The Podcast Cheat Sheet by Pat Flynn
The Podcast Cheat Sheet by Pat Flynn
The Podcast Cheat Sheet by Pat Flynn
Cheat Contents
Introduction.................................................................. 2
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In this checklist, you’ll notice certain steps that are bolded
and highlighted with a box around them . . .
Good luck, and I hope to see you in the training, and soon
up on iTunes and other podcasting directories, too!
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Pre-Launch Step 1: Prepare Your Show
YOU AND YOUR ☐ Decide why you are starting your podcast:
Make a Commitment
☐ I’m going to commit to starting a podcast (and ☐ Know who your show is for. What kind of
person? Describe them below:
actually follow through)!
up on the mic)
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Determine Your Show Details
☐ Podcast Title (40 characters or less is
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Pre-Launch Step 2: 4.
Plan Your Show Structure 9.
Podcast Introduction (How might you begin your
podcast once a person hits play?):
☐ Potential Guests:
Brainstorm Topics and Guests (What content
would be beneficial for your audience to hear?
Try to get at least 10 ideas started): 7.
1. 10.
☐ Install software to record interviews (Skype,
ZenCastr, Zoom)
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Pre-Launch Step 3: Set Up Your File Organization
☐ Install your microphone in your shock mount ☐ Create a recordings folder for inside your master
and on stand or boom arm.
folder for any interviews you record.
☐ Install your editing software (Garageband or ☐ Plan a hook for the beginning of your episode to
make them want to stick around!
Audacity will work—both free!).
☐ Setup your new microphone as an input device. ☐ Be consistent with where your mouth is in
relation to the microphone and always face the
correct settings for your microphone. You may
need to adjust the input level. ☐ Minimize distractions.
Tip: I recommend listening to yourself using headphones, instead of
through your computer/laptop speakers.
☐ Record where you can minimize echo (your
closet is perfect!).
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☐ Picture your listener avatar. ☐ Add your guest’s Skype name to your contact
☐ Be yourself and have fun.
☐ Before initiating your call with the guest, test
☐ Don’t worry about the umms and uhhhs. your Skype settings.
☐ Build a relationship before inviting someone to ☐ Take notes while staying genuinely curious.
be a guest.
☐ Add to the conversation.
☐ Request the interview well in advance of when
you need to record. It make take several weeks ☐ Ask the guest where the audience can learn
to find a time that works. more about the guest.
☐ Confirm the date, time, and recording location/ ☐ Stop recording and thank the guest again.
method of the interview a few days in advance.
☐ Send the guest a release form (available in
☐ Send the guest an overview of what you plan to Power-Up Podcasting).
cover and how you plan to connect.
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Edit Your Episode
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Pre-Launch Step 4: Upload Your Episode To Your Host
☐ Create a new episode and upload your file.
☐ Fill in the metadata and episode description.
Create Your MP3
☐ Be sure your episode metadata includes your
☐ From your audio editor, export your podcast podcast artwork.
☐ Set up your podcast feed with your podcast details. Add Your Podcast to Your Website
☐ Add your podcast artwork.
☐ In your website, set up a category for your
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☐ Create a new post for each podcast episode.
Include links to any resources you mentioned in
the episode.
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Pre-Launch Step 5: ☐ Reach out to any companies mentioned in your
THE LAUNCH PLAN podcast (optional).
☐ Launch with your first three episodes. Yes, you Launch Week
will launch with three already live.
☐ Prepare the blog posts for each episode. ☐ Submit your show to iTunes Podcasts Connect
☐ Plan to submit your feed to iTunes a week before several days before launch.
☐ Create images for sharing on social media. ☐ Submit your feed to Pandora.
☐ Make a coming soon page (optional). ☐ Submit your feed to TuneIn.
☐ Create a street team of your most engaged ☐ Email your list and your network to let them
audience members to help promote the show
(optional). know your launch is coming up.
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☐ Engage your street team to inform them of your The Post-Launch Plan
launch day plans.
☐ Prepare a launch day contest with giveaways. ☐ Pick a day of the week for recording.
☐ After your podcast has been added to the ☐ Batch process your recording (record several
episodes on a single day).
directories, add Pretty Links (short links) to each
directory at the bottom of your episode show
☐ Ask your audience for what they want to hear.
☐ Ask your past guests for other guest
☐ Publish your three show note blog posts. ON-GOING MARKETING OF YOUR SHOW
☐ Create Pretty Links (short links) for each episode. I cover these tips on a lot of live trainings and free
☐ Share your podcast with your audience (via your tutorials. I also teach a lot of strategies and tactics to my
students in Power-Up Podcasting.
email list, social media) and ask them to subscribe.
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9 Marketing Tips to Quickly Grow Your Blog, Podcast or
Video Channel (YouTube):
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In addition to helping you through the green
DON’T MISS MY FREE PODCAST highlighted items in this checklist, I’ll also share
TRAINING WEBINAR! some things you should look out for so you avoid
As a quick reminder, if you’d like to get even more details about
the highlighted portions of this checklist, please join me on Click the link at the bottom of this page to check
my podcast training webinar, which you can easily register for out the on-demand webinar if you haven’t
below. already.
We also uncover a lot of podcasting myths that could potentially Finally, if you want additional help, please
hold you back from ever getting started. I want you to succeed! consider taking advantage of the opportunity
Join me here at: to enroll in my premium course, Power-Up Podcasting.
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Thanks, good luck, and if this is a helpful checklist for you, and
you’d like to share it with someone, I’d be forever grateful! The
best way to share this is to direct them to:
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