SB 01 01 1972 PDF
SB 01 01 1972 PDF
SB 01 01 1972 PDF
Hi ·vine Grac
A.C. Bha tivedanta swami
· hupada
Founder-Acarya of ffie International Society for Krishna Consciousness
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON and greatest exponent of
Kr�p.a consciousness in the western world.
SrTia Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Srila Gaura KiSora Das Babaji Maharaja
the spiritual master of the spiritual master of
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami
and foremost scholar and devotee in the recent age. and intimate student of SrTia Thakur Bhaktivinode
Plate 1 A snake appeared before the baby, and the Lord began to play with it. (p. 1 1 ) Plate 2 Lord Caitanya convinced the Kazi about His sanklrtana movement. (p. 14)
Plate 3 The Lord invoked His Sudarsanaocakra to kill the sinners. (p.l6) Plate 4 Saturated with transcendental ecstasy, Lord Caitanya fell unconscious. (p. 20)
Plate 5 Vyiisadeva meditating on Lord Kr�q.a, the all-pervading Personality of God Plate 6 After respectfully offering a seat to Siita Gosviiml, the great sages began to
head. (p.44) inquire of him. (p. 61)
Plate 7 Lord Sri Kf�l)a a ppeared a s the son of Vasudeva and Devakl. (p. 69)
� �tffi 1if�t;ufa.f4: �
� W1�t�t1�tt �owtiis��AIR�n ������
kn'!e sva-dhiimopagate
dharma-jiiiiniidibhil} saha
kalau nasta-drsiim esa
puriir-��ko �dhun;dital; (p. 186)
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta swami Prabhupada
Bhagavad-gitii As It Is
�y �piritual �aster
Readers interested in the subject matter of this book On the 26th Annual Ceremony of His
are invited by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness Disappearance Day
to correspond with its Secretary_
TABLE OF CONTENTS Questions by the sages 43
Purpose of the Giiyatri Mantra 44
Parameivara the Supreme 46
Preface 1
Three Divisions of Vedic Ways 53
Introduction 5
Exchange of Rasas Between Two Equals 57
Conception of God and the Absolute Truth 5 Watering the Root of the Tree 60
Source of Material Energy 6 Symptoms of Men in the Age of Quarrel or Kali 67
Preacher of Sr"imad-Bhiigavatam 6 Scriptures Summarized 68
Science of Kf�l).a and Its Need 7 Glories of the Name of the Lord 7l
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu 7 Real Remedy for Peace in the World 74
His Mission 8 Incarnation of Godhead Is Distinguished 78
His Birth 10
His Early Childhood 11
Divinity and Divine service 83
His Student Life
His Civil Disobedience 13 Obeisances unto the Spiritual Master and the Lord 84
Reclaiming the Sinners 15 Sr"imad-Bhiigavatam Summarized 86
His Sannyiisa 18 Scope of Sense Satisfaction 98
�ira-cora Gopinatha 19 Definition of the Absolute Truth 99
Meeting with Bhattacarya 22 Process of Its Realization 1 00
His Discourse on the Vedanta 22 Duty of All Classes of Human Beings 101
His Meeting with Ramananda Ray a 29 Service unto the D evotees 106
Importance of Submissive Hearing 30 The Book and the Person Bhiigavata 1 09
Instructive Story of Junior Haridasa 32 Seeing the Lord 111
Power of the Sank"irtana Movement 33 Forms of the Lord and the Living Beings 117
His Talks with the Mayavadi Sannyiis"i Prakasananda 34 Quality of Worship and the Demigods 121
The Lord Visits Mathura and Vrndavana 37 Lord Sr� Kp�l)a, or Vasudeva, Is All in All 125
He Converts Pathans to the Vai�t;tava Cult 38 He is All-Pervading 128
viii ix
CHAPTER THREE The Lord and the Living Being Are Both Spirit 172
Kf�rJa Is the source of All Incarnations 135 Self-realization Means Seeing the Lord 174
He is Unknowable by Mental Speculation 178
Puru�a Incarnations: the Cause of Matter
and the Material World 136 Srimad-Bhiigavatam Is the Cream of Histories 183
From Him Brahma Is Manifested 137 The Mode of Its Reception 185
Description of the Universal Form 139 Srimad-Bhiigavatam Is the Representation of Lord Kr�I]a 186
Short Description of Various Incarnations 142 Srimad-Bhiigavatam and Its Incompatibilities l8R
lst: Kumaras Incarnation 144
2nd: Sukara Incarnation 145
146 Appearance of SrT Narada 191
3rd: Narada Incarnation
4th: Nara NarayaQ.a Incarnation 147 Paramahamsa Sukadeva Gosvami 196
5th: Kapila, the Author of Sankhya Philosophy 148 The Ideal King, Maharaja Parik�it 203
6th: Dattatreya Incarnation 149 Birthdate of Vyasadeva 205
7th: Y ajiia Incarnation 149 His Activities in Preparing Transcendental Works 206
8th: J.{�abha Incarnation 151 Vedas Entrusted to Different Scholars 210
9th: Prthu Incarnation 152 Vedas Made Easy for the Less Intelligent Class 213
lOth: Matsya Incarnation 153 Mercy of Vyasadeva 213
llth: Kurma Incarnation 154 Unworthy Sons of the Higher Castes 214
12th: Dhanvantari Incarnation 155 Dissatisfaction of Vyasadeva and Its Cause 218
13th: Mahin! Incarnation 155
14th: Nrsimha Incarnation 155
15th: Vamana Incarnation 156 Narada's Instructions on srrmad-Bhagavatam
16th: Bhrgupati (Parasurama) Incarnation 157 for vvasadeva 223
17th: Vyasadeva Incarnation 157 The Mind and the Body 224
l8th:Rama Incarnation 158 Identification of Self with the Body or Mind Is the
19th: Balarama Incarnation 160 Cause of Despondency 227
21st: Buddha Deva Incarnation 161 Flowery Language Without Divinity Is Condemned 232
!11 164 Need of Preaching Snmad-Bhiigavatam 234
22nd: Kalki Incarnation
Lord Kr�Qa, the Original Personality of Godhead 167 Nothing is Good without God 235
His Virata-rupa, an Imagination 171 Be Fixed Upon the Complete Whole 240
X Xl
We must know the present need of human society. And what is that
need? Human society is no longer bounded by geographical limits to
particular countries or communities. Human society is broader than in the
Middle Ages, and the world tendency is toward one state or one human
society. The ideals of spiritual communism, according to Srimnd
Bhiigavatam, are based more or less on the oneness of the entire human
society, nay, on the entire energy of living beings. The need is felt by great
thinkers to make this a successful ideology. Srimad-Bhiigavatam will fill
this need in human society. It begins, therefore, with the aphorism of
Vedanta philosophy (janmiidy asya yata[t) to establish the ideal of a
common cause.
Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of
oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the field of material comforts,
education and economic development throughout the entire world. But
there is a pinprick somehwere in the social body at large, and therefore
there are large-scale quarrels, even over less important issues. There is need
of a clue as to how humanity can become one in peace, friendship and
prosperity with a common cause. Srimad-Bhiigavatam will fill this need,
for it is a cultural presentation for the re-spiritualization of the entire
human society.
Srimad-Bhiigavatam should be introduced also in the schools and col
leges, for it is recommended by the great student devotee Prahliida
Maharaja in order to change the dem-onic face of society.
Preface 3
2 Sr'imad- Bhagavatam
unlimited Supreme Lord is a transcendental creation meant to bring about
of everything that be. This ultimate source is explained rationally and a revolution in the impious life of a misdirected civilization. Such tran
scendental literatures, even though irregularly composed, are heard, sung
authoritatively in the beautiful Bhiigavatam or Srimad-Bhiigavatam.
Srimad-Bhiigavatam is the transcendental science not only for knowing and accepted by purified men who are thoroughly honest."
Om Tat Sat.
the ultimate source of everything but also for knowing our relation with
Him and our duty towards perfection of the human society on the basis of
this perfect knowledge. It is powerful reading matter in the Sanskrit A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
language, and it is now rendered into English elaborately so that simply by
Dated at Delhi
a careful reading one will know God perfectly well, so much so that the
D ecember 15, 1962
reader will be sufficiently educated to defend himself from the onslaught
of atheists. Over and above this, the reader will be able to convert
others to accept God as a concrete principle.
Srimad-Bhiigavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source.
It is a bona fide commentary on the Vediinta-sutra by the same author,
Srila Vyasadeva, and gradually it develops into nine cantos up to .the
highest state of God realization. The only qualification one needs to study
this great book of transcendental knowledge is to proceed step by step
cautiously and not jump forward haphazardly like with an ordinary book.
It should be gone through chapter by chapter, one after another. The
reading matter is so arranged with its original Sanskrit text, its English
transliteration, synonyms, translation and purports so that one is sure to
become a God realized soul at the end of finishing the first nine cantos.
The Tenth Canto is distinct from the first nine cantos, because it deals
directly with the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead
Sri Kr��a. One will be unable to capture the effects of the Tenth Canto
Without going through the first nine cantos. The book is complete in
twelve cantos, each independent, but it is good for all to read them in
small installments one after another.
I must admit my frailties in presenting Srimad-Bhiigavatam, but still I
am hopeful of its good reception by the thinkers and leaders of society on
the strength of the following statement of Srimad-Bhiigavatam.
tad viigvisar go janatiigha-viplavo
yasmin pratiSlokam abaddhavaty api
niimiiny anantasya yaSo 'nkitiini yac
chrrvanti giiyanti grranti sadhava�
(Bhiig. 1.5.11)
"On the other hand, that literature which is full with descriptions of
the transcendental glories of the name, fame, form and pastimes of the
The conception of God and the conception of Absolute Truth are not
on the same level. The Srimad-Bhiigavatam hits on the target of the
Absolute Truth. The conception of God indicates the controller, whereas
the conception of the Absolute Truth "indicates the summum bonum or
the ultimate source of all energies. There is no difference of opinion about
the personal feature of God as the controller because a controller cannot
be impersonal. Of course modern government, especially democratic
government, is impersonal to some extent, but ultimately the chief
executive head is a person, and the impersonal feature of government is
subordinate to the personal feature. So without a doubt whenever we refer
to control over others we must admit the existence of a personal feature.
Because there are different controllers for different managerial positions,
there may be many small gods. According to the Bhagavad-gitii any
controller who has some specific extraordinary power is called a vibhuti
mat sattva, or controller empowered by the Lord. There are many vibhuti
mat sattvas, controllers or gods with various specific powers, but the
Absolute Truth is one without a second. This Srimad-Bhiigavatam desig
nates the Absolute Truth or the summum bonum as the param satyam.
The author of Srimad-Bhiigavatam, Snl.a Vyasadeva, first offers his
respectful obeisances unto the param satyam (Absolute Truth), and be
cause the param satyam is the ultimate source of all energies, the param
satyam is the Supreme Person. The gods or the controllers are undoubtedly
persons, but the param satyam from whom the gods derive powers of
control is the Supreme Person. The Sanskrit word iSvara (controller)
conveys the import of God, but the Supreme Person is called the param
esvara, .or the supreme iSvara. The Supreme Person or paramesvara is the
supreme conscious personality, and because He does not derive any power
from any other source, He is supremely independent. In the Vedic litera
tures Brahma is described as the supreme god or the head of all other gods
like lndra, Candra, Varu-pa,,etc., but the Srimad-Bhiigavatam confirms that
even Brahma is not independent as far as his power and knowledge are
concerned. He received knowledge in the form of the Vedas from the
Supreme Person who resides within the heart of every living being. That
Supreme Personality knows everything directly and indirectly. Individual
infinitesimal persons, who are parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality,
may know directly and indirectly everything about their bodies or external
6 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 7
features, but the Supreme Personality knows everything about both His is practical for all the people of the world. It was His wish that the
external and internal features. Srimad-Bhiigavatam be preached in every nook and corner of the world by
The words janmady asya suggest that the source of all production, those who happened to take their birth in India.
maintenance or destruction is the same supreme conscious person. Even in The Srtmad-Bhagavatam is the science of Kr�J].a, the Absolute Personality
our present experience we can know that nothing is generated from inert of Godhead of whom we have preliminary information from the text of
matter, but inert matter can be generated from the living entity. For in the Bhagavad-gitii. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that anyone, regard
stance, by contact with the living entity, the material body develops into a less of what he is, who is well versed in the science of Kr�v.a (Srimad
working machine. Men with a poor fund of knowledge mistake the bodily Bhiigavatam and Bhagavad-gi:tii) can become an authorized preacher or
machinery to be the living being, but the fact is that the living being is the preceptor in the science of Kr�v.a.
basis of the bodily machine. The bodily machine is useless as soon as the There is � need for �he science of Kr�v.a in human society for the good
living spark is away from it. Similarly, the original source of all material of all suf�enng humamty of the world, and we simply request the leaders
energy is the Supreme Person. This fact is expressed in all the Vedic litera of all natiOns to pick up this science of Kr�v.a for their own good, for the
tures, and all the exponents of spiritual science have accepted this truth. good of society and for the good of all the world's people.
The living force is called Brahman, and one of the greatest iiciiryas (teach
ers), namely Sripiida Sankaracarya, has preached that Brahman is substance
whereas the cosmic world is category. The original source of all energies is A SHORT SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF LORD
the living force, and He is logically accepted as the Supreme Person. He is CAITANYA, THE PREACHER OF SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM
therefore conscious of everything past, present and future, and also of each
and every corner of His manifestations, both material and spiritual. An im Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the great apostle of love of God and the
perfect living being does not even know what is happening within his own father of the congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord,
personal body. He eats his food but does not know how this food is trans �dvented Himself at Sridhama Miiyiipura, a quarter in the city of Navadvipa
formed into energy or how it sustains his body. When a living being is per m Bengal, on the Phalguni Piir¢ma evening in the year 1407 Sakabda
fect, he is aware of everything that happens, and since the Supreme Person (corresponding to February 1486 by the Christian calendar).
is all-perfect, it is quite natural that He knows everything in all detail. Con His father, Sri Jagannatha MiSra, a learned briihmana from the district
sequently the perfect personality is addressed in the Srimad-Bhiigavatam of Sylhe �, came to Navadvipa as a student because at that time Navadvipa
as Vasudeva, or one who lives everywhere in full consciousness and in full was considered to be the center of education and culture. He domiciled on
possession of His complete energy. All of this is clearly explained in the the banks of the Ganges after marrying Srimati Sac1dev1, a daughter of
Srimad-Bhiigavatam, and the reader has ample opportunity to study this Snia Nilambara Cakravarti, the great learned scholar of Navadvipa.
critically. Jaganniitha Misra had a number of daughters by his wife Srimati
In the modern age Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu preached the S rimad Sac1dev1, and most of them expired at an early age. Two surviving sons,
Bhiigavatam by practical demonstration. It is easier to penetrate into the Sri Vi�variipa and ViSvambhara, became at last the object of their paternal
topics of the Srimad-Bhiigavatam through the medium of Sri Caitanya's affection. The tenth and youngest son, who was named ViSvambhara, later
causeless mercy. Therefore a short sketch of His life and precepts is in became known as Nimai Pav.�t and then, after accepting the renounced
serted herein to help the reader understand the real merit of Srimad order of life, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Bhiigavatam. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu exhibited His transcendental activities
It is imperative that one learn the Srimad-Bhiigavatam from the person for forty-eight years and then disappeared in the year 1455 Sakabda at
Bhiigavatam. The person Bhiigavatam is one whose very life is Srimad Pun.
Bhiigavatam in practice. Since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Absolute For His first twenty-four years He remained at Navadvipa as a student
Personality of Godhead, He is both Bhagaviin and Bhiigavatam in person and householder. His first wife was Srimati Lak�mipriya, who died at an
and in sound. Therefore His process of approaching the S rimad-Bhiigavatam early age when the. Lord was away from home. When He returned from
8 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 9
East Bengal He was requested by His mother to accept a second wife, and mends this process as the most excellent mode of worship. He accepts the
He agreed. His second wife was Srimati Vi�l)upriya Devi, who bore the Srimad-Bhiigavata Puriir w as the spotless literature for understanding the
separation of the Lord throughout her life because the Lord took the order Lord, and He preached that the ultimate goal of life for all human beings
of sannyiisa at the age of twenty-four when Srimati Vi�l)upriyii was barely is to attain the stage of premii or love of God.
sixteen years old. Many devotees of Lord Caitanya like Srila Vrndavana-dasa Thakur, Sri
After taking sannyiisa, the Lord made His headquarters at Jagannatha Locanadasa Thakur, Srila Kr�I).adasa Kaviraja Gosvami, Sri Kavikarp.apiira,
Puri due to the request of His mother, Srimati Sacidevi. The Lord remained Sri Prabodhiinanda Sarasvati, Sri Riipa Gosvami', Sri Saniitana Gosvami,
for twenty-four years at Puri. For six years of this time He travelled Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami', Sri Jiva Gosviimi', Sri Gopala Bhatta
continuously all over India (and especially throughout southern India) Gosvami', Sri Raghuniitha Diisa Gosviimi and in this latter age within two
preaching the Snmad-Bhiigavatam. hundred years, Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti, Sri Baladeva Vidyiibhii�ana, Sri
Lord Caitanya not only preached the Srimad-Bhiigavatam but propa Syamananda Gosvami, Sri N arottama-dasa Thakur, Sri Bhaktivinode Thakur
gated the teaching of the Bhagavad-gitii as well in the most practical way. and at last Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur (our spiritual master) and
In the Bhagavad-gitii Lord Sri Kr�I).a is depleted as the Absolute Personality many other great and renowned scholars and devotees of the Lord, have
of Godhead, and His last teachings in that great book of transcendental prepared voluminous books and literatures on the life and precepts of the
knowledge instruct that one should give up all the modes of religious Lord. Such literatures are all based on the siistras like the Vedas, Puriirzas,
activities and accept Him (Lord Sri Kr�!1a) as the only worshipable Lord. Upan4ads, Riimiiyarza, Mahiib hiirata and other histories and authentic
The Lord then assured that all His devotees would be protected from all literatures approved by the recognized iiciiryas. They are unique in com
sorts of sinful acts and that for them there would be no cause for anxiety. position and unrivaled in presentation, and they are full of transcendental
Unfortunately, despite Lord Sri Kr�l)a's direct order and the teachings knowledge. Unfortunately the people of the world are still ignorant of
of the Bhagavad-gitii, less intelligent people misunderstand Him to be them, but when these literatures, which are mostly in Sanskrit and Bengali,
nothing but a great historical personality, and thus they cannot accept come to light the world and when they are presented before thinking
Him as the original Personality of Godhead. Such men with a poor fund people, then India's glory and the message of love will overflood this
of knowledge are misled by many nondevotees. Thus the teachings of the morbid world, which is vainly searching after peace and prosperity by
Bhagavad-gitii were misinterpreted even by great scholars. After the disap various illusory methods not approved by the iiciiryas in the chain of
pearance of Lord Sri Kr�l)a there were hundreds of commentaries on the disciplic succession.
· Bhagavad-gitii by many erudite scholars, and almost every one of them was The readers of this small description of the life and precepts of Lord
motivated by self-interest. Caitanya will profit much to go through the books of Srila Vrndavana-dasa
Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the selfsame Lord Sri Kr�l)a. This time, Thakur (Sri Caitanya-bhiigavata) and Srila Kr�l)adiisa Kaviraja Gosvami'
however, He appeared as a great devotee of the Lord in order to preach' (Sri Caitanya-caritiimrta). The early life of the Lord is most fascinatingly
to the people in general, as well as to religionists and philosophers, about expressed by the author of Caitanya-bhii.gavata, and as far as the teachings
the transcendental position of Sri Kr�l)a, the primeval Lord and the cause are concerned, they are more vividly explained in the Caitanya-caritiimrta.
of all causes. The essence of His preaching is that Lord Sri Kr�l)a, who Now they are available to the English speaking public in our Teachings
appeared at Vrajabhiimi (Vrndavana) as the son of the King of Vraja of Lord Caitanya.
(Nanda Maharaja), is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is therefore The Lord's early life was recorded by one of His chief devotees and
worshipable by all. Vrndavana-dhama is nondifferent from the Lord because contemporaries, namely Srila Muriiri Gupta, a medical practitioner of that
the name, fame, form and place where the Lord manifests Himself are all time, and the latter part of the life of Sri Caitanya Mahiiprabhu was
identical with the Lord as absolute knowledge. Therefore Vrndavana-dhiima recorded by His private secretary Sri Damodara Gosvami or Snl.a Svariipa
is as worshipable as the Lord. The highest form of transcendental worship Damodara, who was practically a constant companion of the Lord at Puri.
of the Lord was exhibited by the damsels of Vrajabhiimi in the form of These two devotees recorded practically all the incidences of the Lord's
pure affection for the Lord, and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recom- activities, and later on all the books dealing with the Lord, which are above
10 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction ll
mentioned, were composed on the basis of kiircas by Snl.a Damodara with awe and veneration. Sometimes the young girls took pleasure in
Gosvami and Murari Gupta. making the Lord cry and then stopping Him by chanting the holy name.
So the Lord advented Himself on the Phalguni PUr�imii evening of 1407 So from His very childhood the Lord began to preach the importance of
Sakabda, and it was by the will of the Lord that there was a lunar eclipse the holy name. In His early age Lord Sri Caitanya was known as Nimai.
on that evening. During the hours of eclipse it was the custom of the This name was given by His beloved mother because the Lord took His
1Iindu public to take bath in the Ganges or any other sacred river and birth beneath a nim tree in the courtyard of His paternal house.
chant the Vedic mantras for purification. When Lord Caitanya was born When the Lord was offered solid food at the age of six months in the
during the lunar eclipse, all India was roaring with the holy sound of Hare anna-priisana ceremony, the Lord indicated His future activities. At this
Kr§IJa, Hare Kr§IJa, Kr§IJa K!§!Ja, Hare Hare/ Hare Riima, Hare Riima, Riima time it was customary to offer the child both coins and books in order to
Riima, Hare Hare. These sixteen names of the Lord are mentioned in many get some indication of the future tendencies of the child. The Lord was
Purii[�-as and Upani§ads, and they are described as the Tiiraka-Brahman offered on one side coins and on the other the Srimad-Bhiigavatam. The
Niima of this age. It is recommended in the siistras that offenseless chanting Lord accepted the Bhiigavatam instead of the coins.
of these holy names of the Lord can deliver .a fallen soul from material When He was a mere baby crawling in the yard, one day a snake ap
bondage. There are innumerable names of the Lord both in India and peared before Him, and the Lord began to play with it. All the members
outside, and all of them are equally good because all of them indicate the of the house were struck with fear and awe, but after a little while the snake
Supreme Personality of Godhead. But because these sixteen are especially went away, and the baby was taken away by His mother. Once He was
recommended for this age, people should take advantage of them and stolen by a thief who intended to steal His ornaments, but the Lord took
follow the path of the great iiciiryas who attained success by practicing the a pleasure trip on the shoulder of the bewildered thief who was searching
rules of the siistras (revealed scriptures). for a solitary place in order to rob the baby. It so happened that the thief,
The simultaneous occurrence of the Lord's appearance and the lunar wandering hither and thither, finally arrived just before the. house of
eclipse indicated the distinctive mission of the Lord. This mission was to J aganniitha Misra and, being afraid of being caught, dropped the baby at
preach the importance of chanting the holy names of the Lord in this age once. Of course the anxious parents and relatives were glad to see the lost
of Kali (quarrel). In this present age quarrels take place even over trifles, child.
and therefore the siistras have recommended for this age a common plat Once a pilgrim briihma[�-a was received at the house of Jaganniitha Misra,
form for realization, namely chanting the holy names of the Lord. People and when he was offering food to the Godhead, the Lord appeared before
can hold meetings to glorify the Lord in their respective languages and him and partook of the prepared food. The eatables had to be rejected
with melodious songs, and if such performances are executed in an offense because the child touched them, and so the briihma[�-a had to make
less manner, it is certain that the participants will gradually attain spiritual another preparation. The next time the same thing happened, and when
perfection without having to undergo more rigorous methods. At such this happened repeatedly for the third time, the baby was finally put to
meetings everyone, the learned and the foolish, the rich and the poor, the bed. At about twelve at night when all the members of the house were fast
Hindus and the Muslims, the Englishman and the Indians, and the ca[�-�iila asleep within their closed rooms, the pilgrim briihma[�-a offered his specially
I; and the briihma[�-as, can all hear the transcendental sounds and thus cleanse
the dust of material association from the mirror of the heart. To confirm
the Lord's mission all the people of the world will accept the holy name of
prepared foods to the Deity, and, in the same way, the baby Lord app_eared
before the pilgrim and spoiled his offerings. The b riihma[�-a then began to
cry, but since everyone was fast asleep, no one could hear him. At that
I the Lord as the common platform for the universal religion of mankind. time the baby Lord appeared before the fortunate briihma[�-a and disclosed
In other words, the advent of the holy name took place along with the His identity as Kr��a Himself. The briihma[�-a was forbidden to disclose this
advent of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. incidence, and the baby returned to the lap of His mother.
When the Lord was on the lap of His mother, He would at once stop There are many similar incidences in His childhood. As a naughty boy
crying as soon as the ladies surrounding Him chanted the holy names and He somehmes used to tease the orthodox briihma[�-as who used to bathe in
clapped their hands. This peculiar incidence was observed by the neighbors the Ganges. When the briihma[�-as complained to His father that He was
�I /
12 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 13
splashing them with water instead of attending school, the Lord suddenly all the slokas without an error. He quoted the sixty-fourth sloka and
appeared before His father as though just coming from school with all His pointed out certain rhetorical and literary irregularities. He particularly
school clothes and books. At the bathing ghat He also used to play jokes questioned the pa[ll)it's use of the words bhaviini-bhartuft. He pointed out
on the neighboring girls who engaged in worshiping Siva in hopes of getting that the use of these two words was redundant. Bhaviinimeans the wife of
good husbands. This is a common practice amongst unmarried girls in Siva, and who else can be her bhartii, or husband. He also pointed out
Hindu families. While they were engaged in such worship, the Lord several other discrepancies, and the Kashmir pa[ll}.it was struck with won
naughtily appeared before them and said, "My dear sisters, please give Me der. He was astonished that a mere student of grammar could point out
all the offerings you have just brought for Lord Siva. Lord Siva is My the literary mistakes of an erudite scholar. Although this matter was ended
devotee, and Parvati is My maidservant. If you worship Me, then Lord prior to any public meeting, the news spread like wildfire all over Nava
Siva and all the other demigods will be more satisfied." Some of them dvipa. But finally Kesava Kiismiri was ordered in a dream by Sarasvati, the
refused to obey the naughty Lord, and He would curse them that due to goddess of learning, to submit to the Lord, and thus the Kashmir pa[ll)it
their refusal they would be married to old men who had seven. children by became a follower of the Lord.
their previous wives. Out of fear and sometimes out of love the girls would The Lord was then married with great pomp and gaiety, and at this time
also offer Him various goods, and then the Lord would bless them and as He began to preach the congregational chanting of the holy name of the
sure them that they would have very good young husbands and that they Lord at Navadvipa. Some of the briihmaf!-US became envious of His populari
would be mothers of dozens of children. The blessings would enliven the ty, and they put many hindrances on His path. They were so jealous that
girls, but they used often to complain of these incidences to their mothers. they finally took the matter before the Muslim magistrate at N avadvipa.
In this way the Lord passed His early childhood. When He was just Bengal was then governed by Pathans, and the governor of the province
sixteen years old He started His own catu§piithi (village school conducted was Nawab Hussain Shah. The Muslim magistrate of Navadvipa took up
by a learned briihmarw) . In this school He would simply explain Kr��a, the complaints of the briihmaf!-as seriously, and at first he warned the
even in readings of grammar. Snl.a Jiva Gosvami, in order to please the followers of Nimiii P��t not to chant loudly the name of Hari. But Lord
Lord, later composed a grammar in Sanskrit, in which all the rules of Caitanya asked His followers to disobey the orders of the Kazi, and they
grammar were explained with examples that used the holy names of the went on with their sankirtana (chanting) party as usual. The magistrate
Lord. This grammar is still current. It is known as Hari-niimiimrta-vyiikararta then sent constables who interrupted a sankirtana and broke some of the
and is prescribed in the syllabus of schools in Bengal. mrdangas (drums). When Nimiii Pa��t heard of this incidence He organized
During this time a great Kashmir scholar named Kesava Kasmiri a party for civil disobedience. He is the pioneer of the civil disobedience
came to Navadvipa to hold discussions on the siistras. The Kashmir paf!- movement in India for the right cause. He organized a procession of
l)it was a champion scholar, and he had travelled to all places of learning in 100,000 men with thousands of mrdaiigas and karatiilas (hand cymbals),
India. Finally he came to Navadvipa to contest the learned partt;lits there. and this procession passed over the roads of Navadvipa in defiance of the
The pa[lt;lits of Navadvipa decided to match Nimiii Pa��t (Lord Caitanya) Kazi who issued the order. Finally the procession reached the house of the
with the Kashmir Pa�9it, thinking that if Nimiii Pa�9it were defeated, Kazi, who went upstairs out of fear of the masses. The great crowds
they would have another chance to debate with the scholar, for Nimai assembled at the Kazi 's house displayed a violent temper, but the Lord
Pa�9it was only a boy. And if the Kashmir Pa�9it were defeated, then asked them to be peaceful. At this time the Kazi came down and tried to
they would even be more glorified because people would proclaim that a pacify the Lord by addressing Him as his nephew. He pointed out that
mere boy of Navadvipa defeated a champion scholar who was famous Niliimbara Cakravarti referred to him as an uncle, and consequently,
throughout India. It so happened that Nimiii Pa�9it met Kesava Kasmiri Srimati Sacidevi, the mother of Nimiii Pa��t, was his sister. He asked the
while strolling on the banks of the Ganges. The Lord requested him to Lord whether his sister's son could be angry at His maternal uncle, and the
compose a Sanskrit verse in praise of the Ganges, and the pa[ll}.it within a Lord replied that since the Kazi was His maternal uncle he should receive
short time composed a hundred slokas, reciting the verses like a storm and his nephew well at his home. In this way the issue was mitigated, and the
showing the strength of his vast learning. Nimiii Pa��t at once memorized two learned . scholars began a long discussion on the Koran and Hindu
14 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 15
siistras. The Lord raised the question of cow killing, and the Kazi properly o f the briihmara community were the most ardent supporters of Lord
answered Him by referring to the Koran. In turn the Kazi also questi oned Caitanya 's movement. Sri Advaita Prabhu was the chief cause for the
the Lord about cow sacrifice in the Vedas, and the Lord replied that such advent of the Lord. When Advaita Prabhu saw that the total human
sacrifice as mentioned in the Vedas is not actually cow killing. In that society was full of materialistic activities and devoid of devotional service,
sacrifice an old bull or cow was sacrificed for the sake of receiving a fresh which alone could save mankind from the threefold miseries of material
younger life by the power of Vedic mantras. But in the Kali-yuga such existence, he, out of his causeless compassion for the age-worn human
cow sacrifices are forbidden because there are no qualified briih maras society, prayed fervently for the incarnation of the Lord and continually
capable of conducting such a sacrifice. In fact , in Kali-yuga all yajiias worshiped the Lord with the water of the Ganges and the leaves of the holy
(sacrifices) are forbidden because t hey are useless attempts by foolish men. tulasi tree. As far as preaching work in the sankirtana movement was
In Kali-yuga only the sankirtana yajiia is recommended fo r all practical concerned, everyone was expected to do his daily share according to the
purposes. Speaking in this way, the Lord finally convinced the Kazi, who order of the Lord.
became the Lord's follower. The Kazi thenceforth declared that no one Once Nityananda Prabhu and Snl.a Haridasa Thakur were walking down
should hinder the sankirtana movement which was started by the Lord, a main road, and on the way they saw a roaring crowd assembled. Upon
and the Kazi left this order in his will for the sake of progeny. The Kazi's inquiring from passers -by, they understood that two brothers, named Jagai
tomb still exists in the area of Navadvipa, and Hindu pilgrims go there to and Madhai, were creating a public disturbance in a drunken state. They
show their respects. The Kazi's descendants are residents, and they never also heard that these two brothers were born in a respectable brahmara
objected to smikirtana, even during the Hindu Muslim riot days. family, but because of low association they had turned into debauchees of
This incidence shows clearly that the Lord was not a so-called timid the worst type. They were not only drunkards but also meat -eaters,
Vaif?p.ava. A V aif?p.ava is a fearless devotee of the Lord, and for the right woman-hunters, decoits and sinners of all description. Srila Nityananda
cause he can take any step suitable for the purpose. Arjuna was also a Prabhu heard all of these stories and decided that these two fallen souls ·
Vaif?p.ava devotee of L ord Krf?p.a, and he fought valiantly for the satisfaction must be the first to be delivered. If they were delivered from their sinful
of the L ord. Similarly, Vajrangaji, or Hanuman, was also a devotee of Lord life, then the good name of Lord Caitanya would be even still more
Rama, and he gave lessons to the nondevotee party of Ravap.a. The princi glorified. Thinking in this way, Nityananda Prabhu and Haridasa pushed
ples ·of Vaif?p.avism are to satisfy the Lord by all means. A Vai�p.ava is by their way through the crowd and asked the two brothers to chant the
nature a nonviolent, peaceful living being, and he has all the good qualities holy name of Lord Hari. The drunken brothers became enraged upon
of God, but when the nondevotee blasphemes the Lord or His devotee, the this request and attacked Nityananda Prabhu with filthy language. Both
Vai�p.ava never tolerates such impudency. brothers chased them a considerable distance. In the evening the report of
After this incidence the Lord began to preach and propagate His the preaching work was submitted to the Lord, and He was glad to learn
Bhagavata-dharma, or sankirtana movement, more vigorously, and whoever that Nityananda and Haridasa had attempted to deliver such a stupid pair
stood against this propagation of the yuga-dharma, or duty of the age, was of fellows.
properly punished by various types of chastisement. Two briih mara gentle The next day Nityananda Prabhu went to see the brothers, and as soon
men named Chapala and Gopala, who also happened to be maternal uncles as H e approached them one of them threw a piece of earthen pot at Him.
of the Lord, were inflicted ·with leprosy by way of chastisement, and later, This struck Him on the forehead, and immediately blood began to flow.
when they were repentant , they were accepted by the Lord. In the course But Nityananda Prabhu was so kind that instead of protesting this heinous
of His preaching work, He used to send daily all His followers, including act, He said, "It does not matter that you have thrown this stone at Me. I
Srila Nityananda Prabhu and Thakur Haridasa, two chief whips of His still request you to chant the holy name of Lord Hari."
p arty, from door to door t o preach the Srimad-Bhiigavatam. All of One of the brothers, Jagai , was astonished to see this behavior of
Navadvipa was surcharged with His sankirtana . movement, and His head Nityananda Prabhu, and he at once fell down at His feet and asked Him to
quarters were situated at the house of Srivasa Thakur and Sri Advaita pardon his sinful brother. When Madhai again attempted to hurt Nityananda
Prabhu , two of His chief householder disciples. These two learned heads Prabhu, Jagai stopped him and implored him to fall down at His feet.
16 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 17
In the meantime the news of Nityananda 's injury reached the Lord, for a seed of a mango , although this fruit was out of season. When the seed
who at once hurried to the spot in a fiery and angry mood. The Lord was brought to Him He sowed it in the yard of Srinivasa, and at once a
immediately invoked His Su darsana-cakra (the Lord 's ultimate weapon, creeper began to grow out of the seed. Within no time this creeper became
shaped like a wheel) to kill the sinners, but Nityananda Prabhu reminded a full-grown mango tree heavy with more ripened fruits than the devotees
Him of His mission. The mission of the Lord was to deliver the hopelessly could eat. The tree remained in Srinivasa's yard, and from then on the
fallen souls of Kali -yuga, and the brothers J agai and Madhai were typical devotees used to take as many mangos from the tree as they wanted.
examples of these fallen souls. Ninety percent of the population of this The Lord had a very high estimation of the affections of the damsels of
age resembles these brothers, despite high birth and mundane respecta Vraj abhiimi (Vrndavana) for Kr�tl a', and in appreciation of their unalloyed
bility. According to the verdict of the revealed scriptures , the total service to the Lord, once Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted the holy names
population of the world in this age will be of the lowest siidra quality, or of the gopis (cowherd girls) instead of the names of the Lord. At this time
even lower. It should be noted that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu never some of His students, who were also disciples, came to see Him, and when
acknowledged the stereotyped caste system by birthright ; rather, He they saw that the Lord was chanting the names of the gopis, they were
strictly followed the verdict of the siistras in the matter of one's svariipa, ast onished. Out of sheer foolishness they asked the Lord why He was
or real identity. chanting the names of the gopis and advised Him to chant the name of
When the Lord was invoking His Sudarsana-cakra and Snla Nityananda Kr�tl a. The Lord, who was in ecstasy, was thus disturbed by these foolish
Prabhu was imploring Him to forgive the two brothers, both the brothers students . He chastised them and chased them away. The students were
fell down at the lotus feet of the Lord and begged His pardon for their almost the same age as the Lord, and thus they wrongly thought of the
gross behavior. The Lord was also asked by Nityananda Prabhu to accept Lord as one of their peers. They held a meeting and resolved that they
these repenting souls, and the Lord agreed to accept them on one would attack the Lord if He dared to punish them again in such a manner.
condition, that they henceforward completely give up all their sinful This incidence provoked some malicious talks about the Lord on the part
activities and habits of debauchery. Both the brothers agreed and promised of the general public.
to give up all their sinful habits, and the kind Lord accepted them and did When the Lord became aware of this , He began to consider the various
not again refer to their past misdeeds. types of men which are found in society. He noted that especially the
This is the specific kindness of Lord Caitanya. In this age no one can students , professors, fruitive workers , yogis, nondevotees, and different
say that he is free from sin. It is impossible for anyone to say this. But types of athei.<>ts were all opposed to the devotional service of the Lord.
Lord Caitanya accepts all kinds of sinful persons on the one condition "My mission is to deliver all the fallen souls of this age," He thought, "but
that they promise not to indulge in sinful habits after being spiritually if they commit offenses against Me, thinking Me to be an ordinary man,
initiated by the bona fide spiritual master. they will not benefit. If they are to begin their life of spiritual realization,
There are a number of instructive points to be observed in this inci they must some way or another offer obeisances unto Me." Thus the Lord
dence of the two brothers. In this Kali-yuga practically all people are of deci ded to accept the renounced order of life (sannyiisa) because people in
the quality of Jagai and Madhai. If they want to be relieved from the general were inclined to offer respects to a sannyiisi.
reactions of their misdeeds , they must take shelter of Lord Caitanya Five hundred years ago the condition of society was not as degraded as
Mahaprabhu and after spiritual initiation thus refrain from those things it is today. At that time people would show respects t o a sannyiis� and the
which are prohibited in the siistras. The prohibitory rules are dealt with in sannyiisi was rigid in following the rules and regulations of the renounced
the L ord's teachings to Srila Rfipa Gosvami. order of life. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was not very much in favor of the
During His householder life, the Lord did not display many of the renounced order of life in this age of Kali, but that was only for the reason
miracles which are generally expected from such personalities, but He did t�at very few sannyiisis in this age are able to observe the rules and regula
once perform a wonderful miracle in the house of Srinivasa 'fhakur while hans of sannyiisa life. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to accept the
sankirtana was in full swing. He asked the devotees what they wanted to order and become an ideal sannyiisi so that the general populace would
eat, and when He was informed that they wanted to eat mangos, He asked show Him respect. One is duty-bound to show respect to a sannyasT, for a
18 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 19
sannyiisi is considered to be the master of all and asramas. Lord Caitanya met His wife also after taking sannyiisa and offered her His
While He was contemplating accepting the sannyiisa order, It . so hap
wooden slipper for worship, but the authentic sources give no information
pened that Ke8ava Bharati, a sannyasi of the Maya�a � school �n d r�ident about such a meeting. His mother met Him at the house of Advaita
of Katwa (in B engal) , visited Navadvipa and was mv1ted to dme With the Prabhu, and when she saw her son in sannyiisa, she lamented. By way of
Lord. When Kesava Bharati came to His house, the Lord asked him to compromise, she requested her son to make His headquarters in Puri so
award Him the sannyiisa order of life. This was a matter of formality. A that she would easily be able to get information about Him. The Lord
sannyasa order is to be accepted from another sannyasi. Although the granted this last desire of His beloved mother. After this incidence the
Lord was independent in all respects, still, to keep up the formalities of Lord started for Pun, leaving all the residents of Navadvipa in an ocean of
the siistras, He accepted the sannyiisa order from Kesava Bharati, although lamentation over His separation.
Ke8ava Bharati was not in the V a�J?.ava sampradiiya (school). The Lord visited many important places on the way to Pun. He visited
After consulting with Ke8ava Bhiirati, the Lord left Navadvipa for the temple. of G opinathajl, who had stolen condensed milk for His devotee
Katwa to formally accept the sannyiisa order of life. He was accom Srila Madhavendra Pun. Since then D eity Gopinathaji is well known as
panied by Sn1a Nityananda Prabhu, Candrasekhara A.carya, and Mukunda K�ira-cora Gopinatha. The Lord relished this story with great pleasure.
Datta. These three assisted Him in the details of the ceremony. The inci The propensity of stealing is there even in the absolute consciousness, hut
dence of the Lord's accepting the sannyiisa order is very elaborately de because this propensity is exhibited by the Absolute, it loses its perverted
scribed in the Caitanya.-bhiigavata by Sn1a Vrndavana-dasa Thakur. nature and thus becomes worshipable even by Lord Caitanya on the basis
Thus at the end of His twenty-fourth year the Lord accepted the sannyasa of the absolute consideration that the Lord and His stealing propensity are
order of life in the month of Magha. After accepting this order He became a one and i dentical. This interesting story of Gopinat haji is vividly explained
full-fledged preacher of the Bhiigavata-dharma. Although He was doing the in the Caitanya-earitamrta by Kr�J?.adasa Kaviraja Gosvami.
same preaching work in His householder life, when He experienced some After visiting the temple of K�ira-cora G opinatha of Rem una at Balasore
obstacles to His preaching, He sacrificed even the comfort of His home life in Orissa, the Lord proceeded towards Pun and on the way visited the
for the sake of the fallen souls. In His householder life His chief assistants temple of Sak�i Gopala, who appeared as a witness in the matter of two
were Sn1a Advaita Prabhu and Sn1a Srivasa Thakur, but after He accepted brahmarta devotees' family quarrel. The Lord heard the story of S�i .
the sannyasa order His chief assistants became Sn1a Nityananda Prabhu, Gopala with great pleasure because He wanted to impress upon the atheists
who was deputed to preach specifically in Bengal, and the six Gosvamis that the worshipable Deities in the temples approved by the great iieiiryas
(Riipa G osvami, Sanatana Gosvami, }iva Gosvami, Gopala Bhatta Gosvaml, are not idols, as alleged by men with a poor fund of knowledge. The Deity
Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami, and Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami), headed by in the temple is the area incarnation of the Personality of G odhead, and
Sn1a Riipa and Sanatana, who were deputed to go to_ Vrndavana to thus the Deity is identical with the Lord in all respects . He responds to the
excavate the present places of pilgrimage. The present city of V rndavana proportion of the devotee's affection for Him. In the story of Sak�i
and the importance of Vrajabhiimi were thus disclosed by the will of Lord Gopala, in which there was a family misunderstanding by two devotees of
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. the Lord, the Lord, in order to mitigate the turmoil as well as to show
The Lord, after accepting the sannyiisa order, at once wanted to start specific favor to His servitors, travelled from Vrndavana to Vidyanagar, a ·
for Vrndavana. For three continual days He travelled in the Radha Desha village in Orissa, in the form of His area incarnation. From there the Deity
(places where the Ganges does not flow). He was in full ecstasy over the was brought to Cuttack, and thus the temple of Sak�i Gopala is even today
idea of going to Vrndavana. However, Srila Nityananda Prabhu diverted visited by thousands of pilgrims on the way to J agannatha Pun. The Lord
His path and brought Him instead to the house of Advaita Prabhu in stayed overnight there and began to proceed toward Puri. On the way, His
Santipura. The Lord stayed at Sri Advaita Prabhu 's house for a few days, sannyiisa rod was broken by Nityananda Prabhu. The Lord became ap
and knowing well that the Lord was leaving His hearth and home for parently angry with him about this and went alone to Puri, leaving His
good, Sri Advaita Prabhu sent his men to Navadvipa to bring mother Saci companions behind.
to have a last meeting with her son. Some unscrupulous people say that At Pun, when He entered the temple of J agannatha, He became at once
20 Snmad-Bhagavatam
Introduction 21
saturated with transcendental ecstasy and fell down on the floor of the In the meantime the companions of the Lord, who reached the temple
temple unconscious. The custodians of the temple could not understan�
a little after Him, heard of the Lord's transcendental feats and of His being
the transcendental feats of the Lord, but there was a great learned parp;ltt
carried away by the Bhattaciirya. The pilgrims at the temple were still
named Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, who was present, and he could under
_ gossiping about the incident . But by chance, one of thes.e pilgrims had. m �t
stand that the Lord's losing His consciousness upon entering the J agannatha
Gopinatha Aciirya, who was known to Gadadhara Pal)�t, and from him �t
temple was not an ordinary thing. Sarvabhauma Bhattaciiry� , who wa� t �e
. _ was learned that the Lord was lying in an unconscious state at the resi
chief appointed pandit in the court of the Kmg of Onssa, MaharaF
dence of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, who happened t o be the brother-in-law
Prataparudra, was attracted by the youthful luster of Lord Sr'i Caitanya
of Gopinatha Aciirya. All the members of the party were introduced by
Mahaprabhu and could understand that such a transcendental trance was
Gadadhara Pal)�t to Gopinatha Aciirya, who took them all to the house
only rarely exhibited and only then by the topmost devotees who �re
of Bhattiiciirya where the Lord was lying unconscious in a spiritual trance.
already on the transcendental plane in complete forgetfulness of matenal .
All the �embers then chanted loudly the holy name of the Lord Hari as
existence. Only a liberated soul could show such a transcendental feat, and
usual, and the Lord regained His consciousness. After this, Bhattacarya
the Bhattacarya, who was vastly learned, could understa� � this jn the light
received all the members of the party, including Lord Nityananda Prabhu,
of the transcendental literature with which he was fannliar. He therefore
and asked them to become his guests of honor. The party, including the
asked the custodians of the temple not to disturb the unknown sannyiisi. Lord, went for a bath in the sea, and the Bhattacarya arranged for their
He asked them to take the Lord to his home so He could be further residence and meals at the house of KaSi Misra. Gopinatha Aciirya, his
observed in His unconscious state. The Lord was at once carried t o the brother-in-law, also assisted. There were some friendly talks about the
home of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, who at that time had sufficient power Lord's divinity between the two brothers-in-law, and in this argument
of authority due to his being the sabhii par-!fit or the stat� �ean of faculty Gopinatha .Acarya , who knew the Lord before, now tried � o establish �he
in Sanskrit literatures. The learned par-!fit wanted to scrutimzmgly test the Lord as the Personality of Godhead, and the Bhattacarya tried to establish
transcendental feats of Lord Caitanya because often unscrupulous devotees Him as one of the great devotees. Both of them argued from the angle of
imitate physical feats in order to flaunt transcendental achievements just vision of authentic siistras and not on the strength of sentimental vox
to attract innocent people and take advantage of them. A learn�d scholar populi. The incarnations of God are determined by authentic siistras and
like the Bhattacarya can detect such imposters, and when he finds them not by popular votes of foolish fanatics. Lord Caitanya was an incarnation
out he at once rejects them. of God in fact, but foolish fanatics have proclaimed so many so-called
In the case of Lord Caitanya Mahiiprabhu, the Bhattacarya tested all t.he incarnations of God in this age without referring to authentic scriptures.
symptoms in the light of the §iistras� He tested as a scientist, not as a f?olish But Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya or Gopinatha Aciirya did not indulge in
sentimentalist. He observed the movement of the stomach, the beating of such foolish sentimentalism; on the contrary, both of them tried to estab
the heart and the breathing of the nostrils. He also felt the pulse of . the lish or rej ect His divinity on the strength of authentic siistras.
Lord and saw that all His bodily activities were in complete suspensiOn. Later it was disclosed that Bhattacarya also came from the Navadvipa
When he put a small cotton swab before the nostrils, he f�und that there area, and it was understood from him that NTiambara Cakravarti, the
was a slight breathing as the fine fibers of cotton moved �hghtly. Thus he maternal grandfather of Lord Caitanya, happened to be a class fellow of
came to know that the Lord's unconscious trance was genume, and he began the father of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. In that sense, the young sannyiisi
to treat Him in the prescribed fashion. But Lord Caitanya Mahiiprabhu co�d Lord Caitanya evoked paternal affection from Bhattacarya. Bhattaciirya
only be treated in a special way. He would only respond �o the resounding was the professor of many sannyiisis in the order of the Sarikaracarya
of the holy names of the Lord by His devotees. This special tr�atment was sampradiiya, and he himself also belonged to that cult. As such, the
unknown to Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya because the Lord was still unknown Bhattaciirya desired that the young sannyiisi Lord Caitanya also hear from
to him. When he saw Him for the first time in the temple, he simply took him about the teachings of Vedanta.
Him to be one of many pilgrims. Those who are followers of the Sarikara cult are generally known as
22 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 23
Vedantists. This does no t, however, mean that Vedanta is a monopoly The Lord continued: "Snl.a Vyasadeva has summarized the direct
study of the Sankara sampradiiya. Vedanta is studied by all the bona fide meanings of the mantras in the Upani!jads in the Vediinta-sutra. Unfor
sampradayas, but they have their own interpretations. But those in the tunately you do not take their direct meaning. Indirectly you interpret
Sailkara sampradiiya are generally known to be ignorant of the knowledge them in a different way.
of the Vedantist Vaigtavas. For this reason the Bhaktivedanta title was "The authority of the Vedas is unchallengeable and stands without any
first offered to the author by the Vai�ttavas. question of doubt. And whatever is stated in the Vedas must be accepted
The Lord agreed to take lessons from BhaWicarya on the Vedanta, and completely, otherwise one challenges the authority of the Vedas.
they sat together in the temple of Lord J agannatha. The Bhattacarya went "The conchshell and cowdung are bone and stool of two living beings.
on speaking continually for seven days, and the Lord heard him with all But because they have been recommended by the Vedas as pure, people
attention and did not interrupt. The Lord's silence raised some doubts in accept them as such because of the authority of the Vedas. "
Bhattacarya 's heart, and he asked the Lord how it was that He did not ask The idea is that one cannot set his imperfect reason above the authority
anything or comment on his explanations of Vedanta. of the Ve das. The orders of the Vedas must be obeyed as they stand
The Lord posed Himself before the Bhattacarya as a foolish student and without any mundane reasoning. The so-called followers of the Vedic
pretended that He heard the Vedanta from him because the Bhattacarya injunction make their own interpretations of the Vedic injunctions, and
felt that this was the duty of a sannyasi. But the Lord did not agree with thus they establish different parties and sects of the Vedic religion. Lord
his lectures . By this the Lord indicated that the so-called V edantists Buddha directly denied the authority of the Vedas, and he established his
amongst the Sarikara sampradiiya, or any other sampradaya, who do not own religion. Only for this reason the Buddhist religion was not accepted
follow the instructions of Srila Vyasadeva are mechanical students of the by the strict followers of the Vedas. But those who are so-called followers
Vedanta. They are not fully aware of that great knowledge. The explana of the Vedas are more harmful than the Buddhists. The Buddhists have the
tion of the Vedanta-sutra is given by the author himself in the text of courage to deny the Ve das directly, but the so-called followers of the
Srimad-Bhiigavatam. One who has no knowledge of the Bhiigavatam will Vedas have no courage to deny the Vedas, although indirectly they disobey
hardly be able to know what the Vedanta says. all the injunctions of the Vedas. Lord Caitanya condemned this.
The BhaWicarya, being a vastly learned man, could follow the Lord's sar The example of the conchshell and that of the cowdung given by the
castic remarks on the popular V edantist. He therefore asked Him why He Lord are very much appropriate in this connection. If one argues that since
did not ask about any point which He could not follow. The Bhattacarya cowdung is pure, the stool of a learned brahmar-a is still more pure, his
could understand the purpose of His dead silence for the days He heard argument will not be accepted. Cowdung is accepted, and the stool of a
him. This shows clearly that the Lord had something else in mind; thus the highly posted brahmar-a is rejected. The Lord continued:
Bhanacarya requested Him to disclose His mind. "The Vedic injunctions are self-authorized, and if some mundane
Upon this, the Lord spoke as follows: " My dear sir, I can understand creature adjusts the interpretations of the Vedas, he defies their authority.
the meaning of the sutras like 'janmiidy asya yata[l,,' 'sastra-yonitvat, ' and It is foolish to think of oneself as more intelligent than Srila Vyasadeva. He
'athiito brahma-jijfiiisa' of the Vedanta-sutra, but when you explain them has already expressed himself in his sutras, and there is no need of help
in your own way it becomes difficult for Me to follow them. The purpose from _personalities of lesser importance. His work, the Vediinta-siitra, is as ·
of the sutras is already explained in them, but your expla ations are dazzling as the midday sun, and when someone tries to give his own
covering them with something else. You do not purposely take the direct interpretations on the self-effulgent sunlike Vedanta-sutra, he attempts to
meaning of the siitras but indirectly give your own interpretations." cover this sun with the cloud of his imagination.
The Lord thus attacked all Vedantists who interpret the Vedanta-sutra "The purpose of the Vedas and Purar-as are one and the same. They
fashionably, according to their limited. power of thinking, to serve their ascertain the Absolute Truth, which is. greater than everything else. The
own purpose. Such indirect interpretations of the authentic literatures like ··,
Absolute Truth is ultimately · realized as the Absolute Personality of
the Vedanta are hereby condemned by the Lord. Godhead with absolute controlling power. As such, the Absolute Person-
24 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 25
ality of Godhead must be completely full of opulence, strength, fame, offered to Him in devotion. The latter statements definitely suggest the
beauty, knowledge and renunciation. Yet the transcendental Personality personal features of the Lord, although His hands and legs are distinguished
of Go dhead is astonishingly ascertained as impersonal. from mundane hands and legs or other senses.
"The impersonal description of the Absolute Truth in the Vedas is given " Brahman is, therefore, never impersonal, but when such mantras are
to nullify the mundane conception of the absolute whole . Personal features ..,. indirectly interprete d, it is wrongly thought that the Absolute Truth is
of the Lord are completely different from all kinds of .mundane features. impersonal. The Absolute Truth Personality of Godhead is full of all
The living entities are all individual persons, and they are all parts and opulences, and therefore He has a transcendental form of full existence,
parcels of the supreme whole. If the parts and parcels are individual knowledge and bliss. How then can one establish that the Absolute Truth
persons, the source of their emanation must not be i mpersonal. He is the is impersonal?
Supreme Person amongst all the relative persons. "Brahman, being full of opulences, is understood to have manifold
"The Vedas inform us that from Him [ Brahman ] everything emanates, energies, and all these energies are classified under three headings under
and on Him everything rests. And after annihilation, everything merges in the authority of V4r-u Puriir-a (6 .7.60) , which says that the transcendental
Him only. Therefore, He is the ultimate dative, causative and accommo· energies of Lord Vi��u are primarily three. His spiritual energy, as well as
dating cause of all causes. And all these causes cannot be attributed to an the energy of the living entities, are classified as superior energy, whereas
impersonal object . the material energy is an inferior one which is sprouted out of ignorance.
"The Vedas inform us that He alone became many, and when He so "The energy of the living entities is technically called k§etrajiia energy.
desires He glances over material nature . Before He glanced over material This k§etrajiia-sakti, although equal in quality with the Lord, becomes
nature there was no material cosmic creation. Therefore, His glance is not overpowered by material energy out of ignorance and thus suffers all sorts
material. Material mind or senses were unborn when the Lord glanced over of material miseries. In other words , the living entities are located in the
material nature. Thus evidence in the Vedas proves that beyond a doubt marginal energy between the superior spiritual and inferior material
the Lord has transcendental eyes and a transcendental mind. They are not energy, and in proportion to the living being's contact with either the
materiaL His impersonality therefore is a negation of His materiality, but material or spiritual energies , the living entity is situated in proportionately
not a denial of His transcendental personality. higher and lower levels of existence.
"Brahman ultimately refers to the Personality of G odhead. I mpersonal "The Lord is beyond the inferior and marginal energies as above men
Brahman realization is just the negative conception of the mundane crea tioned, and His spiritual energy is manifested in three different phases: as
tions. Paramatma is the localized aspect of Brahman within · all kinds of eternal existence, eternal bliss and eternal knowledge. As far as eternal
material bodies. Ultimately the Supreme Brahman realization is the reali existence is concerned, it is conducted by the sandhini potency ; similarly,
zation of the Personality of Godhead according to all evidence of the bliss and knowledge are conducted by the hliidhini and samvit potencies
revealed scriptures. He is the ultimate source of Vi�l).u tattvas. respectively. As the supreme energetic Lord, He is the supreme controller
"The Puriinas are also s�pplementary to the Vedas. The Vedic mantras of the spiritual, marginal and material energies. And all these different
are too difficult for an ordinary man. Women, siidras and the so-called types of energies are connected with the Lord in eternal devotional service.
twice-born higher castes are unable to penetrate into the sense of the "The Supreme Personality of Godhead is thus enjoying in His transcen
Vedas. And thus the Itihiisa or the Mahiibhiirata as well as the Puriir-as are dental eternal form. Is it not astounding that one dares to call the Supreme
made easy to explain the truths of the Vedas. In his prayers before the boy Lord nonenergetic? The Lord is the controller of all energies, and the
Sri Krsna,
- Brahma said that there is no limit to the fortune of the residents living entities are parts and parcels of one of the energies. Therefore there
of v;�j abhiimi headed by Sri Nanda Maharaja and Yasodamayi because is a gulf of difference between the Lord and the living entities. How then
the eternal Absolute Truth has become their intimate relative. can one say that the Lord and the living entities are one and the same? In
"The Vedic mantra maintains that the Absolute Truth has no legs and the Bhagavad-gitii als o the living entities are described as belonging to the
no hands and yet goes faster than all and accepts everything that is superior energy of the Lord. According to the principles of intimate
26 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 27
correlation between the energy and the energetic, both of them are non of the Vedas. Sripada Sankaracarya has given more stress on the side word
different also. Therefore, the Lord and the living entities are nondifferent tattvamasi than on the primeval principle omkiira. "
as the energy and the energeti c. The Lord thus spoke on the Vediinta-sutra and defied all the propaganda
"Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and ego are all inferior of the Mayavada school:* The Bhattacarya tried to defend himself and his
energies of the Lord, but the living entities are different from all as superior Mayavada school by jugglery of logic and grammar, but the Lord was able
energy. This is the version of Bhagavad-gitii. to defeat him by His forceful arguments. He affirmed that we are all
"The transcendental form of the Lord is eternally existent and full of related with the Personality of Godhead eternally and that devotional
transcendental bliss. How then can such a form be a product of the ma service is our eternal function to exchange the dealings of our relations.
terial mode of goodness? Anyone, therefore, who does not believe in the And the result of such exchanges is to attain premii or love of Go dhead.
form of the Lord is certainly a faithless demon a nd as such is untouchable, When love of Godhead is attained, love for all other beings automatically
a not to be seen persona non grata fit to be punished by the Plutonic king. follows because the Lord is the sum total of all living beings.
"The Buddhists are called atheists because they have no respect for the The Lord said that but for these three items-namely, eternal relation
Vedas, but those who defy the Vedic conclusions, as above mentioned, with God, exchange of dealings with Him and the attainment of love for
under the pretense of being followers of the Vedas, are verily more Him-all that is instructed in the Vedas is superfluous and concocted.
dangerous than the Buddhists. The Lord further added that the Mayavada philosophy taught by
"Sri Vyasadeva very kindly compiled the Vedic knowledge in his Sripada Sarikaracarya is an imaginary explanation of the Vedas, but it had
Vediinta-sutra, but if one hears the commentation of the Mayavadi school to be taught by him (Sarikaracarya) because he was ordered to teach it by
(as represented by the Sarikara sampradiiya) certainly he will be misled on the Personality of Godhead. In the Padma Puriir-a it is stated that the
the path of spiritual realization. Personality of Godhead ordered His Lordship Siva to deviate the human
"The theory of emanations is the beginning subj ect of the Vediinta race from Him (the Personality of Godhead.) The Personality of Godhead
sutra. All the cosmic manifestations are emanations from the Absolute was to be so covered so that people would be encouraged to generate more
Personality of Godhead by His inconceivable different energies. The and more population. His Lordship Siva said to Devi : "In the Kali-yuga,
example of the touchstone is applicable to the theory of emanation. The I shall preach the Mayavada philosophy, which is nothing but clouded
touchstone can convert an unlimited quantity of iron into gold, and still Buddhism, in the garb of a briihmar.a. "
the tou chstone remains as it is. Similarly, the Supreme Lord can produce After hearing all these speeches of the Lord Sri Caitanya Mahapr abhu, the
all manifested worlds by His inconceivable energies, and yet He is full Bhattacarya was struck with wonder and awe and regarded Him in dead
and unchanged. He is purrw [ complete ] , and although an unlimited silence. The Lord then encouraged him with assurance that there was no
number of piirrtas emanate from Him, He is still purrta. cause to wonder. "I say that devotional service unto the Personality of
"The theory of illusion of the Mayavada school is advocated on the Godhead is the highest goal of human life. " He then quoted a sloka from
ground that the theory of emanation will cause a transformation of the the Bhiigavatam and assured him that even the liberated souls who are
Absolute Truth. If that is the case, Vyasadeva is wrong. To avoid this, they absorbed in the spirit and spiritual realization also take to the devotional
have skillfully brought in the theory of illusion. But the world or the service of the Lord Hari because the Personality of Godhead has such
cosmic creation is not false, as maintained by the Mayavada school. It transcendental qualities that He attracts the heart of the liberated soul too.
simply has no permanent existence. A nonpermanent thing cannot be Then the Bhattacarya desired to listen to the explanation of the
called false altogether. But the conception that the material body is the "iitmiiriima " sloka from the Bhiigavatam ( 1 .7.10). The Lord first of all
self is certainly wrong. asked Bhattacarya to explain it, and after that He would explain it. The
''Prar.ava [om} or the omkiira in the Vedas is the primeval hymn. This Bhattacarya then scholarly explained the sloka with special reference to
transcendental sound is identical with the form of the Lord. All the Vedic
hymns are based on this prar-ava o mkiira. Tattvamasi is but a side word in *In our Teachings of L ord Caitanya we have more elaborately explained all these
the Vedic literatures, and therefore this word cannot be the primeval hymn Srimad-Bhagavatam clarifies them all.
philos�phical intricacies.
Introduction 29
28 Sr'imad-Bha!!avatam
The Lord explained the word mukti to be equivalent to the word Vi��u,
logic. He explained the sloka in nine different ways chiefly based on logic or the Personality' of Godhead. To attain mukti or liberation from the
because he was the most renowned scholar of logic of the time. bondage of material existence is to attain to the service of the Lord.
The Lord, after hearing the Bhattacarya, thanked him for the scholarly The Lord then proceeded towards South India for some time and
presentation of the sloka, and then, at the request of the Bhattacar?'a, the converted everyone He met on the way to become devotees of Lord Sri
Lord explained the sloka in sixty-four different ways without touchmg the Krsna. Such devotees also converted many others to the cult of devotional
nine explanations given by the Bhatt;acarya. s��ce or to the Bhiigavata-dharma of the Lord, and thus He reached the
Thus after hearing the explanation of the iitmiiriima sloka from the bank of the Godavari, where He met Srila Ramananda Raya, the Gover
Lord, the Bhattacarya was convinced that such a scholarly presentation is nor of Madras on behalf of Maharaja Prataparudra, the King of Orissa.
impossible for an earthly creature.* Before this Sri Gopinatha Acarya tried His talks with Ramiinanda Raya are very important for higher realization
to convince him of the divinity of the Lord , but at that time he could not of transcendental knowledge, and the conversation itself forms a small
so accept Him. But the Bhattacarya was astounded by the Lord's exposi booklet . We shall, however, give herewith a summary of the conversation.
tion of the Vediinta-sutra and explanations of the iitmiiriima sloka, and Sri Ramananda Raya was a self-realized soul , although outwardly he
thus he .!:>egan to think that he had committed a great offense at the lotus belonged to a caste lower than the briihmar-a in social status . He was not
feet of the Lord by not recognizing Him to be Km1a Himself. He then in· the renounced order of life, and besides that he was a high government
surrendered unto Him, repenting for his past dealings with Him , and the servant in the State. Still Sri Caitanya Mahiiprabhu accepted him as a
Lord was kind enough to accept the Bhatl;iic�rya. Out of His causeless liberated soul on the strength of the high order of his realization of
mercy, the Lord manifested before him first as four-handed Naraya�a and transcendental knowledge. Similarly, the Lord accepted Srila Haridasa
then again as two-handed Lord Kr��a with a flute in His hand.
of all fallen souls, He advised the deliverance of all living entities as follows. Lord. Perfection o f life i s attained simply by glorifying the Lord in
The Supreme Absolute Personality of Godhead, from whom all living association with a self-realized devotee of the Lord :x· The self-realized
entities have emanated, must be worshiped by all their respective engage devotee is he who surrenders unto the Lord fully and who does not have
ments, because everything that we see is also the expansion of His energy. attachment for material prosperity. Material prosperity and sense enjoy
That is the way of real perfection, and it is approved by all bona fide ment and their advancement are all activities of ignorance in human
iiciiryas past and present. The system of varrziiSrama is more or less based society. Peace and friendship are impossible for a society detached from
on moral and ethical principles. There is very little realization of the the association of God and His devotees. It is imperative, therefore, that
transcendence as such, and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahiiprabhu rejected it as one should sincerely seek the association of pure devotees and hear them
superficial and asked Ramiinanda Raya to go further into the matter. patiently and submissively from any position of life. The position of a
Sri Ramiinanda Raya then suggested renunciation of fruitive actions person in the higher or lower status of life does not hamper one in the
unto the Lord. The Bhagavad-gftii advises in this connection : "Whatever path of self-realization. The only thing one has to do is to hear from a self
you do, whatever you eat and whatever you give, as well as whatever you realized soul with a routine program. The teacher may also deliver lectures
perform in penance, offer to Me alone." This dedication on the part of the from the Vedic literatures, following in the footsteps of the bygone
worker suggests that the Personality of Godhead is a step higher than the iiciiryas who realized the Absolute Truth. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahiiprabhu
impersonal conception of the varrziisrama system, but still the relation of recommended this simple method of self-realization generally known as
the living being and the Lord is not distinct in that way. The Lord �
Bhagavata-dharma . nm�d-Bhiigavatam is the perfect ide fo this purpose.
� �
therefore rejected this proposition and asked Ramiinanda Raya to go _
Above these topics discussed by the Lord and Sri Ramananda Raya,
further . there w e still more elevated spiritu�l talks between the two great
Raya then suggested renunciation of the varrziiSrama-dharma and accep personalities, and we purposely withhold those topics for the present
tance of devotional service. The Lord did not approve of this suggestion because one has to come to the spiritual plane before further talks with
also for the reason that all of a sudden one should not renounce his Ramananda Raya can be heard. We have presented further talks of Srila
position, for that may not bring in the desired result. Ramananda Raya with the Lord in another book (Teachings of Lord
It was further suggested by Raya that attainment of spiritual realization Caitanya).
freed from the material conception of life is the topmost achievement for At the conclusion of this meeting, Sri Ramananda Raya was advised by
a living being. The Lord rejected this suggestion also because on the plea the Lord to retire from service and come to Puri so that they could live
of such spiritual realization much havoc has been wrought by unscrupulous together and relish a transcendental relationship. Some time later, Sri
Riimananda Raya retired from the Government service and took a pension
persons ; therefore all of a sudden this is not possible. The Raya then
from the King. He returned to his residence in Puri, where he was one of
suggested sincere association of self-realized souls and hearing submissively
the most confidential devotees of the Lord. There was another gentleman
the transcendental message of the pastimes of the Personality of Godhead.
at Puri of the name Sikha Maiti, who was also a confidante like Ramananda
This suggestion was welcomed by the Lord . This suggestion was made
Raya . The Lord used to hold confidential talks on spiritual values with
following in the footsteps of Brahmiiji, who said that the Personality of
Godhead is known as ajita or the one who cannot be conquered or three or four companions at Puri, and He passed eighteen years in that way
approached by anyone. But such ajita also becomes jita (conquered) by in spiritual trance. His talks were recorded by His private secretary Sri
one method, which is very simple and easy. The simple method is that one Diimodara Gosviimi, one of the four most intimate devotees.
has to give up the arrogant attitude of declaring oneself to be God Himself. The �ord extensively travelled all over the southern part of India. The
One must be very meek and submissive and try to live peacefully by great samt o� Mahara�tra, known as saint Tukiiram, was also initiated
lending the ear to the speeches of the transcendentally self-realized soul the Lord. Samt Tukaram, after initiation by the Lord, overfloode
d the
who speaks on the message of Bhiigavata-dharma or the religion of glori whole of the Mahiir�tra Province with the sankirtana movement,
and the
fying the Supreme Lord and His devotees. To glorify a great man is a
natural instinct for living beings, but they have not learned to glorify the *The International Society for Krishna Conscio usness is formed for this purpose.
32 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 33
transcendental flow is still rolling on in the southwestern part of the great to do with women and money. He must always refrain from such intimate
Indian peninsula. relations. The King was, however, favored by the Lord by the expert
. .
The Lord excavated from South India two very Important old literatures, arrangement of the devotees. This means that the beloved devotee of the
namely the Brahma-samhitii* and Kmw-karl)iimrta, and the�e two valuable Lord can favor a neophyte more liberally than the Lord. Pure devotees,
books are authorized studies for the person in the devotiOnal lme. _ The therefore, never commit an offense at the feet of another pure devotee.
Lord then returned to Puri after His South Indian tour. An offense at the lotus feet of the Lord is sometimes excused by the
On His return to Puri, all the anxious devotees of the Lord got hac� merciful Lord, but an offense at the feet of a devotee is very dangerous
their life and the Lord remained there with continued pastimes of His for one who actually wants to make progress in devotional service.
transcen dental realizations. The most important incidence during that time As long as the Lord remained at Puri, thousands of His devotees used to
was His granting audience to King Prataparudra. King Prataparudra was coffililo't o see Him during the Ratha-yiitra car festival of Lord J aganniitha .
a great devotee of the Lord, and he considered himself to b � one o� t�e ser And during the car festival, the washing of the Gup.�ica temple under the
vants of the Lord entrusted with sweeping the temple. This submiSsive at direct supervision of the Lord was an important function. The Lord's
titude of the King was very much appreciated by Sri Caitanya M�haprab�u. congregational sankirtana movement at Puri was a unique exhibition for
The King requested both Bhattacarya and Ray a to arrange � s meetmg the mass of people. That is the way to turn the mass mind towards spiritual
. .
with the Lord. When, however, the Lord was petitiOned by His two stal realization. The Lord inaugurated this system of mass sankirtana, and
wart devotees, He flatly refused to grant the request , even though it was leaders of all countries can take advantage of this spiritual mo vement in
put forward by personal associates like Ramananda Riiya and Sarva��auma order to keep the mass of people in a pure state of peace and friendship
Bhatt;iiciirya. The Lord maintained that it is da�gerous for a sa � nyast to be with one another. This is now the demand of the present human society
in intimate touch with worldly money consciOus men and With women. all over the world.
The Lord was an ideal sannyiisi. No woman could approach the Lord even After some time the Lord again started on his tour towards Northern
to offer respects. Women's seats were accommodated far away �rom the India, and He decided to visit Vrndavana and its neighb oring places. He
Lord. AB an ideal teacher and iiciirya, He was very stnct . m
. the routine work
passed through the j ungles of Jharikha��a (Madhya Bhiirat) , and all the
-of a sannyiisi. Apart from being a divine incarnation , the Lord was an ideal wild animals also joined His sankirtana movement. The wild tigers, ele
character as a human being. His behavior with other persons was also above phants, bears and deer all t ogether accompanied the Lord, and the Lord
suspicion. In His dealing as iiciirya, He �as hard�� than t �e thunde�bolt accompanied them in sankirtana. By this He prove d that by the propaga
and softer than the rose. One of His associates, Jumor Handasa, committed tion of the smikirtana movement (congregational chanting and glorifying
a great mistake by lustfully glancing at � young w� man, �n� the Lord as the name of the Lord) even the wild animals can live in peace and friend
Supersoul could detect this just in the mind of Jurnor Handasa. H � was at ship , and what to speak of men who are supposed to be civilized. No man
once banished from His association and was never accepted agam, even in the world will refuse to join the sankirtana movement . Nor is the Lord':,
though He was implored to excuse Haridasa for the mistake. Junior sankirtana movement restricted to any caste, creed, color or species. Here
Haridiisa afterwards committed suicide due to being disassociated from the is direct evidence of His great mission : He allowed even the wild animals to
co�pany of the Lord, and the news of suicide was duly related to the partake in His great movement.
Lord. Even at that time the Lord was not forgetful of the offense, and He On His way back from Vrndavana He first came �o Prayag, where He met
said that Haridiisa had rightly met with the proper punishment. Riipa Gosvami along with his younger brother Anupama. Then He came
On the principles of the renounced order of life and discipline, the L � rd down to Benares. For two months, He instructed Sri Sanatana Gosvami in
knew no compromise, and therefore even though He knew that t�e King the transcendental science. The instruction to Sanatana Gosvami is in itself
was a great devotee, He refused to see the King only b ecause the KI�g was a long narration, and full presentati on of the instruction will not be
a dollar and cent man. By this example the Lord wanted to emphasize the possible here. The main ideas are given as follows.
proper behavior for a transcendentalist. A transcendentalist has nothing Sanatana Gosvami (formerly known as Dabir Khas) was in the cabinet
service of the Bengal Government under the regime of N awah Husain Shah.
*Summa ry of Srimad-Bhiigavatam.
He decided to join with the Lord and thus retired from the service. On His
34 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 35
way back from Vrndavana, when He reached Varii!lasi, the Lord became dental position, it is very difficult for a layman to actually know the
the guest of Sri Tapana Misra and Candrasekhara, assisted by a Mahara�tra Personality of Godhead, Kr�!J.a, His holy name and fame, etc. His name,
brohmaf!a. At that time Vii.rii!lasi was headed by a great sannyiisi of the fame, form and pastimes all are one and the same transcendental identity,
Mayavada school named Sripada Prakasii.nanda Sarasvati. When the Lord and they are not knowable by the exercise of the material senses.
was at Varii!lasi, the people in general became more attracted to Lord "The transcendental relationship of the pastimes of the Lord is the
Caitanya Mahii.prabhu on account of His mass sankirtana movement. source of still more bliss than one can experience by realization of Brahman
Wherever He visited, especially the Visvanatha temple, thousands of pil or by becoming one with the Supreme. Had it not been so, then those who
grims would follow Him. Some were attracted by His bodily features , and are already situated in the transcendental bliss of Brahman would not have
others were attracted by His melodious songs glorifying the Lord. been attracted by the transcendental bliss of the pastimes of the Lord."
The Mayiiviidl sannyiisis designate themselves as Nariiy3!1a. Vii.rii!J.asi is After this, a great meeting was arranged by the devotees of the Lord in
still overflooded with many Mayiiviidl sannyasis. Some people who saw the which all the sannyiisis were invited, including the Lord and Prakasiinanda
Lord in His sankirtana party considered Him to be actually Nariiy3!1a, and Sarasvati. In this meeting both the scholars (the Lord and Prakasananda)
this report reached the camp of the great sannyiisi Prakasananda. had a long discourse on the spiritual values of the sankirtana movement,
In India there is always a kind of spiritual rivalry between the Mayavada and a summary is given below.
and Bhagavata schools, and thus when the news of the Lord reached The great Mayavadl sannyiisi Prakasananda inquired from the Lord as to
Prakasii.nanda he knew that the Lord was a V ai�!lava sannyasi, and there the reason for His preferring the sahkirtana movement to the study of the
fore he minimized the value of the Lord before those who brought him the Vediinta-sutra. He said that it is the duty of a sannyiisi to read the Vedanta
news. He deprecated the activities of the Lord because of His preaching sfitra. What caused Him to indulge in sankirtana?
the sankirtana movement, which was in his opinion nothing but religious After this inquiry, the Lord submissively replied : "I have taken to the
sentiment. Prakasiinanda was a profound student of the Vedanta, and he sankirtana movement instead of the study of Vedanta because I am a great
advised his followers to give attention to the Vedan ta and not to indulge fool." The Lord thus represented Himself as one of the numberless fools
in sankirtana. of this age who are absolutely in�apable of studying the Vedanta philoso
One devotee brahma"{la, who became a devotee of the Lord, did not like phy. The fools ' indulgence in the study of Vediinta has caused so much
the criticism of Prakasiinanda, and he went to the Lord to express hjs havoc in society. The Lord thus continued : "And because I am a great
regrets. He told the Lord that when he uttered the Lord's name before the fool, My spiritual master forbade Me to play with Vedanta philosophy. He
sannyiisi Prakiisiinanda, the latter strongly criticized Him, although he said that it is better that I chant the holy name of the Lord, for that would
heard him uttering several times the name Caitanya. The brahmarw was deliver Me from material bondage.
astonished to see that the sannyiisi Prakasiinanda could not vibrate the "In this age of Kali there is no other religion but the glorification of the
sound Kr�!la even once, although he uttered the name Caitanya several Lord by utterance of His holy name, and that is the injunction of all the
times. revealed scriptures. And My spiritual master has taught Me one sloka
The Lord smilingly explained to the devotee brahmaf!a why the (from the Brhan-Naradiya Puraf!a) which is:
Mayavadl cannot utter the holy name of Kr�!la. "The Mayavadls are of
fenders at the lotus feet of Kr�!J.a, although they utter always Brahman, harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam
Atma, or Caitanya, etc. And because they are offenders at the lotus feet of kalau niisty eva niisty eva niisty eva gatir anyatha.
Krl?!J.a, they are actually unable to utter the holy name of Kr�!la. The name
Krl?!!a and the Personality of Godhead Kr�!la are i dentical. There is no "So on the order of my spiritual master, I chant the holy name of Hari,
difference in the absolute realm between the name, form or person of the and I am now mad after this holy name. Whenever I utter the holy name I
Absolute Truth because in the absolute realm everything is transcendental forget Myself completely, and sometimes I laugh , cry and dance like a
bliss. There is no difference between the body and the soul for the Person madman. I thought that I had actually gone mad by this process of
ality of Godhead, Krl?!J.a. Thus He is different from the living entity who chanting, and therefore I asked My spiritual master about it. He informed
is always different from his outward body. Because of Kr�!la's transcen- Me that this was the real effect of chanting the holy name, which
Introduction 37
36 Srimad-Bhagavatam
sannyiisis, the popularity of the Lord increased at Vara�asi, and thousands
produces a transcendental emotion that is a rare ma�ifestation. It is t �e
of people assembled to see the Lord in person. The Lord thus established
sign of love of God, which is the ultimate end of hfe . Love �f God IS
the primary importance of Srimad-Bhiigavata-dharma, and He defeated all
transcendental to liberation [mukti], and thus it is called the fifth stage
other systems of spiritual realization. Since then everyone at V iira�asi was
n+ spiritual realization, above the stage of liberation. By c� anting the holy
overwhelm�d with the transcendental sankirtana movement.
name of Krsna one attains the stage of love of God, and 1t was good that
While the Lord was camping at Vara�asi, Saniitana Gosvami also arrived
fortunately i. was favored with the blessing."
On hearing this statement from the Lord, the Mayavadi sa �nyiisL as�ed
_ _ after retiring from office. He was formerly one of the state ministers in the
government of Bengal, then under the regime of Nawab Hussain Shah. He
the Lord what was the harm in studying the Vedanta along With chantmg
had some difficulty in getting relief from the state service, for the Nawab
the holy name. Prakasiinanda Sarasvati knew well that the L �rd was
was reluctant to let him leave. Nonetheless he came to Varii�asi, and the
formerly known as Nimai Pa�, a very learned scholar of Navad�pa, �d
Lord taught him the principles of devotional service. He taught him about
His posing as a great fool was certa�nly to so �e Furpose. J:I e �nng this
the constitutional position of the living being, the cause of his bondage
inquiry by the sannyiisi, the Lord smiled and said, . My dear Sir, If you do
under material conditions, his eternal relation with the Personality of
not mind, I will answer your inquiry."
. Godhead, the transcendental position of the Supreme Personality of God
All the sannyiisis there were very much pleased with the Lord for HIS
head, His expansions in different plenary portions of incarnations, His
honest dealings, and they unanimously replied that they would not be
control of different parts of the universe, the nature of His trans cendental
offen ded by whatever H e replied. The- Lord then spoke as follows:
abode, devotional activities, their different stages of development and the
"Vediinta-siitra is comprised of transcendental words or sounds uttered rules and regulations for achieving the gradual stages of spiritual perfection,
by the transcendental Personality of Godhead. AB s � ch, in the Ve �iinta the symptoms of different incarnations in different ages and how to
there cannot be any human deficiencies like mistake, IllusiOn _ cheatmg or detect them with reference to the context of revealed scriptures.
inefficiency. The message of the Upan4ads is expressed in the Vediinta
The Lord's teachings to Saniitana Gosviimi form a big chapter in the
siitra, and what is said there directly is certainly glorified. Whatever inter text of Sri Caitanya-caritiimrta, and to explain the whole teachings in
pretations have been given by Sailk.aracarya have no direct bearing on the minute details will require a volume in itself. These are treated in detail
siitta, and therefore such commentation spoils everything. in our book Teachings of L ord Caitanya.
"The word Brahman indicates the greatest of all, which is full with
At Mathura, the Lord visited all the important places; then He reached
transcendental opulences, superior to all. Brahman is ultimately the Per
Vrndavana. Lord Caitanya appeared in the family of a high caste briih
sonality of Godhead, and He is covered by indirect interpretatio �s and
ma!ta, and over and above that as sannyiisi He was the preceptor for all the
established as impersonal. Everything that is in the spiritual world IS f�l
var!tas and iisramas. But He llSed to accept meals from all classes of
of transcendental bliss, including the form , body, place and paraphernalia
. At Mathura the Sanodhia briihmanas are considered to be in
of the Lord. All are eternally cognizant and blissful. It is not the fault of
the iower status of society, but the Lord acc�pted meals in their families
the .Acarya Sari.kara that he has so interpreted Vedanta, but if someone
also because His host happened to be a disciple of the Miidhavendra Puri
accepts it , then certainly he is doomed. Anyone who acce_pts the tran
scendental body of the Personality of Godhead as something mundane
At Vrndiivana the Lord took bath in twenty-four important bathing
certainly commits the greatest blasphemy ."
places and ghats. He travelled to all the twelve important vanas (forests).
The Lord thus spoke to the sannyiisi almost in the same way tha� _He
In these forests all the cows and birds welcomed Him , as if He were their
spoke to the Bhattacarya of Pun, and by forceful arguments He nulli�e�
very old friend. The Lord also began to embrace all the trees of those
the Mayavada interpretations of the Vediinta-siitra. All the sanny�sLS
forests, and by doing so He felt the symptoms of transcendetnal ecstasy.
there claimed that the Lord was the personified Vedas and the Personality
Sometimes He fell unconscious , but He was made to regain consciousness
of Godhead. All the sannyiisis were converted to the cult of bhakti, and
by the chanting of the holy name of Kr!?l]a. The transcendental symptoms
all of them accepted the holy name of the Lord Sri Kr!?�a, and they dined
that were visible on the body of the Lord during His travel within the
together with the Lord in the midst of them. After this conversioa of the
38 Srimad-Bhagavatam Introduction 39
forest of Vrndavana were all unique and inexplicable, and we have just The Lord taught the Gosvami about devotional service, comparing it to
given a synopsis only. a creeper, and He advised him to protect the bhakti creeper most carefully
Some of the important places that were visited by the Lord in V rndiivana against the mad elephant offense against the pure devotees. In addition,
were Kamyavana, Adisvara, Pabansarovara, Khadirvana, Se�a8ayi, the creeper has to be protected from the desires of sense enjoyment,
Khelatirtha, Bhandirvana, Bhadravana, Srivana, Lauhavana, Mahiivana, monistic liberation and perfection of the hatha-yoga system. They are all
Gokula, Kaliyahrada, Dvadasaditya, Kesitirtha, etc. When He saw the place detrimental on the path of devotional service . Similarly, violence against
where the riisa dance took place, He at once fell down in trance. As long as living beings, desire for worldly gain, worldly reception and worldly fame
He remained at Vrndavana, He made His headquarters at Akrur Ghat. are all detrimental to the progress of bhakti or Bhiigavata-dharma.
From Vrndiivana His personal servitor Kr��adasa Vipra induced Him Pure devotional service must be freed from all desires for sense gratifica
to go back to Prayiig to take bath during the Magha Mela. The Lord acceded tion, fruitive aspirations and culture of monistic knowledge. One must be
to this proposal, and they started for Prayag. On the way they were met freed from all kinds of designations, and when one is thus converted into
with some Pathans , amongst whom there was a learned Moulana. The Lord transcendental purity, one can then serve the Lord by purified senses.
had some talks with the Moulana and his companions, and the Lord As long as there is the desire to enjoy sensually or to become one with
convinced the Moulana that in the Koran also there are descriptions of the Supreme or to possess the mystic powers, there is no questio n of-
Bhiigavata-dharma and Krl?1Ja. All the Pathans were converted to His cult attaining the stage of pure devotional service.
of devotional service. Devotional service is conducted under two categories, namely primary
When He returned to Prayiig, Srila Riipa Gosvami and his youngest practice and spontaneous emotion. When one can rise up to the platform
brother met Him near Bindu-miidhava Temple. This time the Lord was of spontaneous emotion, he .can make further progress by spiritual attach
welcomed by the people of Prayag more respectfully. V allabha Bhatta, who ment, feeling, love, and many higher stages of devotional life for which
resided on the other bank of Prayag in the village of Arail, was to receive there are no English words. We have tried to explain the science of
Him at his place, but while going there the Lord jumped in the River devotional service in our book The Nectar of Devotion based on the
Yamuna. With great difficulty He was picked up in an unconscious state. authority of Bhakti-rasiimrta-sindhu by Snl.a Riipa Gosvami.
Finally He visited the headquarters of V allabha Bhatta. This V allabha Transcendental devotional service has five stages of reciprocation.
Bhatta was one of His chief admirers, but later on he inaugurated his own l . The self-realization stage just after liberation from the material
party of the V allabha sampradiiya. bondage is called the santa or neutral stage.
On the bank of the Da8iisvamedha Ghat at Prayag for ten days continu 2. After that, when there is development of transcendental knowledge
ally the Lord instructed Riipa Gosvami in the science of devotional service of the Lord's internal opulences, the devotee engages himself in the diisya
of the Lord. He taught the Gosvami the divisions of the living crP-atures in stage.
the 8,400,000 species of life. Then He taught him about the human 3. By further development of the diisya stage, a respectful fraternity
species. Out of them He discussed the followers of the Vedic principles, with the Lord develops, and above that a feeling of friendship on equal
out of them the fruitive workers, out of them the empiric philosophers, terms becomes manifest. Both these stages are called siikhya stage, or
and out of them the liberated souls. He said that there are only a few devotional service in friendship.
who are actually pure devotees of Lord Sri Kr��a. 4. Above this there is the stage of paternal affection toward the Lord
Srlla Riipa Gosviimi was the you nger brother of Sanatana Gosvami, and and this is called the viitsalya stage.
when he retired from service he brought with him two boatfuls of gold 5. And above this stage there is the stage of conjugal love, and this
coins. This means that he brought with him some hundreds of thousands stage is called the highest stage of love of God, although there is no
of rupees accumulated by the labor of his service. And before leaving home difference in quality in any of the above stages. The last stage of conjugal
for Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he divided the wealth as follows : fifty love of God is called the miidhurya stage.
percent for the service of the Lord and His devotees, twenty-five percent Thus He instructed Riipa Gosvami in devotional science and deputed him
for relatives and twenty-five percent for his personal needs in case of to Vrndavana to excavate the lost sites of the transcendental pastimes of
emergency . In that way he set an example for all householders . the Lord. After this , the Lord returned to Varii�asi and delivered the
40 Srimad-Bhagavatam
Introduction 41
sannyasis and instructed the elder brother of Rupa Gosvami. We have
already discussed this.
0 son of Maharaja Nanda [K!§[ta J, I am Your eternal servitor, yet
The Lord left only eight slokas of His instructions in writing, and they somehow or other I have fallen into the ocean of birth and death. Please
are known as the Sik§a§takam. All other literatures of His divine cult were
pick me up from this ocean of death and place me as one of the atoms of
extensively written by the Lord's principal followers , the six Gosvamis of Your lotus feet.
Vrndavana, and their followers. The cult of Caitanya philosophy is richer 6.
t han any other, and it is admitted to be the living religion of the day with 0 my Lord, when will my eyes be decorated with tears of love flowing
the potency for spreading as Visva-dharma or universal religion. We are constantly when I chant Your holy name ? When will my voice choke up,
glad that the matter has been taken up by some enthusiastic sages like
and when will the hairs of my body stand on e nd at the recitation of
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja and his disciples. We shall
Your name?
eagerly wait for the happ� days of Bhiig_avata-dharma or prema-dharma 7.
inaugurated by the Lord Sn Ca1tanya Mahaprabhu. 0 Govinda! Feeling Your separation, I am considering a moment to be
like twelve years or more. Tears are flowing from my eyes like torrents of
The eight slokas completed by the Lord are:
rain, and I am feeling all vacant in the world in Your absence.
Glory to the Sri Krrrw sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the
I know no one but K!§rta as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He
dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of conditional life, of
handles me roughly in His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not
repeated birth and death. This sankirtana movement is the prime benedic
being present befo,r.e me. He is completely free to do anything and every
tion for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction
thing, for He is always my worshipful Lord unconditionally.
moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean
of transcendental bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which
we are always anxious.
0 my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to livi�g
beings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names like KrFJ.a and
Govinda. In these transcendental names You have invested all Your
transcendental energies. There are not even hard and fast rules for chanting
these names. 0 my Lord, out of kindness You enable us to easily approach
You by chanting Your holy names, but I am so unfortunate that I have no
attraction for them.
One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind,
thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more
tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and should be
ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant
the holy name of the Lord constantly.
0 almighty Lord, I have no desire to accumulate wealth, nor do I desire
beautiful women, nor do I want any number of followers. I only want
Your causeless devotional service birth after birth.
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44 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 1
Text 1 ) Questions by the Sages 45
exists emanates from the Lord. How this is so is explained in later chapters
I offer my obeisances unto Lord Sri Kr��a, son of Vasudeva, who is the of this work. This work is described by Mahiiprabhu Sri Caitanya as the
supreme all-pervading Personality of Godhead. I meditate upon Him, the spotless Puriir-a because it contains the transcendental narration of the
transcendent reality, who is the pnmeval cause of all causes, from whom Personality of Godhead Sri Kr�!J.a. The history of the Srimad-Bhiigavatam
all manifested universes arise, in whom they dwell and by whom they are is also very glorious. It was compiled by Sri Vyasadeva after he had
destroyed. I meditate upon that eternally effulgent Lord who is directly attained maturity in transcendental knowledge. He wrote this under the
and indirectly conscious of all manifestations and yet is beyond them. It is instructions of Sri Naradajl, his spiritual master. Vyasadeva compiled all
He only who first imparted Vedic knowledge unto the heart of Brahma, Vedic literatures containing the four divisions of the Vedas , the Vediinta
the first created being. Through Him this world, like a mirage, appears real sutras or the Brahma-sutras, the Puriir-as, the Mahiibhiirata, and so on. But
even to great sages and demigods. Because of Him, the material universes, nevertheless he was not satisfied. His dissatisfaction was observed by his
created by the three modes of nature, appear to be factual, although they spiritual master, and thus Narada advised him to write on the transcen
are unreal. I meditate therefore upon Him, the Absolute Truth, who is dental activities of Lord Sri Krsna. These transcendental activities are
eternally existent in His transcendental abode, and who is forever free of
described specifically in the Te�th Canto of this work. But, in order to
illusion . reach to the very substance, one must proceed gradually by developing
PURPORT knowledge of the categories. .
Obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, directly indicate It is natural that a philosophical mind wants to know about the origin
Lord Sri Kr��a, who is the divine son of Vasudeva and Devaki. This fact of the creation. At night he sees the stars in the sky, and he naturally
will be more explicitly explained in the text of this work. Sri Vyasadeva speculates about their inhabitants. Such inquiries are natural for man
asserts herein that Sri Kr��a is the origiJ:lal Personality of Godhead, and all because man has a developed consciousness which is higher than that of
others are His direct or indirect plenary portions or portions of the the animals. The author of Srimad-Bhiigavatam gives a direct answer to
portion. Srila Jiva Gosvami has even more explicitly explained the subject such inquiries. He says that the Lord Sri Kr�!la is the origin of all creations.
matter in his Kmw-sandarbha. And Brahma, the original living being, has He is not only the creator of the universe, but the destroyer as well. The
explained the subject of Sri Kr�!la substantially in his treatise named manifested cosmic nature is created at a certain period by the will of the
Brahma-samhitii. In the Siima-veda Upani§ad, it is also stated that Lord Sri Lord. It is maintained for some time, and then it is annihilated by His will.
Kr�!la is the divine son of Devaki. Therefore, in this prayer, the first pro Therefore, the supreme will is behind all cosmic activities. Of course, there
position holds that Lord Sri Kr�!la is the primeval Lord, and if any tran are atheists of various catagories who do not believe in a creator, but that
is due to a poor fund of knowledge. The modern scientist, for example,
scendental nomenclature is to be understood as belonging to the Absolute
has created space satellites, and by some arrangement or other, these
Personality of Godhead, it must be the name indicated by the word Kr�!J.a,
satellites are thr.own into outer space to fly for some time at the control
which means the all-attractive. In Bhagavad-gitii, in many places, the Lord
of the scientist who is far away. Similarly, all the universes with innumer
asserts Himself to be the original Personality of Godhead, and this is
able stars and planets are controlled by the intelligence of the Personality
confirmed by Arjuna, and also by great sages like Narada, Vyasa, and many
of Godhead.
others. In the Padma Puriir-a, it is also stated that out of the innumerable
names of the Lord, the name of Kf�Q.a is the principal one. Vasudeva In Vedic literatures, it is said that the Absolute Truth, Personality of
indicates the plenary portion of the Personality of Godhead, and all the Godhead, is the chief amongst all living personalities. All living beings
different forms of the Lord, being identical with Vasudeva, are indicated beginning from the first created being, Brahma, down to the smallest ant
in this text. The name Vasudeva particularly indicates the divine son of are individual living beings. And above Brahma, there are even other living
Vasudeva and Devaki. Sri Kr�!la is always meditated upon by the beings with individual capacities, and the Personality of Godhead is also
paramahamsas who are the perfected ones among those in the renounced a similar living being. And He is an individual as are the other living beings.
order of life. � ut �he Supreme Lord or the supreme living being has the greatest
Vasudeva, or Lord Sri Kr�!J.a, is the cause of all causes. Everything that I�telligence, and He possesses supermost inconceivable energies of all
different varieties. If a man's brain can produce a space satellite, one can
46 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto l, Ch. l Text l] Questions by the Sages 47
very easily imagine how brains higher than man can produce similarly the spiritual world. Absolute Truth is in the spiritual sky, not the material
wonderful things which are far superior. The reasonable person will easily sky. In the material sky everything is relative truth. That is to say, one truth
accept this argument, but there are stubborn atheists who would never depends on something else. This cosmic creation results from interaction
agree. Srila Vyasadeva, however, at once accepts the supreme intelligence of the three modes of nature, and the temporary manifestations are so
as the paramesvara. He offers his respectful obeisances unto the supreme created as to present an illusion of reality to the bewildered mind of the
intelligence addressed as the para or the paramesvara or the Supreme conditioned soul, who appears in so many species of life, including the
Personality of Godhead. And that paramesvara is Sri Km1a, as admitted higher demigods, like Brahma, Indra, Candra, and so on. In actuality, there
in Bhagavad-gita and other scriptures delivered by Sri Vyasadeva and is no reality in the manifested world. There appears to be reality, however,
specifically in this Srimad-Bhagavatam. In Bhagavad-gitii, the Lord says because of the true reality which exists in the spiritual world, where the
that there is no other Para-tattva (summum bonum) than Himself. There Personality of Godhead eternally exists with His transcendental parapher
fore, Sri Vyasadeva at once worships the Para-tattva, Sri Kr�!J.a, whose nalia.
transcendental activities are described in the Tenth Canto. The chief engineer of a complicated construction does not personally
Unscrupulous persons go immediately to the Tenth Canto and especially take part in the construction, but he knows every nook and corner
to the five chapters which describe the Lord's rasa dance. This portion of becaose everything is done under his direction. He knows everything
the Srimad-Bhiigavatam is the most confidential part of this great literature. about the construction, both directly and indirectly. Similarly, the Person
Unless one is thoroughly accomplished in the transcendental knowledge ality of Godhead who is the supreme engineer of this cosmic creation
of the Lord, one is sure to misunderstand the Lord's worshipable transcen- knows every nook and corner, although affairs are being carried out by
. dental pastimes called rasa dance and His love affairs with the gopis. This demigods. Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, no one is
subject matter is highly spiritual, and only the liberated persons who have independent in the material creation. The hand of the Lord is seen
gradually attained to the stage of paramaharhsa can transcendentally relish everywhere. All material elements as well as all spiritual sparks emanate
this rasa dance. Srila Vyasadeva therefore gives the reader the chance to from Him only. And whatever is created in this material world is but
gradually develop spiritual realization before actually relishing the essence the interaction of two energies, the material and the spiritual, which
of the pastimes of the Lord. Therefore, he purposely invokes a Giiyatri emanate from the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Kr�pa.
mantra, dhimahi. This Gayatri mantra is meant for spiritually advanced A chemist can manufacture water in the chemical laboratory by mixing
people. When one is successful in chanting the Gayatri mantra, he can hydrogen and oxygen. But, in reality, the living entity works in the
enter into the transcendental position of the Lord. One must therefore laboratory under the direction of the Supreme Lord. And the materials
acquire brahminical qualities or be perfectly situated in the quality of with which he works are also supplied by the Lord. The Lord knows
goodness in order to chant the Gayatri mantra successfully and then everything directly and indirectly, and He is cognizant of all minute details,
attain to the stage of transcendentally realizing the Lord, His name, His and He is :fully independent. He is compared with the mine of gold, and
fame , His qualities and so on. the cosmic creations in so many different forms are compared with
Srimad-Bhiigavatam is the narration of the svariipa of the Lord mani objects made from the gold, such as gold rings, necklaces and so on. The
fested by His internal potency, and this potency is distingu1shed from gold ring and the gold necklace are qualitatively one with the gold in the
the external potency which has manifested the cosmic world, which is mine, but quantitatively the gold in the mine is different. Therefore, the
within our experience. Srila Vyasadeva makes a clear distinction between Absolute Truth is simultaneously one and different. Nothing is absolutely
the two in this sloka. Sri Vyasadeva says herein that the manifested internal equal with the Absolute Truth, but at the same time, nothing is independent
potency is real, whereas the external manifested energy in the form of of the Absolute Truth.
material existence is only temporary and illusory like the mirage in the Conditioned souls beginning from Brahma, who engineers the entire
desert. In the desert mirage there is no actual water. There is only the universe, down to the insignificant ant, are all creating, but none of them
appearance of water. Real water is somewhere else. The manifested cosmic are independent of the Supreme Lord. The materialist wrongly thinks that
creation appears as reality. But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in there is no creator other than his own self. This is called maya, or illusion.
48 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l , Ch. l Text l ) Questions by the Sages 49
Because of his poor fund of knowledge, the materialist cannot see beyond undergo severe austerities to acquire knowledge to bec�me one with the
the purview of his imperfect senses, and thus he thinks that matter Lord._ But ultimately they become dependent on some rich disciple who
supplies them With_ money t o build monasteries and temples. Atheists like
automatically takes its own shape without the aid of a superior intelligence.
This is refuted in this sloka by Snia Vyasadeva : "Since the complete Rav3!J.a or Hira!J.yakas�pu had to undergo severe penances before they
whole or the Absolute Truth is the source of everything, nothing can be could flout the authonty of the Lord. But ultimately, they were rendered
independent of the body of the Absolute Truth." Whatever happens to helpless and could not sav� themselves when the Lord appeared before
them as cruel death. This _ IS also the case with the modern atheists who
the body quickly becomes known to the embodied. Similarly , the creation
is the body of the absolute whole. Therefore, the Absolute knows every also dare to flout the authority of the Lord. Such atheists will be dealt
thing directly and indirectly that happens in the creation. with �imilarly, for history repeats itself. Whenever men neglect the
In the Sruti mantra, it is also stated that the absolute whole or Brahman �uthon �y of the Lord, nature _and her laws are there to penalize them. This
is the ultimate source of everything. Everything emanates from Him, and �
IS confirmed I_ � B agavad-gttii
in t �e well-k nown verse : yadii yadii hi
dharmasya glam[l,. Whenever there IS a declme _ of dharma and a rise of
everything is maintained by Him. And at the end, everything enters into
Him . That is the law of nature. In the Smrti mantra, the same is confirmed. adharma, 0 Arjuna, then I incarnate Myself." (Bg. 4.7)
It is said that the source from which everything emanates at the beginning That the Supreme Lord is all-perfect is confirmed in all Sruti mantras.
of Brahma's millenniu m, and the reservoir to which everything ultimately It is said in the Sruti mantras that the all-perfect Lord threw a glance over
enters, is the Absolute Truth or Brahman. Material scientists take it for matter and thus created all li_ving beings. The living beings are parts and
granted that the ultimate source of the planetary system is the sun, but parcels of the Lord, and He Impregnates the vast material creation with
they are unable to explain the source of the sun. Herein, the ultimate seeds of spiritual sparks, and thus the creative energies are set in motion to
source is explained. According to the Vedic literatures, Brahma, who may enact so many wonderful creations. An atheist may argue that God is no
be compared to the sun, is not the ultimate creator. It is stated in this more expert than a watchmaker, but of course God is greater because He
sloka that Brahma was taught Vedic knowledge by the Personality of can create machines in duplicate male and female forms. The male and
Godhead. One may argue that Brahma, being the original living being, femal � f�rms of d �fferen� types of machineries go on producing innumer
could not be inspired because there was no other being living at that time. able Similar machines Without God's further attention. If a man could
Herein it is stated that the Supreme Lord inspired the secondary creator, m anufact�re such a set of machines that could produce other machines
Brahma, in order that Brahma could carry out his creative functions. So,
Without �IS attenh_ �n, then he could approach the intelligence of God.
the supreme intelligence behind all creations is the Absolute Godhead, Sri But that IS not possible, for each machine has to be handled individually.
l<f�!J.a. In Bhagavad-gitii, Lord Sri Kr�!la states that it is He only who super Therefore, no one can create as well as God. Another name for God is
intends the creative energy, prakrti, which constitutes the totality of asmaurdha, which means that no one is equal to or greater than Him.
matter. Therefore, Sri Vyasadeva does not worship Brahma, but the Pa �a "! saty�m, or the Supreme Truth, is He who has no equal or superior.
This ts confirmed m _ the Sruti mantras. It is said that before the creation of
Supreme Lord, who guides Brahma in his creative activities. In this sloka,
the particular words abhijiia[l, and svariit are sig11ificant. These two words the material uni �erse there existed the Lord only, who is master of every
distinguish the Supreme Lord from all ·the other living entities. No other one. That �ord mstructed B rahma in Vedic knowledge. That L ord has to
living entity is either abhijiia[l, or svariit. Namely, no one is either fully be obeyed m all respects. Anyone who wants to get rid of the material
cognizant or fully independent. Even Brahma has to meditate upon the entanglement must surrender unto Him. This is also confirmed in
Supreme Lord in order to create. Then what to speak of great scientists Bhagavad-gitii.
like Einstein ! The brains of such a scientist are certainly not the products U�less one surr �nders un�o the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, it is
of any human being. Scientists cannot manufacture such a brain, and certam that he will be beWildered. When an intelligent man surrenders
what to speak of foolish atheists who defy the authority of the Lord? unto the lotus feet of l<f�!la and knows completely that Krsna is the cause
Bven Mayavadi impersonalists who flatter themselves that they can become of all causes, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gitii, then only ca� ;uch an intelli
one with the Lord are neither abhijiia[l, nor svariit. Such impersonalists gent man become a mahiitmii or great soul. But such a great soul is rarely
50 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l, Ch. l Text 2 ] Questions by the Sages 51
seen. Only the mahatmas can understand that the Supreme Lord is the spiritual form of sex has accepted perverted material sex life as the all in
primeval cause of all creations. He is parama or ultimate · truth because all all. There is a distinction between sex life in the diseased material condi
other truths are relative to Him. He is omniscient. For Him, there is no tion and spiritual sex life.
illusion. This Srimad-Bhiigavatam will gradually elevate the unbiased reader to
Some Mayavadi scholars argue that Srimad-Bhiigavatam was not com the highest perfectional stage of transcendence. It will enable him to tran
piled by Sri Vyasadeva. And some of them suggest that this book is a scend the three modes of material activities: fruitive actions, speculative
modern creation written by someone named V opadeva. In order to refute philosophy , and worship of functional deities as inculcated in Vedic verses.
such meaningless arguments, Sri Sridhara Svami points out that there is
reference to the Bhiigavatam in many of the oldest Puriif1-as. This first TEXT 2
sloka of the Bhiigavatam begins with the Gayatri mantra. There is refer
� ' �tl�tfiE
511 H '
' s;f qoo f;tq('ffi(IO'II ij"tfl'
ence to this in the Matsya Purii.[la, which is the oldest Puriifl-a. In that • •
Purii[la, it is said with reference to the Gayatri mantra in the Bhiigavatam �!Efl(ij!E{+i;r � fu�m:;p•j) ..��il�
that there are many narrations of spiritual instructions beginning with the
Gayatn mantra. And there is the history of Vrtrasura. Anyone who makes
�'ht'l:l41qij �� � !EfT qffi-� :
a gift of this great work on a full moon day attains to the highest perfec ijtl) �s;r �ttN: ��f+r�an� II � I I
tion of life by returning to Godhead. There is reference to the Bhiigavatam
dharmafi, projjhita-kaitavo 'tra paramo nirmatsariif1-iirh satiirh
in other Puriif1-aS, also, where it is clearly stated that this work was finished
vedyarh viistavam atra vastu sivadarh tiipa-trayonmulanam
in twelve cantos which include 18,000 slokas. In the Padma Puriif1-a also
srimad bhiigavate mahiimuni-krte kirh vii parair iSvarafi,
there is reference to the Bhiigavatam in a conversatio n between Gautama
sadyo hrdy avarudhyate 'tra krtibhifi, susrii§ubhis tatk§afl-iit.
and Maharaja Ambari�a. The King was advised therein to read regularly
Srimad-Bhiigavatam if he desired liberation from material bondage. Under dharmafi,-religiosity; projjhita-completely rejected; kaitavafi,-covered
the circumstances, there is no doubt about the authority of the Bhaga by fruitive intention ; atra-herein; paramafi,-the highest ; nirmatsariif1-iim
vatam. Within the past 500 years, many erudite scholars and iiciiryas like of the one hundred percent pure in heart ; satiim-devotees; vedyam
Jiva Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami, Visvanatha Cakravarti, V allabhacarya, understandable; viistavam-factual ; atra-herein; vastu-substance; sivadam
and many other distinguished scholars even after the time of Lord Caitanya -well-being; miseries; unmulanam-causing uprooting
made elaborate commentaries on the Bhiigavatam. And the serious student of; srimat- beautifu l; bhiigavate-the Bhiigavata Puriifl-a; mahiimu ni-the
would do well to attempt to go through them to better relish the transcen great sage (Vyasadeva); krte- having compiled ; kim-what is ; vii-the
dental messages. need; parai[l -others ; iSvara�-the Supreme Lord ; sadya�-at once ; hrdi
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur specifically deals with the original within the heart; avarudhyate-become compact; atra-herein ; krtibhi[l
and pure sex psychology {adi-r-asa), devoid of all mundane inebriety. The by the pious men ; susrii§ubhifi,-by culture; tat-k§afl-iit-without delay.
whole material creation is moving under the principle of sex life. In
modern civilization, sex life is the focal point for all activities. Wherever TRANSLATION
one turns his face, he sees sex life predominant. Therefore, sex life is not Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially moti
unreal. Its reality is experienced in the spiritual world. The material sex vated, this Bhagavata Pura!la propounds the highest truth, which is under
life is but a perverted reflection of the original· fact. The original fact is in standable by those devotees who are pure in heart. The highest truth is
the Absolute Truth, and thus the Absolute Truth cannot be impersonal. reality distinguished !rom illusion for the welfare of all. Such truth uproots
It is not possible to be impersonal and contain pure sex life. Consequently, the threefold miseries. This beautiful Bhagavatam, compiled by the great
the impersonalist philosophers have given indirect impetus to the abomi sage Sri Vyasadeva, is sufficient in itself for God realization. As soon as one
nable mundane sex life because they have overstressed the impersonality of attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhagavatam, he becomes
the ultimate truth. Consequently, man without information of the actu al attached to the Supreme Lord.
52 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto l, Ch. l Text 2 ) Questions by the Sages 53
PURPORT strive to establish a com petitionless society with God in the center. The
contemporary socialist's conception of a com petitionless society is artificial
Religion includes four primary subj ects, namely pious activities, eco because in the socialist state there is competition for the post of dictator.
nomic development, satisfaction of the senses, and finally liberation from From the point of view of the Vedas or from the point of view of common
material bondage. Irreligious life is a barbarous condition. Indeed, human human activities, sense gratification is the basis of material life. There are
life begins when religion begins. Eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating are three paths mentioned in the Vedas. One involves fruitive a�tivities to
the four principles of animal life. These are common both to animals and gain promotion to better planets. Another involves worshiping different
to human beings. But religion is the extra function of the human being. demigods for promotion to the planets of the demigods, and another
Without religion, human life is no better than animal life. Therefore, in involves realizing the Absolute Truth and His impersonal feature and
human societies there is some form of religion which aims at self-realization becoming one with Him.
and which makes reference to man's eternal relationship with God. The impersonal aspect of the Absolute Truth is not the highest. Above
In the lower stages of human civilization, there is always competition the impersonal feature is the Paramiitmii feature, and above this there is
to lord it over the material nature or, in other words, there is a continuous the personal feature of the Absolute Truth or Bhagaviin. Sn-mad-Bhiigavatam
rivalry to satisfy the senses. Driven by such consciousness, man turns to gives information about the Absolute Truth in His personal feature. It is
religion. He thus performs pious activities or religious functions in order higher than impersonalist literatures and higher than the jiiiina-kii[Lf)a
to gain something material. But if such material gains are obtainable in division of the Vedas. It is even higher than the karma-kii[Lf}a division, and
other ways, then so-called religion is neglected. This is the situation in even higher than the upa�ana-kii[Lf)a division because it recommends the
modern civilization. Man is thriving economically, so at present he is not worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri ���a. In the
very interested in religion. Churches, mosques or temples are now practically karma-kii[Lf)a, there is competition to reach heavenly planets for bette�;
vacant. Men are more interested in factories, shops, and cinemas than in sense gratification, and there is similar competition in the jiiiina-kii[Lf)a and
religious places which were erected by their forefathers. This practically the upa�ana-kii[Lf)a. The Srimad-Bhiigavatam is superior to all of these
proves that religion is performed for some economic gains. Economic because it aims at the Supreme Truth which is the substance or the root of
gains are needed for sense gratification. Often when one is baffled in the all categories. From Srimad-Bhiigavatam one can come to know the sub
pursuit of sense gratification, he takes to salvation and tries to become stance as well as the categories. The substance is the Absolute Truth, the
one with the Supreme Lord. Consequently, all these states are simply Supreme Lord, and all emanations are relative forms of energy.
different types of sense gratification. Nothing is apart from the substance, but at the same time the energies
In the Vedas, the above mentioned four activities are prescribed in the are different from the substance. This conception is not contradictory.
regulative way so that there will not be any undue competition for sense Srimad-Bhiigavatam explicitly promulgates this simultaneously one and
gratification. But Srimad-Bhiigavatam is transcendental to all these sense different philosophy of the Vediinta-siitra, which begins with the ''jan
gratificatory activities. It is purely transcendental literature which can be miidy asya" siitra.
understood only by the pure devotees of the Lord who are transcendental This knowledge of the energy of the Lord being simultaneously one
to competitive sense gratification. In the material world there is keen and different from the Lord is an answer to the mental speculators'
competition between animal and animal, man and man, community and attempt to establish the energy as the Absolute. When this knowledge is
community, nation and nation. But the devotees of the Lord rise above factually understood, one sees the conceptions of monism and dualism to
such competitions. They do not compete with the materialist because be imperfect. Development of this transcendental consciousness grounded
they are on the path back to Godhead where life is eternal and blissful. in the conception of simultaneously one and different leads one immedi
Such transcendentalists are nonenvious and pure in heart. In the material ately to the stage of freedom from the threefold miseries. The threefold
world, everyone is envious of everyone else, and therefore there is miseries are l .) those miseries which arise from the mind and body, 2.)
competition. But the transcendental devotees of the Lord are not only those miseries inflicted by other living beings, and 3.) those miseries
free from material envy, but they are well-wishers to everyo l'_le, and they arising from natural catastrophes over which one has no control. Srimad-
54 Srim ad-Bh agavatam [Canto l, Ch. l Text 3 ) Questions by the Sages 55
Bhiigavatam begins with the surrender of the devotee unto the Absolute deeds." The intelligent person by thoughtful discretion can be assured by
Person. The devotee is fully aware that he is one with the Absolute and at the great sage Vyasadeva that he can realize the Supreme Personality
the same time in the eternal position of servant to the Absolute. In the directly by hearing Srimad-Bhiigavatam. Without undergoing the different
material conception, one falsely thinks himself the lord of all he surveys, stages of realization set forth in the Vedas, one can be lifted i mmediately
and therefore he is always troubled by the threefold miseries of life. But to the position of paramaharhsa simply by agreeing to receive this message.
as soon as one comes to know his real position as transcendental servant,
he at once becomes free from all miseries. As long as the living entity is
trying to master material nature, there is no possibility of his becoming
servant of the Supreme. Service to the Lord is rendered in pure conscious
.... C'p • � •
ness of one's spiritual identity ; by service one is immediately freed from ���q��� l
material encumbrances. ftmf � «1iilwf
Over and above this, Srimad-Bhagavatam is a personal commentation
on the Vediinta-sutra by Sri Vyasadeva. It is written in the maturity of his -� � if?£�: I I � II
spiritual life through the mercy of Narada. Sri Vyasadeva is the authorized nigama-kalpa-taror galitarh phalarh
incarnation of Naraya!Ja, the Personality of Godhead. Therefore, there is suka-mukhiid amrta-drava-sarhyutam
no question as to his authority. He is the author of all other Vedic litera pibata bhiigavatam rasam iilayam
tures, yet he recommends the study of Srimad-Bhiigavatam above all others. muhur aho rasikii bhuvi bhiivukiift.
In other Puriir-as there are different methods set forth by which one can
worship the demigods. But in the Bhagavatam only the Supreme Lord is nigama-the Vedic literatures; kalpa-taroft-the desire-tree; galitam
mentioned. The Supreme Lord is the total body, and the demigods are the fully matured; phalam-fruit; suka-Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, the original
different parts of that body. Consequently, by worshiping the Supreme speaker of Srimad-Bhiigavatam; mukhiit-from the lips of; amrta-nectar;
Lord, one does not need to worship the demigods. The Supreme Lord drava-semi�solid and soft and therefore easily swallowable; sarhyutam
becomes fixed in the heart of the devotee immediately. Lord Caitanya perfect in all respects; pibata-do relish it; bhiigavatam-the book dealing
Mahaprabhu has recommended the Srimad-Bhiigavatam as the spotless in the science of the eternal relation with the Lord ; rasam-juice (that
Puriir-a and distinguishes it from all other Puriir-as. which is relishable); iilayam-until liberation, or even in a liberated con
The proper method for receiving this transcendental message is to hear dition ; muhuft-always ; aho- 0 ; rasikiift-those who are full in the know
it submissively. A challenging attitude cannot help one realize this transcen ledge of mellows; bhuvi-on the earth; bhiivukaft-expert and thoughtful.
dental message. One particular word . is used herein for proper guidance.
This word is susrii�u. One must be anxious to hear this transcendental TRANSLATION
message. The desire to sincerely hear is the first qualification.
Less fortunate persons are not at all interested in hearing this Srimad Know, 0 thoughtful men, that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the mature fruit
Bhiigavatam. The process is simple, but the application is difficult. of the tree of Vedic literatures. It emanated from the lips of Sri Sukadeva
Unfortunate people find enough time to hear idle, social, political conver Gosvami. Therefore this nectarean fruit is all the more relishable by
sations, but when invited to attend a meeting of devotees to hear Srimad liberated souls.
Bhiigavatam they suddenly become reluctant. Sometimes professional
readers of the Bhiigavatam immediately plunge into the confidential topics PURPORT
of the pastime of the Supreme Lord, which they seemingly interpret as
sex literature. Snmad-Bhiigavatam is meant to be heard from the beginning. In the two previous slokas it has been definitely proved that the Srimad
Those who are fit to assimilate this work are mentioned in this sloka: Bhi%avatam is the sublime literature which surpasses all other Vedic
"One becomes qualified to hear Srimad-Bhiigavatam after many pious scnptures due to its transcendental qualities. It is transcendental to all
56 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 1 Text 3 ] Questions by the Sages 57
mundane activities and mundane knowledge. In this sloka it is stated that spiritual exchange or rasa is fully exhibited in spiritual existence between
$rimad-Bhiigavatam is not only a superior literature, but that it is the living beings and the Supreme Lord.
ripened fruit of all Vedic literatures. In other words, it is the cream of all The Supreme Personality of Godhead is therefore described in the
Vedic knowledge. Considering all this, patient and submissive hearing is $ruti mantras, Vedic hymns, as "the fountainhead of all rasas. " When one
definitely essential. With great respect and attention, one should receive associates with the Supreme Lord and exchanges one's constitutional rasa
the message and lessons imparted by the $rimad-Bhiigavatam. with the Lord, then the living being is actually happy.
The Vedas are compared to the desire tree because they contain all These $ruti mantras indicate that every living being has its constitutional
things knowable by man. They deal with mundane necessities as well as position which is endowed with a particular type of rasa which is to be
spiritual realization. The Vedas contain regulated principles of knowledge exchanged with the Personality of Godhead. In the liberated condition
covering social , political, religious, economic, military, medicinal , chemical, only, this primary rasa is experienced in full. In the material existence, the
physical and metaphysical subject matter and all that may be necessary to rasa is experienced in the perverted form, which is temporary. And thus
keep the body and soul together. Above and beyond all this . are specific the rasas of the material world are exhibited in the material form of raudra
directions for spiritual realization. Regulated knowledge involves a gradual (anger) and so on.
ra\sing of the living entity to the spiritual platform, and the highest spiritual Therefore, one who attains full knowledge of these different rasas,
realization is to know that the Personality of Godhead is the reservoir of which are the basic principles of activities, can understand the false repre
all spiritual tastes or rasas. sentations of the original rasas which are reflected in the material world.
Every living entity, beginning from Brahma, the first-born living being The learned scholar seeks to relish the real rasa in the spiritual form. In the
within the material world, down to the insignificant ant, desires to relish beginning he desires to become one with the Supreme. Thus, intelligent
some sort of taste derived from sense perceptions. These sensual pleasures transcendentalists cannot go beyond this conception of becoming one
are technically called rasas. Such rasas are of different varieties. In the with the spirit whole, without knowing of the different rasas.
revealed scriptures the following twelve varieties of rasas are enumerated: I n this sloka, it is definitely stated that spiritual rasa, which is relished
1) raudra (anger) 2) adbhuta (wonder) 3) srngiira (conjugal love) 4) hiisya even in the liberated stage, can be experienced in the literature of the
(comedy) 5) vira (chivalry) 6) dayii (mercy) 7) diisya (servitorship) $rimad-Bhiigavatam due to its being the ripened fruit of all Vedic know
8) sakhya (fraternity) 9) bhayiinaka (horror) 1 0) vibhatsa (shock) 1 1) ledge. By submissively hearing this transcendental literature, one can
siinta (neutrality) 1 2) viitsalya (parenthood). attain the full pleasure of his heart's desire. But, one must be very careful
The sum total of all these rasas is called affection or love. Primarily, . to hear the message from the right source. $rimad-Bhiigavatam is exactly
such signs of love are manifested in adoration, service, friendship, eternal received from the right source. It was brought by Narada Muni from the
affection, and conjugal love. And when these five are absent, love is present spiritual world and given to his disciple Sri Vyasadeva. The latter in turn
indirectly in anger, wonder, comedy, chivalry, fear, shock and so on. For delivered the message to his son Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, and Srila Sukadeva
example, when a man is in love with a woman, the rasa is called conjugal Gosvami delivered the message to Maharaja Par�it just seven days before
love. But when such love affairs are disturbed there may be wonder, anger, the King's death. Srila Sukadeva Gosvami was a liberated soul from his
shock, ·or even horror. Sometimes love affairs between two persons cul very birth. He was liberated even in the womb of his mother, and he did
minate in ghastly murder scenes. Such rasas are displayed between man not undergo any sort of spiritual training after his birth. At birth no one
and man and between animal and animal. There is no possibility of an is qualified, neither in the mundane nor the spiritual sense. But Sri
exchange of rasa between a man and an animal or between a man and any Sukadeva Gosvami, due to his being a perfectly liberated soul, did not have
other species of living beings within the material world. The rasas are to u ndergo an evolutionary process for spiritual realization. Yet despite
exchanged between members of the same species. But as far as the spirit his being a completely liberated person situated in the transcendental
souls are concerned, they are one qualitatively with the Supreme Lord. position above the three material modes, he was attracted to this transcen
Therefore, the rasas were originaliy exchanged between the spiritual living dental rasa of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is adored by
being and the spiritual whole, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The liberated souls who sing Vedic hymns. The Supreme Lord's pastimes are
Text 4 ] Questions by the Sages 59
58 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l , Ch. l
One should conclude, therefore, that the serious student of the rasa
more attractive to liberated souls than to mundane people. He is of should receive. the message of Bhiigavatam in the chain of disciplic suc
necessity not impersonal because it is only possible to carry on transcen cession from Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, who describes the Bhagavatam from
dental rasa with a person. its very beginning and not whimsically to satisfy the mundaner who has
In the Srimad-Bhagavatam the transcendental pastimes of the Lord are very little knowledge in transcendental science. Srimad-Bhiigavatam is so
narrated, and the narration is systematically depicted by Srila Sukadeva carefully presented that a sincere and serious person can at once enjoy the
Gosvami. Thus the subject matter is appealing to all classes of persons, ripened fruit of Vedic knowledge simply by drinking the nectarean juice
including those who seek liberation and those who seek to become one through the mouth of Sukadeva Gosvami or his bona fide representative.
with the supreme whole.
In Sanskrit the parrot is also known as suka. When a ripened fruit is cut TEXT 4
by the red beaks of such birds, its sweet flavor is enhanced. The Vedic
fruit which is mature and ripe in knowledge is spoken through the lips of �«� Sfl1R: �n-.�li(tl: ,
Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, who is compared to the parrot not for his ability ij;f ��(1((ii(1+4+4R1� I I V I I
to recite the Bhiigavatam exactly as he heard it from his learned father,
but for his ability to present the work in a manner that would appeal to naimi§e 'nimi§ak§etre
all classes of men. naya{l saunakiidaya{l
The subject matter is so presented through the lips of Srila Sukadeva satram svargiiyalokiiya
Gosvami that any sincere listener that hears submissively can at once sahasra-samam asata
relish transcendental tastes which are distinct from the perverted tastes
of the material world. The ripened fruit is not dropped all of a sudden from naimi§e-in the forest known as Naimi�arartya ; animi§a-k§etre-the spot
the highest planet of Kr�rtaloka. Rather, it has come down carefully which is especially a favorite of Vi�rtu (who does not close His eyelids);
through the chain of disciplic succession without change or disturbance. f§aya[l,-sages ; saunaka-iidaya{l-headed by the sage Saunaka; satram- sacri
Foolish people who are not in the transcendental disciplic succession fice; svargiiya-the Lord who is glorified. in heaven ; lokiiya-and for the
commit great blunders by trying to understand the highest transcendental devotees who are always in touch with the Lord ; sahasra-one thousand;
rasa known as the rasa dance without following in the 'footsteps of Suka samam-years; iisata- performed.
deva Gosvami, who presents this fruit very carefully by stages of transcen
dental realization. One should be intelligent to know the position of TRANSLATION
Srimad-Bhagavatam by considering personalities like Sukadeva Gosvami,
who deals with the subject so carefully. This process of disciplic succession Once, in a holy place in the forest of Naimi�ara�ya, great sages headed
of the Bhiigavata school suggests that in the future also Srimad-Bhiigavatam by the sage Saunaka assembled to perform a great thousand-year sacrifice
has to be understood from a person who is factually a representative of for the satisfaction of the Lord and His devotees.
Snia Sukadeva Gosvami. A professional man who makes a business out of
reciting the Bhagavatam ill�gally is certainly not a representative of Suka PURPORT
deva Gosvami. Such a man's business is only to earn his livelihood. There
fore one should refrain from hearing the lectures of such professional men. The prelude of the Srimad-Bhiigavatam was spoken in the previous
Such men usually go to the most confidential part of the literature without three slokas. NOW the main topic of this great literature is being presented.
undergoing the gradual process of understanding this grave subj ect. They Srimad-Bhagavatam, after its first reciration by Snia Sukadeva Gosvami,
usually plunge into the subject matter of the rasa dance, which is misun was repeated for the second time at Naimi�arartya.
derstood by the foolish class of men. Some of them take this to be In the Viiyaviya Tantra, it is said that Brahma, the engineer of this
immoral, while others try to cover it up by their own stu pid i nterpreta particular universe, contemplated a great wheel which could enclose the
tions. They have no desire to follow in the footsteps of Srila Sukadeva universe. The hub of this great circle was fixed at a particular place known
60 Srimad-Bhagavatam [C anto 1 , Ch. 1 Text 5 ) Questions by the Sages 61
challenging spirit. One must submit questions with a great regard for the from the above mentioned vices. He should not only be freed from all such
speaker and the subject matter. This is also the way recommended in vices, but he must also be well versed in all revealed scriptures or in the
Bhagavad-gitii. One must learn the transcendental subject by submissive Vedas. The Puriiras are also parts of the Vedas. And histories like the
aural reception from the right sources. Therefore these sages addressed Mahiibhiirata or Riimiiyara are also parts of the Vedas. The iiciirya or the
the speaker Suta Gosvam'i with great respect. gosviimi must be well acquainted with all these literatures. To hear and
explain them is more important than reading them. One can only assimi
TEXT 6 late the knowledge of the revealed scriptures by hearing and explaining.
Hearing is called sravara, and explaining is called kirtana. The two
'5fl� �: processes of sravara and kirtana are of primary importance to progressive
spiritual life. Only one who has properly grasped the transcendental
�(IUilfwt ijRf�R11M :qt� I
�� knowledge from the right source by submissive hearing can properly
� \ilij�ll�lfOI �I I � I I explain the subject.
author of both Vediinta-sutras as well as Srimad-Bhiigavata m or the spiritual master. Only by his satisfaction can one please the Personality of
essence of all Vedic literatures. Besides Vyasadeva, there are other sages Godhead, and when he is dissatisfied· there is only havoc on the path of
who are the authors of six different philosophical systems, namely spiritual realization ." It is essential, therefore, that a disciple be very much
Gautama, Kana�a, Kapila, Patafijali, Jaimini and A�tavakra. Theism is obedient and submissive to the bona fide spiritual master. Snla Suta
explained completely in the Vediinta-sutra, whereas in other systems of Gosvami fulfilled all these qualifications as a disciple, and therefore he was
philosophical speculations, practically no mention is given to the ultimate endowed with all favors by his learned and self-realized spiritual masters
cause of all causes. One can sit on the Vyiisiisana only after being conver such as Srila Vyasadeva and others. The sages of Naimi�aratlya were
sant in all systems of philosophy so that one can present fully the confident that Srila Siita Gosvami was bona fide. Therefore they were
theistic views of the Bhiigavatam in defiance of all other systems. Srila Suta anxious to hear from him.
Gosvam1 was the proper teacher, and therefore the sages at Naimi�arapya
elevated him to the Vyiisiisana. Srila Vyasadeva is designated herein as the TEXT 9
Personality of Godhead because he is the authorized incarnation .
anugrahiit-by the favor of; b riiyu[l.-will tell; snigdhasya-of the one who deserve.
is submissive ; s4yasya-of the disciple ; gurava[l.-the spiritual masters;
guhyam-sec ret ; api uta-endowed with.
Please, therefore, being blessed with many years, explain to us what
And because you are submissive, your spiritual masters have endowed you ascertain to be the absolute and ultimate good for the people in
you with all their favors. Therefore you can tell us all you have learned general.
from them.
In Bhagavad-gitii, worship of the iiciirya is recommended. The iiciiryas
The secret of success in spiritual life is in satisfying the spiritual master and the gosviimis are always well-wishers for the general public . They are
and thereby getting His sincere blessings. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti especially spiritual well-wishers. Spiritual well-being is automatically fol
Thakur has sung in his famous eight stanzas on the spiritual master as lowed by material well-being. The aciiryas therefore give directions in
follows : "I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual well-being for the people in general . Foreseeing the incompetencies
66 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 1
Text 11] Questions by the Sages 67
of the people in this age of Kali, or the iron age of quarrel, the sages
requested that Siita Gosvami give a summary of all revealed scriptures matter of self-realization. The human life is especially meant for self
because the people of this age are condemned in every respect. The sages, realization. That is to say, man should come to know what he is, what the
therefore, inquired of the absolute good, which is the ultimate good for world is, and what the supreme truth is. Human life is a means by which
the people. The condemned state of affairs of the people of this age is the living entity can end all miseries of material existence which arise in the
described as follows. hard struggle for existence and by which he can return to Godhead, his
eternal home. But, due to a bad system of education, men have no desire
TEXT 10 for self-realization. Even if they come to know about it, they unfortunately
become victims of misguided teachers.
sn4un(!4l?l'f: � ��� �: I In this age, men are not only victims of different political creeds and
parties, but also of many different types of sense-gratificatory diversions,
�: ij+t;:({+\6ti) � !4a6t.: I I � II o
namely cinemas, sports, gambling, clubs, mundane libraries, bad associa
tions, smoking, drinking, cheating, pilfering, bickerings, and so on. Their
priiyerullpiiyu§a{l sabhya
minds are always disturbed and full of anxieties due to so many different
kaliiv asmin yuge janii{l
engagements. In this age, many unscrupulous men manufacture their own
mandii{l sumanda-matayo ,
religious faiths which are not based on any revealed scriptures, and very
manda-bhagyii hy upadrutii{l
often people who are addicted to sense gratification are attracted by such
institutions. Consequently, in the name of religion so many sinful acts
priiyefla-almost always; alpa-meager; iiyu§a{l-duration of life ; sabhya are being carried on, and the people in general have neither peace of mind
me nber of the learned society ; kalau-in this age of Kali (quarrel) ; nor health of body. The student (brahmaciiri) communities are no longer
asmin- herein ; yuge-age; janii{l-the public ; mandii{l-lazy; sumanda being maintained, and householders do not observe the rules and regula
mataya{l- misguided; manda-bhagya�-unlucky ; hi-and above all ; tions of the grhastha-iiSrama. Consequently, the so-called viinaprastha and
upadrutii"{l.- disturbed. sannyiisi who come out of such grhastha-iiSramas are easily deviated from
the rigid path. In the Kali-yuga the whole atmosphere is surcharged With
TRANSLATION faithlessness. Men are no longer interested in spiritual values. Material
sense gratification is now the standard of civilization. For the main
0 learned one, in this iron age of Ka:ti men have but short lives. They tenance of such material civilizations, man has formed complex nations
are quarrelsome, lazy, misguided, unlucky and above all, always �isturbed. and communities, and there is a constant strain of hot and cold wars
between these different groups. It has become very difficult, therefore, to
PURPORT raise the spiritual standard due to the present distorted values of human
society. The sages of Naimi�ra�ya are anxious to disentangle all fallen
The devotees of the Lord are always anxious for the spiritual improve souls, and here they are seeking the remedy from Srila Siita Gosvami.
ment of the general public. When the sages of Naim�ara�ya analyzed the
state of affairs of the people in this age of Kali, they foresaw that men TEXT 11
would live short lives. In Kali-yuga, the duration of life is shortened not
so much because of insufficient food but because of irregular habits. � ��or �il6ottlf91 mwm: I
By keeping regular habits and eating simple food, any man can maintain
his health. Overeating, over sense gratification, over dependence on
am: .�s;r tmm � +tW1"11'4l 1
another's mercy, and artificial standards of living sap the . very vitality of ilf( �ffl ;d 4wtlt:¥il �Si«l<lf<t I I � � I I
human energy. Therefore the duration of life is shortened.
The people of this age are also very lazy , not only materially but in the bhiiri!li bhiiri-karmiifli
srotavyiini vibhiiga§a{l
[ C anto 1, Ch. 1 Text 12] Questions by the Sages 69
68 Srimad-Bhagavatam
atal) siidho 'tra yat siirarh atmosphere is surcharged with opposition. And considering this, one can
samuddhrtya mani§ayii see that spiritual emancipation for the common man in this age is very
briihi bhadriiya bhiitiiniim difficult. The reason for the sages' inquiry into this matter is explained in
yeniitmii suprasidati the following verse.
�: �ij qm �q f� � l
�: �tun;wt+t(�ti?J€1fcf'l_td I (Rf: � �() �itRr m � lt �ldll
��tqijtil \{fflwU � :q l'JqP.f :q I I � � II
iipannalt samsrtim ghoriim
tan nalt susrii§amiiru'iniim yan-niima viva§o grr-an
arhasy angiinuvarp_itum tatalt sadyo vimucyeta
yasyiivatiiro bhiitiiniim yad bibheti svayam bhayam
k§emiiya ca bhaviiya ca iipannalt-being entangled; samsrtim-in the hurdle of birth and death;
ghoriim-too complicated; yat-what ; niima-the absolute name; vivasalt
tat-those; nalt-unto us; susrii§amiir-iiniim-those who are endeavoring unconsciously; grr-an-chanting; tata!t-froTP that ; sadya!t-at once;
for; arhasi-ought to do it ; anga-0 Siita Gosvami; anuvarr-itum-to vimucyeta-gets freedom; yat-that which ; bibheti-fears; svayam-'- person
explain by following in the footsteps of previous iiciiryas; yasya-whose; ally; bhayam-fear itself.
avatiiralt-incarnation ; bhutiiniim-of the living beings; k§emiiya-for good;
ca- and; bhaviiya- upliftment ; ca- and. TRANSLATION
Living beings who are entangled in the meshes of birth and death can
TRANSLATION be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of
Kr�!J.a, which is feared by fear personified.
Enlighten us, 0 Siita, about the Personality of Godhead and His incar
nations. We are eager to learn those teachings imparted by previous PURPORT
masters [ acii.r yas] , for one is uplifted by hearing them. Vasudeva or Lord Kr�!J.a, the Absolute Personality of Godhead, is the
supreme controller of everything. There is no one in creation who is not
PURPORT afraid of the rage of the Almighty. Great asuras like Rava!J.a, Hira!J.yakasipu,
Kamsa, and others who were very powerful living entities were all killed by
The conditions for hearing the transcendental message of the Absolute the Personality of Godhead. And the almighty Vasudeva has empowered
Truth are set forth herein. The first condition is that the audience must His name with the powers of His personal Self. Everything is related to
be very sincere and eager to hear. And the speaker must be in the line of Him, and everything has its identity in Him. It is stated herein that the
disciplic succession from the recognized iiciirya. The transcendental message name of Kr�!!a is feared even by fear personified. This indicates that the
of the Absolute is not understandable by those who are materially name of Krsna is nondifferent from Krsna. Therefore, the name of Krsna
absorbed. Under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master, one becomes is as powerf�i as Lord Kr�!la Himself. Th��e is no difference at all. Any��e,
gradually purified. Therefore, one must be in the chain of disciplic therefore, can take advantage of the holy names of Lord Sri Kr�!!a even in
succession and learn the spiritual art by submissive hearing. In the case of the midst of greatest dangers. The transcendental name of Kr�!J.a, even
Siita Gosvami and the sages of Naimi�iira!J.ya, all these conditions are though uttered unconsciously or by force of circumstances, can help one
fulfilled because Srila Siita Gosviimi is in the line of Srila Vyiisadeva, and obtain freedom from the hurdle of birth and death.
the sages of Naimi�iira!J.ya are all sincere souls who are anxious to learn
the truth. Thus the transcendental topics of Lord Sri Kr�!!a's superhuman TEXT I5
activities, His incarnation, His birth, appearance or disappearance, His
forms, His names and so on are all easily understandable because all �: � �: st�+t1�;w1 : I
requirements are fulfilled. Such discourses help all men on the path of
spiritual realization. �Q: ��q�'let: ��s�� - �� ��11
72 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 1 Text 1 6 ] Questions by the Sages 73
TRANSLATION ous; sloke ljya- wors hipable by prayers ; karmarzafi. deeds; suddhi-kiimafi.
desiring deliverance from all sins; na-not ; s rrz uyiit does hear; yasafi.
0 Siita, those great sages who have completely taken shelter of the glories; kali-of the age of quarrel ; maliipah am-the agent for sanctification.
lotus feet of the Lord can at once sanctify those who come in touch
with them, whereas the waters of the Ganges can sanctify only after TRANSLATION
prolonged use.
Who is there, desiring deliverance from the vices of the Age of Kali,
who is not willing to hear the glories of the Lord?
Pure devotees of the Lord are more powerful than the waters of the
sacred river Ganges. One can derive spiritual benefit out of prolonged use The Age of Kali is the most condemned age due to its quarrelsome
of the Ganges waters. But one can be sanctified at once by the mercy of a features. Kali-yuga is so saturated with vicious habits that there is a great
pure devotee of the Lord. In Bhagavad-gitii it is said that any person, fight at the slightest misunderstanding. Those who are engaged in the pure
regardless of birth as sudra, woman, or merchant, can take shelter of the devotional service of the Lord, who are without any desire for self
lotus feet of the Lord and by so doing can return to Godhead. To take aggrandizement and who are freed from the effects of fruitive actions
shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord means to take shelter of the pure and dry philosophical speculations are capable of getting out of the
devotees. The pure devotees whose only business is serving are honored estrangements of this complicated age. The leaders of the people are very
by the names Prabhupiida and V�r-upiida, which indicate such devotees to much anxious to live in peace and friendship, but they have no information
be representatives of the lotus feet of the Lord. Anyone, therefore, who of the simple method of hearing the glories of the Lord. On the contrary,
takes shelter of the lotus feet of a pure devotee by accepting the pure such leaders are opposed to the propagation of the glories of the
devotee as his spiritual master can be at once purified. Such devotees of Lord. In other words, the foolish leaders want to completely deny
the Lord are honored equally with the Lord because they are engaged in the existence of the Lord. In the name of secular state, such leaders
the most confidential service of the Lord, for they deliver out of the are enacting various plans every year. But by the insurmountable
material world the fallen souls whom the Lord wants to return home, back intricacies of the material nature of the Lord, all these plans for pro
to Godhead. Such pure devotees are better known as vice-lords according gress are being constantly frustrated. They have no eyes to see that
to revealed scriptures. The sincere disciple of the pure devotee considers their attempts at peace and friendship are failing. But here is the hint to
the spiritual master equal to the Lord, but always considers himself to be get over the hurdle. If we want actual peace, we must open the road to
a humble servant of the servant of the Lord . This is the pure devotional understand the Supreme Lord ��I].a and glorify Him for His virtuous
path. activities as they are depicted in the pages of the Srimad-Bhiigavatam.
74 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 1 Text 18] Questions by the Sages 75
TEXT 1 7 activities of the Lord and His transcendental realm are sometimes favored
by the Lord in His adventures as incarnations wherein He displays the
� �o91i(l(tfal q{'(lf\ijtM �: I eternal bliss of His association in the transcendental realm. By such
� ;r: � �'T� i(lil�: �: I I � \91 1 activities He attracts the conditioned souls of the material world. Some of
these conditioned souls are engaged in the false enj oyment of material
tasya karmar-y udiirar-i senses and others in simply negating their real life in the spiritual world.
parigitiini suribhi"ft These less intelligent persons are known as karmis or fruitive workers, and
brnhi na[l sraddadhiiniiniirh the others are known as jiiiinis or dry mental speculators. But above these
lilayii dadhata[l kalii[l two classes of men is the transcendentalist known as siitvata or the devotee
who is neither busy with rampant material activity nor with material
tasya- His; karmiir-i- transcendental acts; udiiriir-i- magnanimous; parigi speculation. He is engaged in the positive service of the Lord, and thereby
tiini- broadcast ; suribhi[l-by the great souls; brnhi-please speak ; �aft he derives the highest spiritual benefit unknown to the karmis and jiiiinis.
unto us ; sraddadhiiniiniirh-ready to receive with respect; lilayii- pash mes; As the supreme controller of both the material and spiritual worlds, the
dadhata[l-ad vented ; kaliift- incarnations. Lord has different incarnations of unlimited categories. Incarnations like
Brahma, Rudra, Manu, Prthu, Vyasa and so on are His material qualitative
TRANSLATION incarnations, but His incarnations like Ram a, N arasimha, V araha, Vamana,
and so on are His transcendental incarnations. Lord Sri Kr�l).a is the
His transcendental acts are magnificent and gracious, and great learned fountainhead of all incarnations, and He is therefore the cause of all causes.
sages like Narada sing of them. Please, therefore, speak to us, who are
eager to hear about His adventures which He performs in His various TEXT 18
3i?.IR.::qtfl �: �: I
The Personality of Godhead is never inactive as some less intelligent � f�: ��'T�+t¥41441 I I � �I I
persons suggest. His works are magnificent and magnan� mous. �is creations
both material and spiritual are all wonderful and contam all vanegatedness. athiikhyiihi harer dhimann
They are described nicely by such liberated souls as Srila Narada, Vyasa, avatiira-kathiift subhiift
Valmiki, Devala, Asita, Madhva, Sri Caitanya, Ramanuja, Vi�!lusvami, lila vidadhataft svairam
Nimbarka, Sridhara, Visvanatha, Baladeva, Bhaktivinode, Siddhanta Sara· iSvarasyiitma-miiyayii
svati and many other learned and self-realized souls. These creations, both
material and spiritual, are full of opulence, beauty, and knowledge, but atka-therefore ; iikhyiihi-describe; hare[l-of the Lord; dhiman-0 saga
the spiritual realm is more magnificent due to its being full of k nowledge, cious one; avatiira-incarnations; kathiift - narratives; subhiift- auspicious;
bliss and eternity. The material creations are manifested for some time as lila- adventures; vidadhata[l- performed ; svairam- pastimes ; isvarasya- the
perverted shadows of the spiritual kingdom and can be likened to cinemas. supreme controller's; iitma-personal; miiyayii- ener gies.
They attract people of less intelligent caliber who are attracted by false
things. Such foolish men have no information of the reality, and they TRANSLATION
take it for granted that the false material manifestation is the all in all.
But more intelligent men guided by sages like Vyasa and Narada know 0 wise Suta, please narrate to us the transcendental pastimes of the
that the eternal kingdom of God is more delightful, larger, and eternally Supreme Godhead's multi-incarnations. Such auspicious adventures and
full of bliss and knowledge. Those who are not conversant with the pastimes of the Lord are performed by His internal powers.
Text 20 ] Questions by the Sages 77
76 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l, Ch. l
PURPORT and therefore remain fresh even after repeated readings. For example, any
one may read Bhagavad gita or the Srimad-Bhiigavatam repeatedly through
For the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the material worlds, out his whole life and yet find in them new light of information. Mundane
the Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead Himself appears in many news is static whereas transcendental news is dynamic, inasmuch as the
thousands of forms of incarnations, and the specific adventures found in spirit is dynamic and matter is static. Those who have developed a taste
those transcendental forms are all auspicious. Both those who are present for understanding the transcendental subject matter are never tired of
during such activities and those who hear the transcendental narrations of hearing such narrations. One is quickly satiated by mundane activities,
such activities are benefited. but no one is satiated by transcendental or devotional activities. Ut tama
sloka indicates that literature which is not meant for nescience. Mundane
TEXT 19 literature is in the mode of darkness or ignorance, whereas transcendental
literature is quite different. Transcendental literature is above the mode of
darkness, and its light becomes more luminous with progressive reading
and realization of the transcendental subject matter. The so-called liberated
persons are never satisfied by the repetition of the words aharh brahmiismi.
Such artificial realization of Brahman becomes hackneyed, and so to relish
vayarh t u n a vitrpyama real pleasure they turn to the narrations of the Srimad-Bhiigavatam. Those
uttama-sloka-vikrame who are not so fortunate turn to altruism and. worldly philanthropy. This
yac chnwatarh rasa-jiianarh means the Mayavada philosophy is mundane, whereas the philosophy of
sviidu svadu pade pade. Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhiigavatam is transcendental.
31Rt+tf4tM � �: ;:Mi!+ti�'!'H l l � o l l
palatable ; pade pade-in every step.
krtavan kila karmar-i
TRANSLATION saha ramer-a kesava�
atimartyani bhagavan
We never tire of hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Personality gii�ha� kapata-miinu�a�
of Godhead who is glorified by hymns . and prayers. Those who enjoy
association with Him relish hearing of His pastimes at very moment. krtavan-done by; kila-what and what; karmiir-i-acts; saha-along with;
ramer-a- Balarama; kesava�-Sri Kr�!la; atimartyani- superhuman; bhagaviin
PURPORT -the Personality of Godhead; gii�ha�- m asked as ; kapata-apparently ;
miinu�a�-human being.
There is a great difference between mundane stories, fiction, or history
and the transcendental pastimes of the Lord. The histories of the whole TRANSLATION
universe contain references to the pastimes of the incarnations of the Lord.
The Ramiiyar-a, Mahiibhiirata, and the Punzr-as are histories of bygone ages Lord Sri Kr�!J.a, the Personality of Godhead,.and Balarama played like
recorded in connection with the pastimes of the incarnations of the Lord human beings, and so masked They performed many superhuman acts.
Text 21 J Questions by the Sages 79
78 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l , Ch. l
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the First Canto, First Chapter Divinity and Divine service
of Snmad-Bhagavatam, entitled "Questions by the Sages. ,
� '3'Sffq
� �� � �Of! l
stfet\li'il tt+.t\�Ni �lq� I I � II
iti samprasna-samhr§fo
vipriirzii.m raumahar§ar-ift
pratipujya vacas te§ii.m
pravaktum upacakrame
vyiisa[l. uviica- Vyasa said; iti-thus ; sampra sna- perfect · inquires;
samhr§taft- perfectly satisfied; vipriirtiim - of the sages there; raumahar
§artift the son of Romahaq;al)a, namely Ugrasrava ; pratip ujya- after thank
� stA\ii'{144?J1tHt¥4ltijf)fif
'� N(«iiij( . � I
84 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l , C h . 2 Text 3 ) Divinity and Divine Service 85
�fu (1.-¥PH141 �sf�� instru ct him in the Vedas. The spiritual master accepts only the sincere
inquirer as his disciple and gives him the sacred thread. In this way a man
��¥{��<::4 ijM+tl�ijjsf� II � II becomes twice-born, or a dvija. After qualifying as a dvija one may study
the Vedas, and after becoming well versed in the Vedas one becomes a
suta uviica vipra. A .vipra or a qualified briihmar-a thus realizes the Absolute and
yam pravrajantam anupetam apeta-krtyam makes further progress in spiritual life until he reaches the V ai�l).ava stage.
dvaipiiyano viraha-kiitara iijuhiiva The V ai�l).ava -stage is the postgraduate status of a briihmar-a. A progressive
putreti tanmayatayii taravo'bhinedus briihmarw must necessarily become a V ai�l).ava, for a V ai�l).ava is a self
tam sarva-bhuta-hrdayam munim iinato 'smi realized, learned briihmana.
Snia Sukadeva Gosva�i was a Vai�l).ava from the beginning; therefore,
siitaft-Suta Gosvami; uviica-said; yam-whom ; pravrajantam-while there was no need for him to undergo all the processes of the varr-iisrama
going away for the renounced order of life ; anupetam-without being institution. Ultimately the aim of varr-iisrama-dharma is to turn a crude
reformed by the sacred thread; apeta-not undergoing ceremonies; krtyam man into a pure devotee of the Lord, or a Vai�!J.ava. Anyone, therefore,
-prescribed duties ; dvaipiiyanaft- Vyasadeva; viraha-separation; kiitaraft who becomes a V ai�!J.ava accepted by the first-class Vai�pava or uttama
being afraid of; iijuhiiva-ex claimed; putra iti-0 my son ; tanmayatayii adhikiiri Vai�pava is already considered a briihmar-a, regardless of his birth
being absorbed in that way; taravaft-all the trees; abh ineduft- responded; or past deeds. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted this principle and recog
tam- unto him ; sarva-all; bhiita-living entities ; hrdayam- heart ; munim nized Snia Haridasa Thakur as the iiciirya of the holy name, although
sage ; iinataft asmi- offer obeisances. Thakur Haridasa appeared in a Mohammedan family. In conclusion, Srila
Sukadeva Gosvami was born a V ai�!J.ava, and, therefore, brahminism was
TRANSLATION included in him . He did not have to undergo any ceremonies . Any low
born person-be he a Kiriita, Hurta, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkhasa, Abhira,
Srila Siita Gosvami said: Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Sumbha, Yavana, Khasiidi or even lower-can be delivered to the
that great sage [ Sukadeva Gosvami) who can enter the hearts of all. When highest transcendental position by the mercy of V ai�pavas. Sn1a Sukadeva
he went away to take up the renounced order of life [ sannyasa] , leaving Gosvami was the spiritual master of Sri Siita Gosvami, and therefore he
home without undergoing the sacred thread ceremony, his father, offers his respectful obeisances unto him before he begins his answers to
Vyasadeva, cried out to him, "Oh, my son!" Indeed, only the trees echoed the questions of the sages at N aimi�arapya.
in response to the begrieved father.
he likes the taste of the twigs mixed with blood. He does not realize that
ya[t- he who ; sviinubhavam-self-assimiliated (experienced) ; akhila-all it is his own blood and that his tongue is being cut by the thorns. Similarly,
around; sruti- Vedas; siiram-cream ; ekam-the only one; adhyiitma to the materialist his own blood is as sweet as honey, and although he is
transcendental; dipam- torchlight; atititir�atiim-desiring to overcome; always harassed by his own material creations, he does not wish to escape.
tama[t andam -deeply dark material existence; samsiirirtiim-of the material Such materialists are called karmis. Out of hundreds of thousands of
istic men; karurtayii- out of causeless mercy; aha-said; puriirta-supplemen karmis, only a few may feel tired of material engagement and desire to get
tary to the Vedas; guhyam- very confidential ; tam-unto him ; vyiisa· out of the labyrinth. Such intelligent persons are called jiiiinis. The
sii.num-the son of Vyasadeva; upayiimi-let me offer my obeisances; Vediinta-siitra is directed to such jiiiinis. But Srila Vyasadeva, being the
gurum-spiritual master; muniniim-of the great sages. incarnation of the Supreme Lord, could foresee the misuse of the
Vediinta-siitra by unscrupulous men, and, therefore, he personally sup
TRANSLATION plemented the Vediinta-siitra with the Bhiigavata Puriina. It is clearly
said that this Bhiigavatam is the original commentary on the Brahma
Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto him [ Suka ] , the spiritual siitras. Srila Vyasadeva also instructed the Bhiigavatam to his own son,
master of all sages, the son of Vyasadeva, who, out of his great compassion Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, who was already at the liberated stage of
for those gross materialists who struggle to cross over the darkest regions transcendence. Srila Sukadeva realized it personally and then explained it.
of material existence, spoke this Pur�a [supplement to the Vedas] , the By the mercy of Srila Sukadeva, the Bhiigavat- Vediinta-siitra is available
cream of Vedic knowledge, after having personally assimilated it by for all those sincere souls who want to get out of material existence.
experience. Srimad-Bhiigavatam is the one unrivalled commentary on Vediinta-siitra.
Sripada Sankaracarya intentionally did not touch it because he knew that
PURPORT it would be difficult for him to surpass the natural commentary. He wrote
his Siiriraka-bhii�ya, and his so-called followers deprecated the Bhiigavatam
In this prayer, Snla Siita Gosvami practically summarizes the complete as some "new" presentation. One should not be misled by such propaganda
introduction of Srimad-Bhiigavatam. Srimad-Bhiigavatam is the natural directed against the Bhiigavatam by the Mayavada school. From this
supplementary commentary on the Vediinta-siitras. The Vediinta-siitras or introductory sloka, the beginning student should know that Srimad
the Brahma-siitras were compiled by Vyasadeva with a view to presenting Bhiigavatam is the only transcendental literature meant for those who are
just the cream of Vedic knowledge. Srimad-Bhiigavatam is the natural paramahamsas and completely freed from the material disease called
commentary on this cream. Srila Sukadeva Gosvami was a thoroughly malice. The Mayavadis are envious of the Personality of Godhead despite
realized master of the Vediinta-siitra, and consequently he also personally Sripada Sailkaracarya's admission that Naraya�a, the Personality o(God
realized the commentary, Srimad-Bhiigavatam. And just to show his head, is above the material creation. The envious Mayavadl cannot have
boundless mercy upon bewildered materialistic men who want to cross access to the Bhiigavatam, but those who are really anxious to get out of
completely over nescience, he recited for the first time this confidential this material existence may take shelter of this Bhiigavatam because it is
knowledge. uttered by the liberated Srila Sukadeva Gosvaml. It is the transcendental
There is no point in arguing that a materialistic man can be happy. No torchlight by which one can see perfectly the transcendental Absolute
materialistic creature-be he the great Brahma or an insignificant ant Truth realized as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan.
can be happy. Everyone tries to make a permanent plan for happiness,
but everyone is baffled by the laws of material nature. Therefore the TEXT 4
materialistic world is called the darkest region of God's creation. Yet the
unhappy materialists can get out of it simply by desiring to get out.
Unfortunately they are so foolish that they do not want to escape. There
"''�'�.,j ;w¥tws�:::q wR � ;w(hl+ilt I
fore thtty are compared to the camel who relishes thorny twigs because W (1*fffl o:qRf iRfl \il:qf!(\<4� I I � II
88 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 2 Text 5] Divinity and Divine Service 89
representatives are all busy with questions and answers. Although they PURPORT
go o n making such questions and answers for their wh�le lives, the � are
not at all satisfied. Satisfaction of the soul can only be obtamed by questiOns In this statement, Sri Suta Gosvami answers the first question of the
and answers on the subject of Kr�J;Ia. sages of Naimi�araJ;Iya. The sages asked him to summarize the whole range
· is our most intimate master, friend, father or son and object of of revealed scriptures and present the most essential part so that fallen
conj � gal love. Forgetting Kr�J;Ia, we have created so � any objects of people or the people in general might easily take it up. The Vedas
questions and answers, but none of them are able t � gtv� us comple�e prescribe two different types of occupation for the human being. One is
satisfaction. All things-but Kr�J;Ia-give temporary satisfaction only, so If called the pravrtti-miirga, or the path of sense enj oyment, and the other
we are to have complete satisfaction we must take to the questions and is called the nivrtti-miirga or the path of renunciation. The path of
answers about Krsna. We cannot live for a moment without being questioned enjoyment is inferior, but the path of sacrifice for the supreme cause is
or without givi �g answers� Because the Srimad-Bhiigavatam deals with superior. The material existence of the living being is a diseased condition
questions and answers that are related to Kr�J;Ia, we can derive the highest of actual life. Actual life is spiritual existence, or brahma-bhuta existence
satisfaction only by reading and hearing this transcendental literature. where life is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge. Material existence
One should learn the Srimad-Bhiigavatam and make an all-around solution is temporary, illusory and full of miseries. There is no happiness at all.
to all problems pertaining to social, political or religious matters. Srimad There is just the futile attempt to get rid of the miseries, and temporary
Bhiigavatam and Kr�J;Ia are the sum total of all things. cessation of misery is falsely called happiness. Therefore, the path of
progressive material enj oyment, which is temporary, miserable and illusory,
TEXT 6 is inferior. But devotional service of the Supreme Lord, which leads one to
eternal, blissful and all-cognizant life, is called the superior quality of
occupation. This is sometimes polluted when mixed with the inferior
�� !m tRT �1 � m�� � quality. For example, adoption of devotional service for material gain is
��� �smtt ij� I I � I I certainly an obstruction to the progressive path of renunciation. Renuncia
tion or abnegation for ultimate good is certainly a better occupation than
s a vai pumsiim para dharma enjoyment in the diseased condition of life. Such enjoyment only aggravates
yata bhaktir adhak�aje the symptoms of disease and increases its duration. Therefore devotional
ahaituky apratihatii service of the Lord must be pure in quality, i.e., without the least desire
yayiitmii suprasidati for material enjoyment. One should, therefore, accept the superior quality
of occupation in the form of devotional service of the Lord without any
tinge of unnecessary desire, fruitive action and philosophical speculation.
sa�-that; vai-certainly; pumsiim-for mankind; para�-sublime;
This alone can lead one to perpetual solace in His service.
dharma�-occupation; yata[l-by which; bhakti[l- devotional ser�ce;
We have purposely denoted dharma as occupation because the root
adhak�aje-unto the· Transcendence; ahaituki- causeless; apratihatii-un
meaning of the word dharma is "that which sustains one's existence." A
broken ; yayii-by which ; iitmii- self; suprasidati-completely satisfied.
living being's sustenance of existence is to coordinate his activities with
his eternal relation with the Supreme Lord Kr�J;Ia. Kr�J;Ia is the central pivot
TRANSLATION of living beings, and He is the all-attractive living entity or eternal form
amongst all other living beings or eternal forms. Each and every living
The supreme occupation [ dharma] for all humanity is that by which being has his eternal form in the spiritual existence, and Kr�J;Ia is the eternal
men can attain to loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord. attraction for all of them. Kr�J;Ia is the complete whole, and everything
Such devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted in order else is His part and parcel. The relation is one of the servant and the
to completely satisfy the self. served, and it is transcendental and is completely distinguished from our
92 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l, Ch_ 2 Text 8 ) Divinity and Divine Service 93
experience in material existence. This relation of servant and the served serious about getting in contact with the Supreme Lord, and it is easy for
is the most congenial form of intimacy. One can realize it as devotional the neophytes who are just on the threshold of the house of bhakti. It is a
service progresses . Everyone should engage himself in that transcendental
great science to �c �eve the conta�t of the. Sup�eme P�rsonali�! of Go� ead�
. hemgs, mcludmg the sudras, va�.Syas,
loving service of the Lord, even in the present conditional state of material Sri Kr�!J.a, and It IS open for all hvmg
existence. That will gradually give one the clue to actual life and please women or even those lower than the sudras who are called low-horn
him to complete satisfaction. so what to speak of the high-class men like the qualified briihmar-as and the
great self-realized kings. The other high-grade activities designated as
TEXT 7 sacrifice, charity, austerity, etc., are all corollary factors following the pure
and scientific bhakti cult.
t�m�% �if.rfu ��: Sl��ij: 1 The principles of knowledge and detachment are two important factors
���� ��ynf ijy;f :q ��� I I \9 II on the path of transcendental realization. The whole spiritual process
leads to perfect knowledge of everything material and spiritual, and the
viisudeve bhagavati results of such perfect knowledge are that one becomes detached from
bhakti-yogalt prayojita[l material affection and becomes attached to spiritual activities. Becoming
janayaty iisu vairiigyam detached from material things does not mean becoming inert altogether,
jii.iinam ca yad ahaitukam as men with a poor fund of knowledge think. Nai!jkarma means not
undertaking such activities that will produce good or bad effects. Negation
viisudeve-unto Kr�J]a; bhagavati-unto the Personality of Godhead; does not mean negation of the positive. Negation of the nonessentials
bhakti-yoga[l-contact of devotional service; prayojita[l-being applied; does not mean negation of the essential. Similarly, detachment from
janayati- does produce ; iisu-very soon; vairiigyam -detachment; jiiiinam material forms does not mean nullifying the positive form. The bhakti
knowledge; ca- and; yat-that which; ahaitukam- causeless. cult is meant for realization of the positive form. When the positive form
is realized, the negative forms are automatically eliminated. Therefore, with
TRANSLATION the development of the bhakti cult, with the application of the positive
service to the positive form, one naturally becomes detached from inferior
By rendering devotional service unto the Person�ty of Godhead, Sri things, and he becomes attached to superior things. Similarly, the bhakti
.Kf�!J.a, one immediately acquires causeless knowledge and detachment cult, being the supermost occupation of the living being, leads him out of
from the world. material sense enjoyment. That is the sign of a pure devotee. He is neither
a fool, nor is he engaged in the inferior energies, nor does he have material
PURPORT values. This is not possible by dry reasoning. It actually happens by the
grace of the Almighty. In conclusion, one who is a pure devotee has all
Those who consider devotional service of the Supreme Lord Sri Kr�!la other good qualities, namely knowledge, detachment, etc., but one who
to he something like material emotional affairs may argue that in the has only knowledge or detachment is not necessarily well acquainted with
revealed scriptures, sacrifice, charity, austerity, knowledge, mystic powers the principles of the bhakti cult. Bhakti is the supermost occupation of the
and similar other processes of transcendental realization are recommended . . human being.
According to them, bhakti, or devotional service of the Lord, is meant
for those who cannot perform the high-grade activities. Generally it is
said that the bhakti cult is meant for the sudras, vai.Syas and the less
intelligent woman class. But that is not the actual fact. The bhakti cult
is the topmost of all transcendental activities, and therefore it is simul
taneously sublime and easy. It is sublime for the pure devotees who are
94 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 2 Text 9 ] Divinity and Divine Service 95
dharma"ft svanu�thita"ft purhsiirh emolument of the body and mind. The body and the mind are but
v�vaksena-kathiisu ya"ft superfluous outer coverings of the spirit soul . The spirit soul's needs must
notpiidayed yadi ratirh be fulfilled. Simply by cleansing the cage of the bird, one does not satisfy
srama eva hi kevalam the bird. One must actually know the needs of the bird himself .
The need of the spirit soul is that he wants to get out of the limited
dharma"ft- occupation; svanu�thita"ft-executed in terms of one's own sphere of material bondage and fulfill his desire for complete freedom.
position ; purhsiim-of humankind; v�vaksena- Personality of Godhead He wants to get out of the covered walls of the greater universe. He wants
(plenary portion); kathiisu-in the message of; ya"ft-what is ; na- not; to see the free light and the spirit. That complete freedom is achieved
utpiidayet-does produce; yadi-if; ratim-attraction; srama"ft-useless labor; when he meets the complete spirit, the Personality of Godhead. There is
eva- only ; hi-certainly ; kevalam- entirely ·. a dormant affection for God within everyone ; spiritual existence is mani
fested through the gross body and mind in the form of perverted
TRANSLATION affection for gross and subtle matter. Therefore we have to engage
ourselves in occupat�onal engagements that will evoke our divine con·
Duties [ dharma] executed by men, regardless of occupation, are only sciousness. This is possible only by hearing and chanting the divine activi
so much useless labor if they do not provoke attraction for the message of ties of the Supreme Lord, and any occupational activity which does not
the Supreme Lord. help one to achieve attachment for hearing and chanting the transcendental
message of Godhead is said herein to be simply a waste of time. This is
PURPORT because other occupational duties (whatever ism they may belong to)
ca,nnot give liberation to the soul. Even the activities of the salvationists
There are different occupational activities in terms of man's different are considered to be useless because of their failure to pick up the fountain
conceptions of life. To the gross materialist who cannot see anything head of all liberties . The gross materialist can practically see that his
beyond the gross material body, there is nothing beyond the senses. There material gain is limited only to time and space, either in this world or the
fore his occupational activities are limited to concentrated and extended other . Even if he goes up to the Svargaloka, he will find no permanent
selfishness. Concentrated selfishness centers around the personal body abode for his hankering soul. The hankering soul must be satisfied by the
this is generally seen amongst the lower animals. Extended selfishness is perfect scientific process of perfect devotional service.
manifested in human society and centers around the family, society,
community, nation and world with a view to gross bodily comfort. Above
these gross materialists are the mental speculators who hover aloft in the • �nr� ;n�stthilqtfi(!q� 1
mental spheres, and their occupational duties involve making poetry,
philosophy or propagating some ism with the same aim of selfishness _
;n�� ��� � �Nrl fu �: l l � I I
limited to the body and the mind. But above the body and mind is the dharmasya hy iipavargyasya
dormant spirit soul whose absence from the body makes the whole range niirtho 'rthiiyopakalpate
of bodily and mental selfishness completely null and void. But less intelli niirthasya dharmaikiintasya
gent people have no information of the needs of the spirit soul. kiimo liibhiiya hi smrta"ft
Because foolish people have no information of the soul and how it is dharmasya- occupational engagement; hi-certainly; iipavargyasya-ulti
beyond the purview of the body and mind, they are not satisfied in the mate liberation; na-not; artha"ft - end ; arthiiya-for material gain; upa-
performance of their occupational duties. The question of the satisfaction ' kalpate-is meant for; na-neither ; arthasya-of material gain; dharma
of the self is raised herein. The self is beyond the gross body and subtle eka-antasya-for one who is engaged in the ultimate occupational service;
mind. He is the potent active principle of the body and mind. Without kiima�- sense gratification; liib hiiya- attainment of; hi-exactly ; smrta�
knowing the need of the dormant soul, one cannot be happy simply with is described by the great sages.
PURPORT . Life's desires should never be aimed at gratifying the senses. One should
desire to live only because human life enables one to inquire about the
We have already discussed that pure devotional service of the Lord is Absolute Truth. This should be the goal of all works.
automatically followed by perfect knowledge and detachment from materi
al existence. But there are others who consider that all kinds of different PURPORT
occupational engagements, including those of religion, are meant for
material gain. The general tendency of any ordinary man in any part of the The completely bewildered material civilization is wrongly directed
world is to gain some material profit in exchange for religious or any other towards the fulfillment of desires in sense gratification. In such civilization,
occupational service. Even in the Vedic literatures for all sorts of religious in all spheres of life, the ultimate end is sense gratification. In politics,
performances an allurement of material gain is offered, and most people social service, altruism, philanthropy and ultimately in religion or even in
are attracted by such allurement or blessings of religiosity. Why are such salva�ion, the very sa �e tin� of sense gratification is ever increasingly pre
so-called men of religion allured by material gain? Because material gain domment. In the pohtical fteld the leaders of men fight with one anothe1
to fulfill their personal sense gratification. The voters adore the so-called
can enable one to fulfill desires, which in turn satisfy sense gratification.
leaders only when they promise sense gratification. As soon as the voters
This cycle of occupational engagements includes so-called religiosity fol
are dissatisfied in their own sense satisfaction, they dethrone the leaders.
lowed by material gain and material gain followed by fulfillment of desires.
The leaders almost always disappoint the voters by not satisfying their
Sense gratification is the general way for all sorts of fully occupied men.
senses. The same is applicable in all other fields; no one is serious about
But in the statement of Suta Gosvami, as per the verdict of the Srimad
the problems of life. Even those who are on the path of salvation desire to
Bhiigavatam, this is nullified by the present sloka.
become one with the Absolute Truth and desire to commit spiritual
One should not engage himself in any sort of occupational service for
suicide for sense gratification. But the Bhiigavatam says that one should
material gain only. Nor should material gain be utilized for sense gratifi
not live for sense gratification. One should satisfy the senses only inso
cation. How material gain should be utilized is described as follows.
much as is required for self-preservation, and not for sense gratification .
Because the body is made of senses, which also require a certain amount of
TEXT 1 0 satisfaction, there are regulative directions for satisfaction of such senses.
But �he senses are not meant for unrestricted enjoyment. For example,
� ��1� \lim ;:r"(tffll I marnage or the combmation of a man with a woman is necessary for
progeny, but it is not meant for sense enjoyment. In the absence of such
iS\� ��� ;rNT �� ��: I I Z o l l voluntary restraint , there is propaganda for family planning, but foolish
men do not know that family planning is automatically executed as soon
kiimasya nendriya-pritir as there is search after the Absolute Truth. Seekers of the Absolute Truth
liibho jiveta yiivatii are never allured by unnecessary engagements in sense gratification because
jivasya tattva-jijiiiisii t �e serious students seeking the Absolute Truth are always overwhelmed
niirtho yas ceha karmabhi!J With the work of researching the Truth. In every sphere of life, therefore,
98 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ C anto 1, Ch. 2 Text 1 2 ) Divinity and Divine Service 99
the ultimate end must be seeking after the Absolute Truth, and that sort of their own respective realization, but those who are perfect _seers of the
of engagement will make everyone happy because they will be less eng�ge d Absolute Truth know well that the above three features of the one
in varieties of sense gratification. And what that Absolute Truth IS IS_
Absolute Truth are different perspective views seen from different angles
explained as follows. of visio n.
As it is explained in the first sloka of the First Chapter of the Bhiiga
TEXT l l vatam, the Supreme Truth is self-sufficient , cognizant and freed from the
illusion of relativity. In the relative world the knower is different from the
known, but in the Absolute Truth both the knower and the known are one
�� �q�� ��� � and the same thing. In the relative world the knower is the living spirit or
� q�Rltfu +{lftllf;ffit �ij I I � � II superior energy, whereas the known is inert matter or inferior energy.
Therefore, there is a duality of inferior and superior energy, whereas in the
vadanti tat tattva-vidas absolute realm both the knower and the known are of the same superior
tattvarit yaj jiiiinam advayam energy. There are three kinds of energies of the supreme energetic. There
brahmeti paramiitmeti is no difference between the energy and energetic, but there is a difference
bhagaviin iti sabdyate of quality of energies. The absolute realm and the living entities are of the
same superior energy, but the material world is inferior energy. The living
vadanti-they say ; tat- that; tattva-vida�-the learned souls; tattvam being in contact with the inferior energy is illusioned , thinking he belongs
the Absolute Truth; yat-which; jiiiinam-knowledge ; advayam-nondual; to the inferior energy. Therefore there is the sense of relativity in the
brahma iti-known as Brahman ; paramiitmii iti- known as Paramatma; material world. In the Absolute there is no such sense of difference
bhagaviin iti known as Bhagavan; sabdyate-it so sounded.
- between the knower and the known, and therefore everything there is
TEXT 1 2
Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this
nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan.
The Absolute Truth is both subject and object, and there is no qualita
tive difference there. Therefore, Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan are tac chraddadhiinii� munayo
qualitatively one and the same. The same substance is realized as imper jiiiina-vairiigya-yuk tayii
sonal Brahman by the students of the Upan�ads, as localized Paramatma pasyanty iitmani ciitmiinarh
by the Hirapyagarbhas or the yogis, and as Bhagavan by the devotees. In
bhaktyii sruta-grhitayii
other words, Bhagavan or the Personality of Godhead is the last word of
the Absolute Truth. Paramatma is the partial representation of the Person tat that; s radda dhiinii� seriously inquisitive; munaya�- sages; jiiiina
- -
ality of Godhead, and impersonal Brahman is the glowing effulgence of knowledge; vairiigya- detachment ; yuktayii-well equipped with ; pa8yanti
the Personality of Godhead, as the sun rays are to the sun-god. Less -see; iitmani-within himself; ca-and ; iitmiinam-the Paramatma; bhaktya
intelligent students of either of the above schools sometimes argue in favor -in devotional service; sru ta- the Vedas; grhitayii- well received.
Text 1 3 ) Divinity and Divine Service 101
1 00 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 2
class position, the devotee can see four principles in the devotional line,
namely the Personality of Godhead, His devotees, the ignorant and the
envious. One has to raise himself at least to the stage of a second-class
That Absolute Truth is realized by the seriously inquisitive student or
devotee and thus become eligible to know the Absolute Truth.
sage who is well equipped with knowledge and who has become detached
A third-class devotee, therefore, has to receive the instructions of
by rendering devotional service and hearing the V edanta-sruti.
devotional service from the authoritative sources of Bhiigavatam. The
number one Bhiigavatam is the established personality of devotee, and the
other Bhiigavatam is the message of Godhead. The third-class devotee has,
therefore, to go to the personality of devotee in order to learn the instruc
The Absolute Truth is realized in full by the process of devotional ser
vice to the Lord Vasudeva or the Personality of Godhead who is the
� ons of devotional ser�ce. Su ch a personality of devotee is not a profes
. _
siOnal man who earns his livehhood by the business of Bhiigavatam. Such
full-fledged Absolute Truth. Brahman is His transcendental bodily efful
a devotee must be a representative of Sukadeva Gosvami, like Suta
gence, and Paramatma is His partial representation. As such, Brahman or Gosvami, and must preach the cult of devotional service for the all-around
Paramatma realization of the Absolute Truth is but a partial realization.
benefit of all pe��le. A neophyte devotee has very little taste for hearing
There are four different types of living beings, the karmis, the jiiiinis, the
from the authon�es. Such a neophyte devotee makes a show of hearing
yogis and the devotees. The karmis are materialistic, whereas the other
from the profes�wnal man to satisfy his senses. This sort of hearing and
three are transcendental. The first-class transcendentalists are the devotees _ has spoiled the whole thing, so one should be very careful about
who have realized the Supreme Person. The second-class transcendentalists the faulty process. The holy messages of Godhead, as inculcated in the
are those who have partially realized the plenary portion of the absolute
Bhagavad-gitii or in the Srimad-Bhiigavatam, are undoubtedly transcen
person. And the third-class transcendentalists are those who have barely
dental subjects, but even though they are so, such transcendental matters
realized the spiritual focus of the absolute person . As stated in the
are not to be received from the professional man who spoils them like the
Bhagavad-gitii and other Vedic literatures, the Supreme Person is realized serper:t spoils the milk simply by the touch of his tongue.
by devotional service, which is backed by full knowledge and detachment
A smcere devotee must, therefore, be prepared to hear the Vedic litera
from the material association. We have already discussed the point that
ture li �� the Upan4ads_: Vedanta and other literatures left by the previous
devotional service is followed by knowledge and detachment from material
autho�Ities or Gosvam1s, for the benefit of his progress. Without hearing
association. As Brahman and Paramatma realization are imperfect realiza
such litera�res, or:e cann�t make actual progress. And without hearing
tions of the Absolute Truth, so the means of realizing Brahman and
and followmg the mstructions, the show of devotional service becomes
Paramatma, i.e.; the paths of jiiiina and yoga, are also imperfect means of
wor! hless and therefore a sort of disturbance in the path of devotional
realizing the Absolute Truth. Devotional service, which is based on the
ser':ce. �nless, ! herefore, devotional service is established on the principles
foreground of full knowledge combined with detachment from material
of srutz, smrtz, puriirw or paiicariitra authorities, the make-show of
association fixed up on the aural reception of the Vediinta-sruti, is the
only perfect method of realizing the Absolute Truth by the seriously devotional service should at once be rejected. An unauthorized devotee
should never be recognized as a pure devotee. By assimilation of such
inquisitive student. D evotional service is not, therefore, meant for the less
messages from the Vedic literatures, one can see the all-pervading localized
intelligent class of transcendentalist. There are three classes of devotees,
namely first, second, and third class. The third-class devotees, or the �spect of the Personality of Godhead within his own self constantly. This
lS called samiidhi.
neophytes, who have no knowledge nor are detached from the material
association, but who are simply attracted by the preliminary processes of TEXT 1 3
worshiping the Deity in the temple, are called material devotees. Material
devotees are more attached to material benefit than transcendental profit.
Therefore, one has to make definite progress from the position of material
devotional service to the second-class devotional position. In the second-
1 02 Srimad-Bhiigavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 2
Text 14) Divinity and Divine Service 103
ataft pumbhir dvija-sre§thii
varriisrama-vib hiigasaft Herein the statement of Bhiigavatam is that the highest aim of life or
svanu§thitasya dharmasya the highest perfection of the institution of the varriisrama-dharma is to
samsiddhir hari-to§artam cooperate jointly for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, which is also
confirmed in the Bhagavad-gitii (Bg. 4.13).
ataft- so; pumbh i[t - by the human being; dvija-sre§thiilt- 0 best among
the twice-born; varriisrama- institution of four castes and orders of life; TEXT 14
vibhiigasaft-by the division of; svanu§thitasya of one's own prescribed
duties; dharmasya- occupational; saritsiddh i[t- highest perfection; hari
the Personality of Godhead; to§artam- pleasing.
6�1�"1 ll'Rl T +Jtm'l._ �trm tffir : I
�: �Rl<lo:tt� � : ��f�ll � � I I
tasmiid ekena manasii
bhagaviin siitvatiim pati[t
0 best among the twiceborn, it is therefore concluded that the highest
srotavyaft kirtitavyas ca
perfection one can achieve, by discharging his prescribed duties [ dharma]
dhyeyaft pujyas ca nityadii
according to caste divisions and order of life, is to please the Lord Hari.
tasmiit- therefore ; ekena-by one; manasii-attention of the mind;
bhagaviin-the Personality of Godhead; siitvatiim- of the devotees; pati[l.
protector; srotavya[l,-is to be heard; kirtitavya[l,-to be glorified; ca- and;
Human society all over the world is divided into four castes and four dhyehaft-to be remembered; pujya[t- to be worshiped; ca- and; nityadii
orders of life. The four castes are the intelligent caste, the martial caste,
the productive caste and the laborer caste. These castes are classified in
terms of one's work and qualification, and not by birth. Then again there
are four orders of life, namely the student life, the householder's life, the TRANSLATION
retired and the devotional life. In the best interest of human society there
must be such divisions of life, otherwise no social institution can grow Therefore devotees should constantly hear about, glorify, remember
up in a healthy state. And in each and every one of the above-mentioned and worship the Personality of Godhead [Bhagaviin] , who is their protector.
divisions of life, the aim must be to please the supreme authority of the
Personality of Godhead. This institutional function of human society is
known as the system of varriisrama-dharma, which is quite natural for
the civilized life. The varriisrama institution is constructed to enable
one to realize the Absolute Truth. It is not for artificial domination of one If realization of the Absolute Truth is the ultimate aim of life, it must
division over the other. When the aim of life, i.e. , realization of the be carried out by all means. In any one of the above-mentioned castes
Absolute Truth, is missed by too much attachment for indriya-priti or and orders of life, the four processes, namely glorifying, hearing, remember
sense gratification, as it is already discussed hereinbefore, the i nstitution ing and worshiping, are general occupations. Without these principles of
of the varriisrama is utilized by selfish men to pose an artificial predomi life, no one can exist. Activities of the living being involve engagements in
nance over the weaker section. In the Kali-yuga, or in the age of quarrel, these different four principles of life. Especially in modern society, all
this artificial predominance is already current, but the saner section of the activities are more or less dependent on hearing and glorifying. Any man
people know it well that the division of castes and orders of life are from any social status becomes a well-known man in human society
meant for smooth social intercourse and high thinking self-realization and within a very short time if he is simply glorified truly or falsely in the
not for any other purpose. daily newspapers. Sometimes political leaders of a particular party are
also advertised by newspaper propaganda, and by such glorifying method
104 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto I, Ch. 2 Text 16 ] Divinity and Divine Service 105
an insignificant man becomes an important man-within no time. But such Godhead. This is because all activities of the Supreme Lord (His Zilii)
propaganda work by false glorification of an unqualified person cannot are transcendental to the modes of the material energy. They are all
bring about any good, either for the particular man or for the society. attractive spiritual activities, and therefore constant association with the
There may be some temporary reactions to such propaganda, but there spiritual activities of the Supreme Lord gradually spiritualizes the con
are no permanent effects. Therefore such activities are a waste of time. ditioned soul and ultimately severs the knot of material bondage.
The actual object of glorification is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Liberation from material bondage is, therefore, a by-product of devotion
who has created everything manifested before us. We have broadly dis al service. Attainment of spiritual knowledge is not sufficient to insure
cussed this fact from the beginning of the ''janmiidy asya " sloka of this liberation. Such knowledge must be overcoated with devotional service so
Bhiigavatam. The tendency to glorify others or hear others must be that ultimately the devotional service alone predominates. Then liberation
turned to the real object of glorification-the Supreme Being. And that is made possible. Even the reactionary work of the fruitive workers can
will bring happiness. lead one to liberation when it is overcoated with devotional service. Karma
overcoated with devotional service is called karma-yoga. Similarly, empirical
TEXT 1 5 knowledge overcoated with devotional service is called jniina-yoga. But
pure bhak ti-yoga is independent of such karma and jniina because it alone
can not only endow one with liberation from the conditional life but can
also award one with the transcendental loving service of the Lord.
Therefore, any sensible man who is above the average man with a poor
yad anudhyiisinii yuktii� fund of knowledge must constantly remember the Personality of Godhead
karma-granthi-nibandhanam by hearing. about Him, by glorifying Him, by remembering Him and by
chindanti kovidiis tasya worshiping Him always, without cessation. That is the perfect way of
ko na kuryiit kathii-ratim devotional service. The Gosvamis of Vrndavana who were authorized by
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to preach the bhakti cult, rigidly followed this
yat- which ; anudhyii- remembrance; asinii-sword; yuk tii�-being rule and made immense literatures of transcendental science for our
equipped with persons; karma-reactionary work ; granthi knot; - benefit. They have chalked out ways for all classes of men in terms of the
nibandhanam-interknit; chindanti-cut ; k ovidii�-intelligent ; tasya- His; different castes and orders of life in pursuance of the teachings of
ka�-who; na-not; kuryiit-shall not do ; kathii-messages; ratim-atten Srimad-Bhiigavatam and similar other authoritative scriptures.
With sword in hand, intelligent men cut through the labyrinthine knots ��: �� ���f�: I
of reactionary work [karma ] by remembering the Lord. Therefore who will ��;p;n fqm: �rnf«T�� I I � � I
not pay attention to His message?
susrii�o� S.raddadhiinasya
PURPORT viisudeva-kathii-ruci�
syiin mahat-sevayii viprii�
The spiritual spark contacted with material elements creates a knot puflya-tirtha-ni�evariit
which must be cut if one wants to be liberated from the actions and
reactions of fruitive work. Liberation means freedom from the cycle of susrii§ O�-one who is engaged in hearing; sraddadhiinasya- with care and
reactionary work. This liberation automatically follows for one who attention; viisudeva-in respect to Vasudeva; kathii-message; ruc*
constantly remembers the transcendental pastimes of the Personality of affinity; syiit-is made possible; mahat-sevayii- by service rendered to pure
1 06 Snmad-Bhagavatam [ Canto I , Ch. 2 Text 1 7 ) Divinity and Divine Service 107
devotees; vipriifi,-0 twice-born; pur-ya-tirtha-those who are cleansed of all us against unscrupulous men who t::ike pleasure in being addressed as God.
vice; ni§evar-at- by service . The servants of God come to propagate God consciousness, and intel
ligent people should cooperate with them in every respect. By serving the
TRANSLAT ION servant of God, one can please God more than by directly serving the
Lord. The Lord is more pleased when He sees that His servants are properly
0 twice-born sages, by serving those devotees who are completely respected because such servants risk everything for the service of the Lord
freed from all vice, great service is done. By such service, ·one gains and so are very dear to the Lord. The Lord declares in the Bhagavad-gitii
affinity for hearing the messages of Vasudeva. (Bg. 1 8.69) that no one is dearer to Him than one who risks everything to
preach His glory. By serving the servants of the Lord , one gradually gets
PURPORT the quality of such servants, and thus one becomes qualified to hear the
glories of God. The eagerness to hear about God is the first qualification
The conditioned life of a living being is caused by his revolting against , of a devotee for entering the kingdom of God.
the Lord. There are men called deva, or godly living beings, arid there are
men called asuras, or demons, who are against the authority of the Supreme TEXT 1 7
Lord. In the Bhagavad-gitii (Sixteenth Chapter) a vivid description of the
asuras is given in which it is said that the asuras are put into lower and lower StJ:OsrnT �r: �: ���;r: I
states of ignorance life after life and so sink to the lower animal forms and
have no information of the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead. ���:� �11f f�� �� ���\9ll
These asuras are gradually rectified into God consciousness by the mercy srr-vatiim sva-kathiifi, k[§'{l-afi,
of the Lord's liberated servitors in different countries according to the pur-ya-sravar-a-kirtanafi,
supreme will . Such devotees of God are very confidential associates of the
hrdy antafi,-stho hy abhadrar-i
Lord, and when they come to save the human society from the dangers
vidhunoti su-hrt-satiim
of godlessness, they are known as the powerful incarnations of the Lord,
as sons of the Lord or as servants of the Lord or as associates of the Lord. srr-vatiim-those who have developed the urge to hear the message of;
But none of them falsely claim to be God themselves. This is a blasphemy sva-kathiifi,-His own words; kr�TJafi--the Personality of Godhead; pur-ya
declared by the asuras, and the demoniac followers of such asuras also virtues;srava(ta- hearing; k irtanaf!,-chanting; hrdi an tafi,-stha� within one's
accept pretenders as God or His incarnation. In the revealed scriptures heart ; hi-certainly; abhadrii[li-desire to enj oy matter; vidhunoti-cleanses;
there is definite information of the incarnation of God. No one should be su-hrt- benefactor ; satiim-of the truthful.
accepted as God or an incarnation of God unless he is confirmed by the
revealed scriptures. TRANSLATION
The servants of God are to be respected as God by the devotees who
actually want to go back to Godhead. Such servants of God are called Sri Kr��a, the Personality of Godhead, who is the Paramatma (Super
mahatmas, or the tirthas, and they preach according to particular time soul) in everyone's heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee,
and place. The servants of God urge people to become devotees of the cleanses desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who
Lord. They never tolerate being called God. Sri Caitanya Mahiiprabhu was relishes His messages, which are in themselves virtuous when properly
God Himself according to the indications of the revealed scriptures, but heard and chanted.
He played the part of a devotee. People who knew Him to be God addressed
Him as God, but He used to block His ears with His hands and chant the
name of Lord Vi�!J.U. He strongly protested against being called God, Messages of the Personality of Godhead Sri Kr�!!a are nondifferent
although undoubtedly He was God Himself. The Lord behaves so to warn from Him. Whenever, therefore, offenseless hearing of God is undertaken,
1 08 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 2 Text 1 8 ] Divinity and Divine Service 109
it is to be understood that Lord Kr��a is present there in the form of na�ta-praye�v abhadre�u
transcendental Sound, which is as powerful as the Lord personally. Sri nityarh bhiigavata-sevayii
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in His Sik§a�takam, declares clearly that the holy bhagavaty uttama-sloke
name of the Lord has all the potencies of the Lord and that He has bhaktir bhavati nai§thiki
endowed His innumerable names with the same potency. There is no rigid
fixture of time, and anyone can chant the holy name with attention and na§t�- destroyed; priiye§u- almost to nil; abhadre§u-all that is inauspi
reverence at his convenience. The Lord is so kind to us that He can be ci ous; nityam- regularly ; bhiigavata-Srimad-Bhiigavatam, or the pure
present before us personally in the form of transcendental sound, but devotee; sevayii-by serving; bhagavati-unto the Personality of Godhead;
unfortunately we have no taste for hearing and glorifying the Lord's name uttama-transcendental ; sloke- prayers; bhaktifz--loving service; bhavati
and activities. We have already discussed developing a taste for hearing and comes into being; nai§thiki- irrevocable.
chanting the holy sound. It is done through the medium of service to the
pure devotee of the Lord. TRANS LATION
The Lord is reciprocally respondent to His devotees. When He sees that
a devotee is completely sincere in getting admittance to the transcendental By regularly hearing the Bhagavatam and rendering service unto the
service of the Lord and thus becomes eager to hear about Him, the Lord pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is practically destroyed,
acts from within the devotee in such a way that the devotee may easily go and loving service unto the glorious Lord, who is praised with transcen
back to Him. The Lord is more anxious to take us back into His kingdom dental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact.
than we can desire. Most of us do not desire at all to go back to Godhead.
Only a very few men want to go back to Godhead. But anyone who PURPORT
desires to go back to Godhead, Sri Kr��a helps in all respects.
One cannot enter into the kingdom of God unless one is perfectly Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the
cleared of all sins. The material sins are products of our desires to lord it heart which are considered to be obstacles in the path of self-realization .
over material nature. It is very difficult to get rid of such desires. Women The remedy is the association of the Bhiigavatas. There are two types of
and wealth are very difficult problems for the devotee making progress on Bhagavatas, namely the book Bhiigavata and the devotee Bhiigavata.
the path back to Godhead. Many stalwarts in the devotional line fell Both the Bhiigavatas are competent remedies, and both of them or either
victim to these allurements and thus retreated from the path of liberation. of them can be good enough to eliminate the obstacles. A devotee
But when one is helped by the Lord Himself, the whole process becomes Bhiigavata is as good as the book Bhiigavata because the devotee Bhiigavata ·
as easy as anything by the divine grace of the Lord. leads his life in terms of the book Bhiigavata, and the book Bhiigavata is
To become restless in the contact of women and wealth is not an full of information about the Personality of Godhead and His pure
astonishment, because every living being is associated with such things devotees, who are also Bhiigavatas. Bhiigavata book and person are identical.
from a remote time, practically immemorial, and it takes time to recover The devotee Bhiigavata is a direct representative of Bhagaviin, the
from this foreign nature. But if one is engaged in hearing the glories of Personality of Godhead. So by pleasing the devotee Bhiigavata one can
the Lord, gradually he realizes his real position. By the grace of God such receive the benefit of the book Bhiigavata. Human reason fails to u nderstand
· a devotee gets sufficient strength to defend himself from the state of how by serving the devotee Bhiigavata or the book Bhiigavata one gets
disturbances, and gradually all disturbing elements are eliminated from his gradual promotion on the path of devotion. But actually these are facts
mind. explained by Srila Naradadeva, who happened to be a maidservant's son
in his previous life. The maidservant was engaged in the meniai service of
TEXT 18 the sages, and thus he also came into contact with them. And simply by
;rnm���! f91�4 +li:tl€4{1�€4� I associating with them and accepting the remnants of foodstuff left by the
sages, the son of the maidservant got the chance to become the great
ll•l*�'*'+{� llf�m ffi� II� �II devotee and personality, Srila Naradadeva. These are the miraculous
no Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto l, Ch. 2 Text 20 ) Divinity and Divine Service lll
effects of the association of Bhiigavatas. And to understand these effects material state of existence. This stage of perfection is attained as soon as
practically, it should be noted that by such sincere association of the one is fixed up in irrevocable devotional service. D evotional service is not
Bhiigavatas one is sure to receive transcendental knowledge very easily, inactivity, but the unalloyed activity of the soul.
and the result is that he becomes fixed in the devotional service of the The soul's activity becomes adulterated in contact with matter, and as
Lord. The more progress is made in devotional service under the guidance such the diseased activities are expressed in the form of lust desire
of the Bhiigavatas, the more one becomes fixed in the transcendental hankering, inactivity, foolishness and sleep. The effect of devotion;! servic�
loving service of the Lord. The messages of the book Bhiigavata, becomes manifest by complete elimination of these effects of passion and
therefore, have to be received from the devotee Bhiigavata, and the ignorance. The devotee is fixed at once in the mode of goodness, and he
combination of these two Bhiigavatas will help the neophyte devotee to makes further progress to rise up to the position of V asudeva, or the state
make progress on and on. of unmixed sattva or suddha-sattva state. In this suddha-sattva state only
can one always see Kr�!la eye to eye by dint of pure affection for the
TEXT 1 9 Lord.
A devotee is always in the mode of unalloyed goodness ; therefore he
� �T: �� � � harms no one. But the nondevotee, however educated he may be, is
� �fq ftqij � 31�� I I � Q,ll always harmful. A devotee is neither foolish nor passionate. The harmful,
foolish and passionate cannot be devotees of the Lord, however they may
tadii rajas-tamo-bhiiviil;t advertise themselves as devotees by outward dress. A devotee is always
qualified with all the goo d qualities of God. Quantitatively such qualifica
kama-lobhiidayas ca ye
tions may be different, but qualitatively both of them are one and the
ceta etair aniividdham
sthitam sattve prasidati
tadii-at that time; rajal;t- in the mode of passion; tamal;t-the mode of
ignorance ; bhiiviil;t- the situation; kiima-lust and desire; lobha- hankering; �ci Sl(ht'i;j(1l lfit'4'�'ffi:t(l41ij: I
iidayal;t- others; ca-and; ye-whatever they are ; cetal;t the mind; etail;t
lJ41'4*1+4� J!'ffiij�·�if � II� o I I
by these; aniividdham-without being affected; sthitam being fixed up;
sattve-in the mode of goodness; prasidati- thus becomes fully satisfied. evam prasanna-manaso
TRANSLATION bhagavat-tattva-vijiiiinam
mukta-sangasya jiiyate
At the time lo.ving service is established in the heart, the modes of
passion [ rajas] and ignorance [ tamas] and lust and desire [ kama) evam- thus; prasanna- enlivened ; manasal;t-of the mind; bhagavad
disappear from the heart. Then the devotee is established in goodness bhakt i devotional service of the Lord; yogatal;t- by contact of; bhagavat
_ -
and he becomes happy. regarding the Personality of Godhead; tattva- k nowledge; vijiiiinam
scientific; muk ta- liberated ; sangasya-of the association; jiiyate- becomes
PURPORT effective.
A living being in his normal constitutional position is fully satisfied in TRANSLATION
spiritual bliss. This state of existence is called brahma-bhiita or iitmiinandi
or the state of self-satisfaction. This self-satisfaction is not like the Thus established in the mode of goodness, the man rejuvenated by
satisfaction of the inactive fool. The inactive fool is i n the state of foolish loving service to the Lord gains liberation from material association
ignorance, whereas the self-satisfied iitmiinandi is transcendental to the [ mukti ] and comes to know scientifically of the Personality of Godhead.
Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l, Ch. 2 Text 21} Divinity and Divine Service
112 ll3
PURPORT scien ce o f the Personality o f Godhead unless one is freed from th e contami-
nation � f t he matenal modes, even up to the stage of a briihmana. When
out of many thous ands of a q�ahfie d briihmarta factually becomes a Vai�p.ava , in the enliv�ned state
In the Bhagavad-gitii (Bg. 7.3) it is said that _
for perfe ction of life. l\Iostly
ordinar); men, one fortunate man endea vors of liberation he can know what is actually the Supreme Lord.
and ignor ance, and thus they
they are condu cted by the modes of passion
nce and sleep. Out of TEXT 21
are engaged always in lust, desire, hankerings, ignora
a man who know s the
many such manlike anima ls, there is actually � ,..... �
responsibility of huma n life and thus tries to make
life perfect by following
T .,�Q ��r;:� ����Q
���= I
the prescribed duties. And out of such many thous
ands of persons who �� � �'lirar � �;m�� � � � � � �
may know scientifically
have thus attained success in human life, one bhidyate hrdaya-granthis
the same Bhaga vad-gita
about the Personality of Godh ead Sri Kr�!la . In
of Sri Kr�pa is under chidyante sarva-samsayii[t
(Bg. 1 8 .55) it is also said that scientific knowledge _
k§tyante ciisya
stood only by the proce ss of deYot ional senice
(bhak ti-yoga) .
is confir med herein in the above words . No ordinarv dr§ta eviitmaniSvar�
The ,·erY ::a me thino-
matte r but is in fact spirit. certam ly ; a-tmam·-u nto the self; i:Svare- dominating.
ial hanke rings and
knowledge of the tali.sts affirm t hat the soul and the Supersoul are two different identities
transcendence is realize d, but in that stage scientific
Supreme Lord is lacking. One has to surpas
s the brahminical { ali_ �ahvely
_ one but quantitatively different. There are many other
stage and reach the V asudeva stage to under stand
the Personality of o :Ies, but _all th�se d1. �ferent speculations are at onc e cleared off as soon
Godhe ad :K[�pa. The science of the Personality of Godhe
ad is the subject S n Kr�p.a IS realized m truth by the process of bhakti-;'oga «n
. · the sun, .
;:, - KHP.a Is ·
3Rit � �� f� +r� � ro 1 «""� �� �fij ��
�� � - ��ttR'tst�:w::;fl� ������ �: 'H: �'f�cti �'" I
l l6 Srimad-Bhagavatam (Canto l , Ch. 2 Text 24 ] Divinity and Divine Service ll7
in the mode of ignorance; tu- but ; raja{l.- the mode of passion ; tasmiit TEXT 25
from that; sattvam-the mode of goodness; yat-which ; brahma-the
Absolute Truth; dar5anam-realization.
Coal [ firewood ] is better than raw wood, and fire is even better, for bhejire munayo 'thiigre
fire is the soul of Vedic sacrifice. Similarly passion [ rajas ] is better than bhagavantam adhok§ajam
ignorance [ tamas ] , but goodness [ sattva] is best because by goodness one sattvam vi.Suddham k§emiiya
can come to realize the Absolute Truth [ Brahman] . kalpante ye 'nu tiin iha
PURPORT bhejire-rendered service unto ; munaya{l. atha agre- thus before all the
sages ; bhagavantam-unto the Personality of Godhead; adhok§ajam-the
As explained above, one can get release from the conditioned life of Tra�scendenc�; sattvam-existence; vi.Suddham- above the three modes of
material existence by devotional service to the Personality of Godhead. It nature; k§emiiya-to derive the ultimate benefit; kalpante- deserve; ye
is further comprehended herein that one has to rise up to the platform of those ; anu-follow; tiin-those; iha-in this material world.
the mode of goodness (sattva) so that one can be eligible for the devotional
service of the Lord. But if there are impediments on the progressive path,.
anyone, even from the platform of tamas, can gradually rise up to the
sattva platform by the expert direction of the spiritual master. Sincere
Previously all the great sages rendered service unto the transcendental
candidates must, therefore, approach an expert spiritual master for such
Personality of Godhead [ Bhagavan ] due to His existence above the three
a progressive march, and the bona fide expert spiritual master is competent
modes of material nature. They worshiped Him to become free froin
to direct a disciple from any stage of life: tamas, rajas or sattva.
material conditions. Whoever follows such sages is also eligible for libera
It is a mistake, therefore, to consider that worship of any quality or any
tion from the material world.
form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is equally beneficial. Except
Vi��u, all separated forms are manifested under the conditions of material
energy, and therefore the forms of material energy cannot help anyone to
rise to the platform of sattva, which alone can liberate a person from the
material bondage. The purpose of performing religion is neither to profit by material gain
The uncivilized state of life, or the life of the lower animals, is con nor to get the simple knowledge of discerning matter from spirit. The
trolled by the modes of tamas. The civilized life of man, with a passion for ultimate aim of religious performances is to release oneself from material
various types of material benefits, is the stage of rajas. The rajas stage of bondage and regain the life of freedom in the transcendental world where
life gives a slight clue to the realization of the Absolute Truth in the forms the Personality of Godhead is the Supreme Person. Laws of religion are,
of fine sentiments in philosophy, art and culture with moral and ethical therefore, directly enacted by the Personality of Godhead, and except the
principles, but the mode of sattva is a still higher stage of material quality, mahiijanas, or the authorized agents of the Lord, no one knows the
which actually helps one in realizing the Absolute Truth. In other words, purpose of religion. There are twelve particular agents of the Lord who
there is a qualitative difference between the different kinds of worshiping know the purpose of religion, and all of them render transcendental
methods as well as the respective results derived from the predominating service unto Him. Persons who desire their own good may follow these
deities, namely Brahma, Vi��u and Hara. mahiijanas and thus attain the supreme benefit.
•�--------.-...................... �
120 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch_ 2 Text 27] Divinity and Divine Service 121
TEXT 26 The separated parts and parcels have different positions in the estima
tion of material powers, and some of them are like Kalabhairava, Smasaha
Efl(�ql'l ftqy l{64QI'1q I
mciT bhairava, Sani, Mahakali, Ca!!�ika. These demigods are worshiped mostly
by those who are in the lowest categories of the mode of dar�ness or
'11Ui4Ui�t: � �Rr ijWfQ\4liH ����II ignorance, and there are others who are in the mode of passiO� �nd
mumuk§avo ghora-riipiin worship demigods like Brahma, Siva, Surya, Ga!!e8a and many similar
hitvii bhuta-patin atha deities, urged by the desire for material enj oyment. But those who are
actually situated in the mode of goodness (sattva-guraJ of mat� rial nature
niiriiya'{la-kalii[l. siintii
worship only Vi§'{lU-tattvas. Vi§'{lU-tattvas are represented � y vanous na�es
bhajanti hy anasuyava[l.
and forms such as Naraya!la, Damodara, Vamana, GoVInda, Adhok�a]a,
mumuk§ava[l.- persons desiring liberation; ghora-horrible, ghastly; riipiin �tc. T�e qualified briihmaras worship the Vi§'{lu-tattvas represented by the
-forms like that ; hitvii- rejecting; bhuta-patin-demigods; atha-for this siilagr'ima-silii, and so also some of the higher castes like the k§atriyas and
reason ; niiriiya'{la- the Personality of Godhead; kala[!.- plenary portions; vaisyas worship the Vi§'{lu-tattvas generally.
siintiif!.- all -blissful; bhajanti-do worship ; hi-certainly; anasuyava[l-non Highly qualified briihmaras situated in the mode of goodness have no
envious. grudges against the mode of worship of others. They �ave � respect !or
other demigods, even though they are ghastly lookmg, like the K�a
TRANSLATION bhairava or Mahakali, etc. They know very well that these horrible
features of the Supreme Lord are all different servitors of the Lord under
Those who are serious about liberation are certainly nonenvious, and
different conditions, yet they reject the worship of both horrible and
they respect all. Yet they reject the horrible and ghastly forms of the
attractive features of the demigods, and they concentrate only on the
demigods and worship only the all-blissful forms and plenary portions of
forms of V�!!U because they are Serious about liberation from the ma
Lord Vi�!J.U.
terial conditions. The demigods, even to the stage of Brahma, the supreme
PURPORT of all the demigods, cannot offer liberation to anyone. Hira!lyakasipu
underwent a severe type of penance to become eternal in life, but his
The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Kr�!la, who is the original worshipful deity, Brahma, could not satisfy him with such blessings.
person of the Vi�!lu categories, expands Himself in two different categories, Therefore Visnu is called mukti-piida, or the Personality of Godhead who
namely integrated plenary portions and separated parts and parcels. The can bestow u'p on us mukti, liberation, and none else. The demigods, being
separated parts and parcels are the servitors, and the integrated plenary like other living entities in the material world, are all liquidated at the time
portions of Vi§'{lu-tattvas are the worshipful obj ects of service. of the annihilation of the material structure. They are themselves unable
All demigods who are empowered by the Supreme Lord are also to get liberation, and what to speak of giving liberation to thei� devotees.
separated parts and parcels. They do not belong to the categories of Vi§'[lu The demigods can award the worshipers some temporary benefit only and
tattva. The Vi§'{lu-tattvas are equally powerful living beings like the original not the ultimate one.
form of the Personality of Godhead, and they display only different It is for this reason only that candidates for liberation deliberately reject
categories of power in consideration of different times and circumstances. the worship of the demigods, although they have no disrespect for any one
The separated parts and parcels are powerful by limitation. They do not of them.
have unlimited power like the Vi§'{lu-tattvas. Therefore, the Vi§'{lu-tattvas,
or the plenary portions of Naraya!la, the Personality of Godhead, are never TEXT 27
to be classified in the same categories with the parts and parcels. If anyone
does so he becomes at once an offender by the name piisa'[lpi. In the age of (1+t:tft<iSI � � 1
�:� :
Kali many foolish persons commit such unlawful offenses and equalize the
two categories. �ast'it:tu{1-t f���Sf�t(10f4: 11�\911
122 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ C anto 1 , Ch. 2 Texts 28-29 ) Divinity and Divine Service 1 23
rajas tama� prakrtaya� careful to execute occupational service with faith in God in the proper
sama-sila bhajanti vai way, and that will lead one gradually on the progressive march back tq
pitr-bhilta-prajesadin Godhead.
sriyaiSvarya-prajepsava� Lord Sri Kr�!la, when He was personally present at Vrajadhama, stopped
the worship of the demigod Indra and advised the residents of Vraja to
raj�-the mode of passion; tama�-the mode of ignorance ; worship by their business and to have faith in God. Worshiping the multi
prakrtaya�-of that mentality ; sama-sila�-of the same c ategories; demigods for material gain is practically a perversity of religion. This sort
bhajanti-do worship ; vai-actually ; pitr-the forefathers ; bhuta-other of religious activity has been condemned in the very beginning of the
living beings; prajesa-adin-controller of cosmic administration ; sriya Bhiigavatam as kaitava-dharma. There is only one religion in the world to
enrichment ; aiSvarya-wealth and power ; prajii-aristocracy ; ipsava�-so be followed by one and all , and that is the Bhiigavata-dharma, or the
desiring. religion which teaches one to worship the Supreme Personality of God
TRANSLATION . head and no one else.
Those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance wor!>hip tt>e TEXTS 28-29
forefathers, other living beings and the demigods who are in rharge of
cosmic activities, for they are urged by a desire to be materially benefited
with women, wealth, power and aristocratic birth.
41Wq<• w tn«�� �m: 1
q1W4(1 � �: �: � � � � � �
PURPORT f41Mqq( � qlij�q( ijq: I
There is no need to worship demigods of whatsoever category if one is
cnij� � fuij�q4(1 tffir: 1 1�<?.. 1 1
serious about going back to Godhead. In the Bhagavad-gitii (Bg. 7.20, 23) viisudeva-parii veda
it is clearly said that those who are mad after material enjoyment approach vasudeva-parii makha�
the different demigods for temporary benefits, which are meant for men . vasudeva-parii yoga
with a poor fund of knowledge. We should never desire to increase the vasudeva-para� kriyii�
depth of material enj oyment . Material enjoyment should be accepted
only up to the point of the bare necessities of life and not more or less vasudeva-pararit jiianarit
than that. To accept more material enj oyment means to bind oneself more vasudeva-pararit tapa�
and more to the miseries of material existence. More wealth, more women vasudeva-paro dharmo
and false aristocracy are some of the demands of the materially disposed vasudeva-para gati�-
man because he has no information of the benefit derived from Vi�!lU vasudeva-the Personality of Godhead; para�-ultimate goal; veda�
worship. By Vi�!lu worship one can derive benefit in this life as well as in revealed scriptures; vasudeva-the Personality of Godhead; para�-for
life after death. Forgetting these principles, foolish people who are after worshiping; makha�- sacrifices; vasudeva-the Personality of Godhead;
more wealth, more wives and more children worship various demigods. para�-means of attaining; yoga�-mystic paraphernalia; vasudeva- the
The aim of life is to end the miseries of life and not to increase them. Personality of G odhead; para�-under His control; k riyii�-fruitive activi
For material enjoyment there is no need to approach the demigods. The ties ; vasudeva-the Personality of Godhead; param- the supreme ; jiianam
demigods are but servants of the Lord. As such, they are duty-bound to knowledge; vasudeva-the Personality of Godhead ; param-best; tapa�
supply necessities of life in the form of water, light , air, etc. One should austerity ; vasudeva-the Personality of Godhead; para�-superior quality ;
work hard and worship the Supreme Lord by the fruits of o ne 's hard dharma�-religion; vasudeva-the Personality of Godhead; para�-ultimate;
labor for existence, and that should be the motto of life. One should be gati�-goal of life.
124 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch, 2
Text 29 ] Divinity and Divine Service 1 25
TRANSLATION good learned briihmar-as or in the families of r� ch merchants in order to
execute the unfinished task of Vasudeva realization. _ If such fortunate
In the revealed �criptures, the ultimate object of knowledge is Sri briihmanas and sons of rich men properly utilize the chance, they can
. the Personality of Godhead. The purpose of performing sacrifice is easily r�alize Vasudeva by good association with saintly persons. Unfor
to ·please Him. Yoga is for realizing Him. All fruitive activities are ulti tunately, such preferential persons are captivated again by material wealth
mately rewarded by Him only. He is supreme knowledge, and all severe and honor and practically forget the aim of life.
austerities are performed to know Him. Religion [ dharma] is rendering .
This is also so for the culture of knowledge. Accordmg to Bhagavad-gr,ta
_ _
loving service unto Him. He is the supreme goal of life. there are eighteen items in culturing knowledge. � nd by �uch cul � re of
PURPORT knowledge one becomes gradually prideless, devoid of vamty, nonviOlent,
forbearing, simple, devoted to the great spiritual master and self-controlled.
That Sri Kr�, the Personality of Godhead, is the only object of By culture of knowledge one becomes unattached to hearth and ho �e and
worship is · confirmed in these two slokas. In the Vedic literature there is becomes conscious of the miseries due to death, buth,_ old age and disease.
the same objective : establishing one's relationship and ultimately reviving And all culture of knowledge culminates in devotional service to the
our lost loving service unto Him. That is the sum and substance of the Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva . Therefore, Vasudeva is the ultimate aim
Vedas. In the Bhagavad-gita the same theory is confirmed by the Lord in in culturing all different branches of knowledge. Culture of kno '.\1-ledge
His own words: the ultimate purpose of the Vedas is to know Him only. leading one to the transcendental plane of meeti�g Vasudeva I� real
All the revealed scriptures are prepared by the Lord through His incarna knowledge. Physical knowledge in its various branches IS condemned � n the
tion in the body of Srila Vyasadeva just to remind the fallen souls Bhagavad-gitii as ajiiana, or the opposite of real know!edge. The ultimate
conditioned by material nature of Sri Kr�!la the Personality of Godhead. aim of physical knowledge is to satisfy the senses, which � eans prolonga
No demigod can award freedom from material bondage. That is the tion of the term of material existence and thereby contmuance of the
verdict of all the Vedic literatures. 1mpersonalists who have no informa threefold miseries. So prolonging the miserable life of material existence
tion of the Personality of Godhead minimize the omnipotency of the is nescience. But the same physical knowledge leading to the way of
Supreme Lord and put Him on equal footing with all other living
spiritual understanding helps one to end the miserable life of physical
beings , and for this act such impersonalists get freedom from �aterial
existence and to begin the life of spiritual existence on the plane of
bondage with great difficulty. They can only surrender unto Him after .
many, many births and culture of transcendental knowledge.
The same applies to all kinds of austerities. Tapasya means voluntary
One may argue that the Vedic activities are based on sacrificial cere
acceptance of bodily pains to achieve some high�r end of life. Rav�!la and
monies. That is true. But all such sacrifices are also meant for realizing the
Hira!J.yakasipu underwent a severe type of bodily t?�t�re to achieve the
truth about Vasudeva. Another name of Vasudeva is Yajiia (sacrifice), and
end of sense gratification. Sometimes modern politicians also undergo
in the Bhagavad-gitii it is clearly stated that all sacrifices and all activities
severe types of austerities to achieve some political end. This is not actually
are to be conducted for the satisfaction of Yajfia or Vi�!J.U the Personality
tapasya. One should accept voluntary bodily inconvenie��e for the s�ke of
of Godhead. This is the case also with the yoga systems. Yoga means to
knowing Vasudeva because that is the way of real aust �nhes. Ot� erWise all
get into touch with the Supreme Lord. The process, however, includes
forms of austerities are classified as modes of passwn and Ignorance.
several bodily features such as iisana, dhyiina, prii[Liiyiima, meditation, etc.,
Passion and ignorance cannot end the miseries of life. Only the mode of
and all of them are meant for concentrating upon the localized aspect of _
goodness can mitigate the threefold-miseries of life. Vasudeva and Devaki,
Vasudeva represented as Paramatma. Paramatma realization is but partial
the so-called father and mother of Lord KHI_la, underwent penances to get
realization of Vasudeva, and if one is successful in that attempt, one
Vasudeva as their son. Lord Sri Krsna is the father of all living beings
realizes Vasudeva in full. But by ill luck most of the yogis are stranded
(Bg. 1 4.4). Therefore He is the ori'ginal living being of all other living
by the powers of mysticism achieved through the bodily process. Ill-fated
beings. He is the original eternal enjoyer amongst all other enJ_ OY_ers.
yogiS are given a chance in the next birth by being placed in the families of _
Therefore no one can be His begetting father, as the Ignorant may thmk.
126 Sr1mad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 2 Text 30) Divinity and Divine Service 127
Lord Sri Kr��Ja agreed to become the son of Vasudeva and Devak! upon prison, he is not bound by the laws of the prison house. The king is there·
being pleased with their severe austerities. Therefore if any austerities have fore always transcendental to the laws of the prison house, as the Lord is
to be done, t �ey must �e done to achi�ve the end of knowledg:, Vasudeva. always transcendental to the laws of the material world.
Vasudeva IS the Original Personality of Godhead Lord Sn Kr��Ja. As
explained before, the original Personality of Godhead expands Himself by TEXT 30
innumerable forms. Such expansion of forms is made possible by His
various energies. His energies are also multifarious, and His internal ener
gies are superior and external energies are inferior in quality. They are
explained in the Bhagavad-gitii (Bg. 7.4-6) as the para and apara prakrtis.
So His expansions of various forms which take place via the internal
energies are superior forms, whereas the expansions which take place via sa evedam sasarjiigre
the external energies are inferior forms. The living entities are also His bhagaviin iitma-miiyayii
expansions. The living entities who are expanded by His internal potency sad-asad-riipayii ciisau
are eternally liberated persons, whereas those who are expanded by the gurwmayyiigurzo vibhu[t
material energies are eternally conditioned souls. Therefore, all culture of
knowledge, austerities, sacrifice and activities should be aimed at changing sa[t-that ; eva-certainly ; idam-this; sasarja- created; agre- before;
the quality of the influence that is acting upon us. For the present, we are bhagaviin-the Personality of Godhead ; . iitma-miiyayii- by His personal
all being controlled by the external energy of the Lord, and just to change potency; sat-the cause; asat-the effect ; riipayii- by forms; ca- and; asau
the quality of the influence, we must endeavor to cultivate spiritual the same Lord; gurzamayyii-in the m odes of m aterial nature; agurza[t
energy. In the Bhagavad-gitii it is said that those who are mahiitmiis, or transcendental ; vibhu[t-the Absolute.
those whose minds have been so broadened as to be engaged in the service
of Lord KH�Ja, are under the influence of the internal potency, and the
effect is that such broad-minded living beings are constantly engaged in the TRANSLATION
service of the Lord without deviation. That should be the aim of life. And
that is the verdict of all the Vedic literatures. No one should bother him In the beginning of the material creation, the Absolute Lord in His
self with fruitive activities or dry speculation about transcendental knowl transcendental position created the energies of cause and effect by His own
edge. Everyone should at once engage himself in the transcendental internal energy.
loving service of the Lord. Nor should one worship different demigods who
work as different hands of the Lord for creation, maintenance or destruc. PURPORT
tion of the material world. There are innumerable powerful demigods who
look over the external management of the material world. They ilre all
The position of the Lord is always transcendental because the causal
different assisting hands of Lord Vasudeva. Even Lord Siva and Lord
and effectual energies required for the creation of the material world
Brahma are included within the list of demigods, but Lord Vi�p.u or
were also created by Him. He is, therefore, unaffected by the qualities of
Vasudeva is always transcendentally situated. Even though He accepts the
the m aterial modes. His existence, form, activities and paraphernalia all
quality of goodness of the material world, He is still transcendental to all
existed before the material creation.* He is all spiritual and has nothing
the material modes. The following example will clear that matter more
explicitly. In the prison house there are the prisoners and the managers of
the prison house. Both the managers and the prisoners are bound up by *Sripada Sankariiciirya, the head of the Miiyiiviida school, accepts this transcenden·
the laws of the king. But even though the king sometimes comes in the tal position of Lord Kr�!la in his commentation on Bhagavad-gitii.
128 Sr'imad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 2
TEXT 3 1
tayii-by them ; vilasi te§u- although in the function ; e§u these; gur.e§u
the modes of material nature; gur-aviin affected by the modes; iva- as if;
After creating the material substance, the Lord expands Himself and
enters into it. And although He is within the material modes of nature and
appears to be one of the created beings, He is always fully enlightened and
in His transcendental position.
The living entities are separated parts and parcels of the Lord, and the
conditioned living entities who are unfit for the spiritual kingdom are
strewn within the material world to enj oy matter to the fullest extent.
As Paramatma and eternal friend of the living entities, the Lord by one of
His plenary portions accompanies the living entities to guide them in
their m�terial enj oyment and to become witness to all actvities. While
the living entities enjoy the material conditions, the Lord maintains His Plate 8 Without knowing the need of the soul, one canno t be happy with emolument
transcendental position without being affected by the material atmosphere. of the body and mind. (p. 94)
Plate 9 The transcendental Personality of Godhead accepts the three qualitative forms Plate 1 0 Sri Kr�Qa is the supreme goal of life. (p. 1 24)
of Brahma, Vi�I)U and Mahesvara. (p. 1 1 6)
Plate 11 Lord Paramatma pervades all things, just as fire permeates wood. (p. 129) Plate 12 On His royal road of stones, Lord Ramacandra crossed the Indian Ocean.
(p. 129)
Plate 1 3 Kf�qa and Balarama appeared in the family of Vr�qi, and by so doing They Plate 14 The incarnations of Godhead are innumerable, like the waves in the ocean.
removed the burden of the wo rld. (p. 1 60)
(p. 1 64)
Text 32 ) Divinity and Divine Service 129
In the Vedic literatures (sruti) it is said that there are two birds in one
tree.* One of them is eating the fruit of the tree, while the other is wit
nessing the actions. The witness is the Lord, and the fruit eater is the
living entity . The fruit eateF (living entity) has forgotten his real identity
and is overwhelmed in the fruitive activities of the material conditions,
but the Lord (Paramatma) is always full in transcendental knowledge.
That is the difference between the Supersoul and the conditioned souL
The conditioned soul, living entity, is controlled by the laws of nature,
while the Paramatma or the Supersoul is the controller of the material
�� ���� �� ,
� �Fr����� � ���II
PURPORT ni rvi§taft entering; bhunk te-causes t o enj oy; bhiite§u-in the living
on in all types of societies, amongst demigods and those other than human
deva- tiryan-nariid4u
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the First Canto, Second Chap
bh iivayati- maintains; e§a[l-all these; sattvena-in the mode of good ter, of Snmad-Bhiigavatam, entitled "Divinity and Divine Service. "
ness ; lokiin-all over the universe; vai-gener ally ; loka-bhiivana[l- the master
of all the universes; Zilii-pastimes; avatiira-incarnation; anurata[l- assuming
the role; deva-the demigods; tiryak-lower animals ; nariid4u-in the midst
of human beings.
Thus the Lord of the universes maintains all planets inhabited by demi
gods, men and lower animals, and in His play He assumes the roles of
incarnations to reclaim those in the mode of pure goodness.
There are innumerable material universes, and in each and every universe
there are innumerable planets inhabited by different grades of living enti
ties in different m odes of nature. The Lord (Vi�!J.u) incarnates Himself in
each and every one of them and in each and every type of living society.
He manifests His transcendental pastimes amongst them just to create the
desire to go back to Godhead. The Lord does not change His original
transcendental position , but He appears to be differently manifested
according to the particular time, circumstances and society.
Sometimes He incarnates Himself or empowers a suitable living being
to act for Him, but in either case the purpose is the same: the Lord wants
the suffering living being to go back home, back to Godhead. The happiness
which the living beings are hankering for is not to be found within any
corner of the innumerable universes and material planets. The eternal
happiness which the living being wants is obtainable in the kingdom of
God, but the forgetful living beings under the influence of the material
modes have no information of the kingdom of God. The Lord, therefore,
comes to propagate the message of the kingdom of God either personally
as an incarnation or through His bona fide representative as the good son
of God. Such incarnations or sons of God are not only making propaganda
for going back to Godhead within human society. Their work is also going
�o �;:m;r
i:l� � �q +�rr�n�'ifll: 1
iji� tit�� �� II � II
suta uviica
jagrhe pauru§arh riip arh
bhagaviin mahad-iidibhi[l
sambhutarh §O{lasa-kalam
iidau lnka-sisrk§ayii
suta[l uviica- Suta said ; jagrh e- ac cept ed; pa u m§am- ple nary portion as
the puru§a incarnation; riipam- form ; bhagaviin-the Personality of God
head ; mahat-iidibh i[l - with the ingredients of the material world; sam
bhutam- t hus there was the creation of; §O!lasa-kalam-sixteen primary
principles; iidau-in the beginning; loka-the universes; sisrk§ayii- on the
intention of creating.
Suta said : In the beginning of the creation, the Lord first expanded
Himself in the universal form of the pt:!"u�a incarnation and manifested all
the ingredients for the �aterial creatic.1. And thus at first there was the
creation of the sixteen principles of material action. This was for the
purpose of creating the material universe.
136 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 3 Text 2 ] R.r�f!a Is the Source of All Incarnations 137
So this puru§a form is the confirmation of the same principle. The original spiritual sky , called the mahat-tattva, is only an insignificant portion of the
Personality of Godhead Vasudeva or Lord Kr�!!a, who is famous as the son whole spiritual sky, and within this mahat-tattva there are innumerable uni
of King Vasudeva or King N anda, is full with all opulences, all potencies, verses. All these universes are collectively produced by the Kara!!odakasayi
all fames, all beauties, all knowledge and all renunciation. Part of His Vi�!lu, called also the Maha-Vi�!lu, who simply throws His glance to
opulences is manifested as impersonal Brahman, and part of His opulences impregnate the material sky.
is manifested as Paramatma. This puru§a feature of the same Personality
of Godhead Sri Kr�!!a is the original Paramatma manifestation of the Lord. TEXT 2
There are threepuru�a features in the material creation, and this form, who
is known as the Kiirar-odakasiiyi Vi�l).u, is the first of the three. The others
are known as the Garbhodaka.Siiyi Vi�!lu and the K�irodakasiiyi Vi�!lu,
which we shall know one after another. The innumerable universes are
generated from the skinholes of this Kiirar-odaka.Siiyi Vi�!lu, and in each yasyiimbhasi sayiinasya
one of the universes the Lord enters as Garbhodaka.Siiy i Vi�!!U· yoga-nidriirh vitanvata[l.
In the Bhagavad-gitii it is also mentioned that the material world is niibhi-hradiimbujiid iisid
created at certain intervals and then again destroyed. This creation and brahmii viSva-srjiirh pati[l.
destruction is done by the supreme will because of the conditioned souls
or the nitya-badhya living beings. The nitya-badhya or the eternally yasya-whose; ambhasi-in the water; sayiinasya-lying down ; yoga
conditioned souls have the sense of individuality or ahankara, which nidrtim-sleeping in meditation; vitanvata[!.-ministering; niibhi- navel; hrada
dictates them sense enjoyment, which they are unable to have constitu -out of the lake; ambujiit-from the lotus; iisit-was manifested; brahmii
tionally. The Lord is the only enjoyer, and all others are enjoyed. The the grandfather of the living beings; viSva-the universe; s.rjiim-the
living beings are predominated enj oyers. But the eternally conditioned engineers; pati[!.-master.
souls, forgetful of this constitutional position, have strong aspirations to
enjoy. This chance to enjoy matter is given t� the conditioned souls in the TRANSLATION
material world, and side by side they are given the chance to understand
their real constitutional position. Those fortunate living entities who catch . A part of the puru�a lies down within the water of the universe, and
the truth and surrender unto the lotus feet of Vasudeva after many, many from the navel lake of His body sprouts a lotus stem, and from the lotus
births in the material world, j oin the eternally liberated souls and thus are flower atop this stem, Brahma, the master of all engineers in the universe,
allowed to enter into the kingdom of Godhead. After this, such fortunate becomes manifest.
living entities need not come again within the occasional material creation.
But those who cannot catch the constitutional truth are again merged into PURPORT
the mahat-tattva at the time of annihilation of the material creation. When
the creation is again set up, this mahat-tattva is again let loose. This The first puru�a is the Kiirar-odakasiiyi Vi�!lu. From His skinholes
mahat-tattva contains all the ingredients of the material manifestations, innumerable universes hav� sprung up. In each and every one of them the
including the conditioned souls. Primarily this mahat-tattva is divided into puru�a enters as the Garbhodakasiiyi Vi�!lu. He is lying within half of the
sixteen parts, namely the five gross material elements and the eleven universe which is full with the water of His body. And from the navel of
working instruments or senses. It is like the cloud in the clear sky. In the Garbhodakasiiyi Vi�!lu has sprung up the stem of the lotus flower, the
spiritual sky, the effulgence of Brahman is spread all round, and the whole birthplace of Brahma, who is the father of all living beings and the master
system is dazzling in spiritual light. The mahat-tattva is assembled in some of all the demigod engineers engaged in the perfect design and working of
corner of the vast unlimited spiritual sky, and the part which is thus the universal order. Within the stem of the lotus there are fourteen
covered by the mahat-tattva is called the material sky. This part of the divisions of planetary systems, and the earthly planets are situated in the
s ..
138 Sr'imad-Bhagavatam [Canto I, Ch. 3 Text 3 ] �!'!11a Is the Source of All Incarnations 139
middle. Upwards there are other, better planetary systems, and the top nothing to do , and no one is greater than or equal to Him. That is the
most system is called Brahmaloka or Satyaloka. Downwards from the verdict of the Vedas.
earthly planetary system there are seven downwards planetary systems
domiciled by the asuras and similar other materialistic living beings. TEXT 3
From this Garbhodakasiiyi Vi�rtu there is expansion of the K§irodaka5iiyi . � ,....._ ..... -... ,...
Vi�rtu, who is the collective Paramatmii of all living beings. He is called qij
�r-. Alw:r: tfil�
,;..<P- <iW-filt4ttt{ : I
Hari, and from Him all incarnations within the universe are expanded.
Therefore, the conclusion is that the puru§a-avatiira is manifested in
� � � �� «�"4'!f;.� I I � II
three features, first the Kiirm;odaka5iiyi who creates aggregate material yasyiivayava-sarhsthiinai{l,
ingredients in the mahat-tattva, second the Garbhodakasiiyi who enters kalpito loka-vistaralt
in each and every universe, and third the K§irodakasiiyi Vi�rtu who is the tadvai bhagavato riiparh
Paramatma of every material object, organic or inorganic. One who knows visuddharh sattvam urjitam
these plenary features of the Personality of Godhead knows also Him
(Godhead) properly, and thus the knower becomes freed from the material yasya-whose; avayava-bodily expansion; sarhsthiinai[l.-situated in;
conditions of birth, death, old age and disease, as it is confirmed in kalpita[l.-is imagined; Zoka-planets of inhabitants; vista ra[l.- various; tat
Bhagavad-gitii. In this sloka the subject matter of Maha-Vi�rtu is summa vai- but that is ; bhagavata[l- of the Personality of G odhead ; , riipam-for m ;
rized. The Maha-Vi�rtu lies down in some part of the spiritual sky by His v iSuddham - purely ; sattvam- existence ; u rjitam- excellence.
own free will, and thus He lies on the ocean of kiirarta from where He
glances over His material nature, and the mahat-tattva is at once created. TRANSLATION
Thus electrified by the power of the Lord, the material nature creates at
once innumerable universes just as in due course a tree is de_corated with It is believed that all the universal planetary systems are situated on
innumerable grown-up fruits. The seed of the tree is sown by the culti the extensive body of the puru�a, but He has nothing to do with the
vator, and the tree or creeper in due course becomes manifested ".Jth so created material ingredients. His body is eternally in spiritual existence par
many fruits. Nothing can take place without a cause. The Kiirara Ocean excellence.
is therefore called the Causal Ocean. Kiirarta means causal. We should not
foolishly accept the atheistic theory of creation . The description of the PURPORT
atheists is given in the Bhagavad-gitii. The atheist does not believe in the
creator, but he cannot give a good theory to explain the creation . Material The conception of the viriita-riipa or viSva-riipa of the Supreme Absolute
nature has no power to create without the power of the purusa, just as a Truth is especially meant for the neophyte who can hardly think of the
prakrti or woman cannot produce a child without the connection of a transcendental form of the Personality of Godhead. To him a form means
puru§a. The puru§a impregnates, and the prakrti delivers. We should not something of this material world, and therefore an opposite conception of
expect milk from the fleshy bags on the neck of the goat , although they the Absolute is necessary in the beginning to concentrate the mind on the
look like breastly nipples. Similarly, we should not expect any creative power e:x.'tension of the Lord. As stated above , the Lord extends His
power from the material ingredients ; we must believe in the power of the potency in the form of the mahat-tattva, which includes all material
puru§a, who impregnates prakrti or nature. And because the Lord wished ingredients. The extension of power by the Lord and the Lord Himself
to lie down in meditation, the material energy created innumerable personally are one in one sense, but at the same time the mahat-tattva is
universes at once, and in each of them the Lord laid Himself down, and different from the Lord. Therefore the potency of the Lord and the Lord
thus all the planets and the different paraphernalia were created at once are simultaneously different and nondifferent. The conception of the
by the will of the Lord. The Lord has unlimited potencies, and thus He viriita-riipa, especially for the impersonalist, is thus nondifferent from the
can perform as He likes by perfect planning, although personally He has eternal form of the Lord. This eternal form of the Lord exists prior to the
140 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 3
Text 5 ] �&l!a Is the Source of All Incarnations 141
creation of the mahat-tattva, and it is stressed here that the eternal form
I n the Bhagavad-gitii i t i s confirmed that the transcendental Lord can be
of the Lord is par excellence spiritual or transcendental to the modes of
perceived only by pure devotional service. So it is confirmed in the Vedas
material nature. The very same transcendental form of the Lord is mani
that devotional service can lead one to the side of the Lord, and devotional
fested by His internal potency, and the formation of His multifarious
service only can reveal Him. In the Brahma-sarhhitii also it is said that the
manifestations of incarnations is always of the same transcendental quality,
Lord is always visible to the devotees whose eyes have been anointed with
without any touch of the mahat-tattva.
the tinge of devotional service. So we have to take information of the
transcendental form of the Lord from persons who have actually seen
TEXT 4 Him with perfect eyes smeared with devotional service. In the material
world also we do not always see things with our own eyes, but through
the experience of those who have actually seen or done things. If that is
the process for experiencing a mundane object, it is more perfectly
applicable in matters transcendental. So with patience and perserverance
only we can realize the transcendental subject matter regarding the
Absolute Truth and His different forms. He is formless to the neophytes,
but He is in transcendental form to the expert servitor.
pasyanty ado riipam adabhra-cak�u§ii
sahasra-piidoru-bhujiinaniidbhutam TEXT 5
PURPORT potency of the Lord for creation, and he is called Brahm a. His power is like
the power of the sun reflected in valuable stones and jewels. When there is
The puru�a, after creating innumerable universes in the mahat-tattva, no such living being to take charge of the post of Brahma, the Lord Him
enters in each of them as the second puru�a, Garbhodakasiiyi Vi�!J.U. When self b ecomes a Brahma and takes charge of the post�
He saw that within the universe there is all darkness and space only Lord Siva is not an ordinary living being. He is the plenary portion of
without a resti!1g place, He filled up half of the universe with water out of the Lord, but because Lord Siva is in direct touch with material nature, he
His own perspiration and laid Himself down on the same water. This water is not exactly in the same transcendental position as Lord Vi�!J.U. The
is called Garbhodaka. Then from His navel the stem of the lotus flower difference is like that between milk and curd. Curd is nothing but milk,
sprouted, and on the flower petals the birth of Brahmii, or the master and yet it cannot be used in place of milk.
engineer of the universal plan, took place. Brahmii became the engineer of The next incarnations are the Manus. Within one day's duration of the
the universe, and the Lord Himself took charge of the maintenance of the life of Brahmii (which is calculated by our solar year as 4,300,000 x 1 ,000
universe as Vi�pu. Brahma is generated from rajo-gur-a of prakrti, or the years) there are fourteen Manus. Therefore there are 420 Manus in one
mode of passion in nature, and Vi�!J.U became the Lord of the mode of month of Brahma and 5,040 Manus in one year of Brahma. Brahma lives
goodness. Vi�!J.U, being transcendental to all the modes, is always aloof for one hundred years of his age, and therefore there are 5,040 x 1 00 or
from the materialistic affection. This is already explained before. And 504,000 Manus in the duration of Brahma's life. There are innumerable
from Brahma there is Rudra (Siva), who is in charge of the modes of universes "\-\rith one Brahma in each of them, and all of them are created
ignorance or darkness. He destroys the whole creation by the will of the and annihilated during the breathing time of the puru§a. Therefore one
Lord. Therefore all three, namely Brahma, Vi�!J.U and Siva, are incarnations can simply imagine how many millions of Manus there are during one
of the Garbhodaka5iiyi Vi�l)U. From Brahma the other demigods like breath of the puru�a.
Dak�a, Maricyadi, Manu and many others become incarnated to generate The Manus who are prominent within this universe are as follows:
living entities within the universe. This Garbhodakasiiyi Vi�!J.U is glorified Yajfia as Svayambhuva Manu, Vibhu as Svaroci�a Manu, Satyasena as
in the Vedas in the hymns of Garbha-stuti, which begin with the description Uttama Manu, Hari as Tamasa Manu, Vaiku!J.tha as Raivata Manu, Ajita as
of the Lord as having thousands of heads, etc. The Garbhodakasiiyi Vi�!J.U Cak�u�a Manu, Vamana as Vaivasvata Manu (the present age is under the
is the Lord of the universe, and although He appears to be lying within Vaivasvata Manu), Sarvabhauma as Savar!J.i Manu, ��abha as Dak�asavar!J.i
the universe, He is always transcendental. This is also already explained. Manu , Vi�vaksena as Brahmasavar!J.i Manu, Dharmasetu as Dharmasavar!J.i
Vi�!J.U, who is the plenary portion of the Garbhodakasiiyi Vi�!J.U, is the Manu, Sudhiimii as Rudrasavar!J.i Manu, Yogesvara as Devasiivar!J.i Manu,
Supersoul of the universal life, and He is known as the maintainer of the and Brhadbhiinu as Indra-savar!J.i Manu. These are the names of one set of
universe or K�irodakasiiyi Vi�!J.U. So the three features of the original fourteen Manus covering 4,300,000,000 solar years as described above.
Puru§a are thus understood. And all the incarnations within the universe Then there are the yugiivatiiras or the incarnations of the millennia.
are emanations from this K�irodakasiiyi Vi�pu. The yugas are known as Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga , D viipara-yuga and Kali
In different millennia there are different incarnations, and they are yuga. The incarnations of each yuga are of different color. The colors are
innumerable, although some of them are very prominent, such as Matsya, white , red, black and yellow. In the Dvapara-yuga, Lord Kr�!la in black
Kurma, Varaha, Rama, Nrsimha, Viimana and many others. These incarna color appeared, and in the Kali-yuga Lord Caitanya in yellow color
tions are called lilii incarnations. Then there are qualitative incarnations appeared.
such as Brahma, Vi�!J.u, and Siva or Rudra who take charge of the So all the incarnations of the Lord are mentioned in the revealed
different modes of material nature. scriptures. There is no scope for an imposter to become an incarnation,
Lord Vi�!J.U is nondifferent from the Personality of Godhead. Lord Siva for he must be mentioned in the siistras. An incarnation does not declare
is in the marginal position between the Personality of Godhead and the Himself to be an incarnation of the Lord, but great sages agree by the
living entities or jivas. Brahma is always a jiva-tattva. The highest pious symptoms mentioned in the revealed scriptures. The features of the
living being or the greatest devotee of the Lord is empowered with the incarnation and the particular type of mission which He has to execute
144 · Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 3 Text 7 ] ��f!.a Is the Source of All Incarnations 145
are mentioned in the revealed scriptures. of Brahman realization, they underwent a severe type of disciplinary action
Apart from the direct incarnations, there are innumerable empowered as bachelors. These Kumiiras are empowered incarnations. And before
incarnations. They are also mentioned in the revealed scri ptures. Such executing the severe type of disciplinary actions, all of them became
incarnations are directly as well as indirectly empowered. When they are qualified brii.hmartas. This example suggests that one must first acquire the
directly empowered they are called incarnations, but when they are in qualifications of a briihma[ta, not simply by birth but also by quality, and
directly empowered they are called vibhutis. Directly empowered incar then one can undergo the process Of Brahman realization.
nations are the Kumaras, Narada, P�thu, Se�a, Ananta, etc. As far as
vibhutis are concerned, they are very explicitly described in the Bhagavad TEXT 7
gitii. in the VibhUti-yoga chapter. And for all these different types of
incarnations, the fountainhead is the Garbhodakasii.yi Vi�rtu. f� ij �� «''l€1ZWS•I€1i � I
� �: � �: l l \9 1 1
dvitiyarh tu bhavii.yiisya
� �q- � �tr: � �+ttf�<:r: I rasii.tala-gatiirh mahim
� �� ilm 'l&t*44+i�� I I � I I uddhari.§yann upiidatta
yajfiesa[l saukararh vapu[l
sa eva prathamarh deva[l
kaumii.rarh sargam ii.srita[l dvitiyam-the second; tu-but; bhaviiya-for welfare; asya- of this earth;
cacii.ra duscararh brahmii. rasatala-the lowest; gatiim-having gone; mahim-the earth; uddhari�yan
brahmacaryam akhart!fitam lifting up ; upiidatta-established; yajfiesa[l-the proprietor or the supreme
enjoyer ; saukaram-hoggish; vapu[L -inc arnation.
sa[l-that; eva- certainly; prathamam-first; de va[l - Supreme Lord;
examplary manner to teach us. The Lord is very kind to the forgetful §a§tham atrer apatyatvarh
souls. He therefore comes Himself and leaves behind necessary instructions vrta[t priipto 'nasuyayii
and also sends His good sons as representatives to call all the conditioned iinvik§ikim alarkiiya
souls back to Godhead. Recently, within the memory of everyone, Lord prahliidiidibhya uciviin
Caitanya also appeared for the same purpose: to show special favor to
fallen souls of this age of iron industry. The incarnation of N araya!la is §a§ th am- the sixth one; atre[t- of Atri; apatyatvam- sonshi p ; vrta[t
worshiped still at BadariniirayalJ.a, on the range of the Himalayas. being prayed for ; priipta[t - obt ained ; anasuyayii-by Anasuya ; iinvik§ikim
on the subject of transcendence ; alarkiiya- unto Alark a ; prahliida-iidib hya[t
TEXT 10 -unto Prahlada, etc. ; u civiin- spoke.
q�: �'fit wmt �: EhtciN"tid( I
stl€41oqlij(� � d'*HU+tP4f;toltt( I I � o i l
pancama[t kapilo niima The sixth incarnation of the puru�a was the son of the sage Atri. He.
siddhda[t kiila-viplutam was born in the womb of Anasuya, who prayed for an incarnation. He
proviiciisuraye siinkhyam spoke on the subject of transcendence to Alarka, Prahlada and others
tattva-griima-vinir.rwyam ( Y adu, Haihaya, etc. ] .
pa n cama[t- the fifth one ; kapilaft-: Kapila; nama-of the name; siddhesa[t
-the foremost amongst the perfect; · k ala- time; viplutam-lost ; proviica PURPORT
said; iisuraye-unto the briihmar.a named Asuri; siinkhyam- metaphysics;
tattva-griima-the sum total of the creative elements; vinirr.ayam The Lord incarnated Himself as Dattiitreya, the son of Rsi Atri and
exposition. Anasuya. The history of the birth of Dattatreya as an incarn�tion of the
TRANSLATION Lord is mentioned in the Brahmiir.fla Puriir.a in connection with the story
of the devoted wife. It is said there that Anasuya, the wife of ��i Atri,
The fifth incarnation, named Lord Kapila, is foremost among perfected prayed before the Lords Brahma, Vi�!lu and Siva as follows : "My lords, if
beings. He gave an exposition of the creative elements and metaphysics you are pleased with me, and if you desire me to ask from you some sort
to Asuri Brahma!la, for in course of time this knowledge had been lost. of blessings, then I pray that you combine together to become my son."
PURPORT This was accepted by the lords, and as Dattatreya the Lord expounded the
philosophy of the spirit soul and especially instructed Alarka, Prahlada,
The sum total of the creative elements is twenty-four in all. Each and Y adu, Haihaya, etc.
every one of them are explicitly explained in the system of Sankhya
philosophy. Sankhya philosophy is generally called metaphysics by the TEXT 1 2
European scholars. The etymological meaning of siilikhya is that which
explains very lucidly by analysis of the material elements. This was done
for the first time by Lord Kapila, who is said herein to be the fifth in the
mt: � �S+4ilfli4(1 I
line of incarnations. � �: ij(•tift(qi�itt+ij€41W'{t(( � � � �I I
TEXT l l tata[t saptama iikutyiirh
.. "" rucer yajno 'bhyajiiyata
�( 3C�NE4� �! !llmS;{&_441 sa yiimiidyai[l sura-gar-air
3CI��t\+tci€fi� !t��� i!f�l l � � I I apiit sviiyambhuviintaram
150 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch_ 3 Text 1 3 ) �!!f!.a Is the Source o f All Incarnations 151
•-....................................... .-
152 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 3 Text 1 5 ] �!!�a Is the Source o f All Incarnations 153
members of the society . King ��abba propagated this mission, and at the posts. Maharaja Prthu excavated many produces from the earth, and thus
last stage He became completely aloof from the material bodily needs, not only the citizens became happy to have such a good king, but the
which is a rare stage not to he imitated by foolish men, hut to he wor- complete sight of the earth also became beautiful and attractive.
shiped by all.
TEXT 1 5
!§ibhift-by the sages ; yiicitaft-being prayed for; bheje- accepted; riipam- form; saft -he; jagrhe- accepted; miitsyam-of fish; ciik§U§a
navamam-the ninth one; piirthivam-the ruler of the earth; vapuft-body ; Cak1]u�a; udadhi-water; samplave-inundation; niivi-on the boat ; iiropya
dugdha-milking; imiim-all these; O§adhi[l-products of the earth ; viprii[l.- -keeping on ; mahi-the earth; mayyiim- drowned in; apiit protected; -
0 briihma[Las; tena-by; ayam-this; saft-he ; usattamaft-beautifully attrac vaivasvatam- V aivasvata; manum- Manu, the father of man.
0 hrahmal)as, the ninth incarnation of the Lord, prayed for by sages, When there was a complete inundation after the period of tht: Ca�u�a
was King Prthu, who cultivated the land t o yield various produces, and for Manu and the whole world was deep within water, the Lord accepted the
that reason the eaith was beautiful and attractive. form of a fish and protected Vaivasvata Manu, keeping him up on a boat.
Before the advent of King Prthu, there was great havoc of maladministra According to Sripada Sridhara Svami, the original commentator on the
tion due to the vicious life of the previous king, the father of Maharaja Bhiigavata, there is not always a devastation after the change of every
Prthu. The intelligent class of men (namely the sages and the briihma[!as) Manu. And yet this inundation after the period of Cak�u12a Manu took
not only prayed for the Lord to come down, but they also dethroned the place in order to show some wonders to Satyavrata. But Sri Jiva Gosvami
previous king. It is the duty of the king to he pious and thus look after the has given definite proofs from authoritative scriptures (like Vi§[!u
all around welfare of the citizens. Whenever there is some negligence on dharmottara, MiirkawJ.eya Purii[La, Harivamsa, etc . ) that there is always
the part of the king in discharging his duty, the intelligent class of men a devastation after the end of each and every Manu. Srila Visvanatha
must dethrone him. The intelligent class of men, however, do not occupy Cakravartl has also supported Snla Jiva Gosvami, and he (Sri Cakravarti)
the royal throne because they have much more important duties for the has also quoted from Bhiigavatiimrtam about this inundation after each
welfare of the public. Instead of occupying the royal throne, they prayed Manu. Apart from this, the Lord, in order to show special favor to
for the incarnation of the Lord, and the Lord came as Maharaj a Prthu. Satyavrata, a devotee of the Lord, in this particular period, incarnated
Real intelligent men or qualified briihma[Las never aspire for political Himself.
1 54 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 3 Text 1 9 ) ��qa Is the Source of All Incarnations 1 55
dhiinvantaram dviidaiamam
trayodasamam eva ca
apiiyayat suriin anyiin
mohinyii mohayan striyii
156 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 3
Text 2 1 ] Kt�11a Is the Source of All Incarnations 157
pancadasam viimanakam
krtviigiid adhvaram bale[l
pada-trayam yiicamiina[l
As Bhrgupati, the .sixteenth incarnation of the Godhead, the Lord
pratyiiditsus tri-p4tapam
annihilated the administrative class (�atriyas ] twenty-one times, being
angry with them because of their rebellion the brahmanas [the
pancada5am-the fifteenth in the line ; viimanakam- the dwarf briih mana· · ·
intelligent class ]
krtvii-by assumption of; agiit-went; adhvaram-arena of sacrifice; bale�_:_
avatiire-in the incarnation of the Lord; § o{laSame-sixteenth ; pa5yan
seeing; brahma-druhafl- disobedient to the orders of the briihmapas;
Thereafter, in the seventeenth incarnation of Godhead, Sri Vyasadeva
n rpiin -the kingly order; trih-sapta-thrice seven times· krtvah-had done·
kupita[l-being eng-dged; ni6 -negation ; k§atriim- the ���trative class ;
OricrinalJY the Veda is one. But Srila Vyasadeva divided the original The Personality of Godhead Sri Rama assumed the form of a human
Veda 'into ·four, namely Siima, Yajus, {{k, Atharva, and then again they being and appeared on the · ear.t l.l for the purpose of doing some pleasing
were explained in di fferent branches like the Puriirws and the Mahiibhiirata. work for the demigods or the administratiw personalities to maintain the
Vedic lan1!llaP"e
0 0
and the sub]. ect matter are Yerr
difficult for ordinary men.
• order of the universe. Sometimes great demons and atheists like Ravana
They are understood by the highly intelligent and self-realized briihmartas. and.Hiral).yakasipu and many others -beconie wry famous due to advanci1�g
But the present age of Kali is full of ignorant men. Even those who are material civilization by the help of material science and other acti\ities
born by a briihmarta father are, in the present age, no better than the with a spirit of challenging the established order of the Lord. For e:xample,
sudras or the women . The twice-born men, namely the briihma[taS, the attempt to fly to other planets by material means is a challenge to the
k§atriyas and vaiSyas, are expected to undergo a cultural purificatory established order. The conditions of each and every planet are different,
process known as sarhskiiras, but because of the bad influence of the and different classes of human beings are accomodated there for particular
present age the so-called members of the briih marta and other high order purposes mentioned in the codes of the Lord. But, puffed up by tiny
families are no longer highly cultured. They are called the dvija-bandhu or success in material advancement, sometimes the godless materialist chal
the friends and family members of the twice-born. But these dvija-bandhus lenges the existence of God. Ravapa was one of them, and he wanted to
are classified amongst the sudras and the women. Srila Vyasadeva divided deport ordinary men to the planets of Indra (heaven) by material means
the Vedas in various branches and sub-branches for the sake of the less without consideration of the necessary qualifications. He wanted a stair
intelligent classes like the dvija-bandhus, sudras and the women. case to be built up directly reaching the heavenly planet so that people
might not be required to undergo the routine of pious work necessary to
TEXT 22 enter that planet. He also wanted to perform other acts against the
established rule of the Lord. He even challenged the authority of Sri Rama
";R�:a,q�Ttf?l! I ('r-- qi1ltfill
ij�_'f.l�+.i (' the Personality of Godhead and kidnapped His wife Sita. Of course Lord
����lf;r � ��ro;;rn: 'ro{_ I I�� I I Rama came to chastise this atheist, answering the prayer and desire of the
demigods. He therefore took up the challenge of Rava�1a, and the complete
nara·devatvam iipanna[l. · activity is the subject matter of the Riimiiya[ta. Because Lord Ra macandra
sura-kiirya-cikir§ayii was the Personality of Godhead, He exhibited superhuman activities which
samudra -nigrahiidini no human being, including the materially advanced Ravapa, could perform.
cakre viryii[ty ata[l. param Lord Ramacandra prepared a royal road on the Indian Oceaa with stones
that floated on the water. The modern scientists have done research in the
nara-human being; devatvam- divinity; iip anna[l.-having assumed the area of weightlessness, but it is not possible to bring in weightlessness any
form of; sura-the demigods; kiirya- activities ; cikir§ayii-for the purpose of where and everywhere. But because weightlessness is the creation of the
performing; samudra-the Indian Ocean; nigraha-iidini-controlling, etc. ; Lord by which He can make the gigantic planets fly and float in the air, He
cakre-did perform ; viryiirti-superhuman prowess; ata[l. param-thereafter. made the stones even within this earth to be weightless and prepared a
stone bridge on the sea without any supporting pillar. That is the display
TRANSLATION of the power of God.
ekonavirhse virhsatime sutafi.-the son of Anjana (Lord Buddha); kikate§u-in the province of
V[§TJ4U priipya janmani Gaya (Behar) ; bhav4yati-will take place.
roma-k[§TJUV iti bhuvo
bhagaviin aharad bhardm TRANSLATION
ekonavirhse-in the nineteenth; virhsatime-in the twentieth also; Then, in the beginning of Kali-yuga, the Lord will appear as Lord
vmr4u-in the VJ;Wi dynasty; priipya-having obtained; janmani-births; Buddha, the son of Afij ana, in the province of Gaya, just for the purpose
riima-Balarama; kr§TJau·- Sri Kr�I).a; iti-thus; bhuvafi,-of the world; of deluding those who are envious of the faithful theist.
bhagaviin-the Personality of Godhead; aharat-removed; bharam-burden.
Lord Buddha, a powerful incarnation of the Personality of Godhead,
In the nineteenth and twentieth incarnations, the Lord advented appeared in the province of Gaya (Bihar) as the son of Anjana, and he
Himself as· Lord Balarama and Lord 1\.r�l}a in the family of V f�l}i [the preached his own conception of nonviolence and deprecated even the
Yadu dynasty ) , and by so doing He removed the burden of the world. animal sacrifices sanctioned in the Vedas. At the time when Lord Buddha
appeared, the people in general were atheistic and preferred animal flesh
PURPORT to anything else. On the plea of Vedic sacrifice, every place was practically
turned into a slaughterhouse, and animal killing was indulged in unrestrict
The specific mention of the word bhagaviin in this t�xt i�dicates edly. Lord Buddha preached nonviolence, taking pity on the poor animals.
origina l forms of the Lord- Thts Will be further He preached that he did not believe in the tenets of the Vedas and stressed
Balarama and Kr�l}a are
puru§a �s we
explained later. Lord Kr�!la is not an incarnatio� o� the . the adverse psychological effects incurred by animal killing. Less intelligent
of this chapte r. He duectl y th� ongt�al men of the age of Kali, who had no faith in God, followed his principle,
learned from the beginning IS
y mamfest�twn and for the time being they were trained in moral discipline and nonvio
Personality of Godhead, and Balarama is the first plenar
first phalan x of plenar y expanswns, lence, the preliminary steps for proceeding further on the path of God
of the Lord. From Baladeva the
and Pradyu mna, expand s. Lord Sri realization. He deluded the atheists because such atheists who followed his
Vasudeva Sarikarsana · Aniruddha
Kr�!Ia is V asudeva,' a�d Baladeva is Sankar �a!la. principles did not believe in God, but they kept their absolute faith in
Lord Buddha who himself was the incarnation of G od. Thus the faithless
TEXT 24 people were made to believe in God in the form of Lord Buddha. That was
the mercy of Lord Buddha: He made the faithless faithful to him.
Killing of animals before the advent of Lord Buddha was the most
prominent feature of the society. They claimed that these were Vedic
sacrifices. When the Vedas are not accepted through the authoritative
disciplic succession, the casual readers of the Vedas are misled by the
tatafi. kalau sampravrtte
flowery language of that system of knowledge. In the Bhagavad-gitii a
sammohiiya sura-dvi§iim
comment has been made on such foolish scholars. The foolish scholars of
buddha niimniiiijana-sutafi.
Vedic literature who do not care to receive the transcendental message
kikate§U bhavi§yati
through the transcendental realized sources of disciplic succession are sure
tatah-thereafter ; kalau-the age of Kali; sampravrtte-having ensued; to be bewildered. To them, the ritualistic ceremonies are considered to be
samm�hiiy�-for the purpose of deluding; sura-the theists; dv4iim-those
all in all. They have no depth of knowledge , according to the Bhagavad
aiijana- gitii. The whole system of the Vedas is to lead one gradually to the path of
who are envious ; buddhafi.-Lor d Buddha; niimnii-of the name;
162 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch . 3 Text 25 ) ��11a Is the Source of All Incarnations 163
the Supreme Lord. The whole theme of Vedic literature is to know the support cow killing or animal killing from the pages of the Vedas, and this
Supreme Lord, the individual soul, the cosmic situation and �he relat1. ? ns is now being done by the modernized sannyiisis. Lord Buddha had to
between all these items. When the relation is known, the relative functiOn reject the authority of the Vedas altogether. This is simply technical, and
begins, and as a result of such a function the ultimate goal of life or going had it not been so he would not have been so accepted as the incarnation
back to Godhead takes place in the easiest manner. Unfortunately, un of Godhead. Neither would he have been worshiped in the transcendental
authorized scholars of the Vedas become captivated by the purificatory songs of the poet J ayadeva, who is a V ai�p.ava iiciirya. He preached the pre
ceremonies only, and natural progress is checked thereby. liminary principles of the Vedas in a manner suitable for the time being
To such bewildered persons of atheistic propensity , Lord Buddha is the (and so also did Acarya Sallkaracarya) to establish the authority of the
emblem of theism. He therefore first of all wanted to check the habit of Vedas. Therefore both Lord Buddha and Acarya S allkara paved the path
animal killing. The animal killers are dangerous elements on the path of of theism, and V ai�p.ava iiciiryas, specifically Lord Sri Caitanya Maha
going back to Godhead. There are two types of animal killers. The soul is prabhu, led the people on the path towards a realization of going back to
also sometimes called the "animal" or the living being. Therefore, both Godhead.
the slaughterer of animals as well as those who have lost their identity of We are glad that people are taking interest in the nonviolent movement
soul are animal killers. of Lord Buddha. But will they take the matter very seriously and close the
Maharaja Parik�it said that only the animal killer cannot relish the animal slaughterhouses altogether? If not, there is no meaning to the
transcendental message of the Supreme Lord. Therefore if people are to ahirhsa cult.
be educated to the path of Godhead they must be taught first and foremost Srimad-Bhiigavatam was composed just prior to the beginning of the
to stop the process of animal killing as above mentioned. It is nonsensical age of Kali (about five thousand years ago ), and Lord Buddha appeared
to say that animal killing has nothing to do with spiritual realization. By about 2,600 years ago. Therefore in the Srimad-Bhiigavatam Lord Buddha is
this dangerous theory many so-called sannyiisis have sprung up by the foretold. Such is the authority of this clear scripture. There are many such
grace of Kali-yuga who preach animal killing under the garb of the Vedas. prophecies, and they are being fulfilled one after another. They will in
The subject matter has already been discussed in the conversation between dicate the positive standing of Srimad-Bhiigavatam, which is without trace
L ord Caitanya and Maulana Chand Kazi Shaheb. The animal sacrifice as
· of mistake, illusion, cheating and imperfection, which are the four flaws
stated in the Vedas is different from the unrestricted animal killing in the of all conditioned souls. The liberated souls are above these flaws ; there
slaughterhouse. Because the asuras or the so-called scholars of Vedic fore they can see and foretell things which are to take place on distant
literatures put forward the evidence of animal killing in the Vedas, Lord future dates.
Buddha superficially denied the authority of the Vedas. This rejection of TEXT 25
the Vedas by Lord Buddha was adopted in order to save people from the
vice of animal killing as well as to save the poor animals from the 3l� ��� � � I
slaughtering process of their big brothers who clamor for universal brother ('. ('. '"' ('. � ('.
\ifT;m T��"''�l«l VffiD �iR'tHn 1 1 ��11
hood, peace, justice and equity. There is no justice when there is animal
killing. Lord Buddha wanted to stop it completely, and therefore his cult athiisau yuga-sandhyiiyiirh
of ahirhsii was propagated not only in India but also outside the country. dasyu-priiye§u riijasu
Technically Lord Buddha's philosophy is called atheistic because there janitii vigtu-yasaso
is no acceptance of the Supreme Lord and because that system of philoso niimnii kalkir jagat-pati[t
phy denied the authority of the Vedas . But that is an act of camoufla�e atka-thereafter; asau-the same Lord; yuga-sandhyiiyiim-at the con
by the Lord. Lord Buddha is the incarnation of Godhead. As such, he IS junction of the yugas ; dasyu plunderers; priiye§u- almost all; riijasu-the
the original propounder of Vedic knowledge. He therefore cannot reject governing personalities; janitii-will take His birth ; vi.§rz.u-named Viwu;
Vedic philosophy. But he rejected it outwardly because the sura-dvi§a, or ya§asah-surnamed Yasa; niimnii-in the name of; kalkih-the
. incarnation.
the demons who are always envious of the devotees of Godhead, try to of the Lord; jagat-pat*-the Lord of the creation.
Text 27] �lll1a Is the Source of All Incarnations 165
1 64 Srimad-Bhagavatam (Canto 1 , C h. 3
Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation The list of incarnations of the Personality of Godhead given herein is
will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Vi�!lu not complete. It is only a partial view of all the incarnations. There are
Y asa. At this time the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into many others, such as Sri Hayagriva, Hari, Haritsa, Prsnigarbha, Vibhu,
plunderers. Satyasena, Vaiku!ltha, Sarvabhauma, Visvaksena, Dharmasetu, Sudhama,
PURPORT Yogesvara, Brhadbhanu, etc., in the bygone ages. Sri Prahlada Maharaja
said in his prayer, "My Lord, You manifest in as many incarnations as
Here is another foretelling of the advent of Lord Kalki, the incarnation there are species of life, namely the aquatics, the vegetables, the reptiles,
of Godhead. He is to appear at the conjunction of the two yugas, namely the birds, the beasts, the men, the demigods, etc., just for the maintenance
at the end of Kali-yuga and the beginning of Satya-yuga. The cycle of the of the faithful and the annihilation of the unfaithful. You advent Yourself
four yugas, namely Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali, rotates like the in this way in accordance with the necessity of the different yugas. In the
calendar months. The present Kali-yuga lasts 432,000 years, out of which Kali-yuga You have incarnated garbed as a devotee." This incarnation of
we have passed only 5,000 years after the Battle of Kuruk�etra and the the Lord in the Kali-yuga is Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There are many
end of the regime of King Parik�it. So there are 427,000 years balance yet other places, both in the Bhiigavatam and other scriptures, in which the
to be finished. Therefore at the end of this period, the incarnation of Kalki incarnation of the Lord as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is explicitly men
will take place, as foretold in the Srimad-Bhiigavatam. His father's name, tioned . In the Brahma-sarhhitii also it is said indirectly that although there
Visnu Yasa a learned briih mana, and the village Sambhal are also men are many incarnations of the Lord, such as Rama, Nrsiritha, V araha, Matsya,
tio"n"ed. As �hove mentioned, a ll these foretellings will prove to be factual Kiirma and many others, the Lord Himself sometimes incarnates in person.
in chronological order. That is the authority of Srimad-Bhiigavatam. Lord Kr�!la and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are not, therefore, incar
nations, but the original source of all other incarnations. This will be
TEXT 26 clearly explained in the next sloka. So the Lord is the inexhaustible source
for innumerable incarnations which are not always mentioned. But such
�� �: ��illt : I
3ffi1ro incarnations are distinguished by specific extraordinary feats which are
impossible to be performed by any living being. That is the general test to
��: ii!�t: �: �: ��: 1 1��11 identify an incarnation of the Lord directly and indirectly empowered.
avatiiro hy asankhyeyii Some incarnations mentioned above are almost plenary portions. For in
harelz. sattva-nidher dvijiilz. stance, the Kumaras are empowered with transcendental knowledge. Sri
yathiividiisinalz. kulyiilz. Narada is empowered with devotional service. Maharaja Prthu is an em
sarasalz. syulz. sahasra.Salz. powered incarnation with executive function. The Matsya incarnation is
directly a plenary portion. So the innumerable incarnations of the Lord are
avatiiriilz.-incarnations; hi-certainly; asankhyeyiilz.-innumerable; harelz. manifested all over the universes constantly without cessation, as water
-of Hari, the Lord; sattva-nidhefz.�of the ocean of goodness; dvijiifz.-the flows constantly from waterfalls�
briihmartas; yathii- as it is; avidiis inafz.- inexhaustible; kulyiilz.-rivulets;
sarasalz.- of vast lakes; syufz.�are; sahasrasafz.- thousands of. TEXT 27
TRANSLATION ' ' ' .1:1
Sfltp:(T � �en 1t�� lt��«: 1
0 brahmanas, the incarnations of the Lord are innumerable rivulets
flowing from �exhaustible sources of water.
Cli�: � � ml��: �t: 11�'1911
Text 28 ) .Kr��a Is the Source of All Incarnations 167
166 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch_ 3
�ayo manavo devii original Personality o f Godhead. All o f them appear o n planets whenever
manu-putrii mahaujasa[l. there is a disturbance created by the atheists. The Lord incarnates to
kalii[l. sarve harer eva protect the theists.
sa-prajiipataya[t smrtii[l.
naya[t-all the sages; manava[t-all the Manus; deviift-all the demigods;
manu-putrii[l.-all the descendants of Manu ; mahii-ojasa[l.-very powerful; In this particular stanza Lord Sri K!·�p.a the Personality of Godhead is
kalii[l.-portion of the plenary portion; sarve- all collectively; hare[l.-of the distinguished from other incarnations. He is counted amongst the avatiiras
Lord; eva-certainly; sa-prajiipataya[t-along with the Prajapatis; smrtii[l. (incarnations) because out of His causeless mercy the Lord descends from
are known. His transcendental abode. Avatiira means one who descends. All the incar
TRANSLATION nations of the Lord, including the Lord Himself, descend on the different
planets of the material world as also in different species of life to fulfill
All the r�is, Manus, demigods and descendants of Manu, who are
especially powerful, are plenary portions or portions of the plenary particular missions. Sometimes He comes Himself, and sometimes His dif
portions of the Lord. This also includes the Prajapatis. ferent plenary portions or parts of the plenary portions or His differen
tiated portions directly or indirectly empowered by Him descend on this
PURPORT material world to execute certain specific functions. Originally the Lord is
full of all � p_ulences, all prowess, all fames, all beauties, all knowledge and
Those who are comparatively less powerful are called vibhuti, and those all r� nunc1atwns. When they are partly manifested through the plenary
who are comparatively more powerful are called avesa incarnations. portiOns or parts of the plenary portions, it should be noted that certain
manifestations of His different powers are required for those particular
TEXT 28 functions. When in the room small electric bulbs are displayed, it does not
mean that the electric powerhouse is limited by the small bulbs. The same
11;ij :qf��r: �� n ��� �Fl ��� powerhouse can supply power to operate large-scale industrial dynamos
�;¢'�ti� �tli �;s�� � � 1 1 ';{(;1 1 with greater volts. Similarly, the incarnations of the Lord display limited
powers because so much power is needed at that particular time.
ete ciirhsa-kalii[l. purhsa[l. For example, Lord Parasurama and Lord Nrsimha displayed unusual
k[§r;tas tu bhagaviin svayam opulence by killing the disobedient k§atriyas twenty-one times and killing
indriiri-vyiikularh lokarh the greatly powerful atheist Hirap.yakasipu. Hira!tyakasipu was so powerful
mnlayanti yuge yuge that even the demigods in other planets would tremble simply by the
ete-all these; ca-and; arhsa-plenary portions; kalii[l.-portions of the unfavorable raising of his eyebrow. The demigods in the higher level of
plenary portions; purhsa[t-of the Supreme; kmw[l.-Lord K!§l).a; tu-but; material existence many, many times excel the most well-to-do human
bhagaviin-the Personality of Godhead; svayam-in person; indra-ari-the beings, in duration of life, beauty, wealth, paraphernalia, and in all other
enemies of Indra; vyiikulam- disturbed; lokam-all the planets; mnlayanti �esp�cts. Still they were afraid of Hirap.yakasipu. Thus we can simply
-gives protection; yuge yuge-in different ages. 1magme how powerful Hirap.yakasipu was in this material world. But even
Hi �ap.yakasipu was cut into small pieces by the nails of Lord Nrsimha.
This means that anyone materially powerful cannot stand the strength
o� the Lord's nails. Similarly, Jamadagnya displayed the Lord's power to
All of the above-mentioned incarnations are either plenary portions or � all the disobedient kings powerfully situated in their respective states.
portions of the plenary portions of the Lord, but Lord Sri K.f�pa is the H1s empowered incarnation, Narada, and plenary incarnation, Varaha, as
168 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 3 Text 29] Kr�J!.a Is the Source of All Incarnations 169
well as indirectly empowered Lord Buddha, created faith in the mass of almost eighty-four percent of the attributes. But the jivas or the individual
people. The incarnations of Rama and Dhanvantari displayed His fame, living beings in different statuses of life possess up to the limit of seventy
and Balarama, Mohini and Vamana exhibited His beauty. Dattatreya, eight percent of the attributes. In the conditioned state of material exis
Matsya, Kumara and Kapila exhibited His transcendental knowledge. Nara tence, the living being possesses these attributes in very minute quantity,
and Naraya!la :{t�is exhibited His renunciation. So all the different incar varying in terms of the pious life of the living being. The most perfect of
nations of the Lord indirectly or directly manifested different features, living beings is Brahma, the supreme administrator of one universe. He
but Lord Kr�!J.a, the primeval Lord, exhibited the complete features of possesses seventy-eight percent of the attributes in full. All other demigods
Godhead, and thus it is confirmed that He is the source of all other incar have the same attributes in less quantity, whereas human beings possess
nations. And the most extraordinary feature exhibited by Lord Sri Kr�!la the attributes in very minute quantity. The standard of perfection for a
was His internal energetic manifestation of His pastimes with the cowherd human being is to develop the attributes up to seventy-eight percent in
girls. Hi_s pastimes with the gopis are all displays of transcendental exist· full. The living being can never possess attributes like Siva, Vi�!J.U or Lord
ence, bliss and knowledge, although these are manifested apparently as Kr�!la. A living being can become godly by developing the seventy-eight
sex love. The specific attraction of His pastimes with the gopis should percent transcendental attributes in fullness, but he can never become a
never be misunderstood. The Bhiigavatam relates these transcendental God like Siva, Vi�!J.U or Kr�!J.a. He can become a Brahma in due course. The
pastimes in the Tenth Canto. And in order to reach the position to under godly living beings who are all residents of the planets in the spiritual sky
stand the transcendental nature of Lord Kr�!la's pastimes with the gopis, are eternal associates of God in different spiritual planets called Hari-dhama
the Bhiigavatam p romotes the student gradually in nine other cantos. and Mahe8a-dhama. The abode of Lord Kfgla above all spiritual planets is
According to Srila ]lva Gosvami's statement, in accordance with authori called Kr�!laloka or Goloka V rndavana, and the perfected living being by
tative sources, Lord Kr�!la is the source of all other incarnations. It is not developing seventy-eight percent of the above attributes in fullness can
that Lord Kr�!la has any source of incarnation .. All the symptoms of the enter the planet of Kr�!laloka after leaving the present material body.
Supreme Truth in full are present in the person of Lord Sri Kr�!J.a, and in
the Bhagavad-gitii. the Lord emphatically declares that there is no truth TEXT 29
greater than or equal to Himself. In this stanza the word svayam is . ' '
particularly mentioned to confirm that Lord Krwa has no other source �rlt � +lff.lm � �ffl �: I
than Himself. Although in other places the incarnations are described as � smrfiJf'{��t�llnftaT.ifij II �Q_,I I
bhagavan, because of their specific functions, still nowhere are they
decl�red to be the Supreme Personality. In this stanza the word svayam ,janma guhyarh bhagavato
signifies the supremacy as the summum bonum. ya etat prayato nara[l.
The summum bonum Kr�!la is one without a second. He Himself has siiyarh priitar grcwn bhaktyii
expanded Himself in various parts, portions and particles as svayam-rilpa, du[l.kha-griimiid vimucyate, tadekii.tmii., prabhava, vaibhava, viliisa, avatiira, avesa, and janma- birth ; guhyam- mysterious; bhagavata[l.- of the Lord; ya[l.- one;
jivas, all provided with innumerable energies just suitable to the respective etat-all these; prayata[l.- carefully ; nara[l.-man ; sii.yam- evening; priita[l.
persons and personalities. Learned scholars in transcendental subjects have morning; g[!lan- recites; bhaktyii-with devotion; du[l.kha-griimiit-from all
carefully analyzed the summum bonum Kr�!la to have sixty-four principal miseries; vimucyate-gets relief from .
attributes. All the expansions or categories of the Lord possess only some
percentages of these attributes. But Sri Kr�!la is the p ossessor of the attri TRANSLATION
butes cent percent. And His personal expansions such as svayam-prakiisa,
tadekiitmii. up to the categories of the avatii.ras, who are all Vi$ru-tattva, Whoever carefully recites the mysterious appearances of the Lord,
possess up to ninety-three percent of these transcendental attributes. Lord with devotion in the morning and in the evening, gets relief from all
Siva, who is neither avatiira nor avesa nor in between them, possesses miseries of life.
1 70 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 3 Text 3 1 �!!J].a Is the Source of All Incarnations 171
PURPORT neophytes] to ad_j ust to the idea of the Lord having form. But factwilly
the Lord has no material form.
In the Bhagavad-gitii the Personality of Godhead has declared that
anyone who knows the principles of the transcendental birth and activities PURPORT
of the Lord will go back to Godhead after being relieved from this material
tabernacle. So simply knowing factually the mysterious way of the Lord'!'! The conception of the Lord known as the viSva-riipa or the viriita-riipa
incarnation in this material world can liberate one from material bondage. is particularly not mentioned along with the. various incarnations of the
Therefore the birth and activities of the Lord, as manifested by Him for Lord because all the incarnations of the Lord above mentioned are
tl).e welfare of the people in general, are not ordinary. They are mysterious, transcendental, and there is not a tinge of materialism in their bodies.
and only by those who carefully try to go deep into the matter by spiritual There is no difference between the body and self as there is in the con
devotion is the mystery discovered. Thus one gets liberation from the ditioned soul. The viriita-riipa is conceived for those who are just neophyte
material bondage. It is advised therefore that one who simply recites this worshipers. For them the material virii!a-riipa is presented, and it will he
chapter of Bhiigavatam, describing the appearance of the Lord in different explained in the Second Canto. In the virata-riipa the material manifesta
incarnations, in sincerity and devotion, can have insight into such birth tions of different planets have been conceived as His legs, hands, etc.
and activities of the Lord. The very word vimuk ti, or liberation, indicates Actually all such descriptions are for the neophytes. The neophytes cannot
that the Lord's birth and activities are all transcendental ; otherwise simply conceive anything beyond matter. The material conception of the Lord is
by reciting them one could not attain liberation. They are therefore not counted in the list of His factual forms. As Paramatma or Supersoul,
mysterious, and those who do not follow the prescribed regulations of the Lord is within each and every material form, even within the atoms,
devotional service are not entitled to enter into the mysteries of His but the outward material form is but an imagination, both for the Lord
births and activities. and the living being. The present forms of the conditioned souls are also
not factual. The conclusion is that the material conception of the body of
TEXT 30 the Lord as virata is imaginary. Both the Lord and the living beings are
living spirits and have original spiritual bodies respectively.
�tf � � Ma.l�¥4�: I
il�ur�u� ii� I I � o i l TEXT 3 1
etad rupam bhagavato
hy ariipasya cid-iitmanaft
miiyii·gur-air viracitam
� � �, � �� �
mahadadibhir iitmani �� � Utt€tC¥41��flr: � �� � I I
etat-all these ; riipam forms; bhagavata[t-of the Lord ; hi- certainly;
- yathii nabhasi meghaugho
ariipasya-of one who has no material form ; cit-iitmanah-of the transcen rer-ur vii parthivo'nile
dence ; maya material energy; gu r-ai� by the qualitie;; viracitam-manu
- - evam dra!itari drsyatvam
factured ; mahat-iidibh*-with the ingredients of matter ; atmani- in the self. iiropitam abuddhibh*
in the material world, is imaginary. It is to enable the less intelligent [ and -is implied; abuddhibhi[t-by the less intelligent persons.
1 72 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 3 Text 33) K{�J!a I s the Source of All Incarnations 173
of gross and subtle bodies are superficial coverings of the self. The cover energy ; vaisaradi-full of knowledge ; mati[l,-enlightenment ; sampanna[l
ings take place due to ignorance. Such coverings are never effective in the enriched with ; eva cert ainly; iti- thus; vidu�-being cognizant of; mahimni
person of the Personality of Godhead. Knowing this convincingly is called -in the glories; sve-of the self; mahiyat e -being situated in.
liberation, or seeing the Absolute. This means that perfect self-realization
is made possible by adoption of godly or spiritual life. Self-realization TRANSLATION
means to become indifferent to the needs of the gross and subtle bodies
and to become serious about the activities of the self. The impetus for If the illusory energy subsides and the living entity becomes fully
activities is generated from the self, but such activities become illusory enriched with knowledge by the grace of the Lord, then he becomes at
due to ignorance of the real position of the self. By ignorance, self-interest once enlightened with self-realization and thus becomes situated in his
is calculated in terms of the gross and subtle bodies, and therefore a whole own glory.
set of activities is spoiled life after life. When, however, one meets the self
by proper culture, the activities of the self begin. Therefore a man who is PURPORT
engaged in the activities of the self is called jivanmukta, or a liberated
person even in the conditional existence. Being part of the absolute transcendence, all the Lord's forms, names,
This perfect stage of self-realization is not attained by artificial means, pastimes, attributes, associates and energies are identical with Him. His
but under the lotus feet of the Lord, who is always transcendental. In the transcendental energy acts according to His omnipotency. The same energy
Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He is present in everyone's heart, and acts as His external, internal and marginal energies, and by His omnipoten
from Him only all knowledge, remembrance or forgetfulness take place. cy He can perform anything and everything through the agency of any of
When the living being desires to be an enjoyer of material energy (illusory the above energies. He can turn the external energy into internal by His
phenomena), the Lord covers the living being in the mystery of forgetful will . Therefore by His grace the external energy, which is employed in
ness, and thus the living being misinterprets the gross body and subtle illusioning those living beings who want to have it, subsides by the will of
mind to be his own self. And by culture of transcendental knowledge, the Lord in terms of repentance and penance for the conditioned soul.
when the living being prays to the Lord for deliverance from the clutches And the very same energy then acts to help the purified living being make
of forgetfulness, the Lord, by His causeless mercy, removes the living progress on the path of self-realization. The example of electrical energy
being's illusory curtain, and thus he realizes his own self. He then engages is very appropriate in this connection. The expert electrician can utilize
1 76 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 3 Text 36) �!!J!a Is the Source of All Incarnations 1 77
the electrical energy for both heating and cooling by adjustment only. has n?thing to do, but �ecause He is omnipotent, everything is performed
Similarly, the external energy, which now bewilders the living being into by Htm naturally, as If done automatically. As a matter of fact, the
continuation of birth and death, is turned into internal potency by the appearence and disappearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and
will of the Lord to lead the living being to eternal life. When a living being His different activities are all confidential, even to the Vedic literatures.
is thus graced by the Lord, he is placed in his proper constitutional position Yet they are displayed by the Lord to bestow mercy upon the conditioned
to enjoy eternal spiritual life. souls. We should always take advantage of the narrations of the activities
of the Lord, which are meditations on Brahman in the most convenient
and palatable form.
� �� �or ��(1:1�� � 1
q$rf� � � ��f.f �: � � ��,, TEXT 36
� �
The foolish with poor fund of knowledge cannot know the transcen �(rijq"•� �ur: 1
dental nature of the forms, names and activities of the Lord, who is playing
like an actor in a drama. Nor can they express such things, neither in their
�S+tl44l fi�Hl4l�t«<l
speculations nor their writings. ll� <t�41a>(1(Nt•l � IH<=II
-without any gap; an uv rttyii-favorably; bhaje ta- renders service; tat-piida atheha dhanyii bhagavanta ittharh
-of His feet; saroja-gandham-fragrance of the lotus. yad viisudeve 'khila-lokaniithe
kurvanti sarviitmakam iitma-bhiivarh
TRANSLATION na yatra bhuya[t parivarta ugra[t
atha-thus; iha-in this world; dhanyii[l successful ; bhagavanta[t-per
Only those who render unreserved, uninterrupted, favorable service fectly cognizant; ittham-such; yat-what ; viisudeve-unto the Personality
unto the lotus feet of Lord Kr��a, who carries the wheel of the chariot of G odhead; akhila-all-embracing; lokaniithe-unto the proprietor of all
in His hand, can know the creator of the universe in His full glory, power the universes; kurvanti-in spires; sarviitmakam- one hundred percent; iitma
and transcendence. -spirit; bhiivam- e cstasy ; na-never; yatra-wherein; bhiiya[t again ; pari
1 82 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch_ 3 Text 4 1 ] Kt�qa Is the Source of All Incarnations 1 83
idarh bhiigavatarh nama
Lord. It carries with it all the transcendental blessings of Lord Sri K.r�p.a
puriirwrh b rahma-sammitam
that we can expect from His personal contact.
cakiira bhagaviin [$i[t
ni[tsreyasiiya lokasya
dhanyarh svas ty-ayanarh mahat
ffl'� su�t+ue �� � 1
idam-this; bhiigavatam-book containing the narration of the Person
ality of Godhead and His pure devotees; niima- of the name ; puriir-am
e¢��Rt&t«tW1i � mt � � � � � � �
supplementary to the Vedas; brahma-sammitam-incarnation of Lord Sri tad idarh griihayiimiisa
Kr��ta ; uttama-sloka-of the Personality of Godhead ; caritam- activities; sutam iitmavatiirh varam
cakiira- comoiled ; bhagaviin-incarnation of the Personality of Godhead; sarva-vede tihiisiiniirh
.r�ifl.-Sri Vyasadeva ; ni[tsreyasiiya-for the ultimate good; lokasya- of all siirarh siirarh samuddhrtam
people; dhanyam-fully successful; svasti-ayanam- all-blissful; mahat-all
perfect. tat-that ; idam-this; griihayiimiisa-made to accept ; sutam-unto his
TRANSLATION son ; iitmavatiim-of the self-realized; varam-most respectful; sarva- all;
veda- Vedic literatures (books of knowledge) ; itihiisiiniim-of all the
This Srimad-Bhagavatam is the literary incarnation of God, and it is histories; siiram- cream ; siiram- cream ; samuddrtam-taken out.
compiled by Srila Vyasadeva, the incarnation of God. It is meant for the
ultimate good of all people, and it is all-successful, all-blissful and all- TRANSLATION
PURPORT Sri Vyasadeva delivered it to his son, who is the most respected among
the self-realized, after extracting the cream of all Vedic literatures and
Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu declared that Srimad-Bhiigavatam is the histories of the universe.
histories of the Puriiras as imaginary. The great [§is like Vyasa had no sa[l-the son of Vyasadeva; tu-again ; samsriivayiimiisa-made them
business putting some imaginary stories in their literatures. audible; mahiiriija m-unto the emperor; panK§itam-of the name Parlk�it ;
In the Srimad-Bhiigavatam historical facts selected from the histories of priiya-upavi�{am-who sat until death without food or drink ; gangiiyiim
different planets have been depicted. It is therefore accepted by all the on the bank of the Ganges; paritam-being surrounded; parama-r§ibhi�
spiritual authorities as the Mahiipuriira. The special significance of these by great sages.
histories is that they are all connected with activities .of the Lord in a
different time and atmosphere. Srila Sukadeva Gosvaml is the topmost TRANSLATION
personality of all the self-realized souls, and he accepted this as the sub
ject of studies from his father Vyasadeva. Snl.a Vyasadeva is the great Sukadeva Gosvami, the son of Vyasadeva, ill his turn delivered the
authority, and the subject matter of Srimad-Bhiigavatam being so impor- Bhagavatam to the great Emperor Pan�it, who sat surrounded by sages on
- tant, he delivered the message first to his great son Srlla Sukadeva Go the bank of the Ganges, awaiting death without taking food or drink. · ·
svami It is compared to the cream of the milk. Vedic literature is like the
milk ocean of knowledge. Cream or butter is the most palatable essence of PURPORT
milk, and so also is Srimad-Bhiigavatam, for it contains all palatable, in
structive and authentic versions of different activities of the Lord and His All transcendental messages are received properly in the chain of
devotees. There is no gain, however, in accepting the message of Bhiigava disciplic succession. This disciplic succession is called paramparii. Unless
tam from the unbelievers, atheists and professional reciters who make a therefore Bhiigavatam or any other Vedic literatures are received through
trade of Bhiigavatam for the laymen. It was delivered to Srila Sukadeva the paramparii system, the reception of knowledge is not bona fide.
Gosvaml, and he had nothing to do with the Bhiigavata business. He did Vyasadeva delivered the message to Sukadeva Gosvami, and from Sukadeva
not have to maintain family expenses by such trade. Srimad-Bhiigavatam Gosvami Suta Gosvami received the message. One should, therefore, receive
should therefore be received from the representative of Sukadeva, who the message of Bhiigavatam from Suta Gosvami or from his representative
must be in the renounced order of life without family encumbrance. Milk and not from any irrelevant interpreter.
is undoubtedly very good and nourishing, but when it is touched by the Emperor Parik�it received the information of his death in time, and he
mouth of a snake it is no longer nourishing; rather, it becomes a source of at once left his kingdom and family and sat down on the bank of the
death. Similarly, those who are not strictly in the V ai�!]ava discipline Ganges to fast till death. All great sages, [§is, philosophers, mystics, etc.,
should not make a business of this Bhiigavata and become a cause of went there due to his imperial position. They offered many suggestions
spiritual death for so many hearers. In the Bhagavad-gitii the Lord says about his immediate duty, and at last it was settled that he would hear
that the purpose of all the Vedas is to know Him (Lord Kr�rta ), and from Sukadeva Gosvami about Lord Kr�tJ.a, and thus the Bhiigavatam was
Srimad-Bhiigavatam is Lord Sri Kr�rta Himself in the form of recorded spoken to him.
knowledge. Therefore, it is the cream of all the Vedas, and it contains all Sripada Sankariiciirya, who preached Miiyiiviida philosophy and stressed
historical facts of all times in relation with Sri Kr�pa. It is factually the the impersonal feature of the Absolute, also recommended that one must
essence of all histories. take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Kr�tJ.a, for there is no hope of gain
TEXT 42 from debating. Indirectly Sripad Saitkaracarya admitted that what he had
preached in the flowery grammatical interpretations of the Vediinta-sutra
cannot help one at the time of death. At the critical hour of death one
must recite the name of Govinda. This is the recommendation of all great
transcendentalists. Sukadeva G osvami had long stated the same truth, that
sa tu samsriivayiimiisa at the end one must remember NariiyatJ.a. That is the essence of all spiritual
mahiiriijam panK§itam activities. In pursuance of this eternal truth, Srimad-Bhiigavatam was heard
priiyopavi§tarh gangiiyiirh by Emperor Parik�it, and it was recited by the able Sukadeva Gosviimi.
paritam paramar§ibhi[l
186 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 3 Text 44] �l!J!a Is the Source of All Incarnations 187
And both the speaker and the receiver of the messages of Bhiigavatam can dictate the codes o f religion. Real religion means t o know God, our
were duly delivered by the same medium. relation with Him, our duties in relation with Him and to know ultimately
our destination after leaving this material body. The conditioned
TEXT 43 souls who are entrapped by the material energy hardly know all these
principles of life. Most of them are like animals engaged in eating,
� �q� �����R�: � I sleeping, fearing and mating. They are mostly engaged in sense enjoyment
under the pretention of religiosity, knowledge or salvation. They are still
� �f!'l�il�q ��S�'ilfa?t: l l'd � l l more blind in the present age of quarrel or Kali-yuga. In the Kali-yuga the
population is just a royal edition of the animals. They have nothing to do
kr§IJe sva-dhiimopagate
with spiritual knowledge or godly religious life. They are so blind that
dharma-jiiiiniidibhi[t saha
they cannot see anything beyond the needs of the body. They have no
kalau na§ta-drsiim e§a
information of the spirit soul beyond the jurisdiction of the subtle mind,
purii[L iirko 'dhunodita[t
intelligence or ego, but they are very much proud of their advancement in
kr§IJe-in Kr�l).a's; sva-dhiima- own abode; upagate...:... having returned; knowledge, science and material prosperity. They can risk their lives to
dharma-religion; jiiiina- knowledge; iidibhi[t-combined together ; saha become a dog or hog just after leaving the present body, for they have
along with ; kalau-in the Kali-yuga; na§ta-drsam-of persons who have lost completely lost sight of the ultimate aim of life. The Personality of God
their sight; e§a{t-all these; puriirw-arka- the Purii[La which is brilliant like head Sri Kr�!la appeared before us just a little prior to the beginning of
the sun; adhunii-just now; udita[t-has arisen. Kali-yuga, and He returned to His eternal home practically at the com
mencement of Kali-yuga. While He was present, H e exhibited everything
TRANSLATION by His different activities. He spoke the Bhagavad-gitii specifically and
eradicated all pretentious principles of religiosity. And prior to His depar
This Bhagavata Pural).a is as brilliant as the sun, and it has arisen just ture from this material world, He empowered Sri Vyasadeva through
after the departure of Lord KHI).a to His own abode, accompanied by Narada to compile the messages of the Srimad-Bhiigavatam, and thus both
religion, knowledge, etc. Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense the Bhagavad-gitii and the Srimad-Bhiigavatam are like torch bearers for
darkness of ignorance in the age of Kali shall get light from this PuriiJ).a. the blind people of this age. In other words, if men in this age of Kali want
to see the real light of life, they must take to these two books only, and
PURPORT · their aim of life will be fulfilled. Bhagavad-gitii is the preliminary study of
the Bhiigavatam. And Srimad-Bhiigavatam is the summum bonum of life,
Lord Sri Kr�!la has His eternal dhiima or abode where He eternally Lord Sri Kr�!la personified. We must therefore accept Srimad-Bhiigavatam
enjoys Himself with His eternal associates and paraphernalia. And His as the direct representation of Lord Kr�!J.a. One who can see Srimad
eternal abode is a manifestation of His internal energy, whereas the Bhiigavatam can see also Lord Sri Kr�!la in person. They are identical.
material world is a manifestation of His external energy. When He descends
on the material world, He displays Himself with all paraphernalia in His
internal potency, which is called iitma-miiyii. In the Bhagavad-gitii the Lord
says that He descends by His own potency (iitma-miiyii). His form, name,
fame, paraphernalia, abode, etc., are not, therefore, creations of matter. � t�J4Jl _ron FrsN���n '
3l{ � � fiifctf!(ij&}j!t&H( I
He descends to reclaim the fallen souls and to reestablish codes of religion
which are directly enacted by Him. Except God no one can establish the
principles of religion. Either He or a suitable person empowered by Him �stcr: ����MQ41fll ��� l l'd'dll
Text 44] Kr!!l!a Is the Source of All Incarnations 1 89
1 88 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto I, Ch. 3
tatra kirtayato viprii attention. The word nivi§ta means that Siita Gosvami drank the juice
viprar§er bhuri-tejasa{l of Bhiigavatam through his ears. That is the real process of receiving
aharh ciidhyagamarh tatra Bhiigavatam. One should hear with rapt attention from the real person,
nivi§tas tad anugrahiit and then he can at once realize the presence of Lord Krwa in every page.
so'harh va{l sriivayi§yiimi The secret of knowing Bhiigavatam is mentioned here. No one can give
rapt attention who is not pure in mind. No one can be pure in mind who
yathiidhitarh yathiimati
is not pure in action. No one can be pure in action who is not pure in
eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. But somehow or other if someone
tatra-there; kirtayata{l-while reciting; viprii{l- 0 briihma"{las; viprar§e{l
hears with rapt attention from the right person, at the very beginning one
-from the great briihma"{la ni; bhuri-greatly ; tejasa�- powerful; aham-I ;
can assuredly see Lord Sri Krwa in person in the pages of Bhiigavatam.
ca-:- also ; adhyagamam-could understand; tatra-in that meeting; nivi§ta[l.
be�ng perfectly attentive ; tat-anugrahiit-by his mercy; sa[l.-that very
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the First Canto, Third Chapter,
thmg; aham- I ; va[l.-unto you ; sriivayi§yiimi-shall let you hear; yath
of Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled "KnTJa Is the Source of A ll Incarnations. "
iidhitam yathiimati-as far as my realization.
One can certainly see directly the presence of Lord Sri KH!ia in the
pages of Bhiigavatam if one has heard it from a self-realized great soul like
Sukadeva Gosvami. One cannot, however, learn Bhiigavatam from a bogus
hired reciter whose aim of life is to earn some money out of such reci
tation and employ the earning in sex indulgence. No one can learn
Srimad-Bhiigavatam who is associated with persons engaged in sex life.
That is the secret of learning Bhiigavatam. Nor can one learn Bhiigavatam
from one who interprets the text by his mundane scholarship. One has to
learn Bhiigavatam from the representative of Sukadeva Gosviimi and no
one else, if one at all wants to see Lord Sri Krg1a in the pages. That is the
process, and there is no alternative. Siita Gosvami is a bona fide represen
tative of Sukadeva Gosvami because he wants to present the message which
he had received from the great learned briihmarw. Sukadeva Gosvami also
presented Bhiigavatam as he heard it from his great father, and so also Siita
Gosvami is presenting Bhiigavatam as he had heard it from Sukadeva
Gosvami. Simple hearing is not all ; one must realize the text with proper
O<.f� ;a"qR{
� �lui � � �"MffBioli4( I
�:{: t�fu: ��: �:irwffit�� II � II
vyiisa uviica
iti bruviirwrh sarhstuya
muniniirh dirgha-satrir-am
vrddhal:z kula-patil:z sutarh
bahvrcal:z saunak o 'b ravit
On hearing Suta Gosvami speak thus, Saunaka Muni, who was the
elderly, learned leader of all the r�is engaged in that prolonged sacrificial
ceremony, congratulated Suta Gosvami by addressing him as follows.
1 92 Srimad-Bhii.gavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 4 Text 3 ] Appearance of Sri Nii.rada 193
learned also. Sri Saunaka ��i had all these qualifications, and thus he stood
up to congratulate Sri Siita Gosvii.mi when he expressed his desire to TRANSLATION
present Srimad-Bhiigavatam exactly as he heard it from Sukadeva Gosvii.mi
and also realized it personally. Personal realization does not mean that one SaunaKa said: 0 Siita Gosvami, you are the most fortunate and respect
should, out of vanity, attempt to show one's own learning by trying to ed of all those who can speak and recite. Please relate the pious message of
surpass the previous iiciirya. He must have full confidence in the pre�ous Srimad-Bhii.gavatam, which was spoken by the great powerful sage
iiciirya, and at the same time he must realize the subject matter so mcely Sukadeva Gosvami.
that he can present the matter for the particular circumstances in a suitable
manner. The original purpose of the text must be maintained. No obscure PURPORT
meaning should be screwed out of it, yet it should be presented in an
interesting manner for the understanding of the audience. This is called Siita Gosvami is twice addressed herein by Saunaka Gosvami out of
realization. The leader of the assembly, Saunaka, could estimate the value great j oy because he and the members of the assembly were eager to hear
of the speaker, Sri Siita Gosvii.mi, simply by his uttering yathiidhitam and the text of Bhiigavatam uttered by Sukadeva Gosvami. They are not
yathiimati, and therefore he was very glad to congratulate him in ecstasy. interested in hearing it from a bogus person who interprets in his own way
No learned man should be willing to hear a person who does not represent to suit his own purpose. Generally the so-called Bhiigavatam reciters are
the original iiciirya. So the speaker as well as the audience were bona fide either professional readers or so-called learned impersonalists who cannot
in this meeting where Bhiigavatam was being recited for the second time. enter into the transcendental personal activities of the Supreme Person.
That should be the standard of recitation of Bhiigavatam, so that the real Such impersonalists eschew some meanings out of Bhagavatam to suit and
purpose can be served without difficulty. Unless this situation is created, support impersonalist views, and the professional readers at once go to the
Bhiigavatam recitation for extraneous purposes is useless labor both for the Tenth Canto to misexplain the most confidential part of the Lord's
speaker and the audience. pastimes. Both these reciters are not bona fide persons to recite Bhaga
TEXT 2 vatam. Only one who is prepared to present Bhiigavatam in the light of
Sukadeva Gosvami and only those who are prepared to hear Sukadeva
':i.T�"fi �;;:wet Gosvami and his representative are bona fide participants in the transcen
dental discussion of Srimad-Bhiigavatam.
� � � � ;{t q�QT � I
� mtmif � �� llfm�t I I � I I TEXT 3
saunaka uviica
siita siita mahii-bhiiga
� �it � �if tfl � � I
vada no vadatiirit vara �t ij"�: ;;wr: ���;Jtll � I I
kathiirit bhiigavatirit pur-yiirit
kasmin yuge pravrtteyarit
yad iiha bhagaviiii chuka[l.
sthiine vii kena hetunii
kuta[l. saiicodita[l. kr§TJalt
s aunakah Saunaka uviica- said; suta suta-0 Suta Gosvami; mahii
krtaviin sarithitarit muni[l.
bhiiga t he most fort�nate; vada-please speak; na[l.-unto us; vadatiim- of
- ·
- .
those who can speak; vara-respectful; kathiim-message; bhiigavatim-of kasmin-in which ; yuge- period; pravrtta-was this begun; iyam-this ;
the Bhiigavatam; pu r-yiim- pious; yat-which; aha-said; bhagavan- greatly sthiine-in the place; vii- or; kena-on what; he tunii ground; kuta[l.
powerful; suka[l.-Sii Sukadeva Gosvami. wherefrom ; saiicodita[l.-inspired by; krgw[l.- K.f�I].a-dvaipii.yana;
krtaviin- compiled; sarithitiim- Vedic literature; muni[l.-the learned.
1 94 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 4 Text 5) Appearance of Sri Narada 195
TRANSLATION this alertness is very lucidly explained. The liberated soul and the condi
tioned soul have different engagements. The liberated soul is always
In what period and at what place was this first begun, and why was this engaged in the progressive path of spiritual attainment, which is something
taken up? From where did Kr��a-dvaipayana Vyasa, the great sage, get like a dream for the conditioned soul. The conditioned soul cannot
the inspiration to compile this literature? imagine the actual engagements of the liberated soul. While the conditioned
soul thus dreams about spiritual engagements, the liberated soul is awake.
PURPORT Similarly, the engagement of a conditioned soul appears to be a dream for
the liberated soul. Apparently a conditioned soul and a liberated soul may
Because Srimad-Bhiigavatam is the special contribution of Srila Vyasa seem to be on the same platform, but factually they are differently
deva, there are so many inquiries by the learned Saunaka Muni. It was engaged, and their attention is always alert, either in sense enjoyment or
known to them that Srila Vyasadeva had a:lready explained the text of the in self-realization. The conditioned soul is absorbed in matter, whereas the
Vedas in various ways up to the Mahiibhiirata for the understanding of less liberated soul is completely indifferent to matter. This indifference is
intelligent women, sudras and fallen members of the family of twice-born explained as follows.
men. S rimad-Bhiigavatam is transcendental to all of them because it has
nothing to do with anything mundane. So the inquiries are very intelligent
and relevant.
PURPORT While Sri Vyasadeva was following his son, beautiful young damsels,
who were bathing naked, covered their bodies with cloth, although Sri
Srila Sukadeva Gosvami was a liberated soul, and thus he remained Vyasadeva himself · was not naked. But they did not do so when his son
always alert not to be trapped by the illusory energy. In the Bhagavad-gitii passed. The sage inquired about this, and the young ladies replied that his
196 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 4 Text 7) Appearance of Sri Narada 197
son was purified and when looking at them made no distinction between katham iilak§ita[t pauraih
male and female. But the sage made such distinctions. sampriipta[t kuru-jiingaliin
PURPORT vicaran gaja-siihvaye
In the Bhagavad-gitii it is said that a learned sage looks equally on the katham-how; iilak§ita[t-recognized; paurai[t- by the citizens; sam
learned and gentle briihmarw, a car4ala (dog-eater), a dog or cow due to priipta[t- reaching; kuru-jiingaliin-the Kuru-jangala provinces; unmatta
his spiritual vision. Srila Sukadeva Gosvami attained that stage. Thus he mad; muka- dumb ; ja!favat stunted; vic aran wandering ; gaja-siihvaye
- -
did not see a male or female, but he saw all living entities in different dress. Hastinapura.
The ladies who were bathing could understand the mind of a man simply
by studying his demeanor, just as by looking at a child one can understand TRANSLATION
how innocent he is. Sukadeva Gosvami was a young boy sixteen years old,
and therefore all the parts of his body were developed. He was naked also, How was he [ Srila Sukadeva, the son of Vyasa ] recognized by the
and so were the ladies. But because Sukadeva Gosvami was transcendental citizens when he entered the city of Hastinapura [ now Delhi ) , after
to sex relations, he appeared very innocent. The ladies, by their special wandering in the provinces of Kuru and Jangala, appearing like a madman,
qualifications, could sense this at once, and therefore they were not very dumb and retarded?
concerned about him. But when his father passed, the ladies quickly PURPORT
dressed. The ladies were exactly like his children or grandchildren, yet
they reacted to the presence of Vyasadeva according to the social custom The present city of Delhi was formerly known as Hastinapura because it
because Srila Vyasadeva played the part of a householder. A householder was first established by King Hasti. Gosvami Sukadeva, after leaving his
has to distinguish between a male and female, otherwise he cannot be paternal home, was roaming like a madman, and therefore it was very
a householder. One should, therefore, attempt to know the distinction be difficult for the citizens to recognize him in his exalted position. A sage is
tween spirit soul without any attachment for male and female. As long as not, therefore, recognized by sight, but by hearing. One should approach
such distinction is there, one should not try to become a sannyiisi like a siidhu or great sage not to see but to hear him . If one is not prepared to
Sukadeva Gosvami. At least theoretically one must be convinced that a hear the words of a siidhu, there is no profit. Sukadeva Gosvami was a
living entity is neither a male nor female. The outward dress is made of siidhu who could speak on the transcendental activities of the Lord. He did
matter by material nature to attract the opposite sex and thus keep one not satisfy the whims of ordinary citizens. He was recognized when he
entangled in material existence. A liberated soul is above this perverted spoke on the subj ect of Bhiigavatam, and he never attempted jugglery like
distinction. He does not distinguish between one living being and another. a magician. Outwardly he appeared to be a retarded, dumb madman, but
For him they are all one and the same spirit. The perfection of this in fact he was the most elevated transcendental personality.
spiritual vision is the liberated stage, and Srila Sukadeva Gosvami attained
that stage. Snl.a Vyasadeva was also in the transcendental stage, but TEXT 7
because he was in the householder's life, he did not pretend to be a
liberated soul, as a matter of custom. � U3l"ifif;m � 1
err 'flll!i�
�: � �� mffifr �:· ll \9 11
katharh vii pii[t!faveyasya
riijaT§er muninii saha
���: qt�: �: ��'t I sarhviida[t samabhut tiita
�'E14{4i'Sf\sqr1;:qf.t. �� II � II yatrai.§ii siitvati sruti[t
1 98 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch _ 4 Text 9 ] Appearance o f Sri Narada 1 99
katham-how it is ; vii-also ; piir�aveyasya- of the descendant of Pap�u
(Parik�it) ; rajar§e[l,-of the king who was a sage ; munina-with the muni; Sukadeva Gosvami met Emperor Parik�it and explained the text of
saha-with; sarhvada[!,- discussion; samabhut-took place; tata- 0 darling; Srimad-Bhiigavatam. He was not accustomed to stay at any householder's
yatra-whereupon; e§ii-like this; satvati- transcendental; sru ti[l,- essence of residence for more than half an hour (at the time of milking the cow), and
the Vedas. he would just take alms from the fortunate householder. That was to
sanctify the residence by his auspicious presence. Therefore Sukadeva
TRANSLATION Gosvami is an ideal preacher established in the transcendental position.
From his activities, those who are in the renounced order of life and
How did it so happen that King Parikljit met this great sage, making it dedicated to the mission of preaching the message of Godhead should
possible for this great transcendental essence of the Vedas [ Bhagavatam J learn that they have no business with householders save and except t o
to be sung to him? enlighten them in transcendental knowledge. Such asking for alms from
the householder should be for the purpose of sanctifying his home. One
PURPORT who is in the renounced order of life should not be allured by the gla mour
of the householder's worldly possessions and thus become subservient t o
Srimad-Bhiigavatam is stated here as the essence of the Vedas. It is not worldly men. For one who i s i n the renounced order o f life, this i s much
an imaginary story as it is sometimes considered by unauthorized men. It more dangerous than drinking poison and committing suicide.
is also called Suka-sarhhita, or the Vedic hymn spoken by Sri Sukadeva
Gosvami, the great liberated sage.
abhimanyu-sutarh suta
priihur bhiigavatottamam
tasya janma mahascaryarh
karmari ca grr-ihi na[l,
sa go-dohana-matrarh hi
grhe§u grha-medhinam abhimanyu-sutam-the son of Abhimanyu ; suta- 0 Suta; priihu[l,-is
avek§ate maha-bhiigas said to be; bhiigavata-uttamam-the first-class devotee of the Lord; tasya
tzrthz-kurvarhs tad asramam his; janma-birth; mahascaryam-very wonderful ; k armii[Li-activities ; ca
and ; gntihi-please speak to ; na[l,-us.
sa[l,-he (Sukadeva Gosvami) ; go-dohana-matram- only for the time of
milking the cow; hi-certainly ; grhe§u-in the house ; grha-medhiniim
of the householders ; avek§ate-waits; mahii-bhiiga[l,-the most fortunate; It is said that Maharaja Parikljit is a great first-class devotee of the Lord
tirthi- pilgrimage; kurvan-transforming; tat as ramam- the residence. and that his birth and activities are all wonderful. Please tell us about him.
The birth of Maharaja Parik�it is wonderful because in the womb of his
He [ Sukadeva Gosvami] was accustomed to stay at the door of a mother he was protected by the Personality of Godhead Sri Km1a. His
householder only long enough for a cow to be milked. And he did this activities are also wonderful because he chastised Kali, who was attempting
just to sanctify the residence. to kill a cow. To kill cows means to end human civilization. He wanted
200 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 4 Tex t l l ] A ppearance of Sri Narada 20 1
to protect the cow from being killed by the great re�resent�tive of sin. � is there was nothing undesirable in his opulence and administration. Then
death is also wonderful because he got preVIous notice of h1s death, which why should he give up all these favorable circumstances and sit down on
is wonderful for any mortal being, and thus he prepared himself for passing the bank of the Ganges, fasting till death? This is astonishing, and therefore
away by sitting down on the bank of the Ganges and hearing the transcen all were eager to know the cause.
dental activities of the Lord. During all the days he heard Bhiigavatam, he
did not take food or drink, nor did he sleep a moment. So everything TEXT l l
about him is wonderful, and his activities are worth hearing attentively.
Desire is expressed herein to hear about him in detail.
o:t'lfr(J ����'l';{t
TEXT 1 0 f�� m;Wr \:Tc{rf;:r �: 1
ij' � � efT �ffi: qf�"lf l{T�: I
� ij' tfl�: f��
�e{'f�fllffi 'lm
� '"' '"'
��f�tlRr��tG.f� I I � oil
namanti yat-piida-niketam iitmanaft
sa samriit kasya vii he toft
piir-fluniirh miina-vardhanaft siviiya hiiniya dhG;niini satravaft
priiyopavi.§to gangiiyiim katharh sa viraft sriyam anga dustyajiirh
aniidrtyiidhiriit-sriyam yuvai.§atotsra§tum ah a sahiisu bhift
saft- h e ; samriit- the Emperor ; kasya-for what ; vii- or; he toft- reason; namanti-bow down ; yat-piida-whose feet; niketam-under; iitmanaft
piirt!liiniim- of the sons of PapsJ.u ; miina-vardhanaft-one who enriches the own; siviiya- welfar e; h iiniya-used to bring about; dhan iini - wealth;
family; priiya-upavi.§taft- si tting and fasting; gangiiyiim-on the bank of the satravaft-enemies; katham-for what reason ; sa[!.-he ; viralz- the chivalrous;
Ganges; aniidrtya-neglecting; adhin!t- acquire d kingdom ; sriyam-opu sriyam-opulences; anga-0 ; dustyajiim- insuperable; yuvii-just in full
lences. youth ; ai.§ata- desired; utsra§tum-to give up; aho-exclamation; saha-with;
as ubh ift - life.
He was a great emperor and possessed all the opulences of his acquired He was such a great emperor that all his enemies would come and bow
kingdom. He was so exalted that he was increasing the prestige of the down at his feet and surrender all their wealth for their own benefit. He
Pap�u dynasty. Why did he give up everything to sit down on the bank of was full of youth and strength, and he possessed insuperable kingly opu
the Ganges and fast until death? lences. Why did he want to give up everything, including his life?
Maharaja Parilc�it was the Emperor of the world and all the seas and There was nothing undesirable in his life. He was quite a young man and
oceans, and he did not have to take the trouble to acquire such a kingdom could enjoy life with power and opulence. So there was no question of
by his own effort. He inherited it from his grandfathers Maharaja retiring from active life. There was no difficulty in collecting the state
Yudhi�thira and brothers. Besides that, he was doing well in the adminis taxes because he was so powerful and chivalrous that even his enemies
tration and was worthy of the good names of his forefathers. Consequently would come to him and bow down at his feet and surrender all wealth for
202 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 4 Text 13) Appearance of Sri Niirada 203
their own benefit. Maharaj a Parik�it was a pious king. He conquered his example of this. Personally he had no attachment for all the worldly
enemies, and therefore the kingdom was full of prosperity. There was
opulences in his possession. But since he was king for the all round
enough milk, grains and metals, and all the rivers and mountains were full welfare of his citizens, he was always busy in the welfare work of the
of potency. So materially everything was satisfactory. Therefore, there public, not only for this life, but also for the next. He would not all�w
was no question of untimely giving up his kingdom and life. They were slaughter-houses or killing of cows. He was not a foolish and partial
eager to hear about all this. administrator who would . arrange for the protection of one living being
and allow another to be killed. Because he was a devotee of the Lord, he
TEXT 12 knew perfectly well how to conduct his administration for everyone's
happiness, men , animals, plants and all living creatures. He was not
f� � ��
�r:r selfishly interested. Selfishness is either self-centered or self-extended.
� ��Ht��� �;n: I He was neither. His interest was tu please the Supreme Truth Personality
of G odhead. The king is the representative of the Supreme Lord, and
iij)trf;.� ���'tl��m �� therefore the king's interest must be identical with that of the Supreme
ij� f� ��n �� 1 1 � � 1 1 Lord. The Supreme Lord wants all living beings to be obedient to Him
and thereby become happy. Therefore the king's interest is to guide
siviiya lokasya bhaviiya bhutaye all subjects back to the kingdom of God. Hence the activities of the
ya uttama-sloka-pariiyartii janii[l citizens should be so coordinated that they can at the end go back home,
jivanti niitmiirtham asau pariisrayarh back 1.o Godhead. Under the administration of a representative king, the
mumoca nirvidya kuta[l kalevaram kingdom is full of opulence. At that time human beings need not eat
animals. There is ample food, grains, milk, fruit and vegetables so that the
siviiya- welfare; lokasya-of all living beings; bhaviiya-for flourishing; human beings as well as the animals can eat sumptuously and to their
bhutaye-for economic development ; ye-one who is; uttama-sloka heart's content. If all living beings are satisfied with food and shelter and
pariiya rtiift-devoted to the cause of the Personality of Godhead; janii[t obey the prescribed rules, there cannot be any disturbance between one
men; jivanti- do live; na- but not; iitma-artham-selfish interest; asau- that; living being and another. Emperor Parik�it was a worthy king, and therefore
pariisrayam- shelter for others; mumoca- gave u p ; nirvidya- being freed all were happy during his reign.
from all attachment; kuta[l-for what reason ; kalevaram-mortal body.
TEXT 1 3
mwi ;r: ijltl�� W �� f�� I
Those who are devoted to the cause of the Personality of Godhead live
only for the welfare, development and happiness of others. They do not
�m�tn:qf�r�� ��� � � � � � �
live for any selfish interest. So even though the Emperor [ Par�it ] was tat sarvarh na[t samiicak§va
free from all attachment to worldly possessions, how could he give up his
P!§to yad iha kiiicana
mortal body, which was shelter for others? manye tviirh vi§aye viiciirh
snatam anyatra chandasiit
tat-that; sarvam- all; na[t-unto us; samiicak§va- clearly explain; P!§ta[l
Parik�it Maharaja was an ideal king and householder because he was a -questioned; yat iha-herein ; kiiicana- all that; manye-we think ; tviim
devotee of the Personality of Godhead. A devotee of the Lord has yourself; vi§aye-in all subjects ; viicam-meanings of words; snatam-fully
automatically all good qualif-ications. And the Emperor was a typical acqu ainted; anyatra-except; chiindasiit- portion of the Vedas.
204 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 4 Text 1 5 ] Appearance of Sri Narada 205
TEXT 1 4
�� sa kadiicit sarasvatyii
iff� �� Q:<f� �� I upasprsya jalarh sucift
q(t�HI'4.htT Cfl�� �T �: I I � 'dll
vivikta eka iisina
i5mH udite ravi-ma[L!fale
206 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 4 Texts 1 7-18] Appearance of Sri Narada 207
saft-he; kadiicit- once ; sarasvatyii[t-on the bank of the Sarasvafi; Kali age, and accordingly he made arrangement for the people in general
upasprsya- after finishing morning ablutions; jalam-water; suci[l-being so that they can execute a progressive life in this age which is full of dark
purified; vivikte concentration; ekaft- alone; iisinaft- being thus seated;
- ness. The people in general in this age of Kali are too much interested in
udite-on the rise; ravi-mar-�ale- of the sun disc. matter, which is temporary. Because of ignorance t hey are unable to
evaluate the assets of life and be enlighlened in spiri lual knowledge.
TEXTS 1 7-18
Once upon a time, he [ Vyasadeva] , as the sun rose, took his morning
ablution in the waters of the Sarasvati and sat alone to concentrate. itRt�1�i :q�m;Uij��=�nt�tijl{ l
PURPORT 3l��:�qy;:[ifi:W{ &Rliji�: 1 1 �\91 1
The River Sarasvat'i is flowing in the Badarikasrama area of the Himalayas.
��� �� q�� uf�l{4� :q� I
So th e place indicated here is Samy ap rasa in Badarikasrama where Sri ��arr � f&ij+t+tll".l'l� ' ' � �� � "\
Vyasadeva is residing.
bhautikiiniim ca bhiiviiniim
TEXT 1 6 sakti-hriisam ca tatkrtam
asraddadhiiniin niftsattviin
durmedhiin hrasitiiyu§aft
durbhagiims ca janiin vik§ya
munir divyena cak§u§ii
sarva-varr-iisramiir-am yad
pariivara-jiiaft s a !§ilt
dadhyau hitam amogha-drk
kiileniivyak ta-ramhasii
priiptam bhuvi yuge yuge bhautikiiniim ca- also of everything that is made of matter; bhiiviiniim
actions; sakti-hriisam ca-deterioration of natural power; tat-krtam
pariivara-past and future; jiiaft- one who knows; saft- he ; f§ift rendered by th at; a§raddadhiiniin-of the faithless; niftsattviin-impatient
Vyasadeva; kiilena-in the course of time; avyakta- unmanifested; ramhasii due to want of the mode of goodness; hrasita-reduced; iiyu§aft- of dura
-by great force; yuga-dharma-acts in terms of the millennium ; vyatikaram tion of life; durbhagiin ca- also the unlucky; janan-people in general ;
-anomalies; priiptam-having accrued; bhuvi-on the earth; yuge yuge- vik�ya-by seeing; mun*-the muni; divyena-by transcendental; cak�u�ii
different ages. vision; sarva- all ; varr-asramar-iim-of all the statuses and orders of life;
TRANSLATION yat-what; dadhyau- contemplated ; hitam- welfare; amogha-drk- one who
is fully equipped in knowledge.
The great sage Vyasadeva saw anomalies in the millennium. This
happens on the earth in different ages, due to unseen forces in the course TRANSLATION
of time.
PURPORT The great sage, who was fully equipped in knowledge, could see, through
his transcendental vision, the deterioration of everything material, due to
The great sages like Vyasadeva are liberated souls, and therefore they can the influence of the age. He could also see that the faithless people in
see clearly past and future. Thus he could see the future anomalies in the general would be reduced in duration of life and would be impatient due
Text 1 9 ] Appearance o f Sr'i Narada 209
208 Sr'imad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 4
to lack of goodness. Thus he contemplated for the welfare of men in all TEXT 1 9
statuses and orders of life.
*fldif,j d m: SJ�T;d �� �� I
PURPORT . � � � II Z �II
The unm anifested forces of time are so powerful that they reduce all
ciitur-hotram karma suddharh
matter to oblivion in due course. In Kali-yuga, the last millen nium of a
prajiiniirh vik§ya vaidikam
round of the four millenniums, the power of all material objects de teriorates
vyadadhiid yajiia-santatyai
by the influence of time. In this age the duration of the material body of vedam ekam catur-vidham
the people in general is much reduced, and so is the memory . The action
of matter has also not so much incentive. The land does not produce food catu�- ��u� ; ho tram- sacrificial fires ; karma .S uddh am -purification of
grai ns in the same proportions as it did in other ages. The cow does not
work ; f!raJanam- ?f �he people in general ; vik§ya-after seeing; vaidikam
give as much milk as it used to give formerly . The production of vegetables
and fru i ts is less than before. As such, all living beings, both men and
accordmg to Vedic ntes; vyadadh iit-made into; yajfi a sac rifice ; santatyai
-to expand ; vedam ekam-only one Veda ; catu�-vidham-in four divisions.
animals, do not have sumptuous, nourishing food . Due to wan t of so many
necessi ties of life, naturally the duration of life is redu ced , the mem ory is
short, intelligence is meager, mutual dealings are full of hypocrisy and so TRANS LATION
He saw that the sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas were means by
The great sage Vyasadeva could see this by his transcendental vision. As .
which the p o �le's occupations could be purified. And to simplify the
an astrologer can see the future fate of a man, or an astronomer can �
process he diVIded the one Veda into four, in order t o expand them
foretell the solar and lunar eclipses, similarly those who can see through
the scriptures and foretell the future of all mankind are called liberated among men.
souls. They can see thus due to their sharp vision of spiritual attainment.
And all such transcendentalists, who are naturally devotees of the Lord, PURPORT
are always eager to render welfare service to the people in general. They
are the real friends of the people in general, not the so-called public ��rmerly th�r� was only the Veda of the name Yajus, and the four
. SIOns of sacnfices were there specifically mentioned. But to make them
leaders who are unable to see what is going to happen five minutes ahead.
In this age the people in general as well as their so-called leaders are all more easily performable, the Veda was divided into four divisions of
unlucky fellows, faithless in spiritual knowledge and influenced by the sacrifice, just to purify the occupational service of the four orders. Above
age of Kali. They are always disturbed by various diseases. For example, in the four Vedas, namely .{{ k , Yajus, Siima, and A tharva, there are the
the present age there are so many TB patients and TB hospitals, but Puriirws, the Mahiibhiirata, Sarhhitiis, etc. , which are known as the fifth
formerly this was not so because the time was not so unfavorable. These Veda. Sn Vyasadeva a�d his many disciples were all historical personalities,
unfortunate men of this age are always reluctant to give a reception to the and they were very kind and sympathetic toward the fallen souls of this
transcendentalists who are representatives of Srila Vyasadeva an d selfless age of Kali. As such, the Puriir-as and Mahiibhiirata were made fro m related
workers always busy in planning something which may help everyone in all historical facts which explained the teaching of the four Vedas. There is no
statuses and orders of life. The greatest philanthropists are those transcen point in doubting the authority of the Puriir-as and Mahiibhiirata as parts
dentalists who represent the mission of Vyasa, Narada, Madhva, Caitanya, and par<_:els of the Vedas. In the Chiindogya Upani§ad, the Puriir-as and
Rupa, Sarasvati, etc. They are all one and the same. The personalities may Mahabharata, generally known as histories, are mentioned as the fifth
be different, but the aim of the mission is one and the same, namely, to Veda. �ccording to Srila ]lva Gosvami, that is the way of ascertaining the
deliver the fallen souls back home, back to Godhead. respechve values of the revealed scriptures.
210 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l, Ch. 4 Text 23 ] Appearance of S ri Narada 211
��:('{l¥fl?.l€tl�tt• �� m�n 1 The different Vedas were entrusted to different learned scholars for
�M&I('{�(IUi :q q� � � I I� o I I development in various ways .
rg-yaju�-samath arvakhya
vedas catvara uddhrta[l.
itihasa-purar-am ca
paiicamo veda ucyate
rg-yaju[l.-siima-atharva-iikhyii[l.-the names of the four Vedas; vedii[l.
the Vedas; catviira�-four; uddh rtii[l.- made into separate parts; itihiisa atharviingirasiim asit
historical records (Mahiibhiirata) ; puriir-am ca- and the Puriir-as; paiicama[l. sumantur daruno munih ·
- the fifth ; veda[!.- the original source of knowledge ; u cyate-is said to be. itihasa-purar-iinarh
pita me romaharsanah
atharva-the A tharva-veda; angirasiim- unto the !§i Angira
entrusted; suman tu[l.-also known as Sumantu Muni; darur-a
; asit was
The four divisions of the original sources of knowledge [ the Vedas ] [i. - seriously
d�vot�d to the A t� arva-veda; mun i[i.- the sage; itihasa-purar-anam-
were made separately. But the historical facts and authentic stories men of the
histoncal records like the Purar-as; pita-father; me-m ine; romah
tioned in the Pura�as are called the fifth Veda. arsanah-
the !§i Romahar�pa.
· · ·
���: �: � �: �: I The Sumantu Muni Arigira, who was very devotedly engaged was
q�+qIttWI ��� f.twnffi �H.fUJ!€1 I I � � I I entrusted with the Atharva-veda. And my father Romaharsana w�s en-· ·
All these learned scholars, in their turn, rendered their entrusted Vedas The Veda is one, and the reasons for its divisions in many parts are ex
unto their many disciples, grand disciples and great grand disciples, and plained herewith. The seed of all knowlegde, or the Veda, is not a subject
thus the respective branches of the followers of the Vedas came into being. ·
matter which can easily be understood by any ordinary man. There is a
stricture that no one should try to learn the Vedas who is not a qualified
PURPORT briihmar-a. This stricture has been wrongly interpreted in so many ways.
A class of men, who claim brahminical qualification simply by their birth
The original source of knowledge is the Vedas. There are no branches of right in the family of a b riihmar-a, claim that the study of the Vedas is a
knowledge, either mundane or transcendental , which do not belong to the monopoly of the briihmar-a caste only. Another section of the people take
original text of the Vedas. They have simply been developed into different this as an injustice to other castes who do not happen to take birth in a
branches. They were originally rendered by great, respectable and learned briihmar-a family. But both of them are misguided. The Vedas are sub
professors. In other words, the Vedic knowledge, broken into different jects which had to be explained even to Brahmaji by the Supreme Lord.
branches by different disciplic successions, has been distributed all over Therefore the subject matter is understood by persons with exceptional
the world. No one, therefore, can claim independent knowledge beyond qualities of goodness. Persons who are in the modes of passion and ignor
the Vedas. ance are unable to understand the subject matter of the Vedas. The ultimate
·goal of Vedic knowledge is Sri Kr�I).a, the Personality of Godhead. This
TEXT 24 Personality is very rarely understood by those who are in the modes
of passion and ignorance. In the Satya-yuga everyone was situated
� IVf W ��� ��� I
in the mode of goodness. Gradually the mode of goodness declined
during the Tretii and Dviipara-yugas, and the general mass of people
� � � Ol{ffi : �Oit4ffie: � � ��l l became corrupt. In the present age the mode of goodness is almost nil,
and so for the general mass of people, the kindhearted, powerful sage
ta eva vedii durmedhair Srila Vyasadeva divided the Vedas in various ways so that they may be
dhiiryante puru§air yathii practically followed by less intelligent persons in the modes of passion
evam cakiira bhagaviin and ignorance. It is explained in the next sloka as follows.
vyiisa� krpar-a-v!ltsala�
te--that ; eva-certainly; veda�- the book of the knowledge ; durmedha*
-by the less intellectual; dhiiryante-can assimilate; puru§a*- by the man;
yathii-as much as; evam-thus; cakiira-edited; bhagaviin-the powerful;
��-�� ;p:ft ;r ��� I
vyiisa�-the great sage of Vyasa; krpar-a-vatsala�-very kind to the ignorant �� � � �;{ +ffi� l
mass. �� �m:ij+tR*414 � �� �� ����� �
214 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 4 Text 26 ] Appearance of Sri Narada 215
stri-siidra-dvijabandhuniirh intelligent as the children o f the regular twice-born families. The dvija
trayi na sru ti-gocarii bandhus are classified as sudras and the woman class, who are by nature
karma-sreyasi mu!lhiiniirh less intelligent. The sudras and the woman class do not have to undergo
sreya evarh bhaved iha any sarhskiira save and except the ceremony of marriage.
iti bhiiratam iikhyiinarh The less intelligent classes of men, namely women, sudras and un
krpayii muninii krtam qualified sons of the higher castes, are devoid of necessary qualifications
to understand the purpose of the transcendental Vedas. For them the
stri-the woman class; sudra-the laboring class; dvija-bandhuniim-of Mahiibhiirata was prepared. The purpose of the Mahiibhiirata is to adminis
the friends of the twice-born ; trayi- three ; na-not ; sruti-gocarii- for ter the purpose of the Vedas, and therefore within this Mahiibhiirata the
understanding; karma-in activities; sreyasi-in welfare ; mu!lhiiniim- of the summary Veda of Bhagavad-gitii is placed. The less intelligent are more
fools; sreya[t-supreme benefit ; evam-thus; bhavet- achieved; iha-by this; interested in stories than in philosophy, and therefore the philosophy of
iti-thus thinking; bhiiratam-the great Mahiibhiirata; iikhyiinam- historical the Vedas in the form of the Bhagavad-gitii is spoken by the Lord Sri
facts ; kfPayii-out of great mercy ; muninii-by the muni; krtam is -
I(f��a. Vyasadeva and Lord Kr��a are both on the transcendental plane,
completed. and therefore they collaborated in doing good to the fallen souls of this
age. The Bhagavad-gitii is the essence of all Vedic knowledge. It is the
first book of spiritual values, as the Upan4ads are. The Vediinta philosophy
Out of compassion, the great sage thought it wise that this would
is the subject matter for study by the spiritual graduates. Only the post
enable men to achieve the ultimate goal of life. Thus he compiled the
graduate spiritual student can enter into the spiritual or devotional service
great historical narration called the Mahahharata for women, laborers
of the Lord. It is a great science, and the great professor is the Lord Him
and friends of the twice-born.
self in the form of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahiiprabhu, and persons who are
PURPORT empowered by Him can initiate others in the transcendental loving service
of the Lord.
The friends of the twice-born families are those who are born in the TEXT 26
families of briihmar-as, k�atriyas and vaiSyas, or the spiritually cultured
families, but they themselves are not equal to their forefathers. Such �cj � � � �« �T: I
descendants are not recognized as such for want of purificatory achieve
ments. The purificatory activities begin even before the birth of a child, �� �T � �: 1 1��11
and the seed-giving reformatory process is called Garbhiidhiina-sarhskiira. evarh pravrttasya sadii
One who has not undergone such Garbhiidhiina-sarhskiira, or spiritual bhutiiniirh s reyasi dvijii[l.
family planning, is not accepted as being of an actual twice-born family. sarviitmakeniipi yadii
The Garbhiidhiina-sarhskiira is followed by other purificatory processes niitu�yadd hrdayarh tata[l.
out of which the sacred thread ceremony is one. This is performed at the
time of spiritual initiation. After this particular sarhskiira, one is rightly evam- thus; pravrttasya-one who is engaged in; sadii- always; bhutiiniim
called twice-born. One birth is calculated during the seed-givir1.g sarhskiira, of the living beings; sreyasi-in the ultimate good ; dvijii[t- 0 twice-born;
and the second birth is calculated at the time of spiritual initiation. One sarviitmakena api-by all means; yadii-when; na-not; atu�yat-become
who has been able to undergo such important sarhskiiras can be called a satisfied ; hrdayam-mind ; tata[l.-at that time.
bona fide twice-born.
If the father and the mother do not undertake the process of spiritual
family planning and simply beget children out of passion only, their 0 twice-born brahmanas, still his mind was not satisfied, although he
children are called dvija-bandhus. These dvija-bandhus are certainly not as engaged himself in wor�g for the total welfare of all people.
216 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 4 Text 3 0 ] Appearance o f Sri Narada 217
asampanna iviibhiiti
b rahma-varcasya-sat tam aft service of the Lord, which is dear both to perfect beings and the infallible
tathiipi- althou gh ; bata- defect ; me mine ; daihya�-situated in the
TEXT 31 tasya- his; evam- thus ; khilam- inferior; atmiinam soul; manya-miinasya
220 Srlmad-Bhagavatam [Canto l , Ch. 4 Text 33 ) Appearance of Sri Narada 221
Bhiigavatam is full of narrations of the transcendental activities of the similarly all other successive disciples in the chain are also equally respect
Personality of Godhead. Although Vyasadeva was an empowered Divinity, ed as representatives of the original spiritual master.
he still felt dissatisfaction because in none of his works were the transcen
dental activities of the Lord properly explained. The inspiration was Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the First Canto, Fou rth Chapter,
infused by Sri Kr�!!a directly in the heart of Vyasadeva, and thus he felt of Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled ''Appearance of Sri Niirada. "
the vacuum as explained above. It is definitely expressed herewith that
without transcendental loving service of the Lord, everything is void; but
in the transcendental service of the Lord everything is tangible without
any separate attempt at fruitive work or empiric philosophical speculation.
Vidhi means Brahma, the first created living being. He is the original
student as well as professor of the Vedas. He learned it from Sri Kr�!la and
taught Narada first. So Narada is the second iiciirya in the line of spiritual
disciplic succession. He is the representative of Brahma, and therefore he
is respected exactly like Brahma, the father of all vidhis (regulations);
ij ij(4¥tttiht �m'M t&��t: 1
�: 311& �3flif �ottqtfOJ: �4�tt I I � I I
suta uvaca
atha tam sukham asina
upasinarh brhac-chrava[L
devaT'§i[L praha viprar§irh
vi!'-ii-pii"[ti[t smayann iva
suta[L-Suta; uvaca-said; atka-therefore ; tam-him ; sukham iisina[L
comfortably seated ; upiisina m unto one sitting nearby; brhat-srava[!.
greatly respected; devar§i[L- the great T§i among the gods; p raha-said;
viprar§im- unto the ni among the briihma[!.as ; vi[!.ii-pii[!.i[L-one who carries
a vi'rtii in his han d ; smayan iva- appa rently smiling.
Siita Gosvami said: Thus the sage among the gods [ Narada ] , com
fortably seated and apparently smiling, addressed the r� amongst the
brahm�as [ V edavyasa] .
Narada was smiling because he well knew the great sage V edavyasa and
the cause of his disappointment. As he will explain gradually, Vyasadeva's
disappointment was due to insufficiency in presenting the . science of
devotional service. Narada knew the defect, and it was confirmed by the
position of Vyasa.
224 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 5
niirada uviica
piiriisarya mahii-bhiiga
bhavata[l kaccid iitmanii
paritu§yati siirira
iitmii miinasa eva vii
{Q� ij«+4fSI'ffq ij '�«i<1( I Plate 1 6 Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness o f ignorance shall
� � � ���6( 11 � 11 get light out of the Bhagavata Purar�a. (p. 186)
Plate 1 7 Sukadeva GosviimT was transcendental to sex relations, and he appeared very
Plate 18 The auspicious arrival of SrT Niirada. (p. 219)
innocent. (p. 1 95)
Plate 1 9 The swanlike spiritually advanced men do not take pleasure in dead litera Plate 20 "0 Narada, I regret that during this lifetime you will not be able to see Me
tures, which are sources of pleasure for men who are spiritually dead. (p. 232) any more." (p. 297)
Plate 21 At the end of the millennium Narada entered the body of the Perspnality of Plate 22 Narada Muni is always engaged in chanting the glories of the Lord. (p. 30 7)
Godhead, Narayatta. (p. 305)
Text 4 ] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 225
jijiiiisitarh susampannam
, .
api te mahad-adb hutam
krtaviin bhiiratarh yas tvarh
sarviirtha-parib rrhhitam
Your inquiries were full and your studies were also well fulfilled, and
there is no doubt that you have prepared a great and wonderfUl work, the
Mahahharata, which is full of all kinds of Vedic sequences elaborately
jijiiiisitam adhitarh ca
b rahma yat tat saniitanam
tathiipi socasy iitmiinam
akrtiirtha iva prabho
TRANSLATION to your being the offspring of one [Brahma ] who is self-born [without
mundane father and mother ] .
you have fully delineated the subject of impersonal Brahman as well
as the knowledge derived therefrom. In spite of all this, why should you PURPORT
be desponden.t, thinking that yo� are undone, my dear prabhu.
PURPORT In the material world everyone is engrossed with the idea of identifying
the body or the mind with the self. As such, all knowledge disseminated in
The Vediinta-sutra or Brahma-sutra compiled by Sri Vyasadeva is the the material world is related either with the body or with the mind, and
full deliberation of the impersonal absolute feature, and it is accepted as that is the root cause of all despondencies. This is not always detected,
the most exalted philosophical exposition in the world. It covers the even though one may be the greatest · erudite scholar in materialistic
subject of eternity, and the methods are scholarly. So there cannot be knowledge. It is good, therefore, to approach a personality like Narada to
any doubt about the transcendental scholarship of Vyasadeva. So why solve the root cause of all despondencies. Why Narada should be ap
should he lament? proached is explained below.
� �
� lf �� ��
� � lRT'{ � (1+t(ij!Jij-
� ;nw qf(�ij lf I uq•ru«� �": �:
..... . q(jq��n "� �
CZ�l+t� ms��q_ I I � 11
vyiisa uviica sa vai bhaviin veda samasta-guhyam
asty eva me sarvam idarh tvayok tarh upiisito yat puru§a"{l. puriirta"f!.
tathiipi niitmii paritu§yate me pariivareso manasaiva viSvarh
tan-mulam avyaktam agiidha-bodharh srjaty avaty atti gurtair asahga"{l.
p[cchiimahe tviitma-bhaviitma-bhutam sa[z-thus; vai- certainly; bhaviin-yourself; veda-know; samasta-all
vyiisa"{l.- Vyasa; uviica-said; asti-there is ; eva- certainly; me-mine; inclusive ;guhyam-confidential; upiisitab,-devotee of; yat-because; puru�ab
sarvam- all; idam- this ; tvayii-by you ; uktam-uttered ; tathiipi-and yet; -the Personality of Godhead : puriirta"f!.-the oldest; pariivaresa"{l.-the con
na- not; iitmii-self; paritu§yate- does pacify ; me-unto me; tat-of which; troller of the material and spiritual worlds; manasii-mind; eva- only;
mulam-root; avyak tam-undetected; agiidha- bodham-the man of un viSvam-the universe; srjati-creates; avati atti- annihilates ; gu!taib,-by the
limited knowledge; prcchiimahe-do inquire; tva-unto you ; iitma-bhava qualitative matter; asahgab-- unattached.
self-born ; iitma-bhutam- offspring.
My lord ! Everything that is mysterious is known to you because you
Sri Vyasadeva said: All you have said about me is perfectly correct. worship the creator and destroyer of the material world and the maintainer
Despite all this, I am not pacified. I therefore question you about the root of the spiritual world, the original Personality of Godhead, who is tran
cause of my dissatisfaction, for you are a man of unlimited knowledge due scendental to the three modes of material nature.
228 Snmad-Bhii.gavatam [Canto l , Ch. 5 Text 8 ) Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 229
A person who is cent percent engaged in the service of the Lord is the T � anscende �1tal realizatio � , pious activities, worshiping the. Deities,
emblem of all knowledge. Such a devotee of the Lord in full perfection of chanty, mercifulness, nonviOlence and studying the scriptures under
devotional service is also perfect by the qualification of the Personality of strict disciplinary regulations are always helpful.
Godhead. As such, the eightfold perfections of mystic power (a§ta-siddhi)
constitute very little of his godly opulence. A devotee like Narada can act TEXT 8
wonderfully by his spiritual perfection, which every individual is trying
to attain. Srila Narada is a cent percent perfect living being, although
not equal to the Personality of Godhead.
sri narada uvaca
� �� � fir�- bhavatanudita-prayam
�� �(f41�+t('tlit I ya5o bhagavato 'malam
yenaivasau na tu§yeta
� ;m{Q{ � �ij: manye tad-darsanam khilam
� ir ;:ff+\� Frq�:f II \9 ll
§ri narada[t�Sii Narada; uviica-said ; bhavatii-by you ; anudita-prayam
tvam paryatann arka iva tri-lokim bhagavata[t- of the Personality of God
almost not praised; ya.Sa[l.-glories;
anta5-caro vayur ivatma-siik§i head; amalam-spotless ; yena-by which ; iva-certainly ; asau- He, the Per
paravare brahmar-i dharmato vratai[t sonality of G o dhead; na-does not ; tu§yeta-be pleased ; manye-I think ;
snatasya me nyunam alam vicak§va tat-that; dars anam philosophy ; khilam-inferior.
worlds, and like the air you can penetrate the internal region of everyone. of the eternal master. The Lord has expanded Himself as living beings in
order to accept loving service from them, and this alone can satisfy both
As such, you are as good as the all-pervasive Supersoul. Please, therefore,
the Lord and the living beings. A scholar like V yasadeva has co mpleted
find out the deficiency in me, despite my being absorbed in transcendence _
many expanswns of the Vedic literatures, ending with the Vedanta
under disciplinary regulations and vows.
230 Sr'imad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 5 Text 10] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 231
philosophy, but none of them have been written directly glorifying the the Lord in his various editions o f the Puriir-as. He h as certainly, as a matter
Personality of Godhead. D ry phil osophical speculations even on the of course, given descriptions of the glories of the Lord (Sri Kr��a) but not
transcendental subject of the Absolute have very little attraction without as many as given to religiosity, economic development, sense gratification
directly dealing with the glorification of the Lord. The Personality of and salvation. These four items are by far inferior to engagement in the
Godhead is the last word in transcendental realization. The Absolute devotional service of the Lord. Sri Vyasadeva as the authorized scholar
realized as impersonal Brahman or localized Supersoul, Paramatma, is less knew very well this difference. And still instead of giving more importance
productive of transcendental bliss than the Supreme Personal realization to the better type of engagement, namely, the devotional service to the
of His glories. Lord, he had more or less improperly used his valuable time, and thus he
The compiler of the Vediinta-darsana is Vyasadeva himself. Yet he is was despondent. From this it is clearly indicated that no one can be
troubled, although he is the author. So what sort of transcendental pleased substantially without being engaged i n the devotional service of
bliss can be derived by the readers and listeners of Vedanta which is not the L ord. In the Bhagavad-gitii this fact is clearly mentioned.
explained directly by Vyasadeva the author? Herein arises the necessity of After liberation, which is the last item in the line of performing
explaining Vediinta-sutra in the form of Srimad-Bhiigavatam by the self religiosity, etc., one is engaged in pure devotional service. This is called
same author. the stage of self-realization or brahma-bhuta stage. After attainment of
this brahma-bhuta stage, one is satisfied . But satisfaction is the beginning
TEXT 9 of transcendental bliss. One should progress by attaining neutrality and
equality in the relative world. And passing this stage of equanimity, one is
� ·�l U�l�ri)Rtijit I fixed up in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. This is the
Bhagavad-gitii. The
� �lija.�� �'ff ��n I I � I I
instruction of the Personality of Go dhead in the
conclusion is that in order to maintain the status quo of the brah ma-bhuta
yathii dharmiidayas ciirthii stage, as also to increase the degree of transcendental realization, it is
na tathii viisudevasya eagerly and repeatedly describe the path of devotional service. This would
pilgrimage; usanti- think ; manasa[l.- saintly persons; na-not ; yatra-where ; spiritually advanced men are called also manasa because they always keep
harhsii�- all-perfect beings ; niramanti- take pleasu re ; usikk§ayii[t-those up the standard of transcendental voluntary service to the Lord on the
who reside in the transcendental abode. spiritual plane. This completely forbids fruitive activities for gross bodily
sense satisfaction or subtle speculation of the material egoistic mind.
TRANSLATION Social literary men, scientists, mundane poets, theoretical philosophers
and p oliticians who are completely absorbed in the material advancement
Those words which do not describe the glories of the Lord, who alone of sense pleasure are all dolls of the material energy. They take pleasure
can sanctify the atmosphere of the whole universe, are considered by in a place where rejected subject matters are thrown. According to Svami
saintly persons to be like unto a place of pilgrimage for crows. Since the Sridhara, this is the pleasure of the prostitute hunters.
all-perfect persons are inhabitants of the transcendental abode, they do not But literatures which describe the glories of the Lord are enjoyed by
derive any pleasure there. the paramaharhsas who have grasped the essence of human activities.
Crows and swans are not birds of the same feather because of their
different mental attitudes. The fruitive workers or passionate men are mFemm ii\;rQl��
..... "
,..... ,.....
compared to the crows, whereas the all-perfec t saintly persons are �T� !fTij��rtt
'"' " "
compared to the swans. The crows take pleasure in a place where garbage
is thrown out, just as the passionate fruitive workers take pleasure in wine
W\(+{(ri(W{;>{t� �st�;r �
and woman and places for gross sense pleasure. The swans do not take � f�Rf't=ij �t=ij �: I I � � II
pleasure in the places where crows are assembled for conferences and
meetings. They are instead seen in the atmosphere of natural scenic tad-viig-visargo janatiigha-viplavo
beauty where there are transparent reservoirs of water nicely decorated yasmin prati-slokam abaddhavaty api
with stems of lotus flowers in variegated colors of natural beauty. That is namiiny anan tasya 'itkitani yat
the difference between the two classes of birds. sr�vanti gayanti g�anti sadhava[t
Nature has influenced different species of life with different mentalities,
and it is not possible to bring them up into the same rank and file.
tat-that; vak- vocabulary ; visa rga [l. - creation; janatii- the people in gen
Similarly, there are different kinds of literature for different types of
eral ; agha-sins; viplava[l.-revolutionary ; yasmin-in which ; prati-slokam
men of different mentality. M ostly the market literatures which attract
each and every stanza; abaddhavati- irregularly composed; api-in spite
men of the crow's categories are literatures containing refused remnants of
sensuous topics. They are generally known as mundane talks in re
of; namani-transcendental names, etc . ; anan tasya-of the unlimited Lord;
yasa�- glories; a h kitiini- depicted; yat-what ; snwanti-do hear; gayanti
lation with the gross body and subtle mind. They are full of sub
do sing; gr�anti-do accept ; sadhava[l.-the purified men who are honest.
ject matter described in decorative language full of mundane similes
and metaphorical arrangements. Yet with all that, they do not glorify
the L ord. Such poetry and prose, on any subj ect matter, is considered TRANSLATION
decoratio n of a dead body. Spiritually advanced men who are compared
with the swans do not take pleasure in such dead literatures, which are On the other hand, that literature which is full of descriptions of the
sources of pleasure for men who are spiritually dead. These literatures in transcendental glories of the name, fame, forms, pastimes, etc., of the
the modes of passion and ignorance are distributed under different labels, unlimited Supreme Lord is a different creation, full of transcendental
but they can hardly help the spiritual urge of the human being, and thus words directed toward bringing about a revolution in the impious lives of
the swanlike spiritually advanced men have nothing to do with them. Such this world's misdirected civilization. Such transcendental literatures, even
234 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l, Ch. 5 Text l l ] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 235
though imperfectly composed, are heard, sung and accepted by purified there will be a change of heart , and naturally the people in general will
men who are thoroughly honest . follow them. The mass of people in general are tools in the hands of the
modern politicians and leaders of the people. If there is a change of heart
PURPORT of the leaders only, certainly there will be a radical change in the atmos
phere of the world. We know that our honest attempt to present this
It is a qualification of the great thinkers to pick up the best even from great literature conveying transcendental messages for reviving the God
the worst. It is said that the intelligent man should pick up nectar from a consciousness of the people in general and respiritualizing the world
stock of poison, should accept gold even from a filthy place, should atmosphere is fraught with many difficulties. Our presenting this matter in
accept a good and qualified wife even from an obscure family and should adequate language, especially a foreign language, will certainly fail, and
accept a good lesson even from a man or from a teacher who comes from there will be so many literary discrepancies despite our honest attempt to
the untouchables. These are some of the ethical instructions for everyone present it in the proper way. But we are sure that with all our faults in this
in every place without exception. But a saint is far above the. level of an connection the seriousness of the subject matter will be taken into con
ordinary man, and he is always absorbed in glorifying the Supreme Lord sideration, and the leaders of society will still accept this due to its being
because by broadcasting the holy name and fame of the Supreme Lord, an honest attempt to glorify the Almighty God. When there is fire in a
the polluted atmosphere of the world will change, and as a result of house, the inmates of the house go out to get help from the neighbors who
propagating the transcendental literatures like Srimad-Bhiigavatam, people may be foreigners, and yet without knowing the language the victims of
will become sane in their transactions. While preparing this com mentation the fire express themselves, and the neighbors understand the need, even
on this particular stanza of Srimad-Bhiigavatam we have a crisis before us. though not expressed in the same language. The same spirit of cooperation
Our neighboring friend China has attacked the border of India with a is needed to broadcast this transcendental message of the Srimad
militaristic spirit . We have practically no business in the political field, yet Bhiigavatam throughout the p olluted atmosphere of the world. After all, it
we see that previously there were both China and India, and they both is a technical science of spiritual values, and thus we are concerned with
lived peacefully for centuries without ill feeling. The reason is that they the techniques and not with the language. If the techniques of this great
lived those days in an atmosphere of God consciousness, and every literature are understood by the people of the world, there will be success.
· country, over the surface of the world, was God-fearing, purehearted and When there are too many materialistic activities by the people in general
simpl e, and there was no question of political diplomacy. There is no all over the world, there is no wonder that a person or a nation attacks
cause of quarrel between the two countries of China and India over land another person or nation on slight provocation. That is the rule of this age
which is not very suitable for habitation, and certainly there is no cause of Kali or quarrel. The atmosphere is already polluted with corruption of
for fighting on this issue_ But due to the age of quarrel , Kali, which we all description, and everyone knows it well . There are so many unwanted
have discussed, there is always a chance of quarrel on slight provocation. literatures full of materialistic ideas of sense gratification. The people in
This is due not to the issue in question, but to the polluted atmosphere of general want to read (that is a natural instinct), but because their minds
this age: systematically there is propaganda by a section of people to stop are polluted they want such literatures. Under the circumstances, transcen
glorification of the name and fame of the Supreme Lord. Therefore, there dental literature like Srimad-Bhiigavatam will not only diminish the
is great need for disseminating the message of Srimad-Bhiigavatam all over activities of the corrupt mind of the people in general, but also it will
the world. It is the duty of every responsible Indian to broadcast the supply food for their hankering after reading some interesting literature.
transcendental message of Srimad-Bhiigavatam throughout the w orld to do In the beginning they may not like it because one suffering from j aundice
all the supermost good as well as to bring about the desired peace is reluctant to take sugar-candy, but we should know that sugar-candy is
in the world. Because I ndia has failed in her duty by neglecting this the only remedy for the j aundice. Similarly, let there be systematic
responsible work , there is so much quarrel and trouble all over the propaganda for populariz�ng reading of the Bhagavad-gitii and the Srimad
world. We are confident that if the transcendental message of Srimad Bhiigavatam which will act like sugar-candy for the j aundice-like condition
Bhiigavatam is received only by the leading men of the world, certainly of sense gratification. When men have a taste for this literature, the other
236 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto I , Ch. 5 Text 13] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 237
literatures, which are catering poison to society, will then auto matically they are devoid of devo tional service. When speculation on the impersonal
cease. Brahman is condemned on the above ground, then what to speak of
We are sure, therefore, that everyone in the human society will welcome ordinary fruitive work which is not meant to fulfill the aim of devotional
Srimad-Bhiigavatam, even though it is now presented with so many faults, service. Such speculative knowledge and fruitive work cannot lead one to
for it is recommended by Sri Narada, w ho has very kindly appeared in the goal of perfection. Fruitive work in which almost all people in general
this chapter. are engaged is always painful either in the beginning or at the end. It can
only be fruitful when made subservient to the devotional service of the
Lord. In the Bhagavad-gitii also it is confirmed that the result of such
fruitive work may be offered for the service of the Lord, otherwise it leads
to material bondage. The bona fide enjoyer of the fruitive work is the
Personality of Godhead, and thus when it is engaged for the sense grati
fication of the living beings, it becomes an acute source of trouble.
0 Vyasadeva, your vision is completely perfect. Your good fame is
spotless. You are firm in vow and situated in truthfulness. And thus you
As referred to above, not only ordinary literatures devoid of the tran
can think of the pastimes of the Lord in trance for the liberation of the
scendental glorification of the Lord are condemned, but also Vedic
people in general from all material bondage.
li teratures and speculation on the subj ect · of impersonal Brahman when
238 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l , Ch. 5 Text 14 ] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 239
PURPORT transcendental narrations of the pastimes of the Lord can only be described
by liberated souls like Vyasadeva and his bona fide representatives who
People in general have a taste for literatures by instinct. They want to are completely merged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord.
hear and read from the authorities something about the unknown, but Only to such devotees do the pastimes of the Lord and their transcenden
their taste is exploited by unfortunate literatures which are full of subject tal nature become automatically manifest by dint of devotional service.
matter for satisfaction of the material senses. Such literatures contain No one else can either know or describe the acts of the Lord , even if they
different kinds of mundane poems and philosophical speculations, more speculate on the subject for many, many years. The descriptions of the
or less under the influence of miiyii, ending in sense gratificati on. These Bhiigavatain are so precise and accurate that whatever has been predicted
literatures, although worthless in the true sense of the term, are variously in this great literature about 5 ,000 years before is now exactly happening.
decorated to attract the attention of the less intelligent men. Thus the Therefore, the vision of the author comprehends past, present and future.
attracted living entities are more and more entangled in material bondage Such liberated persons like V yasadeva are not only perfect by the power of
without hope of liberation for thousands and thousands of generations. vision and wisdom, but also in aural reception, in thinking, feeling and all
Sri Narada J;t�i, being the best amongst the V ai��avas, is compassionate other sense activities. A liberated person possesses perfect senses, and with
on such u nfortunate victims of worthless literatures, and thus he advises perfect senses only can one serve the sense-proprietor, Hr�ikesa, Sri Kr��a
Sri Vyasadeva to compose transcendental literature which is not only the Personality of Godhead. Snmad-Bhiigavatam is, therefore, the perfect
attractive but can also actually bring liberation from all kinds of bondage. descripti on of the all-perfect Personality of Godhead by the all-perfect
Srila Vyasadeva or his representatives are qualified because they are personality Srila Vyasadeva, the compiler of the Vedas.
rightly trained to see things in true perspective. Srila Vyasadeva and
his representatives are pure in thought due to their spiritual enlight TEXT 14
enment, fixed in their vows due to their devotional service and de
termined to deliver the fallen souls rotting in the m aterial activities. mft� ft�;r ;:rf��:
The fallen souls are very eager to receive novel informations every day,
"N•It4:t��ij�4Wit+tnr :
� � +.f(OII� association. There are so many instances of this in the histories. Bharata
�qit� Maharaja was obliged to take his birth as a stag due to his intimate attach
ment to a stag. He thought of this stag when he died. As such, in the next
� 'fi �� f� birth he became a stag, although he did not forget the incidence of his
� (' � . ('
� � 3lllll� �: 1 1 �\911 previous birth. Similarly, Citraketu also fell down due to his offenses at
the feet of Siva. But in spite of all this, the stress is given here to surrender
tyaktvii sva-dharmarit cara�iimbujam harer ing unto the lotus feet of the Lord, even if there is a chance of falling
bhajann apakvo 'tha patet tato yadi down. Because, even though one falls down from the prescribed duties of
yatra kva viibhadram abhiid amu§ya kim devotional service, he will never forget the lotus feet of the Lord. Once
ko viirtha iipto'bhajatiim sva-dharmatafi. engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, one will continue the service
in all circumstances. In the Bhagavad-gitii it is said that even a small quan
tyak tvii-having forsaken ; sva-dharmam-one's own occupational en tity of devotional service can save one from the most dangerous position.
gagement; carap.ii-ambujam-the lotus feet ; hare [I. - of Hari (the Lord) ; There are many instances of such examples in history. Aj amila is one of
bhaian- in the course of devotional service; apakva[l.-- immature; atka them. Aj amila in his early life was a devotee, but in his youth he fell down.
for the matter of; patet- falls down ; tata�- from that place; yadi- if; yatra Still he was saved by the Lord at the end.
whereupon ; kva- what sort of; vii- or (used sarcastically) ; abhadram
unfavorable ; abhiit-shall happen ; amu§ya- of him ; kim- nothing; ka� vii
artha�- what interest; iipta [l.- obtained ; abhajatiim-of the nondevotee; sva tiT: � �
dharmata[l.-being engaged in occupational service.
�� �hf\4\ijlflq4\:'l : I
246 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 5 Text 1 9 ] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 24 7
one can obtain birth in a good family, opulence, good education and good
bodily features. We see also that even in this life one obtains a good
education or money or bodily beauty. Similarly, in our next birth we get
tasyaiva heto[l, prayateta kovido such desirable positions only by good work. Otherwise, it would not so
na labhyate yad-bhramatiim upary adha[l, happen that two persons born in the same place, at the same time are seen
tal-labhyate du[l,khavad anyata[l, sukham differently placed according to previous work. But all such material posi
kiilena sarvatra gabhira-ramhasii tions are not permanent. The positions in the topmost Brahmaloka and in
the lowest Patala are also changeable according to our own work. The
tasya- for that purpose; eva-only; heto[l,-reason; prayateta-should en philosophically inclined person must not be tempted by such changeable
deavor; k ovida[l,- one who is philosophically inclined; na not; labhyate
- positions. He should try to get into the permanent life of bliss and
is not obtained; yat-what; bhramatiim wandering; upari adha[l,-from top
- knowledge where he will not be forced to come back again to the miserable
to bottom ; tat- that ; labhyate-can be obtained; du[l,khavat-like the mis material world, either in this or that planet. Miseries and mixed happiness
eries; anyata[l,-as a result of previous work; sukham-sense enjoyment; are two features of material life, and they are obtained in Brahmaloka and
kiilena-in course of time; sarvatra-everywhere ; gabhira- subtle; ramhasii in other lokas also. They are obtained in the life of the demigods and also
progress. in the life of the dogs and hogs. The miseries and mixed happiness of all
living beings are only of different degree and quality, but no one is free
TRANSLATION from the miseries or birth, death, old age and disease. Similarly, everyone
has his destined happiness also. No one can get more or less of these things
Persons who are actually intelligent and philosophically inclined simply by personal endeavors. Even if they are obtained, they can be lost
should endeavor only for that purposeful end which is not obtainable again. One should not, therefore, waste time with these flimsy things, but
even by wandering from the topmost planet [ Brahmaloka] down to the one should only endeavor to go back to Godhead. That should be the
lowest planet [ Patala] . As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment mission of everyone's life.
is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in course of time, just as in
course of time we obtain miseries even though we do not desire them. TEXT 1 9
upaguhanam- embracing ; puna� - again ; vih atum- willing to give up; ness. The devotee who becomes helpless by the will of the Lord is more
icchet- desire ; na- never ; rasagraha�-one who has relished the mellow ; fortunate than those who are born in good families. The fallen devotees
jana�- person. born in a good family may forget the lotus feet of the Lord because they
are less fortunate, but the devotee who is put into a forlorn condition is
TRANSLATION more fortunate because he swiftly returns to the lotus feet of the Lord,
thinking himself helpless all round.
My dear Vyiisa, even though a devotee of Lord Kr��a sometimes falls Pure devotional service is so spiritually relishable that a devotee becomes
down somehow or other, he certainly does not undergo material existence automatically uninterested in material enj oyment. That is the sign of
like others [ fruitive workers, etc. ] because a person who has once relished perfection in progressive devotional service. A pure devotee continuously
the taste of the lotus feet of the Lord can do nothing but remember that remembers the lotus feet of Lord Sri Kr�!la and does not forget Him even
ecstasy again and again. for a moment, not even in exchange for all the opulence of the three
A devotee of the Lord automatically becomes uninterested in the en
chantment of material existence because he is rasa-graha, or one who has � ft m� +({f�%rn
tasted the sweetness of the lotus feet of Lord Kr��a. There are certainly � 'JI�I��I"'��l��rn I
many instances where devotees of the Lord have fallen down due to I
uncongenial association, just like fruitive workers, who are always prone to
ijf:§: � � l{Cf� ij
degradation. But even though he falls down, a devotee is never to be con �� �: 54G;f(Rt( l l � o l t
sidered the same as a fallen karmi. A karmi suffers the result of his own
fruitive reactions, whereas a devotee is reformed by chastisement directed idarh h i viSvarh bhagaviin ivetaro
by the Lord Himself. The sufferings of an orphan and the sufferings of a yato jagat-sthiina-nirodha-sambhavii�
beloved child of a king are not one and the same. An orphan is really poor tadd hi svayarh veda bhaviirhs tathiipi te
because he has no one to take care of him , but a beloved son of a rich man, priidesa- miitrarh bhavata� pradar8itam
although he appears to be on the same level as the orphan, is always under
the vigilance of his capable father. A devotee of th� Lord, due to wrong idam-this; hi-all; viSvam-cosmos; bhagaviin-the Supreme L ord; iva
association, sometimes imitates the fruitive workers.. The fruitive workers almost the same; itara[l- different from; yata[l-from whom ; jagat-the
want to lord it over the material world. Similarly, a neophyte devotee worlds; sthiina- exist; nirodha-annihilation ; sambhavii[l-creation; tat hi
foolishly thinks of accumulating some material power in exchange for -all about; svayam-personally; veda- know ; bhaviin-you r good self;
devotional service. Such foolish devotees are sometimes put into difficulty tathiipi-still ; te-unto your; priidesa-miitram-a synopsis only; bhavata[l
by the Lord Himself. As a special favor, He may remove all material unto you ; pradar8itam- exp1ained .
paraphernalia. By such action, the bewildered devotee is forsaken by all
friends and relatives, and so he comes to his senses again by the mercy of TRANSLATION
the Lord and is set right to execute his devotional service.
In the Bhag�vad-gitii it is also said that such fallen devotees are given a The Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead is Himself this cosmos,
chance t o take birth i n a family of highly qualified briihmaras or in a rich and still He is aloof from it. From Him only this cosmic manifestation has \
mercantile family. A devotee in such a position is not as fortunate as one emanated, in Him it rests, and unto Him it enters after annihilation. Your I
who is chastised by the Lord and put into a position seemingly of helpless- good self knows all about this. I have only given a synopsis.
250 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 5 Text 21 J Narada's I nstructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 251
PURPORT energies. Thus the living being is also identical with the Lord. But he is
never equal or superior to the Personality of Godhead. The Lord and
For a pure devotee, the conception of Mukunda Lord Sri Kf�I)a is both living beings are all individual persons. With the help of the material
personal and impersonal. The impersonal cosmic situation is also Mukunda energies the living beings are also creating something, but none of their
because it is the emanation of the energy of Mukunda. For example, a tree creations are equal or superior to the creations of the Lord. The human
is a complete unit, whereas the leaves and the branches of the tree are being may create a small playful sputnik and may throw it into outer
emanated parts and parcels of the tree. The leaves and branches of the tree space, but that does not mean that he can create a planet like the earth or
are also the tree, but the tree itself is neither the leaves nor the branches. moon and float it in the air as the Lord does. l\le n with a poor fund of
The Vedic version that the whole cosmic creation is nothing but Brahman knowledge claim to be equal to the Lord. They are never equal to the
means that since everything is emanating from the Supreme Brahman, Lord. This is never to be. The human being, after attaining complete
nothing is apart from Him . Similarly , the part and parcel hands and legs perfection, may achieve a large percentage of the qualities of the Lord
are called the body, but the body as the whole unit is neither the hands (say up to 78%), but it is never possible to surpass the Lord or to become
nor the legs. The Lord is the transcendental form of eternity , cognition equal with Him. In a diseased condition only the foolish being claims to be
and beauty. And thus the creation of the energy of the Lord appears to be one with the Lord and thus becomes misled by the illusory energy. The
partially eternal, full of knowledge and beautiful also. The captivated con misguided living beings, therefore, must accept the supremacy of the Lord
ditioned souls under the influence of the external energy miiyii are there and agree to render loving service to Him. For this they have been created .
fore entrapped in the network of the material nature. They accept this as Without this, there cannot be any peace or tranquility in the world. Srila
all in all , for they have no in�ormation of the Lord who is the primeval Vyasadeva is advised by Srila Narada to expand this idea in the Bhiigavatam.
cause. N or have they information that the parts and parcels of the body, In the Bhagavad-gitii also the same idea is explained : surrender fully unto
being detached from the whole body , are no longer the same hand or leg the lotus feet of the Lord. That is the only business of the perfect human
as when attached to the body . Similarly, a godless civilization detached being.
Narada to expand the idea so that the entrapped conditioned souls may � �: q{+m+t�: �I
take lessons from him to understand the Supreme Lord as the primeval
3Nf �Rf �;rn: f� (f
According to the Vedic version, the Lord is naturally fully powerful, �sN4(0t(iji4( II�� I I
and thus His supreme energies are always perfect and identical with Him.
Both the spiritual and the material skies and their paraphernalia are ema tvam iitmanii"t miinam avehy amogha-drk
nations of the internal and external energies of the Lord. External energy parasya pu rhsa� paramii tmana� kaliim
is comparatively inferior, whereas the internal potency is superior. The ajarh prajiitarh jagata[l, siviiya tan
superior energy is living force, and therefore she is completely identical, mahiinubhiiviib hyudayo 'dhigar-yatiim
but the external energy, being inert, is partially identical. But both the
energies are neither equal to nor greater than the Lord , who is the genera tvam- yourself; iitmanii-by your own self; iitmiinam-the Supersoul;
tor of all energies ; such energies are always under His control, exactly as avehi-search out ; amogha-drk-one who has perfect vision ; parasya-of the
electrical energy, however powerful it may be, is always under the control Transcendence; purhsa[l,-Personality of G odhead; paramiitmana[l,-of the
of the engineer. Supreme Lord; kaliim-plenary part; ajam- birthless ; prajiitam-have taken
The human being and all other living beings are products of His internal birth ; jagata[l.-of the world ; siviiya- for the well-being; tat-that;
252 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l , Ch. 5
mahiinubhiiva-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Kr�l).a; Text 22] Niirada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 253
abhyudaya[l.- pastimes; adhiga!lyatiim- describe most vividly.
idarh hi purhsas tapasa[l. srutasya vii
TRANSLATION svi§tasya suktasya ca buddhi-dattayo[l. .
avicyuto 'rtha[t kavibhir niriipito
Your goodness has perfect vision. You yourself can know the Super yad-uttamasloka-gu!liinuvar!lanam
soul Personality of Godhead because you are present as the plenary
portion of the Lord. Although you are birthless, you have appeared on this idam-this ; h i- certainly ; purhsa[l.-of everyone ; tapasa[t-by dint of aus
earth for the well-being of all people. Please, therefore, describe the terities; srutasya-by dint of study of the Vedas; vii or; svi�tasya-sacri
transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Kr��a fice; suk tasya-spiritual education; ca-and; buddhi-culture of knowledge ;
more vividly. dattayo[l.-charity ; avicyu ta[t-infallible ; artha[l.-interest; kavibhi[l.-by the
recognized learned fellow ; n iriipita[l. -concluded; yat-what ; uttamasloka
PURPORT the Lord, who is described by choice poetry ; gur-a-anuvar(1anam
description of the transcendental qualities of.
Srila Vyasadeva is the empowered plenary portion incarnation of the
Personality of Godhead Sri Kr��Ja. He descended by his causeless mercy TRANSLATION
to deliver the fallen souls in the material world. The fallen and forgotten
souls are detached from the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Learned circles have positively concluded that the infallible purpose
The living entities are parts and parcels of the Lord, and they are eternally of the advancement of knowledge, namely austerities, study of the Vedas,
servitors of the Lord. All the Vedic literatures are, therefore, put into sacrifice, chanting of hymns and charity, culminates in the transcendentaJ
systematic order for the benefit of the fallen souls, and it is the duty of descriptions of the Lord, who is defined in choice poetry.
the fallen souls to take advantage of such literatures and be freed from the
bondage of material existence. Although formally Srila Narada ��i is his PURPORT
spiritual master, Srila Vyasadeva is not at all dependent on a spiritual
Human intellect is developed for advancement of learning in art, science,
master because in essence he is the spiritual master of everyone else. But
philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology , economics, politics, etc. By
because he is doing the work of an iiciirya, he has taught us by his own
culture of such knowledge the human society can attain perfection of life.
conduct that one must have a spiritual master, even though he be God
This perfection of life culminates in the realization of the Supreme Being
Hi mself. Lord Sri" Kf�!la, Lord Sri" Rama and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu,
all incarnations of Godhead, accepted formal spiritual masters, although
Viwu . The Sruti therefore directs that those who are actually advanced in
learning should aspire for the service of Lord Vi�!lu. U nfortunately persons
by Their transcendental nature They were cognizant of all knowledge.
In order to direct people in general to the lotus feet of Lord Sri Kr�!la,
who are enamored by the external beauty of Vi§!lU-miiyii do not under
stand that culmination of perfection or self-realization depends on Vi�!lu·
He Himself in the incarnation of Vyasadeva is delineating the transcendental
pastimes of the Lord.
Vi§!lU-miiyii means sense enj oyment, which is transient and miserable.
Those who are entrapped by Vi§!lu-miiyii utilize advancement of knowledge
TEXT 22 for sense enj oyment. Sri Narada Muni has explained that all parapharnalia
of the cosmic u niverse is but an emanation from the Lord out of His
� n: ���: �� � different energies because the Lord has set in motion, by His inco nceivable
� � :q �f%<;::q;o(t: I energy, actions and reactions of the created manifestation. They have come
to be out of His energy, they rest on His energy, and after annihilation
;�Fii : �ffl�ft1a1 they merge into Him. Nothing is, therefore, different from Him, but at
��'{�UII?f4Ul'1'( � � �� � � the same time the Lord is always different from them.
When advancement of knowledge is applied in the service of the Lord,
the whole process becomes absolute . The Person ality of Godhead, His
254 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ C anto 1 , Ch_ 5 Text 23 ) Narada's I nstructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 255
transcendental name, fame, glory, etc., are all non different from Him. aham-I; purii formerly ; atitabhave-in the previous millenniu m ;
Therefore, all the sages and devotees of the Lord have recommended that abhavam- became ; mune-of the muni; diisyiifl.- of the maidservant; tu
the subject matter of art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psycholo but; kasyascana certain ; veda-vadinam�of the followers of Vedanta ;
gy and all other branches of knowledge should be wholly and solely niriipitafl.- engage d ; biilakafl.-boy servant ; eva- only; yoginiim-of the devo
applied in the service of the Lord. Art, literature, poetry, painting, etc., tees; susrii � arte-in the service of; priivni- during the four months of the
may be used i n glorifying the Lord. The fiction writers, poets and rainy season ; niroivik§atiim-living together.
celebrated literateurs are generally engaged in writing of sensuous subjects,
but if they turn towards the service of the Lord they can describe the T RAN SLATI O N
transcendental pastimes of the Lord. Valmiki was a great poet, and
similarly Vyasadeva is a great writer, and both of them have absolutely 0 Muni, in the last millennium I was born as the son of a certain
engaged themselves in delineating the transcendental activities of the Lord, maidservant engaged in the service of brahmaJ)aS who were following the
and by doing so they have become immortal. Similarly, science and principles of Vedanta. When they were living together during the four
philosophy also should be applied in the service of the Lord. There is no months of the rainy season, I was engaged in their personal service.
use presenting dry speculative theories for sense gratification. Philoso phy
and science should be engaged to establish the glory of the Lord. Advanced PURPORT
people are eager to understand the Absolute Truth through the medium
of science, and therefore a great scientist should endeavor to prove the The wonder of an atmosphere surcharged with devotional service of
existence of the Lord on a scientific basis. Similarly, philosophical the L ord is briefly described herein by Sri N arada Muni. He was the son of
speculations should be utilized to establish the Supreme Truth as sentient the most insignificant parentage. He was not properly educated. Still, be
and all-powerful. Similarly, all other branches of knowledge should always cause his complete energy was engaged in the service of the Lord, he
be engaged in the service of the Lord. In the Bhagavad-gitii also the same became an immortal sage. Such is the powerful action of devotional
is affirmed. All "knowledge" not engaged in the service of the Lord is but service. The living entities are the marginal energy of the L ord, and
nescience. Real utilization of advanced knowledge is to establish the glories therefore they are meant for being properly utilized in the transcendental
of the Lord, and that is the real import. Scientific knowledge e ngaged in loving service of the Lord. When this is not done, it is called miiyii.
the service of the Lord and all similar activities are all factually Hari-kirtana Therefore the illusion of miiyii is at once dissipated as soon as one's full
or glorification of the Lord. energy is converted in the service of the Lord instead of in sense enjoyment.
From the personal example of Sri. Narada Muni in his previous birth, it is
clear that the service of the Lord begins with the service of the Lord's
bona fide servants. The Lord says that the service of His servants is greater
than His personal service. Service of the devotee is more valuable than the
� �Sll� � service of the Lord. One should therefore choose a bona fide servant of
aJ�I� �� ��q_ I the Lord constantly engaged in His service and accept such a servant as the
spiritual master and engage himself in his (the spiritual master's) service.
�firffl �� � ;ffiil'lf Such a spiritual master is the transparent medium by which to visualize the
�� 3Wlfit f� � ���II Lord who is beyond the conception of the material senses. By service of
the b ona fide spiritual master, the Lord consents to reveal Himself in
aham puriititabhave 'bhavam mune proportion to the service rendered. Utilization of the human energy in the
diisyiistu kasyiiscana veda-viidiniim. service of the Lord is the progressive path of salvation. The whole cosmic
niriipito biilaka eva yoginiim creation becomes at once identical with the Lord as soon as service in
susrii§ar-e priiv!§i niroivik§atiim relation with the Lord is rendered under the guidance of a bona fide
256 Srimad-B�agavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 5 Text 25 ) Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 257
spiritual master. The expert spiritual master knows the . art � f utilizing and thus achieve the ultimate goal, back to Godhead. As such, Vediinta
everything to glorify the Lord, and therefore under his �Idance the viidi, or the followers of the Vedanta, indicates the pure devotees of the
whole world can be turned into the spiritual abode by the diVIne grace of Personality of Godhead. Such Vediinta-viidi or the bhakti-vediintas are
the Lord's servant. impartial in distributing the transcendental knowledge of devotional service.
To them no one is enemy or friend ; no one is educated or uneducated .
TEXT 24 No one is especially favorable, and no one is unfavorable. The bhak ti
vediintas see the people in gen�ral are wasting time in false sensuous
� +ttifq(1� 1Rcc�:q,qe things. Their business is to get the ignorant mass of people to reestablish
�S'i(1$ll"l't;{ts�'E4R\f.oc the lost relationship with the Personality of Godhead. By such endeavor,
even the most forgotten soul is roused up to the sense of spiritual life, and
:q;: ttrt � d@'IG>�f;{l: thus being initiated by the bhakti-vediintas, the people in general gradually
��ut ��Q( 1 1�\lll progress on the path of transcendental realization. So the Vediinta-viidis
initiated the boy even before he became self-controlled and was detached
te mayy apetiikhila-ciipale 'rbhake from childish sporting, etc. But before the initiation, he (the boy ) became
diinte 'dh rta-k ridanake 'nuvartini more and more advanced in discipline, which is very essential for one who
cakruft k,rp arh yadyapi tulya-darsaniift wishes to make progress in the line. In the system of varrtiisrama-dharma,
susril�amiirte munayo 'lpa-bh�irti which is the beginning of actual human life, small boys after five years of
age are sent to become brahmaciiri at the guru's iisrama where these
te they ; mayi- unto me; apeta not having undergon� ; akhila-all kinds
- - things are systematically taught to boys, be they king's sons or sons of
of; ciipale -p roclivities ; arbhake-unto a boy; diinte havmg con�rolled �he
- ordinary citizens. The training was compulsory not only to create good
senses ; adhrta k ridan ake without being accustomed to sporhng habits �
- - citizens of the state, but also to prepare the boy's future life for spiritual
anuvartini-obedient; cakruf!.-did bestow; k?Piim-causeless mercy; yadyap t realization. The irresponsible life of sense enjoyment was unknown to the
-although; tulya-da r§aniilt impartial by nature ; s� sril�amiirte- u�t? the
- children of the followers of the varrtiisrama system. The boy was even
faithful ; munayaft-the muni followers of the Vedanta; alpa-bha§t"[tt-one injected with spiritual acumen before being placed by the father in the
who does not speak more than required. womb of the mother. Both the father and the mother were responsible for
the boy:'s success in being liberated from the material bondage. That is t he
TRAN S LATIO N process of successful family planning. It is to beget children for complete
perfection. Without being self-controlled, without being disciplinary and
Although they were impartial by nature, those followers of the without being fully obedient, no one can become successful in following
Vedanta blessed me with their causeless mercy. As far as I was concern the instructions of the spiritual master, and without doing so, no one is
I was self-controlled and had no attachment for sports, even though I able to go back to Godhead.
a boy. In additio n, I was not naughty , and I did not speak more than
required. TEXT 25
iR �:
In the Bhagavad-gitii the Lord says, "All the Vedas are searching after
Me." Lord S ri Caitanya says that in the Vedas the subject m atters are
1� (1((4l(ij�RN•t: 1
only three, namely to establish the relation of the living enti� ies with �he � � Nm\�(1(1-
Personality of Godhead, perform the relative duties in devohonal serVIce � Qjll<:+t()M: st&�lil� � ���� �
258 Siimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 5 Text 26 ] Narada's Instructions on Siimad-Bhagavatam 259
ucch4ta-lepiin anumodito dvijai[l path of devotional service, one can become attracted, one can have
sakrt sma tad-apiista-kilbi§a{l. steadiness, one can have perfect taste, one can have transcendental
evam pravrttasya viSuddha-cetasas emotions, and at last one can be situated on the plane of loving service
tad-dharma eviitma-rucifl prajiiyate of the Lord. All these stages develop by the association of pure devotees,
and that is the purport of this stanza.
ucchi�ta lepiin -the remnants of foodstuff; anumodita[l-being permit
ted; dvijai[l-by the Vediintist; sak rt-once upon a time; sma TEXT 26
in the past; took; tat- by that action; apiis ta-eli inated; kilb4alt
diseases. A pure devotee is cleared from all kinds of sins. The Personality those; sraddhaya respectfully; me-unto me; anupadam -every step;
of Godhead is the purest entity, and unless one is equally pure from the viSrrvata[l- hearing attentively ;priyasravasi- of the Personality of Godhead;
infection of material qualities, one cannot become a pure devotee of the anga-0 Vyasadeva; mama mine; abhavat-it so became; ruci[t-taste.
diseases. A pure devotee is cleared fro m all kinds of sins. The Personality those ; sraddhayii-respectfully ; me-unto me; anupadam-every step ;
of Godhead is the purest entity, and unless one is equally pure from the viSnwata[l.-hearing attentively ;priyasravasi- of the Personality of Godhead ;
infection of material qualities, one cannot become a pure devotee of the anga-0 Vyasadeva ; mama- mine ; abhavat-it so became; ruci[t-taste.
Lord. The bhakti-vediintas as above mentioned were pure devotees, and
the boy became infected with their qualities of purity by their association TRANSLATION
and by eating once the remnants of the foods�uff taken by them. Such
remnants may be taken even without permission of the pure devotees. 0 Vyasadeva, in that association and by the mercy of those great
There are sometimes pseudo-devotees, and one should be very much Vedantists, I could hear them describe the attractive activities of Lord
cautious about them. There are many things which hinder one from Kr�!la. And thus listening attentively, my taste for hearing of the Personality
entering devotional service. But by the association of pure devotees all of Godhead increased at every step.
these obstacles are removed. The neophyte devotee becomes practically
. enriched with the transcendental qualities of the pure devotee, which PURPORT
means attraction for the Personality of Godhead's name, fame, quality ,
pastimes, etc. Infection of the qualities of the pure devotee �ea�s to Lord Sri Kr�!la the Absolute Personality of Godhead is not only
imbibe the taste of pure devotion always in the transcendental actiVIties of attractive in His personal features, hut also in His transcendental activities.
the Personality of Godhead. This transcendental taste at once makes all It is so because the Absolute is absolute by His name, fame, form , pastimes,
material things distasteful. Therefore a pure devotee is not at all attracted entourage, paraphamalia, etc. The Lord descends on this material world
by material activities. After the elimination of all sins or obstacles on the out of His causeless mercy and displays His various transcendental pastimes
260 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 5
Text 27] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 26 1
as a human being so that human beings attracted towards Him become these ; sat-asat-gross and subtle; sva-miiyayii-one's own ignorance; pasye
able to go back to Godhead. Men are naturally apt to hea� �stori�s and see; mayi-in me; brahmar.i-the Sup_reme; kalpitam-is accepted; pare
narrations of various personalities performing mundane actiVIties Without in the Transcendence.
knowing that by such association one simply wastes valuable time and also
becomes addicted to the three qualities of mundane nature. Instead of TRANSLATION
wasting time one can get spiritual success by tu�ning his atten!ion to the
transcendental pastimes of the Lord. By hearmg the narration of the 0 great sage, as soon as I got a taste of the Personality of Godhead,
pastimes of the Lord, one contacts directly the Persona�ty of Godhead, my attention to hear of the Lord was unflinching. And as my taste
and, as explained before, by hearing about the Personality of Godhead, developed, I could realize that it was only in my ignorance that I had
from within, all accumulated sins of the mundane creature are cleared. accepted gross and subtle coverings, for both the Lord and I are transcen
Thus being cleared of all sins, the hearer gradually becomes liberated dental.
from mundane association and becomes attracted to the features of the
Lord. Narada Muni has just explained this by his personal experience. The PURPORT
whole idea is that simply by hearing about the Lord's pastimes one can
become one of the associates of the Lord. Narada Muni has eternal life, Ignorance in material existence is compared to darkness, and in all
unlimited knowledge and unfathomed bliss, and he can travel all over the Vedic literatures the Per.sonality of Godhead is compared to the sun.
material and spiritual worlds without restriction. One can attain to the Wherever there is light there cannot be darkness. Hearing of the Lord's
highest perfection of life simply by attentive hearing of the transcen pastimes is itself transcendental association with the Lord because there
dental pastimes of the Lord from the right sou �ces, as Sri _N ara�a hear� is no difference between the Lord and His transcendental pastimes. To
them from the pure devotees (bhakti-vediintas) m his preVIous life. Thts become associated with the supreme light is to dissipate all ignorance.
process of hearing in the association of the devotees, is especially recom By ignorance only the conditioned soul wrongly thinks that both he and
mended in this age of quarrel (Kali). the Lord are products of material nature. But in fact the Personality of
Godhead and the living beings are transcendental, and they have nothing
TEXT 27 to do with the material nature. When ignorance is removed and it is
perfectly realized that there is nothing existing withol,lt the Personality of
6��(( �� � Godhead, then nescience is removed. Since the gross and the subtle bodies
�mn � � are emanations from the Personality of Godhead, the knowledge of light
permits one to engage both of them in the service of the Lord. The gross
:q:ql(it6€(1C(ij€(<lf+U:q:qI body should be engaged in acts of rendering service to the L ord (as in
� � ;mfut � � ll�\911 bringing water, cleansing the temple or making obeisances, etc.). The path
of arcana, or worshiping the Lord in the temple, involves engaging one's
tasmims tadii labdha-mcer mahii.mate gross body in the service of the Lord. Similarly, the subtle mind should
priyasravasy askhalitii matir mama be · engaged in hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Lord, thinking
yayiiham etat sad-asat sva-miiyayii about them, chanting His name, etc. All such activities are transcendental.
pasye mayi brahmar.i kalpitam pare None of the gross or subtle senses should otherwise be engaged. Such
realization of transcendental activities is made possible by many, many
tasmin-it being so; tadii-at that time ; labdha-achieved; ruce[l.-taste; years of apprenticeship in the devotional service, but simply attraction of
mahiimate-great sage; priyasravasi-upo n the Lord; askhalitii mati[l.-un love to the Personality of Godhead, as it was developed in Narada Muni,
interrupted attention; mama mine; yayii-by which ; aham-1; etat- all
- by hearing, is highly effective.
262 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto l, Ch. 5 Text 29 ] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 263
vanishing. of the faithful ; biilasya-of the boy ; diintasya -suhj ugated; anucarasya
TRANSLATION strictly following the instructions; ca-and.
Thus during two seasons-the rainy season and autumn-1 had the TRANSLATION
opportunity to hear these great-souled sages constantly chant the un
adulterated glories of the Lord Hari. As my devotional service began, the I was very much attached to those sages. I was gentle in behavior,
coverings of the modes of passion and ignorance vanished. a�d � my sins were era�icated in their service. In my heart I had strong
fmth m them. I had subjugated the senses, and I was strictly following
PURPORT them with body and mind.
Transcendental loving ser;vice for the Supreme Lord is the natural PURPORT
inclination of every living being. The instinct is dormant in everyone, hut
due to the association of material nature the modes of passion and These are the necessary qualifications of a prospective candidate who
ignorance cover this from time immemorial. If, by the grace of the Lord can expect to be elevated to the position of a pure unadulterated devotee.
and the great-souled devotees of the Lord, a living being becomes fortunate Such a candidate must seek always the association of pure devotees. One
enough to associate with the unadulterated devotees of the Lord and should not be misled by a pseudo-devotee. He himself must be plain and
gets a chance to hear the unadulterated glories of the Lord, certainly gentle to receive the instructions of such a pure devotee. A pure devotee is
the flow of devotional service takes place like the flow of a river. As the a completely surrendered soul unto the Personality of Godhead. He knows
river flows on till she reaches the sea, similarly pure devotional service the Personality of Godhead as the supreme proprietor and all others as His
flows by the association of pure devotees till it reaches the ultimate goal, servitors. And by the association of pure devotees only, one can get rid
264 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 5 Text 31 J Narada's Instructions on Srimad Bhagavatam 265
of all si ns accumulated by mundane association. A neophyte devotee must that long, long ago , the instruction was imparted to Arjuna, the same was
faithfully serve the pure devotee, and he should be very much obedient instructed to the sun-god , and in course of time, the same instruction,
and strictly follow the instructions. These are the signs of a devotee who is being wrongly handled and being broken, was again reinstructed to Arjuna
determined to achieve success even in the existing duration of life. because he was His perfect devotee and friend. Therefore, the instruction
of the Lord can be understood by the devotees only and no one else. The
TEXT 30 impersonalist, who has no idea of the transcendental form of the Lord,
cannot understand this most confidential message of the Lord. The word
� � ��� � "most confidential" is significant here because knowledge of devotional
service is far, far above knowledge of impersonal Brahman . ]iiiinam means
31�1!4l'i4WJ> ttf�: �a:��:! I � o I I ordinary knowledge or any branch of knowledge. This knowledge develops
jiiiinarh guhyatamarh yat tat up to the knowledge of impersonal Brahman. Above this, when it is
siik�iid bhagavatoditam partially mixed with devotion, such knowledge develops to knowledge of
anvavocan gami�yantn{t Paramatma, or the all-pervading Godhead. This is more confidential. But
k.rpayii dina-vatsalii{t when such knowledge is turned into pure devotional service and the con
fidential part of transcendental knowledge is attained, it is called the most
jiiiinam- knowledge ; guhyatamam- most confidential ; yat- what is; tat confidential knowledge. This most confidential knowledge was im parted
-that; siik�at- directly ; bhagavatii uditam- propounded by the Lord Him by the Lord to Brahma, Arjuna, Uddhava, etc.
self; anvavocan-gave instruction; gam i§yanta{t- while dep arting from ;
k [payii- by causeless mercy ; dina-vatsa la{t- those who are very kind to the TEXT 3 1
poor and meek.
- � i!41ij�i!4� �: I
� itwf •1�0f.o<t � �� � � I I
As they were leaving, those bhakti-vedantas, who are very kind to yenaiviiharh bhagavato
poor-hearted souls, instructed me in that most confidential subject, which viisudevasya vedhasa{t
is instructed by the Personality of Godhead Himself. miiyiinubhiivam avidarh
yena gacchanti tat-padam
yena- by which; eva-certainly ; aham-1 ; bhagavata{t -of the Person
A pure Vedantist, or a bhak ti-vediinta, instructs followers exactly ac ality of Godhead; viisudevasya-of Lord Sri Kn�Ja; vedhasa{t- of the su
cording to the instructions of the Lord Himself. The Personality of preme creator; miiyii-energy ; anubhiivam-influence; avidam- easily u nder
Godhead, both in the Bhagavad-gitii and in all other scriptures, has stood; yena- by which; gac chanti- they go ; tat-padam-at the lotus feet of
definitely instructed men to follow the Lord only . The Lord is the the Lord.
creator, maintainer and annihilator of everything. The whole manifested TRANSLATION
creation is existing by His will, and by His will when the whole show will
be finished He will remain in His eternal abode with all His paraphernalia. By that confidential knowledge, I could understand clearly the in
Before the creation He was there in the eternal abode, and after the fluence of the energy of Lord Sri Kr��a, the creator, maintainer and
annihilation He w ill continue to remain. He is not, therefore, one of the annihilator of everything, and knowing that, I could return to Him and
created beings. He is transcendental. · In the Bhagavad-gitii the Lord says personally meet Him.
266 Srimad Bhagavatam
- [Canto l, Ch 5.
Text 32 ) Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 267
By devotional service or by the most confidential knowledge, one can 0 Brahma�a Vyasadeva, it is decided by the learned that the best
understand very easily how the different energies of the Lord are working. remedial measure for removing all troubles and miseries is to dedicate
One part of energy is manifesting the material world ; the other (superior) one's activities to the service of the Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead
part of His energy is manifesting the spiritual world. And the via medium (Sri Kr��a] .
energy is manifesting the living entities who are serving either of the above
mentioned energies. The living entities serving material energy are struggling PURPORT
hard for existence and happiness, which is presented to them as illusion.
But those in the spiritual energy are placed under the direct service of the Sri Narada Muni personally experienced that the most feasible and
Lord in eternal life, complete knowledge and perpetual bliss. The Lord practical way to open the path of salvation or get _ r��ef from all miseries
desires, as He has directly said in the Bhagavad-gitii, that all conditioned of life is to hear submissively the transcendental actlVlhes of the Lord from
souls, rotting in the kingdom of material energy, come back to Him by the right and bona fide sources. This is the only remedial process. The
giving up all engagements in the material world. This is the most confiden entire material existence is full of miseries. Foolish people have manu
tial part of knowledge. But this can be understood only by the pure devo factured, out of their tiny brains, many remedial measures for removing
tees, and only such devotees enter the kingdom of God to see Him person the threefold miseries pertaining to the body and mind, pertaining to the
ally and serve Him personally. The concrete example is Narada Himself, natural distrubances and in relation with other living beings. The whole
who attained this stage of eternal knowledge and eternal bliss. And the world is struggling very hard to exist out of these miseries, but men do not
ways and means are open to all, provided one agrees to follow in the foot know that without the sanction of the Lord no plan or no remedial mea
steps of S ri Narada Muni. According to S ruti, the Supreme Lord has un sure can actually bring about the desired peace and tranquility. The re
limited energies (without effort by Him) and these are described under medial measure to cure a patient by medical treatment is useless if it is
three principal headings, as above mentioned. not sanctioned by the Lord. To cross the river or the ocean by a suitable
boat is no remedial measure if it is not sanctioned by the Lord. We should
TEXT 32 know for certain that the Lord is the ultimate sanctioning officer, and we
must therefore dedicate our attempts to the mercy of the Lord for ultimate
Q\6�4«f� illf�N'314MfiiR(16( I success or to get rid of the obstacles on the path of success. The Lord is
all-pervading, all-powerful, omniscient and omnipresent. He is the ultimate
�� lflRf� � illlfur mf'tRrl( II� �II sanctioning agent of all good or bad effects. We should , therefore, le�n
to dedicate our activities unto the mercy of the Lord and accept Htm
etat samsucitam brahmams either as impersonal Brahman, localized Paramatma or the Supreme Per
tiipatraya-cikitsitam sonality of G odhead. It does not matter what one is. One must dedicate
yadiSvare bhagavati everything in the service of the Lord. If one is a learned scholar, scientist,
karma brahmafti bhiivitam philosopher, poet, etc., then he should employ his learning to establish
the supremacy of the Lord . Try to study the energy of the Lord in every
etat-this much; samsucitam-decided by the learned; brahman- 0 sphere of life. Do not decry Him and try to become like Him or tak� His
briihmarw Vyasa; tiipatraya-three kinds of miseries; cikitsitam-remediai position simply by fragmental accumulation of knowledge. If one IS an
measures; yat-what ; iSvare-the supreme controller; bhagavati-unto the administrator, statesman, warrior, politician, etc., then one should try to
Personality of Godhead; karma-one's prescribed activities;- brahmafti- u n establish the Lord's supremacy in statesmanship . Fight for the cause of the
to the great ; bhiivitam-dedicated. Lord as S ri Arjuna did. In the beginning, S ri Arjuna, the great fighter, de-
268 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto l , Ch. 5 Text 34 ] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 269
clined to fight, but when he was convinced by the Lord that the fighting very same milk converted into curd and mixed with some other remedial
was necessary , Sri Arjuna changed his decision and fought for His cause. ingredients cures such disorders. Similarly, the threefold miseries of mate
Similarly, if one is a businessm an, an industrialist, an agriculturist, etc., rial existence cannot be mitigated simply by material activities. Such
then one should spend his hard-earned money for the cause of the Lord. activities have to be spiritualized, just as by fire iron is made red-hot, and
Think always that the money which is accumulated is the wealth of the thereby the action of fire begins. Similarly , the material conception of a
Lord. Wealth is considered to be the goddess of fortune (Lak�mi), and the thing is at once changed as soon as it is put into the service of the Lord.
Lord is Narayal).a or the husband of Lak�mi. Try to engage Lak�mi in the That is the secret of spiritual success. We should not try to lord it over the
service of Lord Narayana and be happy. That is the way to realize the material nature, nor should we reject material things. The best way to make
Lord in every sphere of life. The best thing is, after all, to get relief from the best use of a bad bargain is to use everything in relation with the su
all material activities and engage oneself completely in hearing the tran preme spiritual being. Everything is an emanation from the supreme spirit,
scendental pastimes of the Lord . But in case of the absence of such an and by His inconceivable power He can convert spirit into matter and
opportunity, one should try to engage everything, for which one has matter into spirit. Therefore a material thing (so-called) is at once turned
specific attraction , in the service of the Lord , and that is the way of peace into a spiritual force by the great will of the Lord . The necessary condi
and prosperity. The word sarhsiicitam in this stanza is also significant. One tion for such a change is to employ so-called matter in the service of the
should not think for a moment that the realization of Narada was childish spirit. That is the way to treat our material diseases and elevate ourselves
imagination only. It is not like that. It is so realized by the expert and to the spiritual plane where there is no misery, no lamentation and no fear.
erudite scholars, and that is the real import of the word sarhsiicitam. When everything is thus employed in the service of the Lord, we can ex
perience that there is nothing except the Supreme Brahman. The Vedic
TEXT 33 mantra that "everything is Brahman" is thus realized by us.
not ; punati-cure; cikitsitam-treated with. evam-thus; n_rrziim- of the human being; kriyii-yogii[t- all activities;
sarve-everything; sarhsrti-material existence; he tava[t-causes; te-that;
TRANSLATION eva-certainly ; iitma-the tree of work ; viniisiiya-killing; kalpante-become
competent; kalpitii[t- dedicated; pare-unto the Transcendence.
0 good soul, does not a thing, applied therapeutically, cure a disease
which was caused by that very same thing?
Thus when all a man's activities are dedicated to the service of the
An expert physician treats his patient with a therapeutic diet. For exam Lord, those very activities which caused his bondage become the destroyer
ple, mil k preparations sometimes cause disorder of the bowels, but the of the tree of work.
Sr'imad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l, Ch. 5 Text 3 5 ] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 271
becomes simultaneously spiritually enlightened by the divine grace, as i t enj oyer Lord Kr�!la. In the Bhagavad-gitii the Lord has declared Himself to
is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gitii. be the supreme enjoyer of everything, as the supreme proprietor of every
planet and the supreme friend of all beings. Except Lord Sri Kr�!la, no one
TEXT 36 else can claim to be the proprietor of everything within His creation. A pure
devotee remembers this constantly, and in doing so he repeats the tran
� � �or :tt•lst�0�41«ti€( I scendental name, fame and qualities of the Lord, which means that he is
constantly in touch with the Lord . The Lord is identical with His name,
�Rr �UI..I¥UM �I�I�!�HRr � � � ��II fame, etc., and therefore to be associated lvith His name, fame, etc.,
constantly, means actually to associate with the Lord.
kuroii[lii yatra karmii[li
The major portion of our monetary income, not less than fifty percent,
must be spent to carry out the order of Lord Kr�!la. We should not only
g_Trwnti gura-niimiini
k[§r;tasyiinusmaranti ca
give the profit of our earning to this cause, but we must also arrange to
preach this cult of devotion to others because that is also one of the orders
kuroii[1ii�-while performing; yatra thereupon ; karmiip i duties;
- -
of the Lord. The Lord definitely says that no one is more dear to Him than
bhagavat-the Personality of Godhead; sik§ayii-by the will of; asakrt one who is always engaged in the preaching work of the Lord's name and
constantly ; gnzanti.:... takes on; gurw- qualities; niimiini-names; k[§r;tasya fame all over the world. The scientific discoveries of the material world
of K r�l)a; anusm a ra nti constantly remembers ; ca-and.
can also be equally engaged in carrying out His order. He wants the message
of the Bhagavad-gitii to be preached amongst His devotees. It may not be
TRANSLATION so done amongst those who have no credit of austerities, charity, educa
tion, etc. Therefore, the attempt must go on to convert unwilling men to
While performing duties according to the order of Sri Kr�!la, the become His devotees. Lord Caitanya has taught a very simple method in
Supreme Personality of Godhead, one constantly remembers Him, His this connection. He has taught the lesson for preaching the transcendental
names and qualities. message through singing, dancing and refreshment. As such, fifty percent
of our income may be spent for this purpose. In this fallen age of quarrel
PURPORT and dissension, if only the leading and wealthy persons of society agree to
spend fifty percent of their income in the service of the Lord, as it is
An expert devotee of the Lord can mold his life in such a way that while taught by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, there is absolute certainty of
performing all kinds of duties either for this or the next life, he can con converting this hell of pandemonium to the transcendental abode of the
stantly remember the Lord's name, fame, qualities, etc. The order of the Lord. No one will disagree to partake in a function where good singing,
Lord is distinctly there in the Bhagavad-gitii: one should work only for the dancing and refreshment are administered . Everyone will attend such a
Lord in all spheres of life. In every sphere of life the Lord should be function, and everyone is sure to feel individually the transcendental
situated as the proprietor. According to the Vedic rites, even in the wor presence of the Lord. This alone will help the attendant associate with the
ship of some demigods like Indra, Brahma, Sarasvati, Ga!lesa, the system is Lord and thereby purify himself in spiritual realization. The only condition
that in all circumstances the representation of Vi�!lU must be there as the for successfully executing such spiritual activities is that they must be
yajiiesvara, or the controlling power of such sacrifices. It is recommended conducted under the guidance of a pure devotee who is completely free
that a particular demigod be worshiped for a particular purpose, but still from all mundane desires, fruitive activities and dry speculations about the
the presence of Vi�!lu is compulsory in order to make the function proper. nature of the Lord. No one has to discover the nature of the Lord. It is
Apart from such Vedic duties, even in our ordinary dealings (for exam already spoken by the Lord Himself in the Bhagavad-gitii especially and in
ple, in our household affairs or in our business or profession) we must all other Vedic literatures generally. We have simply to accept them in toto
consider that the result of all activities must be given over to the supreme and abide by the orders of the Lord. That will guide us to the path of
274 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l , Ch. 5 Text 38] Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 275
perfection. One can remain in his own position. No one has to change his The purport is that any transaction, either in the field of fruitive work
position, especially in this age of variegated difficulties. The only condition or empiric philosophy, which is not ultimately aimed at transcendental
is that one must give up the habit of dry speculation to become one with realization of the Supreme Lord, is considered to be useless. Naradaji has
the Lord. And after giving up such lofty puffed up vanities, one may very therefore explained the nature of unalloyed devotional service by his
submissively receive the orders of the Lord in the Bhagavad-gitii or personal experience in the development of intimacy between the Lord and
Bhiigavatam from the lips of a bona fide devotee whose qualification is the living entity by gradual process of progressive devotional activities.
mentioned above. That will make everything successful, without a doubt. Such a progressive march of transcendental devotion for the Lord cul
minates in the attainment of loving service of the Lord, which is called
TEXT 37 premii in different transcendental. variegatedness called rasas (tastes). Such
devotional service is also executed in mixed forms, namely mixed with
fruitive work or empiric philosophical speculations.
Now the question which was raised by the great [§is headed by Saunaka
regarding the confidential part of Siita 's achievement through the spiritual
master is explained herein by chanting this hymn consisting of thirty
om namo bhagavate tubhyam
three letters. And this mantra is addressed to the four Deities or the Lord
viisudeviiya dhimahi
with His plenary expansions. The central figure is Lord Sr'i Kr�!la because
the plenary portions are His aides-de-camp . The most confidential part of
nama[l sahka�ariiya ca the instruction is that one should always chant and remember the glories
om-the sign of chanting the transcendental glory of the Lord; namah of the Lord Sri' Kr�!la the Supreme Personality of Godhead along with His
offering obeisances unto the Lord; bhagavate-unto the Personality of God different plenary portions expanded as Vasudeva, Sarikar�a!la, Pradyumna
head; tubhyam-unto You ; viisudeviiya-unto the Lord, the son of and Aniruddha. These expansions are the original Deities for all other
Vasudeva; dhimahi-let us chant; pradyumniiya, aniruddhiiya and truths, namely either Vi§ru-tattva or sak ti-tattvas.
sahka�araya-all plenary expansions of Vasudeva; namaft- respectful
obeisances ; ca-and.
Let us all chant the glories of Vasudeva along with His plenary
expansions, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Sankar��a.
iti miirty-abhidhiinena
According to Paiicariitra, Nadiya!la is the primeval cause of all expan mantra-miirtim amiirtikam
sions of Godhead. These are Vasudeva, Sarikar�a!la, Pradyumna and yajate yajiia-puru§am
Aniruddha. Vasudeva and Sarikar�a!la are on the middle left and right , sa samyag dar§ana[l pumiin
Pradyumna is on the right of Sarikar�a!la, and Aniruddha is on the left o f
Vasudeva, and thus the four Deities are situated. They are known as the iti- thus; miirti-representation ; abhidhiinena-in sound; mantra-murtim
four aides-de-camp of Lord Sr'i"Kr�!la. -form representation of transcendental sound; amurtikam-the Lord who
This is a Vedic hymn or man tra beginning with omkiira prarava, and has no material form ; yajate-worship; yajiia-Vi�pu ; puru§am-the Person
thus the mantra is established by the transcendental chanting process, ality of Godhead; sa[l-he alone; samyak-perfectiy; dar§ana[l-one who has
namely, om namo dhimahi, etc. seen; pu man-person.
276 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l, Ch. 5
Text 39 ] Narada's Instructions on Snmad-Bhagavatam 277
imarh svanigamarh brahmann
avetya mad-anu�thitam
Thus he is the actual seer who worships, in the form of transcendental
adiin me jniinam aiSvaryarh.
sound representation, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vi��u, who
svasmin bhiivarh ca kesavafl,
has no material form.
imam-thus ; svanigamam-confidential knowledge of the Vedas in re
spect to the Supreme Personality of Godhead ; brahman-0 briihmana
(Vyasadeva); avetya-knowing it well; mat-by me; anu�thitam-execut�d;
Our present senses are all made of material elements, and therefore they �
a iit-bestowed upon me; me-me; jiiiinam-transcendental knowledge;
are imperfect to realize the transcendental form of Lord Vi�!lu. He is .
msvaryam-opulence; svasmm-personal; bhiivam-intimate affection and
therefore worshiped by sound representation via the transcendental method love; ca-and; kesavafl,- Lord Kr�Q.a.
of chanting. Anything which is beyond the scope of experience by our
imperfect senses can be realized fully by the sound representation. A
person transmitting sound from a far distant place can be factually
experienced. If this is materially possible, why not spiritually? This 0 hriihma!la, thus by the Supreme Lord Krsna I was endowed first
experience is not a vague imperl5onal experience. But it is actually an ·
with the transcendental knowledge of the Lord a� inculcated in the confi
experience of the transcendental Personality of Godhead who possesses dential parts of the Vedas, then with the spiritual opulences, and then
the pure form of eternity, bliss and knowledge. In the A marakosa Sanskrit with His intimate loving service.
dictionary the word miirti carries import in twofold meanings, namely,
form and difficulty. PURPORT
Therefore amiirtikam is explained by Aciirya Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti
Thakur as meaning without difficulty. The transcendental form of eternal Communion with the Lord by transmission of the transcendental sound
bliss and knowledge can be experienced by our original spiritual senses is nondifferent from the whole spirit Lord Sri Kt�Q.a. It is a completely
which can be revived by chanting of the holy mantras or transcendental perfect �ethod for approaching the Lord. By such pure contact with the
sound representations. Such sound should be received from the trans Lord, Without offense of material conceptions (numbering ten), the
parent agency of the bona fide spiritual master, and the chanting may be devotee c�n �se above the material plane to understand the inner meaning
practiced by the direction of the spiritual master. That will gradually lead of the Vedic literatures, including the Lord's existence in the transcendental
us nearer to the Lord. This method of worship is recommended in the re :Um. The � ord rev��s His identity gradually to one who has unflinching
Paiicariitrika system, which is both recognized and authorized. The Paii
faith, both m the spmtual master and in the Lord. After this, the devotee
cariitrika system has the most authorized codes for transcendental devo
is endowed with mystic opulences, which are eight in number. And above
tional service. Without the help of such codes, one cannot approach the
Lord, certainly not by dry philosophical speculation. The Paiicariitrika
�, the devotee is accepted in the confidential entourage of the Lord and
IS e trusted with specific service of the Lord through the agency of the
system is both practical and suitable for this age of quarrel. The Paii . ?
spmt�al mas�er. A pure devotee is more interested in serving the Lord
cariitra is more important than the Vedanta for this modern age.
than m shoWing an exhibition of the mystic powers dormant in him. Sri
Niirada has explained all these from his personal experience, and one can
TEXT 39 .
obtru� all the facilities which Sri Niirada obtained by perfecting the
chanting process of the sound representation of the Lord. There is no bar
� �f;rfl'i 'ttiti$11c� ��f� I for chanting this transcendental sound by anyone, provided it is received
throug� Niirada's representative, coming down by the chain of disciplic
���� .+wi � m: �� ��� � successiOn, or the paramparii system.
2 78 Snmad-Bhagavatam [Canto l , Ch. 5 Text 40 ) Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam 279
TEXT 40 dental knowledge of God in terms of the vast Vedic knowledge which he
had already attained.
As far as the bad men are concerned, they are also four in number:
l) those who are simply addicted to the mode of progressive fruitive work
and thus are subjected to the accompanying miseries, 2) those who are
simply addicted to vicious work for sense satisfaction and so suffer the
consequence, 3) those who are materially very much advanced in knowl
edge but have no sense to acknowledge the authority of the Almighty
tvam apy adabhra5rnta vi.Srn tarh vibh ofl. Lord and thus suffer a lot, and 4) the class of men who are known as
samapyate yena vidarh bubhutsitam atheists and therefore purposely hate the very name of God, although
prakhyahi du�khair muhur arditatmanarh they are always in difficulty.
sanklesa-niroiirzam usanti niinyathii Sri Naradaji advised Vyasadeva to describe the glories of the Lord just
to do good to all the eight classes of men, both good and bad. Srimad
tvam-your good soul; api-also ; adabhra-vast; §rota-Vedic literatures; Bhiigavatam is therefore not meant for any particular class of men or sect.
viSrntam-have heard also; vibhofl,-of the Almighty ; samapyate-satisfied ; It is for the sincere soul who wants actually his own welfare and peace
yena-by which; vidiim-of the learned; bu bhutsitam-who always desire of I:Dind.
to learn transcendental knowledge; prakh yiihi-describe; dufl.khaifl.- by mis
eries; muhufl.-always; ardita-iitmaniim-suffering mass of people; sankZesa
sufferings; niroiirzam mitigation ; usanti na- do not get out of; anyathii
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the First Canto, Fifth Chapter,
by other means. of Snmad-Bhagavatam, entitled "Sri Niirada's Instructions on Snmad
Bhagavatam for Vyiisadeva. ,
siita uviica
evarit niSamya bhagaviin
devarser janma karma ca
bhiiya[l. papraccha tam brah man
vyiisa[l. satyavati-suta[l.
Siita said: 0 hrahm�as, thus hearing all about Sri Narada's birth and
activities, Vyasadeva, the incarnation of God and son of Satyavati, inquired
. as follows.
Vyasadeva was further inquisitive to know about the perfection of
Naradaji, and therefore he wanted to know about him more and more. In
this chapter Naradajl will describe how he was able to have a brief
282 Sr'imad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 6 Text 4 ] Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa 283
audience with the Lord while he was absorbed in the transcendental svayambhuva kaya vrttyii
thought of separation from the Lord and when it was very painful for him. vartitam te pararh vaya�
katham cedam udasriik�ift
TEXT 2 kiile priipte kalevaram
Sr'i Vyasadeva said: What did you [ Narada] do after the departure of
Sll?¥�(!qftttt�lltiji � � ij['� I
the great sages who had instructed you from the beginning of your present WI iq � � t1�f-.w6Rt : I I 'i ll
birth in scientific transcendental knowledge? prii.k kalpa-v�ayii.m etii.m
smrtim te muni-sattama
PURPORT na hy e�a vyavadhii.t kiila
Vyasadeva hi �self was the disciple of Naradaj'i, and therefore it is e�a sarva-nirakrt�
natural to be anxiOus to hear w �at he did after initiation from the spiritual prak-prior ; kalpa-the duration of Brahma's day; v i§ ayiim- subject
master. He wanted to follow m Narada 's footsteps in order to attain to matter; etiim-all these; smrtim- remembrance; te-your; muni-sattama-0
the sam� perfect stage of life. This desire to inquire from the spiritual
_ great sage ; na-not ; hi-certainly ; e� a[z-all these ; vyavadhiit- made any
maste� 1s an essential factor to the progressive path. This process is difference; kiila�-cou rse of time; e �a[z - all these; sarva-all; niriikrtift
techmcally known as sat-dharma prcchii. annihi.lati on.
Sri Narada said: The great sages, who had imparted scientific knowl siisvatantrii na kalpiisid
yoga-k�emarh mamecchati
edge of transcendence to me, departed for other places, and I had to
iSasya hivase loko
pass my life in this way.
yo�ii diirumayi yathii
PURPORT sa-she; asvatantrii-was dependent; na- not; kalpii-able; iisit-was;
yoga-k�emam-maintenance; mama-my ; icchati"-although desirous; zsasya
In his previous life, when Naradaji was impregnated with . spiritual of providence; hivaSe-under the control of; lokalz-everyone; yo�ii- doll;
k�o�ledge by the grace of the great sages, there was a tangible change in diirumayi-made of wood; yatha..:... as much as.
his life, although he was only a boy of five years. That is an important
286 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ �anto l , Ch. 6 Text 1 0 ] Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa 287
She wanted to look after my maintenance properly, hut because she Once upon a time, my poor mother, when going out one night to
was not independent, she was not able to do anything for me. The world milk a cow, was bitten on the leg by a serpent, influenced by supreme
is under the full control of the Supreme Lord; therefore everyone is like a time.
wooden doll in the hands of a puppet master.
That is the way of dragging a sincere soul nearer to God . The poor boy
was being looked after only by his affectionate mother, and yet the
mother was taken from the world by the supreme will in order to put him
completely at the mercy of the Lord.
aham ca tad-brahma-kule
il§iviims tad-apek§a_yii TEXT 1 0
biilaka[l. panca-hiiyana[l. � �� � �: 1
aham-I; ca-also; tat-that ; brahma-k ule-in the school of the
31�� l{;:;;r'lt;{! mTN ���(*1�1'( I I � o I I
b riihmar-as; il$iviin-lived; tat- her ; apek§ayii- being dependent on; dik tadii tad aham isasya
desa- direction and country; kiila- time; avyutpanna[l. having no -
bhaktiiniim sam abhipsata[l.
experience; biilaka[l.- mere child ; panca- five ; hiiyana[l. years old.
anugraham manyamiina[l.
priiti§tham diSam uttariim
tadii-at that time; tat that; aham-I; iSasya of the Lord; bhaktiiniim
- -
When I was a mere child of five years, I lived in a hrahma!la schooL of the devotees; �am- mercy ; abhipsata[l.- desi ring; anugraham-special
I was dependent on my mother's affection and had no experience of benediction ; manyamiina[l.- thinking in that way; priiti§tham departed;
� f�6t �&.-d'i f;rf� ttf W.f I
I took this as the special mercy of the Lord, who always desires
��� ���IJ1i ��ij: II � II benediction for His devotees, and so thinking, I started for the north.
ekadii nirgatiim gehiid
duhantim niSi giim pathi PURPORT
sarpo 'da5atpadii spr§tab
k.rpar-iim kiila-codita[l. Confidential devotees of the Lord see in . every step a benedictory
direction of the Lord. What is considered to be an odd or difficult moment
ekadii- once upon a time ; nirgatiim-having gone away; gehiit- from in the mundane sense is accepted as special mercy of the Lord. Mundane
home; duhantim-for milking; niSi-at night ; giim-the cow; pathi- on the prosperity is a kind of material fever, and by the grace of the Lord the
path ; sarpa[l. - snake; adasat- bitten; padii- on the leg; spnta[!. thus struck;
- temperature of this material fever is gradually diminished, and spiritual
k rpar. iim- the poor woman ; kiila-codita[l. - influenced by the supreme time.
. health is obtained step by step. Mundane people misunderstand it.
288 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 6
Text 1 3 ) Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa 289
TEXT 1 2
TEXT l l
�tfitm��qi(i@� ���r.t. l
���cq'Til� cr�,,.�q�� :q II� � II
sphitiiiijanapadiims tatra
pu ra-griima -v rajiikariin
khetakharvatavii{is ca
nalinifJ- sura-sevitiift
vaniinyupavaniini ca
citra-svanaift patrarathair
sphitiin-very flourishing; jana-padiin -metropolises ; tatra-there; pura vibhramad bh ramara-sriyaft
towns; griima-villages; vraja-big farms; iikariin-mineral fields (mines); citradhiitu-valuable minerals like gold, silver, copper, etc. ; vicitra-"full
kheta-agricultural lands; kharva t a-valleys ; vii{Ql-flower gardens; ca- and; of variegatedness; adrin-hills and mountains ; ibhabhagna broken by the
nala- pip es; veplJ,- bamboo; sara[l pens; tanba-full of; kusa-sharp
·grass; kicaka-weeds; gahvaram-caves ; eka- alone; eva only; atiyiita(l
trtparito bubhuk§ita(l
difficult to go through ; aham- 1 ; adriik§am-visited ; vipinam-deep forests ; sniitvii pitvii hrade nadyii
mahat-great; ghoram-fearful; pra tibhayiikiiram-dangerously ; vyiila upaspr§to gata-srama(l
snakes; uliika- owls ; siva -j ackals; ajiram- playgrounds.
pariSriinta-being tired ; indriya-bodily ; iitmii- mentally; aham-1;
trtpa rita(l being thirsty ; bubhuk§ita(l- and hungry; sniitvii-taking a bath;
I then passed alone through many forests of bamboo, sharp grass, pitvii- and drinking water also; hrade-in the lake; nadyii(l-of a river;
weeds and caves, which were very difficult to go through alone. I visited upaspr#aft-being in contact with; gata-got relief from; sramaft-tired
deep, dark and dangerously fearful forests, which were the play yards of ness.
snakes, owls and jackals.
Thus travelling, I felt tired, both bodily and mentally, and I was both
It is the duty of a mendicant (parivriijakiiciirya) to experience all thirsty and hungry. So I took a hath in a river lake and also drank water.
varieties of God's creation by travelling alone through all forests, hills, By contacting water, I got relief from my exhaustion.
towns, villages, etc., to gain faith in God and strength of mind as well as to
enlighten the inhabitants with the message of God. A sannyiisi is duty PURPORT
bound to take all these risks without fear, and the most typical sannyiisi of
the present age is Lord Caitanya, who travelled in the same manner through A travelling mendicant can meet the needs of body, namely thirst and
the central Indian jungles, enlightening even the tigers, bears, snakes, deers, hunger, by the gifts of nature without being a beggar at the doors of the
elephants and many other jungle animals. In this age of Kali, sannyiisa is householders. The mendicant therefore does not go to the house of a
forbidden for ordinary men. One who changes his dress to make propaganda householder to beg but to enlighten him spiritually.
is a different man from the original ideal sannyiisi. One should , however,
take the vow to stop social intercourse completely and devote life exclu TEXT 15
sively to the service of the Lord. The change of dress is only a formality.
Lord Caitanya did not accept the name of a sannyiisi, and in this age of
Kali the so-called sannyiisis should not change their former names, follow
af(qf4lq��s� fqcqe(q"' 3ltf��r: I
ing in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya. In this age devotional service of 311�¥4wtlSS�¥41wt¥41��tN�*I.-a"''( II�� II
hearing and repeating the holy glories of the Lord is strongly recommended, . . . , .
and one who takes the vow of renunciation of family life need not imitate tasmm mnnanu1e rapye
the parivriijakiiciirya like Narada or Lord Caitanya, but may sit down at pippalopastha iiSrita(l
some · holy place and devote his whole time and energy to hear and re iitmaniitmiinam iitmastharh
peatedly chant the holy scriptures left by the great iiciiryas like the six yathiisrutam acintayam
Gosvamis of Vrndavana.
tasmin-in that; ninnanuje-without human habitation; arapye-in the
forest; pippala-banyan tree; upastha-sitting under it; iiSrita(l-taking
shelter of; iitmanii-by intelligence; iitmiinam-the Supersoul; iitmastham
situated within myself; yathiisruta.m-as I heard it from the liberated souls;
acintayam-t hought over.
292 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 6 Text 17] Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa 293
After that, under the shadow of a banyan tree in an uninhabited The word bhiiva is significant here. This bhiiva stage is attained after one
forest I began to meditate upon the Supersoul situated within, using my has transcendental affection for the Lord. The first initial stage is called
intelligence, as I learned from liberated souls. sraddhii, or a liking for the Supreme Lord, and in order to increase that
liking one has to associate with pure devotees of the Lord. The third stage
PURPORT is to practice the prescribed rules and regulations of devotional service.
This will dissipate all sorts of misgivings and remove all personal defi
One should not meditate according to one's personal whims. One should ciencies that hamper p rogress in devotional service.
know perfectly well from the authoritative sources of scriptures through When all misgiving and personal deficiencies are removed, there is a
the transparent medium of a bona fide spiritual master and by proper use standard faith in transcendental matter, and the taste for it increases in
of one's trained intelligence for meditating upon the Supersoul dwelling greater proportion. This stage leads to attraction, and after this there is
within every living being. This consciousness is firmly developed by a bhiiva, or the prior stage of u nalloyed love for God. All the above different
devotee who has rendered loving service unto the Lord by carrying out states are but different stages of development of transcendental love. Being
the orders of the spiritual master. Sri Naradaji contacted a bona fide so surcharged with transcendental love, there comes a strong feeling of
spiritual master, served him sincerely and got enlightenment rightly. Thus separation which leads to eight different kinds of ecstasies. Tears from the
he began to meditate. eyes of a devotee is an automatic reaction, and because Sri Narada Muni
in his previous birth attained that stage very quickly after his departure
TEXT 16 from home, it was quite possible for him to perceive the actual presence
of the Lord, which he tangibly experienced by his developed spiritual
���� �liitMrJt6�6(11 I senses without material tinge.
0 Vyasadeva.
As soon as I began to meditate with my mind transformed in tran TRANSLATION
scendental love upon the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, tears 0 Vyasadeva, at that time, being exceedingly overpowered by feelings
rolled down my eyes, and without delay the Personality of Godhead Sri of happiness, every part of my body becam� enlivened. Being absorbed in
Kr�':la appeared on the lotus of my heart. an ocean of ecstasy, I could not see both myself and the Lord.
294 Srimad-Bhagavatam [(:anto 1, Ch. 6 Text 19] Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa 295
PURPORT them vanish all perturbance of the mind. These are the special features of
the transcendental form of the Lord, and one who has once seen that
Spiritual feeling of happiness and intense ecstasies have no mundane form is not satisfied with anything else, and no form in the material world
comparison. Therefore it is very difficult to give expression to such feelings. can any longer satisfy the seer. Formless means nothing like material form.
We can just have a glimpse of such ecstasy in the words of Sri Narada Muni. Nor is He like any material personality.
Each and every part of the body or senses has its particular function. After As spiritual beings, having eternal relations with that transcendental
seeing the Lord, all the senses become fully awakened to render service form of the Lord, we are, life after life, searching after that form of the
unto the Lord because in the liberated state the senses are fully efficient Lord, and we are not satisfied by any other form of material appeasement.
in serving the Lord. As such, in that transcendental ecstasy it so happened Narada Muni got a glimpse of this, but having not seen it again he became
that the senses became separately enlivened to serve the Lord. This being perturbed and sto.od up all of a sudden to search it out. What we desire
so , Narada Muni lost himself in seeing both himself and the L ord simul life after life was obtained by Narada Muni, and losing sight of Him again
taneously. was certainly a great shock for him.
� �: � �;ft � I
�aJ1t1UilsN wtN'4tt+tN<tH ��: II� �II
riipam bhagavato yat tan
didrk§ustad aham bhilya[l,
mana[l,-kiintam suciipaham
prar-idhiiya mano hrdi
apasyan sahasottasthe vik§amiir-o 'pi niipaSyam
vaiklavyiid durmanii iva
avit_rp ta iviitura[l,
riipam- form ; bhagavata[l,-of the Personality of Godhead; yat-as it is;
didrk § u[l, -desiri ng to see; tat- that; aham-I; bhilya[l,-again ; prar-idhiiya
tat-that; man a[l,- of the mind; kiintam-as it desires ; suciipaham-vanishing
-having concentrated the mind; mana[l,- mind ; h rdi-upon the heart;
all disparity ; apasyan-without seeing; sahasii-all of a sudden; uttasthe
v ik §a miir-a[l.- awaiti n g to see ; api in spite of; na-never; apaSyam saw
got up; vaiklavyiit-being perturbed ; durmanii-having lost the desirable;
- -
The transcendental form of the Lord, as it is, manifests according to
I desired to see again that transcendental form of the Lord, but
the mind's desire and at once erases all mental incongruities. Upon losing
despite my attempts to concentrate upon the heart with eagerness to
that form, I suddenly got up, being perturbed, as is usual when one loses
renew the form, I could not see Him any more, and thus dissatisfied; I was
that which is desirable.
very much aggrieved.
That the Lord is not formless is experienced by Narada Muni. But His
form is completely different from all forms of our material experience. For There is no mechanical process to see the form of the Lord. It com
the whole duration of our life we go see different forms in the material pletely depends on the causeless mercy of the Lord. We cannot demand
world, but none of them is just apt to satisfy the mind, nor can any one of the Lord to be present before our vision just as we cannot demand the sun
296 Sr'imad-Bhagavatam [Canto I , Ch. 6 Text 2 1 ] Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa 297
to rise up whenever we like. The sun rises out of his own accord ; so also The Lord was much pleased with Narada Muni, and therefore the necessary
the Lord is pleased to be present out of His causeless mercy. One should strength was invested in him so that he could hear the Lord. It is not,
simply await the opportune moment and go on discharging his prescribed however, possible for others to perceive directly the touch of the Lord
duty in devotional service of the Lord. Narada Muni thought that the Lord during the probation stage of regulative devotional service. It was a special
could be seen again by the same mechanical process which was successful gift for Narada. When he heard the pleasing words of the Lord, the feelings
in the first attempt, but in spite of his utmost endeavor he could not make of separation were to some extent mitigated. A devotee in love with God
the second attempt successful again. The Lord is completely independent feels always the pangs of separation and is therefore always enwrapped in
of all obligations. He can simply be bound up by the tie of unalloyed devo transcendental ecstasy.
tion� Nor is He visible or perceivable by our material senses. When He
pleases, being satisfied with the sincere attempt of devotional service TEXT 21
depending completely on the mercy of the Lord, then He may be seen out
of His own accord.
hantasmifi janmani bhavan
ma marh dra�tum iharhati
durdarso 'harh kuyoginam
evarh yatantarh vijane
mam ahiigocaro giram hanta-0 Narada; asmin-this; janmani-duration of life; bhavan
gambhira-slak�r.aya vaca yourself; ma-not; mam-Me; dra§tum-to see; iha-here; tirhati-deserve;
§uca[l. pra§amayann iva avipakva-immature ; ka� dirt; durdarsa[l.-difficult to be
seen; aham-I ; kuyoginam-incomplete in service.
evam-thus; yatan tam- one who is engaged in attempting; vijane-in
that lonely place; mam-unto me; aha-said; agocara[l.-beyond the range TRANSLATION
of physical sound; giram-utterances; gambhira-grave ; slak�r.aya-pleasing
to hear; vaca-words; suca[l.-grief; pra§amayan-mitigating; iva-like. 0 Narada [ the Lord spoke ] , I regret that during this lifetime you will
not be able to see Me any more. Those who are incomplete in service and
TRANSLATION who are not completely free from all material taints can hardly see Me.
for sense satisfaction and avarice for sense gratification. The balanced TRANSLATION
mode of nature is goodness. And to be completely freed from all material
tinges is to become free from the modes of goodness also. To search the 0 virtuous one, you have only once seen My person, and this is just
audience of God in a lonely forest is considered to be in the mode of to increase your desire for Me, because the more you hanker for Me, the
goodness. One can go out into the forest to attain spiritual perfection, but more you will be freed from all material desires.
that does not mean that one can see the Lord personally there. One must
be completely freed from all material attachment and be situated on the PURPORT
plane of transcendence, which alone will help the devotee get in personal
touch with the Personality of Godhead. The best method is that one A living being cannot be vacant of desires. He is not a dead stone. He
should live at a place where the transcendental form of the Lord is wor must be working, thinking, feeling and willing. But when he thinks, feels
shiped. The temple of the Lord is a transcendental place, whereas the and wills materially, he becomes entangled, and conversely when he thinks,
forest is a materially good habitation. A neophyte devotee is always feels and wills for the service of the Lord, he becomes gradual!y freed from
recommended to worship the Deity of the Lord (arcana) rather than go all entanglement. The more a person is engaged in the transcendental
into the forest to search out the Lord. Devotional service begins from the loving service of the Lord, the more he acquires a hankering for it. That is
process of arcana, which is better than going out in the forest. In his the transcendental nature of godly service. Material service has satiation,
present life, which is completely freed from all material hankerings, Sri whereas spiritual service of the Lord has neither satiation nor end. One can
Narada Muni does not go into the forest, although he can turn every go on increasing his hankerings for the loving transcendental service of the
place into VaikuQtha by his presence only. He travels from one planet to Lord, and yet he will not find satiation nor end. By intense service of the
another to convert men, gods, Kinnaras, Gandharvas, r�is, munis and all Lord, one can experience the presence of the Lord transcendentally.
others to become devotees of the Lord. By his activities he has engaged Therefore seeing the Lord means being engaged in His service because His
many devotees like Prahlada Maharaja, Dhruva Maharaja and many others service and His person are identical. The sincere devotee should go on
in the transcendental service of the Lord. A pure devotee of the Lord, with sincere service of the Lord. The Lord will give proper direction as to
therefore, follows in the footsteps of the great devotees like Narada, how and where it has to be done. There was no material desire in Narada,
Prahlada, etc., and engages his whole time in glorifying the Lord by the and yet just to increase his intense desire for the Lord , he was so advised.
process of kirtana. Such a preaching process is transcendental to all
material qualities. TEXT 23
�6 �q�{l�!'.f;l¥41� ijs;ftf I
..�...� M: ijl� �A!� ��·� ����II
sakrd yad darsitam riipam jata mayi dnlha mati[l
etat kamaya te 'nagha hitvavadyam imam lokam
mat-kama[l sanakai[l sadhu gantii maj-janatamasi
saroan muficati hrc-chayiin
sat-sevayii-by · service of the Absolute Truth ; adirghaya-for some days;
sakrt-once only ; yat-that; darsitam-shown; riipam-form ; etat-this api-even; jatii-having attained; mayi-unto Me; dnlha-firm ; mati[l
is ; kiimiiya-for hankerings; te-your; anagha- 0 virtuous one ; mat-Mine; intelligence; hitvii-having given up; avadyam- deplorable; imam-this;
kiima[l-desire; sanakai[l-by increasing; siidhu[l-devotee; saroan-all; lokam-material worlds; gantii-going to; mat-janatam-My associates; asi
muficati-gives away; hrt-sayan- material desires. become.
Text 25 ) Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa 301
300 S rimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 6
By service of the Absolute Truth, even for a few days, a devotee Devotional service rendered to the Personality of Godhead never goes in
attains firm and fixed intelligence in Me. Consequently he goes on to vain. Since the Personality of Godhead is eternal , intelligence applied in
become My associate in the transcendental world after giving up the His service or anything done in His relation is also permanent. In the
present deplorable material worlds. Bhagavad-gitii it is said that such transcendental service rendered unto the
Personality of Godhead accumulates birth after birth, and when the
PURPORT devotee is fully matured, the total service counted together makes him
Service of the Absolute Truth involves rendering service unto the eligible to enter into the association of the Personality of Godhead. Such
Absolute Personality of Godhead under the direction of the bona fide accumulation of God's service is never vanquished , hut increases till fully
spiritual master who is a transparent via media between the Lord and matured.
the neophyte devotee. The neophyte devotee has no capacity to approach
the Absolute Personality of Godhead by the strength of his present imper
fect material senses, and therefore under the direction of the spiritual
master he is trained in transcendental service of the Lord. And by such l(ijlq�#(\q((l� �·
training, even for some days, the neophyte devotee gets intelligence in � wr+ilret�f�t+tl� I
such transcendental service, which leads him ultimately to get free from 3Jt :q � q �m
perpetual inhabitation in the material worlds and to be promoted to the
transcendental world to become one of the liberated associates of the Lord �OQJrfct�rti �: � �����
in the kingdom of God. •etiivad uktvoparariima tan-mahad
TEXT 24 bhiltam nabho-lingam alingam iSvaram
aham ca tasmai mahatiim mahiyase
�Rt�M fwt'1(4 WI � ��f�&_ I si�rziivaniimam vidadhe 'nukampita[t
�� �� �i(�(ld\ 1 1�\lll etiivat- thus; uktvii spoken; uparariima- stopped; tat-that; mahat
matir mayi nibaddheyam great; bhiitam- wonderful; nabha[t-lingam- personified by sound ; alingam
unseen by the eyes; iSvaram-the supreme authority ; aham-1; ca-also;
na vipadyeta karhicit
tasmai-unto Him; mahatiim-the great ; mahiyase-unto the glorified;
prajiisarga-nirodhe 'pi
smrtiS ca mad-anugrahiit sir�rzii by the head; avaniimam- obeisances ; vidadhe-executed; anu
302 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l , Ch. 6 Text 27 ] Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa 303
by His breathing, and He is seen and realized through the transcendental chanting of the glories of the Lord and travelling all over the world so that
sound of the Vedas. SimiJarly, the Bhagavad-gitii is the sound representa others may also hear the glories of the Lord. Such devotees have no desire
tion of the Lord, and there is no difference in identity. The conclusion is for material gain. They are conducted by one single desire : to go back to
that the Lord can be seen and heard by persistently chanting the transcen Godhead. This awaits them in due course on quitting the material body.
dental sound. Because they have the highest aim of life, going back to Godhead, they are
never envious of anyone, nor are they proud of being eligible to go back
TEXT 26 to Godhead. Their only business is to chant and remember the holy name ,
fame and pastimes of the Lord and, according to personal capacity, to
distribute the message for others' welfare without motive of material gain.
� �Ui+t�bt&l"ilml
l('('ffi�i+\d wt: I
niimiiny anantasya hata-trapa{l pathan m: � ijRffi;ft
i�1+t � 1 1�\91 1
guhyiini bhadriirti krtiini ca smaran evam knTJa-mater brahman
giim parya!arhs tu§!amanii gata-sprha[l niisak tasyiimaliitmana{l
kiilam pratik§an vimado vimatsara{l kiila{l priidurabhiit kiile
ta!fitsaudiimani yathii
niimiini- the holy name, fame, etc. ; anantasya-of the u nlimited; hata
t rapa(l -being freed from all formalities of the material world; pa!han- by evam-thus; knTJa-mate{l-one who is fully absorbed in thinking of
recitation, repeated reading, etc . ; guhy.ini-mysterious; bhadriiri-all bene Kr�l).a ; brahman-0 V yasadeva; na- not ; iisak tasya-of one who is attached;
dictory ; krtiini- activities ;ca- and ;smaran-constantly remembering; giim amaliitmana{l-of one who is completely free from all material dirt; kiila{l
on the earth ; paryatan- traveling all through; tu§ !amanii{l-fully satisfied ; death ; priidurabhiit-become visible; kiile-in the course of time; ta!fit
gata-sprha{l- completely freed from all material desires; kiilam- time ; lightning; saudiimani-illuminating; yathii-as it is.
pratik§an- awaitin g ; vimada(l-without being proud; vimatsara(l - withou t
being envious.
And so, 0 Brahma�a Vyasadeva, in due course of time I, who was
Thus I began chanting the holy name and fame of the Lord by fully absorbed in thinking of Kr��a and who therefore had no attach
repeated recitation, ignoring all the formalities of the material world. Such ments, being completely freed from all material taints, met with death, as
chanting and remembering of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord are lightning and illumination occur simultaneously.
benedictory. So doing, I travelled all over the earth, fully satisfied, humble
and unenvious. PURPORT
To be fully absorbed in the thought of Kr��a means clearance of
material dirts or hankerings. As a very rich man has no hankerings for
The life of a sincere devotee of the Lord is thus explained in a nutshell
small petty things, so also a devotee of Lord Kr��a, who is guaranteed to
by Narada Muni by his personal example. Such a devotee, after his initia
pass on to the kingdom of God where life is eternal, fully cognizant and
tion by the Lord or His bona fide representative, takes very seriously
304 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto I , Ch. 6 Text 29 ] Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa 305
blissful, has naturally no hankerings for petty material things, which are
freedom from reactions of fruitive activities. The material body is always
like dolls or shadows of the reality and are without permanent value. That
afflicted with these three inebrieties. A devotee's body becomes at once
is the sign of spiritually enriched persons. And in due course of time, when
surcharged with the transcendental qualities as soon as he is engaged in the
a pure devotee is completely prepared, all of a sudden the change of body
devotional service of the Lord. It acts like the magnetic influence of a
occurs which is commonly called death. And for the pure devotee such a
touchstone upon iron. The influence of transcendental devotional service
change takes place exactly like lightning, and illumination foll ?ws sim� l
is like that. Therefore change of the body means stoppage of the reaction
taneously. That is to say a devotee simultaneously . changes his matenal
of three qualitative modes of material nature u pon the pure devotee. There
body and develops a spiritual body by the will of the Suprem� . Even
_ are many instances of this in the revealed scriptures. Dhruva Maharaja and
before death, a pure devotee has no material affection due to h1s body
Prahlada Maharaja and many other devotees were able to see the Person
being spiritualized like a red-hot iron in contact with fire.
ality of Godhead face to face apparently in the same body. This means
that the quality of a devotee's body changes from material to transcen
dence. That is the opinion of the authorized Gosvamis via the authentic
scriptures. In the Brahma-sarhhitii it is said that beginning f�om t�e indra
st��·n� +{A ijf � � � I _
gopa germ up to the great Indra, King of heaven, all hvmg bei ngs are
�Wit �ffil_ 'it�: 1 1 �� 1 1 subjected to the law of karma and are bound to suffer and enJOY the
fruitive results of their own work. But only the devotee is exempt from
prayujyamiine mayi tiim such reaction by the causeless mercy of the supreme authority, the
suddhiim bhiigavatim tanum Personality of Godhead.
nyapatat piiiica-bhautika[l TEXT 29
kalpiin te-at the end of Brahma's day ; idam- this;iidiiya- taking together;
the Personality of Godhead, I quit the body made of five matenal ele
sayane-having gone to lie down ; ambhasi-in the causal water; udan.vata[l
ments, and thus all acquired fruitive results of work [ karma] stopped.
-devastation; siSayi.§o[l,-lying of the Personality of Godhead (NarayaQ.a) ;
anupriirzam-breathing; vivise-entered into ; anta[l,-within ; aham-1; vibho[l
-of Lord Brahma.
great [§is again appear from different parts of the transcendental body, and
Narada also appears. This means that Narada appears in the same transcen
Narada is known as the son of Brahma, as Lord Kr�!la is known as the
dental body, just as a man awakes from sleep in the same body. Sri Narada
son of V asudeva. The Personality of Godhead and His liberated devotees
is eternally free to move in all parts of the transcendental and material
like Narada appear in the material world by the same process. As it is said
creations of the Almighty. He appears and disappears in his own transcen
in the Bhagavad-gitii, the birth and activities of the Lord are all transcen
dental. Therefore, according to authorized opinion, the birth of Narada as dental body which is without distinction of body and soul, unlike condi-
tioned beings.
the son of Brahma is also a transcendental pastime. His appearance and
dissappearance are practically on the same level as that of the Lord. The
Lord and His devotees are therefore simultaneously one and different as
spiritual entities. They belong to the same category of transcendence.
:atW{Itif(�t Jl4ii4\( qifwtw;�<:i'Ht: I
TEXT 30 31�!4iilw:iiiilfelqfjd�li41<:t•IRr: � I I � � I I
(1t(SI�•N4 � a��•�( �: 1
antar bahiS ca lokiims trin
paryemy askandita-vrata�
q(IRfii� �: �${� �� l l � o l l anugrahiin mahii-vi§[lor
avighiita-gati[l, kvacit
utthiiyedam sisrk§ata[l, antaft -in the transcendental world; bahift -in the material world; ca
marici-miSrii !§aya[l, and ; lokiin - planets ; trin-three (divisions) ; paryemi- travel ; askandita
prii[lebhyo'ham ca jajnire unbroken ; vrataft - vow; anugrahiit-by the causeless mercy ; mahii-vi§rwft
sahasra-one thousand; yuga-4,300,000 years; paryante-at the end of of the Maha-vi�pu (Karapodakasayi Vi��m) ; avighiita- without restriction;
the duration ; utthiiya-having expired; idam-this; sisrk§ata[l,- desired to gatift -entrance ; kvacit-at any time.
create again; marici-miSrii[l,- !§is like M arici ; !§aya[l, - all the [§is; prii[lebhyafi,
-out of His senses; aham- I ; ca-also ; jajfiire - appeared .
eternally liberated living entities. Sri Narada Muni could enter all these charged with transcendental sound and which was given to me by Lord
planets both in the material and spiritual spheres without restriction, as Kr�pa.
much as the almighty Lord is free to move personally in any part of His
creation. In the material world the living beings are influenced by the PURPORT
three material modes of nature, namely goodness, passion and ignorance.
But Sri Narada Muni is transcendental to all these material modes, and thus The musical string instrument called the vinii which was handed to
he can travel everywhere unrestricted. He is a liberated spaceman. The cause Nara�a by Lord Sri' Kr�pa, is described in the L i�ga Puriirza, and this is
less mercy of Lord Vi�!lu is unparalleled, and such mercy is perceived by confumed by Srila ]iva Gosvaml. This transcendental instrument is identical
the devotees only by the grace of the Lord. Therefore, the devotees never with Lord Sri Kf�pa and Narada because all of them are of the same
fall down, but the materialists, i.e., the fruitive workers and the speculative transc�ndental category. Sound vibrated by the instrument cannot be
philosophers, do fall down, being forced by the respective modes of mate_nal, and therefore the glories and pastimes which are broadcast by
nature. The nis, as above mentioned, cannot enter into the transcendental the t �stn� men� of Narada are a�o _transcendental, without a tinge of
world like Narada. This fact is disclosed in the Narasimha Puriirw . .!{§is like matenal m�bne!y. The seven smgrng meters, namely Sa ($arja), IJ
Marici are authorities in fruitive work, and r.sis like Sanaka and Sanatana are (!Jfiab �a), �a (Gandhara), Ma (Madhyam), Pa (Pancham), Dha (Dhaivata)
and Nt (Ntfiada) are also transcendental and specifically meant for transcen
authorities in philosophical speculations. But Sri Narada Muni is the
prime authority for transcendental devotional service of the Lord. All the den�a! son�s. A� a . pure devotee of the Lord, Sri Narada Deva is always
great authorities in the devotional service of the Lord follow in the fulftllmg hts obligation to the Lord for His oift
�- of the instrument , and thu s
footsteps of Narada Muni in the order of the Niirada-bhakti-siitra, and h. e . .alwa�s e �gaged in singing His transcen
dental glories and is therefore
therefore all the devotees of the Lord are unhesitatingly qualified to enter m�allible m his exalt�d position. Following in the footsteps of Srila
into the kingdom of God, V aikuptha. Narada Mum,. a self-reahzed soul in the material world should also properly
use the sound meters, namely $a, IJ., Ga, Ma, etc., in the service of the
TEXT 32 Lord by constantly singing the glories of the Lord, as confirmed in the
«.C�&>'�IIIlctii efTGJt �� I
\�N€CII �� ilN��� 1 1��11 TEXT 33
to hear, at once appears on the seat of my heart, as if called for, as soon as nescience ; plava[l,-boat; d.r�ta[l. -experienced; hari- carya-activities of Hari,
I begin to chant His holy activities. anuvarrtanam-constant recitation.
The Absolute Personality of Godhead is not different from His transcen It is personally experienced by me that those who are always full of
dental name, form, pastimes and the sound vibrations thereof. As soon as cares and anxieties due to desiring contact of the senses with their
a pure devotee engages himself in the pure devotional service of hearing, objects can cross the ocean of nescience on a most suitable boat-the
chanting and remembering the name, fame and activities of the Lord, at constant chanting of the transcendental activities of the Personality of
once He becomes visible to the transcendental eyes of the pure devotee by Godhead.
reflecting Himself on the mirror of the heart by spiritual television. There PURPORT
fore a pure devotee who is related with the Lord in loving transcendental
service can experience the presence of the Lord at every moment. It is a The symptom of a living being is that he cannot remain silent even for
natural psychology in every individual case that a person likes to hear and some time. He must be doing something, thinking of something or talking
enjoy his personal glories enumerated by others. That is a natural instinct, · about something. Generally the materialistic men think and discuss about
and the Lord, being also an individual personality like others, is not an subj ects which satisfy their senses. But as these things are exercized under
exception to this psychology because psychological characteristics visible the influence of the external illusory energy, such sensual activities do not
in the individual souls are but reflections of the same psychology in the actually give them any satisfaction. On the contrary, they become full with
Absolute Lord. The only difference is that the Lord is the greatest cares and anxieties. This is called miiyii, or what is not. That which cannot
Personality of all and absolute in all His affairs. If, therefore, the Lord is give them satisfaction is accepted as an object for satisfaction. So Narada
attracted by the pure devotee's chanting of His glories, there is nothing Muni, by his personal experience, says that satisfaction for such frustrated
astonishing. Since He is absolut({, He can appear Himself in the picture of beings engaged in sense gratification is to chant always the activities of the
His glorification, the two things being identical. Srlla Narada charits the Lord. The point is that the subject matter only should be changed. No one
glorification of the Lord not for his personal benefit but because the can check the thinking activities of a living being, nor the feeling, willing
glorifications are identical with the Lord. Narada Muni forces the presence or working processes. But if one wants actual happiness, one must change
of the Lord by the transcendental chanting. the subject matter only. Instead of talking of the politics of a dying man,
one might discuss the politics administered by the Lord Himself. Instead
TEXT 34 of relishing activities of the cinema artists, one can turn his attention to the
activities of the Lord with His eternal associates like the gopis and Lak�mis.
The almighty Personality of Godhead, by His causeless mercy, descends
on the earth and manifests activities almost on the line of the worldly
men, but at the same time extraordinarily, because He is almighty. He
does so for the benefit of all conditioned souls so that they can turn
e tadd hy iitura-cittiiniim their attention to transcendence. By doing so, the conditioned soul will
miitrii-sparsecchayii muhu[l, gradually be promoted to the transcendental position and easily cross the
bhava-sindhu-plavo d.r�to ocean of nescience, the source of all miseries. This is stated from personal
hari-caryiinuvarrzanam experience by an authority like Sri Narada Muni. And we can have the
312 S rimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 6 Text 36 ] Conversation Between Niirada and Vyiisa 313
same experience also if we begin to follow in the footsteps of the great ment. To check them artificially is no check at all because as soon as there
sage, the dearmost devotee of the Lord. is some opportunity for enjoyment, the serpent-like senses will certainly
take advantage of it. There are many such instances in history, just like
TEXT 35 Visvamitra Muni, who fell a victim of the beauty of Menaka. But Thakur
Haridasa was allured at midnight by the well dressed miiyii, and still she
could not induce that great devotee in her trap.
The whole idea is that without devotional service of the Lord, neither
the yoga system nor dry philosophical speculation can ever become
yamiidibhir yoga-pathai[l successful. Pure devotional service of the Lord, without being tinged with
kiima-lobha-hato muhu[l fruitive work, mystic yoga or speculative philosophy, is the foremost
mukunda-sevayii yadvat procedure to at tain self-realization. Such pure devotional service is transcen
tathiitmiiddhii na siimyati dental in nature, and the systems of yoga and jniina are subordinate to
such a process. When the tra-nscendental devotional service is mixed with
yama-iidibhi[l-by the process of practicing self-restraint; yoga-pathaifl- . the other subordinate process, it is no longer transcendental but is called
by yoga (mystic bodily power to attain the godly stage) system ; kama mixed devotional service. S rila Vyasadeva, the author of Srimad-Bhiigava
desires for sense satisfaction; lobha-lust for satisfaction of the senses; tam, will gradually develop all these different systems of transcendental
hata[l-curbed ; muhu[l- always; mukunda-the Personality of Godhead; realization in the text.
sevayii-by the service of; yadvat-as it is ; tathii-like that; iitmii-the soul;
addhii-for all practical purposes; na-does not; siimyati-be satisfied.
The son of Drol)a Punished
All glory and success to S nia Narada Muni because he glorifies the
activities of the Personality of Godhead, and so doing he himself takes
pleasure and also enlivens all the distressed souls of the universe. TEXT I
S ri Narada Muni plays on his instrument to glorify the transcendental
� ;n� «_ij � itIG\((i(U(: I
activities of the Lord and to give relief to all miserable living entities of the �{lqj�G\� (Rf: fitiq���: II Z II
universe. No one is happy here within the u niverse, and what is felt as
happiness is maya's illusion. The illusory energy of the Lord is so strong saunaka uvaca
that even the hog who lives on filthy stool feels happy. No one can be nirgate narade siita
truly happy within the material worl d. S rila Narada Muni, in order to bhagavan biidarayarza[l.
enlighten the miserable inhabitants, wanders everywhere. His mission is to srutavams tad-abhipretam
get them hack home, hack to Godhead . That is the mission of all genuine tata[l. kim akarod vibhu[l.
devotees of the Lord fop.owing the footsteps of that great sage.
saunaka[l.-S ri S aunaka; uvaca-said; nirgate-having gone; narade
Thus end the Bhak tivedanta purports of the First Canto, Sixth Chapter, Narada Muni ; siita-0 Silta; bhagavan-the transcendentally powerful;
of S nmad-Bhagavatam, entitled "Conversation Between Niirada and badarayarza[l.- Vedavyasa; srutavan-who heard; ta t- his; abhipretam- de
Vyasa. " sire of the mind; tata[l.-thereafter; kim-what; akarot-did he do ; vibhu[l.
the great.
318 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto I , Ch. 7 Text 4 ] The Son of DroJ.Ia Punished 319
five sons of Draupadi while they were asleep , for which he was punished culture is the common factor for all. The brahmaciiris, the gr;hasthas, the
by Arjuna. Before commencing the great �pic Sri"!ad-Bhiigavatam, S ri viinaprasthas and the sannyiisis all belong to the same mission of life,
V yasadeva realized the whole truth by trance m devotiOn. namely, realization of the Supreme. Therefore none of them are less
important as far as spiritual culture is concerned. The difference is a matter
TEXT 2 of formality on t�e strength of renunciation. The sannyiisis are held in
high estimation on the strength of practical renunciation.
� :a-�
't&IWi'Qi (1R4�llll�T1H qf� � I TEXT 3
sii ta[l- S ri Siita ; uviica-said; brahmanadyiim-on the bank of the river tasmin-in that (iisrama); sva-own ; iisrame-in the cottage; vyiisa�
intimately related with Vedas, briihmar-as, saints, and the Lord ; sarasvatyiim Vyasadeva ; badari-berry; �ar-ra-trees ; mar-rite-surrounded by; iisina�
-Sarasvafi; iisrama�-cottage for meditation ; pa5cime- on the west; tate apa� - sitting; upasprsya-touching water; prar-idadhyau -concentrated;
bank; samyiipriisa�-the place named S amyaprasa; iti-thus; prokta� mana�- the mind; svayam-himself.
said to be; nir-iim-of the sages; satra-vardhana�-that which enlivens
activities. TRANSLATION
TRANSLATION In that place, Snla Vyasadeva, in his o� asrama, which was surround
ed by berry trees, sat down to meditate after touching water for purifica
Sri Siita said: On the western bank of the River Sarasvati, which is tion.
intimately related with the Vedas, there is a cottage for meditation at
Samyaprasa which enlivens the transcendental activities of the sages . PURPORT
PU�PORT Under instruction of his spiritual master Srila Narada Muni, V yasadeva
concentrated his mind in that transcendental place of meditation.
For spiritual advancement of knowledge a suitable place and atmosphere
are definitely required. The place on the western bank of the Sarasvati is TEXT 4
especially suitable for this purpose. And there is the iisrama of V yasadeva
at Samyaprasa. S rila Vyasadeva was a householder, yet his residential ��;r l{;rRr � !If��� I
place is called an iiSrama. An iisrama is a place where spiritual culture is
always foremost. It does not matter whether the place belongs to a house
31q�4��ti '{� 111� � �tn� II � II
holder or a mendicant. The whole varr-iisrama system is so designed that bhakti-yogena manasi
each and every status of life is called an iisrama. This means that spiritual samyak prar-ihite 'male
320 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 7 Text 5 ] The Son of DroQ.a Punished 321
apasyat puru�am piiT?lam statements of her activities. The internal energy is there along with the
miiyiim ca tad-ap�srayam Absolute Person as the moonlight is there with the moon. The external
energy is compared with darkness because it keeps the living entities in the
bhakti-devotional service; yogena-by the process of linking up ; manasi darkness of ignorance. The word apiisrayam suggests that this energy of
-upon the mind; samyak-perfectly ; prartihite-engaged in and fixed u p the Lord is under full control. The internal potency or superior energy
on; amaZe-with out any matter; apa5yat-saw; puru�am-the Personality of is also called miiyii, hut it is spiritual miiyii, or energy exhibited in the
Godhead ;pilrrtam-absolute; miiyiim-energy ; ca-also ; tat-His; apiisrayam absolute realm. When one is under the shelter of this internal potency, the
-under full control. darkness of material ignorance is at once dissipated. And even those who
are iitmiiriima, or fixed in trance, take shelter of this miiyii or internal
TRANSLATION energy. Devotional service, or bhakti-yoga, is the function of the internal
energy ; thus there is no place for the inferior energy or material energy,
Thus he fixed his mind, perfectly engaging it by linking it in devotional just as there is no place for darkness in the effulgence of spiritual
service [ bhakti-yoga ] without any tinge of materialism, and thus he saw light. Such internal energy is even superior to the spiritual bliss attainable
the Absolute Personality of Godhead along with His external energy, which in the conception of impersonal Brahman. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gitii
was under full control. that the impersonal Brahman effulgence is also an emanation from the
Absolute Personality of Godhead S ri Kr�!!a. The Parama-Puru§a cannot be
PURPORT anyone except Sri Kr�!la Himself, as it will be explained in the later slokas.
Perfect VISIOn of the Absolute Truth is possible only by the linking TEXT 5
process of devotional service. This is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gitii.
One can perfectly realize the Absolute Truth Personality of Godhead only
by the process of devotional service, and one can enter into the kingdom � �mfliltFr 3TT�;f f:smOJR�� I
of God by such perfect knowledge. Imperfect realization of the Absolute lfUsA ��s;N. � �ij I I '-\ I I
by the partial approach of the impersonal Brahman or localized Paramatma
does not permit anyone to enter into the kingdom of God. S ri Narada yayii sammohito jiva
advised Snl.a Vyasadeva to become absorbed in transcendental meditation iitmiinam tri-gurtiitmakam
on the Personality of Godhead and His activities. S rila Vyasadeva did not paro 'pi manute 'nartham
take notice of the effulgence of Brahman because that is not absolute tat-krtam ciibhipadyate
vision. The absolute vision is the Personality of Godhead, as it is confirmed
in the Bhagavad-gitii: Vasudeva� sarvam iti. In the Upan4ads also it is yayii-by whom ; sammohita[l-illusi oned; jiva[l-the living entities;
confirmed that Vasudeva, the Personality of Godhead, is covered by the atmiinam-self; tri-gura-atmakam-co nditioned by the three modes of
golden glowing hirar-mayena piitrerta veil of impersonal Brahman, and when nature, or a product of matter; para�-transcendental; api-in spite of;
that curtain is removed by the mercy of the Lord the real face of the manute-takes it for granted; anartham-things not wanted; tat-by that;
Absolute is seen. The Absolute is mentioned here as the puru�a or person . krtam ca-reaction ; abhipadyate-un dergoes thereof.
The Absolute Personality o f Godhead i s mentioned in so many Vedic
literatures, and in the Bhagavad-gitii, the puru�a is confirmed as the TRANSLATION
eternal and original person. The Absolute Personality of Godhead is the
perfect person. The Supreme Person has manifold energies, out of which Due to this external energy, the living entity, although transcendental
the internal, external and marginal energies are specifically important. The to the three modes of material nature, thinks of himself as a material
energy mentioned here is the external energy, as will be clear from the product and thus. undergoes the reactions of material miseries.
322 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto l , Ch. 7 Text 5 ] The Son of Dro1.1a Punished 323
PURPORT completed by the influence of association. The Lord has suggested, there
fore, that by the influence of the speeches of saintly persons who have
The root cause of suffering by the materialistic living beings is pointed actually realized the Supreme, men are engaged in His transcendental
out with remedial measures which are to be undertaken and also the ulti loving service. The conditioned soul gets a taste for hearing about the
mate perfection to be gained. All this is mentioned in this particular verse. Lord, and by such hearing only he is gradually elevated to the platform of
The living being is by constitution transcendental to material encagement, respect, devotion and attachment for the Lord. The whole thing is com
but he is now imprisoned by the external energy, and therefore he thinks pleted by the surrendering process. Herein also the same suggestion is
himself one of the material products. And due to this unholy contact, made by the Lord in His incarnation of Vyasadeva. This means that the
the pure spiritual entity suffers material miseries under the modes of conditioned souls are being reclaimed by the Lord both ways, namely by
material nature. The living entity misunderstands himself to be a material the process of punishment by the external energy of the Lord, and by
product. This means that the present perverted way of thinking, feeling Himself as the spiritual master within and without. Within the heart of
and willing, under material conditions, is not natural for him. But he has every living being the Lord Himself as the Supersoul Paramatma becomes
his normal way of thinking, feeling and willing. The living being in his the spiritual master, and from without He becomes the spiritual master in
original state is not without thinking, willing and feeling power. It is also the shape of scriptures, saints and initiator spiritual master. This is still
confirmed in the Bhagavad-gitii that the actual knowledge of the condi more explicitly explained in the next sloka.
tioned soul is now covered by nescience. Thus the theory that a living Personal superintendence of the illusory energy is confirmed in the
being is absolute impersonal Brahman is refuted herein. This cannot be, Vedas (the Kera Upan4ad) in relation to the demigods' controlling power.
because the living entity has his own way of thinking in his original uncon Herein also it is clearly stated that the living entity is controlled by the
ditional state also . The present conditional state is due to the influence of external energy in a personal capacity. The living being thus subject to the
the external energy, which means that the illusory energy takes the initia control of external energy is differently situated. It is clear, however, from
tive while the Supreme Lord is aloof. The Lord does not desire that a living the present statement of Bhiigavatam that the same external energy is
being be illusioned by external energy . The external energy is aware of this situated in · the inferior position before the Personality of Godhead or the
. fact, but still she accepts a thankless task of keeping the forgotten soul perfect being. The perfect being, or the Lord, cannot be approached even
under illusion by her bewildering influence. The Lord does not interfere by the illusory energy, who can only work on the living entities. Therefore
with the task of the illusory energy because such performances of the it is sheer imagination that the Supreme Lord is illusioned by the illusory
illusory energy are also necessary for reformation of the conditioned soul. energy and thus becomes a living being. If the living being and the Lord
An affectionate father does not like his children to be chastised by another would have been in the same category, then it would have been quite
agent, yet he puts his disobedient children under the custody of a severe possible for V yasadeva to see it, and there would have been no question of
man just to bring them to order. But the all-affectionate Almighty Father material distress on the part of the illusioned being because the Supreme
desires at the same time relief for the conditioned soul, relief from the Being is fully cognizant. So there are so many unscrupulous imaginations
clutches of the illusory energy. The king puts the disobedient citizens on the part of the monists to endeavor to put both the Lord and the living
within the walls of the jail, but sometimes the king, desiring the prisoners' being i'n the same category. Had it been so, then Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
relief, personally goes there and pleads for reformation, and on doing so would not have taken the trouble to describe the transcendental pastimes
the prisoners are set free. Similarly, the Supreme Lord descends from His of the Lord, if they were all manifestations of illusory energy.
kingdom upon the kingdom of illusory energy and personally gives relief S rimad-Bhiigavatam is the summum bonum remedy for the suffering
in the form of the Bhagavad-gitii, wherein He personally suggests that the humanity in the clutches of miiyii. Srila Vyasadeva therefore first of all
ways of illusory energy are very stiff to overcome, but one who surrenders diagnosed the actual disease of the conditioned souls, i.e. their being
unto the lotus feet of the Lord is set free by the order of the Supreme. illusioned by the external energy. He also saw the perfect Supreme Being
This surrendering process is the remedial measure for getting relief from from whom illusory energy is far removed, though He saw both the
the bewildering ways of the illusory energy. The surrendering process is diseased conditioned souls and also the cause of the disease. And the
324 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 7 Text 7 ) The Son of Dror:ta Punished 325
remedial measures are suggested in the next verse. Both the Supreme eludes His parts and parcels also. He saw, therefore, His different energies,
Personality of Godhead and the living beings are undoubtedly qualitatively namely the internal energy, the marginal energy and the external energy.
one, but the Lord is the controller of the illusory energy, whereas the He saw also His different plenary portions and parts of the plenary por
living entity is controlled by the illusory energy. Thus the Lord and the tions, namely His different incarnations also, and he specifically observed
livi!lg beings are simultaneously one and different. Another point is distinct the unwanted miseries of the conditioned souls who are bewildered by the
herein: that eternal relation between the Lord and the living being is external energy. And at last he saw the remedial measure for the condi
transcendental, otherwise the Lord would not have taken the trouble to tioned souls, namely, the · process of devotional service. It is a great
reclaim the conditioned souls from the clutches of miiyii. In the same way transcendental science· and begins with the process of hearing and chanting
the living entity is also required to revive his natural love and affection for the name, fame, glory, etc., of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Re
the Lord, and that is the highest perfection of the living entity. S rimad vival of the dormant affection or love of Godhead does not depend on the
Bhiigavatam treats the conditioned soul with an aim to that goal .of life. mechanical system of hearing and chanting, but it solely and wholly
depends on the causeless mercy of the Lord. When the Lord is fully
TEXT 6 satisfied with the sincere efforts of the devotee, He may endow him with
His loving transcendental service. But even with the prescribed forms of
�� maJm�illlii� 1 hearing and chanting, there is at once mitigation of the superfluous and
unwanted miseries of material existence. Such mitigation of material affec
��Affl Fm'�sti ij'R�� I I � II
.... � ,..... . � . ,.....
Simply by hearing this Vedic literature, the feeling for loving devo
Sn1a Vyasadeva was the all-perfect Personality of Godhead. The state tional service to Lord Kr�!la, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sprouts
ment suggests that the complete unit of the Personality of Godhead in- up at once to extinguish the fire of lamentation, illusion and fearfulness.
326 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 7 Text 8 ] The Son of Drol).a Punished 327
siita uviica According to the Sabda-kosa Dictionary, the affix ni is used in the sense
iitmiiriimiis ca munayo of 1) certainty, 2) counting, 3) building, and 4) forbiddance, and the word
nirgran thii apy urukrame
grantha is used in the sense of wealth, thesis, vocabulary, etc .
kurvanty ahaitukirh bhaktim ·
The word urukrama means the one whose activities are glorious. Krama
ittham-bhiita-gurw harift means step. This word urukrama specifically indicates the Lord 's incarna
tion as Vamana, who covered the whole universe by immeasurable steps.
siita� uvaca -S ii ta Gosvam1 said; iitmiiriimii�-those who take pleasure Lord Vi�rtu is powerful, and His activities are so glorious that He has
in atmii (generally, spirit self) ; ca -also ; munaya� -sages; nirgranthiift created the spiritual world by His internal potency and the material world
freed from all bondage ; api-in spite of; urukrame-unto the great adven by His external potency. By His all-pervading features He is everywhere
turer ; kurvanti-do ; ahaitukim-unalloyed; bhaktim-devotional service; present as the Supreme Truth, and in His personal feature He is always
ittham-bhiita-such wonderful; gu !laft - qualities; hari�-of the Lord. present in His transcendental abode of Goloka V rndavana where He
displays His transcendental pastimes in all variegatedness. His activities
TRANS LATION cannot be compared with anyone else's, and therefore the word urukrama
All different varieties of atmaramas [ those who take pleasure in atma, is just applicable to Him only.
or spirit self] , especially those established on the path of self-realization, According to Sanskrit verbal arrangement, kurvanti means to do things
though freed from all kinds of material bondage, desire to render un for someone else. Therefore, it means that the iitmiiriimas render devo
alloyed devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead. This means tional service u nto the Lord not for personal interest but for the pleasure
that the Lord possesses transcendental qualities and therefore can attract of the Lord, Urukrama.
everyone, including liberated souls. Hetu means causal. There are many causes for one's sense satisfaction,
and they can be chiefly classified as material enj oyment, mystic powers
PURPORT and liberation, which are generally desired by progressive persons. As far
as material enj oyments are concerned, they are innumerable, and the
Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu explained this iitmiiriima sloka very materialists are eager to increase them more and more because they are
vividly before His chief devotee Srila Sanatana Gosvami. He points out under the illusory energy. There is no end to the list of material enjoy
eleven factors in the sloka, namely 1 ) iitmiiriima, 2) munaya[l,, 3) nir ments, nor can anyone in the material universe have all of them . As far as
grantha, 4) api, 5) ca, 6) urukrama, 7) kurvanti, 8) ahaitukim, 9) bhaktim, the mystic powers are concerned, they are eight in all (such as to become
10) ittham-bhiita-gur;wft, and l l ) harift- According to the ViSva-Prakiisa the minutist in form, to become weightless, to have anything one desires,
Sanskrit Dictionary, there are seven synonyms for the word iitmiiriima, to lord it over the material nature, to control other living beings, to throw
which are as follows: 1 ) Brahman (the Absolute Truth), 2) body, 3) mind, earthly globes in outer space, etc.). These mystic powers are mentioned in
4) endeavor, 5) endurance, 6) intelligence, and 7) personal habits. the Bhiigavatam ( 1 1 . 15). The forms of liberation are five in number.
The word munayaft refers to 1 ) those who are thoughtful, 2) those who Therefore, unalloyed devotion means service to the Lord without desire
are grave or silent, 3) ascetics, 4) the persistent, 5) mendicants, 6) sages, for the above-mentioned personal benefits. And the powerful Personality
and 7) saints . of Godhead Sri Kr�rta can be fully satisfied by such u nalloyed devotees
The word nirgrantha conveys these ideas: 1 ) one who is liberated from free from all sorts of desires for personal benefit.
nescience, 2) one who has no connection with scriptural injunction, i.e., Unalloyed devotional service of the Lord progresses in different stages.
who is freed from the obligation of the rules and regulations mentioned in Practice of devotional service in the material field is of eighty-one different
the revealed scriptures like ethics, Vedas, philosophy, psychology, meta qualities, and above such activities there is the transcendental pr �ctice of
physics, etc., (in other words the fools, illiterate, urchins, etc. , who have devotional service, which is one and is called siidhana-bhak tt. When
no connection with regulative principles), 3) a capitalist, and also 4) one unalloyed practice of siidhana-bhakti is matured into transcendental love
who is penniless. for the Lord, the transcendental loving service of the Lord begins gTadually
332 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 7 Text 1 1 ) The Son of Drol).a Punished 333
developing into nine progressive stages of loving service under the headings remembering the Lord in acute distress one can be free from all varieties
of attachment, love, affection, feelings, affinity, adherence, following, of miseries and anxieties. Gradually the Lord vanquishes all obstacles on
ecstasy and intense feelings of separation. the path of devotional service of a pure devotee, and the result of nine
The attachment of an inactive devotee develops up to the stage of devotional activities, such as hearing, chanting, etc., becomes manifested.
transcendental love of God. Attachment of an active servitor develops up By His personal features and transcendental attributes, the Lord attracts
to the stage of adherence, and that for a friendly devotee develops up to all psychological activities of a pure devotee. Such is the attractive power
the stage of following, and the same is also the case for the paternal of Lord K��J].a. The attraction is so powerful that a pure devotee never
devotees. Devotees in conjugal love develop. ecstasy up to the stage of hankers for any one of the four principles of religion. These are the
intense feelings of separation. These are some of the features of unalloyed attractive features of the transcendental attributes of the Lord. And
devotional service of the Lord. adding to this the words api and ca, one can increase the imports
According to Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya, the import of the word ittham unlimitedly. According to Sanskrit grammar there are seven synonyms for
bhiita is complete bliss. Transcendental bliss in the realization of imper the word api.
sonal Brahman becomes comparable with the scanty water contained in So by interpreting each and every word of this §loka, one can see
the pit made by a cow's hoof. It is nothing compared to the ocean of unlimited numbers of transcendental qualities of Lord ��J].a that attract
bliss of the vision of the Personality of Godhead. The personal form of the mind of a pure devotee.
Lord Sri Kr�r:ta is so attractive that it comprehends all attraction, all bliss
and all tastes (rasas). These attractions are so· strong that no one wants to
exchange material enjoyment, mystic powers and liberation for them. TEXT 1 1
There is no need of logical arguments in support of this statement, but
' out of one's own nature one becomes attracted by the qualities of Lord
Sri Kr�r;ta. We must know for certain that the qualities of the Lord have
�«JJTf�� ifl�ur: I
nothing to do with mundane qualities. All of them are full of bliss, know 3l�llti�R�H4 m ���: I I � � I I
ledge and eternity. There are innumerable qualities of the Lord, and one is
attracted by one quality while another is attracted by another. harer gul)iik§ipta-matir
Great sages, such as the four bachelor devotees Sanaka, Sanatana, bhagaviin biidariiyal)i{t
Saniinda and Sanat-kumara, are attracted by the fragrance of flowers and adhyagiin mahad iikhyiinam
tulasi leaves anointed with the pulp of sandalwood offered at the lotus nityam vi§l)u-jana-priyaft
feet of the Lord. Similarly, Sukadeva Gosvami was attracted by the
transcendental pastimes of the Lord. Sukadeva Gosvami was already
hareft-of Hari, the Personality of Godhead ; gurw-transcendental
situated in the liberated stage, yet he was attracted by the pastimes of the
attribute; iik§ipta-being absorbed in; matift-mind ; bhagaviin-powerful;
Lord. 'this proves that the quality of His pastimes has nothing to do with
biidariiyarzift-son of Vyasadeva; adhyagiit-underwent studies; mahat
material affinity. Similarly, the young cowherd damsels were attracted by
great; iikhyiina�?t-narration ; nityam-regularly ; vigtu-jana-devotees of
the bodily feature of the Lord, and Rukmir;ti was attracted by hearing
the Lord; priyaft- beloved.
about the glories of the Lord. Lord K��J].a attracts even the mind of the
goddess of fortune. He attracts, in special cases, the minds of all young
girls. He attracts the minds of the elderly ladies by paternal affection. He TRANSLATI.ON
attracts the minds of the male in the humors of servitude and friendship.
The word hari conveys various meanings, but the chief import of the Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, son of Sn,a Vyasadeva, was not only transcen
word is that He (the Lord) vanquishes everything inauspicious and takes dentally powerful. He was also very dear to the devotees of the Lord.
away the mind of the devotee by awarding pure transcendental love. By Thus he underwent the study of this great narration [ Srimad-Bhagavatam ] .
334 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 7 Text 1 2 ] The Son o f Drol).a Punished 335
historical facts. Srimad-Bhiigavatam is thus recommended by Lord Sri yadii when ; mrdhe in the battlefield ; kaurava-the party of Dhrtara�tra;
- -
the activities of the Lord narrated in the Tenth Canto without first obtained; vrkoda ra - Bhima (the second Pa��ava) ; iividdha- beaten ; gadii
understanding the primary cantos. They are under the false i mpression by the club ; abhimarsa- lamenting; bhagna- broken ; urudafl fla- spinal
that the other cantos are not concerned with Krsna and thus more cord ; dhrtarii§!ra-putre-the son of King Dhftara�tra; bhartu[t-of the
foolishly than intelligently take to th � reading of th� Tenth Canto. These master; priyam-pleasing; drau[lift -the son of Dro�acarya; iti-thus; sma
readers are specifically told herein that the other cantos of the Bhiigavatam shall be; pasyan- seeing; kr§nii- Draupadi; sutiiniim-of the sons; svapatiim
are as important as the Tenth Canto. No one should try to go into the while sleeping; siriirhsi-heads; upiiharat- delivered as a prize ; vipriyam
matters of the Tenth Canto without having thoroughly understood the pleasing; eva- like; tasya- his; jugupsitam- most heinous ; karma-act ;
purport of the other nine cantos. K��IJa and His pure devotees like the vigarhayanti- disapproving.
Pa��avas are on the same plane. Kr�IJa is not without His devotees of all
the rasas, and the pure devotees like the Pa��avas or others are not TRANSLATION
without Kr��a. The devotees and the Lord are interlinked, and they cannot
be separated. Therefore talks about them are all K[§[la-kathii, or topics of When the respective warriors of both camps, namely the Kauravas and
the Lord . the Pandavas, were killed on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra and the dead
warrio;s obtained their deserved destinations, and �hen the son of
TEXTS 1 3-1 4 Dhrtara�tra fell down lamenting, his spine broken, being beaten by the club
of Bhlmasena, the son of Dro�acarya [ Asvatthama] beheaded the five
� � €fii��41� sleeping sons of Draupadi and delivered them as a prize to his master,
'4'H*4?:tl tffiqRt rr�,; 1 foolishly thinking that he would he pleased. Duryodhona, however, disap
" � "" t' proved of the heinous act, and he was not pleased in the least.
��� �� � � � � I I PURPORT
�: &ti itforRRI � �
Transcendental topics on the activities of Lord Sri Kr��a in the Srimad
ii�l�i � roufu I Bhiigavatam begin from the end of the Battlefield of Kuruk�etra where the
, ""
� Lord Himself spoke about Himself in the Bhagavad-gitii. Therefore,
�Rtcr ctiaf f�� I I � 'dll both the Bhagavad-gitii and Srimad-Bhiigavatam are transcendental topics
of Lord Kr��a. The Gitii is Kr§fla-kathii, or topiCs of Kr��a, because it is
yada mrdhe kaurava-sriijayiiniirh spoken by the Lord, and the Bhiigavatam is also Kn[la-kathii because it is
vire§V atho vira-gatirh gate§U spoken about the Lord . Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted everyone
vrk odariividdha-gadiib h imarsa to be informed of both K{ft)a-kathiis by His order. Lord Kr�IJa Caitanya
bhagn oruda[I.f[e dhrtarii§tra-putre is Kr��a Himself in the garb of a devotee of Kr��a, and therefore the ver
sions of both Lord Kr��a and Sri Kr��a Caitanya Mahaprabhu are identical.
bhartu� priyarh drau[ iti sma pasyan Lord Caitanya desired that all who are born in India seriously understand
krgtii-sutiiniirh svapatiirh siriirhsi such K[§[la-kathiis and then after full realization preach the transcendental
upiiharad vipriyam eva tasya message to everyone in all parts of the world. That will bring about the
jugupsitarh ka rma vigarhayanti desired peace and prosperity of the stricken world.
338 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 7 Text 1 7) The Son of DroJ;ta Punished 339
6GJ(;C{'{i"4(�q��l- TRANSLATION
ffl ��� f?ht\t!4it�l I I � �II
0 gentle lady, when I present you with the head of that brahmapa,
mata siSunam nidhanam sutanam after beheading him with arrows from my Gii!l�iva bow, I shall then wipe
niSamya ghoram paritapyamana the tears from your eyes and pacify you. Then, after burning your sons'
tadarudad va�pa-kaliikulak�i bodies, you can take your bath standing on his head.
anvadravat-followed ; darhsita[l.-being protected by Kavaca; ugra-dhanvii by his daughter and began to follow her, which infuriated Siva, who
equipped with furious weapons; kapi-dhvaja[l.-Arjuna; guru-putram-the attacked Brahma with his trident. Brahmaji fled in fear of his life. As far
son of the martial teacher; rathena-getting on the chariot. as arka is concerned, there is a reference in the Vamana Purana. There was
a demon by the name Vidyunmali who was gifted with a giowing golden
TRANSLATION airplane which travelled to the back of the sun , and night disappeared
because of the glowing effulgence of this plane. Thus the sun-god became
Arjuna, who is guided by the infallible Lord as friend and driver, thus angry, and with his virulent rays he melted the plane. This enraged Lord
satisfied the dear lady by such statements. Then he dressed in armor and Siva. Lord Siva then attacked the sun-god, who fled away and at last fell
armed himself with furious weapons, and getting into his chariot, he set down at Kasi (Vara!lasi), and the place became famous as Lolarka.
out to follow Asvatthama, the son of his martial teacher.
TEXT 1 9
. "
'Qfi:I�I(OI ��� I
�� ij" �� � q iliR�il � 3W� f�"R�: � � � ���
�tWl�lU\Wfi \� I iitmiinam
q���llf'R�� aik�ata sriinta-viijinam
astrarh brahma-siro mene
� �: �� ��� � iitma-trii r.arh dvijiitma-ja[l.
tam iipatantarh sa vilak�ya diiriit
kumiira-hodvigna-manii rathena yadii-when; asarar-am-without being alternatively protected; iitmiinam
pariidravat priirw-paripsur urvyiirh -his own self; aik§ata-saw; sriinta-viijinam-the horses being tired; astram
yiivad-gamarh ru,dra-bhayiid yathiirka[l. -weapon; brahma-sira[l.-the topmost or ultimate (nuclear); mene-applied; to save himself; dvija-iitma-ja[l.-the son of a briihmar.a.
tam-him; iipatantam-com ing over furiously; sa[!.- he ; vilak�ya- seeing;
diiriit-from a distance; kumiira-hii-the murderer of the princes; udvigna TRANSLATION
manii[l.- disturbed in mind; rathena-on the chariot; pariidravat-fled;
priir-a-life; paripsu[l.-for protecting; urvyiim-with great speed; yiivat When the son of the brahm�a [ A8vatthama] saw that his horses were
gamam-as he fled; rudra-bhayiit-by fear of Siva; yathii-as; ka[l.- Brahm a tired, he considered that there was no alternative for protection outside
(or arka-Siirya). his using the ultimate weapon, the brahmastra [ nuclear weapon ] .
Asvatthama, the murderer of the princes, seeing from a great distance
In the ultimate issue only, when there is no other alternative, the
Arjuna coming at him with great speed, fled in his chariot, panic-stricken,
nuclear weapon called the brahmiistra is applied. The word dvijatma-jaft is
just to save his life, as Brahma fled in fear from Siva.
significant here because Asvatthama, although the son of Dro!lacarya, was
not exactly a qualified brahmar.a. The most intelligent man is called a
briihmar.a, and it is not an hereditary title. Asvatthama was also formerly
According to the reading matter, either ka[l. or arka, there are two called the brahma-bandhu or the friend of a b rahma"{la. Being a friend of a
references in the Ka[l. means Brahina, who once became allured b riihma"{la does not mean that one is brahma"{la by qualification. A friend
342 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 ; Ch. 7 Text 22] The Son of Drot;ta Punished 343
or son of a briihmar-a, when fully qualified, can be called a briihmar-a and tata[l- thereafter; priidu§krtam- disseminated; teja[l.- glare; pracar�am
not otherwise. Since Asvatthiimli's decision is immature, he is purposely fierce ; sarvata(l- all around; disam- directions; p riin ii-padam- affecting life;
called herein the son of a briihmar-a. ab h ip re k§ya- having observed it; vi§r-um- unto the Lord; ji§r- u�- Arjuna;
uviica--said; ha-in the past.
31�� m� �� ��: 1
Thereupon a glaring light spread in all directions, and it was so fierce
��wriiRf�R SIIUit�i! �� l l � o lt that Arjuna thought his own life in danger, and so he began to address
ath opasprsya salilam Lord Sri Kr�!la.
sandadhe tat samiihita�
ajiinann api samhiiram .TEXT 22
priira-krcchra upasthite
� �tlR
atha thus; upasprsya- touching in sanctity; salilam- water; sandadhe �&nit �� I
�'iUJ �'iUJ
chanted the hymns; tat-that; samiihita[l- being in concentration ; ajiinan
without knowing; api-although ; samhiiram-withdrawal; priira-krcchra
� �q'"''"'sm �: � � ��"
life being put into danger; upasthite-being placed in such a position. arjuna uviica
kr§r-a knr-a mahii-biiho
TRANSLATION bhak tiiniim abhayankara
Since his life was in danger, he touched water in sanctity and con tvam eko dahya-miiniiniim
centrated upon the chanting of the hymns for throwing nuclear weapons, apavargo'si samsrte[l
although he did not know how to withdraw such weapons.
arjuna[l. uviica- Arjuna said; knTJa-0 L�rd Kr��Ja; mahii-biih o� He who
Arjuna said: 0 my Lord Sri .Kf�!la, You are the almighty Personality of
TEXT 2 1
Godhead. There is no limit to Your different energies. Therefore only You
are competent to instill fearlessness in the hearts of Your devotees. Every
mr : srqo� ���I{ 1
,.,sur7l§.tt;l:'!!r�..;d �.j{: one in the flames of material miseries can find the path of liberation in
51101'114� �� � ftl�::JR ( I I � �. I I You only. ·
both of them were present. Therefore, Arjuna's version of Lord Kr�rta is is just like the sun, and miiyii or material existence is just like darkness.
authoritative. Kr�rta is almighty and ·is especially the cause of fearlessness Wherever there is the light of the sun , darkness or ignorance at once
for the devotees. A devotee of the Lord is always fearless because of the vanishes. The best means to get out of the world of ignorance is suggested
protection given by the Lord. Material existence is something like a here. The Lord is addressed herein as the original Personality of Godhead.
blazing fire in the forest, which can be extinguished by the mercy From Him all other Personalities of Godhead expand. The all-pervasive
of the Lord Sri Kr�!J.a. The spiritual master is the mercy representative Lord Vi�!J.U is Lord Kr�!la's plenary portion or expansion. The Lord
of the Lord. A person, therefore, burning in the flames of material exist expands Himself in innumerable forms of Godhead and living beings,
ence, may receive the rains of mercy of the Lord through the transparent along with His different energies. But Sri Kr�!la is the original pri
medium of the self-realized spiritual master. The spiritual master by his meval Lord from whom everything emanates. The all-pervasive feature
words can penetrate into the heart of the suffering person and inject of the Lord experienced within the manifested world is also a partial
knowledge transcendental, which alone can extinguish the fire of material representation of the Lord. Paramatma is, therefore, included within
existence. Him. He is the Absolute Personality of Godhead. He has nothing to do
with the actions and reactions of the material manifestation because He is
TEXT 23 far above the material creation. Darkness is a perverse representation of
the sun, and therefore the existence of darkness depends on the existence
�: ��: ��: !fii�: q�: I of the sun, but in the sun proper there is no trace of darkness. As the sun
��f����3TR�f..-�� is full of light only, similarly the Absolute Personality of Godhead, beyond
the material existence, is full of bliss. He is not only full of bliss, but also
tvam iidyalz puru�alz sak�iid full of transcendental variegatedness. Transcendence is not at all static,
iSvaralz prakrtelz paralz hut full of dynamic variegatedness. He is distinct from the material nature
miiyiim vyudasya cicchaktyii which is complicated by the three modes of material nature. He is parama,
kaivalye sthita iitmani or the chief. Therefore He is absolute. He has manifold energies, and
through His diverse energies He creates, manifests, maintains and destroys
tvam iidyalz- You are the original; puru§a"{l. -the enjoying personality ; the material world. In His own abode, however, everything is eternal and
siik§iit- directly ; iSvaralz- the controller; prakrte[l.-of material nature; absolute. The world is not conducted by the energies or powerful agents
parafi.-transcendental; miiyiim-the material energy ; vyudasya-one who by themselves, but by the potent all-powerful with all energies.
has thrown aside ; cicchak tyii-by dint of internal potency ; kaivalye-in
pure eternal knowledge and bliss; sthitaft- placed; atmani-own self. TEXT 24
�Ril� l{llmllfm�: 1
You are the original Personality of Godhead who expands Himself R� � qJifot � 1:p��'l. 11��11
all over the creations and is transcendental to material energy. you have
cast away the effects of the material energy by dint of Your spiritual sa eva jiva-lokasya
potency. You are always situated in eternal bliss and transcendental miiyii-mo hita-ce tasalz
knowledge. vidhatse svena virye!la
sreyo dharmiidi-lak�a!lam
The Lord states in the Bhagavad-gitii that one who surrenders unto the safl-that Transcendence; eva- certainly ; jiva-lokasya-of the conditioned
lotus feet of the Lord can get release from the clutches of nescience. Kr�rta living beings; miiyii-mohita-captivated by the illusory energy ; ce tasafz-by
346 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto l , Ch. 7 Text 26] The Son of Drol}.a Punished 347
And yet, though You are beyond the purview of the material energy, PURPORT
You execute the four principles of liberation characterized by religion and It appears that the Lord is partial to His devotees. Everyone is related
so on for the ultimate good of the conditioned souls. with the Lord. He is equal to everyone, and yet He is more inclined to His
own men and devotees. The Lord is everyone's father. No one can be His
PURPORT father, and yet no one can be His son. His devotees are His kinsmen, and
His devotees are His relations. This is His transcendental pastime. It has
The Personality of Godhead Sri Kr�p.a out of His causeless mercy nothing to do with mundane ideas of relations, fatherhood or anything
descends on the manifested world without being influenced by the material like that. As mentioned above, the Lord is above the modes of material
modes of nature. He is eternally beyond the material manifestations. He nature, and thus there is nothing mundane about His kinsmen and relations
descends out of His causeless mercy only to reclaim the fallen souls who in devotional service.
are captivated by the illusory energy. They are attacked by the material
energy, and they want to enjoy her under false pretexts, although in
essence the living entity is unable to enjoy . He is eternally the servitor of
� M�6I m �� Wf �� �
the Lord, and when he forgets this position he thinks of enjoying the
material world, but factually he is in illusion. The Lord descends to eradi ���Affir �: 'R��IJf'l_ II�� I I
cate this false sense of enjoyment and thus reclaim conditioned souls back
kimidam svit kuto veti
to Godhead. That is the all-merciful nature of the Lord for the fallen souls.
deva-deva na vedmy aham
saroato-mukham iiyiiti
TEXT 25 tejaft parama diiru{1am
� �1� wTI ��� I kim-what is; idam-this; svit-does it come; kutaft-wherefrom; veti
be either; deva-deva- 0 Lord of lords; na- not; vedmi-do I know; aham
� �AT�"llRN :qJ�<�_ ll�ltli I; sarvataft-all around; mukham-directions; iiyiiti-coming from ; tejaft
effulgence; parama- very much ; diiru{1am-dangerous.
tathiiyam ciivatiiras te
bhuvo bhiira-jihir§ayii TRANSLATION
sviiniim ciinanya-bhiiviin am
anudhyiiniiya ciisakrt 0 Lord of lords, how is it that this dangerous effulgence is spreading
all around? Where does it come from? I do not understand it.
tathii-thus; ayam-this; ca- and; avatiiraft-incarnation ; te- Your;
bhuvaft-of the material world; bhiira-burden; jihi�ayii-for removing;
sviiniim-of the friends; ca ananya-bhiiviiniim-and of the exclusive devo Anything that is presented before the Personality of Godhead should be
tees; anudhyiiniiya-for remembering repeatedly ; ca-and ; asakrt- fully
so done after due presentation of respectful prayers. That is the standard
348 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 7 Text 28 ] The Son of Dro1,1a Punished 349
procedure, and S ri Arjuna, although an intimate friend of the Lord, is it has a direct relationship with the spiritual method, which is still subtler.
observing this method for general information. A chanter of hymns knew how to apply the weapon as well as how to
retract it. That was perfect knowledge. But the son of Drol)iiCiirya, who
TEXT 27 made use of this subtle science, did not know how to retract. He applied
it, being afraid of his imminent death, and thus the practice was not only
mwrcu�� improper but also irreligious. As a son of a briihmarza he should not have
made so many mistakes, and for such gross negligence of duty he was to
�� ��� ;J� �� I be punished by the Lord Himself.
�oo � �'R miJRT'c1 �ij 1 1 �\91 1
sri bhagavii.n
&:::; c:'
vetthedarh dror;w-putrasya
brii.hmam-astrarh pradarsitam
W{ tU
• 1m +4
1tfil�� ��I{
,.... •
naiviisau veda sarhhii.rarh �� 13?14\+i(%4� m�m � � �� � �
priir;w-bii.dha upasthite
na hy asyiinyatamarh kincid
sri bh agavii.n- the Supreme Personality of Godhead; uviica-said; vettha astrarh praty avakarsanam
just know from Me; idam- this; drorza-putrasya- of the son of Drop.a; jahy astra-teja unnaddham
astra-jno hy astra-tejasii
briihmam astram- hymns of the brii.hma (nuclear) weapon; pradaditam
exhibited; na-not; eva-even; asau-he; veda-know it ; sarhhiiram-retrac
tion; priirza-bii.dhe-extinction of life; upasthithe- being imminent. na-not; hi- certainly; asya- of it; anyatamam-other; kincit- anything;
astram-weapon; prati-counter; avakarsanam-reactionary ; jahi-subdue
TRANSLATION it; astra-teja[l-the glare of this weapon; unnaddham- very powerful;
astra-jna[l-0 expert in military science; hi-as a matter of fact; astra-tejasii
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Know from Me that this is -by the influence of your weapon.
the act of the son of Dro�a. He has thrown the hymns of nuclear energy
[ brahmastra ] , and he does not know how to retract the glare. He has TRANSLATION
helplessly done this, being afraid of imminent death.
0 Arjuna, only another brahmastra can counteract this weapon. Since
PURPORT yo.u are expert in the military science, subdue this weapon's glare with
your own weapon.
The brahmii.stra is similar to the modern nuclear weapon manipulated
by atomic energy. The atomic energy works wholly on total combusti PURPORT
bility, and so the brahmiistra also acts. It creates an intolerable heat similar
to atomic radiation, but the difference is that the atomic bomb is a gross For the atomic bombs there is no counterweapon to neutralize the
type of nuclear weapon, whereas the brahmii.stra is a subtle type of weapon effects. But by subtle science the action of a brahmii.stra can be counter
produced by chanting hymns. It is a different science, and in the days gone acted , and those who were expert in the military science in those days
by such science was cultivated in the land of Bharatavar�a. The subtle could counteract the brahmiistra. The son of Drop.acarya did not know the
science of chanting hymns is also material, but it has yet to be known by art of counteracting the weapon, and therefore Arjuna was asked to
the modern material scientists. Subtle material science is not spiritual, but counteract it by the power of his own weapon.
350 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 7 Text 3 1 ] The Son of DrOI:t.a Punished 351
silta uviica The heat created by the flash of a brahmastra resembles the fire in the
srutvii bhagavatii proktam sun globe which is exhibited at the time of cosmic annihilation. The radia
phiilguna[l. paravirahii tion of atomic energy is very insignificant in comparison to the heat
spntviipas tam parikramya produced by a brahmastra. The atomic bomb explosion can at utmost
briihmarh briihmiistrarh sandadhe blow up one glo� e, �ut �he heat produce? by the brahmastra can destroy
the whole cosmic situatiOn. The companson is, therefore, made to the
s il ta[l.- Suta Gosvami; uviica-said ; srutvii-after hearing; bhagavatii
heat at the time of annihilation.
b y the Personality of Godhead; proktam- what was said; phiilguna[l.
TEXT 3 1
another name of Sri Arjuna; paravirahii- the killer of the opposing warrior ; �
spr§!vii- after touching; apa"{l. -water; tam Him ; pa rikramya- circumam
�,jJ� �)�r�� �� I
o n ; sandadhe-acted on. �'lt;:n: 3J�iH �: ijjq��ml I I � � I I
TRANSLATION dr$tv§;stra-tejas tu tayos
tnl lokiin pradahan mahat
Sri Suta Gosvami said: Hearing this from the Personality of Godhead, dahyamana[l. prajii[l. sarvii�
Arjuna touched water for purification, and after circumambulating Lord siimvartakam amamsata
Sri Kr��a, he cast his brahmastra weapon to counteract the other one. dntvii- thus seeing; astra- weapon; teja[l.- heat ; tu- but ; tayo[l.- of both;
trin-three; lok iin planets; pradahat- blazing; mahat -severely ; dahya
TEXT 30 mii na[l.- burning; prajii[l.- population; sarvii[l.-all over; siiriwartakam- the
name of the fire which devastates during the. annihilation of the universe;
amamsata- began to think.
tejasi sara-samvrte All the population of the three worlds was scorched by the combined
iiv[tya rodasi kham ca heat of the weapons. Everyone was reminded of the samvartaka fire which
vavrdhiite 'rka-vahnivat takes place at the time of annihilation.
rodasi-·the complete firmament; kham ca-outer space also; vavrdhiite The three worlds are the upper, lower and the intermediate planets of
increasing; arka-the sun globe; vahnivat-like fire .
the universe. Although the brahmiistra was released on this earth, the heat
352 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1, Ch. 7
Text 34 ] The Son of Drol).a Punished 353
produced by the combination of both weapons covered all the universe, once. Similarly, there are many agents of the all-powerful Lord, and by
and all the populations on all the different planets began to feel the heat His will only can one execute what He desires.
excessively and compared it with that of the samvartaka fire. No planet is,
therefore, without living beings, as less intelligent materialistic men think. TEXT 33
tion of the Lord, as it is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gitii. The Lord says ""1ii:r.:
SI17 l��
there that natural laws._ work under His supervision. The world can be sibiriiya nini§antarh
destroyed only by the will of the Lord and not by the whims of tiny rajjava baddhva ripum baliit
politicians. Lord Sri Kr�!!a desired that the weapons released by both
priihiirjunam prakupito
Drau�i and Arjuna be withdrawn, and it was carried out by Arjuna at bhagaviin ambujek�ar-a�
354 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1, Ch. 7 Text 36 ] The Son of Drm:ta Punished 355
sibiriiya-on the way to the military camp; nini§antam-while bringing TRANS LATION
him ; rajjava-by the ropes ; baddhva-bound up ; ripum- the enemy ; balat
by force; priiha-said; arjunam-unto Arjuna; prakupita�-in an angry Lord Sri Kr�11a said: 0 Arjuna, you should not show mercy by re
mood ; bhagaviin- the Personality of Godhead ; arnbuja-lk�ar-a�-who looks leasing this relative of a brahmana l brahma-bandhu ] , for he has killed
with His lotus eyes.
After binding Asvatthama, Arjuna wanted to take him to the military The word brah '!"a-bandhu is significant . A person who happens to take
. th m
bir _ th e family of a briihmar-a but is not qualified to be called a
camp. The Personality of Godhead Sri Kmta, looking on with His lotus . addressed as the relative of a briihmana, and not as a
brahmar-a IS
eyes, spoke to angry Arjuna.
briihmar-a. The son of a high court judge is not virtually � high court judge,
� !l�ij� �R ��� fW.i ili:Sf{_ I
� � �rij � ft� �cr �l{f.rq_ 1 1 � � 1 1
mattam pramattam unmattam
mainam piirthiirhasi triitum suptam biilam striyam ja!fam
brahma-bandhum imam jahi prapannarh viratham bhitam
yo 'siivaniigasa� suptiin na ripum hanti dh arma-vi t
avadhin niSi biilakiin
mattam-careless; pramattam- in toxicated; unmattam- insane ; suptam
mii enam-never unto him ; piirtha-0 Arjuna; arhasi-ought to; triitum asleep ; � iilam-boy ; striyam--woman; ja¢am-foolish; prapannam-surren
give release; brahma-bandhum-a relative of a briihmar-a; imam-him; jahi dered ; Vlratham-:-one who has lost his chariot; bh'itam-afraid of; na-not;
kill ; ya�-he (who has) ; asau-those; aniigasalt-faultless; suptiin-while rip�':" -enemy ; hanti-kill ; dharma-vit-one who knows the pri nciples of
sleeping; avadhit-killed; nisi-at night; biilakiin-the boys. rehgwn.
-- -- - -
356 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto 1 , Ch. 7 Text 38] The Son of DroQ.a Punished 357
TRANS LATION person by a life sentence in order to save a cruel person from goi ng to hell .
That a murderer is condemned to a life sentence by the state is good for
A person who knows the principles of religion does not kill an enemy the culprit because in his next life he will not have to suffer for his act of
who is careless, intoxicated, insane, asleep, afraid or devoid of his chariot. murder. Such a life sentence for the murderer is the lowest possible
Nor does he kill a boy, a woman, a foolish creature or a surrendered soul. punishment offered to him, and it is said in the smrti sastras that men who
are punished by the king on the principle of a life for a life are purified
PURPORT of all their sins, so much so that they may be eligible for being promoted
to the planets of heaven. According to Manu, the great author of civic
An enemy who does not resist i� never killed by a warrior who knows
codes and religious principles, even the killer of an animal is to be
the principles of religion . Formerly ba ttles were fought on the principles
of religion and not for the sake of sense gratification. If the enemy hap considered a murderer because animal food is never meant for the civilized
pened to be intoxicated, asleep, etc., as above mentioned, he was never to man, whose prime duty is to prepare himself for going back to Godhead.
be killed . These are some of the codes of religious war. Formerly war was He says that in the act of killing an animal, there is a regular conspiracy by
never declared by the whims of selfish political leaders, but it was carried the party of sinners, and all of them are liable to be punished as murderers
out on religious principles free from all vices. Violence carried out on exactly like a party of conspirators who kill a human being combinedly.
religious principles is far superior to so-called nonviolence. He who gives permission, he who kills the animal, he who sells the
slaughtered animal, he who cooks the animal, he who administers dis
TEXT 37 tribution of the foodstuff, and at last he who eats such cooked animal
food are all murderers, and all of them are liable to be punished by the
((CS(lllll� tf: q-oour : ��Uffi�UT: �-: I
laws of nature. No one can create a living being despite all advancement
of material science, and therefore no one has the right to kill a living
�:J� � itm �"'rlftm��: �'�l'i. 11�\911 being by one's independent whims. For the animal eaters, the scriptures
sva-pral)an yaft parapraflaift
have sanctioned restricted animal sacrifices only, and such sanctions are
prapu$ [taty aghrrwft khalaft
there just to restrict the opening of slaughterhouses and not to encourage
tad-vadhas tasya hi sreyo
animal killing. The procedure under which animal sacrifice is allowed
yad do�ad yaty adhaft puman in the scriptures is good both for the animal sacrificed and the animal
eaters. It is good for the animal in the sense that the sacrificed animal
sva-priirtiin-one 's own life ; ya[t-one who ; parapriirtaift-at the cost of is at once promoted to a human form of life after b�ing sacrificed
others' lives; prapu�ruzti-maintains properly ; aghnwft--shamele ss; khalaft at the altar, and the animal eater is saved from grosser types of sins
wretched; tat-vadhaft-killing of him ; tasya-his ; hi-certainly ; sreya[l (eating meats supplied by organized slaughterhouses which are ghastly
well-being; yat-by which ; do�at-by the fault; yati-goes; adhafr,- down places for breeding all kinds of material afflictions to society, country and
wards; puman-a person. to the people in general). The material world is itself a place always full of
anxieties, and by encouraging animal slaughter the whole atmosphere
TRANSLATION becomes polluted more and more by war, pestilence, famine and many
other unwanted calamities.
A cruel and wretched person who maintains his existence at the cost
of others' lives deserves to be killed for his own well-being, otherwise he
will go down by his own actions.
�Rr� � +rffi '{1�1� ��ffl l{l{ l
A life for a life is just punishment for a person who cruelly and shame
lessly lives at the cost of another's life. Political morality is to punish a 3ltm� f� � �f;{f;( � 11��11
358 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto l , Ch. 7 Text 40 ] The Son of Drol).a Punished 359
pratiSmtam ca bhavata joined the enemy camp, he was still held always in respect, for the
paficiilyai snwato mama Piil)9avas and Arjuna saluted him before beginning the fight. There was
iihar�ye §iras tasya nothing wrong in that way. But the son of DroJ)iiCiirya degraded himself
yas te miinini putra-hii by committing acts which are never done by the dvijas or the twice-born
higher castes. Asvatthama, the son of Drol)iiciirya, committed murder by
p ra tiS m tam-it is promised; ca-and ; bhavatii- by you ; pan calyai- unto killing the five sleeping sons of Draupadi, by which he dissatisfied his
the daughter 'Of the king of Paficala (Draupadi) ; s nw ata[t-which was master Duryodhana, who never approved of the heinous act of killing
heard ; mama-by Me personally ; iiha �ye-must I bring; sira[t-the head; the five sleeping sons of the Piil)9avas. This means that Asvatthiima became
tasya-of him ; ya[t-whom ; te-your; miinini- consider ; pu t ra-hii- the as assaulter of Arjuna's own family members, and thus he was liable to be
killer of your sons. punished by him. In the §iistras, he who attacks without notice or kills
from behind or sets fire to another's house or kidnaps one's wife is
TRANSLATION condemned to death. These facts are reminded by Kf�J)a to Arjuna so that
he might take notice of them and do the needful.
Furthermore, I have personally heard you promise Draupadi that you
would bring forth the head of the killer of her sons.
� �etFX
���T q'.:�ijf qyq 3TRfffl"T.�� I �ef m�at l:Tij qy�: <fitUifl �l�il: I
�� m!Ft em: 1i� ��'lf«'{: ����� � ��0(.-fX �cf �Qt�l�+t� � l l � o l l
tad asau vadhyatiim piipa
iitatiiyy iit ma-bandhu-hii sfita uvaca
bhartus ca vipriyam vira evam pank§ata dharmam
krtaviin kula-pamsana[t piirtha[t kmtena codita[t
naicchadd han tum gum-sutam
tat-therefore; asau- this man; vadhyata m -will be killed; piipa[t-the yadyapy atma-hanam mahan
sinner; iitatayi-assau lter; iitma-own ; bandhu-hii- killer of sons; bhartu[t
of the master; ca-also ; vip riyam-having not satisfied ; vira-0 warrior; sfi ta[t-S u ta Gosvami; uvaca-said; evam- t his ; pank§ata-being exam
krtavan-one who has done it; kula-pamsana[t - the burnt remnants of the ined; darmam-in the matter of duty ; piirtha[t - Sri Arjuna ; k r� r- ena- by
family. Lord Kr�l)a; codita[t-being encouraged ; na aicchat- did not like; hantum
to kill; gu m-su tam - the son of his teacher; yadyapi- although ; iitma-hanam
-murderer of sons; mahan-very great.
This man is an assassin and murderer of your own family members.
Not only that, but he has also dissatisfied his master. He is but the burnt
remnants of his family. Kill him immediately. TRANSLATION
Suta Gosvami said: Despite being instructed in his duty and encouraged
The son of Drol)iiciirya is condem ned here as the burnt remnants of his to kill the son of Dro�acarya, Arjuna, a great soul, did not like the idea of
family. The good name of Drol)iiciirya is very much respected. Although he killing him, although he was a heinous murderer of his family members.
360 Sr!mad-Bhagavatam [Canto 1 , Ch. 7 Text 42 ) The Son of Drol).a Punished 361
PURPORT His dearmost friend. Every living being is thus related with the Supreme
Lord by some sort of affectionate relation, either as servant or as friend or
Arjuna was a great soul undoubtedly, which is proved here also. He is as parent or as an object of conjugal love. Everyone thus can enjoy the
encouraged herein personally by the Lord to kill the son of D ro!la, but company of the Lord in the spiritual realm if one at all desires and
Arjuna considers that the son of his great teacher should be spared, for he sincerely tries for it by the process of bhakti-yoga.
happens to be the son of Dro!lacarya , even though he is an unworthy son.
He had done all sorts of heinous acts whimsically for no one's benefit. TEXT 42
Lord Sri Kr�!la encouraged Arjuna outwardly just to test Arjuna's sense
of duty. It is not that Arjuna was incomplete in the sense of his duty, nor ij�Sswf q� � q��-
was Lord Sri Kr�!la unaware of Arjuna's sense of duty. But Lord Sri Kr�!la �TS.__� tli�����
put to test many of His pure devotees just to magnify the sense of duty.
The gopis were put to such tests as well. Prahlada Maharaja also was put f"lU�1.f �tll"lm.5� w.1: �d
to such a test. All pure devotees come out successful in the respective �HI��l'H �� ;r.{l+f � I I IJ � I I
tests by the Lord.
tathii "hrtarit pasuvat piisa-baddham
TEXT 4 1 aviih-mukham karma-jugupsitena
nin7£§ya kr�TJ.iipakrtam guro� sutam
3l� ��t ;ft�rn�m�: 1 viima-sva-bhiivii krpayii naniima ca
�tRt tw.rAm�t3lR�Fl�l l\1 � 11
tathii-thus ; iihrtam-brought in; pasuvat-like an animal; piisa-baddham
athopetya sva-sibir� m -tied up with ropes ; aviin-mukham- without a word in his mouth ; karma
govinda-priya-siirathi{t -activities; jugupsitena-being heinous; nirik�ya-by seeing; kr�TJ.ii-
nyavedayattam priyiiyai Draupadi; apakrtam-the doer of the degrading; guro�- the teacher;
socantyii iitma-jiin hatiin sutam-son ; viima-beautiful; sva-bhiivii-nature ; k.rpayii-out of compas
sion ; naniima-offered obeisances; ca-and.
atka-thereafter; upetya-having reached ; sua-own ; sibiram-camp;
govinda-one who enlivens the senses (Lord Sri Kr�l).a) ; priya- dear; TRANSLATION
siirath ift-the chari oteer ; nyavedayat-entrusted to ; tam-him ; priyiiyai
unto the dear; socantyii-lamenting for; iitma-jiin-own sons; hatiin Sri Siita Gosvami said: Draupadi then saw Asvatthiima, who was bound
murdered. with ropes like an animal and silent for having enacted the most inglorious
murder. Due to her female nature, and due to her being naturally good and
TRANSLATION well-behaved, she showed him due respects as a brahmal)a.
After reaching his own camp, Arjuna, along with his dear friend and
charioteer [ Sri Kr�l)a] , entrusted the murderer unto his dear wife, who PURPORT
was lamenting for her murdered sons.
A.Svatthama was condemned by the Lord Himself, and he was treated
PURPORT by Arju na just like a culprit, not like the son of a briihmara or teacher. But
when he was brought before Srimati Draupadi, she, although begrieved
The transcendental relation of Arjuna with Kr�!Ia is of the dearmost for the murder of her sons, and although the murderer was present before
friendship. In the Bhagavad-gitii the Lord Himself has claimed Arjuna as her, could not withdraw the due respect generally offered to a briihmarza
362 Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto l , Ch. 7 Text 44 ] The Son of Drot:ta Punished 363
or to the son of a briihma[la. This is due to her mild nature as a woman. PURPORT
The woman as a class is no better than a boy, and therefore, they have no
discriminatory power like a man. Asvatthama proved himself to be an As soon as Asvatthama was brought before Draupadl, she thought it
unworthy son of Drol)iicarya or of a b riihmal)a, and for this reason he was intolerable that a briihma1).a should be arrested like a culprit and brought
condemned by the greatest authority Lord Sri Kr�J)a, and yet a mild before her in that condition, especially when the briihmti!W happened to
woman could not withdraw her natural courtesy for a briihmal)a. be a teacher's son.
Even to date, in a Hindu family a woman shows proper respect to the Arjuna arrested Asvatthama knowing perfectly well that he was the son
brahma[la caste, however fallen and heinous a brahma-bandhu may be. of Drol)iicarya. Kr�':la also knew him to be so , but both of them condemned
But the men have begun to protest against brahma-bandhus who are born the murderer without consideration of his being the son of a briihma1).a.
in families of good briihmal)as but by action are less than siidras. According to revealed scriptures, a teacher or spiritual m·aster is liable to
The specific word used in this sloka is viima sva-bhavii, mild and gentle be rejected if he proves himself unworthy of the position of a guru or
by nature. A good man or woman accepts any thing very easily, but a spiritual master. A guru is called also an iiciirya, or a person who has
man of average intelligence does not do so. But anyway, we should not personally assimilated all the essence of siistras and has helped his disciples
give up our reason and discriminatory power just to be gentle. One must to adopt the ways. Asvatthama failed to discharge the duties of a briihma1).a
have good discriminatory power to ju dge a thing on its merit. We should or teacher, and therefore he was liable to be rej ected from the exalted
not follow the mild nature of a woman and thereby accept that which is position of a b riihmal)a. On this consideration, both Lord Sri Kr�':la and
not genuine. Asvatthama may be respected by a good-natured woman, Arjuna were right in condemning Asvatthama. But to a good lady like
but that does not mean that he is as good as a genuine briihmar;w. Draupadl, the matter was considered not from the angle of siistric vision,
but as a matter of custom. By custom , Asvatthama was offered the same
respect as was offered to his father. It was so because generally the people
accept the son of a briihma1).a as a real briihmal)a, by sentim ent only.
Factually the matter is different. A briihmal)a is accepted on the merit
�:q �� �«�� �HIT I of qualification and not on the merit of simply being the son of a b riihmal)a.
iT;lf� i�mit'l �maTt f;:r� g�: � � ���� But in spite of all this, . Draupadl desired that Asvatthama be at once
released, and it was all the same a good sentiment for her. This means that
uviica ciisahanty asya a devotee of the Lord can tolerate all sorts of tribulation personally, but
bandhaniinayanam sati still such devotees are never u nkind to others, even to the enemy. These
mucyatiim mucyatiim e§a are the characteristics of one who is a pure devotee of the Lord.
briih ma1J.O nitariim guru[l
uviica-said; ca-and ; asahanti-being unbearable for her; asya-his;
bandhanii-being bound. up ; iinayanam-bringing him ; sati- the devoted; � �;r�: �N�Trffltrf£: I
mucyatiim-just get him released ; e §a[t - this ; briihma1).a{l-a b riihma1).a; 3l�ID'{� �troT f��� �!f� 11\?\?11
nitariim-our; gurutt- teacher.
sa-rahasyo dhanur-vedatt
TRANSLATION astra-griimas ca bhavatii
sik§ito yad-anugrahiit
She could not tolerate Asvatthama's being bound by ropes, and being
a devoted lady, she said: Release him, for he is a brahmru:ta, our spiritual sa rahasya[t confiden tial ; dhanutt-vedatt-knowledge in the art of ma
ling; astra-weapons ; griima�-al1 kinds of; ca-and ; bhavatii-by yourself; sa�L- he ; e�a�L- certainly ; bhagavii.n- lord ; dror.a�L- Dro� acarya; prajii
rii er-a-in the form of his son Asvatthiimii; v� rta �e- is_exis ti �1� ; ta sya- his :
sik$ita�-learned ; yat-by whose ; anugrah ii t- mercy of. .
ii.tmanah- of the body ; ardham-half; pat m- wi fe ; as t e - h vmg ; na- n o ,
TRA N S LATION anvaga t� under took ; v'iras ii[1. � h aving the son present; k rp'i- the sister of
It was by Drol)iicarya's mercy that you learned the military art of
throwing arrows and the confidential art of controlling weapons. TR A N S LATION
He [ Drottacarya ) is certainly still existing, being represented by his
PURPORT son. His wife Krpi did not undergo a sati with him because she had a son.
Dhanur-veda or military science was taught by Drol)iicarya with all its PURPORT
confidential secrets of throwing and controlling by Vedic hymns. Gross
military science is dependent on material weapons, but finer than that is The wife of Drol)iicarya, Krpi, is the sister of Krpacarya. A devoted
the art of throwing the arrows saturated with Vedic hymns, which act ,vife, who is according to revealed scripture the better half of her h� sban � ,
more effectively than gross material weapons like machine guns or atomic is justified to embrace voluntary death �long with h�r husba � d If . she IS
bombs. The control is by Vedic mantras, or the transcendental science of without issue. But in the case of the wife of D ro�1acarya, s.1e did not
sound. It is said in the Riimiiyar-a that Maharaj a Dasaratha, the father of undergo such a trial because sh� had h �r son, the representative ? f .her
husband. A widow is so called If there IS a son of her husband exi.,hng. �
Lord Sri Rama, used to control arrows by sound only. He could pierce his
target with his arrow by hearing the sound only, without seeing the So in either case Asvatthamii was the representative of Drottacarya, and ·
object. So this is a finer military science than that of the gross material therefore killing Asvatthama would be like killing Drottacarya. That was
military weapons used nowadays. Arjuna was taught all this, and therefore the argument of Draupadi against the killing of Asvatthama .
Draupadi wished that Arjuna feel obliged to .i\carya Drol)a for all these TEXT 46
benefits. And in the absence of Drattacarya, his son was the representative.
That was the opinion of the good lady D raupadi. It may be argued why � �ij �nwt ll���� �� I
D rottacarya, a rigid briih marw, should be a teacher in military science. �;{ �fu sn� '{:itf ��T�Offi : ll'd�ll
But the reply is that a briihmar-a should become a teacher, regardless of
what his department of knowledge is. A learned briihmar-a should become tad dharmajii.a
a teacher, a priest and a recipient of charity. A bona fide briihmar-a is bhavadbhir gauravam kulam
authorized to accept such professions. v.rjinam niirhati priiptum
piljyam vandyam abhiknwsa�
TEXT 45 tat-therefore; dharmajii.a- one who is aware of the principles of
religion; mahii.- b h aga -the m ost fortunate; bhavadbhi�-by � our goo � self;
gau ravam- glorified ; kulam-the family; V[jinam-: t� at W�� ch IS pamful;
�tf ll� itiJf: �� m 1
na-not ; arhati-does deserve; priiptu m- for obtammg; pujyam- th e wor
��;ft� q�.-41� ;n;:;mt�: �TII��II shipful; vandyam- respectful; abh ik$r-asafi. - c onstan tly.
Sympathetic good lady as she was, Srimati Draupadi did not want to siita uviica
put the wife of Dro�acarya in the same position of childlessness, both from dharmyarh nyayyarh sa-karur-arh
the point of motherly feelings as well as from the respectable position nirvyaiikarh samarh mahat
held by the wife of Drot•iicarya. riijii dharma-suto rajiiya�
pratyanandad vaco dvijiifl_
� siita� u vaca - Su ta Gosvam1 sai d ; dharmyam-just to the principles of
�: �� ilm�� ���T�ij'RlJT+r: I
..... ,..... . . � ,..... ,......,
Siita Gosvami said: 0, King Yud h h ira fully supported the The younger brothers of the King, N akula and Sahadeva and also
statements of the Queen, which were in accordance with the principles of Satyaki and Arjuna, the Personality of Godhead Lord Sn Kr�J}a, son of
religion and were justified, glorious, full of mercy and equity and were Devaki, and the ladies and others all unanimously agreed with the King.
without duplicity.
TEXT 5 1
� liT� �tr1'l CN : �: I
Maharaja Yudhi��hira, who was the son of Dharmaraja or Yamaraja, fully
supported the words of Queen Draupadi in asking Arjuna to release
Wf�����WIFI.��II4.� I I
AsvatthamiL One should not tolerate the humiliation of a member of a tatriihiimar�ito bhimas
great family. A1juna and his family were indebted to the family of DrOI).· tasya sreyiin vadhafl smrtafl
acarya because of Arjuna's learning the military science from him. If na bhartur niitmanas ciirthe
ingrati tude were shown to such a benevolent family, it was not at all yo 'han suptiin si.Siin vrthii
justified from the moral standpoint. The wife of Dro�1acarya, who was the
half body of the great soul , must be treated with compassion, and she tat ra- thereu pon ; iiha- sai d ; ama r§ital;t- in an angry mood ; bhimal;t
should not be put into grief because of her son's death. That is com· Bhima; tasya- his ; sreyan- ultim ate good ; vadhafl -killing ; smrtafl- record
passion. Such statements by Draupadi are without duplicity because actions ed; na- n ot; bhartu[l- of the master; na-nor; iitmana[l- of his own self;
should be taken with full knowledge. The feeling of equality was there ca-and ; arthe-for the sake of; yaft- on e who ; ahan-killed ; suptiin
because Draupadi spoke out of her personal experience. A barren woman sleeping ; si.Siin ---, c hildren ; vrthii- with ou t purpos e .
cannot understand the grief of a mother. Draupadi was herself a mother,
and therefore her calculation of the depth of Krpi's grief was quite to the TRANSLATION
point. And it was glorious because she wanted to show proper respect to a
great family. Bhima, however, disagreed with them and recommended killing this
culprit who, in an angry mood, had murdered sleeping children for no
TEXT 50 purpose and for neither his nor his master's interest.
�: �� � �: 1 TEXT 52
�if-f� ���T�t � �;:� �� �lffffl : 114. o I I � liT�� �itrm� �i�n 1
nakulal;t sahadevas ca 3Tl� � ��� �fiit� 1 14.�11
yuyudhiino dhanaiijayafl
bhagaviin devaki-putro nisamya bhima-gaditam
ye ciinye yiis ca yo�itafl draupadyiis ca catur-bhujafl
iilokya vadanam sakhyur
nakulal;t-Nakula; sahadevaft - Sah a deva ; ca-and; yuyudhiinafl - Satyaki ; idam iiha hasann iva
dhananjaya[l-Arj una ; bhagaviin-th� Personality of Godhead; devaki
put rafl - the son of D e vaki , Lord Sri Kr�!)a; ye- th ose ; ca- and ; anye n i.Samya-just after heari ng ; bh ima- B him a ; gaditam- spok e n by;
others; yiifl- those ; ca-an d ; yo � ita l;l.- la die s. draupadyii[l-of Draupadi; ca- and ; catur-bhujafl-the four-handed (Person-
370 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto I, Ch. 7 Texts 53- 54 ] The Son of DroQa Punished 371
ality of Godhead) ; alokya-having seen; vadanam- the face; sakhyu�-of mayaivo bhayam iimniitarh
His friend; idam-this; aha-said ; hasan-smiling; iva-as if. paripiihy anusasan � m
kuru pratiSrutarh satyarh
TRANSLATION yat tat santvayata priyiim
priyarh ca bhima-senasya
Caturbhuja� [the four-armed one] , or the Personality of Godhead, piinciilyii mahyam eva ca
after hearing the words of Bhima, Draupadi and others, saw the face of
His dear friend Arjuna, and He began to speak as if smiling. sri bh agaviin-the Personality of Godhead ; uvaca said; brahma-bandhu�
killed, whereas Draupadi wanted to save him. We can imagine Bhima siintvayata-while pacifying; priyiim-dear wife; priyam-satisfaction; ca
ready to kill while Draupadi is obstructing him. And in order to prevent also ; bhima-senasya-of Sri Bhimasena; piiiiciilyaft- of D raupadi; mahyam
both of them; the Lord discovered another two arms. Originally, the -unto Me also ; eva-certainly; ca-and.
primeval Lord Sri, Kr�!la displays only two arms, but in His Narayal).a
feature He exhibits four. In His Narayal).a feature He resides with His TRANSLATION
devotees in the V aiku!ltha planets, while in His original Sri Kr�!la feature
He resides in the Kr�!laloka planet far, far above the Vaiku!ltha planets in
The Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna said: A friend of a brahmana is
the spiritual sky. Therefore, if Sri Kr�!la is called caturbhuja�, there is no
not to be killed , but if he is an agir��sor he must be killed. All these
contradiction. If need be He can display hundreds of arms. as He exhibited
rulings are in the scriptures, and you should act accordingly. You have to
in His visva-rilpa shown to Arjuna. Therefore, one who can display hlm
fulfill your promise to your wife, and you must also act to the satisfaction
dreds and thousands of arms can also manifest four whenever needed.
of Bhimasena and Me.
When Arjuna was perplexed about what to do with Asvatthama, Lord
Sri Kr�!la, as very dear friend of Arjuna, voluntarily took up the matter
just to make a solution. And He was smiling also. Arjuna was perplexed because Asvatthama was to be killed as well as
spared according to different scriptures cited by different persons. As a
TEXTS 53-54 brahma-bandhu, or a worthless son of a briihmana. Asvatthama was not to be
killed, but he was at the same time an aggress�r also. And according to the
�llifiii?!€41'0:1 rulings of Manu, an aggressor, even though he be a briihmara (and what to
� � 3llmwft ct�: I speak of an unworthy son of a brahmara), is to be killed. Dro!llicarya was
certainly a briihmara in the true sense of the term, but because he stood
���RRI qfffi��wt'l_ I 1'-\ �I I in the battlefield he was killed. But although Asvatthama was an aggressor,
� 3ffif� � iJoqffll�ttijl � I he stood without any fighting weapons. The ruling is that an aggressor,
fWf � llT� qt� �itt� � 1 1'-\� 11 when he is without weapon or chariot, cannot be killed. All these were
certainly perplexities. Besides that, Arjuna had to keep the promise he had
sri bhagaviin uviica made before Draupadi just to pacify her. But he also had to satisfy both
b rahma-bandhur na hantavya Bhlma and Kr�qa, who advised killing him. This dilemma was present
· iitatiiyi vadhar-haraft before Arjuna, and the solution was awarded by Kr�qa.
372 Srimad-Bhagavatam [ Canto l , Ch. 7 Text 57) The Son of DroQa Punished 373
�t �t � ��unf� l llt� l l
putra-sokiituriilz sarve
piir-!Zaviilz saha krH;.ayii
sviiniim mrtiiniim yat krtya m
cakrur nirharar-iidikam