Anglo Platinum, the world's leading platinum producer, aimed to boost platinum production at its Waterval mine by 75% despite challenging conditions, including a thin orebody just 0.6 m thick and headroom seldom exceeding 2.0 m. To meet this target, Anglo Platinum partnered with Atlas Copco to provide a package of specialized low-profile mining equipment, including Scooptram ST600LP loaders, Rocket Boomer drill rigs, and Boltec rock bolting rigs. This equipment allowed for highly mechanized room and pillar mining. With the specialized equipment, Anglo Platinum was able to achieve its production targets while prioritizing safety and productivity in the extremely tight mining conditions at
Anglo Platinum, the world's leading platinum producer, aimed to boost platinum production at its Waterval mine by 75% despite challenging conditions, including a thin orebody just 0.6 m thick and headroom seldom exceeding 2.0 m. To meet this target, Anglo Platinum partnered with Atlas Copco to provide a package of specialized low-profile mining equipment, including Scooptram ST600LP loaders, Rocket Boomer drill rigs, and Boltec rock bolting rigs. This equipment allowed for highly mechanized room and pillar mining. With the specialized equipment, Anglo Platinum was able to achieve its production targets while prioritizing safety and productivity in the extremely tight mining conditions at
Original Description:
Anglo Platinum, the world's leading platinum producer, aimed to boost platinum production at its Waterval mine by 75% despite challenging conditions, including a thin orebody just 0.6 m thick and headroom seldom exceeding 2.0 m. To meet this target, Anglo Platinum partnered with Atlas Copco to provide a package of specialized low-profile mining equipment, including Scooptram ST600LP loaders, Rocket Boomer drill rigs, and Boltec rock bolting rigs. This equipment allowed for highly mechanized room and pillar mining. With the specialized equipment, Anglo Platinum was able to achieve its production targets while prioritizing safety and productivity in the extremely tight mining conditions at
Anglo Platinum, the world's leading platinum producer, aimed to boost platinum production at its Waterval mine by 75% despite challenging conditions, including a thin orebody just 0.6 m thick and headroom seldom exceeding 2.0 m. To meet this target, Anglo Platinum partnered with Atlas Copco to provide a package of specialized low-profile mining equipment, including Scooptram ST600LP loaders, Rocket Boomer drill rigs, and Boltec rock bolting rigs. This equipment allowed for highly mechanized room and pillar mining. With the specialized equipment, Anglo Platinum was able to achieve its production targets while prioritizing safety and productivity in the extremely tight mining conditions at
headroom at Waterval Boosting production The Anglo Platinum Group of South Africa, the world’s leading plati- num producer, has completed an ambitious plan to boost its annual output by 75% from 2.2 million ounces to 3.5 million ounces by the year 2006. This tough target would have been a daunting pros- pect for most mining companies, especially in conditions at its Waterval mine, where headroom seldom exceeds 2.0 m. However, Anglo Platinum, which accounts for more than half of the total plat- inum produced in South Africa, has very extensive experience of low seam operations. This expe- rience led the company to Atlas Copco, who supplied a complete Scooptram ST600LP in the stopes. equipment package to Waterval’s specification to meet all of its low headroom loading, drilling, and was the only company able to provide seam work and exacting environments. rock bolting needs. a total solution around the three key In addition, Atlas Copco agreed to act mining tools required: loader, drill rig, as a cooperation partner in all aspects and bolting rig. These needed to be of the rock excavation process, providing Thin seam, high output low profile, compact and technically operator training, spare parts supply, and advanced, specially designed for low service and maintenance. Waterval Mine is near Rustenburg, about 150 km northwest of Johannesburg. It is Room and pillar layout at Waterval where Scooptram ST600LP loaders work in as low as 1.8 m headroom. one of Anglo Platinum’s newest mines, and will be making its contribution to the group’s target by excavating 3.2 mil- lion t/year in an orebody just 0.6 m-thick and on a decline of nine degrees. Despite the low seam and restricted mining space, Anglo Platinum was con- vinced that it could tackle the task suc- cessfully, and opted for the room and pillar method with ramp access, to- gether with mechanized equipment. The mine design meant that the rooms would be extremely confined, with a height of 1.8-2.0 m. This, in turn, meant that headings would have to be as low as possible, and the equipment extremely compact. Anglo Platinum also insisted that quantum improvements be made at the mine in three priority areas: safety, production and productivity, in that order. Potential suppliers were asses- sed by Waterval engineers. Atlas Copco
underground mining methods 119
Rustenburg, South Africa
Purpose matched package
The equipment trio comprised the Atlas Copco Scooptram ST600LP loader, the Rocket Boomer S1 L drill rig, and the Boltec SL bolting rig. The units were progressively delivered to Waterval, un- til there were 23 Scooptram ST600LP loaders, 15 Rocket Boomer rigs, and six Boltec units at the site. The Scooptram ST600LP, also known as the Ratel, is a compact LHD with a height of around 1.5 m. It has a 6 t loading capacity, and is equipped with a special bucket for low height work. It is powered by a clean burning 136 kW Deutz diesel engine. The Rocket Boomer S1 L has well- proven, heavy duty Atlas Copco compo- nents such as the COP 1838 rock drill, BUT 28 boom and BMH 2837 feed. The Boltec SL is a high production, semi-mechanized rock bolting rig with an electrical remote control system. Roof bolting in low headroom. Apart from standard rockbolt instal- lation, it is also equipped to perform are used, in a standard bolting pattern bucket on the Scooptram ST600LP long hole drilling for anchor and cable of 1.5 m x 1.2-1.5 m. The Boltec SL is makes low height work easy. Using the bolting. The Boltec SL uses the same equipped with Secoroc Magnum SR28 E-O-D bucket, the rock is pushed out by carrier as the Rocket Boomer S1 L, Tapered Speedrods, with 38 mm model a push plate onto feeders that transfer bringing advantages of commonality. -27-67 bits for Swellex installation. The it to the conveyor system for transpor- The equipment complement for each tramming height of the Boltec SL is just tation to the surface. The Scooptram mining section is one Rocket Boomer, 1.30 m, with ground clearance of 0.26 loaders are refuelled underground and one Boltec, and two Scooptram ST600LP m. It is equipped with a COP 1028HB generally drive up to the surface for loaders. rock drill, and can insert a Swellex bolt maintenance. of length up to 1.6 m in roof height of At Waterval, Anglo Platinum gives Production drilling 1.8 m. top priority to dilution and utilization. With so many available faces in close The amount of rock waste must be kept The layout at Waterval is divided into proximity to each other in the room to an absolute minimum, and the fact 12 sections with nine panels, or stopes. and pillar layout, utilization is a key that this can be achieved with mecha- Each panel averages 12 m-wide x 1.8 factor for maintaining a high level of nized equipment in such a low, flat seam m-high, with pillars of approximately productivity and efficiency. The required is seen as a major achievement. 6 m x 6 m. The drillers work three 8 h utilization for the drill rigs ranges from To ensure high availability of the shifts per day, six days a week and their 50%-75%, and availability is about equipment, Anglo Platinum and Atlas target per section is 23,000 t/month. 90%. Copco have entered into full-service con- That translates to 200 t per panel, or two tracts that provide for 24 h service and panels per shift. Some 68-74 x 3.4 m-long Low height loading maintenance. It makes good business holes are required in each panel, taking sense for the mine to have a service around 2.5 h to drill. Three 77 mm holes The Scooptram ST600LP is an extre- contract manned by specialists with the form the cut, and the main round is dril- mely robust loader designed specifically technical know-how and skills for opti- led using Atlas Copco Secoroc model for demanding thin seam applications mal maintenance. –27 R32 43-45 mm bits. where the roof heights are as low as 1.6 Ramps from the surface provide the m. For visibility on the far side of the Acknowledgements access for men, machines and supplies, machine, video cameras point to front and also accommodate conveyor belts and rear, displaying the views on a screen Atlas Copco is grateful to the manage- for transporting the ore out of the mine. in the driver’s cab. Loading from the ment at Waterval for their kind assist- The mine expects each Rocket Boomer different rooms is a crucial part of the ance in revision of this article and for rig to yield around 200,000 t/year. For operation, and the specially designed permission to publish. rockbolting, 1.6 m-long Swellex bolts E-O-D (Eject-O-Dump) 6 t-capacity