D.P Papers Pvt. Ltd. (2) Mr. Abhishek Gupta Area Sales Manager
D.P Papers Pvt. Ltd. (2) Mr. Abhishek Gupta Area Sales Manager
D.P Papers Pvt. Ltd. (2) Mr. Abhishek Gupta Area Sales Manager
Mr. Abhishek Gupta
Area Sales Manager
You will also be covered under “Group Mediclaim Policy” taken by the Company and
the premium for which will be borne by the Company for yourself and your spouse as
applicable to the employees of your category.
h) Provident Fund:
You will be eligible to become member of Provident Fund as per rules of the Company.
i) Gratuity:
You will be eligible for gratuity as per the provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act,
1972 as amended from time to time.
j) Superannuation:
As per option exercised by you for allowance in Lieu of benefits under Company’s
Superannuation Scheme, you will not be eligible to become the member of the scheme in
future unless it becomes mandatory. In such case the amount towards Superannuation
contribution will be adjusted against your allowance.
2. Probation:
You will be on probation for a period of six months from the date of your joining. During the first
three months of your probationary period your services will be liable to be terminated from either
side without assigning any reason and without any notice or payment in lieu of notice.
After three months of your probationary period, your services will be liable to be terminated
without assigning any reason but giving one month’s notice or payment of an amount equal to
one month’s salary in lieu of notice from either side.
That after expiry of your probationary period, you shall have to apply to the Company to have
your services confirmed. The probationary period can be extended if your work is found
unsatisfactory. The confirmation will not be effective unless a letter of confirmation is received
D.P Papers Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Abhishek Gupta
Area Sales Manager
3. Medical Fitness:
The appointment and its continuance is subject to your being found and remaining medically
(physically and mentally) fit. You shall appear before the Medical Officer of the Company or any
Medical Practitioner for the purpose of medical examination and/or health survey from time to
time, you shall submit to such medical examination as required and failure to do so would be
considered gross misconduct.
5. Retirement:
You will retire from the services of the Company on attaining the age of 60 Years.
6. Termination of Services:
a) Your services after confirmation can be terminated on ninety days notice on either side or
salary in lieu thereof.
b) The services can also be terminated without any notice or salary in lieu thereof, if the
Management finds that the particulars supplied by you either in the application form or at
the time of interview are incorrect.
b) You will devote full time to the work of Company and shall not undertake any direct /
indirect business or work, honorary or remunerative except with the written permission of
the employer.
c) Neither during employment with us nor afterwards you will give anyone by word of
mouth or otherwise any particulars or details of our financial matters, technical know-
how, manufacturing process, security arrangements, administrative and / or
Organizational matters whether confidential, secret or otherwise which you acquire
during the course of your employment. You will also not use at any time such
information or our trade secrets for your personal gains.
D.P Papers Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Abhishek Gupta
Area Sales Manager
d) You will not seek election to any legislative or local body without prior specification
permission of the employer in writing.
e) After joining us you shall communicate to the appointing authority of change in your
present / permanent address, educational / professional qualifications or of any other
particulars given by you in the application form.
8. General:
a) That you shall bear your own taxation which shall be deducted from your salary and/ or
other dues.
b) That for going out of place of employment on duty , you shall be governed by T.A. Rules
of the Company as are in force time to time.
c) That your services will be liable to transfer any where in India to any office /
establishment/ branch/ mill of the Company and / or any member concern of JK
10. This appointment shall be effective from the date of your joining the duties i.e. 20.07.2019.
Please signify your acceptance by signing and returning the duplicate copy of this letter.