Customer Behaviour
Customer Behaviour
Customer Behaviour
Due to ample innovations and technological advancements, Social media has gaining popularity in each and every
part of the world. People are nowadays connected to each other wit h the help of social websites such as facebook,
twitter any many more apps available on the internet. So each and every organization is concentrating upon social
media and using it as a marketing tool due to its wide reach and economic characteristic. Therefore, Prime
objective of this research paper is to measure consumer behavior towards social media marketing and relationship
between social media and consumer behavior with the help of 150 respondents as sample size . Statistical tool
correlation and frequency distribution is used to analyze the results and correlation value depicts that there is
positive relationship between Social media marketing and consumer behavior.
Sharing news, photos, experiences and opinions on social media and being affected by them represents a quite
natural process for a great number of people. Through the years, social media studies and research have increased
interest in the web. In fact, the Internet is studied as a source of data about society and culture.
Social media is characterized by invisible codes which enable a type of ubiquitous connectivity. All one needs is
internet connection to interact with others and to share information. The most broadly agreed features of social
media may be presented in three parts: i) Public nature (free access to content, e.g. Twitter) and private nature
(access restrictions, e.g. Instagram); ii) Communication (for instance, rapid and effective, relational maintenance,
enable users to create content – real or fake, and communities according to common interests and so on); iii)
information flow (instantaneous and fluid, public or controlled, traceable - through location, connections, profile,
tags, retweets, use of @ and so on).
Second and equally important is social media performance - usually measured by number of likes, views or retweets,
for instance. Performance might be influenced by a popular user opinion or by a group of people with common
interests within a community.
Social media such as Facebook, twitter and YouTube are dynamic tools that facilitate online relationships. It is a
relatively low cost firm of marketing and allows organizations to engage in direct and end -user contact. Given the
choices made available to consumers and the influential role o f social media marketing, the brands and consumers
have a changing role to play in the organization’s strategy in that they now have an economic impact. Brands
influence customer choice and these customers influence other customers. These changes of events affect
repurchases, which further affect future earning and long term organization sustainability.
So, after the introduction or emergence of social media, each and every organization started to perform their
marketing activities on those social media websites which are frequently used by the people due to the advent of
technological advancements and internet.
Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure,
and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on
the consumer and society. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. It
attempts to understand the decision-making processes of buyers, both individually and in groups. It studies
characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand
people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference
groups, and society in general. In a consumer buying behavior, the customer plays three distinct roles of user, payer
and buyer. Consumer behavior is very difficult to predict, even for experts in the field. It is influenced by internal
conditions such as demographics, psychographics (lifestyle), personality, motivation, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs,
and feelings. Psychological factors include an individual’s motivation, perception, attitude and belief, while pers onal
factors include income level, personality, age, occupation and lifestyle. Behavior can also be affected by external
influences, such as culture, sub-culture, locality, royalty, ethnicity, and family, social class, past experience
reference groups, lifestyle, and market mix factors.
The advent of social media has created a new landscape which lays out a new grid of personal connections.
Businesses see enormous opportunities and are eager to tap into the trend, whereas consumers are put back to the
center in the business world because of social media. There are many studies explaining reasons to tap into social
media and to help companies to gain a better position in the transition; yet a few intends to study from the
perspective of consumers, let alone those in Finland. Oftentimes, consumers feel differently from what marketers
think, for instance what “brand engagement” via social media looks like to consumers may not be quite what
marketers think (Sniderman, 2012).
Internet and virtual communities have transformed consumers, societies, and corporations with wide spread access
to information, better social networking and enhanced communication abilities (Kuruk and Krishnamurthy, 2007).
Therefore social networks are defined to be websites which link millions of users from all over the world with same
interests, views and hobbies. Blogs, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook are examples of social media that are popular
among all level of consumers. (Sin, et al., 2012)
The unique aspects of social media and its immense popularity have revolutionized marketing practices such as
advertising and promotion. Social media has also influenced consumer behavior from information acquisition to
post-purchase behavior such as dissatisfaction statements or behavio rs about a product or a company.
In the last few years can be noticed a great influence of the companies on online networks. Social media websites
provide an opportunity for businesses to engage and interact with potential consumers , encourage an increased sense
of intimacy with consumers, and build all important relationships with potential consumers. (Mersey, et al., 2010)
Currently, e-commerce can be done through social media, and it enables to reach to more potential buyers. Due to
the advantages of social media in connecting businesses directly to end -consumers, in a timely manner and at a low
cost (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010), has been seen that a great influence on customer perceptions and behaviors and
has been brought in the center of attention in different industries in the last few years.
English Dictionary (2013) as the “methods for advertising products, services, or brands using the Internet, by
attracting the interest of groups of people who discuss them, make suggestion s about them, etc. online”. In addition,
Hersant (2011) revealed that social media marketing is about “targeting specific customers and engaging them with
something that is direct, memorable and meaningful to them”.
The scope of the study is to assess the overall customer behavior, response of customers with regard to the social
media marketing strategies adopted by the organizations.
This study is restricted to 3 districts of Punjab which are Mansa, Bathinda and Patiala. The factors to measu re the
attitude toward social media marketing are Trust in Information from personal sources, reactions to online
advertisements, Experience using social media, Log in pattern, Time spent per
Login session, frequently used websites & concern for privacy.
In the present study data was collected from 150 customers by using Convenience sampling technique.
The locale of the study was restricted to three districts of Punjab named as Mansa, Bathinda and Patiala.
Frequency distribution test has been used for Studying consumer behavior & to check the awareness among the
customers. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient Statistical tool has been used for finding the correlation
between social media marketing & consumer behavior.
In order to collect information about “customer behavior towards social media marketing” 150 questionnaires were
distributed to consumers. The responses are tabulated, analyzed and explained below:
Facebook 70 47%
Twitter 15 10%
Linkedin 15 10%
Youtube 50 33%
Total 150 100%
Table depicts that highest people (47%) uses facebook to interact with people and then youtube which is
used by 33% respondents.
Information experience
Table 2 shows that 66% respondents found that the experience regarding social media website’s regarding
providing information was good and 20% customers feel bad and 14 % said it was worst.
Entertainment 75 50%
Information 30 20%
Business 30 20%
Time spending 15 10%
Total 150 100%
Table 3 depicts that most people uses social websites for entertainment purposes and least used it for time
Table 4 shows that Mostly ads seen by people are on facebook walls whilw some people said that they got
notifications through you tube videos and emails.
Table 5 explores the various reasons of following brands on social media which resultant to most people
because of exclusive deals and some people follow because of suggestions by friends.
Table 6 represents the feedback of customers that how they feel regarding social media advertisement, in
which 40 % people said they have positive reaction towards online ads while 10% are completely in
opposite direction.
Trust 60 40%
Privacy 30 20%
Log in time/pattern 30 20%
Convenient content 30 20%
Total 150 100%
Table 7 explains the Trust factor mostly affect the behavior of consumer and 20 % customer said that
privacy must be there and 20 % customers gone for convenient content, log in time and pattern of social
media websites.
From the above data analysis by determining the Pearson correlation coefficient, we can interpret that , there is
positive correlation between social media marketing & consumer behavior.
From the above data analysis by applying Statistical technique correlation analysis it can be stated that there is
positive correlation between Social media marketing & consumer behavior. The correlation value 0.71 is near to 1
which depicts the positivity in the relationship. In addition, frequency distribution technique was used to measure
the consumer behavior and awareness regarding social media marketing, which depicts that customers are aware
regarding various social media marketing strategies.
The purpose of the research is to analyze the “Customer behavior towards social media marketing” which is found
to be positive and all objectives are satisfied with the collected data. Social media is an effective tool of marketing
nowadays due to usage of internet by large population and positively related with consumer purchase reaction . So
each and every organization is establishing itself virtually to cater the needs customer in most convenient manner.
Frequency of spreading the message is also very fast and eco nomical via social media.
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