Fuller (1993)

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1218 J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 140, No. 5, May 1993 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

r radial coordinate, cm $1 electrical potential in the matrix, V

r~ radius at anode/separator, cm d)2 electrical potential in the solution, V
r~c~ radius at anode/anode current collector, cm
re radius at cathode/cathode current collector, cm Subscripts
r, radius at separator/cathode, cm a KOH electrolyte or anode
s~i stoichiometric coefficient of species i in electrode b K2Zn(OH)4 electrolyte
reaction j c cathode
T absolute temperature, K i species i
t time, s j species j
t~ transference number of species i with respect to the s separator
volume average velocity 0 H20 or initial values
t* tortuosity parameter defined by Eq. 8 1 K+
V~ total volume occupied by the electrode, cm 3 2. OH-
V, partial molar volume of species i, cm3/mol 3 Zn(OH)~2
vb volume average velocity, cm/s bulk properties
W~ molecular weight of species i, g/mol
z~ symbol of electronic charge of species i Superscripts
eq saturation value
Greek o initial value
~ transfer coefficient in the anodic direction
~c transfer coefficient in the cathodic direction REFERENCES
e porosity or void volume fraction 1. J-S. Chert and H. Y. Cheh, This Journal, 140, 1205 (1993).
e~g volume fraction of solid mercury 2. T. P. Dirkse, in Zinc-Silver Oxide Batteries, A. Fleischer
es porosity of the separator and J. J. Lander, Editors, p. 19, John Wiley & Sons,
ezn volume fraction of solid Zn Inc., New York (1971).
ezno volume fraction of solid ZnO 3. T. P. Dirkse, L. A. Vander Lugt, and N. A. Hampson, This
~i - ~2 (V) Journal, 118, 1606 (1971).
~ surface overpotential, V 4. W. G. Sunu, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Los
K effective conductivity of solution, (~ cm) Angeles (1978).
,~ total number of moles of ions produced by dissocia- 5. W. G. Sunu and D. N. Bennion~ This Journal, 127, 2007
tion of a mole of salt i, v = v~ + vh (1980).
v~ number of moles of species i produced by dissocia- 6. J-S. Chen, Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, New York
tion of a mole of salt a (1989).
v~ number of moles of species i produced by dissocia- 7. R. Pollard and J. Newman, This Journal, 128,491 (1981).
tion of a mole of salt b 8. C. Y. Mak, H. Y. Cheh, G. S. Kelsey, and P. Chalilpoyil,
effective matrix conductivity, (~ cm) -~ Unpublished work.
a~g conductivity of the pure mercury, (~ cm) -1 9. W. E Linke, in Solubilities of Inorganic and Metal Or-
~z~ conductivity of the pure zinc metal, (gt cm) -~ ganic Compounds, Vol. 2, 4th ed., p. 1672, ACS, Wash-
~z~o conductivity of the pure zinc oxide, (t2 cm) -1 ington, DC (1965).

Water and Thermal Management in

Solid-Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells
Thomas F. Fuller* and John Newman**
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, and
Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720

A mathematical model of transport in a solid-polymer-electrolytefuel cell is presented. A two-dimensional membrane-
electrode assembly is considered. Water management, thermal management, and utilization of fuel are examined in detail.
Because the equilibrium sorption of water between the gas phase and the polymer-electrolyte depends strongly on temper-
ature, water and thermal management are interrelated. The rate of heat removal is shown to be a critical parameter in the
operation of these fuel cells.

As interest in electric vehicles increases, solid-polymer- Vanderborgh4 characterize the membrane-electrode inter-
electrolyte fuel cells are receiving renewed attention. Dra- face and present a photomicrograph of the region. There
matic improvements in the performance of single labora- are three phases present: a solid phase consisting of the
tory-scale cells with low platinum loading have been made porous graphite electrode and platinum catalyst, the solid
over the last few years. 1'2Because several interrelated pro- polymer electrolyte, and a gas phase. Descriptions of gas-
cesses occur simultaneously, the development of a mathe- diffusion electrodes and corresponding models can be
matical model is critical to the design and scale-up of solid- found in the literature? -7
polymer-electrolyte fuel cells. In particular, understanding Nguyen et al. 8 raise mass- and heat-transfer design is-
thermal effects, which are inseparable from the manage- sues in polymer-electrolyte fuel cells, but by and large the
ment of water in the polymer, is necessary to optimize the subject has not been treated in the literature. Recently,
Kimble and White 9 presented a detailed model of an alka-
performance of these fuel cells.
line fuel cell; solid-polymer-electrolyte fuel-cell models
One method of fabricating solid-polymer-electrolyte fuel have been developed by Bernardi and Verbrugge 1~ and by
cells is to hot-press two gas-diffusion electrodes onto a thin Springer et al. 13 In contrast to these, our model uses con-
polymer membrane above its glass-transition tempera- centrated solution theory, treats the two-dimensional
ture? This is shown schematically in Fig. 1. Leddy and membrane-electrode assembly, and accounts for thermal
* Electrochemical Society Student Member. We consider a membrane-electrode assembly operating
** Electrochemical Society Active Member. at steady state on air and reformed methanol. The fuel and
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J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 140, No. 5, May 1993 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc~ 1219

air streams are heated and humidified before entering their Model
respective channels where they are consumed in electro-
The cell sandwich is composed of five regions (Fig. 1) and
chemical reactions. Hydrogen gas diffuses through the
three phases. The species considered in the electrolyte are:
porous electrode and is oxidized on platinum catalyst sites
at the anode i n a three-phase region containing polymer the polymer with covalently bound sulfonic acid groups,
electrolyte, gaseous reactants, and carbon matrix. Oxygen hydrogen ions, and water. Transport in the polymer elec-
passes through the gas-diffusion electrodes to the cathode. trolyte is described with concentrated solution theory. The
At the cathode, the hydrogen ions react with oxygen at fundamental equation is
similar catalyst sites to form water. Water also absorbs into n
or evaporates from the membrane depending on its partial dj = ~ Kij(vj - vi) [1]
After developing the model, we divide the analysis into where di is the driving force for transport and Ki/s are fric-
three areas: (i) constant-temperature study of a unit cross tional coefficients. Equation 1 may be put in the form of the
section of the fuel cell, (it) water management in a mem- Stefan-Maxwell equation; for n species
brane-electrode assembly at constant temperature with
ciVlii = ~-~xiJ l -xjJi
eocurrent flow of air and fuel, and (iii) combined material [2]
RT 3~~i cDIj
and energy balance for the membrane-electrode assembly.
We focus on the following water-management issues: the where the molar flux is given by
net transport of water, which must be supplied or recycled
thereby reducing the efficiency of the cell from the anode Ji = ci(v~ - Vrof) [3]
to the cathode; dehydration of the anode leading to high In developing Eq. 2, we introduced the molecular weight of
ohmic losses since the conductivity of the polymer elec- the polymer. However, the fundamental transport equa-
trolyte is a strong function of the degree of hydration, and tions are independent of molecular weight, and this choice
flooding of the cathode.
is somewhat arbitrary. We assumed the molecular weight of
It is common practice to saturate the inlet gases with the polymer is equal to its equivalent weight. More details
water at a temperature higher than the operating tempera- of the membrane-transport model and on the measurement
ture of the cell (producing a mist). Since water is produced of their transport properties are given by Fuller and New-
at the cathode, it is not obvious that additional water need man. ]4-16
be supplied to the fuel cell. We hope to elucidate when and There are three species in each gas stream: nitrogen, oxy-
why additional water might be needed to enhance the per- gen, and water vapor in the cathode; carbon dioxide, hy-
formance. drogen, and water vapor in the anode. The Stefan-Maxwell
In addition, the utilization of hydrogen is an important equations also can be used to describe multicomponent dif-
factor in the optimization of these fuel cells. One could fusion of gases. 17For convenience, the reference velocity is
circumvent water and thermal management problems by set to zero (that of the nondiffusing gases, carbon dioxide
increasing the flow rates of the gas streams. This, however, and nitrogen, and the polymer).
affects the utilization of fuel, the net transport of water Equation 2 is combined with a material balance on spe-
across the cell, and the efficiency of the fuel cell. cies i

~(eci) _ - V . Ji + aj~n [4]

H 20 - - ~ -- _ ~-- H2O
~ \ \ \ \ .%.%.~..
This is a macroscopic approach that neglects the geometric
\\\\ ~ '
CO 2 details of the pores. The reaction zones are treated as super-
\\\\ , ~ imposed continua consisting of solid, gas, and membrane.
02 \\\\ Here, the reaction rates are nonzero. The pore-wall flux of
\\\\ ,~ ~ y . H2 species i, j~n, is the rate of transfer of a species across an
k\k\ interface due to heterogeneous reactions (see below), ji. is
kkkk -~,~,.~
an average over the interracial area between the gas phase,
\\\\ ~: electrode, and electrolyte. Because of the Gibbs-Duhem re-
Air \\\\
\\\k ~: Fuel lationship, within each phase there are only n - i inde-
kk\~ pendent equations of the form of Eq. 2.
kk\\ The relationship among mole fractions in each phase is
~ xi = 1 [5]
\%\\ ~=1
In the electrolyte, there is also the additional dependent
k~kk variable, ~P, the electrical potential. Newman discusses the
\\\\ various potentials we could use} 8 The electrochemical po-
I I ----4~
tential of each species is taken to be

V~i = zyV(P + RT Vxl [6]


H+ Here the choice of molecular weight of the polymer implic-

itly affects the assumption for the activity. The equation of
y=O L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 electroneutrality is

gas-dif fuslon I
reaction gas-diffusion
~ z~x~ = 0 [7]
zone electrode i=l
I Within the reaction zones, we consider two chemical reac-
at the anode H2 ~- 2H § + 2e-
at the cathode O2 + 4H § + 4e- ~ 2H20
Fig. 1. Membrane and electrode assembly. The five regions of the
model are shown (not to scale). and H20(1) ~---H20~)
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1220 J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 140, No. 5, May 1993 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

representing the absorption and evaporation of water from Table I. Gas composition at the boundaries.
the membrane. Electron-transfer reactions are described
by Butler-Volmer kinetics, using the bulk concentration of Cathode-gas Anode-gas
each species in their respective phases.
The problem is two dimensional, but the large aspect xn~0 0.40 XHzo 0.40
ratio allows us to consider transport only in the y direction xN~ 0.48 Xco~ 0.15
Xo2 0.12 XH~ 0.45
in the cell sandwich (Fig. 1). Although this is not strictly
correct, the expected improvements in results do not war- Parameter Value
rant the additional complexities of a more detailed two-di-
mensional model. We solve for transport in the y direction T 353.0 K
at a given value of z and integrate down the membrane- L 0.0175 m
electrode assembly in the z direction. The gas outside the p 1.0 bar
gas-diffusion electrode is assumed to be of uniform compo- em 0.20
e~ 0.40
sition in the y direction. For large P~clet number, axial
diffusion is neglected. A material balance on species i in the
anode gas channel, for example, gives Appendix summarizes the thermodynamic and kinetic
data and the transport properties used in the simulation.
r i -- F ~ = Jily=L5 dz [8]
Results and Discussion
Unit cross s e c t i o n . - - First, we examine a unit cross sec-
References 18 and 19 discuss general energy balances for tion of the fuel cell. The temperature is fixed, and we
electrochemical systems. We assumed that temperature is a specify the mole fractions of the gaseous species at the ends
function of z only. The work done by the system is iV. The of the two gas-diffusion electrodes. The current-voltage
rate of external heat transfer to the system may be ex- curve for the conditions of Table I is shown in Fig. 2. For all
pressed by the simulations the thickness of the gas diffusion electrodes
q = -h(T- TA) [9] was 360 ~m, and the thickness of the reaction zone was
10 ~m. At low current density, ohmic losses are small, and
Application of the first law of thermodynamics to the fuel polarization at the cathode controls the cell potential. As
cell gives the current density increases, ohmic losses grow, and the
curve becomes roughly linear; in this region the slope is
-FTAH=f$ h(T- TA)dZ+ f0z V i d z [10] inversely proportional to the electrical conductivity. Be-
cause the water content, which determines the conductiv-
ity of the membrane, increases with current density, the
where AH is change in enthalpy per mole of gas and FT is the curve is slightly concave upward (the water profiles in
total molar flow rate of gas per unit width of the mem- Fig. 3 clarify this effect).
brane-electrode assembly. Thus, the energy released by the Ticianelli et aI. 3 presented experimentally measured
overall chemical reaction is split among: electrical work, curves. They observed what appear to be mass-transfer
change in enthalpy (and hence temperature) of the flowing limitations in experimental cells, a sharp drop in current
gas streams, and external heat transfer. density at low cell potentials. The model does not predict
At each end of the fuel-cell assembly, y.= 0 and y = L5, the mass-transfer limitations in the gas-diffusion electrodes
mole fractions of the gaseous species are determined from until current densities of about 5 A/cm 2. The model, how-
a material balance in the z direction of the gas channel (Eq.
ever, does not include adsorption and mass transfer of hy-
8). At a phase boundary, the fluxes of the species within that
drogen or oxygefi in the water or polymer film, which could
phase are set to zero. At L4, for example, the fluxes of
limit the current density. The mass-transfer limitations
electrolyte species (water, hydrogen ions, and membrane)
are zero. Where there is a discontinuity in the porosity, the may be the result of flooding; as the pores fill up with water,
concentration and superficial fluxes are continuous. There- the volume fraction of the gas decreases, and access to the
fore, at L3, the fluxes of gas species are set to zero, and the catalyst may be restricted.
concentration and superficial fluxes of electrolyte species
are matched. The solid carbon phase is assumed to be [9 i i i i i i

highly conductive. The potential of the anode is set to zero, U = 1 . 1 6 V

and the potential of the cathode is specified and assumed

constant, thereby setting the cell potential V as a constant
in z and time. 1.0

The condensation of water adds considerable complexity >

to the problem and is not treated above. Nonetheless, since
this is relevant to the operation of these fuel cells, we dis-
cuss its effect briefly. If the partial pressure of water in the r6
-,H 0.8
gas phase exceeds the saturation pressure, liquid water
condenses. The water content in the membrane still is de- (1)
termined by the absorption isotherm; but as long as liquid 4~
water is present, the water content is fixed. The gas pores ~)-~o.6
fill up as water condenses, increasing the resistance to mass r-t
transfer in the gas phase and reducing the area for hetero-
geneous reactions. (1)
The set of nonlinear differential equations for the gas and
electrolyte phases, together with the appropriate boundary
conditions, are solved numerically. More details of this ap-
proach can be found in the work of Tribollet and New-
man} ~ Since the effect of changes in individual properties
(conductivity for example) seems evident, we do not at- 0.2 , , , I , , , I , , , I , , , I , , , I , , , I ,

tempt a parametric study. Instead, using the best available 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1 200

data, we examine the complex relationship between the Current density, mA/cm 2
operating conditions and transport in the fuel cell. Where
possible, the parameters were obtained from our experi- Fi~. 2. Cell potential vs. current density for unit cell. Operating
mental results or from data available in the literature. The conditions are fisted in Table I.
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J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 140, No. 5, May 1993 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc. 1221
. . . . i . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i

V = 0.72 V
i=1150 mA/cm 2
z = 12 era ~

10 II

'~ ~'~ 10

9 ~ 6

8 0 ~ 7

, , , , 1 , , , , I , , , , I ,

0 50 100 150 20 60 100 120 140 160

y, distance from cathode (~m) y, distance from cathode (~Lm)
Fig. 3. Water map for unit cell at various current densities; p = 1.0 Fig. 4. Concentration profiles of water across membrane, k is the
bar, T= 353 K. Cathode is on the left; anode is on the right; k is the number of water molecules per sulfonic acid group; f= 1.0, V= 0.72
number of moles of water per sulfonic acid group. V and z, the distance from the top of the channel, is a parameter.

Figure 3 presents profiles of water content in the mem- concentration gradient established that counteracts the
brane at different current densities, k is the number of electro-osmotic drag of water and reduces the net transport
moles of water per sulfonic acid group. At the cathode, of water across the cell.
water is produced in stoichiometric proportion to the cur- The mole fractions of hydrogen, oxygen, and water as a
rent; and with increasing current, more water is dragged function of axial position are shown in Fig. 5. The local
from the anode. A concentration gradient builds up to current density is depicted by the solid line in Fig. 5. At
counteract this electro-osmotic drag. small z, there is a large net flux of water from the anode to
As the current density grows, one observes an increase in the cathode gas stream. Consequently, the mole fraction of
the water content at the cathode and dehydration at the
hydrogen is nearly constant for the first couple of centime-
anode. A/though the flux of water across the membrane is
ters. Initially the current density decreases; but as the
constant, because of variations in physical properties, the
membrane becomes more hydrated, the conductivity in-
water profiles are not straight. There is little resistance to
mass transfer in the gas phase or in the membrane; conse- creases substantially, and the local current density rises.
quently, even at high current densities, dehydration of the Figure 6 shows the composition of water in the two gas
anode is slight. streams. We have introduced the variables
Isothermal c a s e . - - N e x t , we consider a two-dimensional Fi xi [11]
membrane-electrode assembly (Fig. 1), with cocurrent flow Xi - Fmen - x ~
of air and fuel streams. The temperature is constant, but as
the gas streams flow down the channels, fuel and oxygen where inert refers to the nonreacting gas in each stream:
are consumed, and water is produced at the cathode. There- nitrogen for the cathode and carbon dioxide for the anode.
fore, with the electrode potential fixed, the local current
density and flux of water change. Here we account for these 9 ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' " 4 1 5

variations in the z direction.

For the conditions given in Table II, Fig. 4 shows a two-
0.5 " ~ /
dimensional water map in the membrane, y is the dimen-
............. hydrogen
sion across the separator, and z is along the length of the 410

assembly. With increasing z, the partial pressure of water

increases in the channel because of the overall chemical 0.4 - w a t e ~ r i ~ cathode ~'~.
reaction and because the only means of water removal is in
the gas streams. Consequently, the level of hydration in the -- ano - 405
membrane increases with larger z. As before, there is a
"~ 0.3 O

Table II. Inlet gas composition. 4OO

0.2 -~
Cathode-gas Anode-gas

XH~O 0.36 X~O 0.36

XN= 0.512 XCO~ 0.16 0.1 __ o x y g e n _ _
X% 0.128 XH~ 0.48

Parameter Value
9 i , i . i . i . i , i , i . i . q , i , i .

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12
7 s 9
T 353.0 K
L 0.0175 c m z, distance from entrance (cm
P 1.0 b a r
Em 0.20 Fig. 5. Mole fraction of hydrogen, oxygen, and water in the gas
0.40 channels. Local current densi~ is shown by the solid line; V= 0.72 %',
1.0 x 10 -2 m o l / m 9s and f = 1.0.
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1222 J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 140, No. 5, M a y 1993 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

i i I 4 I I I

f=l.O_ f=l .-"


----::-2. "'" . . . . . . . . . . f=l.5


,//,, f=l. 5


,--I -0.01 /
.... anode o
,.4 -- cathode / /
, ' / V= 0.72 V
V= 0.72 V b


, I , ~ , i . i , i , i , i , i , i , i . i , i , i , i ...................
' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1'0' I'I.....
'2 13 1'4
0 a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 m 13 14 z, distance from entrance (cm)
z, distance from entrance (cm)
Fig. 8. Net flux of water across membrane. A value of the flux less
Fig. 6. Composition of water in gas channels; f is the air-to-fuel than zero indicates transport from the anode to the cathode; f is the
ratio. Simulation is stopped at the value of z where the cathodegas air-to-fuel ratio. Simulation is stopped at the value of z where the
stream reaches saturation with respect to water. Utilization of hydro- cathode gas stream reaches saturation with respect to water.
gen is then 0.52 and 0.67 far f = 1 and 1.5, respectively.

a parameter. The fractional utilization of hydrogen

f i s the molar flow rate of the cathode gas stream divided by
the stoichiometric flow rate for a specified anode gas flow u = x~ - x~ [12]
rate. The mole ratio of water in the cathode stream in- z~2
creases; and for f = 1.5, the mole ratio in the anode stream
decreases. For f = 1, the composition of water in the anode is an important parameter in the optimization of a fuel
stream goes through a minimum beyond which point water cell. 21With the potential of the two electrodes constant, one
is being removed from both sides of the assembly (Fig. 8). expects the current density to decrease as the reactants are
As the flow rate of air increases, one observes that: (i) the consumed. Here, however, the conductivity increases dra-
cell is able to operate longer before the cathode stream matically with hydration of the membrane, and we observe
becomes saturated, (it) more water is removed in the an improvement in performance. At higher current densi-
cathode gas stream, and (iii) the anode is further dehy- ties, ohmic losses are more important, and consequently the
drated. Thus, increasing air flow does not impact nega- improvement in performance is more dramatic. Since our
tiyely on hydrogen utilization. The simulation was stopped model does not consider the condensation of water, we stop
when the cathode stream became saturated with water. For the simulation when the partial pressure of water equals
f= I and f = 1.5, this point corresponds to hydrogen utiliza- the vapor pressure of the liquid, and we do not observe the
tion of 0.52 and 0.67, respectively. utilization going to unity.
In Fig. 7, the local superficial current density is plotted The net transport of water across the separator is shown
against local hydrogen utilization, with the cell potential as in Fig. 8. At the top of the channel (z = 0), the partial pres-
sure of water is identical in the two gas channels, and con-
8OO i sequently there is a large flux from the anode to the cathode
due to the electro-osmotic drag of water. Farther down the
channel, the partial pressure of water in the cathode stream
700 becomes greater than that of the anode, and the current
0.62 density diminishes, thus lessening the net flux of water.
With a large enough difference in partial presure of water
across the membrane, the flow of water can be reversed.
This is seen in Fig. 8 at z = 6 cm f o r / = 1; beyond this point
04 50O w a t e r i s being removed from both sides.
U Integrating in the z direction we can calculate the ratio of
moles of water transported across the cell to the moles of
~ 400
hydrogen ions passed. The ratio is 0.12 and 0.16 f o r f = 1.0
and f = 1.5 respectively. Because of the concentration gradi-
"-~ 300 ent that counteracts the electro-osmotic drag of water,
V= 0.8V these values are much lower than the transport number of
water (=1). Nevertheless, raising the flow rate of air in-
creases the net transport of water across the cell.
Finally, we examine the heat transfer required to main-
10o tain constant temperature. There are significant losses and
generation of heat. With f = 1, V= 0.72 V, and for the condi-
tions of Table II, the necessary heat transfer is calculated at
00 01, o12 o13 o14 o15 o17 018 019 Lo z = 10 cm (Table III). The calculations include the heat of
u, fractional utilization of H2 vaporization of the product water. With an ambient tem-
perature of 298 K (AT = 55 K), the heat-transfer coefficient
Fig. 7. Local current density as a function of local utilization of is estimated from Eq. 9 to be h = 35.3 W/m 2 9 K. This is a
hydrogen with V, the cell potential, as a parameter; f = 1.5. typical value for forced convection of gases. 22

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J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 140, No. 5, May 1993 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc. 1223

Table III. Heat transfer required to maintain isothermal condition. 500

Quantity Value 450


FTAH -0.5147 kW/m 400 h = 36 W/m2-K

W 0.3208 kW/m
Q -0.1939 kW/m 350 30
From this isothermal analysis we are able to draw some o
conclusions. First, substantial heat removal is required to 250
maintain the system at constant temperature. The temper- V = 0.72 V
ature difference we used is large, and it seems impractical 200
to increase this substantially. Thus at higher current densi-
ties, larger heat-transfer coefficients are needed. Second, 150
there is significant transport of water from the anode to the
cathode. Excess heat and water could be removed by pass- 100
ing air in excess of that required by stoichiometry; but this
increases the net transport of water across the cell. Increas- 50
ing the pressure of the air stream can be used to counteract
the electro-osmotic drag of water; nevertheless, this does ; I , I , , I r , , , , i ,

not appear practical for transportation applications. Al- o.o o., o; o.4 o; o16 o,
though the model is not able to simulate countercurrent u, fractional utilization of H2
flow of fuel and air streams, our results suggest that this
could be helpful. Finally, we note that while the pressure Fig. 10. Local current density as a function of local utilization of
drop in the z direction would increase, the length of the hydrogen with V, the cell potential, fixed, and the heat-transfer coef-
assembly scales linearly with increasing flow rate. ficient as a parameter; f = 1.
Nonisothermal case.--Temperature has a profound effect
on equilibrium and kinetic properties. In this last section, rent densities, the cell would dehydrate, and the perfor-
we assumed that there are no temperature variations across mance would be poor.
the assembly (the y direction) and that there is no transfer In contrast to the isothermal water profiles of Fig. 4, for
of heat in the z direction. The temperature of the gases at h = 30 W/m s. K, the temperature initially rises sharply with
the inlet is specified, and here we calculate the temperature increasing axial distance, and water evaporates from the
in the z direction based on an energy balance. Heat is re- membrane (Fig. 9). At constant cell potential, the loss of
moved by both an increase in temperature of the flowing water from the membrane (and the consequent decrease in
gases and by heat transfer to an external medium at a tem- conductivity) results in lower current densities and the
perature of 298 K. temperature levels off. Farther down the channel, the tem-
Figure 9 shows water profiles across the membrane with perature decreases slowly, and the water content in the
z as a parameter. The operating conditions are shown in membrane increases (dashed line in Fig. 9). Table IV shows
Table II but also include a heat-transfer coefficient of 30 W/ the average water content of the membrane and the corre-
m s . K. The current density as a function of local utilization sponding membrane resistance, which could be measured
of hydrogen is shown in Fig. 10; the corresponding temper- with a high frequency alternating current.
ature profile is depicted in Fig. 11. The effect of the heat-transfer coefficient on the perfor-
The hydration of the membrane is sensitive to the rate of mance is seen in Fig. 10. For h = 36 W / m 2 - K, the cell
heat removal. Because of the low thermal capacity of the
temperature rises slowly, and the performance is good.
gas streams, the steady-state temperature rises quickly
With a slightly lower value of the heat-transfer coefficient
without adequate removal of heat. At even moderate cur-
(h = 30 W/m s 9K), the temperature increases more sharply,
the membrane dehydrates, and the performance decreases
9 - ' ' " " ' . . . . ' . . . . ' substantially. With little or no removal of heat (h = 10 W/

: /
h = 30 W/m2-K I /

i /
7 --_ ~ V : 0.72 V - - - 36 W / m 2 _ K
~ / -- --30
/ .... I0
r~ I /

' /
356 "I

354 I / / ~
, I ; I ' , I , '
40 60 8 lO0 120 140 160
! r ] f
y, distance from cathode (gm) 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 9. Concentration profiles of water across the membrane, h is ZI distance from entrance (cm)
the number of water molecules per sulfonic acid group; V= 0.72 V,
and z, the distance from the top of the channel, is a parameter. Fig. ! 1. Temperature in gas channels; f = 1 and V = 0.72 V.
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1224 J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 140, No. 5, May 1993 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

Table IV. Resistance of membrane for conditions of Fig. 9.

Hi = Hi = Hi (Tr) + CpdT [A-5]
J rr
(cm) (~ .k.,,g ( 2) and the heat capacity of the gas is
0.1 80.3 8.3 0.245 C
1.0 83.5 6.7 0.302 ~ = a + bT + ~ [A-6]
5.0 86.9 5.5 0.362
10.0 86.4 6.1 0.329 The values of the constants for our fuel-cell system are
taken from Lewis and Randall. 2~
Ticianelli et al. 3 and Uribe et al. 27have studied the kinet-
m 2 9K), the temperature rises more than 10~ in 1 cm, and ics of oxygen reduction in solid-polymer-electrolyte fuel
there is a dramatic drop in the local current density. cells. The reaction is first order in oxygen concentration,
It has been observed that the performance of these cells and the cathodic transfer coefficient is unity. The exchange
current density reported by Ticianelli is based on the su-
improves when gas streams saturated with water at a tem- perficial area of the electrodes. There is no clear way to
perature above the operating temperature of the cell are differentiate between the kinetic rate constants and the
used in the anode and cathode. This may be not so much specific interracial area. Therefore, we adjusted a and the
because of the additional water supplied to the anode but kinetic rate constants to approximate Ticianelli's current-
rather because of improved heat transfer (dehydration of voltage curve, and we required that the open-circuit poten-
the membrane was not seen in the isothermal case). The tial be consistent with the thermodynamic value.
evaporation of liquid water would result in a high heat- Recently, Parthasarathy et al. ~2investigated the temper-
transfer coefficient, providing good temperature stability. ature dependence of the electrode kinetics of oxygen reduc-
tion and expressed their results as
From the analysis of the energy balance, we conclude
that thermal considerations must be included in an analy-
io=io(Tr) exp [h--~ ( ~ r - 1 ) ] [A-7]
sis of water management. Thermal control is critical to the
performance of the solid-polymer-electrolyte fuel cell. The
We used the activation energy they reported (AE = 73.2 k J/
system is stable in the sense that high current density re- mol) and variations in U0 with temperature (from the
sults in high resistance. Nevertheless, the heat-transfer re- Gibbs-Helmholtz equation) to account for the change in
quirements change markedly with current density, making kinetic rate constants with temperature.
temperature control more difficult. We assumed that the oxidation of hydrogen was fast and
did not represent a significant overpotential for the fuel
Acknowledgment cell. The absorption/evaporation of water also was as-
sumed to be fast.
This work was supported by the Assistant Secretary for
Conservation and Renewable Energy, Office of Transporta- LIST OF SYMBOLS
tion Technologies, Electric and Hybrid Propulsion Division a specific interfacial area, m2/m3
of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE- c total concentration, mol/m ~
AC03-76SF00098. ci concentration of species i, mol/m 3
Cp molar heat capacity, J/mol 9K
Manuscript submitted Aug. 26, 1992; revised manuscript di driving force for transport of species i, N/m e
received Jan. 19, 1993. Di diffusion coefficient, m2/s
~ij binary interaction coefficient, m2/s
The University of California assisted in meeting the publi- air-to-fuel ratio
cation costs of this article. F Faraday's constant, 96,487 C/eq
Fa molar flow rate of anode gas stream per unit width,
APPENDIX mol/s 9m
Springer et al. ~3 measured the electrical conductivity of FT total molar flow rate of gas per unit width, mol/s 9m
Nation 117 membrane at various temperatures and water h heat-transfer coefficient, W/m 2 9K
content. The diffusion coefficient was estimated to be TM H enthalpy, J/mol
i current density, A/cm 2
Do = 3.5 • 10 -2 k exp (-2432/~ cm2/s [A-l] io exchange current density, A/cm 2
ji~ pore wall flux of species i, mol/m 2 - s
The transport number of water was taken from Ref. 15. :I~jK, molar flux in y direction of species i, mol/cm 2 9s
The diffusion coefficients in the gas phase were estimated frictional coefficient, J 9 s/m e
from kinetic theory. Assuming the ideal-gas law holds, Bird thickness of separator, cm
et al. ~7gave the approximate formula Mj molar mass of species i, g/mol
n number of species
ni moles of species i, mol
DAB= O.OO18583 ~T2p a(1----A+
~ g t ~~ ) [A-2] p pressure, bar
q rate of heat transfer per unit area, W/m 2
The parameters of Eq. A-2 were taken from Reid et al. 22The Q rate of heat transfer per unit width, W/m
effective diffusion coefficient depends on the porosity of the R universal gas constant,8.3143 J/mol 9K
material. However, experimental results are usually neces- R m resistance of membrane, Ft-cm2
sary to quantify this relationship. Meredith and Tobias, 24 T temperature, K
for example, studied the conductivity of porous media in u utilization of hydrogen
detail. Since the porosity of the fuel-cell assembly is not vi velocity of species i, m/s
well characterized, the relationship is somewhat arbitrary, V cell potential, V
and for convenience we chose W work done by system per unit width, W/m
xi mole fraction of species i
D e~ = eD i [A-3] Xi composition variable defined in Eq. 11
Zawodzinski et al. 22measured the absorption isotherm of y distance across membrane, cm
Nation 117 membrane at 3 0~ This relation (water content z distance from top of channel, cm
vs. activity) was assumed to hold for all temperatures. The z, charge number of species i
vapor pressure of water was calculated from Antoine's cor- 9 porosity of electrode
relation. ~ characteristic length, nm
The enthalpy of the gas is k ratio of H20/R-SO3 H
p.i electrochemical potential of species i, J/mol
~P electrical potential, V
H = E n~Hj [A-4] diffusion collision integral
Assuming no enthalpy change on mixing and neglecting Subscripts
the effects of pressure, the partial molar enthalpy can be A ambient temperature
expressed as g gas phase
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J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 140, No. 5, May 1993 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc. 1225

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