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Rjeas Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences 2(3) 225-229 Rjeas

© Emerging Academy Resources (2013) (ISSN: 2276-8467)



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Nnanna Innocent and Nkwor Chimezie
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Akanu Ibima Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, P.M.B. 1007, Afikpo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Imo State,
Corresponding Author: Nnanna Innocent

Cost is the amount of resources sacrificed or given up to achieve a specific objective which may be
acquisition of goods or services. Efficient execution of a project depends considerably on effective control
of costs and costs can only be controlled if they have been previously analyzed and so identified. The
conventional cost components of materials, labour and overheads are analyzed to analyze to reveal hidden
aspects which are often overlooked by less skilled operators/manager. Methods of recovery of overhead
costs are also discussed together with depreciation accounting methods and rationalized equipment cost
recovery techniques. The finding shows that the most crucial aspect of inventory cost in the Nigerian
habitually speculative industry is
that the stored goods represent capital (money) which would have been yielding interest if invested in a bank
but tied down as stock in the company. The framework of the study is based on the knowledge of
mathematical, experience and practice, which is applied with judgment to develop the ways to utilize
economically the materials and other natural resources for profit making purpose. The study would be
of significant to the manager in terms of analytical decision making, inventory control policies and
determination of the company’s profit level.
©Emerging Academy Resources

KEYWORDS: Direct Material Cost, Inventory Cost, Labour Cost, Overhead Cost, Depreciation

INTRODUCTION stored. Unless the components of this comprehensive

The principal requirement for effective budgeting inventory costs are known, the computation would be
and budgetary control is efficient costing and cost erroneous. This will be dealt with latter in this paper
analysis. In planning a project all the works under “inventory costs”.
services to be required are isolated in a “works
breakdown structure” (WBS) and all
direct/indirect costs associated with the works and
services are identified and analyzed following
conventional techniques in cost accounting
(Harberger, 1997). The omission of some aspects of
costs, as often happens in Nigeria’s construction,
manufacturing and service industries, among
others, causes planning handicaps and failures in
project implementation. Adhoc measures to correct
these habitual errors introduce instabilities like
inflation and labour unrest into the economy.
Inefficient costing also leads to serious errors in
profit calculations and may eventually force the
business to close down (Watson, 1997). For
example a stationary shop that acquires extra stores
to enable it to bulk-purchase to beat inflation and
get benefits of bulk-purchase discounts, should
inventory consequent on the increased quantity now

SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE inclusive. Fueled by
STUDY consumer demand for the products, rapid and
The study concentrates on Nigerian companies, continuous advances in technology make this goal
both small and medium scale companies. This a necessity for manufactures in Nigeria attempting
study would be limited to identification of to compete in today’s global marketplace. The
different costs of a manufactures are forced to continually evaluate
manufactured product and they worth to the and eventually replace aging manufacturing
companies in decision making. processes that are unable to keep up with the
ever-increasing technology threshold. When
THE PROBLEM coupled with the typically slim profit margins of
STATEMENT manufacturers, these process changes represent a
Operating an efficient and cost-effective major capital investment to a company and
manufacturing process with strict control of emphasize the importance of selecting an efficient,
material and production costs is the goal of cost-effective process that will allow the company
every successful company, Nigerian companies to remain competitive.

Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN: 2276-8467) 2(3):225-

THE COST OF A MANUFACTURED Wage rate (Wr/Hr) x Time (Hrs) = Labour cost
ARTICLE (3) (Stanbury and Vertinski, 1989)
The factors to be mobilized to manufacture an
article are: All direct labour, over time and bonus pay are
1. Man included in direct labour cost.
2. Materials
3. Machines and In estimating the labour cost for making say, 1, 000
4. Manufacturing processes or procedures. vehicle wheel nut, the time spent in the different
machine tool operations are calculated and added up.
Therefore the cost of a manufactured item has For such small articles, like the wheel nut, large
the components from: numbers are made using special automatic machine
(1) La centers such that set-up time batch may be large but
bour time per nut would be low, thus reducing the cost per
(2) Direct
(3) Equipment
used and
(4) Overhead expenses from indirect labour
materials and

Cost of article = Material + Labour + general
Overhead costs (1) (Martand,

All the material that form part of the article
manufacture are referred to as “direct material”.
The cost of the material is evaluated before the
material is processed using the proper equipment to
shape it according to its final design of the article.
Therefore the complete material cost is the final
processed material plus the scrap allowance:
Materials cost = Cost of final material + cost of
scrap allowed or removed. (Khanna, 2009)
It can therefore be seen that increase in scrap
also increases material cost.

Those materials like lubrication oil, coolant,

emery cloth (sand-paper), etc which are not found
on the finished part are referred to as indirect
materials and are included with general overhead

All work that is directly applied to manufacture
the article and its components are included in direct
labour. All salaries or wages of workshop staff
who are directly involved in making the article
using their hands or equipment constitute direct
labour. The wage rate of the operator of
equipment or manual worker on the manufacturing
line is multiplied by the
time the operator has been working to find the cost
of his labour.
Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN: 2276-8467) 2(3):225-
nut. This is the benefit of mass production. For the overhead cost element include the following;
the wheel nut in: cost of rent, lighting, heating, power, general
Mass suppliers,
production: wages of maintenance staff, typist, draughter-men,
Set up time (per day) = 2 hours (for 1, cleaners, salaries of departmental heads, mangers,
000 nuts) = 2 x 60 x 60 = 7.2sec directors, consumable or indirect materials,
1000 communication, etc
Drilling time per nut = 5 sec. Overheads are made up of two parts namely;
Cut-off time per nut = 2 sec Fixed Overheads and Variable Overheads.
Turning time per nut =5
sec The fixed overhead costs remain constant no
Chamfering time per nut =3 matter the quantity of articles produced while the
sec Manipulation time per nut =5 variable overhead cost vary with the quantity of
sec Tapping time per nut = 5 sec articles produced, e.g. cutting tools (Jenkins and
Machining time per nut = 25 Harberger, 1995).
Set-up time per nut = 7.2sec Variable overheads are further subdivided into
semi- variable and fully variable Overheads. For
Total Time per Nut = example, telephone charges are constant for the first
32.2 three minutes in Nigeria and then a different rate
sec (higher) is charged per subsequent minute. It is not
If the wage rate of the operator/setter is N360.00 advisable to keep semi-variable overhead facilities
per in the control of shop floor staff in order to avoid
hour, i.e 0.1 per possible excessive overhead costs in the company.
Cost of labour per NUT = 0.1 x 32.2 = N3.22 This is equally true of administrative
(4) establishments where such facilities should be
located in the management offices.
The manufacturing cost of the NUT is found by
adding the material cost per NUT and the The initial cost of the equipment used in
overhead cost to labour cost. production is recovered through depreciation
charges. Since depreciation is usually fixed with
ANALYSIS OF OVERHEAD respect to time periods it falls within the category
COSTS of fixed overheads. However in
In the manufacture of an article like the wheel nut machine-intensive
production, the machine cost is usually isolated where l = Labour cost per unit of article.
from overheads and calculated separately within
depreciation of assets. Usually the total cost of labour a batch of the articles
made is known precisely as well as the total overhead
Overhead Absorption Costing cost and so the absorption proportion can be
Techniques calculated and allocation then made to each unit of
The techniques of overhead absorption fall into the articles made.
three categories namely:
1. As a proportion of direct materials
2. As a proportion of direct labour
3. Blanket absorption
The problem of overhead absorption arises from
the fact that often overhead costs are complex
consisting of so many components tangible,
intangible, calculable and not so calculable. For
example, how much of the cost of adverts and other
public relations expenditures will be charged to
each article made in this period? The answer is not
easily rationalized and so some kind of general
overhead absorption technique has to be
determined as company public relations
expenditures will be charged to each article made in
this period?. The answer is not easily rationalized
and so some kind of general overhead absorption
technique has to be determined as company policy.

Overhead Absorption As A Proportion Of

Direct Materials
Usually the total overhead expenditures are known
to the company management and so is the total
cost for a particular operation. For
Let total overhead cost =H
Let total material cost =M
Therefore overhead/material ratio =H/M

Now to allocate overhead cost to subsequent units

of articles made this ratio is used. For example if
the cost of direct materials used in the unit of the
= m, then overhead cost per article, h = mxH/M
(6) (Van Pelt and Timmer, 1992).

Thus the total cost of each article can be


Overhead Absorption as a Proportion of

Direct Labour
Similarly the allocation procedure in 3.1 is used
this time; the ratio is between overhead and
labour costs.
Overhead cost = H
(7) Labour cost L

Where L= Direct labour

Therefore h = 1 x H (Naira) (8)
Blanket Overhead
Absorption The selling price of the product is the sum of
The “blanket” absorption technique is used the elements of cost 1 to 7.
efficiently when all the articles made are similar Element 3: Direct expenses are the cost of
(or more or less so). Then the total number of depreciating the equipment, and tools and the cost
such article, N is used to share equally the total of the processes used for converting the original
overhead cost for that batch of production. Thus, raw material to finished goods. The sum of
the overhead allocation per article, h= H/N elements 1, 2 and 3 is referred to as Prime cost.
(Naira) (9)
Depreciation Cost
Although the calculation of the allocated Accounting
overhead using blanket absorption is less The initial cost of the machinery and equipment
burdensome, the technique has the weakness of used is recovered under direct expenses cost
being limited to environments where all the element through depreciation charges. The principle
goods (or article) made are similar. Often this is of depreciation accounting is that every equipment
not case and so allocations can be made based on purchased for production has a limited productive
direct materials and then direct labour and the life and so must soon be replaced. The money
costs is adopted for that batch. realized
from depreciation charges is later to be used to
Determining the Selling Price of a replace the equipment so that production can
Product continue; otherwise the company will fold up.
To determine the ex-factory price of an article all Therefore depreciation is a cost in production and
the elements of cost should be found. The is treated as such to form a “sinking fund”.
elements of cost are the following; The commonest techniques used in depreciation
1. Direct material cost. accounting are as follows;
2. Direct labour cost 1. Straight line depreciation.
3. Direct expenses (Machinery and tools) 2. Sum-of-digits technique
4. Factory overhead cost (power, lube oil, 3. Declining and double declining techniques
rent, etc)
5. Selling costs (Adverts, Usually a service life in years is rationally chosen
distribution, discounts etc) for the equipment. Equipment in rapidly changing
6. General administration/management technology area has short life (2 to 4 years or
cost (salaries of staff in management) less). Services life in the electronic equipment area
7. Profit in Nigeria would soon be less than 2 years but
today it
is about 6 months overseas. This is so because users. Just as the maker incurs costs to sell his
the production life of an equipment implies that goods, the buyer
such equipment is founded on the competitive bears the cost of ordering and holding the goods after
technology of the period and of the market. This the ordered goods are received. Therefore to the
money realized by finally disposing the equipment distributor, the total cost of ach article is.
is called the “scrap value”. CT = Constant cost + ordering cost + inventory
In the straight line depreciation technique (which (i.e. Holding) cost (12)
is commonly used) the initial cost of the equipment Where CT = total cost per article
is recovered by equal amounts every year of its Constant cost = ex-factory cost
productive services life.
X = B i –S (10)
Where, X = Depreciation cost per
Bi = Initial value
S = Scrap value
L = Service life

In both the sum of digits and double declining

methods of depreciation accounting, account is
taken of the fact that equipment performs best at the
earlier stages of its life before its dependence on
maintenance to perform in later years.

So the cost of the equipment is recovered at the

highest rate after the first year, followed by the
second year and so on.

The double declining method ensures that the cost

is completely recovered in the last year. The
“Book Value” of the equipment is the cost of the
equipment remaining to be recovered at the
beginning of a new service year. The “scrap value”
therefore is the “book value” at the end of the
productive service life.
The Direct expenses charged to an article produced
is the depreciation cost on all equipment used in
producing it in the proportion of the number of
hours spent in making it to the total number of
hours the
equipment was running to produce the batch of
D = txX (11)
d= depreciation allocated to an
article t= time spent on machining
an article
T= total time equipment was in use during
batches that
X= the depreciation cost that

When a distributor buys a batch of goods he
provides a warehouse (store) for the goods until
they are completely disposed of to retailers or
Ordering cost= cost of transport and
administration for placing and receiving orders. Taxation of profit is not a problem provided
every aspect of cost has been included in the
Holding and inventory costs = Cost of rent on deducted production or service costs. If costs like
storage space, air-conditioning, equipment inventory (holding) charges are ignored, the
interest cost by not investing the money in a business is continually cheated in taxation. The
bank, insurance against fire or theft and most crucial aspect of inventory cost in the
obsolescence (Martina et-al, 2000). Nigerian habitually speculative industry is that the
stored goods represent capital (money) which would
Often Nigerian enterprises ignore holding costs have been yielding interest if invested in a bank but
and do not feature it in their balance sheets. tied down as stock in the company.
Because small scale businesses are not properly
informed about the enormity of inventory costs REFERENCES
on their businesses, they see the habit of Desai, Vasant Dr. (2004) Management of Small
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The availability problem in the Nigerian industry Harberger, A.C. (1997), Economic Project
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Sassone, P.G. (2009), Cost-Benefit Analysis - A

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Watson, K. (1997), Cost-Benefit Analysis in the

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