Digestive System Hyman
Digestive System Hyman
Digestive System Hyman
The Origin and Parts of the Coelom and the (where lungs are situated); transverse septum
Mesenteries assumes an oblique position
● In some reptiles (esp Crocodilia), birds,
1. Origin mammals: pleuroperitoneal cavity divided into
● Coelom or body cavity – cavity of the anterior and posterior parts by various fusions
hypomere; never segmented between the transverse septum and other
● Parietal peritoneum – lining of the body wall coelomic folds
formed from outer wall of hypomere in contact ○ In mammals: pleuroperitoneal or
with inner surface of the layer of voluntary nephric fold – descends from dorsal
muscles body wall and fuses with TS
● Visceral peritoneum or serosa – inner walls of ○ Partition so formed in birds: oblique
the hypomere that become the covering layer septum (slightly muscular); in mammals:
of the intestine and other viscera diaphragm (extensively muscularized
● Mesentery – double-walled membrane formed from the cervical myotomes)
by the two walls of the hypomere that are in ● Two pleural cavities o
r p
leural sacs – each
contact above and below the intestine inclose a lung (anterior to OS or diaphragm);
● Dorsal mesentery – between the dorsal wall of separated from each other
the coelom and the intestine; intact for its entire ● Peritoneal or abdominal cavity – part of
length pleuroperitoneal cavity posterior to OS or
● Ventral mesentery – between the ventral wall diaphragm; incloses greater part of the
and the intestine; disappears very early except digestive tract and urogenital system
in certain regions ● In birds and mammals: coelom divided into 4
● In amphioxus: mesoderm pouches off from the compartments (pericardial, 2 pleural, peritoneal)
archenteron as a paired axial series of sacs – increases efficiency of lung respiration
whose cavities later combine to form the ● Remember! Viscera are covered by the visceral
definitive coelom (enterocoelous) peritoneum and are NOT really inside the
● Mesoderm of vertebrates no longer arises in coelom
this fashion; ancestral for vertebrates; links
vertebrates to enterocoelomates B. The Digestive Tract and Its Derivatives
(chaetognatha, echinodermata, hemichordata)
1. The Origin of the Digestive Tract
2. Divisions of the Coelom ● Primitive intestine or archenteron is produced
● At first, coelom is divided into 2 longitudinal by invagination or other processes in embryo’s
halves by the dorsal and ventral mesenteries gastrula stage
● Partial disappearance of ventral mesentery → ● Archenteron at first is a simple tube of
two halves of coelom are connected ventral to endoderm with one opening, the blastopore,
the intestine situated at the future posterior end of the
● Transverse septum – partition that divides embryo
coelom into (at least) two compartments in the ● This endodermal tube persists as the lining of
adults of all vertebrates the adult digestive tract and all its derivatives
● Pericardial cavity – small anterior ● Adult digestive tract consists of a thick-walled
compartment of the coelom; contains only the tube composed of both endodermal and
heart mesodermal elements (connective tissue and
● Pleuroperitoneal cavity – very large posterior muscular layers from splanchnic mesoderm of
compartment; contains all other viscera hypomere); latter predominates
● In fishes and urodeles: pericardial cavity ● Anterior and posterior ends of digestive tube
anterior to pleuroperitoneal cavity; transverse are lined by ectoderm (result of invagination
septum passes transversely across the body processes)
● In Anura and all vertebrates above: pericardial ● Stomodaeum – anterior invagination
cavity descended posteriorly thus lying ventral ● Proctodaeum – posterior invagination
to anterior part of the pleuroperitoneal cavity ● In adults, no trace remains of the boundary of
said invaginations
● Backward-shoving of choanae: for separation of
food and respiratory passages
2. Homology of the Mouth ● Primary tongue – in fishes; part of buccal floor
● In Amphioxus: mouth originates on the left side demarcated anteriorly by a fold; sheaths
in series with the gill slits; only later moves to a anterior end of hypobranchial apparatus and
median position contains no muscles or glands
● Said mode of origin lent support to idea that ● Definitive tongue – in amphibians; crescentic
vertebrate mouth arose by fusion of first pair of gland field in front of primary tongue fused with
gill slits it
● However, more probable that these are not of ● In amniotes: same process, tuberculum impar
phylogenetic significance (gland field) joined by a pair of lateral lingual
● Annelid-arthropod ancestry for vertebrates swellings → amniote tongue now compounded
○ Vertebrate is an annelid turned on its of 4 swellings
back ○ invaded by voluntary musculature from
○ Original annelid mouth and hypobranchial musculature
stomodaeum are represented by the ○ innervated by 12th (hypoglossal)
pituitary and its opening cranial nerve
○ Present vertebrate mouth is a new ○ with glands and taste organs
formation ○ develops intrinsic muscle fibers
● Now discredited in favor of an origin from the ● Very long, mobile tongues in snakes, some
echinoderm-hemichordate line – vertebrate lizards, woodpeckers, and ant-eating mammals
mouth is same as that of its immediate (in WP, tongue armed with horny covering or
invertebrate ancestors and NOT a new with spines and thorns)
formation ● Teeth – in lower vertebrates: on various bones
of palate and jaws; in higher vertebrates: limited
3. Parts and Outgrowths of the Digestive Tube to a single row along jaw margin
Oral or Buccal Cavity Oral glands*
● Bounded by jaws in front and on sides, palate ● In tetrapods: numerous multicellular glands
above, buccal floor bearing tongue below imbedded in walls of oral cavity and opening
● Lips and cheeks in higher forms into it
● Vestibule – space between lips and teeth ● 2 kinds: mucous-secreting glands (slimy) and
● In Amphioxus and Ammocoetes: oral cavity serous glands (watery, secrete enzymes,
consists of space inclosed by oral hood; poisons, etc)
definitely bounded from the pharynx by the ● Labial glands (lips) and dental glands (teeth) –
velum modified skin glands
● Position of velum corresponds to the boundary ● Glands in more internal parts of oral cavity –
between stomodaeum and pharynx of new formations
gnathostomes (no landmarks in adults) ● Few oral glands in amphibians; increase in
● In Dipnoi, Crossopterygii, tetrapods: nasal reptiles – lingual (tongue), sublingual,
cavities open into roof of oral cavity by internal palatine, labial (lip) groups of glands occur
nares or choanae (primitively anteriorly placed) ● Poison glands of snakes are enlarged, modified
● In Crocodilia, birds, mammals: internal nares upper labial glands
assume a far posterior position through ● Association of glands with teeth is nothing new,
formation of secondary palate occuring in amphibians
● Secondary palate imperfectly formed in birds; ● Most birds equipped with oral glands;
best developed in mammals (continued fish-eating birds may lack them
backward by fleshy fold – soft palate) ● In mammals: salivary glands – enlarged oral
● Nasopharyngeal passages – prolongs nasal glands opening into oral cavity by one or more
cavities posteriorly to open by the choanae long ducts
now situated near the beginning of the pharynx ● Principal salivary glands
○ Parotid – enlarged cheek gland
○ Sublingual – occurs either as one large ● Above fishes: number of gill slits in embryo
gland or as group of smaller glands gradually decreases; often the openings fail to
each with own duct and opening break through
○ Submaxillary ● No gill slits in adult vertebrates above urodeles
○ Infraorbital (close during development)
● In amniotes: gills fail to appear even in embryo
Rathke’s Pouch* ● Pharynx originally functioned as a
● Epithelial evagination from roof of buccal cavity food-catching device (tunicates and
occurs in embryo → blind pouch Amphioxus)
● Extends toward, comes in contact with, and ● Pharynx lost said function when vertebrates
fuses with brain wall increased in size and ate larger objects →
● Hypophysis or pituitary body – compound respiratory with aid of gills
structure formed; important gland of internal ● Gills or branchiae – thin-walled projections,
secretion richly supplied with blood vessels and
● Adenohypophysis – part derived from oral presenting large surface for exchange of
epithelium (anterior pituitary) respiratory gases; either lamellar (plate-like) or
● VS Neurohypophysis – part derived from brain filamentous
(posterior pituitary) ● 2 kinds in vertebrates (absent in amniotes)
○ External gills – borne on outer surface
Pharynx of branchial bars; found only in larvae
● Immediately caudad to oral cavity; of Crossopterygii and Dipnoi and in
characterized by gill slits through its wall in larvae and some adults of amphibians;
adult or embryonic chordates more ancient
● In Amphioxus and Ammocoetes: very exactly ○ Internal gills – borne on side walls of
delimited anteriorly by the velum branchial bars (facing gill pouches)
● In gnathostomes: anterior boundary is indefinite ■ Demibranch o r half-gill – gill
but may be set just anterior to 1st gill slit or its on one side of branchial bar
representative (opening of auditory tube) ■ Whole gill or holobranch –
● Gill slits – passages from pharynx to exterior two gills on two sides of the
○ Internal gill slits – pharyngeal bar
openings ○ Epithelium of external gills is
○ External gill slits – exterior openings ectodermal
● Gill pouch or visceral pouch – passage from ○ Open question as to whether lining of
one slit to the other in the pharyngeal wall pharynx and gill pouches and
● Visceral arch or branchial bar – tissue epithelium of internal gills are
between successive gill slits; incloses entodermal or not
○ skeletal gill arch ○ If epithelium of IG is ectodermal, then
○ a blood vessel termed an aortic arch EG and IG are variants of same organ
○ a cranial nerve
● Visceral pouches – paired evaginations put out Thyroid Glands*
by pharyngeal wall (typically 6) ● Epithelial evagination from buccal or
● Visceral furrow – invagination of ectoderm pharyngeal floor at the level of the hyoid arch,
opposite each visceral pouch between primary tongue and tuberculum impar
● Pouches meet furrows and the fusion area ● Separates from the floor, becomes ductless,
breaks through as a gill slit or gill cleft (which proliferates into a considerable mass of
persists as the external gill slit) follicles, usually becoming bilateral
● Large number of gill slits in ancestral chordates ● Vital endocrine gland; secretion necessary for
● In present vertebrates, greatest number is in normal growth and sexual development
hagfishes (up to 14); in gnathostomes, 6 (but 1st
one, between mandibular and hyoid arches, is Pharyngeal Glands*
generally modified or reduced, forming the
● Branchial buds – epithelial masses that ● In Polypterus and Dipnoi, these sacs (lungs) are
proliferate from dorsal and ventral ends of gill employed in air respiration (to let fishes live out
pouches (most complete set found in lampreys) of water)
● True or palatine tonsils – lymphoid masses ● In teleosts: single sac displaced dorsally
proliferated from the second pouches through a rotation process; in most, connecting
● Thymus – lymph gland of uncertain function; duct or pneumatic duct remains although also
formed when 2 to 4 of the dorsal buds unite shifts to dorsal side of pharynx; in others, duct
● Parathyroids – small glands concerned in degenerates
calcium metabolism; from ventral buds ● In teleosts, swim bladder serves to alter specific
● Epithelial bodies – glandular masses of gravity of fish as it changes level in water, to
unknown function keep it in equilibrium with external pressures
● In mammals: thymus comes from ventral buds, (accomplished by alterations in gas content)
parathyroid from dorsal buds ● In tetrapods: lungs arose embryologically in the
● Postbranchial or ultimobranchial body – same way as those of Polypterus (homologous)
outgrowth which separates from the pharynx ● Pair of sacs formed grows backward into
and produces a number of follicles; arises on pleuroperitoneal cavity; mesodermal tissue
one or both sides close behind last gill slits; of added to original endodermal lining
unknown significance ● Walls of lungs subdivided internally into air
spaces which become smaller and more
Tympanic Cavity and External Auditory Meatus* numerous in the tetrapod series until finally the
● Beginning with amphibians, 1st gill pouch puts lungs are:
out toward the internal ear an outgrowth whose ● Alveoli – spongy mass of minute air pockets in
end expands into the tympanic cavity (cavity of mammals
the middle ear) ● Common in tetrapods na left is smaller
● Auditory or Eustachian tube – stalk of the ● Mammalian lungs commonly divided into few
outgrowth, connects middle ear to the pharynx large lobes
● Tympanic membrane or eardrum – ● Snakes: one lung (right)
double-walled membrane formed when wall of ● Some salamanders: altogether lost
tympanic cavity meets bottom of invagination ● Crocodilia: lungs approach most nearly among
corresponding to the position of the 1st external reptiles to those of mammals
gill slit (in some reptiles, in birds and mammals) ● Theory: lungs homologous to pair of gill slits but
● External auditory meatus – passage formed lacks supporting evidence
by the invagination; marks the position on the ● Trachea o r windpipe – duct connecting the
side of the head of the first gill slit lungs with the pharynx (very short in
amphibians, considerable length in amniotes
Swim Bladder, Lungs, Larynx, and Trachea* due to backward retreat of viscera); wall
● Gills slits and gills disappeared in adult stiffened by complete or incomplete
vertebrates when they adopted land habitats cartilaginous rings
● Swim bladder – pharyngeal outgrowth that ● Glottis – opening into the pharynx
took over physiological role of gill slits and gills ● Trachea → 2 bronchi (in mammals, subdivide
(already existed in crossopterygian, dipnoan, repeatedly) → bronchial tree → bronchioles
and bony fishes) (final twigs) → little chambers encircled by
● In Polypterus: this arises as a ventral alveoli
evagination from pharynx behind gill region; ● In birds: number of large, thin-walled air sacs
evagination divides into 2 sacs which grow scattered throughout the body, connected to
backward and retain ventral position and lungs by bronchial tubes of large caliber
ventral connection with pharynx (left smaller ○ Inside the lung there are anastomoses
than right) between the larger bronchial tubes and
● In Dipnoi: similar origin, single or bilobed sac is the terminal bronchioles also anastome
displaced to dorsal side but retains ventral with each other, forming a complicated
opening into pharynx network
○ No closed alveoli at ends of sac-shaped appendage; serves for storage or
bronchioles; occur along their sides preliminary digestion
○ Air passes through lungs in and out of ○ In pigeon tribe: food in crop is mixed
air sacs which act like bellows (so lungs with milk, a secretion produced by fatty
completely ventilated at each breath) degeneration of crop epithelium;
○ Lessen specific gravity of the bird + mixture is fed by both parents to the
other flight advantages young by regurgitation
● Larynx – chamber into which the beginning of ● In cud-chewing mammals: lower end of
the trachea at the glottis is differentiated; walls esophagus contributes crop-like sacs to the
supported by cartilages representing reduced complicated “stomach”
gill arches
● In some urodeles: there is a pair of lateral Stomach or Ventriculus
cartilages derived from the last gill arches ● Follows the esophagus as a spindle-shaped to
● In other amphibians: these subdivide into a pair sacciform enlargement provided with enzyme-
of dorsally placed cartilages – arytenoids, and and acid-secreting glands and a thick muscular
a cartilaginous ring – cricoid wall of smooth muscles
● Aryteno-cricoid primordium – furnishes the ● In lower vertebrates: little or no external
cartilaginous rings of the trachea when it demarcation between E and S; proximal limit of
elongates stomach determined only by presence of
● This condition persists through reptiles and gastric glands
birds; in mammals: ● Cardiac region – region of the stomach next to
● Thyroid cartilage – large, ventrally placed the esophagus
cartilage added anterior to the cricoid; prolly ● Pyloric region – end leading to intestine
comes from 4th and 5th gill arches + their ● Pylorus – strong sphincter muscle by which
copula stomach terminates; embraces entrance into
● In birds and mammals: middorsal part of cricoid intestine
frequently separates as a procricoid ● In Amphioxus and cyclostomes: definite
● Larynx (situated behind basihyal) is very closely stomach lacking
associated with hyoid apparatus ● In lower fishes: stomach is a straight or J- or
● Muscles of the larynx are branchial muscles V-shaped tube; teleosts frequently lack a
since its cartilages are gill arches stomach
● Function of larynx: production of the voice ● In amphibians and reptiles: tubular, not much
● Syrinx – voice-producing mechanism at the enlarged stomach
forking of the bronchi in birds ● In birds: stomach divided into proventriculus
● Epiglottis – cartilage-supported projection (bears gastric glands) and gizzard (with thick
protecting the glottis (first in reptiles, found muscular wall and hard cornified lining)
throughout mammals); improbable that its ○ Best developed in grain- and
cartilage is a modified gill arch seed-eating birds; contains gravel to
assist in grinding up hard food
● Posterior to glottis, the digestive tract narrows Small Intestine
to the esophagus ● Follows the pylorus and usually consists of a
● Generally short in fishes and amphibians, more or less coiled tube of considerable length
elongated in amniotes (due to posterior ● Duodenum – beginning beyond the pylorus;
descent of viscera) received the ducts of liver and pancreas
● Lined by stratified epithelium similar to that of ● In cyclostomes: presence of low fold in
buccal cavity; provided by striated musculature intestinal wall, apparently the forerunner of the
(all or part of its length) spiral valve – wide, spirally coiled fold filling
● Crop or ingluvies – any esophageal the greater part of the small intestine in
enlargement; occurs in many birds (esp elasmobranchs, dipnoans, and many ganoids
grain-eating) where it may form a large
● Valvular intestine – part of intestine having the ○ Production of urea and other
spiral valve (device for increasing absorptive nitrogenous wastes
surface of intestine) ○ Control of food and other substances in
● Teleosts lack a spiral valve; instead have one to the blood
many diverticula, the pyloric caeca, projecting
from the proximal part of the small intestine Pancreas*
(has same histological structure as intestine and ● Gland that proliferates from the intestinal
presumably a device for increasing the epithelium, shortly beyond the liver
absorptive surface) proliferations, usually as 1 dorsal and 2 ventral
● Longer in herbivores than in carnivores outgrowths that unite
● Grows out into adjacent mesenteries and may
Liver* form a compact or more or less diffuse organ
● Has no counterpart in invertebrates ● All 3 stalks of the outgrowths may persist as
● In Amphioxus: seen in simple form as a hollow pancreatic ducts (but usually reduced to 1 or 2)
diverticulum from the intestine ● These ducts open into the duodenum
● In vertebrates: large, lobed organ suspended separately from or after joining the common
from the transverse septum or its bile duct
representative; arises as a single or double ● Amphioxus: no pancreas
hollow or solid proliferation from the intestinal ● Vertebrates: one
epithelium at the level of the TS, into which it ● Teleosts: so diffuse that it cannot be
grows recognized macroscopically
● The proliferations soon branch extensively and ● Consists of 2 kinds of cells:
the branches usually anastomose → adult liver is ○ Regular gland cells (acinar cells) –
a complicated network of epithelial columns of secrete into the duodenum the
endodermal origin with blood spaces filling the enzyme-containing pancreatic juice
meshes of the net (most important digestive fluid of
● Stalk of the liver outgrowth becomes the bile vertebrates)
duct ○ Islets of Langerhans – small scattered
● Gallbladder – a sac that usually develops from nests of cells which produce insulin
the liver substance along the course of the bile (necessary for metabolism of
duct carbohydrates)
● Ammocoetes larva has both gallbladder and
bile duct, but these degenerate during Yolk Sac*
metamorphosis ● Baglike extension of the ventral wall of the
● Fishes, amphibians, reptiles generally have a small intestine found in the embryos of
gallbladder; lacking in birds (including pigeons) vertebrates which develop by meroblastic
and in a number of mammals cleavage
● Many vital functions, most obvious is secretion ● Filled with yolk, gradually utilized by embryo as
of bile (assists in digestion of fat) food (kaya yolk sac is provided with numerous
● Hepatic ducts – larger ducts formed by union blood vessels early)
of minute ducts into which bile is poured upon ● Diminished yolk sac is withdrawn into the body
secretion by liver cells and becomes part of the intestinal wall
● Cystic duct – duct from gallbladder, joined by ● Body wall closes over the aperture through
hepatic ducts which the yolk sac protruded
● Common bile duct or choledochal duct – ● Mammals possess a vestigial yolk sac during
joined by hepatic ducts; empties into small embryonic stages as a reminiscence of reptilian
intestine not far beyond the pylorus, either with ancestry (despite not having meroblastic
or without joining the pancreatic duct cleavage)
● Other functions of the liver
○ Storage of excess sugar in the Caecum
digested food as glycogen ● Colic caecum – diverticulum at the junction of
small and large intestine
● First seen in a few amphibians; usually present
throughout amniotes
● In reptiles: small size
● In birds: 2 colic caeca
● In mammals: conspicuous caecum (very long
and large in herbivores); few mammals have 2
● Vermiform appendix – slender appendage into
which the end of the caecum degenerates (in
primates and some other mammals)
● Uncertain function except in animals where it is
large (assists in digestion and absorption)
Large Intestine or Colon
● Increased diameter compared to SI; presence
of one or two caeca
● In fishes: short and not distinctly marked off
from SI
● Digitiform (or rectal) gland – slender projection
that secretes mucus in elasmobranchs
● In amphibians and birds: large intestine is called
cloaca when it receives urinary and genital
ducts (as in most vertebrates)
● No cloaca in Holocephali, ganoids, teleosts,
and mammals except monotremes
● Rectum – end section of large intestine in the
absence of a cloaca
Urinary Bladder*
● In most tetrapods: serves as a reservoir for the
urine; present as a ventral outgrowth of the
cloaca or urogenital canal (if cloaca is absent)
● Allantois – enlarged urinary bladder in amniote
embryos; projects far beyond the embryo and
serves as a respiratory organ (adult bladder is a
portion of the allantois)
● No urinary bladder in adult state of birds but
large allantois in their embryos
● Digestive tract opens to the exterior by the
● In vertebrates: not at the posterior end of the
body; shifted to the ventral surface at the base
of the tail region (happens through overgrowth
of the tail)
Postanal Gut
● In most vertebrate embryos: solid or hollow
extension of gut into the tail, later vanishes
● Occurrence indicates an originally more
posterior position of the anus