The Podcast Cheat Sheet by Pat Flynn

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Cheat Contents

Introduction.................................................................. 2

You and Your Future Podcast................................... 4

Planning Your Podcast Episodes…...........................6

Recording and Editing Your Show......................... 7

by Pat Flynn Preparing the Audio File for the World............. 10

The Launch Plan......................................................... 12

To help you through this cheatsheet, there is an

on-demand training you’re welcome to access
to help walk you through some of the more
demanding parts of this process.

Click here to watch the on-demand training with

Pat Flynn now.
for artists and entrepreneurs is actually a sign that
Hi! I’m Pat Flynn, host of The Smart this is important to you, and it’s something you
Passive Income Podcast, The AskPat should push through to do.
Podcast, and three more shows that
in total have earned over 55 million Yes, it’s new. Yes, it’s scary. But yes, podcasting
downloads. Across all of these will open up new opportunities for you and your
podcasts, I’ve recorded over 1,300 podcast episodes, and business that you can’t even imagine yet!
I’m on a mission to help you start a podcast of your own.
The time to start is now, and I’m happy to help you
I’m so excited you want to start your own show. I’ve along the way. Which relates to reason #2 from
been podcasting for nearly ten years, and it’s completely above —the steps to get your show started.
changed my business, and my life.
I’ve taught tens of thousands of people how to start
With that said, I remember how difficult it was to get a podcast. Several have used this cheatsheet you’re
started. I made an announcement back in 2008 about the reading, many have joined my premium courses to
start of my very first podcast. help them succeed, and I’ve even personally coached
a few people in person, too.
Unfortunately, I didn’t come out with my first episode
until July . . . of 2010. That’s a year and a half later! Why? This checklist (a.k.a. Cheat Sheet) will outline all of
Two reasons: the steps you need to do to get your podcast started,
and also things you can do to get found, too. There
1. Because I was scared are many people who will help you start a podcast,
2. Because I didn’t know all the steps but my specialty is also how to make sure you get
heard. That’s why I’m glad you’re here!
To tackle reason #1 really quick, anything new is going
to be a little scary. But that’s a good thing! As Stephen
Pressfield says in his book, The War of Art, that self-doubt

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In this checklist, you’ll notice certain steps that are bolded
and highlighted with a box around them . . .

Sort of like this . . .

These are extremely important aspects of your podcast

that aren’t totally easy to get on your own.

To help you, I’ve created a free on-demand training to

help you through those parts. I’ll be referencing this very
checklist, so all you have to do is follow along.

To watch the on-demand training, click on the link below

this paragraph, or you can find the link at the bottom of
each page of this document, too.

Good luck, and I hope to see you in the training, and soon
up on iTunes and other podcasting directories, too!

— Pat Flynn, host of The Smart Passive Income Podcast,

AskPat, FoodTruckr School, All of Your Beeswax and 1 Day
Business Breakthrough

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Pre-Launch Step 1: Prepare Your Show
YOU AND YOUR ☐ Decide why you are starting your podcast:
Make a Commitment
☐ I’m going to commit to starting a podcast (and ☐ Know who your show is for. What kind of
person? Describe them below:
actually follow through)!

Purchase Your Podcasting

☐ Microphone (I recommend the ATR-2100 USB ☐ How will your podcast help them? How might
they benefit from listening to your podcast?
microphone, or the Samson Q2U if you’re not in
the US) - Click here for a microphone review to
hear how they sound.

☐ Microphone stand (I recommend a “Boom Arm”

☐ What will you offer, include or bring to the table
☐ Shock mount (to reduce vibrations being picked that will help your show stand out?

up on the mic)

☐ Pop filter or windscreen (to reduce B & P

sounds from blowing air into the mic)

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Determine Your Show Details
☐ Podcast Title (40 characters or less is

☐ Podcast Subtitle (a one-liner description of your


☐ Keywords (what keywords would you ideally

love to rank for? Choose 5-7):

☐ Podcast Description (a more detailed ☐ Get Podcast Artwork Created (3000x3000px

description of your show, often 1-2 paragraphs
in length. Be sure to include keywords. Can be maximum and recommended, RGB colorspace)
1st or 3rd person):

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Pre-Launch Step 2: 4.


Plan Your Show Structure 9.

Podcast Introduction (How might you begin your
podcast once a person hits play?):
☐ Potential Guests:

☐ (Optional) Get voiceover or royalty-free music 3.

ordered for your podcast introduction

Brainstorm Topics and Guests (What content
would be beneficial for your audience to hear?
Try to get at least 10 ideas started): 7.

☐ Episode Topic Ideas:


1. 10.

☐ Install software to record interviews (Skype,
ZenCastr, Zoom)

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Pre-Launch Step 3: Set Up Your File Organization

RECORDING AND ☐ Create a master folder for your podcast.

EDITING YOUR SHOW ☐ Create a subfolder for your recordings.

Hook Up Your Equipment ☐ Inside the subfolder, create a folder for each
episode of your show.

☐ Install your microphone in your shock mount ☐ Create a recordings folder for inside your master
and on stand or boom arm.
folder for any interviews you record.

☐ Install your windscreen. Record Your Episode

☐ Connect your microphone to your computer ☐ Create an outline based on the transformation
with a USB cable.
you want your audience to have. Don’t script the
whole show.
Set Up Your Recording Software

☐ Install your editing software (Garageband or ☐ Plan a hook for the beginning of your episode to
make them want to stick around!
Audacity will work—both free!).

☐ Setup your new microphone as an input device. ☐ Be consistent with where your mouth is in
relation to the microphone and always face the

☐ Create several tests recordings to find the microphone.

correct settings for your microphone. You may
need to adjust the input level. ☐ Minimize distractions.
Tip: I recommend listening to yourself using headphones, instead of
through your computer/laptop speakers.
☐ Record where you can minimize echo (your
closet is perfect!).

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☐ Picture your listener avatar. ☐ Add your guest’s Skype name to your contact
☐ Be yourself and have fun.
☐ Before initiating your call with the guest, test
☐ Don’t worry about the umms and uhhhs. your Skype settings.

☐ Pay attention to the tone of your voice.

Recording an Interview
☐ Don’t worry about being perfect.
☐ Thank the guest and make them feel comfortable.
☐ If you mess up, don’t stop recording. Take a deep
breath and keep going. ☐ Don’t forget to hit record.
☐ Let the guest talk. Listen and ask questions
Preparing for an Interview that prompt the guest to go deeper.

☐ Build a relationship before inviting someone to ☐ Take notes while staying genuinely curious.
be a guest.
☐ Add to the conversation.
☐ Request the interview well in advance of when
you need to record. It make take several weeks ☐ Ask the guest where the audience can learn
to find a time that works. more about the guest.

☐ Confirm the date, time, and recording location/ ☐ Stop recording and thank the guest again.
method of the interview a few days in advance.
☐ Send the guest a release form (available in
☐ Send the guest an overview of what you plan to Power-Up Podcasting).
cover and how you plan to connect.

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Edit Your Episode

☐ Save your episode with your file name.

☐ If you’re doing a solo episode, record and edit
the main body of the episode.

☐ Add all of your other episode components:

introduction, interview with guest, outro, and
any transition sounds or music (optional).

☐ Add all of your other episode components:

introduction, interview with guest, outro, and
any transition sounds or music (optional).

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Pre-Launch Step 4: Upload Your Episode To Your Host
☐ Create a new episode and upload your file.
☐ Fill in the metadata and episode description.
Create Your MP3
☐ Be sure your episode metadata includes your
☐ From your audio editor, export your podcast podcast artwork.

☐ Publish immediately or schedule your episode to

episode as a MP3 file.

☐ Level your audio in Garageband or with Auphonic. publish at a later date.

Set Up Your Media Host

Validate Your Feed in iTunes
☐ Buzzsprout or Libsyn. Both are great! ☐ Validate your feed at CastFeedValidator.
For a special for Buzzsprout, go to http://www.
☐ Sign in to Podcasts Connect with your Apple ID.
☐ Enter your show information into the show ☐ Validate your feed in Podcasts Connect.

☐ Set up your podcast feed with your podcast details. Add Your Podcast to Your Website
☐ Add your podcast artwork.
☐ In your website, set up a category for your

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☐ Create a new post for each podcast episode.
Include links to any resources you mentioned in
the episode.

☐ Embed a media player at the top of the post. Your

podcast host will have a player you can embed.

☐ Add a transcript to your blog post (optional).

Tip, if you need help setting up a website, I recommend
you check out my free course, Build Your Own Brand,
which you can get access to for free to walk you through
exactly how to setup a website, one you can use to
support your show and become your home online!

Check out the Build Your Own Brand Course here.

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Pre-Launch Step 5: ☐ Reach out to any companies mentioned in your
THE LAUNCH PLAN podcast (optional).

☐ Throw a launch party on launch day (optional).


☐ Launch with your first three episodes. Yes, you Launch Week
will launch with three already live.
☐ Prepare the blog posts for each episode. ☐ Submit your show to iTunes Podcasts Connect
☐ Plan to submit your feed to iTunes a week before several days before launch.

☐ Submit your feed to Stitcher.


CREATE A LAUNCH PLAN ☐ Submit your feed to Google Play.

☐ Let your audience know the date your podcast ☐ Submit your feed to Spotify.
☐ Submit your feed AnyPod.
will go live.

☐ Create images for sharing on social media. ☐ Submit your feed to Pandora.
☐ Make a coming soon page (optional). ☐ Submit your feed to TuneIn.
☐ Create a street team of your most engaged ☐ Email your list and your network to let them
audience members to help promote the show
(optional). know your launch is coming up.

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☐ Engage your street team to inform them of your The Post-Launch Plan
launch day plans.

☐ Prepare your launch day communication ☐ Commit to staying consistent.

(emails, social media posts).

☐ Prepare a launch day contest with giveaways. ☐ Pick a day of the week for recording.
☐ After your podcast has been added to the ☐ Batch process your recording (record several
episodes on a single day).
directories, add Pretty Links (short links) to each
directory at the bottom of your episode show
☐ Ask your audience for what they want to hear.
☐ Ask your past guests for other guest

☐ Publish your three show note blog posts. ON-GOING MARKETING OF YOUR SHOW

☐ Create Pretty Links (short links) for each episode. I cover these tips on a lot of live trainings and free

☐ Share your podcast with your audience (via your tutorials. I also teach a lot of strategies and tactics to my
students in Power-Up Podcasting.
email list, social media) and ask them to subscribe.

☐ Have fun with any of your planned events

In addition, here is some helpful content I created that
may help you market your podcast to even more people:
(launch party, contest)!

AskPat Episode 0754: How Can I Grow My Podcast


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9 Marketing Tips to Quickly Grow Your Blog, Podcast or
Video Channel (YouTube):

10 Podcast Recording Tips to Sound Like a Pro: https://www.

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In addition to helping you through the green
DON’T MISS MY FREE PODCAST highlighted items in this checklist, I’ll also share
TRAINING WEBINAR! some things you should look out for so you avoid
As a quick reminder, if you’d like to get even more details about
the highlighted portions of this checklist, please join me on Click the link at the bottom of this page to check
my podcast training webinar, which you can easily register for out the on-demand webinar if you haven’t
below. already.

We also uncover a lot of podcasting myths that could potentially Finally, if you want additional help, please
hold you back from ever getting started. I want you to succeed! consider taking advantage of the opportunity
Join me here at: to enroll in my premium course, Power-Up Podcasting.

In addition to detailed videos examining every

step of the way here in this checklist, you’ll also
get access to other students who have started
podcasting in our Private Student Center, as well
as direct access to me once a week in office hours
to answer any questions you might have.

Click here to learn more about enrolling in

Power-Up Podcasting

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Thanks, good luck, and if this is a helpful checklist for you, and
you’d like to share it with someone, I’d be forever grateful! The
best way to share this is to direct them to:

Thanks again, and happy podcasting!

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