Guide For The Application of The INF TSI (En)

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI

According to Framework Mandate C(2010)2576 final of


Reference in ERA: ERA/GUI/07-2011/INT

Version in ERA: 3.00

Date: 14 December 2015

European Railway Agency

Rue Marc Lefrancq, 120
BP 20392
elaborated by
F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex
Document Type: Guide
Document Status: Public

                                                                                         

Reference: ERA/GUI/07-2011/INT Version: 3.00 Page 1 of 54

File Name: IU-TSI-Guide-Annex01-INF-v3-00-EN.docx

European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


0.1. Amendment record
Table 1: Status of the document

Version Section
Author(s) Modification description
Date number
Guide Version 1.00 ERA IU All First publication
26 Aug 2011
Guide Version 2.00 Second publication following the revision of the (existing)
16 Oct 2014 INF TSIs in force (merged and extended scope)
Guide Version 3.00 Appendices
ERA IU Table 4 (No. 8 and 16) and Table 5 (rail profiles)
14 Dec 2015 1 and 2

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


0.2. Table of contents

0. DOCUMENT INFORMATION............................................................................................. 2
0.1. Amendment record ................................................................................................................. 2
0.2. Table of contents..................................................................................................................... 3
0.3. List of tables ............................................................................................................................ 4
1. SCOPE OF THIS GUIDE ................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2. Content of the guide ............................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Reference documents............................................................................................................. 6
1.4. Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms ............................................................................ 7
2. CLARIFICATIONS ON THE INF TSI.................................................................................. 9
2.1. Introduction (Section 1) .......................................................................................................... 9
Geographical scope (Point 1.2) ............................................................................................ 9
Content of this TSI (Point 1.3) ............................................................................................ 10
2.2. Definition and scope of subsystem (Section 2) ................................................................. 10
2.3. Essential requirements (Section 3) ..................................................................................... 12
2.4. Description of the Infrastructure subsystem (Section 4) ................................................. 13
Introduction (Point 4.1) ....................................................................................................... 13
TSI Categories of Line (Point 4.2.1) ................................................................................... 13
Requirements for Basic Parameters (Point 18
Structure gauge (Point .......................................................................................... 19
Distance between track centres (Point ................................................................. 20
Minimum radius of horizontal curve (Point ............................................................ 20
Cant deficiency (Point ........................................................................................... 20
Equivalent conicity (Point ...................................................................................... 21
Rail inclination (Point ............................................................................................. 21
Track resistance to applied loads (Point 4.2.6) .................................................................. 23
Allowance for dynamic effects of vertical loads (Point ....................................... 23
Immediate action limits on track geometry defects (Point 4.2.8) ....................................... 24
Platforms (Point 4.2.9) ........................................................................................................ 24
Platform height (Point ............................................................................................ 25
Platform offset ( ...................................................................................................... 25
Maximum pressure variations in tunnels (Point .................................................. 25
Equivalent conicity in service (Point .................................................................... 26
Fixed installation for servicing trains (Point 4.2.12)............................................................ 28
Operating rules (Point 4.4) ................................................................................................. 28
2.5. Interoperability Constituents (Section 5) ........................................................................... 28
The rail fastening system (Point 5.3.2) ............................................................................... 29
Track sleepers (Point 5.3.3) ............................................................................................... 30

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


2.6. Assessment of Conformity of Interoperability Constituents and EC Verification of

the Subsystems (Section 6) ................................................................................................. 32
Assessment of sleepers (Point 32
Assessment of structure gauge ( ........................................................................... 32
For the assessment of the structure gauge after assembly before putting into service,
it is expected that the specific assessment procedures usually defined by the
applicant will be considered. ............................................................................................... 32
Assessment of distance between track centres ( .................................................. 32
For the assessment of the distance between track centres after assembly before
putting into service, it is expected that the specific assessment procedures usually
defined by the applicant will be considered. ....................................................................... 32
Assessment of track layout (Point ......................................................................... 32
Assessment of cant deficiency for trains designed to travel with higher cant deficiency
(Point ..................................................................................................................... 33
Assessment of design values for equivalent conicity (Point ................................. 33
Assessment of existing structures (Point ............................................................ 34
Assessment of platform offset (Point .................................................................. 34
Assessment of maximum pressure variations in tunnels (Point ......................... 34
Assessment of track resistance for plain line (Point ............................................. 35
Subsystems containing Interoperability constituents not holding an EC declaration
(Point 6.5) ........................................................................................................................... 36
Subsystem containing serviceable interoperability constituents that are suitable for
reuse (Point 6.6) ................................................................................................................. 36
2.7. Implementation of the Infrastructure TSI (Section 7) ........................................................ 38
Application of this TSI to new railway lines (Point 7.2) ...................................................... 38
Upgrading of a line (Point 7.3.1) ......................................................................................... 38
Substitution in the framework of maintenance (Point 7.3.3) .............................................. 39
Existing lines that are not subject to a renewal or upgrading project (Point 7.3.4) ............ 39
Ascertain compatibility of infrastructure and rolling stock after authorization of rolling
stock (Point 7.6) .................................................................................................................. 40
Technical characteristics of switches and crossings design (Appendix C.2) ..................... 40
2.8. Glossary (Appendix S).......................................................................................................... 41
2.9. Safety assurance over fixed obtuse crossings (Appendix J) .......................................... 43
3. LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 44

0.3. List of tables

Table 1: Status of the document ........................................................................................................................ 2

Table 2: Rail inclination for plain line and switches and crossings................................................................... 22
Table 3: EC verification of the infrastructure subsystem containing serviceable interoperability
constituents that are suitable for reuse ............................................................................................. 36
Table 4: CEN Standards relevant for conformity assessments ........................................................................ 45

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Table 5: Track configurations that fulfil the requirement of point “Equivalent Conicity” (Assessed
with S1002 & GV 1/40)...................................................................................................................... 53

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI



1.1. Scope

This document is an annex to the Guide for the application of TSIs. It provides
information on the application of the Technical Specification for Interoperability for the
‘Infrastructure’ subsystem adopted by Commission Regulation EU/1299/2014 of 18
November 2014 (‘INF TSI’).
The guide should be read and used only in conjunction with the INF TSI. It is intended to
facilitate its application, but does not replace it.
The general part of the ‘Guide for the application of TSIs’ should also be considered.

1.2. Content of the guide

In section 2 of this document, extracts of the original text of the INF TSI are provided, in
a shaded text box, and these are followed by a text that gives guidance.
Guidance is not provided for sections where the original INF TSI requires no further
Guidance is of voluntary application. It does not mandate any requirement in addition to
those set out in the INF TSI.
Guidance is given by means of further explanatory text and, where relevant, by
reference to standards that demonstrate compliance with the INF TSI.
List of standards relevant to INF TSI is enclosed in Appendix 1 of this document.
Where reference is made, within this guide, to “existing TSI(s)”, it is meant to refer to
either HS INF TSI or to CR INF TSI, or to both.
The application of the relevant standards listed in Appendix 1 – Point 1.2 is not meant to
be mandatory. In some cases, harmonised standards that cover the basic parameters of
the TSIs provide presumption of conformity with certain clauses of the TSIs. In
accordance with the spirit of the new approach to technical harmonisation and
standardisation, application of these standards remains voluntary but their references
are published on the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).These specifications
are listed in the TSI application guide in order to facilitate their use by the industry.
These specifications remain complementary to TSIs.

1.3. Reference documents

Reference documents are listed in the general part of the ‘Guide for the application of

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


1.4. Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms

Definitions and abbreviations are given in the general part of the ‘Guide for the
application of TSIs’. Here below a list of acronyms used in this document:

CEN European Committee for Standardization

CR INF TSI Conventional Railway INF TSI

ERA European Railway Agency

EU European Union

HS INF TSI High speed infrastructure TSI

HS RST TSI High speed Rolling Stock TSI

HSLM High Speed Load Model

IAL Immediate Action Limits

IC Interoperability Constituents

IM Infrastructure Manager

INF TSI Infrastructure TSI

MS Member State

NoBo Notified Body

PRM TSI Person with Reduced Mobility TSI

QC Quality Control

RU Railway Undertaking

SRT TSI Safety in Railway Tunnel TSI

TEN Trans European Network

TSI Technical Specification for Interoperability

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI



General remarks
For all the requirements whose mandatory scope of application are new lines, it is
understood that these requirements are optional (target parameters) for upgrade or
renewal of existing lines. It is expected that, while preparing the project of
upgrade/renewal of the existing line, the fulfilment of the target parameters will be
considered, when technically and economically possible.

2.1. Introduction (Section 1)

Geographical scope (Point 1.2)

The geographical scope of this TSI is defined in Article 2(4) of this Regulation.

Article 2(4) of the Commission Regulation 1299/2014 on the ‘Infrastructure’ Subsystem

(INF TSI) quotes:
The TSI shall apply to the following networks:
(a) the trans-European conventional rail system network as defined in Annex I, point 1.1
of Directive 2008/57/EC;
(b) the trans-European high-speed rail system network (TEN) as defined in Annex I,
point 2.1 of Directive 2008/57/EC;
(c) other parts of the network of the whole rail system;
and excludes the cases referred to in Article 1(3) of Directive 2008/57/EC.
The field of application of INF TSI has been extended to the whole European Union rail
system, according to Article 1 point 4 of Directive 2008/57/EC, ……. including track
access to terminals and main port facilities serving or potentially serving more than one
The only railway infrastructures that are excluded from the application of INF TSI are the
cases referred to in Article 1(3) of Directive 2008/57/EC, such as:
i. metros, trams and other light rail systems;
ii. networks that are functionally separated from the rest of the railway system and
intended only for the operation of local, urban or suburban passenger services, as
well as railway undertakings operating solely on these networks;
iii. privately owned railway infrastructure and vehicles exclusively used on such
infrastructure that exist solely for use by the owner for its own freight operations;
iv. infrastructure and vehicles reserved for a strictly local, historical or touristic use.

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Content of this TSI (Point 1.3)

(2) Requirements in this TSI are valid for all track gauge systems within the scope of this TSI,
unless a paragraph refers to specific track gauge systems or to specific nominal track gauges.

The concept of track gauge system has been entered in order to give rise to technical
harmonization within rail systems with the same nominal track gauge (i.e.: 1668 mm,
which is shared between Spain and Portugal; 1600 mm, shared between Ireland and
United Kingdom; 1524 mm, shared among Finland, Sweden and Estonia; 1520 mm,
shared among Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia; together with 1435 mm,
which is regarded as the European standard nominal track gauge).
Requirements stated in the TSI have to be applied according to the following priority
1. General requirements in chapter 4 will be fulfilled unless covered by a specific
requirement of the track gauge system concerned (chapter 4), or a specific case
of the MS concerned (point 7.7). For most of the parameters listed in the INF TSI,
in general, requirements are valid for all track gauge systems.
2. Specific requirements for the relevant track gauge system (chapter 4) will be
fulfilled unless covered by a specific case of the MS concerned (point 7.7).
All specific requirements referring to a specific track gauge system or a specific nominal
track gauge contain the following wordings at the beginning: "for the XXXX track gauge
system...", "instead of point (x), for the XXXX track gauge system" and "instead of point
(x), for the nominal track gauge of XXX...".
An example for a Basic Parameter valid for all track gauge systems is “Track resistance
to vertical loads” (Point there is no paragraph within the Point referring to
specific track gauge systems.
An example for a Basic Parameter that has different requirements for different track
gauge systems is “Structure Gauge” (Point paragraphs (4) and (5) of the Point
replace, for the 1520 mm and 1600 track gauge system, respectively, the requirements
set by paragraphs (1) to (3) of the same basic parameter.

2.2. Definition and scope of subsystem (Section 2)

2.3 Interfaces of this TSI with the Persons with Reduced Mobility TSI
All requirements relating to the infrastructure subsystem for the access of persons with reduced
mobility to the railway system are set out in the Persons with Reduced Mobility TSI.
2.4 Interfaces of this TSI with the Safety in Railway Tunnels TSI
All requirements relating to the infrastructure subsystem for safety in railway tunnels are set out in
the Safety in Railway Tunnels TSI.

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


PRM and SRT TSIs bring additional requirements to the Infrastructure subsystem in
addition to those given by the INF TSI itself. Therefore, the verification of the subsystem
against INF TSI does not include requirements of those TSIs.
The Infrastructure subsystem has to be assessed against the PRM and/or SRT TSIs
when relevant.

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


2.3. Essential requirements (Section 3)

The Directive 2008/57/EC states essential requirements relating to health, safety,

reliability, availability, environmental protection, technical compatibility and accessibility.
Table 1 of the INF TSI lists the basic parameters of the infrastructure subsystem which
are considered to correspond to these requirements.

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


2.4. Description of the Infrastructure subsystem (Section 4)

Introduction (Point 4.1)

(2) The limiting values set out in this TSI are not intended to be imposed as usual design values.
However the design values must be within the limits set out in this TSI.

The TSI defines the basic parameters and the minimum levels to be respected in order
to meet the essential requirements. The purpose of the INF TSI is not to be considered
as a design guide.
Design and construction of a railway infrastructure should be based on standards, good
practices values, etc.
These values shall be within the limits of TSI requirements.

(5) Where reference is made to EN standards, any variations called ‘national deviations’ in the EN
do not apply, unless otherwise specified in this TSI.

It is not permitted to apply “national deviations” to an EN standard, unless it is specified

in TSI. The concept of “National Deviation” means any modification of, addition to or
deletion from, the content of an EN, made in a national standard within the same scope
as the EN.
The concept of “National Annex” is different from that of National Deviations: A National
Annex may contain only allowed choices for defined “Nationally Determined Parameters
(NDP)” and information provided for easier implementation (“Non contradictory
Complementary Information (NCCI))”. A National Annex shall not alter any provision of
the European Standard except the allowed choices for the “Nationally Determined
Parameters (NDP)”.

TSI Categories of Line (Point 4.2.1)

(1) Annex I to Directive 2008/57/EC recognises that the Union rail network may be subdivided
into different categories for the Trans-European conventional rail network (point 1.1), the Trans-
European high-speed rail network (point 2.1) and the extension of the scope (point 4.1). In order to
deliver interoperability cost-effectively this TSI defines performance levels for ‘TSI categories of

The new traffic codes defined in the INF TSI are consistent with the categories of line
defined in the former HS and CR INF TSI. In other words, for existing lines classified
according to the former categories of line (I, II, IV-P, IV-F, IV-M, etc.), there is at least
one traffic code or combination of traffic codes possible (P1, P3, P3/F2, etc.).
With the regulation 1315/2013 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-
European transport network and repealing Decision No 661/2010/EU, the development
of the Trans – European transport network shall be based on a “dual layer” structure:

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


1. The comprehensive network, consisting of all existing and planned transport

infrastructure of Trans – European transport network.
2. The core network, consisting of all those existing and planned transport
infrastructure of the Comprehensive Network that are of the highest strategic
importance for the development of the Trans – European transport network.
The Regulation defines some technical requirements to be met for the infrastructure of
lines on the Core and Comprehensive Network (nominal track gauge, speed, axle load,
train length).
If the line is part of the TEN Network, when choosing the traffic code (or combination of
traffic codes) from table 2 and table 3, it is necessary to take into account the
requirements set out by the Regulation 1315/2013 to make sure that the performance
parameters comply with the aforesaid Regulation as well as with the requirements of the
The off-TEN network does not fall under Regulation 1315/2013.

(3) The TSI category of line shall be a combination of traffic codes. For lines where only one type
of traffic is carried (for example a freight only line), a single code can be used to describe the
requirements; where mixed traffic runs the category will be described by one or more codes for
passenger and freight. The combined traffic codes describe the envelope within which the desired
mix of traffic can be accommodated.

When building the concept of the new INF TSI categories of line, the following rules have
been applied:
 no differentiation between High Speed and Conventional Railway lines;
 no distinction between lines of TEN and Off-TEN network;
 classification now includes the type of traffic and the value of performance parameter
(e.g. ‘P4’);
 no distinction between “new” and “upgraded” lines;
 performance parameters as set out in the CR INF TSI are suitable;
 no need to consider ‘density of traffic’ as this is not related to interoperability.
After analysis of typical traffic modes in Europe, several types of traffic codes were
selected, for Passenger traffic and for Freight traffic. Each TSI category of line can be
created using multiple traffic codes given in Table 2 and 3 in any combination. This
provides a flexible categorization to reflect actual traffic needs.
If a new line is intended to be operated by passenger trains with speed of 250 km/h,
local commuter trains with speed of 120 km/h and heavy freight trains in the night, then
the best combination of traffic codes seems to be P2, P5 and F1.
Then, the TSI category of line for this case would simply be P2-P5-F1.
The line shall then have to be designed in order to fulfil the envelope of performance
parameters for this category:
 Gauge: GC (from F1)

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


 Axle load: 22,5 t (from F1)

 Line speed: 200 - 250 km/h (from P2)
 Usable length of platform: 200 – 400 m (from P2)
 Train length: 740 – 1050 m (from F1)
However, if any part of the subsystem is intended to be used only by trains relating to
one of the traffic code, then performance parameters for this part shall relate to the
specific traffic code.

(4) For the purpose of TSI categorisation, lines are classified generically based on the type of traffic
(traffic code) characterised by the following performance parameters:
— gauge,
— axle load,
— line speed,
— train length
— usable length of platform.
The columns for ‘gauge’ and ‘axle load’ shall be treated as minimum requirements as they directly
control the trains that may run. The columns for ‘line speed’, ‘usable length of platform’ and ‘train
length’ are indicative of the range of values that are typically applied for different traffic types and
they do not directly impose restrictions on the traffic that may run over the line.

(7) The performance levels for types of traffic are set out in Table 2 and Table 3 here-under.

Table 2

Performance parameters for passenger traffic

Line speed Usable length

Traffic code Gauge Axle load [t]
[km/h] of platform [m]

P1 GC 17(*) 250-350 400

P2 GB 20(*) 200-250 200-400

P3 DE3 22.5(**) 120-200 200-400

P4 GB 22.5(**) 120-200 200-400

P5 GA 20(**) 80-120 50-200

P6 G1 12(**) n.a. n.a.

P1520 S 22.5(**) 80-160 35-400

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


P1600 IRL1 22.5(**) 80-160 75-240

(*) Axle load is based on design mass in working order for power heads (and for
P2 locomotives) and operational mass under normal payload for vehicles
capable of carrying a payload of passengers or luggage as defined in section
2.1 of EN 15663:2009+AC:2010. The corresponding ** axle load values for
vehicles capable of carrying a payload for passengers or luggage are 21,5t
for P1 and 22,5t for P2 as defined in Annex K to this TSI.
(**) Axle load is based on design mass in working order for power heads and
locomotives as defined in section 2.1 of EN 15663:2009+AC:2010 and design
mass under exceptional payload for other vehicles as defined in Annex K to this

Table 3

Performance parameters for freight traffic

Line speed Train length

Traffic code Gauge Axle load [t]
[km/h] [m]

F1 GC 22.5(*) 100-120 740-1050

F2 GB 22.5(*) 100-120 600-1050

F3 GA 20(*) 60-100 500-1050

F4 G1 18(*) n.a. n.a.

F1520 S 25(*) 50-120 1050

F1600 IRL1 22.5(*) 50-100 150-450

(*) Axle load is based on design mass in working order for power heads and locomotives
as defined in section 2.1 of EN 15663:2009+AC:2010 and design mass under
exceptional payload for other vehicles as defined in Annex K to this TSI.

The performance parameters “gauge” and “axle load” are considered as “Hard”
parameters; it means that it is mandatory to provide at least their precise value. This is
the reason why in Table 2 and 3 they are specified as single values.
The performance parameters “line speed”, “usable length of platform” and “train length”
are considered as “Soft” parameters; that means that values of these parameters for
specific line may be selected from the range/value given in Table 2 and 3.This selection
should be made at the beginning of the project.
Some considerations on note “*” of Table 2:
Trains with axle loads according to the definition under * and complying to the
validity limits of HSLM in Annex E of EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 are covered by
HSLM defined in (2), which is used for dynamic checks of new bridges.
The mass definition "operational mass under normal payload" covers the former

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


mass definition for “Class 1” trains, according to the HS RST TSI (Decision
2008/232/CE) in this case.
With this, the dynamic effects of trains:
 being within the limits of validity of HSLM (Annex E of EN 1991-
2:2003/AC:2010) and
 in which no standing passengers are tolerated or allowed
are covered in the design of new bridges.
If trains
 have a maximum axle load higher than the * value of table 2 or
 are outside the limits of validity of HSLM (Annex E of EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010)
these “Real Trains” or appropriate dynamic load models have to be used for
dynamic calculations according to (3) and 7.6 to ensure dynamic
compatibility of the train and the bridge. In this case the mass definition "design
mass under normal payload" according to Appendix K INF TSI shall be used.
Some considerations on note “**” of Table 2 (and note“*” of Table 3) :
The axle loads according to the definition under ** of Table 2 (and * of Table 3)
indicate the maximum axle load considering full loading due to standing passengers.
As this is the highest possible axle load it has to be used for the categorisation of a
train into a Line Category as set out in chapter 6 of EN 15528:2008+A1:2012, which
in turn is used for assessing the static effects of trains on bridges to ensure their
structural safety.
The axle load values for wagons in Table 3 represent the values according to design
mass under normal payload according to Table 5 of EN 15663:2009+AC:2010,
which is the maximum payload for freight.
Codes P1 to P5 and F1 to F2 are generally intended to be applied to TEN lines. P6 and
F4 are intended to be the minimum requirements for Off TEN lines: it does not exclude
the possibility to apply any other traffic code for Off TEN Lines.
P1520 and F1520 are specifically for on 1520 mm track gauge system.
P1600 and F1600 are specifically for on 1600 mm track gauge system.
Performance parameter ‘train length’ applies to freight traffic because the train length
determines the minimum length of a siding to be provided.
Performance parameter ‘usable length of platform’ applies to passenger traffic because
this is the main interface between passenger rolling stock and infrastructure (e.g.
platform): the real train length might be longer or shorter than platform length, the
parameter describes only the length to be provided for access of passengers from the
platform to the train.

(5)The performance parameters listed in Table 2 and Table 3 are not intended to be used to
directly ascertain the compatibility between rolling stock and infrastructure.

Point 7.6 of INF TSI gives guidance on how to ascertain compatibility between rolling
stock and infrastructure.

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


The interfaces with the Rolling stock subsystem are defined in Point 4.3.1.

(9) Passenger hubs, freight hubs and connecting lines are included in the above traffic codes, as
The requirements of a selected Traffic Code for a line are also valid for the running
tracks passing through passenger hubs, freight hubs and connecting lines. Running
tracks are those tracks used for trains’ operation.

(11) Without prejudice to Section 7.6 and point, when categorising a new line as P1, it
shall be ensured that ‘Class I’ trains, according to the HS RST TSI (Commission Decision
2008/232/EC (1)), for a speed greater than 250 km/h, can run on that line up to the maximum

Paragraph (11) of point 4.2.1 has been included in order to preserve backward
compatibility among the existing Class I high speed Rolling Stock, the existing TSI
category of line I and the new line categorized with P1 traffic code.
However, in order to ensure that “Class I“ trains can run on a new line as P1 up to the
maximum speed, if necessary, point is to be taken into account, because
“Class I“ trains are not automatically compatible to the limits of validity of HSLM (Annex
E of EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010).

(12) It is permissible for specific locations on the line to be designed for any or all of the
performance parameters line speed, usable length of platform and train length less than those set
out in Table 2 and Table 3, where duly justified to meet geographical, urban or environmental

The design speed for a line also affects the alignment of main tracks through a station.
Any other station track does not need to meet this requirement. If main tracks through a
station need to be designed for lower speeds, then this is normally justified by
geographical or urban constraints.
Reduced speed in tunnels, aside platforms or bridges are not due to design speed but
due to specific operational conditions and does not necessarily concern all trains in all
cases. For example, speed on bridges depends on the EN line category of the vehicles
and thus may be different.
The track in main direction of a turnout is normally designed for line speed; the diverging
track of switches does not need to comply with this speed. Side modifiers, gauge
changeover facilities and other installations of this type may require reduced speed. It
should be regarded as a local permanent speed restriction rather than a lower design

Requirements for Basic Parameters (Point

(4) In case of multi-rail track, requirements of this TSI are to be applied separately to each pair of
rails designed to be operated as separate track.

The three-rail system is a particular case of a multi-rail track, where one rail is common
for two track gauges.

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


The assessment need not be applied to both tracks at the same time and the
EC declaration of verification may be issued separately for each track.
This would allow for example in a three-rail system one pair of rails to be assessed as
one track with the option to assess the track formed using the third rail at some time in
the future (or not subject it to assessment at all).

(6) A short section of track with devices to allow transition between different nominal track gauges
is allowed.

Devices mentioned in this Point include equipment for:

 Gauge changeover facilities
 Equipment for exchange of wheelsets
 Equipment for exchange of bogies
 Any other systems allowing transition

Structure gauge (Point

(1) The upper part of the structure gauge shall be set on the basis of the gauges selected according
to point 4.2.1. Those gauges are defined in Annex C and in Annex D, point D.4.8 of EN 15273-

Gauges other than “Structure Gauge” (e.g. pantograph gauge, etc.) are defined in the
relevant TSIs, EN15273-3:2013 and others.
The interfaces of the INF TSI with other TSIs are listed in Point 4.3.

(3) Calculations of the structure gauge shall be done using the kinematic method in accordance
with the requirements of sections 5, 7, 10 and the Annex C and Annex D, point D.4.8 of EN 15273-

The target is to use the Installation Nominal Gauge in new lines, upgrading and in
general, wherever it is possible.
For design and construction of a new line, if the local situation is such that the
installation nominal gauge cannot be cleared (for example because of geographical,
urban or environmental constraints), an installation limit gauge may be defined and
cleared. In this case it is necessary to justify the use of the Installation Limit Gauge.
For the rest of cases: existing lines, renewals, local improvements, new elements, etc. it
is possible either to use the Installation Nominal or the Limit Gauge, though it is
advisable to use the Installation Nominal Gauge.
The use of a uniform gauge may permit efficient design and maintenance by IM and also
EC verification by the NoBo, thus avoiding a very time-consuming calculation for any
location and any potential obstacle.
The structure gauge used on a certain project is generally the same for other projects.
Therefore, it will be useful to have the calculations verified once. These verifications can
be performed, based on EN 15273-3:2013. The conditions of use, such as the applied
gauge (GA, GB, GC and others, e.g. national gauges), minimum radius, maximum cant

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


and cant deficiency, track quality, etc., are to be mentioned in the calculation note. The
resulting structure gauge profile that will be used for the verification of the obstacles
should clearly mention these points, too.

Distance between track centres (Point

(3) The distance between track centres shall at least satisfy the requirements for the limit
installation distance between track centres, defined according section 9 of EN 15273-3:2013.

There are exceptional cases for which the limit installation distance between track
centres, calculated according to chapter 9 of EN 15272-3:2013, is greater than the
minimum nominal distance between track centres defined in Table 4 and 6.
Therefore, when deciding the distance between track centres in a double - track railway
line, the minimum requirements of Table 4 and 6 shall be fulfilled, as well as the
requirements for the limit installation distance between track centres defined in
paragraph (3).
For example, in the case of two tracks with a radius of 1900 m, speed equal to 200 km/h
and cants of 180 mm and 90 mm, the value of the limit installation distance between
track centres obtained for GB structure gauge is 3825 mm, which is higher than the
distance between track centres of 3800 mm defined in table 4.

Minimum radius of horizontal curve (Point

(2) Reverse curves (other those in marshalling yards where wagons are shunted individually) with
radii in the range from 150 m up to 300 m for new lines shall be designed to prevent buffer locking.
For straight intermediate track elements between the curves, Table 43 and Table 44 of Appendix I
shall apply. For non-straight intermediate track elements, a detailed calculation shall be made in
order to check the magnitude of the end throw differences.

In case a non – straight intermediate element is used between two curves with opposite
curvature, the geometry and length of this element should be defined in such a way that
the magnitude of the end – throw difference still prevents buffer locking.

Cant deficiency (Point

(1) The maximum values for cant deficiency are set out in Table 8.

Table 8
Maximum cant deficiency [mm]

Design speed [km/h] v ≤ 160 160 < v ≤ 300 v > 300

For Operation of rolling stock 153 100

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


conforming to the Locomotives and

Passenger TSI

For operation of rolling stock

conforming to the Freight Wagons 130 - -

In the INF TSI, only maximum values of cant deficiency are given. So, for the verification
of stability of vehicles on the track using the parameter of uncompensated acceleration,
recalculations have to be done in order to be able to compare applied values of
uncompensated acceleration with the cant deficiency limits expressed in mm.
The maximum values of cant deficiency set in Table 8 (and in Table 9 for the 1668 mm
track gauge system) must be respected in the design/construction of a railway
infrastructure line, taking as reference which TSI compliant Rolling Stock is intended to
be operated on that specific line.
Rules and requirements for compliance of rolling stocks against TSIs are described in
the relevant TSI (LOC&PAS and/or Freight).

2) It is permissible for trains specifically designed to travel with higher cant deficiency (for example
multiple units with axle loads lower than set out in table 2; vehicles with special equipment for the
negotiation of curves) to run with higher cant deficiency values, subject to a demonstration that this
can be achieved safely.

Rules for the demonstration of safe running of vehicles, relating to running dynamics, are
described in the LOC&PAS TSI.
Other verifications may be needed in order to guarantee that the operation of the
referred types of rolling stock at speeds above the design speed is safe, such as those
regarding structure gauge, distance between track centres, maximum pressure
variations in tunnels, crosswinds, ballast pick up, immediate action limits on track
geometry defects due to the higher speed attained, etc.

Equivalent conicity (Point

(3) Design values of track gauge, rail head profile and rail inclination for plain line shall be selected
to ensure that the equivalent conicity limits set out in Table 10 are not exceeded.

The design values of track gauge to be taken into account when assessing the
requirement of “Equivalent Conicity” are the values of “design track gauge” as defined in
Appendix S “Glossary” of INF TSI.

Rail inclination (Point (3) For sections of not more than 100 m between switches and crossings without
inclination where the running speed is no more than 200 km/h, the laying of rails without

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


inclination is allowed. Requirements for switches and crossings

(1) The rail shall be designed to be either vertical or inclined.
(2) If the rail is inclined, the designed inclination shall be selected from the range 1/20 to 1/40.
(3) The inclination can be given by the shape of the active part of the rail head profile
(4) Within switches and crossings where the running speed is more than 200 km/h and no more
than 250 km/h, the laying of rails without inclination is allowed provided that it is limited to
sections not exceeding 50 m.
(5) For speeds of more than 250 km/h the rails shall be inclined.

The inclination of the rail, either in plain line or in Switches & Crossings, can be chosen
within the range from 1/20 to 1/40.
The table below summarizes the different situations for rail inclination as set out in
points and

Table 2: Rail inclination for plain line and switches and crossings

Plain line Switches and


v ≤ 200 km/h Inclined* Vertical or Inclined

* For sections of not more than 100 m
between switches and crossings
without inclination where the running
speed is no more than 200 km/h, the
laying of rails without inclination is

200 <v ≤250 Inclined Inclined*

* Within switches and
crossings where the running
speed is more than 200 km/h
and no more than 250 km/h,
the laying of rails without
inclination is allowed provided
that it is limited to sections not
exceeding 50 m.

v>250 Inclined Inclined

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Track resistance to applied loads (Point 4.2.6) Track resistance to vertical loads
The track design, including switches and crossings, shall take into account at least the following
(a) the axle load selected according to point 4.2.1;
(b) maximum vertical wheel forces. Maximum wheel forces for defined test conditions are
defined in EN 14363:2005 point
(c) vertical quasi-static wheel forces. Maximum quasi-static wheel forces for defined test
conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 points Longitudinal track resistance Design forces
The track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to withstand longitudinal forces
equivalent to the force arising from braking of 2.5 m/s2 for the performance parameters chosen in
accordance with point 4.2.1. Compatibility with braking systems
(1) The track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to be compatible with the
use of magnetic braking systems for emergency braking.
(2) The requirements for the design of track, including switches and crossings, which are
compatible with the use of eddy current braking systems are an open point.
(3) For the 1600 mm track gauge system it shall be allowed not to apply point (1). Lateral track resistance
The track design, including switches and crossings, shall take into account at least the following
(a) lateral forces; Maximum lateral forces exerted by a wheel set on the track for defined test
conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 point
(b) quasi-static guiding forces; Maximum quasi-static guiding forces Yqst for defined radii and
test conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 point

Point 4.2.6 gives guidance to Infrastructure Managers of the loads that the track must be
able to withstand. The load values used for calculation of track components and/or track
assemblies shall be consistent with point 4.2.6. The reference “at least” in the TSI
reflects the fact that the maximum loads to be taken into account while designing the
track may depend on planned operation and general strategy of each IM (running of
special trains, running of maintenance vehicles, etc.).

Allowance for dynamic effects of vertical loads (Point

(3) It is permissible to design new bridges such that they will also accommodate an individual
passenger train with higher axle loads than covered by HSLM. The dynamic analysis shall be
undertaken using the characteristic value of the loading from the individual train taken as the
design mass under normal payload in accordance with Appendix K with an allowance for
passengers in standing areas in accordance with Note 1 of Appendix K.

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


In addition to what is stated in point, it is permissible to design new bridges

that will accommodate an individual passenger train not conforming with limits of validity
(e.g. higher individual axle loads, different spacing axles within a bogie, etc.) of HLSM in
Annex E of EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010. See also point 4.2.1 (11).

Immediate action limits on track geometry defects (Point 4.2.8) The immediate action limit for alignment
(1) The immediate action limits for isolated defects in alignment are set out in point 8.5 of EN
13848-5:2008+A1:2010. Isolated defects shall not exceed the limits of wavelength range
D1 as set out in table 6.
(2) The immediate action limits for isolated defects in alignment for speeds of more than 300
km/h are an open point. The immediate action limit for longitudinal level
(1) The immediate action limits for isolated defects in longitudinal level are set out in point 8.3
of EN 13848-5:2008+A1:2010. Isolated defects shall not exceed the limits of wavelength
range D1 as set out in table 5.
(2) The immediate action limits for isolated defects in longitudinal level for speeds of more than
300 km/h are an open point.

For alignment and for longitudinal level these points refer to the IAL limits of EN 13848-
The maintenance regimes of several European countries already use IAL for alignment
and longitudinal level stricter than the ones in the EN 13848-5:2008+A1:2010: this
means that the compliance with what is required by the INF TSI is guaranteed.
Decision of IMs of a possible “relaxation” (but still within the limits of the INF TSI) of the
IALs for their network should never come from the application of the INF TSI itself: the
Safety Management System of each Infrastructure Manager has to justify that the “new”
IAL defined in their respective network can still guarantee the safe running of trains.

Platforms (Point 4.2.9)

(2) For the requirements of this point it is permissible to design platforms required for the
current service requirement provided provision is made for the reasonably foreseeable
future service requirements. When specifying the interfaces with trains intended to stop at
the platform, consideration shall be given to both the current service requirements and the
reasonably foreseeable service requirements at least 10 years following the bringing into
service of the platform.

The current service requirements should be established by taking into account what is
needed to give support to operation at the moment when the platform is being designed,
plus a provision as defined in the Glossary of the TSI (Passive provision).
Foreseeable service requirements should be based on the information that is available
at the moment when the platform is being designed.

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Paragraph (2) allows new platforms to be designed to satisfy current service needs (e.g.
non-TSI compliant trains stop) provided that provision is included in the design to enable
“reasonably foreseeable” future service requirements to be accommodated (e.g.
compliant TSI trains will stop at the station).

Platform height (Point

(1) The nominal platform height shall be 550 mm or 760 mm above the running surface for
radii of 300 m or more.

For the assessment of the platform height in the “after assembly - before putting into
service” phase, it is expected that the tolerances and specific assessment procedures
usually defined by the applicant will be considered.

Platform offset (

(1) The distance between the track centre and the platform edge parallel to the running plane
(bq), as defined in chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013, shall be set on the basis of the
installation limit gauge (bqlim). The installation limit gauge shall be calculated on the basis
of the gauge G1.

For structure gauges with equal width of reference profiles and associated rules at the
height of the platform edge, the same value will be obtained for the installation limit
gauge (bqlim). Therefore, the calculations made for any of them will be valid for the rest.
For example, the calculations made on the basis of a gauge other than G1 (i.e., GA, GB,
GC or DE3) will fulfil the requirements of this point.

Maximum pressure variations in tunnels (Point

(1) Any tunnel or underground structure intended to be operated at speeds greater than or
equal to 200 km/h has to provide that maximum pressure variation, caused by the
passage of a train running at the maximum allowed speed in the tunnel, do not exceed 10
kPa during the time taken for the train to pass through the tunnel.

The design of the cross section of a tunnel involves several other requirements, in
addition to that of “Maximum pressure variation”, in order to give room to, for example:
 The verification of the structure gauge
 The installation of the energy and signalling systems
 Walkways for the evacuation passengers in case of emergency
Additionally, it is recommended to take into account the effects on energy consumption
of the aerodynamic resistance to motion of trains, which depends on the clearance
between trains and tunnels.

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


“The maximum allowed speed in the tunnel” to be considered is the maximum speed
which is attainable when the most restrictive conditions for all the relevant subsystems
are taken into account.
This speed will be used for the verification of the requirement at design review.
According to preliminary conclusions of the workgroup in charge of the revision of EN
14067-5, which is the main reference in the INF TSI for aerodynamics when operating in
tunnels, it would only be necessary to apply this criterion on tunnels of 200 m or longer.

Equivalent conicity in service (Point

(1) If ride instability is reported, the railway undertaking and the infrastructure manager shall
localise the section of the line in a joint investigation according paragraphs (2) and (3)
Note: This joint investigation is also specified in point of TSI LOC & PAS for
action on rolling stock.
(2) The infrastructure manager shall measure the track gauge and the railhead profiles at the
site in question at a distance of approximate 10 m. The mean equivalent conicity over 100
m shall be calculated by modelling with the wheelsets (a) – (d) mentioned in paragraph of this TSI in order to check for compliance, for the purpose of the joint
investigation, with the limit equivalent conicity for the track specified in Table 14.
Table 14
Equivalent conicity in service limit values for the track, (for the purpose of joint

Speed range [km/h] Maximum value of mean

equivalent conicity over
100 m

v ≤ 60 assessment not required

60 < v ≤ 120 0,40

120 < v ≤ 160 0,35

160 < v ≤ 230 0,30

v > 230 0,25

(3) If the mean equivalent conicity over 100 m complies with the limit values in Table 14, a
joint investigation by the railway undertaking and the infrastructure manager shall be
undertaken to specify the reason for the instability.

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Ride instability is influenced by several factors, one of which being the in service
equivalent conicity mentioned in the TSI. It is advisable that when ride instability
problems are encountered all these factors are taken into consideration, while
conducting the joint investigation.
Defects in running gear or other issues from the vehicle may create unstable running.
On track side, some geometric defects may also result in unstable running even when
respecting the equivalent conicity values. These defects may even result from unstable
running of other previous trains passed on the line.
During the investigation, it is recommended to start with an inspection of the train and
track, according to the usual maintenance procedures of RU and IM, respectively. This
may include reviewing wheels, yaw dampers, suspension components, etc. for the RU
and track geometric defects, etc. for the IM.
For evaluating the in-service value of equivalent conicity, in the process of the joint
investigation by the Infrastructure Manager (IM) and the Railway Undertaking (RU) the
first step is to identify the location where ride instability is being experienced (
of INF TSI).
The IM then calculates the track mean equivalent conicity over 100m following the
process described in (2) and compares the values against those given in Table
At the same time, the RU calculates the wheelset equivalent conicity following the
process described in point (3) of the TSI LOC&PAS and compares the values
against the maximum equivalent conicity the vehicle was designed and tested for.
There are several outcomes following these calculations:
 Both the results obtained from the calculations by the IM and RU fulfil the
requirements set in their respective TSIs so no prescribed actions have to be
In this situation, the IM and RU shall continue their joint investigation in order to
find out the reason of the instability.
 The results obtained from the IM’s calculation exceed the limiting values. Actions
shall be taken on the infrastructure to return the mean equivalent conicity to
acceptable levels.
 The results obtained from the RU’s calculation exceed the limiting values. Actions
shall be taken to return the wheel sets to the correct profile.
 Both the results obtained from the calculations by the IM and RU exceed the
requirements set in their respective TSIs. Actions shall be put in place on both
the infrastructure and the wheel sets in order to restore the limiting values.
In order to return the track into the limits of equivalent conicity, different actions may be
taken, depending on the cause. Rail grinding may be practical in case of wear problems
or even narrow track gauge. In case of narrow gauge this may be resolved by changing
or adapting the fastenings or replacing sleepers. Sometimes even specific tamping
operations can have an impact on the track gauge.
After corrective actions have been taken, the joint investigation should continue in order
to effectively verify whether the problem on instability has been resolved.

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


The joint investigation above described should be conducted regardless TSI compliance
of rolling stock.

Fixed installation for servicing trains (Point 4.2.12) GENERAL
This point 4.2.12 sets out the infrastructure elements of the maintenance subsystem required for
servicing trains.

Provision of fixed installations for servicing trains is optional. The Member State decides
which elements belong to the interoperable network according to point
Requirements in the TSI apply when installations are included in the content of the line
which is the subject of the EC verification procedure.

Operating rules (Point 4.4)

(2) In certain situations involving pre-planned works, it may be necessary to temporarily suspend the
specifications of the infrastructure subsystem and its interoperability constituents defined in
sections 4 and 5 of this TSI.

Temporary suspension of the requirements of the TSI is permitted for pre-planned

An example would be at the site of a new underpass where provisional arrangements,
non-compliant with the TSI, will be in place during the construction period.

2.5. Interoperability Constituents (Section 5)

Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Point 5.1 and paragraphs (1) and (3) of Point 5.2 define
precisely which elements of the track are understood as Interoperability Constituents of
the Infrastructure subsystem.
According to Points 5.1 and 5.2 the following goods, other than those mentioned in
5.2(3), are not considered to be Interoperability Constituents:
a) steel sleepers (or made of any material which is not concrete or wood);
b) specific fastenings such as low restraint fastenings, high resilient fastenings,
noise and vibration mitigation, etc.;
c) any element specifically used only on non-ballasted track (slab track, track on
bridges, track with embedded rail, etc.).
These elements are not classified as ICs in this TSI for one or more of the following
 there are no harmonized specifications for these elements;
 the elements are not commonly used or are only used in specific locations and

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


 the small volume of production does not bring benefits to the opening market;
 several technical solutions exist for these types of elements.
Components which function like ICs, but which are excluded from the list of ICs, shall be
assessed at subsystem level (together with the subsystem).
The existing ICs which have been in use prior to publication of the TSI can be reused
according to the conditions set out in Point 6.6. of the TSI.

The rail fastening system (Point 5.3.2)

(2) The rail fastening system shall comply in laboratory test conditions with the following
(a) the longitudinal force required to cause the rail to begin to slip (i.e. move in an inelastic way)
through a single rail fastening assembly shall be at least 7kN and for speeds of more than 250
km/h shall be at least 9kN,
(b) the rail fastening shall resist application of 3 000 000 cycles of the typical load applied in a
sharp curve, such that the performance of the fastening in terms of clamping force and
longitudinal restraint is not degraded by more than 20% and vertical stiffness is not degraded
by more than 25%. The typical load shall be appropriate to:
- the maximum axle load the rail fastening system is designed to accommodate,
- the combination of rail, rail inclination, rail pad and type of sleepers with which the fastening
system may be used.’

Tests on rail fastenings

When a module CH (see point 6.1.2) is selected for assessing the conformity of the IC
“Rail fastening system”, quality control tests to confirm the performance of rail fastenings
must be appropriate for the rail fastening design.
It is the responsibility of the organization signing the declaration of conformity to be able
to demonstrate that quality control procedures are in place to ensure that fastenings
supplied have a performance consistent with the requirements set out in Point 5.3.2.
These are requirements that, by their nature, can only be demonstrated directly in type
approval tests.
It must be possible to demonstrate that these QC checks ensure that the rail fastenings
supplied are the same as the fastening subjected to the type approval test.
In this respects, QC checks, performed during manufacturing, should include regular
measurements of:
 geometric features defining the clamping force (e.g. geometry of any spring steel rail
clip, position of anchoring devices in the sleeper and thickness of rail pads and
 the critical shapes and dimensions;
 the key mechanical and material properties;
of every component of the rail fastening system.

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


This may also include subjecting samples of some components, such as spring steel
clips, to routine fatigue testing, but it is recognized that repeated load testing of complete
rail fastening assemblies can only be carried out at the type approval stage.

Longitudinal restraint (5.3.2(2)(a))

For the purposes of using the TSI and in associated ENs, the longitudinal rail restraint is
defined as the minimum axial force, applied to a rail secured to a sleeper by a fastening
assembly, causing non-elastic slip of the rail through the fastening system.
For general applications in plain line, this value shall be at least:
 7 kN, for speed equal or lower than 250km/h;
 9 kN, for speed higher than 250 kmh.
A method for determining if the fastening system meets these requirements at the type
approval testing stage is given in EN 13146-1.
Some alternative methods exist, which are based on the force required to cause gross
slip (instead of beginning of slip) of the rail. This force may be substantially higher than
the force defined in these European Standards but fastening systems compliant with
methods based on gross slip may not be compliant with the method based on beginning
of slip. (for example, some rail fastening assemblies which comply with the typical North
American requirement for 10.7kN ‘creep resistance’ (based on gross slip) may fail the
European requirement for 7kN (based on the beginning of slip)).
For some applications other values of longitudinal restraint may be appropriate: on some
structures, it may be desirable to allow controlled slip of the rail in the vicinity of structural
movement joints, and so special fastenings with reduced, or zero, longitudinal restraint
may be required.
These special fastening systems are covered by paragraph 5.2(3) and are not
considered ICs as they do not fulfil the requirements for longitudinal rail restrain.
Resistance to cyclic loads. (5.3.2(2)(b))
The resistance to cyclic loads is demonstrated in a type approval test in which a
complete rail fastening assembly is subjected to a combination of cyclic loads applied
through a piece of rail, appropriate to its intended use. An acceptable test method is set
out in EN 13146-4. This method is consistent with the requirement for 20% permitted
change in clamping force and longitudinal restraint, and 25% change in vertical static
stiffness (up to a vertical static stiffness of 300 MN/m).

Track sleepers (Point 5.3.3)

(1) Track sleepers shall be designed such that when they are used with a specified rail and rail
fastening system they will have properties that are consistent with the requirements of point for ‘Nominal track gauge’, point for ‘Rail inclination’ and point 4.2.6 for ‘Track
resistance to applied loads’.

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


According to Point, the EC declaration of conformity for track sleepers must
include, among others, the statement setting out the combinations of rail, rail inclination
and type of rail fastening system with which the sleeper may be used. No separate EC
declarations of conformity are needed for sleepers that may be used with more than one
The applicant has to show, and the NoBo has to verify, that the construction and
geometry of the sleeper allow the declared elements to be used in those combinations.
Additionally, the sleeper has to fulfil the requirements referred to in Point 5.3.3:
a) in reference to Point – that the sleeper is designed for the nominal track
b) in reference to Point – that the sleeper construction allows for keeping the
rail inclination within the permitted range.
The conformity assessment in relation to the requirements of Point 4.2.6 ‘Track
resistance to applied loads’ shall also be carried out for the scope of application declared
by the manufacturer. This means that normally manufacturers declare the maximum axle
load which may be applied to the sleeper or the design bending moment assumed in the
sleeper – as the result of the maximum vertical axle load permitted. The resistance to
longitudinal and transversal forces relates to the types of fastenings which are assumed
to be installed on the sleepers – manufacturers have to guarantee resistance to actions
exerted by fastenings.

(2) For the nominal track gauge system of 1 435 mm, the design track gauge for track sleepers
shall be 1 437 mm.

From the nominal track gauge of the project, a design value of the track gauge shall be
used to design the track.
The track design starts with the choice of rail profiles to be used and the rail inclination to
be applied. The further design concerns basically the design of the sleepers together
with its fastening system to be used with the sleeper.
For drawing the assembly of components within the sleepers, the following steps are
common practise:
 the rails are put at the ‘design track gauge’;
 fastening systems are added on the drawing of the sleeper, where it is verified
that the different components fit together.
This is done at the nominal dimensions of all components.
Some lateral gaps will be foreseen between rail foot and the fastening systems in order
to allow tolerances of the different components. The full verification of the compatibility of
all tolerances with the design is out of the scope of the TSI.
If different rail profiles are used, separate drawings shall be produced for different rail
The actual values for gauge in track will depend on the chosen design values for all
components, the production tolerances and the assembly in track, eventually influenced
by train loads and maintenance operations. The choice of the gaps between rail foot and

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


fastening may be considered to influence the actual values in track, gaps that are not
necessarily to be put equally distributed between left and right from the rail foot.
For the turnouts a similar approach is applied. As changing the track gauge has an
impact in the theoretical diagram of the turnout, it is good practice to choose the design
value for the turnout equal to the nominal track gauge. The position of the gaps between
rail foot can be chosen in such way to have an actual and mean track gauge in track
somewhat wider than if gaps were distributed evenly left and right of rail.

2.6. Assessment of Conformity of Interoperability Constituents and

EC Verification of the Subsystems (Section 6)

Assessment of sleepers (Point

(2) For polyvalent gauge and multiple gauge track sleepers it is allowed not to assess the design
track gauge for the nominal track gauge of 1 435 mm.

Polyvalent gauge track sleeper: Track sleeper designed to fit the rail in more than one
position in order to allow for a different track gauge on each.
Multiple gauge track sleeper: Track sleeper designed to include more than one track
gauge within the respective pairs of rails.

Assessment of structure gauge (

(3) After assembly before putting into service clearances shall be verified at locations where the
designed installation limit gauge is approached by less than 100 mm or the installation nominal
gauge or uniform gauge is approached by less than 50 mm.

For the assessment of the structure gauge after assembly before putting into service, it
is expected that the specific assessment procedures usually defined by the applicant will
be considered.

Assessment of distance between track centres (

(2) After assembly before putting into service, distance between track centres shall be verified at
critical locations where the limit installation distance between track centres as defined according
chapter 9 of EN 15273-3:2013 is approached by less than 50 mm.

For the assessment of the distance between track centres after assembly before putting
into service, it is expected that the specific assessment procedures usually defined by
the applicant will be considered.

Assessment of track layout (Point

(1) At design review the curvature, cant, cant deficiency and abrupt change of cant deficiency shall

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


be assessed against the local design speed.

When assessing the values of “cant” and “minimum radius of horizontal curve” in the
“Assembly before putting into service” phase (as required in Table 37), tolerances and
specific assessment procedures, usually defined by IMs in their rules for acceptance of
works, should be taken into account.

Assessment of cant deficiency for trains designed to travel with higher cant
deficiency (Point
Point states that ‘It is permissible for trains specifically designed to travel with higher
cant deficiency (for example multiple units with lower axle loads; vehicles with special equipment
for the negotiation of curves) to run with higher cant deficiency values, subject to a demonstration
that this can be achieved safely’. This demonstration is outside the scope of this TSI and thus not
subject to a notified body verification of the infrastructure subsystem. The demonstration shall be
undertaken by the RU, if necessary in cooperation with the IM.

For trains running at higher cant deficiency, demonstration of safe running has to be
performed according to EN14363:2005 and/or EN15686:2010.
For gauging, verification has to be performed according to section 14 of EN 15273-
Operation at speeds above design speed may also have an impact on other
requirements to be accomplished such as those regarding distance between track
centres, maximum pressure variations in tunnels, crosswinds, ballast pick up, immediate
action limits on track geometry defects due to the higher speed attained.

Assessment of design values for equivalent conicity (Point

Assessment of design values for equivalent conicity shall be done using the results of calculations
made by the infrastructure manager or the contracting entity on the basis of EN

When assessing the design value of the parameter “Equivalent Conicity”, calculations
have to be performed according to the procedure defined in Point of INF TSI,
having chosen the following elements of the track configuration:
 design track gauge;
 rail head profile;
 rail inclination.
Appendix 2 to this Guide provides several track configurations that are deemed to fulfil
the requirement of design equivalent conicity.
For projects in which serviceable rails are used, for the assessment of design value of
equivalent conicity, the theoretical railhead profile may be taken into account.

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Assessment of existing structures (Point

(1) Assessment of existing structures against the requirements of point (b) and (c) shall
be done by one of the following methods:
(a) check that the values of EN line categories, in combination with the allowed speed
published or intended to be published for the lines containing the structures, is in line
with the requirements of Appendix E of this TSI,
(b) check that the values of EN line categories, in combination with the allowed speed
specified for the structures or for the design, is in line with the requirements of Appendix
E of this TSI,
(c) check the traffic loads specified for the structures or for the design against the minimum
requirements of points and When reviewing the value of factor alpha
according to point it is only necessary to check that the value of factor alpha is
in line with the value of factor alpha mentioned in Table 11.

The checks considered in Point (a) would be enough when the EN Line Category as
published by the IM is compatible with the intended Traffic Codes. For example, if the
published EN Line Category is D4-100 and the required capacity is only D2-100,
compatibility may be regarded as demonstrated with no further assessment.
Point (b) covers also cases when the speed specified for the structure(s) may be
different from the speed of the line.
Point (c) is intended to cover those situations in which EN line categorization is not fully

Assessment of platform offset (Point

(1) Assessment of the distance between the track centre and the platform edge as a design review
shall be done using the results of calculations made by the Infrastructure Manager or the
contracting entity on the basis of chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013.

Methodology to calculate bqlim is set in chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013.

Definition of bqlim can be found in section H.2.1 of EN15273-1:2013

Assessment of maximum pressure variations in tunnels (Point

(2) The input parameters to be used are to be such that the reference characteristic pressure
signature of the trains set out in the locomotives and passenger rolling stock TSI is fulfilled.

In operation phase the demonstration can be carried out by the Infrastructure Manager
considering real trains, with signatures lower than the reference interoperable train
signature as is defined in the locomotives and passenger rolling stock TSI in order to
allow higher speeds.

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Assessment of track resistance for plain line (Point

(1) The demonstration of conformity of the track to the requirements of point 4.2.6 may be done
by reference to an existing track design which meets the operating conditions intended for the
subsystem concerned.
(2) A track design shall be defined by the technical characteristics as set out in Appendix C.1
to this TSI and by its operating conditions as set out in Appendix D.1 to this TSI.
(3) A track design is considered to be existing, if both of the following conditions are met:
(a) the track design has been in normal operation for at least one year and
(b) the total tonnage over the track was at least 20 million gross tons for the period of
normal operation.
(4) The operating conditions for an existing track design refer to conditions which have been
applied in normal operation
(5) The assessment to confirm an existing track design shall be performed by checking that the
technical characteristics as set out in Appendix C.1 to this TSI and conditions of use as set out in
Appendix D.1 to this TSI are specified and that the reference to the previous use of the track design
is available.
(6) When a previously assessed existing track design is used in a project, the notified body
shall only assess that the conditions of use are respected.
(7) For new track designs that are based on existing track designs, a new assessment can be
performed by verifying the differences and evaluating their impact on the track resistance. This
assessment may be supported for example by computer simulation or by laboratory or in situ
(8) A track design is considered to be new, if at least one of the technical characteristics set out
in Appendix C to this TSI or one of conditions of use set out in Appendix D to this TSI is changed

“Track resistance to applied load” (4.2.6.) is a basic parameter for which presumption of
conformity at design stage may be used. Point for plain line (and point for
switches&crossings) details how the assessment can be performed by referring to an
existing track design meeting the operating condition intended for the subsystem

In that respect, Appendix C and Appendix D are intended to establish respectively the
technical characteristics and the conditions of use that define a track design.

Paragraph (3) sets out the conditions under which a track design is considered

The track design of the subsystem concerned is presumed to be compliant with the
requirements of point 4.2.6 when it is possible to demonstrate that its technical
characteristics (as defined in Appendix C) and its conditions of use (as defined in
appendix D) are identical to those of an existing track design (that, of course, meets the
operating conditions of the subsystem concerned).

The assessment of track resistance to applied loads has to be made by considering the
whole set working together. Likewise, the consistency of the properties of each track

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


component with the requirements on track resistance for the whole track design as set
out in 4.2.6 has to be evaluated by assessing the whole set containing the referred
component. For this reason, Appendix C takes into account the relevant features of
every component. Within some track designs, several components of similar
characteristics can be used in the same place in order to allow the use of products from
different manufacturers or for other reasons. This circumstance is usually covered by
internal classifications of track components as established in the technical specifications
of the IM. The definition of the technical characteristics of a track design may be done by
referring to these internal categories of track components provided that compatibility with
the intended conditions of use as set out in Appendix D is respected.
It is understood as ‘normal operation’ when trains run along the line for their own
purposes without any exceptional provision to mitigate their impact on infrastructure.

Subsystems containing Interoperability constituents not holding an EC

declaration (Point 6.5)

Subsystem containing serviceable interoperability constituents that are suitable

for reuse (Point 6.6)
When assessing subsystems that contain IC not holding an EC declaration or that are
reused, the following guide can be used to help identify the procedure to follow:
Table 3: EC verification of the infrastructure subsystem containing serviceable interoperability
constituents that are suitable for reuse

Ref. Features of the Reference Comments

subsystem to INF TSI

A General case. 6.2. The EC verification of the infrastructure

Subsystems subsystem is carried out according to chapter
containing NEW 6.2 to 6.4
constituents holding
an EC declaration

B Subsystems 6.5. If the applicant is developing a new project and

containing NEW intends to use new interoperability constituents
Interoperability already manufactured but are not yet covered
constituents not by an EC declaration, the NoBos are permitted
holding an EC to issue an EC certificate of verification for the
declaration subsystem if the following requirements are
(procedure valid until
31 May 2021) (a) the conformity of the subsystem has been
checked against the requirements of chapter 4
and sections 6.2 to 7 (excluding 7.7) of the

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


TSI,( conformity of ICs to chapter 5 and section

6.1 is not required) and
(b) the same type of interoperability
constituents, have been used in a subsystem
already approved and put in service in at least
one of the Member State before the entry in
force of the TSI.
C Subsystem containing 6.6. If the applicant is developing a new project and
REUSED serviceable intends to reuse serviceable interoperability
interoperability constituents, the NoBos are permitted to issue
constituents that are an EC certificate of verification for the
suitable for reuse subsystem if the following two requirements
(procedure with no are fulfilled:
time limit)

(a) the conformity at the subsystem level has

been checked against the requirements of
sections 4 and sections 6.2 to 7 (excluding 7.7)
the TSI , [conformity to section 6.1 is not

(b) The interoperability constituents are not

covered by the relevant EC declaration of
conformity and/or suitability for use.
Usually the applicant shall ensure that the
proposed serviceable constituents are suitable
for reuse.

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


2.7. Implementation of the Infrastructure TSI (Section 7)

Application of this TSI to new railway lines (Point 7.2)

(1) For the purpose of this TSI a ‘new line’ means a line that creates a route where none currently
2) The following situations, for example to increase speed or capacity, may be considered as an
upgraded line rather than a new line:
(a) the realignment of part of an existing route,
(b) the creation of a bypass,
(c) the addition of one or more tracks on an existing route, regardless of the distance between
the original tracks and the additional tracks.

The Member State can determine whether a project is the construction of a new line or
upgrading or renewal of an existing line. The TSI does not restrict or impose any
requirements on the Member State when taking this decision.

Upgrading of a line (Point 7.3.1)

(1) In accordance with Article 2(m) of Directive 2008/57/EC, ‘upgrading’ means any major
modification work on a subsystem or part of a subsystem which improves the overall performance
of the subsystem.
(2) The infrastructure subsystem of a line is considered to be upgraded in the context of this TSI
when at least the performance parameters axle load or gauge, as defined in point 4.2.1, are
changed in order to meet the requirements of another traffic code.
(3) For other TSI performance parameters, according to Article 20(1) of the Directive 2008/57/EC,
Member States decide to what extent the TSI needs to be applied to the project.

Paragraph (1) gives the general definition of “upgrading” set out in the Directive
2008/57/CE. The meaning of upgrading, for the purpose of the INF TSI, is given in
Paragraph (2): it is more specific, but still inside the definition given in the Directive
If a project includes the improvement of performance parameters axle load or gauge (or
both) to meet the requirements of another traffic code according to the TSI Categories of
Line, it shall be considered as an upgrade. In this event, section 7 of the TSI sets out
certain requirements to be considered by the Member State when applying Article 20.1
and 20.2 of the Directive 2008/57/EC.
The TSI needs to be applied at least for all basic parameters relating to the “Hard”
performance parameters concerned in the event of an upgrade including a modification
to improve axle load or gauge (or both) in order to meet the requirements of another
traffic code according to the TSI Categories of Line.

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Paragraph (3) refers to the requirements relating to the other “soft” performance
parameters (‘line speed’, ‘train length’ and ‘usable length of platform’ – see Point
4.2.1(4)-) in the event of an upgrade. In this case, the Member State will decide to which
extent the TSI needs to be applied to the project.

Substitution in the framework of maintenance (Point 7.3.3)

(1) Where the parts of a subsystem on a line are maintained, the formal verification and
authorisation for placing into service is not required in accordance with this TSI. However,
maintenance replacements should be, as far as it is reasonably practicable, undertaken in
accordance with the requirements of this TSI.
(2) The objective should be that maintenance replacements progressively contribute the
development of an interoperable line.
(3) In order to bring progressively an important part of the infrastructure subsystem in a process
towards interoperability, the following group of basic parameters should be adapted together:
(a) Line layout,
(b) Track parameters,
(c) Switches and crossings,
(d) Track resistance to applied loads,
(e) Structures resistance to traffic loads,
(f) Platforms.
(4) In such cases, it is noted that each of the above elements taken separetly cannot ensure
compliance of the whole subsystem. The conformity of a subsystem can only be stated when all
the elements are compliant with the TSI.

It is up to the Member States to decide what to include in the National Implementation

plan: normally, substitutions in the framework of maintenance may not be included in the
plan as the implementation of the TSI is not mandatory for these projects.
The aforementioned plans should be based on those upgrade and renewal projects that
have been decided to be carried out at the moment when the plan is being drafted.

Existing lines that are not subject to a renewal or upgrading project (Point 7.3.4)
The demonstration of the level of compliance of existing lines with the basic parameters of the TSI
is voluntary. The procedure for this demonstration shall be in accordance with Commission
Recommendation 2014/881/EU of 18 November 2014 (1).

The Directive 2008/57/CE does not require EC verification of an existing line unless it is
subject to renewal or upgrading.
Demonstration of the level of compliance to the TSI is voluntary.
If this demonstration is to be undertaken, the procedure described in the Commission
recommendation 2014/881/EU may be used.

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


The information related to performance parameters and values of relevant basic

parameters of an existing line is included in the Register of Infrastructure.

Ascertain compatibility of infrastructure and rolling stock after authorization of

rolling stock (Point 7.6)
(2) The design of the TSI categories of line as defined in section 4 is generally compatible with the
operation of vehicles categorised in accordance with EN 15528:2008+A1:2012 at up to the
maximum speed as shown in Appendix E. However there may be a risk of excessive dynamic
effects including resonance in certain bridges which may further impact the compatibility of
vehicles and infrastructure.

There are no harmonized tools for analysing dynamic effects due to a lack of appropriate
load models in EN 1991-2:2003. Any national rule can be used to deal with this subject.

(3) Checks, based on specific operational scenarios agreed between the infrastructure manager
and the railway undertaking, may be undertaken to demonstrate the compatibility of vehicles
operating above the maximum speed shown in Appendix E.

When evaluating the compatibility between a given line and a particular type of rolling
stock, the mass of the rolling stock used will take account of the actual maximum
operational load condition, defined by the Railway Undertaking (RU), appropriate to the
intended service and operational controls. Operational measures, such as seat booking
systems, may allow the maximum operational load of the rolling stock to be restricted to
lower level than the design mass under exceptional payload. As a result, the rolling stock
may fall into a lower EN Line Category, with the potential benefit of greater compatibility
with the infrastructure.
In this Point, ‘vehicle’ is understood in terms of the Directive 2008/57/CE.

Technical characteristics of switches and crossings design (Appendix C.2)

Switches and crossings design shall be at least defined by the technical characteristics as follows:
(a) Rail
- Profile(s) & grades (switch rail, stock rail)
- Continuous welded rail or length of rails (for jointed track sections)
(b) Fastening system
- Type
- Pad stiffness
- Clamping force
- Longitudinal restraint
(c) Sleeper
- Type

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


- Resistance to vertical loads:

– Concrete: design bending moments
– Wood: compliance to EN 13145:2001
– Steel: moment of inertia of cross section
- Resistance to longitudinal and lateral loads: geometry and weight
- Nominal and design track gauge
(d) Rail inclination
(e) Ballast cross sections (ballast shoulder – ballast thickness)
(f) Ballast type (grading = granulometrie)
(g) Type of crossing (fixed or movable point)
(h) Type of locking (switch pannel, movable point of crossing)
(i) Special devices: for example sleeper anchors, third/ fourth rail, …
(j) Generic switches and crossings drawing indicating
- Geometrical diagram (triangle) describing the length of the turnout and the tangents at the
end of the turnout
- Main geometrical characteristics like the main radii in switch, closure and crossing panel,
crossing angle
- Sleeper spacing

In the context of Switches & Crossings, the elements that support the S&C are
commonly known as “bearers”; in that respect, when in Appendix C.2 reference is made
to technical characteristic of ‘sleeper’, it has to be intended that the technical
characteristics shall refer also to the bearers.
When filling in the data corresponding to the “bearers” nominal and design track gauge,
it could be enough to include the nominal track gauge in the list and refer to the drawings
of the layout of the Switches & Crossings for the design track gauge of each “bearer”.
“Movable point of crossing” has the same meaning as swing nose crossing.

2.8. Glossary (Appendix S)

Design track gauge / 5.3.3 A single value which is obtained when all the components
of the track conform precisely to their design dimensions or
Konstruktionsspurweite /
their median design dimension when there is a range.
Ecartement de conception de
la voie

When designing a sleeper, one of the most important goals is to make sure that the track
gauge in operation will deviate from its design value as less as possible.
The track gauge, though, is not only affected by the design of the sleeper, but it is also
influenced by the dimensions, tolerances and position (within the sleeper) of:

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


 rails;
 each component of the rail fastening system, with which the sleeper is equipped.
Therefore, when defining the design track gauge of a sleeper, all track components
(rails, clips, insulators, etc.) that play a role in the track gauge should be considered with
their nominal design dimensions (or median design dimension, when there is a range.)
and their nominal design position within the sleeper.
In addition to the EC declaration of conformity, the value of the ‘design track gauge’
should be explicitly stated on all relevant documents (drawings, technical note, etc.) of
the sleepers.
The concept of ‘design track gauge’ is related to the design of the sleepers only. The
only basic parameter of the INF TSI that is affected by the ‘design track gauge’ is the
‘equivalent conicity’ at design stage. All remaining parameters refer to the nominal value
of track gauge.

EN Line Category /, The result of the classification process set out in EN
Appendix 15528:2008+A1:2012 Annex A and referred to in that
EN Streckenklasse /
E standard as ‘Line Category’. It represents the ability of the
EN Catégorie de ligne infrastructure to withstand the vertical loads imposed by
vehicles on the line or section of line for regular service.

For the purpose of the INF TSI, “regular service” is equivalent to “normal service”.

Swing nose

According to EN13232-7, within the domain of “common crossing with movable point”,
the term “swing nose” identifies the part of the crossing which forms the vee and that it is
moved to form a continuous running edge for either the main or the branch line.

Braking systems

independent of wheel-rail
adhesion conditions”

“Braking systems independent of wheel – rail adhesion conditions” refers to all brake
systems of the rolling stock capable to develop a brake force applied to the rails
independently of the wheel – rail adhesion conditions (e.g. magnetic braking systems
and eddy current braking systems)

Plain line / Section of track without switches and crossings.

Freie Strecke /
Voie courante

In the context of the TSI, the concept of plain line applies both for tracks inside and
outside stations.

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


2.9. Safety assurance over fixed obtuse crossings (Appendix J)

Definitions of “running edge” and “check face (guiding edge)” can be found in EN 13232-
1:2003 and EN13232-6:2005 +A1:2011.

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI



1. Applicable standards and other documents

1.1. Standards referred to in the TSI
1.2. Application of Standards

2. Track configurations which fulfil the requirement for the track

design against equivalent conicity

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Applicable standards

1.1. Standards referred to in the TSI

All standards referred to in the text of INF TSI are listed in Table 49 ‘List of referenced
standards’, which is attached as Appendix T to the INF TSI.
The application of the sections referred to in the INF TSI text of the above mentioned
standards is, therefore, mandatory.

1.2. Application of standards

Table 4 contains a set of European standards relevant for conformity assessment of
basic parameters against the respective TSI requirements.
Some standards listed in Table 4 are the same as the ones referred to in the INF TSI:
the application of the sections of these standards quoted in the INF TSI is mandatory.
The application of the remaining sections, as well as the application of other standards
not referred to in INF TSI, remains voluntary.
In some cases, harmonised standards that cover the basic parameters of the TSIs
provide presumption of conformity with certain clauses of the TSIs. In accordance with
the spirit of the new approach to technical harmonisation and standardisation,
application of these standards remains voluntary but their references are published on
the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).These specifications are listed in the
TSI application guide in order to facilitate their use by the industry. These specifications
remain complementary to TSIs.

Table 4: CEN Standards relevant for conformity assessments

No Point of INF TSI CEN Standards

1 Structure EN 15273–1:2013,

Railway applications – Gauges –Part 1: General –
Common rules for infrastructure and rolling stock

EN 15273–3:2013,

Railway applications – Gauges – Part 3: Structure gauges

2 Distance EN 15273–3:2013,

between track
centres Railway applications – Gauges – Part 3: Structure gauges

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


3 Minimum EN 13803-1:2010,

radius of
horizontal curve Railway applications - Track - Track alignment design
parameters - Track gauges 1435 mm and wider - Part 1:
Plain line

EN 13803-2:2006+A1:2009,

Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design

parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 2:
Switches and crossings and comparable alignment design
situations with abrupt changes of curvature.

4 Minimum EN 13803-1:2010, Railway applications – Track - Track

radius of vertical alignment design parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm
curves and wider – Part 1: Plain line

EN 13803-2:2006+A1:2009, Railway applications – Track

– Track alignment design parameters – Track gauges
1435 mm and wider – Part 2: Switches and crossings and
comparable alignment design situations with abrupt
changes of curvature.

5 Nominal EN 13848-1:2003+A1:2008, Railway applications – Track

track gauge – Track geometry quality – Part 1: Characterisation of
track geometry

6 Cant EN 13803-1:2010,

Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design

parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 1:
Plain line

EN 13803-2:2006+A1:2009,

Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design

parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 2:
Switches and crossings and comparable alignment design
situations with abrupt changes of curvature.

EN 14363:2005

Railway applications – Testing for the acceptance of

running characteristics of railway vehicles – Testing of
running behaviour and stationary tests

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


7 Cant EN 13803-1:2010,

Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design
parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 1:
Plain line

EN 13803-2:2006+A1:2009

Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design

parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 2:
Switches and crossings and comparable alignment design
situations with abrupt changes of curvature.


Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of

running characteristics of railway vehicles with cant
deficiency compensation system and/or vehicles intended
to operate with higher cant deficiency than stated in EN
14363:2005, Annex G

EN 14363:2005

Railway applications – Testing for the acceptance of

running characteristics of railway vehicles – Testing of
running behaviour and stationary tests

8 Abrupt EN 14363:2005

change of cant
deficiency Railway applications – Testing for the acceptance of
running characteristics of railway vehicles – Testing of
running behaviour and stationary tests

EN 13803-2:2006+A1:2009,

Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design

parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 2:
Switches and crossings and comparable alignment design
situations with abrupt changes of curvature

9 4.2.8 Immediate EN 13848-1:2003+A1:2008,

action limits on
track geometry Railway applications – Track – Track geometry quality –
defects Part 1: Characterisation of track geometry

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


EN 13848-5:2008+A1:2010

Railway applications - Track - Track geometry quality -

Part 5: Geometric quality levels - Plain line

10 Design EN 13232-2:2003+A1:2011,

geometry of
switches and Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings –
crossings Part 2: Requirements for geometric design

EN 13232-5:2005+A1:2011

Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings –

Part 5: Switches

EN 13232-3:2003+A1:2011

Railway applications - Track - Switches and crossings -

Part 3: Requirements for wheel/rail interaction

EN 13232-7:2006+A1:2011

Railway applications - Track - Switches and crossings -

Part 7: Crossings with moveable parts

EN 13232-9:2006+A1:2011

Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings –

Part 9: Layouts

EN 15273–3:2013,

Railway applications – Gauges – Part 3: Structure gauges

11 Maximum EN 13232-9:2006+A1:2011

unguided length
of fixed obtuse Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings –
crossings Part 9: Layouts


Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings –

Part 6: Fixed common and obtuse crossings

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


12 Track EN 13803-1:2010,

resistance to
vertical loads Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design
parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 1:
Plain line

EN 14363:2005

Railway applications – Testing for the acceptance of

running characteristics of railway vehicles – Testing of
running behaviour and stationary tests

13 EN 13803-1:2010,
Longitudinal track
resistance Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design
parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 1:
Plain line

EN 14363:2005

Railway applications – Testing for the acceptance of

running characteristics of railway vehicles – Testing of
running behaviour and stationary tests

14 Lateral EN 13803-1:2010,

track resistance
Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design
parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 1:
Plain line

EN 13803-2:2006+A1:2009,

Railway applications – Track – Track alignment design

parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 2:
Switches and crossings and comparable alignment design
situations with abrupt changes of curvature.

EN 14363:2005

Railway applications – Testing for the acceptance of

running characteristics of railway vehicles – Testing of
running behaviour and stationary tests

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


15 EN 15528:2008+A1:2012
Resistance of
existing bridges Railway applications – Line categories for managing the
and earthworks to interface between load limits of vehicles and infrastructure.
traffic loads

Maximum EN14067-5:2006+A1:2010
Railway applications – Aerodynamics – Part 5:
variations in
Requirements and test procedures for aerodynamics in

EN 14067-6: 2010,
17 Effect of
Railway applications – Aerodynamics – Part 6:
Requirements and test procedures for cross wind

18 4.5 Maintenance EN 13848-1:2003+A1:2008, Railway applications – Track

rules – Track geometry quality – Part 1: Characterisation of
track geometry

EN 13232-9:2006+A1:2011, Railway applications – Track

– Switches and crossings – Part 9: Layouts

EN 13803-1:2010, Railway applications – Track – Track

alignment design parameters – Track gauges 1435 mm
and wider – Part 1: Plain line

EN 13803-2:2006+A1:2009 Railway applications – Track –

Track alignment design parameters – Track gauges
1435 mm and wider – Part 2: Switches and crossings and
comparable alignment design situations with abrupt
changes of curvature.

19 5.3.1 The rail EN 13674-1:2011,

Railway applications –Track– Rail – Part 1 : Vignole

railway rails 46 kg/m and above

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


EN 13674-2:2006+A1:2010,Railway applications – Track–

Rail – Part 2 : Switch and crossing rail used in conjunction
with Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above

EN 13674-4:2006+A1:2009
Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 4: Vignole railway
rails from 27 kg/m to, but excluding 46 kg/m

20 5.3.2 The rail EN 13481-1:2012

fastening system Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements
for fastening systems - Part 1: Definitions

EN 13481-2:2012/AC2014

Railway applications – Track – Performance requirements

for fastening systems – Part 2: Fastening systems for
concrete sleeper

EN 13481-3:2012,

Railway applications – Track – Performance requirements

for fastening systems – Part 3: Fastening for wood sleeper

EN 13146-1:2012,

Railway applications – Track – Test methods for fastening

systems – Part 1: Determination of longitudinal rail

EN 13146-4:2012,

Railway applications – Track – Test methods for fastening

systems – Part 4: Effect of repeated loads

EN 13146-7:2012,

Railway applications – Track – Test methods for fastening

systems – Part 7: Determination of clamping force

EN 13146-8:2012,

Railway applications – Track – Test methods for fastening

systems – Part 8: In service tests

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


EN 13146-9:2009+A1:2011, Railway applications – Track

– Test methods for fastening systems – Part 9:
Determination of stiffness

21 5.3.3 Track EN 13230-1:2009,

Railway applications – Track – Concrete sleepers and
bearers – Part 1: General requirements

EN 13230-2:2009,

Railway applications – Track – Concrete sleepers and

bearers – Part 2; Prestressed monobloc sleepers

EN 13230-3:2009

Railway applications – Track – Concrete sleepers and

bearers – Part 3: Twin-block reinforced sleepers

EN 13145:2001+A1:2011

Railway applications – Track – Wood sleepers and bearers

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


Track configurations which fulfil the requirement for the track design
against equivalent conicity
Table 5 shows rail profiles in configuration with design track gauges and rail
inclinations that fulfil the requirements of the INF TSI against design equivalent
conicity. These track configurations are those mostly applied in the EU.

The assumptions and some other details for the calculations are included. Calculations
were made for equivalent conicity at y = 3 mm.

To assess whether the results of calculations were within the permitted limit, the
equivalent conicity limit values listed in Table 10 of the INF TSI were taken.

The fact that a given track configuration fulfils the requirement of design equivalent
conicity does not necessarily mean that the same track configuration is valid for any
speed and/or axle load: other requirements (e.g. “Track resistance to applied loads”,
etc.) must be verified in order to determine whether a track configuration can be used
on a given line.

Table 5: Track configurations that fulfil the requirement of point “Equivalent
Conicity” (Assessed with S1002 & GV 1/40)

Rail inclinations for Rail inclinations for Rail inclinations

Design Track
Rail head profile 60km/h <V ≤ 200 200km/h <V ≤ 280 for V>280 km/h
gauge [mm]
km/h km/h

1435 1:20 1:20

46 E1
1437 1:20 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

46 E3
1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

49 E1
1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

49 E3
1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40
1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40

50 E3 1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●
European Railway Agency

Guide for the application of the INF TSI


1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20 1:20

50 E4
1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20 1:20

54 E1 1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20
1668 1:20 1:20 1:20

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:40 1:20

54 E2
1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:40 1:20

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

54 E3
1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

54 E4 1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20,1:30, 1:40

1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

56 E1
1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20

60 E1 1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30
1668 1:20 1:20 1:20

1435 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40
60 E2
1437 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 1:20, 1:30, 1:40
BS113a 1435 1:20 1:20 1:20
BS113ai 1435 1:20

i Assessed with S1002, GV 1/40 and EPS

                                                                                         

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European Railway Agency ● Rue Marc LEFRANCQ, 120 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33 (0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ●

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