Science 7 Matrix

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
B.M. DImataga St., Poblacion, Lapu-Lapu City


Note: This is based on 4 days (240 minutes) per week schedule of classes.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Learning Competency: Describe the components of a scientific investigation (S7MT-Ia-b-1)
Week K- Define scientific method K-Explain the first step of scientific K- Explain the second step of K-Define and identify the
No. S- Enumerate the steps in scientific method scientific method different variables based on
1 method S- Propose a problem based on S-Formulate hypothesis based on the formulated hypothesis
A- Recognize the importance of the given situation a given problem S- Differentiate dependent and
scientific method in solving a A- Display active participation in A-Practice writing hypotheses independent variables
problem identifying the problem based on the format presented A- Show accuracy in
identifying the dependent and
independent variables in a
given hypothesis

Video Clip Viewing Title: Which Comes First? Title: Formulating Hypothesis Identifying variables
Materials: crumpled papers Materials: Activity sheets Activity sheets
Week K- List the procedures of the K- Discuss how to gather and K-Interpret collected data from
No. experiment to be conducted present data experiments
2 S- Design an experiment based on S- Perform simple S- Present the results of the group
the formulated hypothesis experimentation experimentation
A- Practice scientific values in A-Practice scientific values in A-Verify the hypothesis based on Summative test
designing an experiment doing an experiment the results of the experiment
Title: Designing an Experiment Title: Testing the Hypothesis and Communicating results
Materials: It varies (depends on the Data Gathering (Presentation of outputs)
student’s proposed problem) Materials: It varies (depends on
the student’s proposed problem)
Learning Competency: Distinguish mixtures from substances based on a set of properties (S7MT-Ie-f-4)
Week K- Explain the classification of K- Discuss the different properties K-Explain the different methods in Summative test
No. matter. of pure substance and mixture separating components of
3 mixture.

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
S- Tabulate the properties of pure S-Classify materials as pure S- Demonstrate some of the
substance and mixture substance and mixture methods in separating
A-Develop awareness that materials A-Relate the properties of pure components of mixture
are classified into pure substance substance and mixture to their A-Display interest in demonstrating
and mixture uses. those methods
Mind Mapping Activity Title: Pure Substance vs. Mixture Title: Separating the Components
Activity sheets Materials: water, vinegar, sand of Mixture
with gravel, soft drinks, halo-halo, Materials: video clip and activity
salad, aluminum foil, stainless sheets, sand and gravel, monggo
steels seeds with water
Learning Competency:
Investigate properties of saturated and unsaturated solutions (S7MT-Ic-2)
Week K- Describe solutions and its components K- Identify the types of solution Performance task:
No. 4 S-Illustrate the difference between solute and solvent S- Investigate when a solution K- Identify the different
A-Demonstrate understanding on solution to the common products at becomes saturated concentration of solution
home A-Follow procedure in an S- Prepare the different types of
investigation solution considering the factors
affecting it
A-Display interest in
participating the group

Title: What are the Properties of Solutions? Title: What is the Evidence that a Title: What are the Factors
Materials: water, plastic spoons, cheesecloth (katsa) or old, white T-shirt, Solution is Saturated? Affecting the Solubility of a
sugar, salt, mongo seeds, powdered juice, cooking oil, and funnels or Materials: white sugar, water, Solute in a Solvent?
improvised funnel made from 500 mL plastic bottle measuring cup (1cup capacity), Materials: water (cold and
measuring spoon (½ tsp hot), salt(iodized and coarse),
capacity), clear, transparent plastic spoon, cups, white
bottle, stirrers or plastic spoons, sugar, black coffee, and
and thermometer thermometer
Learning Competency:
Express concentration of solutions quantitatively by preparing different concentration of mixtures according to uses and availability of materials (S7MT-Id-3)
Week K- Identify the different ways of K- Analyze the problems given
No. expressing the concentration of S-Solve problems related to the concentration of solution Summative Test
5 solution A-Work on the problems with honesty and accuracy
S- Prepare the different types of
solution considering the factors
affecting it

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
A-Display interest in participating the
group activity
Title: What are the Factors Affecting Problem Solving (Practice Exercises)
the Solubility of a Solute in a Board work and activity sheets
Materials: water (cold and hot),
salt(iodized and coarse), plastic
spoon, cups, white sugar, black
coffee, and thermometer
Learning Competency: Recognize that substances are classified into elements and compounds (S7MT-Ig-h-5)
Week K-Identify if the substance given is K- Describe the properties of K- Familiarize the elements in the periodic table and its symbols
No. an element or compound compounds S- Recite the symbols of the common elements correctly
6 S-Illustrate the difference between S-Demonstrate how a compound A- Recognize the presence of elements on Earth
elements and compounds is formed
A-Complete the given worksheet A-Name common compounds
essential to the body
Venn diagram Title: Concept Mapping Title: It’s Element-ary!
Materials: Activity sheets Materials: Activity sheets, Periodic Table of Elements
Week K- Recognize methods in separating Performance task: Summative test
No. compounds K- Recall the different elements with their corresponding symbols
7 S- Discover how compounds are S-Make a chart / poster / multimedia presentations of common
separated into elements elements with their name, symbol and uses
A- Relate that materials can be A-Show cooperation in a group activity
combined and be separated

Title: Electrolysis Title: Performance Task: A Project on Elements

Materials: water, syringe, beaker Materials: laptop, coloring or art materials like cartolina, pencil,
crayons, etc.
Learning Competency: Describe some properties of metals and non-metals such as luster, malleability, ductility and conductivity (S7MT-Ij-7)
K- Recognize the elements considered as metals and those that are K- Classify elements as metals and Summative Test
nonmetals nonmetals
S-Demonstrate how metals and non-metals differ from each other S- Create a Venn diagram
A-Show cooperation in accomplishing certain task showing the difference between
No. 8
metals and nonmetals
A- Show correctness in making the
Title: What are the Properties of Metals and Nonmetals?

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Materials: tin can, aluminum foil, pencil, medal, coins, marker cap,
electrical wire, battery, light bulb, plastic straw

Learning Competency: Investigate properties of acidic and basic mixtures using natural indicator (S7MT-Ii-6)
Week K- Explain the characteristics of acid and base K- Determine the pH of the K- Explain the process of
No. S-Classify substances as acid and base using indicator mixtures using the pH scale neutralization
9 A-Relate the characteristics of acid and base in classifying substances at S-Interpret the acidity and the S- Demonstrate ways in
home basicity of mixtures neutralizing substances
A-Appreciate the importance of A- Recognize the importance
pH of the different substance in of neutralization.
the human body
Title: Determining Some Substances as Acids or Bases Using an Indicator Activity sheets Video clip viewing
Materials: prepared plant indicator, vinegar, distilled water, tap water,
baking soda, baking powder, calamansi, other food/home items with no
color: (toothpaste, shampoo, soap, detergent, fruit juice like buko juice,
sugar in water, soft drink), 2 plastic egg trays or 12 small plastic
containers, 6 droppers, 6 plastic teaspoons, stirrer (may be teaspoon,
barbecue stick or drinking straw), water from varied sources (canal,
faucet, rain, pond)
Week Performance Task: PERIODICAL TEST
No. K- List down products which are classified as acid and base
10 S- Interpret the product label of acidic and basic substance properly
A-Practice safe ways of handling acids and bases using protective clothing
and safety gear
Title: Safety in Handling Acids and Bases
Materials: video clips
Learning Competency: Identify parts of the microscope and their functions (S7LT-IIa-1)
Week K: Identify different kinds of K: Identify the parts of the microscope; K: Follow the proper ways of
No. microscope; S: Describe the functions of using the microscope;
1 S: Trace the history of the each part of the S: Demonstrate the proper
microscope; microscope; handling of the microscope
A: Give the importance of A: Show appreciation on the role of microscope in the study of object A: Develop a sense of
microscope. and organism responsibility in the proper use
of microscopes
Microscope Microscope Microscope Microscope

Learning Competency: Focus specimen using compound microscope (S7LT-IIb-2)

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Week K: Compare the image of the object seen by the un aided eye and K: Describe magnification and Summative test on microscope
No. under the microscope; resolution power of the
2 S: Focus the microscope properly; microscope;
A: Observe safety precautions in using the microscope. S: Compute for the magnification
of objects observed under the
A: Appreciate the magnifying
ability of microscope
 Microscope  Microscope
 Old Newspaper  Old Newspaper
Medicine dropper  Medicine dropper

Learning Competency: Differentiate plant and animal cells according to presence or absence of certain organelles (S7LT-IId-4)
Week K: Define cell; K: Describe plant and animal K: Describe a cell observed under the light microscope;
No. S: Identify the parts of the cell and cell; S: Prepare a wet mount;
3 give its functions; S:Compare plant cell and animal A: Explain the role of microscope in cell study.
A: Appreciate the role of each part cell according to presence or
or organelle of the cell. absence of certain organelles;
A: Acknowledge individual
 Video presentation about cell  Video presentation (  Onion/Rheo discolor
( introduction to cell by Frank comparison of plant cell and  Medicine dropper
Gregorio; cell parts and animal cell)  Shape blade
organelle)  output: Cell model (Paper  Tissue paper
mache)  Iodine solution
 Used paper/scratch paper  Light microscope
 Zoy (laundry paste)
 Water color

Learning Competency: Describe the different levels of biological organization (S7LT-IIc-3)

Week K: Identify the parts that make up an organism; K: Identify the different levels of K: Identify common diseases on
No. S: Describe how these parts work together in an organism; organization in an organism; the level of organization in an
4 A: Appreciate the coordinated functions of each part in an organism. S: Describe the parts that make up organism;
each level of organization; S: Explain how the parts that
A: Recognize the significance of make a level of organization
each level of organization. affect the higher levels of
organization and the entire
A: Practice healthy lifestyle.

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
 Posters and pictures of organisms, organ systems, organs, tissues  Manila paper/cartolina  Article about diseases
and cells  Posters and pictures of taken from magazines or
 gumamela (hibiscus) organisms, organ systems, newspaper or old
 orchid organs, tissues and cells calendar(big)

Learning Competency: Explain why the cell is considered as the basic structural and functional unit of all organism(S7LT-IIe-5)
Week K: Identify common diseases on the K: Explain why the cell is K: Identify some ways how to keep Summative test
No. level of organization in an organism; considered as the basic structural the cell and tissues healthy;
5 S: Explain how the parts that make a and functional unit of all S: Demonstrate ways how to keep
level of organization affect the organism; the cell and tissues healthy;
higher levels of organization and the S: Create analogy that relates to A: Acknowledge that health is
entire organism; cell as the basic structural and wealth
A: Practice healthy lifestyle. functional unit of all organism;
A: Recognize the importance of
cell in all organisms.

 Articles of diseases taken from  Vegetables taken from the

magazines or newspaper or  Crayons backyard
newspaper or old calendar(big)

Learning Competency: Identify beneficial and harmful microorganism (S7LT-IIf-6)

Week K: Identify life forms other than K: Observe microorganism using K: Describe the role that certain Summative test
No. plants and animals; any available resources; microorganisms plays in the
6 S: Tabulate similarities and S: Draw and describe the environment;
differences of the different observed microorganism; S:Classify microorganisms that are
groups of organisms; A: Appreciate the significance of useful and harmful to humans and
A: Recognize the presence of other microorganism. environment;
life forms. A: Formulate suggestions that will
make the people be aware of the
important use of some
 Lato( Caulerpa lentillefera)  Prepared slide  Yakult Test paper
 medicine dropper  Yogurt
 cotton

Learning Competency: Differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in terms of: number of individuals involved; similarities of offspring to parents
(S7LT-IIg-7)/Describe the process of fertilization (S7LT-IIg-8)

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Week K: Identify the different modes of K: Explain sexual reproduction K: Distinguish the male and female Summative test
No. asexual reproduction; and the process of fertilization ; reproductive structures of a
7 S: Demonstrate an example of S: Compare between asexual flowering plant;
vegetative propagation; and sexual reproduction in terms S: Describe the function of each
A: Cite the advantages and of: number of individuals structure of the flowering plant;
disadvantages of vegetative involved; similarities of offspring to A: Appreciate the significance of
propagation. parents; flower.
A: Develop awareness on the
significance of reproduction
 Potato  Video presentation  Gumamela  Test paper
 empty big cans (fertilization)  magnifying lens
 Katakataka  Gumamela  sharp blade
Learning Competency:
Differentiate biotic from abiotic components of an ecosystem(S7LT-IIh-9)/Describe the different ecological relationships found in the ecosystem(S7LT-IIh-10)
Week K: Identify the components of the K: Discuss the significance of the K: Identify the different ecological relationship found in the
No. ecosystem; organisms’ interaction in their ecosystem;
8 S: Name the biotic and abiotic environment; S: Dramatize the different ecological relationship found in the
components of an ecosystem; S: Distinguish the manner by ecosystem;
A: Share ideas on the benefits that which organisms relate to each A: Cite the impact of these interaction to the interacting
we get from a balanced ecosystem. other; populations.
A. Relate the concepts of
interaction to real-life situations.
 Rocks which surface is grown  pictures of any plants or pictures of any plants or animals
with small plants animals
 magnifying lens
Learning Competency:
Predict the effect of changes in one populations in the ecosystem; and (S7LT-IIi-11)/ Predict the effect of changes in abiotic factors on the ecosystem (S7LT-IIj-12)
Week K: Describe the interdependence K: Describe the role of organisms K: Investigate the status of a sample ecosystem in the locality;
No. among the components of the in the ecosystem; S: Conduct a collaborative action to preserve the ecosystem in the
9 environment; S: Trace the flow of energy in the locality
S: Illustrate the implications of such ecosystem; A: Recognize the importance of preserving an ecosystem.
interdependence; A: Appreciate one’s role in the
A: Manifest the value of unity with ecosystem
the other members of the

Week K: Sum up the data on the assigned task; Second Quarter Periodical Test
No. S: Report/ Share to the class the output of the group;
10 A: Develop sense of responsibility and cooperation.

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
 taken pictures of animals and
plants from their own
Learning Competency: Differentiate quantities in terms of magnitude and direction;
Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration
Week K: Differentiate the quantities of K: Describe the motion of an K: Explain motion of an object as K: Describe the acceleration
No. motion in terms of magnitude and object in terms of its distance or distance or displacement of a moving object;
1 direction; displacement; travelled in a given time; S: Measure the rate of change
S: State the relationship of S: Locate the position of an S: Determine the rate of distance speed/velocity of an object;
magnitude and direction on the object; travelled by an object; A: Relate acceleration in
quantities of motion; A: Synthesize that an object that A: Cite instances where sports.
A: Acknowledge the significance of changes position is in motion. understanding speed/ velocity
magnitude and direction in important in real life situation.
describing the motion of an object;
Activity: My Home to School
Activity: Who runs the fastest?
Materials: tape measure, Activity: Video sample on
compass, stopwatch/ timer acceleration
Resources: Science LM - Activity
Activity: Cart rail
Venn Diagram 2 pp. 174 – 175
System/monitored cart Materials: charts, LED TV,
Activity: Speed and Velocity projector
Materials: Manila paper,
Materials: EV3 robot, ruler,
compass, stopwatch/ timer
Learning Competency: Create and interpret visual representation of the motion of an objects such as the tape charts and motion graphs;
Week K: Identify the types of visual representation of a moving object; K: Explain the movement of a K: Review the learned topics
No. S: Create and interpret visual representation of a moving object; typhoon; through an exam.
2 A: Display accuracy in creating and interpreting graphs of a moving S : Interpret the path followed by S: Respond to the questions in
body. typhoon Yolanda; the given exam;
Performance Task A: Relate the motion of a typhoon A: Manifest proper behaviour in
to mitigation and disaster risk taking an examination.
reduction; Written task
Activity: Doing Detective Work
Activity: Track me down and Get
Source: Activity 4 - Science LM pp. 178 and 180.
Materials: tape chart, manila paper, pen/ marker, graph and diagram.
Source: Science LM pp. 180 – 181 Written task
Materials: Charts, News clippings Paper-pencil test
Activity: Video presentation on graphing motion
on track of typhoon Yolanda,
Materials: LED TV/ Projector, videos, paper, marker
manila paper, pen marker

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Learning Competency:
Infer that waves carry energy
Differentiate transverse from longitudinal waves and mechanical and electromagnetic waves
Week K: Explain how waves carries energy; K: Describe the different types of waves; K: Differentiate mechanical
No. S: Demonstrate the transfer of S: Illustrate the form of longitudinal, transverse and surface waves; and electromagnetic waves
3 energy carried by waves; A: Recognize the effects of wave in the surrounding. and how it propagates;
A: Recognize the importance of S: Illustrate how waves
wave in energy transformation. propagate;
A: Relate wave forms to the
common wave phenomenon
observed in our environment
such as earthquake, etc.

Activity: Mechanical Vs.

Charts and Drawings Electromagnetic Waves
Activity: Let’s Make Waves! What happens when waves pass by?
Rope/Slinky toy Venn diagram
Source: Science LM pp.190 – 194
Newspaper as alternative for Ribbon Source: Science LM pp. 197 -
Materials: Charts and Drawings, Rope/Slinky toy
wand use to demonstrate wave 199
Materials: Charts, diagrams
Learning Competency:
Relate the characteristics of waves;
Describe the characteristics of sound using the concepts of wavelength, velocity and amplitude
Week K: Identify the characteristics of a Summative Test K: Explain how sound is produced
No. wave by describing its wave form; S: Construct a sound box to relate the concept of wavelength,
4 velocity and amplitude;
S: State the relationship of A: Show craftsmanship in constructing sound box.
wavelength, velocity and amplitude
in a wave; Performance task
Activity: My Own Sounding box
A: Cite the importance of waves. (Science LM pp. 206-207)
Activity: Anatomy of a wave? Activity: My Own Sounding box
Written task
Materials: Charts/ Diagrams/ (Science LM pp. 206-207)
Paper-pencil test
Drawing of parts of the wave Materials: Unused/recycled box/shoe box, used rubber bands
Learning Competency:
Explain sound production in the human voice box, and how pitch, loudness and quality of sound vary from one person to another
Describe how organisms produce, transmit and receive sounds of various frequencies (infrasonic, audible and ultrasonic sound
Week K: Explain how sound produce, Summative Test
No. K: Identify the properties and characteristic of sound; transmit and receive through

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
S: Show the relationship of vibrations, frequency and pitch using sound understanding the parts of the
box; ear;
A: Appreciate variation of sound produce by different people. S: Trace the path of production,
transmission and reception of
A: Share the importance of sounds
to an organism.
Activity: Properties and Characteristic of sound  Activity: Draw the path of a
Science LM pp. 209 – 211 travelling sound.
Materials: Made Sound box, ruler, guitar Materials: chart /diagram of the
ear, Manila paper, pen/marker
Activity: Properties and Characteristics of sound through the robot (if  Activity: Make a concept Map Written Task
possible)  Activity: Video presentation Paper-pencil test
Material/s: EV 3 robot about transmission, reception
of sound through the ear
Materials: LCD TV, Projector,
manila paper
Learning Competency:
Relate the characteristics of light such as color and intensity to frequency and wavelength
Week K: Explore the characteristics of light such as energy, frequency and wavelength through spectrum
No. K: Define brightness and intensity; wheel;
6 S: Explain why brightness and S: Construct color and spectrum wheel that shows the relationship of energy, frequency and
intensity of light differs from different wavelength;
light sources; A: Recognize the importance of colors of light.
A: Relates how stars brightness are
different. Performance Task

Activity: Light source: Langis Kandila

Activity: Construct Color and Spectrum Wheel
and Diwali lights
Source: Science LM pp. 226 – 233.
Source: Science LM pp. 223 – 225.
Materials: Use folders/card board and coloring materials, prism
Materials: flashlight, candle, Lamp,
books, block of wood, books
Learning Competency: Infer that light travels in a straight line
Week K: Infer light travels in a straight line; K: Enumerate the advantages Summative Test
No. S: Design an experiment to show that light travels in a straight line. and disadvantages of having
7 A: Appreciate the importance of light. good lighting in various activities;
S: Explain why proper lighting is
Performance Task important;

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
A: Suggest ways of having proper
lighting in various activities
Activity: Light up Straight
Activity: Venn diagram
Source: Science LM pp. 234 – 235 Written Task
Materials: Pictures/diagrams,
Materials: cardboard, flashlight/candle, clay pencil, pen marker, ruler, Paper-pencil test
paper, pen marker
cutting tool
Learning Competency: Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur;
Week K: Describe the necessary conditions for heat transfer to take place; K: Explain heat transfer by K: Describe convection;
No. S: Trace the direction in which heat is transfer; conduction; S: Trace the flow of convection
8 A: Acknowledge the importance of heat transfer. S: Demonstrate conduction of process of heat transfer;
heat; A:
Performance Task A: Cite common situations
showing conduction of heat.
Activity: Warm me Up, Cool me down! Activity: Move me up
Activity: Which feels colder?
Source: Science LM pp. 246 – 247 Source: Science LM pp. 252-253
Source: Science LM 249-251
Materials: Hot and cold water, basin, food coloring, containers Materials: containers, hot and
Materials: thermometer, small
cold water, food coloring,
pieces of different objects.
piece of cardboard
Learning Competency: Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur;
Week K: Describe the heat transfer through K: Evaluate the methods of heat transfer showed in a given picture; Summative Test
No. radiation; S: Classify the methods of heat transfer showed in a given picture;
9 S: Explain the mechanism of heat A: Give common practices of how useful the methods of
transfer; heat transfer.
A: Cite instances where radiation
Present a picture or simulate small Activity: All at once
camp fire done during camp fire. Source: Science LM pp. 255-256 Paper-pencil test
Materials: Pictures/woods/candles Materials: Picture/diagram

Learning Competency: Describe the different types of charging process; and

Explain the importance of earthing and grounding.
Week K: Demonstrate the behavior of K: Describe the types of charging process; Third periodical examination
No. charged objects and how it is S: Explain the mechanism of charging, discharging, and grounding of
10 charge by friction; electric charges.
S: Predict the materials which would A: Appreciate the importance of the charging process;
lose or gain electron;
A: Share how charge materials

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Activity: Am I positive?
Source: Science LM pp. 266 – 267 Activity: Show pictures of charging process
Materials: comic strip, triboelectric Materials: pictures
Learning Competency:
Demonstrate how places on Earth may be located using a coordinate system.S7ES-IVa-1
Describe the location of the Philippines with respect to the continents and oceans of the world. S7ES-IVa-2
Week K-Differentiate the lines of K-Identify the location of the K-Identify the lines of latitude and K-Identify the landmasses and
No. latitude and lines of Philippines using coordinate longitude of some famous cities bodies of water surrounding
1 longitude. system. and countries in the map using the Philippines.
the coordinate system.
S- Trace the lines of latitude and S- locate the Philippines using the S-Locate the Philippines with
longitude using a globe or a coordinate system. S-Locate some famous cities and respect to the continents and
world map. countries in the map using the oceans of the world.
A- Cite importance in locating coordinate system.
A- Explain the importance of the places using the coordinate A-Display Appreciation the
lines of latitude and longitude in system . A - Recognize the importance in location of Philippines with
locating places in the map or globe. the use of coordinate system such respect to the surrounding
as in digital mapping and landmasses and bodies of
automotive navigation system. water.
Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity Sheet prepared Activity:
Activity on pages Map Reading by teacher to be answered Activity 2 on page 284
281-283 individually.
Materials: Materials:
Materials: Pictures of digital mapping, Materials: Map of the world, pencil,
Globe or Map, Activity sheets, coordinate system, pencil, Map, pencil, graphing paper, activity sheets
Pencil Activity sheets, Map activity sheets

Learning Competency: Recognize that soil, water, rocks, coal, and other fossil fuels are Earth materials that people use as resources. S7ES-IV b-c-3
Week OVERVIEW K-Describe a watershed. K-Identify the factors that affect K-Identify the processes that
No. K-Identify the different natural Identify some watersheds in the the amount of water that can be contribute to the soil formation.
2 resources found in the Philippines. Philippines stored underground or released
by a watershed to rivers, lakes and S-Arrange the processes of soil
S- Classify some natural resources S-Trace the flow of water from the other bodies of water. formation.
found in the Philippines according to watersheds to the different
where it come from, its products networks where water drains such S- Organize from most to least A-Discuss the importance of
and uses. as streams, rivers, lakes until it relevant values, attitudes and climate in soil formation and
reaches to different communities. actions in conserving water.

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
A-Cite the effect of the location of A-Explain the relevance of A-Cite ways of water conservation how it affect human activities
the Philippines to the richness of its watershed to biodiversity. and sustainability. in different regions/places.
natural resources. ( Water, forest,
energy and mineral resources)

Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity:

Group Activity Learner’s Manual pages 286-288 Group Activity “My water is my Activity “ How are soil formed
Perform an experiment Way” from rocks?”
Pictures of some resources that can Materials: Materials: Strips of Materials:
be found in the Philippines Paper, spray, water, water color cartolina/paper, manila paper, Activity sheets, different soil
scotch tape, pentel pen samples (picture of different
Video clip showing the richness of kinds of rocks and layers of the
our country soil)
Learning Competency: Recognize that soil, water, rocks, coal, and other fossil fuels are Earth materials that people use as resources. . S7ES-IV b-c-3
Week 3
K - Identify the minerals found in the different regions in the Philippines. K- Identify minerals found in K- Cite some relevant
different regions in the Philippines. connection between the
S- Locate the metallic and non-metallic resource deposits in the presence of metallic minerals in
Philippines. S-Locate non-metallic resource places where volcanoes,
deposits in the Philippines. active faults and trenches
A- Discuss the impact of over mining in areas rich in metallic and located.
resources. A-Discuss the impact of over
Cite important properties and useful purposes of some metallic minerals mining in areas rich in non-metallic S-Locate the areas where
found in the Philippines. minerals. volcanoes, active faults and
trenches are present.

A-Discuss the significant

relationship of active faults,
trenches and presence of
volcanoes to the rich metallic
minerals and natural resources
in the Philippines.
Activity: Activity: Activity:
Activity 5 on page 291-293 Video clips Presentation about the Learner’s Manual
Pacific Ring of Fire
Materials: Materials:
Activity sheets Materials: Activity sheets
Map of the Philippines with data on metallic and

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
non-metallic resources Map of the Philippines with data Map of the Philippines with
on metallic and data on active volcanoes and
non-metallic resources trenches
Learning Competency:
Describe ways of using Earth’s resources sustainably. S7ES-IVd-4
Week K- Differentiate renewable and non- K-List down human activities and K-identify ways of conserving and
No. renewable sources of energy. effects on natural resources. protecting our natural resources.
S- Classify energy into renewable S –Suggest ways to reduce S- Create an action plan that will
and non-renewable sources of human activities that destroy encourage people in school to
energy. natural resources. conserve natural resources.

A-Cite practices of energy A- Cite ways to show A-Cite the importance of the
conservation. conservation of our natural implementation of the activities in
resources. school in conserving and
protecting natural resources.
Activity: Activity: Activity:
Group Activity/Reporting Dramatization/differentiated Group activity: Action Plan
instruction/slogan or poster
Materials: making/awareness drive Materials:
Pictures/slides of different resources, Action Plan, Permission letter
manila paper, scotch tape
Learning Competency: Discuss how energy from the Sun interacts with the layers of the atmosphere. . S7ES-IVe-5
Week K- Identify the five layers of the atmosphere. K- Explain the greenhouse effect.
No. S- Interpret the relationship between height and temperature as the S-Demonstrate the effects greenhouse gases to the temperature of
5 basis in dividing the layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. the atmosphere.
A-Recognize the importance of the atmosphere. A-Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of greenhouse
effect on Earth and living things.

Activity: Activity:
Did You Know That?/ Fact or Bluff Constructing an greenhouse model
Group activity
Ruler, pencil, scotch tape activity sheets Materials: Manila Paper, pentel pen, tape
- Materials in constructing greenhouse mode
Learning Competency:
Explain how some human activities affect the atmosphere.S7ES-IVf-6
Describe the effects of certain weather systems in the Philippines. . S7ES-IVf-7
Account for the occurrence of land and sea breezes, monsoons, and intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) S7ES-IVf-8

DepED-Division of Lapu-Lapu City Science 7 Version 2017 Page 14

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Week K-Cite examples of human activities K- Identify solutions to help K- Know the different atmospheric
K- Define a pressure area.
No. that might harm preserve the Earth’s atmosphere. phenomena S- Explain what happens when
6 the atmosphere. S- Demonstrate various ways of S- Create a diagram that air is heated and the
S-Explain the mechanism how these preserving the atmosphere. differentiates the differentsurrounding air as warm air
human activities affect the A- Promote awareness in keeping atmospheric phenomena. rises.
atmosphere. the atmosphere clean. A- Realize the importance of how
A- Recognize how the
A-Realize the importance of caring the climate conditions affect the
difference in pressure creates
for our atmosphere. lives of the people. wind movements.
Game of Truth Virtual Field Trip Picture Description Perform Activity 3
Role Playing Role Playing Find Your Match Game “What happens when air is
Video Presentation Gallery Walk Conceptual Diagram heated?”
Perform Activity 4
“What happens to the air in the
surroundings as warm air rises?”
Learning Competency: Account for the occurrence of land and sea breezes, monsoons, and intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). . S7ES-IVg-8
Week K- Define a breeze. K- Describe a monsoon. K- Define Intertropical SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT
No. S- Differentiate a land breeze from a S- Trace the wind direction of the Convergence Zone (ITZC).
7 sea breeze. Northeast and Southwest S- Explain how an ITCZ forms.
A- Give importance on how the monsoon. A- Suggest proper preparation in
breezes affect the daily activities of A- Practice proactive ways of case there is an ITCZ in the
mankind. preparing for the upcoming locality.
Diagram Tracing of the Difference Perform Activity 6 Map Tracing of the Wind
in Pressure Areas “In what direction do winds Movements
Picture Description
Video Presentation

Learning Competency: Using models, relate:

a. the tilt of the Earth to the length of daytime;
b. the length of daytime to the amount of energy received;
c. the position of the Earth in its orbit to the height of the Sun in the sky;
d. the height of the Sun in the sky to the amount of energy received;
e. the latitude of an area to the amount of energy the area receives . S7ES-IVh-9
Week K- Describe the position of the Earth K- Explain the relationship K- Describe the different positions K- Cite the different lines of
No. as it revolves around the sun. between the length of daytime of the sun in the sky. latitude.
8 S- Relate the tilt of the Earth to the to the amount of energy S- Relate the position of the earth S- Relate the latitude of an
length of daytime. received. in its orbit to the height of the sun area to the amount of energy
the area receives.

DepED-Division of Lapu-Lapu City Science 7 Version 2017 Page 15

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
A- Appreciate the influence of the S- Interpret data about sunrise in the sky and to the amount of A- Verifies the appropriate
Earth’s tilting and length of daytime and sunset to tell when daytime is energy received. daily activities to do in areas
in the people’s lifestyle. long or short. A- Prioritizes the appropriate daily with certain latitude.
A- Recognize the effect of the activities that relate to the factors
length of daytime and the mentioned.
amount of energy received in our
daily activities.
Interactive demonstration using the Perform Activity 2 Demonstration using any source of Map or Globe Labelling
Earth and Sun Models “How does the length of daytime light and thermometer Demonstration using Earth and
and night time affect the Sun Models

Demonstration using any source

of light and thermometer

Learning Competency:
Show what causes change in the seasons in the Philippines using models. . S7ES-IVi-10
Explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur. S7ES-IVi-11
Week K- Describe the different seasons K- Define shadows. K- Describe a solar eclipse. K- Describe lunar eclipse.
No. available in the different regions or S- Demonstrate how shadows are S- Illustrate how solar eclipse S- Illustrate how lunar eclipse
9 zones. formed. occurs. occurs.
S- Illustrate what causes change in A- Display appreciation in the A- Recognize how people A- Recognize how people
the seasons in the Philippines. formation of shadows. respond if there is an upcoming respond if there is an upcoming
A- Show the ability to adapt to the solar eclipse. lunar eclipse.
seasonal changes.
Picture Description Shadow Play Diagram Illustration Diagram Illustration
Demonstration using Earth and Sun Perform Activity 3 Video Presentation Video Presentation
Models “Are there shadows in space?” Simulation using Sun, Moon and Simulation using Sun, Moon and
Earth Models Earth Models
Learning Competency: Collect, record, and report data on the beliefs and practices of the community in relation to eclipses.. S7ES-IVj-12
Week K- Define a superstitious belief. PERIODICAL TEST
No. S- List down common beliefs and SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT
10 practices about eclipses
A- Verify if the beliefs and practices
are superstitions.
Interview of the beliefs and
practices of the people in the
Dramatic Interpretation

DepED-Division of Lapu-Lapu City Science 7 Version 2017 Page 16


Ceasar Anthony Q. Arong Marigondon NHS

Luisa C. Arong Pajo NHS
Dolegen B. Bering Babag NHS
Rimbee F. Dagami Babag NHS
Jhen Louie B. Dignos Bankal NHS
Reyna May E. Dolera Marigondon NHS
Irish C. Requizo Mactan NHS
Jill M. Wahing Babag NHS
Belson D. Beltran Pasay City North HS

Please e-mail your comments and suggestions to

DepED-Division of Lapu-Lapu City Science 7 Version 2017 Page 17

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