor’s – Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Eye Reading and Visual Perception
3.2 Prediction Techniques
4. Writing
4.1 Note Making
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7. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 The Power of Limitless Living
Unit 3
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – A 2 – Modules – 16-20 – Text Material
2.2 Buying A Shirt – Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Scanning Skills
3.2 Skimming Skills
4. Writing
4.1 Report Writing
5. Essential English Grammar
5.1 old – nice- interesting – quickly – badly – suddenly - (85 -86)
5.2 older (than) – the oldest – not as old as – (87-90)
5.3 enough and too – (91-92)
5.4 word order – (93-95)
5.5 and – but – or – because – when … - (97 - 98)
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7. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
6.1 The Promise of Mega Living
Unit 4
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – B1 – Modules – 1-5 – Text Material
2.2 At The Market – Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Intensive Reading Skills
4. Writing
4.1 Expansion Of Proverbs And Other
7. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
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Unit 5
2. Speaking
2.1 British Council – B 1 – Modules – 6-10 – Text Material
2.2 In The Library– Spoken English – EFLU
3. Reading
3.1 Reading Practice Exercises
4. Writing
4.1 Describing Pictures
7. Life Skills – Mega living! Achieving Mastery of the mind, body and character
7.1 Your Mind And Its Unlimited Potential – Your Commitment To Self
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Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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1. Using English languages, both written and spoken, competently and correctly.
2. Improving Comprehension and fluency of speech.
3. Gaining confidence in using English in verbal situations.
Assessment Method
3. To estimate the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density of given soil
List of Experiments:
1. Soil Moisture Content
2. Soil Specific Gravity
3. Grain size Analysis – Mechanical Method
4. Hydrometer Analysis
5. Atterberg Limits (Liquid limit, Plastic limit and Shrinkage limit)
6. Vane shear test
7. Compaction test (Standard Proctor test & Modified proctor test)
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8. Consolidation Test
9. Sand replacement method
10. Core cutter Method
11. Direct Shear Test
12. Tri-axial test apparatus
13. Falling head permeability test
14. Constant head permeability test
CE 3182 Transportation Engineering Lab PCC 0-0-3 1.5
List of Experiments:
a. Specific gravity
b. Sieve analysis
c. Flakiness index
d. Elongation index
e. Crushing value
f. Impact value
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g. Abrasion value.
a. Specific gravity
b. Penetration value
c. Softening point
d. Ductility
e. Flash and Fire point.
a. California Bearing Ratio
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Course Content:
Lab content:
1. Introduction to computer aided drafting
2. Software for Auto CAD – Introduction to different software
3. Practice exercises on AutoCAD software and commands with different shapes
(a) Exercise-1
(b) Exercise-2
(c) Assignment-1
4. Drawing of plans of buildings using software a) Single storeyed buildings 2 BHK
building b) multi storeyed buildings
(a) Exercise- 1: Plan of the building
(b) Exercise-2: Section and Elevation of the building plan by representing building
(c) Exercise -3: Site plan and building plan
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5. Detailing of building components like Doors and Windows etc., using CAD
6. Drawing and detailing of reinforcement in Building Components
(a) Exercise-1- Beams
(b) Exercise-2 – Columns and Footings
(c) Exercise-3 – Slabs
(d) Beam Column junction and non-structural components
Learing resources:
Text Books:
1. Gurucharan Singh and Jagadish Singh,”Planning, designing and Scheduling”2009,
Standard Publishers Distributors
2. M. Chakravarthi ,“Building planning and drawing”.Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. –
Anand , 7th Revised edition (2013)
1. M G Shah, C M Kale and S Y Patki ,“Building drawing” , 1985, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. M G Shah and C M Kale,” Principles of Building Drawing”, Trinity Publications, New
3. B. P. Verma, “Civil Engineering drawing and House planning”, Khanna publishers,
New Delhi.
4. Suraj Singh,“Civil Engineering Building practice”, : CBS Publications New Delhi, and
5. G. C Saha and Joy Gopal Jana, “Building Materials and Construction”, Mcgraw Hill
Education (P ) India Ltd. New Delhi.
Web resources:
1. August-23, 2017, “Auto Cad Tutorials-plan section and elevation”,
Course outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the learners would be able to…
Adapt the skills of drawing building elements and plan the buildings as
CO 1
per requirements as per the building by-laws.
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PCC 3-1-0 4
Course Objectives:
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5. Familiarize students with different types of Columns and column bases and their
6. Familiarize students with Plate girder and Gantry Girder and their Design
Course Content:
UNIT –II: Tension Members and Compression Members: (contact hours - 10)
General Design of members subjected to direct tension and bending – effective length of
columns. Slenderness ratio – permissible stresses. Design of compression members, struts
UNIT – VI: Plate Girder & Gantry Girder: (contact hours - 10)
Design consideration – I S Code recommendations Design of plate girder Welded –
Curtailment of flange plates stiffeners – splicing and connections. Gantry girder impact
factors - longitudinal forces, Design of Gantry girders.
Learning resources:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Text Books:
1. N Subramanian ,"Design of Steel Structures- Limit State Method" , 2nd edition 2016 ,
Oxford Press, New Delhi
2. K. S. Sairam, “Design of Steel Structures”, 2nd edition 2015, Pearson Education India,
New Delhi.
3. S.K. Duggal, Tata Mcgraw Hill ,"Design of steel structures", 2009 ,New Delhi
1. P Dayaraththam,” Design of steel structures” , S Chand Publication, New Delhi
2. B.C. Punmia “Comprehensive Design of Steel structures”, , Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun
Kumar Jain,2nd edition 2015 , Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
3. M.Raghupathi, “Design of Steel Structures”, 1995 , Tata Mc. Graw-Hill
Web Resources :
1. IIT MADRAS, December 31 2009, “Design of steel structures”
Design bolted and welded connections for tension and compression members and
CO2 Identify and compute the design loads on a typical steel building.
Identify the different failure modes of steel tension and compression members
and beams, and compute their design strengths.
Select the most suitable section shape and size for tension and compression
members and beams according to specific design criteria.
Identify the different failure modes of bolted and welded connections, and
determine their design strengths.
CO6 Design Plate Girder and Gantry Girder with connection detailing.
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PEC 2-1-0 3
Course Content:
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volume index, operational problems in activated sludge process and trickling filters,
stabilization ponds.
Learning resources
Text Books:
1. Santhosh Kumar Garg,” Environmental Engineering Vol.II”, Khanna publishers,24tth
edition, 2012
1. Howard S. Peavy, “Environmental Engineering”,1st Edition,1985, McGraw-Hill
International editions.
2. G.S. Birdi, “Water supply and sanitary Engineering” ,DhanpatRai& Sons Publishers
3. “Waste water Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and reuse “,Metcalf&Eddy, 4th
Edition, 2002, McGraw-Hill Indian editions.
1. NPTEL HRD, December 20, 2007,”Water and Waste Water Engineering”
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 explain physical ,chemical and biological characteristics of waste water
CO 2 list different effluent standards for safe disposal, IS:10500
CO 3 Acquire knowledge to explain the process of waste water treatment.
CO 4 cope up with the basic operation of unit processes for conventional sewage
treatment plant
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PCC 2-1-0 3
Course Content:
UNIT-I: (Contact hours: 5)
Methods of soil exploration – Boring and Sampling methods – Penetration Tests – Plate
load test – Pressure meter – preparation of soil investigation report.
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bearing pressure based on N- value – allowable bearing pressure; safe bearing capacity -
allowable settlements of structures.
Learning Resources
Text Book:
1. Joseph E. Bowles, ‘Foundation Analysis and Design’,The McGraw Hill
Companies,Fifth Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Gopal Ranjan, A.S.R. Rao, ‘Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics’, 3rdedition , 2016 , New
Age International (P) Limited publishers, India.
2. Braja M. Das, ‘Principles of Foundation Engineering’, Cengage learning Inc, 7th Edition
Web Resources:
1. IIT Kharagpur, July 17 2013, ‘Advanced Foundation Engineering’.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the characterization of soils.
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Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
Course Content:
UNIT-I: Railway Engineering-I (Contact hours: 5)
Historical Development of Railways in India, Advantages of Railways, Classification of
Railways, Permanent Way & its components, functions. Track volume and Track capacity.
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Turnouts: Left Hand Turnout, Track Junctions, Points and crossings, Tracks Drainage,
Railway Stations and Yards, Signaling.
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. B.L. Gupta and Amit Gupta, ‘Roads, Railways. Bridge, Tunnels & Harbor dock
Engineering’, Standard Publishers Distributors.3rd edition 2011.
Reference Books:
1. S.C. Saxena& S Arora, ‘Railway Engineering', Dhanpatrai Publications, 6th
Edition 2010.
2. Srinivasan, ‘Docks &Harbor Engineering’, Charotar Publishing House, 7th Edition
3. S.K. Khanna& M.G. Arora& S.S. Jain, ‘Airport Planning & Design’, Nem Chand
& Brothers, 5th Edition 1999.
Web Resources:
1. IIT Roorkee, ‘Transportation Engineering – II’
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the development of railways in India
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Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
Communicative Competence
EG3284 HSC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5
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Unit 1
9. Speaking
9.1 British Council – B1 – Modules – 6-8 – Text Material
9.2 At The Tailors – Spoken English – EFLU
10.1 A Poster AT Work
10.2 A Poster For Exam Candidates
11.1 Learning About Collocations
12.Communicative Grammar
5.1 Intonation
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Unit 2
9. Speaking
9.1 British Council – B1 – Modules – 9-11 – Text Material
9.2 At The Chemists– Spoken English – EFLU
10.1 A Message To a New Friend
10.2 An Email From a Friend
11.1 Grammatical Aspects of Collocations
12.Communicative Grammar
5.1 Intonation
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Unit 3
9. Speaking
9.1 British Council – A 2 – Modules – 12-14 – Text Material
9.2 At The Railway Station– Spoken English – EFLU
10.1 An End of term report
10.2 An Invitation to a Job Interview
11.1 Special Aspects of Collocations
12.Communicative Grammar
12.1 Intonation
Unit 4
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9. Speaking
9.1 British Council – B1 – Modules – 15-17 – Text Material
9.2 At The Tea Stall – Spoken English – EFLU
10.1 Choosing a Conference Venue
10.2 English Course Prospectus
11.1 Travel and the Environment
12.Communicative Grammar
5.1 Intonation
Unit 5
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9. Speaking
9.1 British Council – B 1 – Modules – 18-20– Text Material
9.2 An Interview– Spoken English – EFLU
10.1 Professional Profile Summaries
10.2 Study Skills Tips
11.1 People and Relationships
12.Communicative Grammar
5.1 Intonation
13.Communicative Grammar
5.1 Intonation
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8. British Council A2 Level Book
9. Spoken English : A Self Learning Guide To conversation Practice –
By: V.Sasi Kumar
PV Dhamija
10.English Collocations in Use – Michael Mc Carthy and Felicity O’Dell
11.Mega Living
By: Robin Sharma
12.A Communicative Grammar of English – Geoffrey Leech and Jan
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Assessment Method
PCC 0-0-3 1.5
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List of Experiments:
*****************ELECTIVES SYLLABUS********************************
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CE XX21 PEC 3-0-0 3
4. To learn the theory and characteristics of finite elements that represent engineering
5. To understand the concepts of trusses, beams and frames by finite element method.
Course Content:
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Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Robert D. Cook, Michael E Plesha ‘Concepts and applications of Finite Element
Analysis’,2001 ,4th Edition, John Wiley & sons Publications.
Reference Books:
1. Tirupati R. Chandrupatla, Ashok D. Belgunda ‘Introduction to Finite Elements in
Engineering’, 4thedition ,2011, PHI publications.
2. Bhatti, M.A., ‘Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications: with
Mathematica and Matlab Computations’, Wiley, 1st edition , 2005.
3. David V. Hutton ‘Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis’, Tata McGraw-Hill , 1st
edition , 2003 .
4. C.S. Krishna Murthy ‘Finite element Analysis- Theory and programming’, 2013 ,Tata
McGra Hill.
Web Resources:
IIT Madras, July 02, 2012, ‘Finite element analysis’ (NPTEL)
COURSE OUTCOMES:At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Solve simple boundary value problems using Numerical technique of Finite
element method.
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CO 2 Develop finite element formulation of one and two dimensional problems and
solve them.
CO 3 Assemble Stiffness matrices, Apply boundary conditions and solve for the
CO 4 Compute Stresses and Strains and interpret the result.
CE XX22 PEC 2-1-0 3
Course Content:
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b) Lateral buckling of cantilever and simply supported beams of rectangular and I-sections
and use of energy method and finite differences.
Learning Resources:
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1. Brush and Almorth, "Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells",McGraw Hill book
Company, 1st edition , 1975.
2. Seely, F.B, and Smith, J.O,"Advanced Mechanics of Materials", 12th printing Edition,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 1967.
4. Ashwini Kumar, "Stability Theory of Structures", Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi,
Web Resources:
COURSE OUTCOMES:At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Understand the basic concepts of buckling in the columns.
CO2 Analyze the torsional buckling and lateral buckling in the frames.
CO3 Understand the modes of buckling.
CO4 Apply the matrix analysis in the frames.
CO5 Understand the concept of buckling of plates.
CO6 Understand the conservation of energy principles.
Assessment Method
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PEC 2-1-0 3
Course Content:
UNIT – III: Analysis And Design of Sections For Flexure (Contact hours: 7)
Elastic analysis of concrete beams prestressed with straight, concentric, eccentric, bent and
parabolic tendons, Allowable stress, Design criteria as per I.S Code, Elastic design of
simple rectangular and I-section for flexure – Kern – lines, cable profile.
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UNIT – IV: Analysis And Design of Section for Shear (Contact hours: 8)
Shear and Principal Stresses, Design for Shear in beams
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Krishna Raju, “Prestressed Concrete”, 5th Edition,2012,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Reference books;
1. Sinha.N.C.and.Roy.S.K, “Fundamentals standardsof Prestressed Concrete”, S.Chand
and Co., New Delhi 1998.
2. IS: 1343-1980, “ Code of practice for Prestressed concrete”, Bureau of Indian
Web Resources:
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course; the student will be able to
CO1 Understand the different methods of prestressing.
CO2 Estimate the effective prestress including the short and long term losses.
CO3 Analyze and design prestressed concrete beams under flexure and shear.
CO4 Understand the relevant IS Codal provisions for prestressed concrete.
CO5 Examine composite sections.
CO6 Understand the importance of control of deflections.
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
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PEC 2-1-0 3
Course Content:
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Learning Resources:
Text Book:
References Books:
1. Pillai.S.V and Menon.D, "Reinforced Concrete Design", Tata McGraw Hill Book Co.,
first Edition, 2002.
Web Resources:
1. NPETL 31 December 2009 “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design",
2. IIT Madras, 2007, K. Ramesh, e-Book on Engineering Fracture Mechanics,. URL:
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course; the student will be able to
CO1 Understand the behavior of the members under flexure, torsion and combined
CO2 Analyze the shear walls and deep beams
Evaluate the flat slabs and flat plates
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PEC 3-0-0 3
Course Content:
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of elastic moduli, determination of static elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, factors affecting
modulus of elasticity, Drying shrinkage and creep, Thermal shrinkage, Extensibility and
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. A M Neville, ‘Properties of concrete’, 5th edition,2011 Person India
Reference Books:
1. P. Kumar Mehta, Paulo J M Monteiro, “ Concrete microstructure, properties and
materials”, 3rd edition, 2014, McGraw-Hill publications
2. RafatSiddique ‘Special Structural concrete’.2000
3. Peter H Emmons ‘Concrete repair and maintenance’1992
4. M S Shetty ‘Concrete technology’2006
5.AR Santha Kumar, ‘Concrete technology’, 2006 Oxford university Press, India
Web Resources:
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Course Outcomes: At the end of this course; the student will be able to
CO4 Select and design special concretes depending on their specific applications.
CO5 Gain ideas on non-destructive testing of concrete.
CO6 Know the different types of concrete.
5. To understand the response for damped and undamped free vibration systems.
6. To understand the basic concept of numerical methods.
Course Content:
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Anil K Chopra, “Dynamics of Structures- Theory and applications to Earthquake
Engineering”4th edition,2011, person India.
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References Books:
1. Maria and Paz, “Structural Dynamics- Theory and computation” 5th Edition, 2006
,Springer Publisher.
2. IS 1893 (Part-1)-2002, “Earthquake resistant Design of Structures -Buildings” Bureau
of Indian standards, New Delhi
3. Clough & Penzein "Dynamics of Structures", McGraw Hill 1995.
Web Resources:
IIT Bombay, July 03, 2012, ‘Structural dynamics’,( NPTEL)
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
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Course Content:
UNIT – II: Selection of site and Initial Decision Process (Contact hours: 7)
Geotechnical investigations and implementations, River Bridge: Selection of bridge site
and planning, collection of bridge design data, hydrological calculation, Waterway
calculation, scour calculation, depth of foundation, freeboard Road Bridge: Selection of
bridge site and planning, collection of bridge design data, vertical clearance
UNIT – III: Standard Loading for Bridge Design as per IS codes (Contact hours: 10)
Road Bridges: IRC, BS code, AASHTO code, Dead load, Live load, Impact factor,
Centrifugal force, Wind loads, hydraulic forces, longitudinal forces, seismic forces, earth
pressure: Buoyancy, Lane concept, equivalent loads, traffic load, width of roadway and
footway; Influence lines for statically; determinate structures. Influence lines (I.L.) for
statically indeterminate structures; Transverse distribution of Live loads among deck
longitudinal; Load combinations for different working state and limit state designs.
Railway Bridges: Loadings for Railway Bridges; Railroad data; Pre-design
considerations; Rail road vs. Highway bridges.
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Longitudinal Analysis of Bridge; Slab bridge and voided slab bridge; Beam-Slab bridge;
Box Girder Bridge. Transverse Analysis of Bridge: Slab bridge and voided slab bridge,
Beam-Slab bridge; Box Girder Bridge.
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. T.R. Jagadeesh and M.A. Jayaram, “ Design of Bridge Structures”, 2nd Edition 2009,
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
References Books:
1. D.J. Victor, "Essentials of Bridge Engineering", 6th Edition 2017,Oxford publications.
2. E.C Hambly, "Bridge Deck Behavior ",2 edition , December 31, 1990 E & FN SPON
3. R.RAJAGOPALAN, "Bridge Superstructure", Tata McGraw- Hills Publishing
Company Limited.
4. S. PONNUSWAMY, "Bridge Engineering", Tata McGraw - Hills Publishing Company
Web Resources:
IIT madras, ‘Bridge Engineering’ (NPTEL) “”
COURSE OUTCOMES:At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Explain different types of Bridges with diagrams and Loading standards
CO2 Carryout analysis and design of Slab bridges, T Beam bridges, Box culvers
CO3 suggest structural detailing
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Course Content:
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Corrosion, Alkali aggregate reaction, Sulphate attack, Acid Attack, temperature and their
causes, Mechanism, Effect, preventive measures – Cracks: cracks in concrete, type, pattern,
quantification, measurement and preventive measures.
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
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References Books:
1. Allen R.T. & Edwards S.C, ‘Repair of Concrete Structures’, Blakie and Sons, UK ,
1993,1st edition
2. Shetty M.S., “Concrete Technology – Theory and Practice”, S.Chand and Company,
3. P.C.Varghese, “Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation and Minor works of
Buildings”, 1st edition 2014.PHI learning Pvt. Ltd.
4. Denison Campbell, Allen and Harold Roper, “Concrete Structures, Materials,
Maintenance and Repair”, Longman Scientific and Technical UK, 1991.
Web Resources :
IIT Kanpur, Feb 13, 2014, ‘Concrete Engineering technology’ (NPTEL)
COURSE OUTCOMES:At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Explain deterioration of concrete in structures
CO2 Carryout analysis using NDT and evaluate structures
CO3 Assess failures and causes of failures in structures
CO4 Carryout Physical evaluation and submit report on condition of the structure
CO5 Explain deterioration of concrete in structures
CO6 Understand the serviceability and durability of concrete.
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Course Content:
Learning Resources:
Reference books
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Reference Codes:
1. IS: 1893 (Part-1) -2002. “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant – Design of structures.”
B.I.S., New Delhi.
Web Resources:
COURSE OUTCOMES:At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1 Understand the seismology, tectonic plates and seismic zones in India.
Apply the concept of Earthquake Resistant Design & concept of lateral load
distribution on buildings.
3 Determine the lateral forces generated in the structure due to earthquake.
4 Apply the concept of ductile detailing in RC structures.
5 Design Principles of earthquake resistant of concrete members.
6 Understand the capacity design for beams and columns.
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Course Content:
UNIT-I: Types of Pavements (Contact hours: 5)
Types of pavement – Factors affecting design of pavements – wheel loads –ESWL
Concept- tyre pressure – contact pressure, Material characteristics – Environmental and
other factors.
UNIT- II: Stresses in Flexible Pavements (Contact-hours: 8)
Stresses in flexible pavement – layered systems concept -one layer system – Business Two
layer system – Burmister Theory for Pavement Design.
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IRC method of Rigid pavement design – Importance of Joints in Rigid Pavements- Types
of Joints – Use of Tie Bars and Dowell Bars. AASHTO method of Rigid pavement design.
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Pavement Analysis and Design by Yong H Huang, Second edition 2002.
Reference books:
1. Yoder and Wit Zork, ‘Principles of Pavement Design’, wiley inter science
publication,2nd edition 1975.
2. C. JotinKhinsty and B. Kent Lall, ‘Transportation engineering’, third edition 2009.
Web Resources:
1. IIT Kharagpur, ‘Introduction to Transportation Engineering’ (Lecture 24 to 40)
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the types of pavements.
CO 2 Understand the stress analysis in flexible pavements.
CO 3 Understand the stress analysis in rigid pavements.
CO 4 Design the flexible pavements.
CO 5 Understand the maintenance of highways.
CO 6 Design the rigid pavements.
Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Monthly End Semester
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Total
tests Test
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
UNIT-I: Urban Travel Demand (Contact hours: 8)
Urban Development, transport problems and travel characteristics, Need for planning and
overall planning process, Components of travel demand: Independent variables &Travel
Attributes, Demand function and assumptions in demand estimation, Sequential travel
demand modeling, Study Area: Zoning, cordon lines and screen lines
Data requirements for demand estimation: Socio-Economic surveys, Land use Surveys,
Traffic and Transport surveys, Study of reports and proposals.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Dr. L.R. Kadiyali, “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”, 6 thedition, Khanna
Publishers, 1999.
Reference books:
1. 1. Thirumurthy A.M., “Environmental Facilities and Urban Development in India – A
System Dynamic Model for Developing Countries, Academic Foundations, 1 st Edition,
India, 1992.
Web Resources:
1.IIT Madras, ‘Urban transportation planning’
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the urban development and travel characteristics.
CO 2 Understand the concepts of trip generations.
CO 3 Understand the concepts of mode choice analysis.
CO 4 Understand the preparation of plans and its evaluations.
CO 5 Understand the urban development and travel characteristics.
CO 6 Understand the concepts of trip distributions.
Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Assessment Method
Monthly End Semester
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Total
tests Test
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
CE XX32 PEC 3-0-0 3
Course Content:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. Murty, J.V.S. “Watershed Management”, 2nd edition 2017 , New Age Intl., New
Delhi .
Reference Books:
1. Purandare, A.P., Jaiswal A.K., ‘Waterhed Development in India’, NIRD,
Hyderabad, 1995
2. Allam, Gamal Ibrahim Y., ‘Decision Support System for Integrated Watershed
Management’,Colorado State University, 1994.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
1. To take up the basic concepts of irrigation and familiarize with different types of
irrigation techniques.
2. To know the importance, features and uses of diversion and impounding structures.
3. To explore about the importance of rivers, reservoirs and silt control.
4. To learn about basics of irrigation, consumptive use and design a channel through
kennedy’s theory, lacey’s theory.
5. To explore different types of hydro power plants and their suitability.
6. To familiarize with runoff river plant and pumped storage plant.
Course Content:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. Dr. B.C. Punmia& Dr. Pande B.B. Lal, “Irrigation and water power Engineering”,
Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 12th ed., Laxmi Publication, 1992.
Reference Books
1. S. K. Garg, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, 23rd ed., Khanna
Publishers, Delhi, 2009.
2. Asawa, G.L., “Irrigation Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, 2000
3. Dr. P.N. Modi, “Irrigation, Water Resources & Water Power Engineering”, 7th ed.,
Standard Book House, New Delhi, 2008.
Web Resources:
1. IIT Kharagpur, December 31 2009, ‘Water Resources Engineering’, URL:
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, student will be able to
An exposure to irrigation engineering and understanding of calculating water
requirement for canal design
2 An understanding of reservoir planning and canal structures
3 Design of unlined canal using silt theories.
4 Understand functions of regulating and cross drainage works.
5 Understand the basic terminology of water power engineering
6 To study about power duration curve, load factor and capacity factor
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
CE XX34 PEC 3-0-0 3
Kinds of open channel flow, channel geometry, types and regimes of flow, Velocity
distribution in open channel, wide open channel, specific energy, critical flow and its
computation, Energy in non-prismatic channel, momentum in open channel flow, specific
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Hydraulic jump, types of jump, basic characteristics of jump, length and location of jump,
jump as energy dissipation, control of jump, surges, surge channel transitions.
Sudden transition, sub-critical flow through sudden transition, flow through culverts, flow
through bridge piers, obstructions, channel junction.
Application of momentum principle, impact of jets on plane and curved plates, turbines,
classification, radial flow turbines, Axial flow turbines, impulse and reaction turbines, draft
tube and cavitations, performance of turbines, centrifugal pump, minimum speed to start
the pump, Multistage pumps, jet and submersible pumps, positive displacement pumps,
reciprocating pump, negative slip, flow separation conditions
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course objectives:
Course Content:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. M.N.Rao and H.V.N.Rao , “Air pollution ‘’ 1st Edition, 1989– Tata Mc.Graw Hill
1.R.K. Trivedy and P.K Goel, “An introduction to Air pollution”. by ‘,2nd Edition, 2005,
B.S. Publications.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
2. Wark and Warner “Air pollution” –3rd Edition, 1997, Harper & Row, New York.
Web resources
NPTEL HRD, February 18, 2008 ,’Air pollution &
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO acquire the knowledge and understanding to evaluate air quality management
CO to understand the type and nature of air pollutants
CO analyse the general air pollution problems and episodes
CO analyse the effects of air pollutants on man, material and vegetation
CO to apply the knowledge of meteorology in design of plume dispersion model.
CO to illustrate the theory and working of pollution control devices
Advanced Foundation
PEC 3-0-0 3
CE XX36 Engineering
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
UNIT –I: Soil exploration: (Contact hours: 5)
Analysis and interpretation of soil exploration data, estimation of soil parameters for
foundation design.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
1. V.N.S. Murthy, "Advanced Foundation Engineering", 2010, CBS Publishers and
References books:
1. A.P.S. Selvadurai, "Elastic Analysis of Soil-Foundation Interaction", 2013, Elsevier
Scientific Publishing Company.
2. Braja M. Das, "Principles of Foundation Engineering", 7th Edition, 2013, PWS
Publishing Company.
3. Joseph Bowles, "Foundation Analysis and Design", 5th Edition, 2001, McGraw‐Hill
Book Company.
Web Resources:
1. IIT Kharagpur, ‘Lecture series on Advanced Foundation Engineering’
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Analysis and interpretation of soil exploration data.
CO 2 Estimate the soil parameters for design of foundations.
CO 3 Design the shallow foundations.
CO 4 Understand the concept of pile foundations.
CO 5 Understand the concept of retaining walls.
CO 6 Understand the concept of reinforced earth.
Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Monthly End Semester
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Total
tests Test
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
UNIT -I: (Contact hours: 8)
Dewatering: methods of de-watering- sumps and interceptor ditches- single, multi stage
well points - vacuum well points, Horizontal wells-foundation drains-blanket drains-
criteria for selection of fill material around drains –Electro-osmosis.
Grouting: Objectives of grouting- grouts and their properties- grouting methods-
ascending, descending and stage grouting, hydraulic fracturing in soils and rocks- post
grout test.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
UNIT-VI: (Contact-hours: 8)
Expansive soils: Problems of expansive soils – tests for identification – methods of
determination of swell pressure. Improvement of expansive soils – Foundation techniques
in expansive soils – under reamed piles.
Learning Recourses:
Text book:
1. Purushotham Raj, ‘Ground Improvement Techniques’, 2nd Edition, 2016, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi.
References books:
1. Hausmann M.R., ‘Engineering Principles of Ground Modification’, 1st Edition,
1990, McGraw-Hill International Edition.
2. Moseley M.P., ‘Ground Improvement’, 2nd Edition, 2004, Blackie Academic and
Professional, Boca Taton, Florida, USA.
3. Xanthakos P.P, Abramson, L.W and Brucwe, ‘Ground Control and Improvement’,
1st Edition, 1994, John Wiley and Sons.
Web Resources:
1. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, ‘Group Improvement’
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the concepts of grouting and dewatering.
CO 2 Understand the methods of densification.
CO 3 Understand the soil stabilization techniques.
CO 4 Understand the concepts of earth reinforcement.
CO 5 Understand the concepts of geo synthetics.
CO 6 Understand the problems with expensive soils.
Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Monthly End Semester
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Total
tests Test
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
CE XX38 PEC 3-0-0 3
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. B.C. Punmia& K.K.Khandelwal, ‘Project planning and control with PERT and CPM’,
4th Edition, 2016, Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd.,
Reference Books:
1. Schexnayder, C. J. and Mayo, R. E., ‘Construction Management Fundamentals’,2nd
Edition, 2008, International Edition, McGraw-Hill.
2. Peurifoy, R. L., Schexnayder, C. J. and Shapira, A., ‘Construction Planning,
Equipment, and Methods’, 8th Edition, 2010, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. 7th
Web Resources:
1. IIT Madras, ‘Project Planning & Control’
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Assessment Method:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Infrastructure Planning
CE XX39 PEC 3-0-0 3
and Management
Course Content:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Alvin S. Goodman and Makarand Hastak, ‘Infrastructure Planning Handbook:
Planning, Engineering, and Economic’, 1st Edition, 2006, McGraw-Hill Professional
References Books
1. Michael Phiri, ‘BIM in Healthcare Infrastructure: Planning, Design and
Construction’, ICE Publishing , 2016.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Web Resources:
1. IIT Madras, ‘Lecture series on Infrastructure planning and management’
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand theBasic Concepts Related to Infrastructure.
CO 2 Understand the concepts of organization in the field of Infrastructure.
CO 3 Understand the Private Involvement in Infrastructure.
CO 4 Understand the Successful Infrastructure Planning and Implementation.
Understand theStrategies for Successful Infrastructure Project
CO 5
CO 6 Understand the development of infrastructure.
Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Monthly End Semester
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Total
tests Test
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
Construction Economics
CE XX40 PEC 3-0-0 3
and Finance
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
UNIT-I: (Contact hours: 5)
Introduction: Basic Principles - Time value of money, Quantifying alternatives for
decision making, Cash flow diagrams.
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Phillip F. Ostwald, ‘Construction Cost Analysis and Estimating’,1st Edition, 2000,
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Reference Books:
1. Peterson, S. J., ‘Construction Accounting and Financial Management’,3rd Edition,
2012, Pearson Education, New Jersey.
2. Peurifoy, R. L., Schexnayder, C. J. and Shapira, A., ‘Construction Planning,
Equipment, and Methods’, 9thEdition., 2018,Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
Web Resources:
1. IIT Guwahati, ‘Construction Economics and Finance’
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the concept quantifying alternatives for decision making.
CO 2 Understand the concepts of Time value of money.
CO 3 Understand the comparison of alternatives.
Understand the concepts of depreciation, inflation and taxes and cost –
CO 4
CO 5 Understand the concepts of equipment economics
CO 6 Understand the concepts of introduction to financial management
Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Monthly End Semester
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Total
tests Test
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
UNIT I: EMR and Its Interaction with Atmosphere & Earth Material
(Contact hours: 7)
Definition of remote sensing and its components – Electromagnetic spectrum – wavelength
regions important to remote sensing – Wave theory, Particle theory, Stefan-Boltzman and
Wein’s Displacement Law – Atmospheric scattering, absorption – Atmospheric windows
spectral signature concepts – typical spectral reflective characteristics of water, vegetation
and soil.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. Anji Reddy, M. (2001). Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information
System. 4th Edition, 2012, BS Publications, Hyderabad.
Reference Books:
1. Lillesand, T.M., Kiefer, R.W. and J.W.Chipman. (2004). Remote Sensing and
Image Interpretation. 7th Edition, 2015, John Willey and Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi. Pp:763.
2. Lo. C.P.and A.K.W.Yeung (2002), Concepts and Techniques of Geographic
Information Systems, 2nd Edition, 2012, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Peter A.Burrough, Rachael A.McDonnell (2000). “Principles of GIS”, 3rd Edition,
2015, Oxford University Press.
4. Ian Heywood (2000). An Introduction to GIS, 4th Edition, 2012, Pearson Education
Web Resources:
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CE XX51 OEC 3-0-0 3
Course Content:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
steady/ unsteady, uniform/ radial flow to a well in a confined/ unconfined /leaky aquifer,
well flow near aquifer boundaries/ for special conditions, partially penetrating/horizontal
wells & multiple well systems, well completion/ development/ protection/ rehabilitation/
testing for yield
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. D. K. Todd and L. F. Mays, "Groundwater Hydrology", 3rd edition 2011 ,John
Wiley and sons.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Reference Books:
1. Raghunath H.M., ‘Ground Water’ – Wiley Eastern Publications
2. K. R. Karanth, "Hydrogeology", 1st edition 2017 TataMcGraw Hill Publishing
3. Bower H,’Ground Water Hydrology’,1st edition 2017 McGraw Hill,
Web Resources:
1. IIT Kharagpur, June 11 2015, ‘Ground Water Hydrology’, URL:
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, student will be able to
1 Understand the nature of groundwater and its role in water cycle
2 Understand Darcy’s law and the ground water flow equation.
Use suitable data to calculate the exploitable storage, specific yield and specific
retention of an aquifer.
4 Capable of interpreting groundwater field data and identify contamination.
5 Allot ground water usage according to sustainable yield.
6 Learn modelling of ground water and its management
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Basic probability theory, Chance constrained Linear Programming for reservoir operation
and design and Stochastic Dynamic Programming for reservoir operation.
Fuzzy optimization for water quality control and reservoir operation, Conjunctive use of
ground and surface water, Hydropower optimization, Crop yield optimization, Multi-basin
and multi-reservoir systems.
Learning Resources:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Text Book:
1. Loucks, D.P. and Ellco Van Beek (2005) ‘Water Resources Systems Planning and
Management :An Introduction to Methods, Models and Applications.’, 1st Edition,
2017, UNESCO, Netherlands.
2. Mays L.W and Tung Y-K,(1992) ‘Hydrosystems Engineering and Management’, 1st
Edition,2002, McGraw Hill, USA
3. Simonovic,S.P.(2009) ‘Managing Water Resources : Methods and Tools for a Systems
Approach’, 1st Edition, 2008, UNESCO Publishing, France
Web Resources:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Environmental Management
OEC 3-0-0 3
CE XX53 and Impact Assessment
Course objectives:
1 To provide a basic understanding of the EIA process as it is used for research,
planning, project or program evaluation, monitoring, and regulatory enforcement.
2 To compare and contrast different EIA methodologies
3 To summarize environmental impact assessment of human activities in soil,
surfacewater, air and biological environment.
4 To explain various types of environmental audit, acts and rules.
5 To record environmental Impact assessment statement for various Industries
6. To introduce students to the legal, economic, social, administrative and technical
process preparing and/or evaluating environmental impact documents.
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. Y. Anjaneyulu, ‘Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies’, 2ndEdition, 2010,
B.S. Publication, Sultan Bazar, KAKINADA.
Reference books:
1. Suresh K. Dhaneja by ‘Environmental Science and Engineering’– 2013, S.K.,
Katania& Sons Publication., New Delhi.
2. Dr H.S. Bhatia ‘Environmental Pollution and Control’–2nd Edition, 2018, Galgotia
Publication (P) Ltd, Delhi
3. J. Glynn and Gary W. Hein Ke , ‘Environmental Science and Engineering’, by– 2nd
Edition, 1996, Prentice Hall Publishers
Web resources :
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Acquire a better understanding of social impact of development on
CO 1 environment
define the basic concepts of environmental impact assessment
CO 2 Experience environmental planning and auditing activities
Summarize environmental impact assessment of human activities in soil,
CO 3
surface water, air and biological environment.
CO 4 Explain various types of environmental audit, acts and rules.
Modern Construction
CE XX54 OEC 3-0-0 3
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
6. To understand the concepts of types & differences between smart and intelligent
Course Content:
UNIT-I (Contact hours: 5)
Introduction of Engineering Materials, Properties of the engineering materials, need of
advanced materials in civil engineering.
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the properties of engineering materials.
Understand the behavior of concrete and advantages of high strength
CO 2
CO 3 Understand the types of steel and advantages of alloy steel.
CO 4 Understand the types of plastic and advantages of reinforced polymers.
Understand the concepts of types and properties of water proofing
CO 5
Understand the concepts of types & differences between smart and
CO 6
intelligent materials.
Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Monthly End Semester
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Total
tests Test
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Course Content:
UNIT-I: (Contact hours: 8)
Green innovation & sustainability: Criteria for choosing appropriate green energy
technologies, life cycle cost; the emerging trends - process /product innovation,
technological environmental leap –frogging; Eco/green technologies for addressing the
problems of water, Energy, Health, Agriculture and Biodiversity-WEHAB (eco–
restoration/Phyto-remediation, ecological sanitation, renewable energy technologies,
industrial ecology, and appropriate green technologies); design for sustainability.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. George Acquaah, ‘Horticulture Principles and Practice’, 4th Edition, 2008, PHI
Learning Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Brian Hackett, ‘Planting design’, 1st Edition, 1979, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
2. Gordon Halfacre and john A Barden, ‘Horticulture’, 1st Edition, 1979, Mc Graw-Hill
Book Company.
3. G.S .Saini, ‘A Textbook of Ornamental Gardening’, 2013, Aman Publishing House,
4. V.Kumaresan, ‘Horticulture’, 2010, Saras Publication.
5. An illustrative Handbook on Landscape Design prepared by the Instructor and TA as a
part of the environmental research.
Web Resources:
1. IIT Kharagpur, ‘Lecture series on Green buildings and Landscape’.
URL: https://
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the green building trends and technologies.
CO 2 Understand the concept of green energy and its sustainable development.
CO 3 Understand the concept of ecosystems and ecology principles.
CO 4 Understand the concept of landscape.
CO 5 Design of landscape.
CO 6 Understand the concept global warming.
Assessment Method:
Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understanding of the impact which CivilEngineering has on the Society at large and on
the global arena.
4. Gain awareness about the importance of Civil Engineering and the impact it has on the
Society and at global levels.
5. Gain awareness about the impact of Civil Engineering for the various specific fields of
human endeavor.
Course Content:
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
requirements for various resources; GIS and applications for monitoring systems; Human
Development Index and Ecological Footprint of India Vs other countries and analysis.
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies-Nuzvid
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
aspects of Civil Engineering Projects; New Project Management paradigms & Systems
(Ex. Lean Construction), contribution of Civil Engineering to GDP, Contribution to
employment(projects, facilities management), Quality of products, Health & Safety aspects
for stakeholders; Innovations and methodologies for ensuring Sustainability during Project
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Žiga Turk (2014), ‘Global Challenges and the Role of Civil Engineering’, Chapter 3
in:Fischinger M. (eds) Performance-Based Seismic Engineering: Vision for an
Earthquake Resilient Society. Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering,
Vol. 32. Springer, Dordrecht
Reference Books:
1. Brito, Ciampi, Vasconcelos, Amarol, Barros (2013) ‘Engineering impacting Social,
Economical and Working Environment’, 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
2. NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering (2006), ‘Engineering for the Developing
World, The Bridge’, Vol 34, No.2, Summer 2004.
3. Allen M. (2008) ‘Cleansing the city’. Ohio University Press. Athens Ohio.
4. Ashley R., Stovin V., Moore S., Hurley L., Lewis L., Saul A 2010). London Tideway
Tunnels Programme – Thames Tunnel Project Needs Report – Potential source control
and SUDS applications: Land use and retrofit options
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the importance of Civil Engineering.
CO 2 Know about the ecosystems.
CO 3 Understand the Environmental Impact Analysis procedure.
CO 4 Demonstrate about energy efficient built environment.
CO 5 Gain knowledge about solid waste management.
Gain awareness of various codes and standard governing infrastructure
CO 6
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Course Content:
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Learning resources
Text book:
1 William W. Hines and Douglas C. Montgomery, ‘Probability and Statistics in
Engineering’, Willy Publications, 4th Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Sheldon Ross, ‘A First Course in Probability’, Pearson Publications, 9th Edition.
Web resources:
4. RGUKT Course Content
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Apply Probability theory via Bayes Rule.
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Nuzvid campus, Krishna District
Assessment Method