Assignment: Research On The Following:: Matthew D. Madriaga AUGUST 23, 2016 TVL-1 Electrical Installation & Maintenance
Assignment: Research On The Following:: Matthew D. Madriaga AUGUST 23, 2016 TVL-1 Electrical Installation & Maintenance
Assignment: Research On The Following:: Matthew D. Madriaga AUGUST 23, 2016 TVL-1 Electrical Installation & Maintenance
1. JUNCTION BOX - an enclosure that houses electric wires or cables that are joined together and
protects the connections.
2. UTILITY BOX - A location or enclosure which is suitable for housing or storing electrical or
communications components, circuits, devices, equipment, materials, cables, connections, and
the like. Such a box, for instance, may be portable, or might be recessed into a wall or floor.
b) PLUG – IN - typically used for residential applications. known to be cheap and risky, but the
demands of a residential installation are so low that even that risk is outweighed by the lower
cost and convenience of a home owner being able to remove, replace and dispose of a
defective breaker with relative ease and without having to disconnect power from the source.
a) ONE TIME USE ONLY FUSES - contain a metallic wire, which burns out, when an over current,
over load or mismatched load connect event occur, user has to manually replace these fuses,
switch fuses are cheap and widely used in almost all the electronics and electrical systems.
b) CARTRIDGE FUSES - are used to protect electrical appliances such as motors air-conditions,
refrigerator, pumps etc, where high voltage rating and currents required. They are available
up to 600A and 600V AC and widely used in industries, commercial as well as home
distribution panels.
c) BLADE TYPE FUSES - This type of fuses (also known as spade or plug-in fuses) comes in plastic
body and two metal caps to fit in the socket. Mostly, they used in automobiles for wiring and
short circuit protection.
d) RESETTABLE FUSE - is a device, which can be used as multiple times without replacing it. They
open the circuit, when an over current event occurs and after some specific time they connect
the circuit again. Polymeric positive temperature coefficient device (PPTC, commonly known
as a resettable fuse, poly-switch or poly-fuse) is a passive electronic component used to
protect against short current faults in electronic circuits.
a) NON METALLIC CONDUIT (PVC) - PVC is made from a combination of both plastic and vinyl.
PVC pipes can be installed above ground, underground or encased in cement. PVCs are most
commonly used underground. These pipes are light weight, flexible, impact resistant, non-
conductive, ultraviolet resistant and corrosion resistant. They are popular because they have
watertight joints and low installation costs. They are not interchangeable with other EC’s.
b) METAL CONDUIT (RMC) - RMCs and RSCs are your heaviest and thickest option, typically
made of coated steel, stainless steel, red brass or aluminum. These pipes can be installed
above ground or underground. They are similar in appearance to metal water pipes and are
threaded at both ends. The threads on the uncoupled end of the pipes are covered by
industry color-coded thread protectors, which protect the threads, keeping them clean and
sharp. Although RMCs and RSDs are generally corrosive resistant, a layer of PVC or zinc (see
GRC) can be added in areas that are wet or highly corrosive. If you opt for an organic coating
you check for heat restrictions. These types are interchangeable with GRCs.
a) SPST (SINGLE POLE SINGLE THROUGH) - This is a simple ON/OFF switch. It is also called as On
Way Switch (in the US, they called it Two-Way Switch). When a user press the button of the
switch, then the plates of the switch connect with each other and the current starts to flow
and vice versa.
b) SPDT (SINGLE POLE DOUBLE THROW) - This button has three pins in which, one pin is used
as common and called a Two-Way Switch (in US, they called it Three-Way Switch). We can
send two different signals to same pin by using this switch. Because of this functionality, this
switch is also called selector switch. Other switches related to SPDT are SPCO (Single Pole
Changeover) and SPTT (Single Pole Center Off or Single Pole Triple Throw)
c) DPST (DOUBLE POLE, SINGLE THROW) - This switch is basically two SPST switches in one
package and can be operated by a single lever. This switch is mostly used, where we have to
break both ground and lines at the same time.
d) DPDT (DOUBLE POLE DOUBLE THROW) - This switch is equivalent to two SPDT switches
packaged in one pack. This switch has two common pins and four signal pins. Total four
different combination of singles can be applied to the input pins of this switch. Another
switch, related to DPDT is DPCO (Double Pole Changeover or Double Pole, Centre Off).
a) 90° BEND - is made by bending a piece of piping into a 90 degree or 'L' shape. It is the bend
most commonly used by electricians and plumbers. This bend is frequently used to run
conduit into electrical boxes, run pipes up and down walls and to run pipe into walls through
floors and ceilings.
b) OFFSET BEND - An offset bend is made of two equal degree bends in opposite directions. It is
used to move the pipe around an object or stagger it up steps or a slope. The angle of an
offset bend can vary depending on where it is and how steep the changes of path needs to
be. The most common use for an offset bend is to create a staggered joint and to create
change in elevation.
c) GOOSENECK BEND - is a 180° pipe fitting at the top of a vertical pipe that prevents entry of
water. Common implementations of goosenecks are ventilator piping or ducting for bathroom
and kitchen exhaust fans, ship holds, landfill methane vent pipes, or any other piping
implementation exposed to the weather where water ingress would be undesired.
8. CONDUIT STRAP - is a device used to secure electrical conduit to the framing system of a building.
A thin metal strip used as a pipe hanger.
9. CONNECTORS - is used in pipe systems to connect straight pipe or tubing sections, adapt to
different sizes or shapes and for other purposes, such as regulating {or measuring) fluid flow.
a) SOLID - also called solid-core or single-strand wire, consists of one piece of metal wire. Solid
wire is useful for wiring breadboards. Solid wire is cheaper to manufacture than stranded wire
and is used where there is little need for flexibility in the wire. Solid wire also provides
mechanical ruggedness; and, because it has relatively less surface area which is exposed to
attack by corrosives, protection against the environment.