Unit 15 Graphical Presentation of Data-I: Structure
Unit 15 Graphical Presentation of Data-I: Structure
Unit 15 Graphical Presentation of Data-I: Structure
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Graphical Presentation
15.3 Types of Graphs
Frequency Polygon
Frequency Curve
15.4 Summary
15.5 Solutions/Answers
An important function of Statistics is to present the complex and huge data in
such a way that they can easily understandable. In previous unit, we have
discussed the diagrammatic presentation of the data where we have become
familiar with some of the most commonly used diagrams. After discussing the
diagrammatic presentation of data, we are now moving towards the graphical
presentation of data. The graphs are plotted for frequency distributions and are
used to interpolate/extrapolate items in a series including locating various
partition values. In this unit, we shall discuss some of the most useful and
commonly used graphs.
The graphical presentation can be divided into two categories
(i) Graphs for frequency distributions.
(ii) Graphs for time series.
In this unit, we will concentrate ourselves to the graphs for frequency
distributions only. In this regard, we would like to discuss the most commonly
used graphs for frequency distributions, i.e. Histograms, Frequency polygon,
Frequency curve and Cumulative frequency curves, or Ogives.
After studying this unit, you would be able to:
describe the graphical presentation;
explain the advantages of graphical presentation;
draw the histogram for continuous frequency distribution;
draw the frequency polygon for a frequency distribution;
draw the frequency curves of different shapes; and
draw the cumulative frequency curves.
Presentation of Data
A graphical presentation is a geometric image of a set of data. Graphical
presentation is done for both frequency distributions and times series. Unlike
diagrams, they are used to locate partition values like median, quartiles, etc, in
particular, and interpolate/extrapolate items in a series, in general. They are
also used to measure absolute as well as relative changes in the data. Another
important feature of graphs is that if a person once sees the graphs, the figure
representing the graphs is kept in his/her brain for a long time. They also help
us in studying cause and affect relationship between two variables. The graph
of a frequency distribution presents the huge data in an interesting and effective
manner and brings to light the salient features of the data at a glance. Before
closing this Sec. let us see some advantages of graphical presentation.
Advantages of Graphical Presentation
The following are some advantages of the graphical presentation:
It simplifies the complexity of data and makes it readily understandable.
It attracts attention of people.
It saves time and efforts to understand the facts.
It makes comparison easy.
A graph describes the relationship between two or more variables.
After going through the advantages of graphical presentation of data, you were
keen to know the commonly used graphs to represent the data and how these
graphs are drawn. Next section will address these issues.
Table 15.1 Graphical Presentation of
No of peas per pod 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Frequency (number of pods) 14 23 66 40 26 18 11
Fig. 15.1: Frequency Bar Diagram for the Frequency Distribution of Number of the Peas for 198 Pods.
Note 1: O represents origin and choice of scale used along horizontal and
vertical axes depends upon given data.
Now, we take the case of frequency distribution of a continuous variable.
The following are the most commonly used graphs for continuous frequency
(i) Histogram
(ii) Frequency Polygon
(iii) Frequency Curve
(iv) Cumulative Frequency Curve or Ogives
Let us discuss these one by one:
(i) Histogram
In previous example, we have discussed how a graph is drawn for discrete
frequency distribution.
For the continuous frequency distribution, a better way to represent the data
graphically is to use a histogram. A histogram is drawn by constructing
adjacent rectangles over the class intervals such that the length of the
rectangles is proportional to the corresponding class-frequencies.
Histogram is similar to a bar diagram which represents a frequency distribution
with continuous classes. The width of all bars is equal to class interval. Each
rectangle is joined with the other so as to give a continuous picture.
The class-boundaries are located on the horizontal axis. If the class-intervals
are of equal size, the heights of the rectangles will be proportional to the class-
frequencies themselves. If the class-intervals are not of equal size, the heights
of the rectangles will be proportional to the ratios of the frequencies to the
Presentation of Data width of the corresponding classes. In other words, the frequencies of the class-
intervals having the least width are written as they are and the frequencies of
other class intervals are written as follows:
Given frequency
The least width … (15.1)
Width of its Class-interval
Let us draw a histogram to the following frequency distribution given below in
the table 15.2
Table 15.2
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Frequency 2 3 13 18 9 7 6 2
Fig. 15.2: Histogram for Frequency Distribution when Class-intervals are of Equal Width.
Now, let us consider the frequency distribution for unequal class intervals as
given in the Table 15.3
Table 15.3
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-70 70-80 80-100
Frequency 20 32 8 2 60 35 10
As it is a case of unequal class intervals, so we have to adjust the frequencies of
the classes 40-70 and 80-100 by the formula suggested in equation 15.1. These
calculations are shown in table 15.4 given below:
Table 15.4
Class Interval Frequency Width of Heights of the rectangles
(CI) (CI)
0-10 20 10 20
10-20 32 10 32
20-30 8 10 8
30-40 2 10 2
40-70 60 30 (60/30) 10 = 20
70-80 35 10 35
80-100 10 20 (10/20) 10 = 5
The histogram for this frequency distribution is shown in Fig. 15.3. Graphical Presentation of
Fig. 15.3: Histogram for Frequency Distribution when Class Intervals are of Unequal Width
Note 2: Sometimes, a histogram is also used for the frequency distribution of a
discrete variable. Each value of the discrete variable is regarded as the mid-
point of an interval. But generally, its use is not recommended, because in
discrete case each frequency actually corresponds to a single point and not to
an interval.
Now, you can try the following exercises.
E1) Draw a histogram from the following data
Class Interval: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Frequency: 3 5 10 14 24 17 14 10 3
E2) Draw a histogram for the following frequency distribution
Wage (Rs): 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50
No. of
Workers: 30 70 100 110 140 150 130 100 90 60
Presentation of Data
Fig. 15.4: Frequency Polygon for the Frequency Distribution given in Table 15.2.
Note 3: In some cases first class interval does not start from zero. In such
situations we mark a kink on the horizontal axis, which will indicates the
continuity of the scale starting from zero. Let us take an example of this type.
Solution: Frequency polygon for the given data is shown in Fig. 15.5:
points (not necessary all points) of the frequency polygon such that Graphical Presentation of
(a) Like frequency curve it also starts from the base line (horizontal axis) and
ends at the base line.
(b) Area under frequency curve remains approximately equal to the area under
the frequency polygon.
In other words, let us try to explain the concept theoretically. Suppose we draw
a sample of size n from a large population. Frequency curve is the graph of a
continuous variable. So theoretically continuity of the variable implies that
whatever small class interval we take there will be some observations in that
class interval. That is, in this case there will be large number of line segments
and the frequency polygon tends to coincides with the smooth curve passing
through these points as sample size (n) increases. This smooth curve is known
as frequency curve.
In the following example we have drawn both frequency polygon and
frequency curve to make the idea clear for you.
Example 2: Draw frequency polygon and frequency curve for the following
frequency distribution.
Solution: Frequency polygon and frequency curve for the above data is given
below in Fig. 15.6.
On the next page some important types of frequency curves are given which
are generally obtained in the graphical presentations of frequency distributions.
That is, symmetrical, positively skewed, negatively skewed, J shaped, U
shaped, bimodal and multimodal frequency curves. You note that the shapes of
these curves justify their names.
Presentation of Data
Fig. 15.7
More Than Ogive: If we plot the points with the lower limits of the classes as Graphical Presentation of
abscissae and the cumulative frequencies corresponding to the values more Data-I
than the lower limits as ordinates and join the points so plotted by line
segments, the curve thus obtained is nothing but known as “more than
cumulative frequency curve” or “more than ogive”. It is a falling curve.
Let us draw both the ogives (‘less than’ and ‘more than’) for the following
frequency distribution of the weekly wages of number of workers given in
Table 15.5.
Table 15.5
Weekly 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
No. of 45 55 70 40 10
Table 15.6
Weekly No. of Less than Cumulative More than Cumulative
wages workers frequency distribution frequency distribution
Wages Number of Wages Number of
Less than workers More than workers
0-10 45 10 45 0 220
10-20 55 20 100 10 175
20-30 70 30 170 20 120
30-40 40 40 210 30 50
40-50 10 50 220 40 10
From above data, we construct both the ogives as shown in Fig. 15.8 and Fig.
Presentation of Data
For “less than ogive” as shown on previous page in Fig. 15.8, we have plotted
the points (10, 45), (20,100), (30, 170), (40, 210), (50, 220) and then joined
them by line segments. Similarly, for “more than ogive” as shown above in
Fig. 15.9, we have plotted the points (0, 220), (10, 175), (20, 120), (30, 50),
(40, 10), and then joined them by line segments.
If we want to obtain a partition value, using ogives, we draw dotted horizontal
line through that value at y-axis which corresponds to the partition value and
then from the point, where it meets the less then ogive, we draw a dotted
vertical line and let it meets the x-axis. The abscissa of the point, where it
meets the x-axis is the required partition value. For example, suppose we want
to find first quartile, then we draw a dotted horizontal line starting from y-axis
at a point corresponding to N/4 and let it meets the “less than ogive”. From that
point at “less than ogive”, we draw a dotted vertical line and let it meets the x-
axis. The abscissa corresponding to this point is the first quartile. Similarly, for
finding median or second quartile, we start drawing dotted horizontal line from
y-axis at a point corresponding to N/2 and then we proceed as described above.
Similarly, for third quartile 3N/4 is taken in place of N/2. In this way, we may
find any partition value.
Note 4: Median may also the obtained by drawing dotted vertical line through
the point of inter section of both the ogives, when drawn on a single figure.
Now, you can try the following exercises.
E5) Draw two ogives from the following data
Class: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Frequency: 3 6 10 13 20 18 15 9 6
Hence find median. Compare your result by calculating median by direct
E6) Draw less than ogive from the following frequency distribution of marks
of 90 students
Marks: 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79
No. of Students: 7 11 19 8 20 14 8 3
Hence find Q1, Q2 and Q3.
E7) Draw the more than ogive for the following frequency distribution of the
weekly wages of workers:
Weekly wages: 0-10 10-20 20-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
No. of Workers: 5 15 20 30 45 35 25 15 10
15.4 SUMMARY Graphical Presentation of
In this unit we have discussed:
1) Various types of graphical presentation of data.
2) Way of drawing histogram for continuous frequency distributions.
3) Frequency polygon for a frequency distribution.
4) Frequency curves of different shapes, and
5) Way of drawing cumulative frequency graphs or ogives.
E3) Frequency polygon of the given data by first drawing histogram is given
on the next page.
Presentation of Data
0 2 4 6 8 10
E5) Two ogives for the given data are given on the next page.
Graphical Presentation of
E7) More than ogive for the given frequency distribution is given below: